Xtreme Hitachi FW: 47b-geeb Modified Bat File

que significa y como se utilisa.
es el firm del hitachi..pero se supone q una version mejorada q la q fallaba en principio...

info :

Geebee released a slightly modified version of the xtreme.bat file in the Commodore4eva Xtreme Firmware for Hitachi-LG 47D Xbox 360 DVD Drive because there's a some feedback reporting flashing errors probably due to the commands sent too fast (this modified bat file will add pauses):


Just xtreme.bat is changed. Run xtrgeeb.bat instead.
* Added: Pauses to prevent errors when flashing. Looks like the commands are too fast for the drive. This could brick the unit.
* Added: Backup made of orig.bin to c:\orig.bin to prevent overwriting of the original. A bad flash could automatically copy over your original with the bad firmware flashed previously.

If you use the original xtreme.bat and you get errors while flashing it's IMPORTANT that you run the xtreme.bat file several times until it is successful. DO NOT power off the drive until successful.

al final esta version funciona 100% ok?

thx de antemano

ps:info sakada de sky xd
otro foro escribió:Commodore4eva acaba de lanzar la versión 1.1 de su hack para el lector Hitachi 47 de Xbox 360. En esta versión se ha mejorado la detección de los backups y (se supone) que el flasheo del firmware. También ha anunciado que ha terminado el hack para la versión 46 y que esta estará disponible a partir del próximo lunes...

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