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josej2011 escribió:@XeNoMoRPH ¿Por casualidad probaste el XBMC-EMUSTATION con juegos de N64?. A me me salta un error en el script "Create_rom_list.py".
1) Fixed the skin not showing properly when installing a fresh build.
2) Updated the patch xbe script.
1) Updated the "create_rom_lists.py" script to lowercase all roms again, as this will fix any issues with emulators that require absolute paths/file-names.
( surreal I'm looking at you! )
2) Like above it now shows it scanning through the files checking for the correct casing.
3) Fixed the N64 synopsis creation part of the code, now will remove white spaces from the beginning of the files.
( this fixes names with spaces at the beginning if you use the synopsis names )
1) Reduced the size of the "create_rom_lists.py", also updated it's logging output and changed a couple thing to help with the random issue of it not updating the progress bar.
2) Updated the "DialogProgress.xml" to reflect the above changes.
3) Disabled the rename to lowercase code in the "create_rom_list.py" script as it's not really needed and add a slight delay parsing systems as it check file names.
4) Updated the "Custom_WelcomeScreen.xml" fixed some grammar.
5) Updated "menu_loader.py" updated the button that activates the options window.
6) Updated "create_rom_lists.py" to show an error if it cannot find any roms/images when in manual mode.
7) Updated "create_rom_lists.py" to only create/copy the N64 synopsis/artwork to the correct location if it doesn't exist.
( speeds up scanning for this system, since it's not overwriting everything every time you scan it )
8) Updated the xbe, it doesn't create the xbmc-old.log file anymore and a few other changes.
9) Updated "create_rom_lists.py" to parse the system types of FBL roms so they get loaded by the correct xbe file.
( this fixes games not loading, the issue is still with FBL but this is a work around )
10) New "FBL Rom Names.zip" for FBA, so please use this or you wont get the fix above.
11) Synopsis added for 3883 FBL roms, and the "create_rom_lists.py" will now parse these.
12) Update to the center label fix in lists, if your skin version is 2.1 it will use the old way and if its 2.2 or higher will use the fixed way.
( all my skins will use 2.2 from now on as this fix should be used )
13) New System Information menu in the options menu.
14) New player control.
( when you press (X) to bring the music controls up window )
15) Updated the gamelist.xml parser script.
16) Fixed the busyoverlay, now carbon and xudora use the correct colours.
17) Converted my gamelist.xml parser to work on the xbox. its in the scripts folder "synopsis maker" please read the readme.txt
1) Redone the layout of folders to closer match EmulationStation.
2) Made a Xbox logo for the ComicBook theme as there wasn't one.
3) Updated the layouts to better match EMulationStation and fixed offsets labels in lists.
4) Cleaned up the source and texture files.
5) Optimised the XPR files, now use slightly smaller backgrounds but keep the quality and makes the skin faster.
6) Added "Name: " to the beginning of all synopsis files, this means you can use the correct names for the roms instead of the filenames.
( if you wish that is, you get a choice )
7) Updated "create_roms_lists.py" to ask whether you want to parse the names from the synopsis files or just use filenames.
8) Updated "create_roms_lists.py" to add the rom path to the N64 surreal/-ce.ini files so roms auto load.
9) Updated "create_roms_lists.py" by adding .nds to the extension list and cleanup of some of the code.
10) Updated a few other scripts.
11) The menu ( start button ) is now consistent across all menus, done that as it looks better in my opinion.
12) Fixed the filemanager not showing the sized of folders/files.
13) Updated the welcome screen.
14) New screen calibration screen, should make it simpler to proportion your screen correctly.
15) New bat file for adding "Name: " to the beginning of each synopsis file that come form emulators.
( folk shouldn't need it but if there is synopsis for a system and you get it from the emulator you can use this to allow parsing of names )
16) Removed Atari Jaguar CD as there is no emulator for this, only the Atari Jaguar.
17) Made Neo Geo CD direct launch only as the emulator doesn't support command line launching.
18) New settings look, to closer match the rest of the system.
( isn't finished but it's a start )
19) New scripts to help with the transition to the new layout "Convert old layout to new media layout.py".
( this script will ask you to select you _tbns and _previews folders and then it will reorder them into the media folder layout )
20) Added the option to change the artwork type to the options menu when in a system layout.
( it's system specific so you can have 3D Boxart for Mega Drive and Mix Artwork for SNES eg... )
21) Updated the generate_playlist.py to parse subdirectories.
22) Updated Custom_SoundSettings.xml labels and to be clearer on what the startup music button does.
23) Modified comicbook.ttf ( Shaka Pow Upright ) so it displays all letter.
24) New theme called xudora, based off of eudora, no images were used from that theme eg...
( you can create custom colour themes with this theme, by sharing colour xml files )
26) Changed all the emulators that are included to use Back+Black for save-state, Black+White for load save-state and Back+Up to cycle save-state slots.
( like coinops )
27) New tools, fastscraper.bat and my python script ( for on windows ) to parse gamelist.xml files into Xbox synopisis files.
28) New credit's ( acknowledgements ) screen in the settings menu.
29) There are other changes I have done, but for the life of me cant remember exactly what.
1) New XBE fixed the center label issue for lists
( If you have a skin that uses center for it's labels in a list you may want to remove the offset you had to use for posx )
2) Updated the layouts that used the offset to fix the center issue, to not use the offsets now
3) Added visualisations support, and also fixed it's location in the xbe and the visualisation executable file.
( because I moved everything inside the system folder )
4) New theme based off of Spare, called it Xpare.
( No images from that theme were used )
5) You can now change the _tbns folders location like the others.
6) Added a new folder _screenshots like above you can have a custom path.
7) Populated all the _* folders, so you can build your rom and images before FTPing them over and scanning them in.
8) Updated create_rom_lists.py and how the synopsis information is parsed, you will need to rescan your roms in to get this new look.
9) New controls for full-screen visualisation, B locks current visualisation, up is pause, down is stop, left and right are back and forward a song.
10) Player controls updated a tad.
11) Other minor stuff.
1) Now when you change themes it also changes the font and menu sounds if they exist for the theme.
( Example: carbon theme. default skin\sounds\carbon\sounds.xml & default skin\fonts\carbon.ttf )
2) Made the Right Stick button load the Quit menu.
3) Updated the UI Settings menu.
4) Added fonts for the Carbon and Carbon alt.
5) Fixed a couple of the layout files.
6) Updated all layout files to match what happens when you scroll in EmulationStation. The information and thumb fade out.
7) Updated the home layout files for the new custom tiles.
8) Added 3 custom tiles to the home layout, so now you can have custom entries on the home screen.
( Start > UI Settings > Home Screen Customisation > scroll down )
9) Updated the carbon, carbon alt and default themes background images.
10) Updated the theme preview images to show there new fonts and also reduced there size a tad.
11) Updated the font.xml removed most of the font not used.
12) The result of above is 17MB extra of free MEMORY!
( Note to skinners, fonts are loaded and held in memory, so use them sparingly. )
13) Updated the xpr files to use max quality.
14) Updated the home layouts, also sped up the alt animation for the skindefault theme.
15) New fonts for carbon, carbon alt and skindefault. Smaller so the memory foot print is a lot less.
16) Updated the debug info that's displayed on screen, now shows remaining ram in MBs.
17) Added a check into the play_preview.py script that will give you a dialog if the available memory is below 8MB.
18) Updated the "Build XBMC-Emustation.bat" to tell you if there is no XBMC folder.
19) Added all the roms system directories. Means you can now start filling them before FTPing everything over.
20) Other odds and ends.
1) Added a check into the generate_favourites.py script to check for the new files required for favourites to function.
2) Updated the DialogKaiToast.xml, made the label scroll, changed it size and adjusted the images size also.
3) Updated patch_xbe_paths.py to patch xbe files in 1MB chunks, this way large xbe files like mameoxtras.xbe can be patched.
( Please patch MameoXtras v2 )
4) Added system_art.png for TG16 and TG-CD
5) Changed the start menus to dialogs.
6) A few other script updates/edit's.
7) Added support for 5 custom fonts, named custom font 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5.ttf
8) Added comicbook theme from TMNTturtleguy for EmulationStation and ported over and updated to XBMC-Emustation by myself.
9) New XBE - Moved the sounds folder into the default skin sounds folder, so now you can add custom sound effects for themes and select them seamlessly.
10) Disabled background of thumbnails in layouts.
( if you feel it's to choppy and wan tit smother please let me know and I will change it back, but there is a side effect to backgrounding images. Borders flicker when scrolling. )
11) There is other stuff but it's trivial and I cant remember what it was exactly :/
1) Updated the code that renames files to lowercase in the "create_rom_lists.py"
2) Fixed the menu_loader.py script and optimised it.
3) Updated/redone all layouts.
4) Updated/redone the context menu buttons.
5) Updated the random_select.py script.
6) Updated the create_rom_lists.py now when it scans and lower-cases your roms, you will get a dialog and progress.
( it will also rename all the files before parsing the roms, this way you dont need to do it twice if you added new roms for example )
7) Updated the segacd synopsis zip, fixed some names and added a couple.
8) New texture for the carbon theme, so new xpr files.
9) Updated the welcome screen, forgot to commit this :/
10) New context button images and adjustments to the size eg...
11) Updated the Sega emulators to the latest beta. v1b10 Fix
12) Fixed a load of the emulators controls, I didn't realise the default file hold the controls also :/
1) Now when you launch a rom it will take you back to it's position if you have load last system roms list enabled.
2) Fixed the menu_loader.py script
1) Fixed the "Create_rom_lists.py" dialog title and optimized it again.
( Removed some code and updated other parts of the code )
2) Fixed the "Create_rom_lists.py" scanning in all the info from the FBL info ini files.
( it doesnt need all the technical stuff eg... )
3) Updated the DialogProgress.xml
4) Updated the other scripts that use the Dialogprogress.xml
5) "Create_rom_lists.py" will now display the correct rom names for FBA and N64, also it will now pares FBA properly and in alphabetical order.
6) Updated "fba names.zip" with new name files.
7) Fixed the video window on the fba synopsis views.
8) PCE-CD Emulator added and configured.
9) Updated the PCEngin synopsis zip and added PCE-CD synopsis.
10) Favourites, you can now add your Xbox games or your Roms to the favourite menu.
11) New images for the above addition.
12) Fixed the changing language issue, I forgot to update the path in the source.
13) Added random and media controls labels to the home screen.
( you can use X to select a random system if no music os playing )
14) New scripts for doing the favourites and favourites counter.
15) New XBE for XBMC with new additions.
( check the changelog for that )
16) Now use the white button for the options menu in rom lists, just like the context menu for xbe content.
17) Added TurboGrafx-16 emulator
( Will use the pcengine and pc-cd synopsis as they are all there )
18) Added famicom emulator and created the controller for the carbon theme.
( Will use the nes synopsis as they are all there )
19) Made the random script only work if there is more than 10 roms or games.
( anything less and it selects and it isnt worth it )
20) Updated the NES emulator to v15b14 Fix.
21) Favourites menu is theme-able like the layouts.
22) Added the trainer indicator to the xbe layouts.
23) Removed the skindefault alt them, it was crap.
24) Probably other stuff, but changes crap that much I forgot lol
XEstebanEdgeX escribió:Mmmh seria excelente noticia
Edit : Lo pase al xbox,lo inicio y me sale ''fatal error xbmc'' y sale algo de ftp server..y que precione un boton para reinicar...donde estara el problema? ni idea![]()
## Installation
* Download [XBMC-Emustation](https://github.com/Rocky5/XBMC-Emustati ... master.zip) and extract the **XBMC-Emustation-master** folder to your desktop.
* Download the latest [XBMC4XBOX-*****.zip](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/ ... Hcwc2JCZFE) and extract the **XBMC** folder that is inside the zip to your desktop\\**XBMC-Emustation-master**\\ folder.
* Now double click the **Build XBMC-Emustation.bat** that's inside the **XBMC-Emustation-master** folder and wait. It will output a new folder named **XBMC-Emustation**
* FTP this new folder to your Xbox and enjoy.
1) Couple minor changes to fix a couple small niggles.
( if you're already up todate this update isn't needed unless you want it. )
2) Removed the "versioner.py" script I just do the version when the update is built for release.
0) Version 1.0 of XBMC-Emustation!!!!
1) Added support for NeoGeoCD to the "create_rom_lists.py" script.
( CUE/ISO + MP3 only with this emulator and they must go into sub folder inside the roms\neogeocd folder Example: roms\neogeocd\metal slug\metal slug.cue, .iso eg.... )
2) The "scanner.py" script now creates the roms folder if they don't exist.
3) FBL, FBLC and FBAxxx added to the emulators and roms for the carousel.
4) Updater that will download and apply updates.
5) URL Downloader that can be used to download themes or other stuff.
( it uses md5 hashes to validate downloads )
6) Marketplace lol well download centre if you will that lets you directly download a load of stuff and also update XBMC-Emustation.
7) Few other script optimisations.
8) Added NeoGeoCDSDL emulator to the downloader.
( read above for how roms are to be setup )
9) Added x68000 emulator to the downloader.
10) Synopsis for x68000 emulator added.
11) Added custom splash support, this way it wont be overwritten after an update.
( add custom_splash.png next to the normal splash.png )
12) Updated the "generate_favourites.py" script to parse the new favlist.xml
13) Updated "create_rom_lists.py" to add the current xbe path for favourites. You need to rescan your roms.
( this is mainly for FBL as it requires the direct path to specific xbe files )
14) Other options menu rearranged a bit.
15) Updated the "home_themer.py" to default to the skindefault.xml if no custom one is found.
16) Added Pokemon Mini emulator to the downloader and added the logo and system_art by Jay Yardley.
17) Synopsis creator script make it truncate filename to 42 characters and remove illegal character from file names.
18) Updated the xbe save patcher for emulators to also patch the keepsave name to save.sav.
( this is to stop UX from making folders when transferring the damn files to the xbox )
19) Updated all included emulators to use the new save.sav file.
20) Atarilynx, Atari2600 synopsis files added and emulator to the downloader.
21) Added some checks into the "create_rom_lists.py" script for the N64 parsing.
( only pack supported is the "N64 emulator + 178 rom best of compilation" )
22) Added a few more extensions to the "create_rom_lists.py" script.
23) Other stuff was done but like normal I do to much and forget what's what :/