Brawn of the Dead Location: Lance's safehouse in Ocean Beach
Overview: Star in a movie being fillmed in the Mall
Money: $850
Well Lance has dropped us in it again as the coke belonged to the Mendez
brothers - very powerful drug players in Vice City. Lance says to head off to
a friend of his in the mall in Vicepoint. There is a deadline so step to it and
head up north.
When there, Spitz offers you a role in his new movie.
To complete the first stunt you have to last 1 minuite without letting the gore
meter depelte. To keep the meter filled simply spin holding down target and
firing at the zombies. The bar should never fall below 9/10th if you do this.
The next stunt sees you protecting the record store from a zombie attack using
a katana. To last the minuite and a half simply let the targets come to you and
swing wildly. One targeted hit will kill a zombie and after the time is up you
and Lance will head outside. Take Lance back to his appartment for a short
movie for mission complete.
Spitz will ofofer you a film part form a film being directed by Reni opening up
that strand so lets head there.
Ále, acaso os habeis pasado el juego?
Me refiero a si existe algun truco para cambiar los peatones por los zombies de esa mision.