The official Japanese website for the Kodomo no Jikan (Nymphet) anime series has announced that a new series, "Second Term," has been greenlit for production. A special limited edition of the fifth volume of Kaworu Watashiya's original manga will ship on July 11 with a DVD that will include a promotional video of the Second Term anime and other materials. (The regular edition of the manga will ship on the same day.)
Update: Unlike School Rumble, "Second Term" may not be part of the final official title for Kodomo no Jikan's second season. Thanks, dormcat.
Senilunëin está baneado por "Terminaste de romper la cuerda. Por favor no vuelvas por EOL."
The official Japanese website for the Kodomo no Jikan (Nymphet) anime series has announced that a new series, "Second Term," has been greenlit for production. A special limited edition of the fifth volume of Kaworu Watashiya's original manga will ship on July 11 with a DVD that will include a promotional video of the Second Term anime and other materials. (The regular edition of the manga will ship on the same day.)
Update: Unlike School Rumble, "Second Term" may not be part of the final official title for Kodomo no Jikan's second season. Thanks, dormcat.
Traduciendo un poco.
La página oficial de kojika ha anunciado que se ha dado el visto bueno para la siguiente temporada.El 11 de Julio saldrá a la vente una edición especial del tomo número cinco junto a un dvd promocional de la segunda temporada : un vídeo promocional y unos extras.La versión normal saldrá el mismo día.