XboyAdvance v. 2

Pues acaba de salir un nuevo emulador de la Game Boy Advance para nuestra amada Xbox.
Es otro port, como viene siendo habitual, pero en mi opinión será el emulador definitivo de la pequeña de Nintendo por sus características y prestaciones. Espero que por lo menos emule el Street Fighter Alpha 3... X-D

He aquí lo que puede hacer:

Features :

- Emulates the Gameboy Advance, Gameboy Color, Gameboy Mono, SuperGameboy 1 and 2

- Excellent compatibility - ported from VisualBoy Advance v1.5.1

- ZIP support

- Cheat system - Search/Create your own cheat codes

- Favorites list

- Resizable game screen

- Save Game management - delete save game files

- Skin-able :
- Backgrounds
- Sounds
- Background Music
- Sprites
- Text position (right/left/center, top/bottom/center)
- Text color, select bar color
- Font
- Fading speed
- Screenshot position
- Can specify 2 sprites to surround the selected menu option
- Option to have a transparent select-bar color (from select-color menu)
- Can flip sprites horizontally/vertically
- If you want to change the way something looks in this new UI,
chances are that you can change it via the Configuration menu.

- Samba/NetBIOS sharing support (read NES roms from your PC)

- Relax Network Sharing

- Play MP3 or M3U playlists in the background
(Can also read MP3/M3U from across Samba shares.)

- User definable save directory. If you don't like the default of
E:SAVESXBOYADVANCE you can change it via the XBOYADVANCE.INI file

- Take in-game screenshots and display them on the game selection list

- Graphics filters :
+ 2xSai
+ Super 2xSai
+ Eagle
+ Super Eagle
+ SuperScale
+ AdvanceMame 2x
+ Simple 2x
+ 2xSai Scanline
+ Super 2xSai Scanline
+ Eagle Scanline
+ Super Eagle Scanline
+ SuperScale Scanline

- Record/Playback feature - record your gameplay in the emu and then
play it back again. Record up to 10 minutes of gameplay.

- Every single in-game command is fully customizable on any of the
four joypad controllers.

- Map any emulator or UI command to a single button or a combination of
two buttons. (e.g. RTrigger+LTrigger = Save State)

- Autofire capabilities for any emulator button on any controller

- One-button combos (define a series of emulator commands to be played
back when you press a user-definable XBox controller combination.)
(E.g. Press RTrigger+LTrigger to execute the command string

- Traverse any directory on any drive ( Continue selecting the parent
directory entry on the file selection list to get the drive selection
list. Selectable drives are C, D, E, F, R, X, Y, Z, and SMB.
R is the CDROM drive. SMB is the samba share you have defined in your
XBOYADVANCE.ini file.) Press Y from any file-listing screen to go up one
directory level.

- Save States with 10 save state slots

- All UI commands (save state, load state, screenshot, etc) can be
invoked from the Options/Pause menu as well as in-game via your
customized joypad mappings.

- Can be invoked from a command-line to directly run a game from a front-end
or dashboard and bypass the user-selection screens. (Only if the frontend
or dashboard supports this feature.)

- Can return to the launching program *if* the launching program supports this
feature. For example, if the custom-launch routines are incorporated into
a new frontend, that frontend could launch XBoyAdvance and when you exit
XBoyAdvance, that frontend can be automatically reloaded.

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