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cloud_cato escribió:Sony patenta el uso compartido de la TV
Pues sí. Sony está empeñada en que nos pongamos gafas cuando jugamos con PS3. Ya sea para disfrutar de los juegos en 3D o, como en este caso, para poder jugar contra otro amigo en consolas separadas, pero en una sola televisión. ¿Cómo? Pues muy sencillo...
Básicamente, la patente de Sony permite conectar a un televisor varios aparatos a la vez y que distintos usuarios vean cosas diferentes en la misma pantalla. Así, como muestra el gráfico, tres usuarios pueden compartir en una misma tele una partida de PS3 o una película en Blu-Ray.
Lógicamente, las posibilidades que se abren son infinitas. Desde disfrutar con juegos distintos, películas, programas de TV o navegar por Internet, hasta partidas multijugador donde cada participante ve su perspectiva dentro del juego sin necesidad de recurrir al split-screende toda la vida. Así sería una partida multijugador con una PS3 y una sola TV...
Lógicamente, para conseguir este resultado hay que ponerse gafas. Un dispositivo indispensable ya que ellas serán las encargadas de seleccionarnos el fotograma que podemos ver y de llevarnos el audio a través de unos pequeños cascos. Más o menos, el fundamento es el mismo que cuando se mira a una tele 3D aunque en esta ocasión, existe el problema añadido de que el otro jugador no puede ver lo que nosotros vemos...
Esta patente la registró Sony el pasado 15 de julio e, imaginamos, que no verá la luz hasta dentro de algún tiempo.
Fuente: Hobbynews
Todavía no se ha hecho oficial pero todo apunta a que la información filtrada por Game Informen en el día de ayer sobre el desarrollo de Capcom vs Namco y Namco vs Capcom es totalmente cierta.
Se espera que los juegos sean anunciados oficialmente el próximo 24 de julio en la Comic-Con de San Diego, pero unos días antes del evento ya hay disponibles lo que parece ser la primera imagen de Capcom vs Namco dirigido por Yoshinori Ono y con el motor gráfico de Street Fighter IV.
De Namco vs Capcom tenemos lo que parece un cartel promocional del juego, con los luchadores de ambas compañías a cada lado de la imagen. Por lo que se ve el plantel de luchadores será muy numeroso. El encargado de este juego es Katsuhiro Harada y utilizará el motor gráfico de Tekken 6.
Después del salto tenéis dos imágenes en Alta Definición de Capcom vs Namco y Namco vs Capcom. La próxima cita el 24 de julio en la Comic-Con.
Sucker Punch has claimed that it won't let InFamous 2 out of the door until it's sure the game can compete with Naughty Dog's Uncharted 2.
The PS3-exclusive sequel was announced last month, after which a spectacular trailer hit the net.
It sees the return of protagonist Cole MacGrath, who can once again shoot electricity through his fingers - but this time round, also carries a big metal pipe. For smashing people in the face.
"The space we're playing in - the third-person action genre - is the Game of the Year space," development director Chris Zimmerman told GameInformer.
"You look around and it's Uncharted 2, it's Assassin's Creed, it's God of War. It's all these great games, and you have to be able to compete on all axes with them. On the axes of character and story and stuff, we're much better set up this time so we can take a big, hard swing at it."
Looking at the trailer, it appears the game has at least an outside chance.
What are your early thoughts, readers?
Ninja Theory boss Tameem Antoniades says his studio's not automatically expecting to follow up adventure stunner Enslaved with a sequel.
Popping into CVG towers for a chat and a cuppa this month, the Ninja Theory head revealed that despite industry trends, the studio's not planning a story arch for enslaved - and it's certainly not holding back ideas for future games.
"For this game this is the one story, we focus everything on that one story and pretend there won't be a sequel," he said. "So no, we don't have a big arc."
Antoniades explained that Ninja Theory's aim is to put "every cool idea and concept" it can into the first game, but it's not automatically expecting success.
"We did Kung-Fu Chaos and there was no sequel for that. Heavenly Sword, there was no sequel for that. So we're now in the mindset that there's not going to be a sequel for this unless it's miraculously successful. Well not miraculously, but we don't assume it's going to be successful."
He added: "If there is going to be a sequel then you can probably think there will be two sequels and you can start planning that."
The Ninja Theory boss added that despite restrained expectations, he doesn't think it'll be a problem coming up with ideas for new games in the Enslaved universe.
"There are ways to extend it out, I'm not worried about that. I just didn't want to leave anything hanging - I hate that," he said.
Last month Antoniades offered depth to Enslaved 2's chances, admitting that Ninja Theory would've done Heavenly Sword 2 if it weren't for Sony gobbling up the rights.
If you read our interview with Namco Bandai Partners, you'll also see that it's keen to turn Enslaved into a monster series.
Keep your eyes on the front page for the full interview soon, plus our first hands-on impressions with Enslaved. It's a stunner.
Hibiki-naruto escribió:El cartel de Namco Vs Capcom no es oficial, es un FanArt.
goldenaxeband escribió:Ooops! tenía mis dudas pero gracias por confirmar que me la han colado
carmelero escribió:Hibiki-naruto escribió:El cartel de Namco Vs Capcom no es oficial, es un FanArt.
Pues lo podrían dejar como el oficial que está chulo.
cloud_cato escribió:No te flajeles, haces un muy buen trabajo q todos te agradecemos, y por una q te cuelen no pasa nada.
Además no va de malas, ni mucho menos.
Capcom has revealed four new characters for upcoming fighter Marvel Vs Capcom 3 - and ltos of sexy new screens of the game.
From the Marvel side, the game is getting Doctor Doom and Super-Skrull, whilst Capcom legends Trish (from Devil May Cry) and Chun-Li (from Street Fighter) will also get involved.
You can see them in action in the screenshots dotted around here now.
Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 is due for release on PS3 and Xbox 360 in Spring 2011.
socram2k escribió:Ostia que bien, vuelve hitman. Habrá que ir desempolvando las ballers...
Although Resistance 3 has not been announced for the Playstation 3, the evidence is mounting about the game’s existence. As if a billboard ad and a survey wasn’t enough, an online retailer has ousted the game.
eStarland has listed Resistance 3 for the Playstation 3 with the following description:
Continue the fight against the Chimera invasion in Resistance 3, as the battle moves to New York City and humanity makes its final stand.
The retailer also has a box art of the game that contained the same logo as the Resistance 3 billboard ad that were leaked late last year. You can check out the image of the cover below:
eStarland has Resistance 3 slated for release in March 24, 2011
Los amantes de la aviación y en concreto de la saga Tom Clancy’s H.A.W.X ya pueden marcar en su calendario el 3 de septiembre, día en el que se pondrá a la venga Tom Clancy’s H.A.W.X 2 en Europa. En un reciente evento realizado por Ubisoft en Londres donde presentaron el juego se dio a conocer la fecha de su lanzamiento.
En Tom Clancy’s H.A.W.X 2 volveremos a ponernos a los mandos de los más modernos aviones de combate del momento, volando por escenarios como Moscú, el golfo Pérsico, el círculo ártico y el océano Índico representados con todo lujo de detalles gracias a las imágenes del satélite GeoEye.
Su modo multijugador será una parte muy importante en el juego con soporte para hasta 8 jugadores. El 3 de septiembre a la venta en España.
The Sly Collection es la próxima recopilación de PS2 que llegará a PlayStation 3 en un disco Blu-ray recopilando las tres entregas de PS2 (Sly Raccoon, Sly 2: Ladrones de guante blanco y Sly 3: Honor entre ladrones) remasterizadas en Alta Definición y con sistema de trofeos.
Las mejoras no terminan ahí en esta recopilación, hace escasas horas se ha confirmado que los tres títulos serán compatibles con los 3D estereoscópicos y no solo la última entrega como se había comentado anteriormente.
Además, The Sly Collection también será compatible con PlayStation Move con una serie de mini-juegos orientados a aprovechar las funciones del nuevo mando, que llegará a Europa el 15 de septiembre.
Por último, se ha confirmado el precio con el que llegará la recopilación este otoño, será de 39,99 euros lo mismo que costó en su día God of War Collection.
Concept art has suddenly never been more interesting.
BioWare’s released a single new piece of concept art for Dragon Age 2. Get it here.
What does the art relate to in general? Who knows. BioWare does anyways.
The game was recently revealed for a March 2011 release on 360, PC and PS3, with its first trailer coming in Cologne next month during EA’s press conference at gamescom.
Catch our interview with BioWare’s Greg Zeschuk from Develop, where drops more info on the game, here.
Marvel’s outed two new characters to the line-up of Marvel vs Capcom 3 ahead of its ComicCon panel tomorrow.
On the Capcom side of things, Amaterasu from Okami is included, while Marvel’s Thor also gets a nod.
The announcement comes on the back of news yesterday of four other characters joining the roster: Street Fighter’s Chin-Li and Devil May Cry’s Trish on the Capcom side, as well as Dr. Doom and Super-Skrull from Marvel.
Big stuff, kids.
Marvel vs Capcom 3 releases next spring for PS3 and 360
Upcoming third-person shooter Vanquish is not an open world game. At one time, however, it was.
"Vanquish was originally an open battlefield type of game, where the goal was to move around crushing enemy positions," writes Vanquish game designer Shinji Mikami in a recent blog entry. "However, once we got started with development, we quickly made the decision to change to a more linear structure."
After abandoning the open world concept, Mikami and his team concentrated on making Vanquish "as visually dense as possible". That's why Mikami thinks the game's graphics are "really quite wonderful".
Packing enemy after enemy on screen presented its own challenge for the developers. Mikami wanted the bad robots to be white, but finally consented that they should be red.
"When you think about it from a realism standpoint, camouflage exists to make things difficult to see, so in that way things make sense," Mikami adds, "but from a game standpoint, it was not the best idea."
D4 Enterprise, the company that handles SNK’s Virtual Console lineup, is apparently working on PlayStation Network ports too. Art of Fighting was rated by the ESRB for Wii, PSP, and PlayStation 3.
Back in March, we also discovered a bunch of Neo Geo titles like Alpha Mission II, Super Sidekicks, Metal Slug and Fatal Fury rated by the ESRB for PS3 and PSP.
So far, Sony and SNK have not announced Neo Geo titles for PlayStation Network in North America.
Según Kotaku, en una entrevista mantenida con los desarrolladores Sly Cooper (Juego para PS3 con soporte para 3D), estos habrían insinuado que Sony está valorando la opción de incluir un regulador manual 3D en sus videoconsolas.
El planteamiento sería parecido al mostrado por la 3DS de Nintendo, permitiendo ajustar la intensidad tridimensional a gusto del usuario y el ángulo de visión. Todo ello sería controlable desde el mando DualShock, a través de su stick analógico izquierdo.
Sony está apostando muy fuerte por las 3D, eso lo sabemos todos, y no creo que les interese descartar ninguna opción, más aún después de que Nintendo demostrara que es posible.
rokyle escribió:Joder, del M VS C 3 la imagen del tio que pega con su barra de vida es BRUTAL!
Jack Grensleaves escribió:
Fascinante...romper la cuarta pared en un 3VS3.
Lo nunca visto!
See that look you see above? The one with Cole apparently having hair and a fair amount of tattoos? Forget that look. Old Cole’s back.
Developer Sucker Punch confirmed before its panel for the game that it had decided to revert back to the character’s old look from inFamous 1 after massive negative feedback on the new character design after its Game Informer reveal a while back.
IGN’s seen the new look, but doesn’t have any shots of it. It does, however, have a video of how the comic cut-scenes are presented in the game, also detailing some of the location’s background at the same time.
Get it below.
inFamous 2 releases next year for PS3
2K's detailed the Mafia 2 demo, which we reported yesterday will be released on August 10 for Xbox 360, PS3 and PC.
The Mafia demo includes the "Buzzsaw" level, says 2K, in which protagonist Vito and his buddies, Joe and Henry, are sent to take out a mobster known as "The Fat Man".
While the vanilla game spans two decades, the demo takes place during the summer of the '50s, showcasing "a slice of the expansive city of Empire Bay in the colorful era," the publisher adds.
Good stuff. The full game's out on August 24 in North America, August 26 in Australia and August 27 internationally.
Desde Electronictheatre.co.uk nos anuncian que Tecmo Koei Europa ha confirmado que Quantum Theory estará a la venta en Europa para PlayStation 3 y Xbox 360 el próximo 24 de Septiembre, aproximadamente una semana antes que en el mercado Japonés, donde se espera el 30 de Septiembre. Mientras que por el momento se desconoce cuando llegará a América.
A continuación os dejamos con uno de los últimos vídeos ingame del juego de este trepidante juego de acción y disparos está ambientado en un entorno apocalíptico, bajo un cambiante y vivo campo de batalla, en el que se entremezclan motivos propios del art noveau con una alta dosis de acción y tecnología.
Electronic Arts y 38 Studios han revelado, mediante nota de prensa, la llegada de Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning, un nuevo título del género RPG que ha sido creado por Ken Rolston, Diseñador Jefe de Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind y The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion.
Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning, hasta ahora conocido con el nombre en clave de “Project Mercury”, será una aventura de mundo abierto para un sólo jugador que adentrará a los jugadores en un viaje donde descubrirán Amalur, un mundo místico perfectamente recreado con paisajes extraños, ciudades exóticas y coloridos personajes. En el camino deberán lidiar con criaturas terroríficas que, a través de intensos combates, pondrán acción al título.
El próximo Jueves se mostrará el primer tráiler oficial en el festival Comic Con, que se celebrará en la ciudad de San Diego, California. Los asistentes serán los primeros en ver en movimiento la nueva joya de Electronic Arts y 38 Studios, y sólo por asistir recibirán un póster de colección de edición limitada.
Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning tiene previsto su lanzamiento en el próximo Otoño para las plataformas PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 y PC.
he galaxy’s most beloved bounty hunter will be playing an integral role in Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II, according to LucasArts’ Haden Blackman, who penned the story for both the first game and its Boba Fett-enhanced sequel.
“We didn’t want to just throw Boba Fett or other characters in the game just for the sake of making a fan appearance,” said Blackman. “But it really made sense for [Vader] to hire Boba Fett.”
As the game opens, Vader’s wayward apprentice Starkiller, having gotten the rebellion ball rolling, is wisely hyper-spacing the hell away from the cloning facilities on Kamino. Enter Boba Fett, whom Vader enlists to hunt down his former protege.
“[Boba Fett] really has become a rich character over time, and for us to have him show up in a small but pivotal role was exciting. We give him what I think is a satisfying character arc. He starts in one place emotionally and physically, and ends up in a different place,” said Blackman. “Fans just want more stories about him…There are definitely more stories we can tell with this character.”
Were you expecting Red Faction: Armageddon or Saints Row 3 to fall in the 'mediocre' category? Think again.
THQ's Global Publishing Executive VP Ian Curran has said that the firm "can't afford anymore to bring mediocre games to market", adding that "you're either best in class, or you die".
"We can't afford anymore to bring mediocre games to market. There's no room for them," said Curran talking to CVG.
"You're either a standout, best in class, or you die. We won't bring bad games to market anymore. You can't spend $30, $40, $50 million on a bad game and expect to make a return."
Better put Big Beach Sports 2 back on your shopping list then, fellas.
But the firm didn't always carry this attitude.
As Curran himself says, "back in 2007, 2008, we may have released something earlier. But now we will not release a game until it's ready and we will not release it until it's best in class and everybody's going to be blown away by what we have.
"You'll see that with Saint's Row 3. We know people are waiting for it - I'm desperate for it myself - but it's going to be worth it."
THQ currently has a variety of games up its sleeve, including this year's version of WWE Smackdown vs RAW, Saints Row 3, Red Faction: Armageddon, and Homefront, an intriguing FPS that tells the story of Korea's invasion of North America.
Most recently the firm has put out the just-above-average FPS Metro 2033 and genuinely good hack and slasher Darksiders.
Earlier in the week we revealed that THQ Studio Australia was currently working on a 'high profile AAA multiplayer coop action combat project' for Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. Here's hoping it's not mediocre.
In the NBGI's (Namco Bandai Games, Inc.) annual report of this year, it mentioned that there will be thirteen PS3 games and eight Xbox 360 games in the future. This means that five PS3 games won't be cross platforms and they will be made exclusivcely on PS3.
Namco Bandai's released new images of its 'brutal action game' Knight's Contract.
Japanese mag Famitsu enthusiastically referred to the game as, "cruel and heroic action everyone in the world is excited for," revealing that the brawler has you playing as Heinrich, a scythe wielding knight cursed with immortality.
Danish developer IO Interactive is hard at work on the next game in the popular Hitman series, Eurogamer has learned.
The PC, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 title will be released "at the very earliest Christmas next year", one source told us.
The claim was backed up by retail sources, who have indicated to Eurogamer that a release later in 2011 "will be most likely".
Rumour of a fifth game in the stealth-em-up series has been rife since the release of the last Hitman game, 2006's Blood Money.
In June last year Variety reported that a new Hitman film was in the works and contained story elements from Hitman 5, due to be released in late 2010. We know that the reported release date is incorrect.
In June 2009 an IO community manager said: "I can tell you that there is no way we will be basing a storyline for a new Hitman game on the story in a licensed movie. That's just not how we work so you shouldn't be concerned about that."
Earlier this week Hitman 5 posters popped up on the internet, setting fans' tongues wagging.
IO Interactive said the artwork "does not represent any new Hitman game", but we’ve been told they "likely" relate to the game.
The posters have since been removed.
Backing up our source's information is online retailer Play.com, which says Hitman 5 will be released on 28th November 2011.
Play had not responded to Eurogamer at the time of publishing.
In the four years since the release of Hitman 4, IO has put out third-person action game Kane & Lynch and cutesy third-person action game Mini Ninjas. Sequel Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days is due out on 20th August in the UK.
Now the studio is working full throttle on bringing everyone's favourite bald-headed assassin back.
News of a new Hitman game should come as no surprise. The series has sold over seven million copies to date.
Indeed, in 2007 Eidos' then parent company Sci Entertainment said in its annual report: "We have invested significantly in the pipeline of products for 2008 and beyond and we are looking forward with much anticipation to the sequels to Just Cause and Battlestations: Midway, which are already in development, and new versions of world-leading franchises Tomb Raider and Hitman."
And then in 2008 SCi again mentioned the game, saying IO is "already working on a brand-new franchise along with the fifth Hitman game and a sequel to Kane & Lynch".
Square Enix told Eurogamer: "It's flattering to see so many fans are eager for another Hitman game. Unfortunately we have nothing to announce at this time."
SAM!! escribió:5 Exclusivas de Namco Bandai para PS3 en el caldero
http://www.dizzygamers.com/content/namc ... oming-soonIn the NBGI's (Namco Bandai Games, Inc.) annual report of this year, it mentioned that there will be thirteen PS3 games and eight Xbox 360 games in the future. This means that five PS3 games won't be cross platforms and they will be made exclusivcely on PS3.
PD: Este hilo esta mejor que nunca. Bravo por todos los que colaboran
calita escribió:Is Namco Bandai Working On A Bunch Of PlayStation 3 Exclusives?Take a look at this chart, it’s an outline of Namco Bandai’s publishing plans for each platform, In fiscal year 2011 (that’s April 2010 to March 31, 2011), Namco Bandai plans to publish thirteen PlayStation 3 titles, but only eight Xbox 360 games.
That’s interesting because Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 2, previously a PlayStation only series, went multiplatform last year. Other announced Namco Bandai titles like Enslaved: Odyssey to the West, Majin and the Forsaken Kingdom, and Splatterhouse are also in development for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360.
Another Century’s Episode: R is only for PlayStation 3 so that’s one game. Could Cellius, a partnership between Namco Bandai and Sony, be responsible for the other four games? Up until now they’ve just been doing Gundam video programs and the now canceled Evangelion newscast.
calita escribió:SAM!! escribió:5 Exclusivas de Namco Bandai para PS3 en el caldero
http://www.dizzygamers.com/content/namc ... oming-soonIn the NBGI's (Namco Bandai Games, Inc.) annual report of this year, it mentioned that there will be thirteen PS3 games and eight Xbox 360 games in the future. This means that five PS3 games won't be cross platforms and they will be made exclusivcely on PS3.
PD: Este hilo esta mejor que nunca. Bravo por todos los que colaboran
Eso es de principios de mayo de 2010.
PD: Posteando screens de juegos anunciados, fechas de anuncios de juegos con hilo oficial, entrevistas con programadores sobre sus proyectos hechos públicos y rumores con días, semanas o meses de retraso (como este caso) también lleno un hilo entero y apariencia de actividad y "novedad".calita escribió:Is Namco Bandai Working On A Bunch Of PlayStation 3 Exclusives?Take a look at this chart, it’s an outline of Namco Bandai’s publishing plans for each platform, In fiscal year 2011 (that’s April 2010 to March 31, 2011), Namco Bandai plans to publish thirteen PlayStation 3 titles, but only eight Xbox 360 games.
That’s interesting because Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 2, previously a PlayStation only series, went multiplatform last year. Other announced Namco Bandai titles like Enslaved: Odyssey to the West, Majin and the Forsaken Kingdom, and Splatterhouse are also in development for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360.
Another Century’s Episode: R is only for PlayStation 3 so that’s one game. Could Cellius, a partnership between Namco Bandai and Sony, be responsible for the other four games? Up until now they’ve just been doing Gundam video programs and the now canceled Evangelion newscast.
calita escribió:PD: Posteando screens de juegos anunciados, fechas de anuncios de juegos con hilo oficial, entrevistas con programadores sobre sus proyectos hechos públicos y rumores con días, semanas o meses de retraso (como este caso) también lleno un hilo entero y apariencia de actividad y "novedad".
"We are an independent studio so we can (a) Do whatever we want and (b) [Have the freedom] to announce something else next week if we want to," said Yerli.
He added: "Sony is a partner that we would definitely love to work with. A [PS3 exclusive] is something we considered before - we talked about it a lot, but for reasons of portfolio or timing in the past it didn't work out. But that doesn't mean in the future it wouldn't work.
"Sony is a great company, so is Nintendo and so is Microsoft. All of them have their strengths and weaknesses, and luckily our strengths are almost always complementary to their weaknesses."
SAM!! escribió:calita escribió:PD: Posteando screens de juegos anunciados, fechas de anuncios de juegos con hilo oficial, entrevistas con programadores sobre sus proyectos hechos públicos y rumores con días, semanas o meses de retraso (como este caso) también lleno un hilo entero y apariencia de actividad y "novedad".
calita escribió:PD: Al de más arriba, te he leído en vertical y no voy a malgastar un segundo en contestarte.
tony stonem escribió:calita escribió:PD: Al de más arriba, te he leído en vertical y no voy a malgastar un segundo en contestarte.
Mejor,asi se corta el tema aqui y no tenemos que aguantar tus salidas de tono,pataletas y criticas solo por despecho,que no creo que interesen a nadie.Muchas gracias.
calita escribió:SAM!! escribió:calita escribió:PD: Posteando screens de juegos anunciados, fechas de anuncios de juegos con hilo oficial, entrevistas con programadores sobre sus proyectos hechos públicos y rumores con días, semanas o meses de retraso (como este caso) también lleno un hilo entero y apariencia de actividad y "novedad".
Pues hazlo, ¿a mi qué me estás contando?
Esto me ha sondo a lloro
Sam, no se trata de lloro, se trata de que la funcionalidad del hilo es otra.
Postear que a Cole le cortan el pelo va al hilo oficial de Infamous. No es ni un anuncio ni un rumor. Es una noticia de un juego confirmado.
Nada más.
Básicamente, posteando todo lo que pasa sobre todos los juegos ya conocidos se montan unos tocho posts y unas páginas en las que no se entera uno de nada.
Se saltan y se pierden posts con auténticos anuncios entre screens masivas de juegos que deberían estar en otro sitio, porque, además, ya lo tienen.
PD: Al de más arriba, te he leído en vertical y no voy a malgastar un segundo en contestarte.
calita escribió:tony stonem escribió:calita escribió:PD: Al de más arriba, te he leído en vertical y no voy a malgastar un segundo en contestarte.
Mejor,asi se corta el tema aqui y no tenemos que aguantar tus salidas de tono,pataletas y criticas solo por despecho,que no creo que interesen a nadie.Muchas gracias.
Que mal intento de querer llevar la última palabra.
Joselitator escribió:
Sin ánimo de acritud. Pero tú no estabas en otro foro?
Esto parece la típica frase de: "Quiere estar en el plato y en la tajada".
While we’re entertaining the crowds at San Diego Comic Con this week with a peek at LBP2 and some free shirts. We have some great news…
Over at camp Media Molecule…LittleBigPlanet 2 has just passed “Alpha”! Yay! And while we still have a ton of work to do, we’re that much closer to release and we’re ready to announce some news you’ve all been waiting, so on behalf of our retail partners and our friends at Disney…here we go…
First things first…“When is LittleBigPlanet 2 coming out?” – You’ll be pleased to know we’re on schedule to have LBP2 out in stores on November 16th, just in time for the holidays. So whether you plan to be there on Day 1 or need to put it on your big holiday ‘wishlist’, rest assured, LBP2 will be here soon.
Next item on the list…”Will there be any pre-order items?” – We’re glad you asked! YES, we have several exciting pre-order offers through several retail partners. Each pre-order consists of 2 parts – a very special costume offer from our partners @ Disney / Pixar and Insomniac; and 4 new “Even More Animals” costumes. That’s 5-6 different LBP2 costumes just for pre-ordering LBP2. Here’s a sneak peek of a few pre-order programs coming
soon to our US retailers:
What Is “Puppeteer”?
We recently uncovered a trademark filed by Sony Computer Entertainment Europe for something called “Puppeteer”. We’re guessing this has nothing to do with Ghost in the Shell (although, that was Puppet Master, wasn’t it…), and perhaps, more to do with the PlayStation Move.
La tienda online americana estarland.com empieza a ser una mina de buenas noticias. A la aparición de Resistance 3 para el próximo 24 de marzo de 2011, ahora le toca el turno a otro de los juegos más esperados: Batman Arkham Asylum 2.
¿Batman Arkham Asylum 2 para marzo de 2011?
La continuación del portentoso Batman Arkham Asylum parece que saldrá a la venta en marzo de 2011 a un precio (para PS3 y Xbox 360) de 60 dólares. No está mal que ya empiece a sonar aunque lo cierto es que, todavía, no se saben muchas cosas sobre su argumento, escenario y personajes. ¡¡Por favor, que nos cuenten algo nuevo ya!!
We don't know much about "Project Icarus," the still-codenamed and much-anticipated new game from Irrational Games, the Boston-based dev behind BioShock. While BioShock 2 has come and gone out of spinoff 2K Marin, and we've already gotten our hands on 2K Marin's followup, XCOM, we still don't have a shred of information on what Irrational's been working on over the last three years.
That's all likely to change on August 11th when Ken Levine and company are holding an event in New York City. We received the above invitation today and, while it's short on details, it promises that "details and formal email invitations" will be arriving shortly. Until then, peruse the above image for any hidden secrets it might hold. New York City, is that a clue? August 11th? That's the 223rd day of the year but what does it mean? It's Hulk Hogan's birthday ... are you seeing what we're seeing? It all makes sense now!
Hibiki-naruto escribió:
London, UK – July 24 – Capcom, a leading worldwide developer and publisher of video games today announced that Street Fighter X Tekken is in development for the PlayStation®3 computer entertainment system and the Xbox 360TM video game and entertainment system from Microsoft®. The title will make history as fighters from these two bastions of the fighting genre come together for the very first time.
Utilising the same technology that powered Street FighterTM IV & Super Street FighterTM IV, TekkenTM characters such as Kazuya Mishima and Nina Williams will make the transition into the Street FighterTM universe having been re-imagined using the much loved art style of these seminal titles; while retaining their unique characteristics and signature moves as they go head to head with classic brawlers from the Street Fighter franchise in what promises to be the ultimate match up.
As in Street Fighter IV, gameplay will feature fully realised 3D character models battling for domination in both new and familiar highly detailed 2D environments that are brought to life with engaging animations. In addition to modes such as Versus and Training that will feature new enhancements to make the fighting experience more in-depth and enjoyable, Street Fighter X Tekken will include Tag Team combat where players select two fighters to deliver knockout assist attacks and special combos.
The announcement, which took place at Comic-Con in San Diego in front of thousands of Street Fighter fans, was made by the Producer of Street Fighter X Tekken, Yoshinori Ono, and Tekken series Director, Katsuhiro Harada. Commenting on the origins of this project Yoshinori Ono said: “This is history we’re making. Two fighting games that have rivalled each other are finally standing on the same stage. This isn’t just a showdown between Tekken and Street Fighter, but a decisive battle for Capcom and Namco Bandai Games. So I’m going to give it my all.”
jamonazo2000 escribió:
Spam no por favor
Drian-kun escribió:La pollaaaaaaaaaaaaa aunque me parece un MOD por el motor gráfico xD sí que les cunde... será verdadermente los de Tekken jugabilidad Tekken? Porque Kazama parece un Evil RyU xD
Joder me ha encantado el gameplay!
BSTCloud escribió:Drian-kun escribió:La pollaaaaaaaaaaaaa aunque me parece un MOD por el motor gráfico xD sí que les cunde... será verdadermente los de Tekken jugabilidad Tekken? Porque Kazama parece un Evil RyU xD
Joder me ha encantado el gameplay!
Ese es SF vs tekken, con jugabilidad de street fighter. En el de tekken vs SF tendrán la jugabilidad de toda la vida