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XPowerPlay 0.2a
by the2000
XPowerPlay is a simple plugin loaded by DashLaunch in order to enable memory
patching in real time while a game title is loaded in the Xbox360 environment.
This work is presented as is. I, the2000, do not guarantee anything will work
smoothly and flawlessly. Using this work means you agree that anything can and
will happen that is not in everyone's favor. You agree to not blame anyone if
such situation arises. You will also take FULL AND COMPLETE responsibility for
your usage of this work. I, nor any other person who worked with me on this,
will not offer any support unless we deem it necessary.
-FreeBOOT 0.032 by Ikari
-DashLaunch 1.0 by [cOz]/XeDev (make sure to install launch.xex to your flash).
Please see "xppcheatfiles.txt" and "xppcodetypes.txt" for proper cheat types and
cheat file formats.
When releasing a work based on or using XPowerPlay, please distribute the files
"xppcheatfiles.txt" and "xppcodetypes.txt" along with that derived work. This is
to have your users have an easy reference for creating cheatfiles.
There maybe cases where the main cheat loop will not get destroyed properly
leading to console crashes. If you experience constant crashing, please
discontinue the usage of XPP to avert damage from the console. Don't tell anyone
I did not warn you. Regardless, it's still your responsibility whatever happens.
XPP uses 0x91F40000 as its base address. Make sure that no other plugins/DLLs
are loaded in that area before attempting to load XPP.
I provided a sample code of how to load XPP and invoke functions that can be
exported from it. You can use this code as a basis for your personal trainers. A
word of advice is, make sure to check your paths properly. It will save lots of
Initial alpha release
Initial alpha version
-Suport more codetypes.
-Add better teardown process(unload of xppdll.xex).
[cOz] for technical assistance about the Xbox 360 console and launch.xex
Icekiller for hooking me with the right contact persons
I publicly released something that I am working on for the past few weeks. XPowerPlay is a simple DLL you can use to make game trainers/cheating applications easier and simpler. There are a number of things to be worked on from this version, but this should be enough to get us started in writing trainers.
I provided a sample project inside the package. You can use that as your base for trainers. This project, by the way, requires that you have Dash Launch 1.0 installed as well as freeBOOT 0.032.
link: XPowerPlay
Thanks to:
[cOz], Icekiller and crew.
<zorgx> did you test Xpowerplay 0.2a ?:)
<LoveMHz> me?
<zorgx> yes
<LoveMHz> I've had it for the last week or so lol
<zorgx> hehe
<zorgx> is it good ?
<LoveMHz> yeah =)
<LoveMHz> ------------------------------------------------
<LoveMHz> -- XeSearch by LoveMHz
<LoveMHz> -- with credit to the2000 and [cOz] <3
<LoveMHz> ------------------------------------------------
<LoveMHz> Starting up network code.
<LoveMHz> Waiting for Connection from 360.
<LoveMHz> Version: 0 Size: 0x760000 Offset: 0x82A90000
<LoveMHz> Connected to 360.
<LoveMHz> Search Type: (1 Byte || 2 Short || 3 Interger || 4 Float || 5 Double || 6 Unknown)
<LoveMHz> -> 4
<LoveMHz> Swap Endian? (y)/n
<LoveMHz> -> y
<LoveMHz> Allocating Memory.
<LoveMHz> Ready to make first memory dump.
<LoveMHz> Press any key to continue . . .
<LoveMHz> Memory Updated. Type in a command or help for a list of commands
<LoveMHz> -> search <
<LoveMHz> Updating Memory
<LoveMHz> -> possibles
<LoveMHz> Possibles: 7518325
<zorgx>just like xploder to psx hehe
<zorgx> XeSearch ? it that inside xpp0.2a.zip ?
<LoveMHz> not released yet
<XbOx360Ba> released this weekend
<LoveMHz> yeah probably
el_aprendiz escribió:Bien bien, ya van saliendo plugins, y cositas para el Freeboot, el XBR ya se esta quedando demasiado atras
Messiahs escribió:A ver si sale uno que nos permita hacer capturas en los juegos es algo que siempre me ha gustado![]()
sihom escribió:Messiahs escribió:A ver si sale uno que nos permita hacer capturas en los juegos es algo que siempre me ha gustado![]()
Creo que ya hay algo nose como funcione, lo acabo de ver
Messiahs escribió:sihom escribió:Messiahs escribió:A ver si sale uno que nos permita hacer capturas en los juegos es algo que siempre me ha gustado![]()
Creo que ya hay algo nose como funcione, lo acabo de ver
Eso es otra cosaEs para los juegos que permiten hacer fotos las desemncripta por asi decirlo.
Por lo que he leido en el canal de FreestyleDash, es posible que la version 2.0 lleve lo de las capturas aunque dicen que puede haber problemas con algunos juegos por el tema de la memoria. Asi que hasta k no se solucione....