-InMortal- escribió:Que locura Atlas en FF2...
En la campaña no se puede cambiar de nave o que?
Rivroner escribió:Cataphractus escribió:entrerigc escribió:Han puesto el Redout a 12,79 en BundleStar, ¿cual está mejor de los dos? Por cierto que con esta rebaja olia a candidato a Humble Monthly de Julio pero ya un dev lo ha negado tajantemente Reddit.
Qué hijos de![]()
Pero bueno, ya le meti 30 horitas, una hora por cada € que me costó en su día, y sé que jugaré más.
Como dicen, son muy diferentes, pruebalos. Personalmente me compraría los dosDe hecho tengo ambos
@Rivroner Pues se jugaba bastante bien en Vita, supongo que cuestión de pillar postura.
Oye ¿Por qué no te marcas unos videos? Para que veamos cómo es el juego conduciendo bienAunque yo en un rato me puse en el top 30 y sin cartas de esas, supongo que ahora es fácil obtener records al no haberse exprimido hasta el último milisegundo.
Pues si sin cartas estás en el top 30 con cartas te metes en el top 10, que lo sepas.
Tengo un vídeo en youtube de una versión antigua de Niagara, pero no sé que hizo youtube con mi vídeo que se ve con el culo, pero lo pongo.
https://youtu.be/dLgaZvRMQUg?list=UUz7f ... vmNdL8wUJA
Me lo destrozó, pasó de verse de lujo en mi PC a verse borroso y como con interpolación o algo así, muy mal youtube.Son 5 minutos así al tuntún, ya subiré de la versión de ahora una vuelta rápida cuando la grabe.
No sé tío, no me adapté a jugar en la Vita al 2048, me dolían las manos al poco.
Midtown - F - FF4000
00:54.475 Global rank: #15
Un servidor
00:55.385 Global rank: #19
00:58.642 Global rank: #68
Atlas Torres - F - FF4000 *NI al Top100 llegamos, aquí hay márgen de mejora.
El menda
00:40.776 Global rank: #113
00:41.428 Global rank: #133
00:44.021 Global rank: #177
Cataphractus escribió:850 megas de actualizaición hoy. A ver si hay buenas mejoras y no la cagan, que sé por experiencia que cuando se corrigen cosas a toda prisa...
Build 1.0.16 is now live, the patch notes are as follow:
Tech credits are now given in multiplayer, however a bug exists which still displays them incorrectly on the results screen.
Campaign has had a few events changed.
Campaign pre-requisites fixed for The Beast event.
Fiyah! Fury track interactables have been made flush to the track, no more floating pickups!
El Muro's starting positions have been moved to match other tracks starting grid.
Gauss Cannon "Cannon" audio warning no longer repeats.
"Creator < Me" achievement is now attainable.
Exhausts on other crafts in multiplayer races and replays now work correctly.
Performance increase on shadows being cast in Trans Atol, Niagara, Fiyah! Fury, El Muro, Mannahatta, Midtown, Atlas Torres & Freeway.
Lighting and Object improvements to Fiyah! Fury.
Skins purchased in the Garage now save correctly.
A whole bunch of minor bug fixes not really worth noting but will still offer performance increases.
Optimization updates also pushed to Demo
SashaX escribió:Llegarán grandes parches en las próximas 2 semanas:
"Hi everyone - as you can imagine - things have been mental since launch. We are now pushing on with some pretty big updates over the next couple of weeks, based on feedback we've had. I just wanted you all to know that we are still very busy improving the game.
This will result in leaderboards being reset, periodically, whilst we make changes that could affect handling.
After this period we will be moving to Race Seasons and we will be immortalising times on the website.
On another topic: We are now trying to get on top of music submissions, expanding game music post launch (as promised) and we will be reaching out to those who submitted music as community submissions in the early days.
20170616 - PATCH NOTES
Good Evening Pilots!
Build 1.0.58 is now live, here are the patch notes!
Bug fix for Midtown Reverse not completing laps correctly.
Campaign event select visuals display more information.
Optimisations to craft textures.
Kicking players in the lobby now works.
Updated some descriptions in the garage.
Leaderboard times are now only set in Time Trial.
New splash screen & icon.
Fixed the camera flicker on Midtown & Freeway.
Fixed a crash in multiplayer which would cause the host to hang at the starting grid.
Fixed an audio fading bug.
Tweaks to AI to avoid bunching.
Optimisations to craft exhausts.
New craft exhaust slot in skins selection.
Loading screen bug fix for multiplayer.
Fixed a bug causing Fiyah! Fury to force motion blur to be enabled.
Tweaks to the Python's handling, turning circle & Airbrake strafe.
Tweaks to Sabre's handling/performance.
Voxel, Dragon & Sabre top speed slightly nerfed.
Optimisations to Niagara.
Countdown delay reduces by 1 second.
Tracks can now be purchased with Tech Credits.
Fixed a bug causing arrows on the track textures to be displayed facing the wrong way.
Ghost can now be hidden by the player by changing "Hide Ghost Craft" in the settings menu.
Added events for previewing the Trails & Exhausts in the skins selection menu in the garage.
Fixed some focus issues with UI.
BOOST charge now increases based on your distance behind the leading pilot.
BOOST now has an initial impulse when activated.
Custom skins should now work correctly in multiplayer.
Returning to the lobby from a race will automatically select the craft used previously, skins & loadouts currently not supported.
Fixed a bug which sometimes caused BOOST charge to be used up without giving the BOOST in multiplayer.
Collisions should be much more forgiving now.
Teams can now be selected in the campaign, each Team has a different craft.
Fixed a bug causing map voting to post a vote for the wrong player when the host would attempt to vote sometimes.
Fixed a bug causing the lobby player counts to not be decreased sometimes when players disconnected.
Game version number can now be found in the Settings menu.
A whole bunch of other minor bug fixes that aren't really worth noting.
Tank has been nerfed heavily.
Known Bugs:
El Muro has a really low kill volume after one of its jumps, this is only a problem in elite speeds and will be addressed in the next patch.
When changing team in the campaign and backing back to the speed class selection the progress will say 0% instead of the correct progress.
Tech Credits still don't display correctly in multiplayer, however they are given correctly.
Skins Garage / Base Skin, Trail and Exhaust Cards all show “Placeholder".
Skins Garage / Base Skin does not give a description of the team selected. It does change the visual though.
Skins Garage / Trail does not give a description.
Skins Garage / Exhaust does not give a description.
Cataphractus escribió:SashaX escribió:Llegarán grandes parches en las próximas 2 semanas:
"Hi everyone - as you can imagine - things have been mental since launch. We are now pushing on with some pretty big updates over the next couple of weeks, based on feedback we've had. I just wanted you all to know that we are still very busy improving the game.
This will result in leaderboards being reset, periodically, whilst we make changes that could affect handling.
After this period we will be moving to Race Seasons and we will be immortalising times on the website.
On another topic: We are now trying to get on top of music submissions, expanding game music post launch (as promised) and we will be reaching out to those who submitted music as community submissions in the early days.
Cambios en el control, eso tiene toda la pinta de que se va a quitar el tema de que se pierda la velocidad al girar y al usar los frenos aerodinámicos, o reducir al menos la pérdida de ésta. Espero al menos que así sea, aunque si el juego está pensado para el control existente hasta ahora es un hecho que puede estropearse la jugabilidad.
Y se van a resertar los tiempos en las clasificacionesBueno, no pasa nada, nos sirvió de entrenamiento, a mi al menos.
@SashaX ¿Le das al juego? ¿No te apetece picarte con tiempos de contrarreloj con otros miembros de EOL?
- French, Italian, German, Spanish, Portuguese/Brazillian and Russian language support coming soon
- free DLC craft, tracks and features modules like a Tournament mode
- in-game voice chat
- console releases on PS4 XB0 and then we’ll look at Mac OS, Switch, mobile and VR
- extensive range of Skins, decals and other physical cosmetic add-ons
Cataphractus escribió:@SashaX Desactivando la grabación de repeticiones mejora el rendimiento, al menos con discos duros lentos como es mi caso.
Yo ya no sé... me emocioné demasiado o hoy tengo mal día. Quiero me guste, me gustó de hecho el juego, pero es que no le pillo el truco.. y eso que gano con facilidad en la campaña, pero es que gano rebotando por las paredes y eso no me gusta, y si a lo que frena la nave de por si al girar y al usar los frenos aerodinámicos le sumas que en FF1000 empiezo a notar una necesidad patente de soltar el acelerador para no perder el control....
Tengo la sensación de que primero hicieron los circuitos, y luego metieron ahi las naves sin saber mucho cómo iban a funcionar.
SashaX escribió:Cataphractus escribió:@SashaX Desactivando la grabación de repeticiones mejora el rendimiento, al menos con discos duros lentos como es mi caso.
Yo ya no sé... me emocioné demasiado o hoy tengo mal día. Quiero me guste, me gustó de hecho el juego, pero es que no le pillo el truco.. y eso que gano con facilidad en la campaña, pero es que gano rebotando por las paredes y eso no me gusta, y si a lo que frena la nave de por si al girar y al usar los frenos aerodinámicos le sumas que en FF1000 empiezo a notar una necesidad patente de soltar el acelerador para no perder el control....
Tengo la sensación de que primero hicieron los circuitos, y luego metieron ahi las naves sin saber mucho cómo iban a funcionar.
No se si has viciado a la saga wipEout, pero en estos juegos hay que anticipar MUCHO las curvas.
Nada de frenar con los dos aerofrenos. Sólo toca el aerofreno de la direción a la que vaya la curva. Es decir, cuando veas una curva (mejor antes de verla a veces, hay que memorizar los trazados) ya giras y le metes al aerofreno correspondiente.
Esto es así, es un juego duro. Si quieres saber lo que es rebotar, ponte el wipEout en modo Zona. Hay que saberse las curvas y girar anticipadamente.
Es un juego "hardcore" con el que muchos pasaron noches de fiesta dopados hasta las cejas. Es la esencia.
De qué crees que viene la "E" mayúscula de wipEout? De "Éxtasis".
Pero eso es otra historia
Good Evening Pilots!
Build 1.0.168 is now live, here are the patch notes!
- Added "Automatically detect settings" to the settings menu.
- Added camera shake effect when taking damage, can be tweaked in settings.
- Added music selection screen to main menu so you can disable tracks you don't like. (temporary placement)
- New Oforia music pack, 8 tracks.
- New Dub Fx music pack, 13 tracks.
- Python BOOST constant increased.
- Craft rebalancing.
- Reblance of Tech Credit rewards for completing events.
- Weapons now cause some visual effects to happen when being hit.
- Smoke Bomb effect tweaks.
- Energy Bolt visuals tweaked.
- Weapons no longer have enforced Utility/Offensive. You can now choose any weapon in any slot.
- Weapon slots have 2 upgrade slots each.
- Utility Weapons now have upgrade cards.
- Removed Flares.
- Removed Energy Leach.
- Energy Bolts lifetime increased to 5 seconds from 3.
- Shockwave should now apply impulses correctly in multiplayer.
- Tank rework, tank now grants weapon damage immunity.
- Shark Skins.
- Pixel Skins.
- The Beast Trail.
- Samurai Skins.
- Wonderkind Skins.
- HotRod Skins.
- OkMen Skins.
Bug Fixes:-
- Bug fix to stop "Waiting for Players" to sometimes persist after race starts.
- Updated a couple of icons that still used the placeholder icon.
- Fixed a gate that was clipping through the track on Fiyah! Fury.
- Performance fix to rain effect on track textures.
- Fixed a bad mesh that was out of place on Fiyah! Fury.
- Fixed a bad kill volume that was clipping through the track on Mannahatta.
- Performance increases to multiple textures in the game.
- Fixes to The Beast on Trans Atol Reverse.
- Fixed some bad splines in Atlas Torres & Freeway.
- Fixed a bug that caused player stats to not record Shots Fired correctly.
- Performance fixes to various particle systems.
- Fixed a bug that would cause "Card NONE has been removed" to be displayed when returning to main menu & the "Fromula" typo.
- Fixed a bug that would cause the Loading Screen to not be displayed when joining a lobby from a steam invite.
- Fixed a bug that would cause Mannahatta's lighting levels to be blinding on low settings.
- Fixed a bug that caused controllers to vibrate constantly on Endurance mode.
- Fixed a boost pad on Mannahatta that was clipping into the track.
- Fixed an issue which caused disabled collisions in clean race to not work.
- Fixed a bug which would cause the campaign to say "102%" when completed.
- Fixed a bug in the garage which would occasionally cause a crash when changing cards.
- Fixed a bug in the main menu which would occasionally cause a crash.
- Perfomance fixed to Niagara.
- Fixed a bug which caused rebinding analogue controls to become digital.
- Default FPS cap is now unlimited with Vsync enabled. (will only affect first time installation).
- Fixed a kill volume on Fiyah! Fury which was clipping through the track.
- Fixed a bug which would cause you to get stuck at the results screen of The Beast event.
- Fixed a bug which caused time trail ghosts to be recorded in all game modes.
- Tweaked the resolution of the team videos in campaign.
- Fixed perfect lap in multiplayer. Perfectionist Achievement is now attainable.
- Fixed a bug that caused the "Shield Low" & "Health Low" notifications to not work correctly in multiplayer.
- Performance fix to audio effects.
- Fixed a bug which would sometimes cause the event banner at the start of a race to not close correctly.
- Fixed a bug which caused BOOST audio to play indefinitely sometimes.
- Fixed a bug causing the UI to flicker when two racers get the same time on Speed Lap.
Known Issues:
- Mannahatta track texture is bugged, will be fixed in a coming patch.
- when returning to a lobby sometimes skins aren't applied correctly. Changing craft fixes this.
The leaderboards have been wiped for this update. This may happen again over the coming week or two, once we start the official racing seasons we will begin storing leaderboards on the Formula Fusion website.
We hope you all enjoy the update, see you on the track!