En abril de este año el autor
@niuus por fin después de casi dos años sin actualizaciones, ha actualizado su fork (mejora) del emulador original de Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) para Wii Snes9x GX hecha por Tantric (dborth), llamado
Snes9x RX, basada en el emulador Snes9x 1.52.
CHANGELOG:---Snes9x RX 5.0.0---
---April 22, 2022---- Use I4 instead of RGBA8 for fonts (much less memory). [Daryl]
- When unable to load the default rom directory, just drop into device root. Don't show an error when unable to find a load device. [Daryl]
- Silence a few warnings. [Daryl]
- Remove S9xChooseMovieFilename. [bearoso]
- Remove S9xSetPalette. [bearoso]
- Remove S9xChooseFilename. [bearoso]
- This is integration of the frontend with the core. Disable the snapshot button mappings that use it. Any frontend should implement those port commands its own.
- Load cover images directly from file instead of an intermediary buffer. [Daryl]
- Correct aspect ratio by changing viWidth to 644. [vaguerant]
- Add ability to change the player mapped to a connected (Wireless) controller. [Tantric]
- Change max game image dimensions to 640x480, fix bug in png loading. [Tantric]
- Add support for Mayflash 2-port SNES USB adapter. [EthanArmbrust]
- New scanlines filter setting. (thanks Tanooki16!)
- Now nicknamed 50% and 25% for RX, I added the option to select between both, so you can choose whether you like darker scanlines (old method) or subtler ones (new method).
- Add A+B+SELECT+START for back to menu on Wiimote controller extensions.
- Based on the similar commit by Tantric for Snes9xGX.
- If arguments are passed to the emu to autoboot a game, then the main menu button should be labelled Exit, and leave the emu instead of going back to the main menu. Cleanup autoboot code. [Tantric]
- Add support for mapping more than 128KByte SRAM. [cout/qwertymodo]
- Add 128KByte SRAM support in cheats. [qwertymodo]
- New Scale2x filter added. (thanks Tanooki16!) Originally developed by Andrea Mazzoleni for the AdvanceMAME project.
http://www.scale2x.it/- Add support for Speedlink Hornet Gamepad USB. (thanks revvv!)
- Prevent cheat name overflow. [Daryl]
- Support forwarders that pass in sd1:/ [Tantric]
- Add ability of FastROM hacks to use SuperFX. [bladeoner]
- Set SRAM initialization to set whole buffer. [bearoso] ...not just a few bytes. Add a TODO comment at allocation. These never change, so they should ideally be static.
- Add heuristic to detect 6MB Earthbound hack. Makes "Mother 2 Deluxe" romhack playable.
- UStealth support.
- Wii 480p video fix. [Extrems]
- More 3rd party controllers support. [Tantric] Fix 3rd party classic controllers that don't send calibration data. For those controllers, use default values.
- Important readme updates.

https://github.com/niuus/Snes9xRX/relea ... -5.0.0.zip- Canal forwarder para Wii:
https://github.com/niuus/Snes9xRX/relea ... l-SNRX.zip- Otras versiones de Snes9x RX:
https://github.com/niuus/Snes9xRX/releasesEnlace al hilo original en GBAtemp por si les interesa:
https://gbatemp.net/threads/snes9x-rx-a ... rk.527131/Diviértanse con esta mejora del emulador Snes9x GX de Tanooki16, y nos vemos en la próxima

Esperemos que el autor
@niuus también saque actualizaciones para FCE Ultra RX y también para WiiSX RX en un futuro cercano

Saludos amigos