¡¡Atención!! Warning! Achtung! 警告!
[Rollo insulso]
Sí señores y señoras, Yabause vuelve con una nueva versión con binario para Wii. La más esperanzadora prueba de concepto del mundo de la emulación, el adalid de la esperanza seguera para quienes ahora nos encontamos con una wii en el salón, el súmmun del "vaporware"...
vale, que se supone que la mayoría de los experimentos que hagamos no pasarán de las 5 ó 6 fps, pero a mí me hace una ilusión tremenda que fomenten el carácter multisistema de un emulador open source de Sega Saturn.
[/Rollo insulso]Descarga (filefront)Pues eso, que tengáis presente que la compatibilidad volverá a ser muy pobre y la emulación lenta. Por tanto, esto es más que nada para curiosear. A los que os pongáis con él, probad juegos "simplones" a ver si se consiguen velocidades no demasiado desesperanzadoras.
Yabause with game selection submenu for wii
(An Sega Saturn Emulator for Wii)
Unofficial version
The set of these files merely added the game selection
submenu by using some functions in the modification version
by Ac_K to the original source Yabause 0.9.10 by Yabause Team.
So, you should write the name "Yabause Teame" as the author
or creator.
This set includes the source.
The original sources are available on the following sites.
Yabause original source
Some modifications by Ac_K
#How to set up
1) Copy the contens in the SD_root to your SD or SDHC card.
2) Copy game roms files (.cue with .bin or .iso) to SSROMS
extra) If you like, copy the bios file of the Sega Saturn to
SSROMS directory as the name "bios.bin".
(But, I think the bios file is not needed to this version.)
I recommend no using the bios, because I think you waste of
#How to use
Load this emulator by a loader such as the homebrew channel.
At first, select the "Load ISO/CUE" menu.
Then, the game files in the SSROMS directory are displayed.
Second, select an game.
Then, you return to the main menu.
Finally, select the "Start emulation".
#Known bugs (specifications?)
The mene items "Settings" and "About" are fake.
When you return to main menu from a game emulation by pressing
the home button, you cannot restart the game, and cannot
start the other games. Please come back to a loader menu
by selecting the menu items "Exit".
#Brief Change Log
%Jun. 2, 2009 ver.
-based on the original yabause 0.9.10
-set DRAM32BIT Cart
%Feb. 4, 2009 ver.
-based on the original yabause 0.9.9
-can play without bios file
%Jan. 10, 2009 ver.
-based on the original yabause 0.9.8
-submenu of games
-stop the sound when you return to the main menu
-set backup ram as "/SSROMS/bkram.bin"
(Youtube) -
Castlevania SOTN - Yabause 0.9.7