Xodus/Matrix Warnings!!!!

Extraido de xbox hacker:

A few words of warning and general saftey tips:

-Do NOT use a cable and attach your programmer to the Xodus while it is installed in the system, it will fry the programmer! Always remove it.

-Always plug the mod into the programmer before plugging it into your pc, it could damage the programmer/mod.

-Also, when installing it in your system, make sure its in mode 1 (off/testing mode) otherwise you can potentialy fry your system.

Parece que habrá que andarse con cuidado cuando se use el chip.
alguien puede decirme lo ke pone eke no toy mu puesto en ingles [reojillo] [reojillo]

-Do NOT use a cable and attach your programmer to the Xodus while it is installed in the system, it will fry the programmer! Always remove it.

- q NO no conectes el cable del programador mientras el xodus este instalao en la consola, QEMARAS el programador. Siempre sacalo. Oooh

-Always plug the mod into the programmer before plugging it into your pc, it could damage the programmer/mod.

- Siempre conecta el xip al programador antes de conetar el pgm al pc...puedes dañar uno o otro.

-Also, when installing it in your system, make sure its in mode 1 (off/testing mode) otherwise you can potentialy fry your system

-Cuando metas el xip en la consola siempre asegurate de ponerlo en modo 1 (apagado/modo testeo) si no podrias qemar la consola Oooh

si no me eqivoco eso qiere decir... [chulito]
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