X-Men Legends
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X-Men Legends

Contenido |
The story in X-Men Legends begins when the X-Men learn that Magneto has devised a plan to give mutants the power to reign supreme over humans. To save the human race from imprisonment, you compose a four-person team from a roster of X-Men characters, including Storm, Gambit, and Wolverine. Completa cada misión para fortalecer a tu equipo y desbloquear más personajes, vestimentas y tesoros.
Mecánica de juego
- Magma
- Beast (Bestia)
- Wolverine (Lobezno)
- Emma Frost
- Jubilee (Júbilo)
- Rogue (Pícara)
- Nightcrawler (Rondador Nocturno)
- Charles Xavier
- Cyclops (Cíclope)
- Jean Grey
- Psylocke (Mariposa Mental)
- Colossus (Coloso)
- Storm (Tormenta)
- Iceman (Hombre de Hielo)
- Gambit (Gambito)
- Enemigos
- Avalanche (Avalancha)
- Blob (La Mole)
- Havok (Caos)
- Juggernaut
- Magneto
- Marrow (Médula)
- Master Mold (Molde Maestro)
- Mystique (Mística)
- Pyro
- Sabretooth (Dientes de Sable)
- Sentinels (Centinelas)
- Shadow King (Rey Sombra)
- Toad (Sapo)
- No jugables
- Bishop
- Forge (Forja)
- Healer
- Illyana Rasputin
- Moira MacTaggert
- Multiple Man (el Hombre Múltiple)
- Animación Adicional - Jarrod Showers.
Additional Art Nick Choles Additional Art Jeff Easley Additional Art Mark A. Nelson Additional Art and Jason Smith Additional Level Design Pete Hushvahtov Additional Level Design Patrick Williams Additional Programming Michael Constant Additional Programming Jim O' Keane Additional Programming Brad Muir Additional Programming and Rich Whitehouse Additional Sound Ellen Lurie Animation Bobby Duncanson Animation Tony Gialdini Animation Rick Lico Animation and Kris Peterson Art Asset Manager Will Edwards Art Assistant Lead Jeff Butler Art Lead Brian Pelletier Artists Glen Angus Artists Jeff Butler Artists Jason Chappell Artists Cory Corani Artists Mitch Cotie Artists Gina Garren Artists Rick Grossenbacher Artists Jeffrey Moy Artists Matt Oppriecht Artists and Derek Smith Cinematic Sound Design and Music Composition Zack Quarles Cinematics/Animation Lead Dan Hay Design Lead Tom Odell Development Co-Project Leads Rob Gee Development Co-Project Leads Pat Lipo Director of Product Development Mike Crowns Game Programming Ryan Danz Game Programming Jeff Dischler Game Programming Keith Fuller Game Programming James Justin Game Programming Simon Parkinson Game Programming and Dan Vondrak Level Design Assistant Lead Matt Pinkston
- Diseñadores de Niveles - Jeremy Blumel, Brian Hagan, Mike Majernik, Justin Negrete, Clem Samson-Samuel, Mike Schulenberg, Stu Wiegert.
Plot and Story Man of Action Plot and Story Raven Software Programming Lead Dan Edwards Sound and Music Lead Kevin Schilder Story/Dialogue Lead Bob Love Studio Head of Administration Brian Raffel Technology Lead Gil Gribb Technology Programming Ste Cork Technology Programming Kathleen Marty Technology Programming Allison McCarthy Technology Programming Jeff Newquist Technology Programming Chris Reed Technology Programming Adam Sherburne Technology Programming and Marcus Whitlock
Animation Bobby Duncanson
Animation Tony Gialdini
Animation Rick Lico
Animation Kris Peterson
Art Asset Manager Will Edwards
Art Lead Brian Pelletier
Artist Glen Angus
Artist Jeff Butler
Artist Cory Carani
Artist Jason Chappell
Artist Mitch Cotie
Artist Gina Garren
Artist Rick Grossenbacher
Artist Jeffrey Moy
Artist Matt Oppreicht
Artist Derek Smith
Assistant Art Lead Jeff Butler
Assistant Lead Level Design Matt Pinkston
Cinematic Sound Design & Music Composition Zack Quarles
Cinematics/Animation Lead Dan Hay
Co-Project Lead Rob Gee
Co-Project Lead Pat Lipo
Design Lead Tom Odell
Game Programming Ryan Danz
Game Programming Jeff Dischler
Game Programming Keith Fuller
Game Programming James Justin
Game Programming Simon Parkinson
Game Programming Dan Vondrak
Level Design Jeremy Blumel
Level Design Brian Hagan
Level Design Mike Majernik
Level Design Justin Negrete
Level Design Clem Samson-Samuel
Level Design Mike Schulenberg
Level Design Stu Wiegert
Programming Lead Dan Edwards
Sound & Music Lead Kevin Schilder
Story/Dialogue Lead Bob Love
Technology Lead Gil Gribb
Animation Bobby Duncanson
Animation Tony Gialdini
Animation Rick Lico
Animation Kris Peterson
Art Asset Manager Will Edwards
Art Lead Brian Pelletier
Artist Glen Angus
Artist Jeff Butler
Artist Cory Carani
Artist Jason Chappell
Artist Mitch Cotie
Artist Gina Garren
Artist Rick Grossenbacher
Artist Jeffrey Moy
Artist Matt Oppreicht
Artist Derek Smith
Assistant Art Lead Jeff Butler
Assistant Lead Level Design Matt Pinkston
Cinematics/Animation Lead Dan Hay
Co-Project Lead Rob Gee
Co-Project Lead Pat Lipo
- Escritor - Robert Love.
- Jefe de Diseño - Tom Odell.
- Programación del Juego - Ryan Danz, Jeff Dischler, Keith Fuller, James Justin, Simon Parkinson, Dan Vondrak.
Level Design Jeremy Blumel Level Design Brian Hagan Level Design Mike Majernik Level Design Justin Negrete Level Design Clem Samson-Samuel Level Design Mike Schulenberg Music Zachary Quarles Producer Utah Blaine
- Jefe de Programación - Dan Edwards.
- Diseñadores de Sonido - Ellen Lurie, Zachary Quarles.
- Supervisor de Sonido - Kevin Schilder.
- Technology Lead Gil Gribb
- Actores/Actrices de Voz
- NYC Acolyte #1, Shadow Demon #1 Eric Biessman
- Acolyte #2, Man #2 Rick Worthy
- Angel, Morlock Thief, Future Sentinel Andre Sogliuzzo
- Avalanche, Sabretooth Peter Lurie
- Beast, Nuclear Tech #1, Acolyte #1 Richard Doyle
- Blob, Mutant Prisoner, Acolyte #3 Mark Klastorin
- Chuck Simms, Additional Voices Tom Kane
- Colossus, Doctor Earl Boen
- Computer Voice # 2 Nika Frost
- Cyclops, Pyro Robert Atkin Downes
- Danger Room Computer, Shadow Demon #2, Male Morlock Zachary Quarles
- Debra Owens, Computer Voice #1 Kathryn Cressida
- Emma Bobby Holliday
- Female Civilian Kris Zimmerman
- Forge Lou Diamond Phillips
- Gambit, Sentinel #1 Scott MacDonald
- Havok, Brotherhood Mutant #3 Matt Nolan
- Iceman, HAARP Technician Darren Scott
- Illyana Jeannie Elias
- Jean Grey - Leigh Allyn Baker
- Jubilee Danica McKellar
- Juggernaut, General Kincaid John Di Maggio
- Magma Cree Summer
- Magneto - Tony Jay.
- Marrow Becky Boxer
- Marrow Nancy Linari
- Moira, Female Prisoner #3 Michelle Arthur
- Morlock Healer Edward Asner
- Mystique, Child Bishop Gary DeLisle
- Nightcrawler, Multiple Man, Mutant Prisoner, Morlock Guard, Cyborg Sentinel Dee Bradley Baker
- NYC Acolyte #2, Apocalypse Dan Hay
- Profesor Charles Xavier - Patrick Stewart
- Psylocke, Female Prisoner #4, Screaming Woman Masasa
- Rogue - Erin Matthews.
- Sentinel Scientist Roger Bumpass
- Shadow King Dorian Harewood
- Soldier # 1 Jay Gordon
- Soldier # 4 Blaine Christine
- Soldier #2, Mutant #3, Brotherhood Mutant #2 Matt Prescott Morton
- Soldier #3 Michael Gough
- Storm Cheryl Carter
- Tecnician, Male Prisoner #2 Greg Ellis
- Toad, Male Prisoner #5 Armin Shimerman
- Wolverine - Steven Blum.
Voice: Acolyte #2,Man #2 Rick Worthy Voice: Allison Cree Summer Voice: Avalanche,Sabretooth Peter Lurie Voice: Beast,Nuclear Tech #1,Acolyte #1 Richard Doyle Voice: Blob Mutant Prisoner,Acolyte #3 Mark Klastorin Voice: Chuck Simms and Additional Voices Tom Kane Voice: Colossus,Doctor Earl Boen Voice: Computer Voice #2 Nikka Futterman Voice: Cyclops,Pyro Robin Atkin Downes Voice: Danger Room Computer,Shadow Demon #2,Male Morlock Zack Quarles Voice: Debra Owens,Computer Voice #1 Kat Cressida Voice: Emma Frost Bobby Holliday Voice: Female Civilian Kris Zimmerman Voice: Forge Lou Diamond Phillips Voice: Gambit,Sentinel #1 Scott MacDonald Voice: Havok,Brotherhood Mutant #3 Matt Nolan Voice: Iceman,HAARP Technician Darren Scott Voice: Illyana Jeannie Elias
- Jean Grey - Leigh Allen Baker
Voice: Jubilee Danica McKellar Voice: Juggernaut,General Kincaid John Dimaggio Voice: Magneto Tony Jay Voice: Marrow Nancy Linari Voice: Moira,Female Prisoner Michelle Arthur Voice: Morlock Healer Ed Asner Voice: Morlock Thief,Future Sentinel Andre Soguliuzzo Voice: Multiple Man,Nightcrawler,Mutant Prisoner,Morlock Guard,Cyborg Sentinel Dee Bradley Baker Voice: Mystique,Child Bishop Grey Delisle Voice: NYC Acolyte #1,Shadow Demon #1 Erick Biessman Voice: NYC Acolyte #2,Apocalypse Dan Hay Voice: Prof. Charles Xavier Patrick Stewart Voice: Psylocke,Female Prisoner #4,Screaming Woman Masasa Voice: Rogue Erin Matthews Voice: Sentinel Scientist Rodger Bumpass Voice: Shadow King Dorian Harewood Voice: Soldier #1 Jay Gordon Voice: Soldier #2,Mutant #3,Brotherhood Mutant #2 Matt Morton Voice: Soldier #3,Misc. Michael Gough Voice: Soldier #4,NYC GRSO Blaine Christine Voice: Storm Cheryl Carter Voice: Technician,Male Prisoner #2 Greg Ellis Voice: Toad,Male Prisoner #5 Armin Shimermen
- Completar el juego da acceso a diferentes trajes para el Hombre de Hielo, Coloso, Gámbito, Jean Grey, Bestia, Cíclope, Rondador Nocturno, Magma y Lobezno.