XBOX con 4 HD y 2 DVD

En esta pagina: encontrareis un proyecto de modificacion de xbox para meterle 4 hd y 2 lectores dvd, la verdad es que viendola tiene muy buena pinta.

Oooh [looco] Oooh [looco] Oooh [looco] Oooh [looco] Oooh [looco] Oooh [looco] Oooh

A C O J O N A N T E ! ! !
Menuda currada que esta.

Saludos [666]
El link no tira.

Por cierto, la foto huele a fake que apesta :)

¿4 hd para que? ¿No es mas facil uno 4 veces mas grande? XD
Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake Fake [carcajad] [carcajad] [carcajad]
esta tarde la web estaba online, pasaros por XBOX_SCENE.COM que comentan el proyecto.
submit news here

X-ecuter2 Pro external adaptor picture
>> Team X-ecuter posted a picture of the X-ecuter2 external adaptor with the DIP switches for bios selection and the LPT-port for flashing via PC.

Dip Switches will work like this.

|SW1|SW2|SW3| Bank Selected|---|---|---|-----------------------------------------------------| 0 | 0 | 0 | 1Mb Banks 1,2,3,4 (Flash Address 0x00000 - 0xFFFFF)| 0 | 1 | 0 | 512k Banks 1&2 (Flash Address 0x00000 - 0x7FFFF)| 1 | 1 | 0 | 512k Banks 3&4 (Flash Address 0x80000 - 0xFFFFF)| 0 | 0 | 1 | 256k Bank 1 (Flash Address 0x00000 - 0x3FFFF)| 1 | 0 | 1 | 256k Bank 2 (Flash Address 0x40000 - 0x7FFFF)| 0 | 1 | 1 | 256k Bank 3 (Flash Address 0x80000 - 0xBFFFF)| 1 | 1 | 1 | 256k Bank 4 (Flash Address 0xC0000 - 0xFFFFF)
Switch 4 (SW4) is used for modchip enable/disable.

Here is how the flash program will work (command-line based atm):
Usage: flashx r [/P:LPT Port] - Read flash to file
flashx w [/P:LPT Port] - Write flash to file
flashx e [/P:LPT Port] - Erase flash
flashx i [/P:LPT Port] - Display Mfg & Device code
flashx 0 [/P:LPT Port] - Select 1 MB mode
flashx 1 [/P:LPT Port] - Select Bank 1 in 256K mode
flashx 2 [/P:LPT Port] - Select Bank 2 in 256K mode
flashx 3 [/P:LPT Port] - Select Bank 3 in 256K mode
flashx 4 [/P:LPT Port] - Select Bank 4 in 256K mode
flashx 5 [/P:LPT Port] - Select Bank 5 in 512K mode
flashx 6 [/P:LPT Port] - Select Bank 6 in 512K mode
LPT Port default to 378h

Use "flashx 0" - "flashx 6" to select the mode when you're running with the LPT cable connected to your PC - this gives dev guys control of which bank is selected without having to manually alter any switches ;)
Posted by:: XanTium
January 10 00:48 (GMT+1)

Xecuter2 PRO Announcement
>> From
The Xecuter2 PRO has been upgraded to support 2 x 512K BIOS images. So now you can have 1 x 1024k, 4 x 256k, 2 x 512k, and a mix between 1 x 512k & 2 x 256k. We had to re write the software from scratch but managed to do it without ANY hardware changes whatsoever - so production will not be delayed any further. The PRO is now a true multi bios upgrade for both developers and hobbyists alike. We have also designed a PIC chip update for anyone to use which would act as a simple addon to any LPC mod. It's specific function is to flash the onboard bios TSOP package. We didn't really want to get into this as we felt it wasn't necessary in any way, however it's your choice what you do with your console at the end of the day. We could easily adapt the PRO design (and also LITE) to include this option but we we have decided against this. Instead we'll release a simple less than a dollar PIC chip option for you to do it yourself at your own leisure but please don't blame us for any screw ups :) We're also looking at a much cleaner way of doing it so there is less chance of a screw up. We just hope this doesn't encourage all the so-called mod installers to flash BIOS's and charge $75 for the privilege, there's been way too much of that happening recently. In the meantime a more complicated (but fully functional) add-on has been designed and released for free by the NeurosSYS Team in Australia. They've been doing some good homebrew and commercial budget XBOX designs over the last couple of months and deserve some recognition for their work. Their site can be found here, they're good guys who really do develop their own hardware which can only be good for the scene in general.

The circuit allows an LPC-Mod BIOS and the mainboard TSOP BIOS to be swapped in and out alternately. In order to use the latest Evox's tool to program the mainboard TSOP flash from an LPC-Mod, the additional circuitry above is required by any LPC-Mod,.
You can download the Gerber files for the schematic from their site.

Posted by:: XanTium
January 9 23:33 (GMT+1)

Linux now running on XBox v1.1
>> From xbox-linux:
Anders Gustafsson managed to get Linux to boot on a v1.1 XBox. More information follows!

Posted by:: XanTium
January 9 23:26 (GMT+1)

Project X-Deck
>> What is it?
Project X-Deck is an IC controlled IDE switch for Microsoft's XBox entertainment system. Once completed it will allow a gamer to switch between the original hard drive and up to three other internal drives while maintaining the XBox look and feel. This will also include an option to switch to a secondary DVD drive. Finally it will include a communication port that will allow for mod chips to access the drive switching automatically.

Planned features:
* Manual/Automatic switching between up to 4 hard drives.
* Manual/Automatic switching between 2 DVD drives.
* Built in switching for today's mod chips (Disable/Enable & Flash Protect/Unprotect)
If the Mod chip is disabled then the next boot will set the Original DVD & Hard drive as active.
* Attractive enclosure that matches the XBox's current look and feel.

Official Site: here[]
Posted by:: XanTium
January 9 19:25
....vale....y todo eso que quiere decir?(es que no todos sabemos ingles) de fiar?(pregunto)...porque lo que es la foto tiene pinta de ser un pegote
Vale que el diseño de la caja tiene una pinta de fake que te pasas, pero hay que reconocer que todo lo que hace (lo de los hd, dvd y lo de la bios) ya se puede hacer, asi que el proyecto en si puede tener algo de realidad.

Es posible hacer eso, lo que pasa es que el que ha hecho el dibujo ha flipado un poco, pero en más cutre si es posible, ssino mirar el projecto 411gb del enlace anterior.
¿Alguno se ha molestado en echarle un ojo a la página del proyecto?

Pone claramente que la foto de ahí es un "artwork", es decir, un boceto de cómo le gustaría que fuese...

A ver si nos fijamos más... eso de ahí no existe todavía :P

Yo kreo, ke aparte de ke pudiese o no ser una FAKE, para ke tanto disko duro y tanta oxXxtia ??

Lo mirare kon mas detenimiento, pero no soy muy partidario de ponerle tanto Gb !!! [Ooooo]

Jejejeje [chulito]

By InDiO!! [666]
Hombre pues tanto disco duro, debe ir de coña para montarte un servidor de bajo coste con linux, eso si que seria la monda. Os imaginais que algun dia salga alguna empresa alojando paginas en servidores Xbox [qmparto] BUENIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIISSSSSSSIIIIIIIIMMMMMMMOOOOOOOOOO
Dejando aparte el hecho de cómo lo va a hacer y con qué... me parece demasié... un tocho impresionante amos, de dudosa utilidad...

Salu2. [buenazo]
Lo de los discos duros no, pero colocarle un segundo lector externo en la parte de abajo, bien puestecito, si que molaría. Y por supuesto algún tipo de switch para no tener que cambiar el cable cada vez.
16 respuestas