XBoyAdvance - GBA/GBC/GB/SGB/SGB2 Emulator for XBox v18

XPort vuelve a la scene de xbox después de haber estado ocupado... el otro día sacó un nuevo Beast of Rage, hoy ha actualizado su emulador de GameBoy Advance ;)

What's new :

- Updated to v1.8.0b sources
- GUI brought up to date with any missing features
- Much more robust mp3 playlist features
- People who cannot display 480i should be able to see something now
- 480p, 720p should work fine now
- Previously, all save state files, config files, sram files were stored in one
directory. Now each game gets its own directory. This will allow for 4096
games. 4096 is the maximum number of files/subdirectories that can exist in one
directory on the XBox. Existing files are moved automatically.
- Fixed bug with ISO9660 DVD images where information could not be read past the first
2GB of data on the disc. The directory would be displayed fine, but when you
selected a game that existed past the first half of the disc, it would fail.
- Video lines shifted up to fix problem with lines getting cut off on the bottom.
- Fixed white strip in upper left corner when emulator plays first game.
- New option to autoload the last game you played upon launching the emulator
Find it on the second page of Configuration->General
- When you change the save type for GBA, the SRAM file will automatically be deleted.
Previously, if you did not delete the save file if one was already created,
it would get read in which caused problems. This is useful for when you select the
wrong initial SRAM type for certain games (like Dragon Ball Z).
- Added locked-aspect-ratio mode when resizing the game screen
- Implemented a few misc GBA bugfixes from various other sources
ole ole a ver si consiguen uno fino fino esta gente.
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