Con esta utilidad podeis checkear la region de vuestra iso antes de grabarla. Muy util para no dejar posavasos ....
Thnks for all the harwork put into these tools and nfo.......
To Use .................
Extract these to a folder......
then use wx360.exe to load the 000/iso/xbox360/360 image in ...... then you should see if all is well a default.xex file ..... right mouse click and save the file to the folder these tools are in ..... then run go.bat this will create a txt file with all the nfo needed inc the game region
Regards to all who contributed
Codes are defined like this Region free: 0xFFFFFFFF Pal: 0x00FF0000 NTSC-U: 0x000000FF NTSC-J: 0x0000FF00
There can be a few combinations for example this game has 0x00FF00FF the first byte is unused, the 2nd byte is PAL, the 3rd byte is NTSC-J (bit 0 = Japan, bit 1 = asia), the 4th byte = NTSC-U)
Aunque tambien existe otra utilidad llamda Schtrom360 con la que podreis checkearlo sin necesidad de extraer el xex