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XeLL Installer for freeBOOT - v1
Based on dashlaunch installer by cOz
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! USE AT YOUR OWN RISK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Use it on Single NAND-freeBOOT only (9199, 12611,
12625 or above - if nothing on the flash layout changes!).
Rename xell-2f.bin to updxell.bin and stuff it
together with the default.xex on your xbox.
Execute the XEX, Confirm the update.
Shutdown your XBOX, press eject to poweron and you
will be greeted with an updated XeLL
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! USE AT YOUR OWN RISK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Greetz to cOz, Cancerous, Redline99, GliGli and Ced2911
17.04.2011 / tuxuser
XeLL Updater for freeBOOT - v1.1
for Kernel 9199, 12611, 12625 and 13146
Based on dashlaunch installer by cOz
This little tool is needed to update XeLL in Flash/NAND properly. The freeBOOT/fbBuild Rebooter has a different
layout compared to XBR or pure-XeLL images so the XeLL binary isn't at the beginning of a NAND Block anymore.
Using the old updslot0/updslot1-Method (which worked on XBR and XeLL Images just fine) you would render your
freeBOOT console non-booting (until you reflash it externally of course).
This application however works for freeBOOT/fbBuild It reads the specific part of the NAND, injects
the XeLL binary and writes the blocks back.
Use it on Single-NAND freeBOOT only (9199, 12611, 12625 and 13146).
How to use?
1. Rename xell-2f.bin to updxell.bin and stuff it together with the default.xex on your xbox.
2. Execute the XEX and confirm the update.
3. Shutdown your XBOX, press eject to power on and you will be greeted with an updated XeLL
/!\ As every other tool that modifies NAND: Use it at your own risk /!\
Greetz to cOz (and his strong nerves ;D), Cancerous, Redline99, GliGli, Ced2911, Razkar, Nathan and the whole team
18.06.2011 / tuxuser
XeLL Updater for freeBOOT - v1.2
for Kernel 9199, 12611, 12625, 13146 and 13599
Based on dashlaunch installer by cOz
This little tool is needed to update XeLL in Flash/NAND properly. The freeBOOT/fbBuild Rebooter has a different
layout compared to XBR or pure-XeLL images so the XeLL binary isn't at the beginning of a NAND Block anymore.
Using the old updslot0/updslot1-Method (which worked on XBR and XeLL Images just fine) you would render your
freeBOOT console non-booting (until you reflash it externally of course).
This application however works for freeBOOT/fbBuildIt reads the specific part of the NAND, injects
the XeLL binary and writes the blocks back.
Use it on Single-NAND freeBOOT only (9199, 12611, 12625, 13146 and 13599).
How to use?
1. Rename xell-2f.bin to updxell.bin and stuff it together with the default.xex on your xbox.
2. Execute the XEX and confirm the update.
3. Shutdown your XBOX, press eject to power on and you will be greeted with an updated XeLL
/!\ As every other tool that modifies NAND: Use it at your own risk /!\
Greetz to cOz (and his strong nerves ;D), Cancerous, Redline99, GliGli, Ced2911, Razkar, Nathan and the whole team
21.07.2011 / tuxuser
by UNIX » Thu Apr 14, 2011 5:13 pm
What happened to the XeLL-testing builds? I've noticed you took it down for some time now..
by tuxuser » Thu Apr 14, 2011 10:30 pm
Yes, it will be up again once xell-reloaded hits final.
Pararegistros escribió:Ea. Cuando le presté atención y ví lo de Httpd me dije, "¡Tate, esto tiene más pinta de Xellous que de Xell!. La puñeta es que, hasta donde yo sé, no hay soporte HDMI para el Xellous aún. Y a pesar de haberle marcado la opción de Xell HDMI con el último Easy Freboot (ya de paso subí el Rebooter), seguía sin ir. Y que yo sepa, se pasa de Xell a Xellous, no a la inversa.
XeLL Updater for freeBOOT - v1.1
for Kernel 9199, 12611, 12625 and 13146
Based on dashlaunch installer by cOz
This little tool is needed to update XeLL in Flash/NAND properly. The freeBOOT/fbBuild Rebooter has a different
layout compared to XBR or pure-XeLL images so the XeLL binary isn't at the beginning of a NAND Block anymore.
Using the old updslot0/updslot1-Method (which worked on XBR and XeLL Images just fine) you would render your
freeBOOT console non-booting (until you reflash it externally of course).
This application however works for freeBOOT/fbBuild It reads the specific part of the NAND, injects
the XeLL binary and writes the blocks back.
Use it on Single-NAND freeBOOT only (9199, 12611, 12625 and 13146).
How to use?
1. Rename xell-2f.bin to updxell.bin and stuff it together with the default.xex on your xbox.
2. Execute the XEX and confirm the update.
3. Shutdown your XBOX, press eject to power on and you will be greeted with an updated XeLL
/!\ As every other tool that modifies NAND: Use it at your own risk /!\
Greetz to cOz (and his strong nerves ;D), Cancerous, Redline99, GliGli, Ced2911, Razkar, Nathan and the whole team
18.06.2011 / tuxuser
Gromber escribió:XeLL Updater V1.1 La principal novedad es el soporte para el 13146.XeLL Updater for freeBOOT - v1.1
for Kernel 9199, 12611, 12625 and 13146
Based on dashlaunch installer by cOz
This little tool is needed to update XeLL in Flash/NAND properly. The freeBOOT/fbBuild Rebooter has a different
layout compared to XBR or pure-XeLL images so the XeLL binary isn't at the beginning of a NAND Block anymore.
Using the old updslot0/updslot1-Method (which worked on XBR and XeLL Images just fine) you would render your
freeBOOT console non-booting (until you reflash it externally of course).
This application however works for freeBOOT/fbBuild It reads the specific part of the NAND, injects
the XeLL binary and writes the blocks back.
Use it on Single-NAND freeBOOT only (9199, 12611, 12625 and 13146).
How to use?
1. Rename xell-2f.bin to updxell.bin and stuff it together with the default.xex on your xbox.
2. Execute the XEX and confirm the update.
3. Shutdown your XBOX, press eject to power on and you will be greeted with an updated XeLL
/!\ As every other tool that modifies NAND: Use it at your own risk /!\
Greetz to cOz (and his strong nerves ;D), Cancerous, Redline99, GliGli, Ced2911, Razkar, Nathan and the whole team
18.06.2011 / tuxuser
danny.ml escribió:El archivo xell-2f.bin ¿de dónde lo obtenemos?
danny.ml escribió:¿El que trae consigo Easy Freeboot v5.20 sirve para esto?
danny.ml escribió:¿Es necesario actualizar el Xell con esta nueva versión del instalador?
danny.ml escribió:De ser positiva la respuesta anterior... ¿El Xell se instala antes o después de instalar el Freeboot 13146?
Iar escribió:Gromber que @@ tienes, es cierto que no se puede flashear la nand desde este nuevo xell? probaste la salida HDMI?
Yo casi que prefiero tirar de XellLaunch...
djsemax escribió:Hola,tengo el dash 13599 mas dashlaunch 2.23b,ya me he enterado que tendria que usar "XeLL Updater for freeBOOT - v1.2" pero esque me da vergüenza y todo decirlo pero no se que freeboot tengo,igual estoy diciendo una tonteria pero me dijeron que para actualizar el xell tenia que tener la ultima version del freeboot (0.04 creo que es) y yo nose ni cual tengo :S
Que hago,actualizo el xell con el updater v1.2 o me quedo quieto
Gracias de antemano compañeros!