XBMP mas de 2 gb en iso


mirad lo k akabo de leer...

"XBMP breaks its 2GB ISO9660 limitation!

Finally, thanks to [SNK], the one thing that most people been annoyed with has been solved and integrated into XBMP's CVS (source code). The fix code submitted here enables Xbox Media Player to read and play media files written after the first 2GB on a ISO 9669 formatted DVD's. This was previously one of the very few limitations of XBMP as you can see here with this quote from our FAQ's:"

k vicio por fin podre escuchar mis dvds de mp3 enteros sin tener k grabrlos en udf.... )

Ostia que bien, justo lo que necesitaba.

Tengo DVD con varias pelis en formato iso.

ahh, y tambien han puesto ya por fin la autodetecion de CD y DVD, ya no hace falta elegir UDF, ISO, etc..

Cada vez va mejorando este Media Player.
yo estoy como tu... a ver si sacan ya la version 2.5 con esos cambios... je,je...

salu2 [oki]
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