XBMC reaches 1.0 Beta, bug bash kick-off!

Desde hoy los chicos de XBMP, actualemte XBMC dejan de dar soporte para XBMP y se dedican en exclusividad al XBMC.

Para ello están reclutando a gente para que les ayuden:

XBMC reaches 1.0 Beta, bug bash kick-off!

We are happy to announce the current XBMC CVS as 1.0 Beta ready, thus our first official public bug bash has begun. As the time has come when XboxMediaCenter finally starting to reach maturity we also like to declare that the era of XboxMediaPlayer is over. The King is dead, long live the King! It's now time for XBMC to take the throne from its predecessor, so from today we officially do not support or develop XBMP any more; the XBMP forums will still be kept open but unmoderated, and development will only done on XBMC from now on. For those who missed it, XBMC/XboxMediaCenter is our successor to XBMP/XboxMediaPlayer, (yes both are/were developed by ourselves, the XBMP/XBMC-Team), we have been working very hard on XBMC over the past 6 months and to show its readiness we have put together this XBMC vs. XBMP comparison chart, (which we will also try to keep up to date in the future).

XBMC now being BETA also means we need the publics help with XBMC, as now more than ever do we need people to update/translate strings.xml to other languages, find/troubleshoot bugs and submit them as detailed bug reports on SourceForge.NET bug tracker, we of course also welcome other developers to help us of solve and submit fixes to those bugs. Know that we have now issued an official feature freeze during this BETA stage so as to not introduce new bugs into the CVS code and also to let skinners catch up with the existing skin structure. So any new features coded during this BETA stage should (preferably) not be introduced into the CVS before the source code for XBMC 1.0 (final) point release been set. Only with your help can we get the first XBMC 1.0 release candidate ready in a matter of weeks.

To clarify all this for those who are new to this process and/or the XBMC-project:
- First was the ALPHA stage, which we now passed (during this stage loads of features were added and code was very buggy).
- Now we are at the BETA stage which comes before release candidates, during this stage we mostly concentrate on major bugs.
- Then after the BETA stage is over there will be release candidate(s) to be heavily tested to find small bugs and iron out details.
- After and when we are satisfied with last release candidate we will fix any last glitches and release that as the 1.0 point release.
Note! For those who are new to XBMC, CVS (Concurrent Versions System) refers to the most current (day by day) source code.

PS! Please do not post bugs, feature suggestion or support requests in this topic thread. Read the XBMC FAQ, thanks in advance

[666] Y ahora ke tienen una BETA muy decente quieren sacar la primera VERSION OFICIAL de esta queridisima aplicacion (Por lo menos para mi) y digo aplicacion porque no sabria en que segmento agruparla si DASHBOARD, SERVIDOR WEB, SERVIDOR FTP, EXPLORADOR DE ARCHIVOS, PREDICCION DE TIEMPO, RADIO, MUSICA, lo ke kieras, y lo que vendrá.

Lo dicho la fuente para quien quiera seguir el hilo está sacada de la misma pagina ofcial, exactamente de Aquí

Pos nada avisados estais todos/as. [pos eso]
como ellos mismos dicen "The King is dead, long live the King! " el XBMP ha muerto, viva el XBMC y que sea por muchos años y todos podamos disfrutarlo. [beer]

PD: Si hasta ahora el XBMC solo era una beta, hasta donde piensan llegar con el [tadoramo] [tadoramo]
- 21-04-2004 fixed: prevented OSD drifting too far off the screen
- 21-04-2004 added: Powerdown on button press (hold for 3s)
- 21-04-2004 fixed: Location text only works for location 1 in weather screen
- 21-04-2004 fixed: Weather search accepts weather.com codes
- 21-04-2004 fixed: settings skin/language, selecting language was slow
- 21-04-2004 changed: settings skin/language, the delayed skin load is canceled when skin/language spin control loses focus
- 21-04-2004 changed: settings skin/language, skin/language is not reloaded, if its the current
- 21-04-2004 disabled immediate hd spindown upon starting network play, just reset spindown counter at start instead
- 21-04-2004 Fixed: Play lists gave invalid handle or did not show if first share in My Music was not a HD
- 21-04-2004 Fixed: My Weather settings jammed if search not found and cancel button selected (SF Bug #938133)
- 20-04-2004 fixed: my files, source/destination label was not shown
- 20-04-2004 fixed: my music songs, autoswitch list/thumb control does not switch to list for folders without thumbs
- 20-04-2004 fixed: my pictures remembers large icons but shows normal icons
- 20-04-2004 fixed: music overlay does not show filename (tnx to tagevm)
- 19-04-2004 fixed: Text no longer extends outside of dialogs - all text is clipped to dialog borders.
- 19-04-2004 fixed: some WMV files don't finish playing. it's random for how long they play each time (see milkshake.wmv)
- 19-04-2004 added: Sub enlargment now configurable from 0% to 200% in 10% steps
- 19-04-2004 added: 2 new visuals: "StarBurst" and "Boxalizer"
- 19-04-2004 fixed: Scanning in My Videos now works properly. Progress dialog wasn't being closed before recursive call to OnScan.
pues si matan xbmp q solucionen el bug q tiene el xbmc q hace q algunso videos se vean a trompikones [enfa]
3 respuestas