Harry Potter y Las Reliquias de la Muerte-Parte 2
Harry Potter y las Reliquias de la Muerte-Parte 2

Contenido |
El juego continuara la historia donde termina la primer parte.En esta ultima entrega podremos jugar los momentos mas impactantes del libro,como la entrada a Gringotts,escapar del fuego maligno en la Sala de los Menesteres y,por supuesto,participar en la batalla de Hogwarts,que parece que sera el punto algido del juego,ademas de destruir los Horrocruxes restantes para poder derrotar a Voldemort de una vez por todas
Modos de Juego
1 Jugador
Segun han comentado los desarrolladores,el sistema de coberturas ha sido mejorado,eliminando los problemas que habia en la primera entrega,y tambien se ha rebajado el poder del hechizo Protego,para que las cosas sean un poco mas complicadas.Asimismo,se han eliminado las misiones secundarias que tenia la primera entrega,ya que se desvinculaban de la trama totalmente,por lo que en esta entrega el peso recaera totalmente en la trama principal.Tambien se ha arreglado el sistema de hechizos,siendo esta vez necesario pulsar de diferentes formas los botones para realizar cada uno de los hechizos Podremos controlar no solo a Harry Potter,si no tambien a Hermione,Ron,Ginny, Seamus, Neville, Molly Weasley y la profesora McGonagall. Ademas,en esta ocasion se incluye la posibilidad de jugar con Playstation Move
Se desconoce si el juego tendra funcionalidades online al igual que el primero,que tenia la posibilidad de realizar desafios y comparar nuestras puntuaciones con las de nuestros amigos
Wizard-in-Training 40
Completed the game on Normal
Accomplished Wizard 150
Completed the game on Expert
Mastering Magic 80
Completed the game on Advanced
Covert Confidence 20
Defeated 100 enemy wizards from cover
Blind Luck 5
Defeated 10 enemy wizards from cover, without aiming
Expulso! 10
Defeated 100 enemy wizards with Expulso
Confringo! 10
Defeated 100 enemy wizards with Confringo
Protego! 20
Used Protego against 100 spells
Expelliarmus! 20
Successfully dispelled 100 Protego shields with Expelliarmus
Petrificus Totalus! 15
Successfully paralysed 100 enemy wizards using Petrificus Totalus
Full of Character 40
Found all characters
Listen Up 40
Found all Music Tracks
Complete Collection 50
Collected 100% of all items
A Good Start 10
Defeated 100 enemy wizards, in the Main Story OR Challenges
Getting There ... 20
Defeated 500 enemy wizards in the Main Story OR Challenges
Hogwarts Defender 20
Defeated 1000 enemy wizards in the Main Story OR Challenges
Having a Blast 5
Triggered 5 explosive reactions
Care of the Castle 20
Escaped Voldemort with minimal damage to Hogwarts
First Rung 10
Completed your first challenge
Not a Scratch 5
Completed a level without being defeated
Up to the Challenge 30
Completed all challenges
Shining Example 50
Completed all challenges at Gold standard
A Good Offence 10
Defeated 10 enemy wizards before they cast a spell
Back to You ... 10
Defeated 10 enemy wizards with Protego deflections
That Showed Them ... 10
Defeated 4 enemy wizards with a Confringo cast
Stopped in Their Tracks 10
Defeated 5 enemy wizards with one Impedimenta cast
Now You See Me 10
Apparated over 100 metres
Strategic Spell-casting 10
Defeated 50 enemy wizards using more than one spell
The Best Defence ... 10
Used Protego to defeat 20 enemy wizards at close range
Incluye 21 Logros secretos