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Rockstar registra nuevos dominios. ¿Relacionados con el próximo GTA?
Spike TV’s Geoff Keighley uncovered the project, which seems to be some sort of live action film, although nothing has been officially confirmed.
The “visually spectacular” project will be formally launched on March 2, presumably on the FindMakarov.com site, when the countdown ends.
The creators purportedly sent a teaser image to Keighley, and another to Joystiq. Both are below, and differ from an earlier Modern Warfare 3 suspect.
Thanks, Blue.
RPS spotted the image on the game’s official Facebook page. See it in all its glory below.
Meanwhile, That Video Game Blog reports owners of the Steam version of Serious Sam HD: The Second Encounter, who also own either Serious Sam HD: Gold Edition, The First Encounter, or the Double Pack can grab the Fusion DLC for free.
Fusion ports across all the levels of from The First Encounter into the Second. It’s available on Xbox Live, too.
No More Heroes and Shadow of the Damned developer Grasshopper Manufacture will announce a new game late next month in Shinjuku.
The developer’s revealed details for an event in which the reveal, amongst other things, will take place. It’ll be held on Wednesday, March 30 at the Shinjuku Loft Plus One. Musical guests include Vanilla Beans and others. It’ll be streamed live on UStream.
Lexis Numerique, also known as Lexis Games, has announced PlayStation Network-exclusive survival horror title Amy, this morning. It promises a “rich, addictive and twisted story-based scenario” with heavily-developed character backgrounds.
Development is being headed up by Paul Cuisset, creator of Flashback and the Moto Racer series. It takes place in December 2034, where global warming is reality, and diseases and natural disasters have plagued the planet. You’ll step into the shoes of Lana, who, after regaining consciousness from a comet striking her town of Siliver City in the Midwest, USA, sees her town turn to hell — its inhabitants infected by a “mysterious virus”. Now, on the run and infected herself, she must get away from this virus and defeat the process that’s begun inside her own body. Amy, a strange, defenseless little girl, will force Lana “to make choices that will change both their lives.” Lana and Amy will have to “trust and help each other” in order to escape “infected humans, grisly creatures, special forces, and even other survivors.”
Amy is not only a child you must protect, but also a big help. Her small size will allow you to reach places Lana otherwise couldn’t. The developers describe her as “neither a super warrior nor a docile character that follows you”.
Combat in Amy isn’t forced. You can choose the stealth route and go around your enemies or confront them for close-range combat. Weapons used against enemies are “improvised”. The AI is apparently smart, too, featuring “various kinds of enemies that can detect sounds, heat, movements and much move”, as well as “act in hordes and exchange information”.
It’s in development at VectorCell in conjunction with Lexis Numerique. It’ll launch exclusively for PlayStation Network in Q2 2011. Check out the first screenshot and logo at the gallery.
goldenaxeband escribió:Y mañana lo anunciarán para 2011, nuevo Nostradamus para mí jaja.
Crescent escribió:Sí que están de bajón los survival horror en esta generación, que apenas salen y si lo hacen, en distribución digital. Una pena, aunque al menos siempre podemos rejugar el Siren.
Rochard, is an “action packed” side-scrolling platformer which revolves around an astro-miner called John Rochard.
The character has the ability to manipulate gravity for solving puzzles, defeating enemies and tackling bosses.
For doing so, he is equipped with a tool called a G-Lifter. Players can utilize it to lift and manoeuvre heavy objects, and, later on, to swing and jump long distances.
Here’s what Recoil’s Burt Kane has to say about their game:
“We have been working on Rochard for some time now and we’re very excited to start showing this clever, funny, unique adventure title to PlayStation Network gamers.”
“The hero, John Rochard, is no marine or super soldier, but just a tough, ordinary miner with a moustache, placed in an extraordinary situation. The combination of its humorous style, explorative space antics and the player’s ability to manipulate gravity will really make Rochard stand out.”
The game is slated to release in spring 2011.
The plot is old-school – a struggle between Russia and the US during the Cold War. When the CIA discovers that the Russians have found a never-before-seen material used to create devastating nuclear missiles, they form a secret branch called “Harvest” to infiltrate and investigate the Soviet weapons program.
Plot aside, Rush takes place across three environment – a Siberian prison complex, a bio-weapons lab and a nuclear weapons base. In each location, there’s a variety of missions to complete and combat encounters to survive.
Konami promises it will be possible to attack the game from either an all-action, or stealthy approach. Given you’ll start with little more than a knife, you’ll have to do some sneaking before you can gather the real weapons to lay the pain down.
The game is due on PSN and XBLA, and should be released some time in 2011 (the press release claims Fall 2010, but we’re guessing that’s a typo).
Anyway, in the meantime, check out a bunch of new screens!
Do you scour your basement in the search for inane treasure hidden from view in dusty boxes and chests? Do you imagine that while searching, there's monsters lurking in the darkness that you can battle away with your trusty sword (broom) and shield (frying pan from kitchen cupboard)? Well if you do - and even if you don't - GameLoft's latest game, Dungeon Hunter: Alliance, may well be the game for you as it lets you trawl big dungeons in the quest for treasure and glory!
Set in the world of Gothicus and based on two Iphone games of the same name, this new title which is set for release on the Playstation Network in April. It will feature classic hack and slashy gameplay, an engaging story and support for Sony's new toy, the wand with the ball on the end. That's Move, if you didn't guess.
I also bring gifts of screenshots and a trailer for your perusal, you lucky devils.
Today is very exciting day. We've been holding a big secret for the last two years and at GDC later today... We get to tell you all about it
Vuelve a nuestros ordenadores y consolas el juego de acción y disparos Serious Sam 3: BFE. Después de más de cinco años sin salir más juegos de esta saga, y encargándose de adaptar sus títulos a las plataformas de descargas de la consola de Microsoft (Xbox Live) y para Steam, los chicos de Croteam nos muestran imágenes de esta tercera entrega que está en desarrollo. Si no hay un anuncio oficial de última hora, el juego saldrá según lo previsto, a lo largo de este próximo verano.
Los chicos de la desarrolladora croata han dado su opinión sobre el desarrollo de esta tercera parte, de la cual se sienten orgullosos y esperan que sea un éxito. Davor Hunski, jefe creativo de Croteam, opina que “Serious Sam 3 trata sobre diversión pura y acción sin filtros“. “Queremos expandir lo que los aficionados adoran de la saga, añadiéndole algo de las inclusiones nuevas y genuinas para mejorar la destrucción por la que es conocida Serious Sam“, añade.
La opinión más curiosa la encontramos de mano del responsable económico de la compañía, Fork Parker.”Voy a hacer un montón de dinero con este juego. Es de eso de lo que va todo, ¿no? Si esto sale en verano, pagará la operación de pechos de mi mujer que lleva meses pidiéndome“, conluyó el miembro de Devolver Digital. Ambos miembros demuestran en sus palabras que están entusiasmados con su actual proyecto, el cual será una precuela de Serious Sam: The First Encounter.
El juego tendrá las mismas características que sus anteriores títulos. Habrá muchos extraterrestres, armas y, sobre todo, adrenalina. El juego tendrá lugar en el siglo XXII, concretamente en Egipto, donde tendremos que vaciar los cargadores contra los marcianos, algo muy normal cuando se trata de controlar a Sam. De momento los creadores nos han cedido algunas imágenes, suponemos que pronto saldrá algun tráiler oficial y que nos dirán qué significa “BFE”, que de momento, para ellos, “no significa nada”.
cowlo escribió:Del facebook de sucker punch:Today is very exciting day. We've been holding a big secret for the last two years and at GDC later today... We get to tell you all about it
Un secreto que han estado guardando durante los dos últimos años y que mostrarán hoy en la GDC. Lo más probable es que se trate de sly 4 aunque no sea lo que se dice un secreto ya. Habrá que estar atentos.
cowlo escribió:cowlo escribió:Del facebook de sucker punch:Today is very exciting day. We've been holding a big secret for the last two years and at GDC later today... We get to tell you all about it
Un secreto que han estado guardando durante los dos últimos años y que mostrarán hoy en la GDC. Lo más probable es que se trate de sly 4 aunque no sea lo que se dice un secreto ya. Habrá que estar atentos.
Pues parece confirmado de que no se trata de sly 4 al final. Puede ser un anuncio relacionado con infamous 2. Modo online? move? En mi caso yo ya estoy decepcionado xD
Parece ser que infamous 2 tendrá la opción de crear escenarios y subirlos a internet, a lo LBP.
Buena noticia sin duda, aunque tendrán que dar más detalles puede estar muy bien si es creando nuestras propias misiones.
EDIT: Las misiones creadas pueden integrarse si queremos en el modo de un jugador.
cowlo escribió:Citándome del hilo de Infamous 2Parece ser que infamous 2 tendrá la opción de crear escenarios y subirlos a internet, a lo LBP.
Buena noticia sin duda, aunque tendrán que dar más detalles puede estar muy bien si es creando nuestras propias misiones.
EDIT: Las misiones creadas pueden integrarse si queremos en el modo de un jugador.
Joystiq reports the game, which is described as “extremely, extremely manly”, will be published by Microsoft Games Studios for Xbox Live Arcade.
While retaining Double Fine’s signature dark cartoon style, Trenched shows more mainstream appeal than the delightful but quaint Stacking and Costume Quest, concerning as it does the “elite and experienced” Mobile Trench Brigade and their war against the invading Monovision forces.
Joystiq had some screens, too, which you can see below the teaser trailer itself.
The publisher’s confirmed a holiday 2011 launch for PS3, 360 and PC.
The sequel sees the 3rd Street Saints become more of a household name than a gang. Now, though, another group, known as the Syndicate, wants tribute and respect from 3rd Street. Refusing to do so, the two end up going to war.
SR: The Third is in development at Volition. Obviously, Mr Bilson’s excited.
“Saints Row: The Third puts you on top of the world, right at the beginning of the game, with all the perks that go along with being the head of an elite criminal organization,” said THQ’s core games boss.
“There’s no delivering pizza, no shuttling family members about in a long series of taxi missions. Instead, you take all the power of the Third Street Saints and you take the world by storm.”
The game will be on the next front cover of Game Informer in its April issue.
“Probably Sega will let me make it. I think. It’s simply a problem of budget,” said Suzuki, speaking at a GDC session earlier this evening, as caught by Gama.
However, in the end, it would all come down to a matter of funding.
“Well, I want to make it. About 200 people will buy it I think. But funding is an issue.”
He also said the Shenmie concept first came about when it was a Virtua Fighter RPG staring Akira.
“We talked about a Virtua Fighter RPG with Akira as the character we would use. From the beginning, the new title without using Akira would be more acceptable,” he added, hence why it went in a different direction.
Suzuki is due to pick the Pioneer Award at the Game Developer’s Choice Awards later on tonight.
goldenaxeband escribió:Suzuki sobre Shenmue III: "Sega probablemente me dejará hacerlo"
El presidente de Epic Games, Mike Capps, ha realizado unas sorprendentes declaraciones en las que ha afirmado que le encantaría ver la trilogía de Gears of War en PlayStation 3, si bien es cierto, no ha confirmado nada al respecto.
“Nos gustaría poder captar a todos esos jugadores fans de Killzone y Resistance de PlayStation 3 y lograr que digan ‘¿Gears of War es increíble? Sí, seguro que me encantaría llevar la trilogía de Gears a PlayStation.” En este sentido, Capps ha remarcado que sería una experiencia divertida.
“Quiero estar ahí, estar en todas partes.” Aunque lógicamente, surge la pregunta del millón. ¿Llegará algún día a estrenarse la serie Gears of War en la consola de Sony? Capps parece tenerlo claro. “Nosotros poseemos Gears of War. Es nuestra franquicia, nuestra IP”, así que pueden hacer lo que quieran.
Sin embargo, Capps no ha dudado en destacar el gran apoyo que Microsoft les brinda año tras año. “Cuando comenzamos a plantearnos qué hacer con el siguiente Gears, nos sentamos con Microsoft y nos dan razones realmente buenas y persuasivas para que trabajemos con ellos otra vez.” Además, prosigue, “no solo distribuyen” sino que hacen “un trabajo increíble y tienen un equipo de testers que consiguen que nuestros juegos sean mejores.”
Por eso, el directivo no duda en afirmar que son “felices de trabajar con ellos. Nos ayudan a hacer un producto mejor y crean una publicidad realmente genial en la plataforma.”
Namco69 escribió:como saquen gears of war en ps3..
The latest issue of the French edition of PlayStation: The Official Magazine is teasing a new game reveal next month, said to be “the legend of horror”.
On the teaser page, we see the arms of plenty of obvious zombies reaching out; a dark background surrounds them. Below, the text (translated by machine) reads:
Frissions guaranteed!
Exclusively, the editor of the magazine has managed to break ground.
THE legend of horror. A title that can wake the dead and to shiver the living pleasure, here is what awaits you next month.
Considering they make it sound as if it’s a title in an already-established franchise, we’re going to guess it’s Resident Evil — especially with the recent rumors that Slant Six Games, developers of SOCOM: Confrontation, are creating Resident Evil: Racoon City.
Only time will tell for sure. The issue goes out on March 28. Hopefully, we’ll get the reveal before then.
goldenaxeband escribió:...
Wghos7 escribió:goldenaxeband escribió:...
Querrás decir Resident Evil![]()
El primer Mass Effect por qué no ha salido en Ps3? por qué los derechos de distribución y demás los tiene Microsoft? lo mismo pasará con los Gears of War.
goldenaxeband escribió:Epic: "Nos encantaría llevar Gears of War a PS3"El presidente de Epic Games, Mike Capps, ha realizado unas sorprendentes declaraciones en las que ha afirmado que le encantaría ver la trilogía de Gears of War en PlayStation 3, si bien es cierto, no ha confirmado nada al respecto.
“Nos gustaría poder captar a todos esos jugadores fans de Killzone y Resistance de PlayStation 3 y lograr que digan ‘¿Gears of War es increíble? Sí, seguro que me encantaría llevar la trilogía de Gears a PlayStation.” En este sentido, Capps ha remarcado que sería una experiencia divertida.
“Quiero estar ahí, estar en todas partes.” Aunque lógicamente, surge la pregunta del millón. ¿Llegará algún día a estrenarse la serie Gears of War en la consola de Sony? Capps parece tenerlo claro. “Nosotros poseemos Gears of War. Es nuestra franquicia, nuestra IP”, así que pueden hacer lo que quieran.
Sin embargo, Capps no ha dudado en destacar el gran apoyo que Microsoft les brinda año tras año. “Cuando comenzamos a plantearnos qué hacer con el siguiente Gears, nos sentamos con Microsoft y nos dan razones realmente buenas y persuasivas para que trabajemos con ellos otra vez.” Además, prosigue, “no solo distribuyen” sino que hacen “un trabajo increíble y tienen un equipo de testers que consiguen que nuestros juegos sean mejores.”
Por eso, el directivo no duda en afirmar que son “felices de trabajar con ellos. Nos ayudan a hacer un producto mejor y crean una publicidad realmente genial en la plataforma.”
Fuente: 3dJuegos
goldenaxeband escribió:Wghos7 escribió:goldenaxeband escribió:...
Querrás decir Resident Evil![]()
El primer Mass Effect por qué no ha salido en Ps3? por qué los derechos de distribución y demás los tiene Microsoft? lo mismo pasará con los Gears of War.
Ooops, se me fue la cabeza
La situación de Gears of War no es la misma que Mass Effect.
Cage wouldn’t get into more specifics about the two games while speaking to CVG.
He first confirmed the studio was working on new stuff last year.
Cage also said that he would like to make a war game with “a different approach”.
“I want to create a genre,” he said. “I want to convince more people that [emotional gaming] is a valid direction for the industry; to show them that this was not just one product, one story. It’s a format that can be used to tell any kind of story in any genre with any tone,” he said.
“I would really like the opportunity to work on a different type of game. I would love to see if what we discovered could be applied to a first-person shooter, for example.”
He added: “A game about war is something I would like to do, just to see if we could get closer to the film side,” then added, “I’m going to work on it. It’s really something I want to do.”
The studio released Heavy Rain last February on PS3, with it going on to sell 1.5 million units. It was said yesterday that 72 percent of players finished the game.
Today, Konami announced a video game adaptation of the upcoming film Battle: Los Angeles. The game will be made available on Xbox Live, the PlayStation Network, and Steam. Battle: Los Angeles the game is being developed by Saber Interactive and will include a single-player campaign that puts players in control of Corporal Lee Imlay who fights the unknown forces invading Los Angeles.
Konami's press release notes that Battle: Los Angeles will use the Havok Destruction Module. This allows players to knock out scaffolds, overpasses and more during combat.
No specific release date is available, though Konami does note the game will launch sometime next month.
Toshiro Tsuchida, creator of the Front Mission franchise and battle director for Final Fantasy X and Final Fantasy XIII, has left Square Enix.
The news comes from Hiroaki Kusano, who tweeted that Tsuchida, his now-former boss, left the company, “effective today”.
Tsuchida also acted as producer or director on most Front Mission titles, and in Front Mission 5‘s case, both. He had no involvement with the latest release, Front Mission Evolved. He was also producer for Wii’s Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: My Life as a King.
goldenaxeband escribió:David Cage (Quantic Dream): Los dos proyectos de Quantic Dream son "muy diferentes" (...) "quiero crear un género nuevo"Cage wouldn’t get into more specifics about the two games while speaking to CVG.
He first confirmed the studio was working on new stuff last year.
Cage also said that he would like to make a war game with “a different approach”.
“I want to create a genre,” he said. “I want to convince more people that [emotional gaming] is a valid direction for the industry; to show them that this was not just one product, one story. It’s a format that can be used to tell any kind of story in any genre with any tone,” he said.
“I would really like the opportunity to work on a different type of game. I would love to see if what we discovered could be applied to a first-person shooter, for example.”
He added: “A game about war is something I would like to do, just to see if we could get closer to the film side,” then added, “I’m going to work on it. It’s really something I want to do.”
The studio released Heavy Rain last February on PS3, with it going on to sell 1.5 million units. It was said yesterday that 72 percent of players finished the game.
Fuente: VG247
Battle: Los Angeles confirmado para PlayStation NetworkToday, Konami announced a video game adaptation of the upcoming film Battle: Los Angeles. The game will be made available on Xbox Live, the PlayStation Network, and Steam. Battle: Los Angeles the game is being developed by Saber Interactive and will include a single-player campaign that puts players in control of Corporal Lee Imlay who fights the unknown forces invading Los Angeles.
Konami's press release notes that Battle: Los Angeles will use the Havok Destruction Module. This allows players to knock out scaffolds, overpasses and more during combat.
No specific release date is available, though Konami does note the game will launch sometime next month.
Fuente: IGN
Toshiro Tsuchida (Franquicia Front Mission) abandona Square EnixToshiro Tsuchida, creator of the Front Mission franchise and battle director for Final Fantasy X and Final Fantasy XIII, has left Square Enix.
The news comes from Hiroaki Kusano, who tweeted that Tsuchida, his now-former boss, left the company, “effective today”.
Tsuchida also acted as producer or director on most Front Mission titles, and in Front Mission 5‘s case, both. He had no involvement with the latest release, Front Mission Evolved. He was also producer for Wii’s Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: My Life as a King.
Fuente: Scrawlfx
Atelier series maker Gust posted an advertisement in Dengeki PlayStation a couple of weeks back that some took to be a teaser ad for a game that would be announced at the Game Dengeki Appreciation Festival 2011 event. That event took place today, and it looks like Gust has indeed announced a new game.
An attendee who goes by the name "hesa_na" posted some pics of a booklet that Dengeki and Gust distributed to attendees at the event. The booklet contains a first glimpse at a new entry in the Atelier series, specifically the third entry in the "Arland" sub series (Atelier Rorona, Atelier Totori).
The girl in the image appears to be the game's main character. Based off the images that hesa_na uploaded, it looks like the booklet contains mostly speculation without solid details about the game.
Gust is scheduled to show a video of some form on the event's main stage at 13:25, so it's possible that we'll get some additional details shortly. If not, expect this new game to be the main feature in this week's issue of Dengeki PlayStation.
While SCEA has a similar program with GameStop in the US, SCEE doesn’t yet sell PSN games in European shops.
“We actually already have the same programme in place with GameStop in the US,” House told MCV.
“We would like to work with the right retail partners in Europe under the right model, to undertake the same sort of activity.”
The news comes after it emerged recently that UK retailer GAME is holding in-store trials around for downloadable content code cards.
“I hope so; I really think that the sport is still blossoming, it’s extremely popular but I don’t think its hit the peak yet,” Mike Mahar, producer on Fight Night Champion, told CVG when asked about a sequel.
“The guys that made the game did a fantastic job and I think it’s a far better game than it got rated.
“I think we’ll stick around the genre and next time that we make a game, if they make another MMA game soon, it’ll be bigger and better, it will be undeniable what the best fighting game is for sure.”
Mahar also said the induction of Live Broadcast, the mode that was introduced in MMA that allowed fights to be viewed outside the game, would probably be included in the next Fight Night.
“The technology for Live Broadcast came in a little bit too late for us to take into Fight Night Champion but users can expect that whatever we make next, whether it be MMA or Fight Night, will share and use that technology.”`/quote]
Fuente: VG247
EA: Mirror's Edge 2 no está muerto (...) buscamos nuevas ideas para Mirror's Edge 2 (...) no hemos acabado con Mirror's Edge 2Mirror’s Edge isn’t gone, yet. During the Game Developers Conference in San Francisco last week, EA Games President Frank Gibeau said the publisher’s still “looking at ideas” for the free-running franchise, but have yet to figure out the “right way to bring it back”.
“We’re looking at ideas for it, absolutely,” Gibeau told IGN when asked about a sequel. “We just haven’t figured out the right way to bring it back yet. It was a franchise that reached an audience, but it didn’t reach a large audience, and from a quality standpoint it was good, not great.”
“Working with DICE, we’re really trying to figure out a way of bringing Faith and the Mirror’s Edge property back, but we just really haven’t crafted the idea yet. We’re looking at it,” Gibeau added.
Mirror’s Edge, released on PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and PC in November 2008, was received well by reviewers, but failed to meet EA’s sales expectations.
goldenaxeband escribió:
EA: Mirror's Edge 2 no está muerto (...) buscamos nuevas ideas para Mirror's Edge 2 (...) no hemos acabado con Mirror's Edge 2Mirror’s Edge isn’t gone, yet. During the Game Developers Conference in San Francisco last week, EA Games President Frank Gibeau said the publisher’s still “looking at ideas” for the free-running franchise, but have yet to figure out the “right way to bring it back”.
“We’re looking at ideas for it, absolutely,” Gibeau told IGN when asked about a sequel. “We just haven’t figured out the right way to bring it back yet. It was a franchise that reached an audience, but it didn’t reach a large audience, and from a quality standpoint it was good, not great.”
“Working with DICE, we’re really trying to figure out a way of bringing Faith and the Mirror’s Edge property back, but we just really haven’t crafted the idea yet. We’re looking at it,” Gibeau added.
Mirror’s Edge, released on PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and PC in November 2008, was received well by reviewers, but failed to meet EA’s sales expectations.
Fuente: Scrawlfx
Llevan un mes con la misma cantinela. Si al final no sucede será lamentable.
We’ve been hearing rumors about a new Manhunt game for a while now. Last year there was even mention that the third game in the series would be an exclusive for the Playstation 3 and utilizing the recently released Move controller to perform actions much in the same way they were in the Nintendo Wii release of Manhunt 2. The rumors are popping up again regarding the game from within Take 2, except the whispers don’t have the title slated as an exclusive.
We’re still a little skeptical at this point, but can’t help but salivate every time we anything that means we might possibly have another Manhunt title. It looks like Take 2 might finally let Rockstar go ahead with the game, but with the title also appearing on the Xbox 360. If this is true, we really hope the lack of a motion controller with buttons doesn’t hinder the possibility of Move support on the PS3. It still looks to be very early, so all we can do is hope we hear more soon.
guaje_85 escribió:Me encanta la idea de vender en formato físico los juegos de la store, sobre todo si los hicieran por packs recopilatorios de 3 o 4 juegos, como el Earthworm Jim, Monkey Island o Back to the Future entre otros.
More Grand Theft Auto V rumors have surfaced, this afternoon. Once again, they come from renowned internet snoop, Superannuation (or supererogatory, as some know him).
Telsey & Company, Rockstar’s go-to company for casting calls, lists a “interactive project” codenamed “Rush”, whose character cast sounds like it would match that of a new Grand Theft Auto. Superannuation didn’t link to the casting page (neither will we), but a NeoGAF member’s dug up the roles.Mitch Hayes – 38 yrs old – Annoying, wise cracking, highly successful FBI agent. In great shape. Does triathlons, drinks low cal beer, but still has a sense of humor.
Miguel Gonzalez – 25 yrs old – Young Mexican American FBI agent, caught between a few mob bosses. Very clean cut
Clyde – 23 yrs old – Moronic, almost inbred and creepy white trash hillbilly. Very naïve but in a creepy ‘it’s only incest sort of way’
Brother Adam – 50 yrs old – Welsh monk, cult leader, yoga teacher, very lithe, very into exploring your personal tension through gripping massage. Needs Welsh accent.
Mrs Avery – 48 yrs old – Neurotic soccer mom, home maker, anxious and addled on pain killers. Very angry at neighbor MRS Bell.
Mrs Bell – 45 yrs old – Swinger, and mellow Californian divorcee. Ugly but comfortable with self.
Eddie – 47 yrs old – Weed evangelist, guy who started smoking at 30, and is now a leading proponent of marijuana’s fantastic properties. White, awkward.
Ira Bernstein – 56 yrs old – publicist for an actress known as America’s newest sweetheart who just so happens to love animals, orphans, drugs and sex. He’s always trying to hide her latest indiscretion.
Kevin De Silva – 18 yrs old – Albert’s fat, FPS playing gamer son. Smokes a lot of weed, has anxiety issues and a card for a bad back, very soft, very opinionated. Into making racist comments while playing online.
Harut Vartanyan – 42-52 yrs old – Armenian car dealer, moneylender, would be Fagin and would be bully. Heavily connected to the underworld, but irritates people so much no one likes him.
Nervous Jerry – 48 yrs old – paranoiac living in the sticks, near Simon, completely paranoid, and terrified of Simon.
Calvin North – 55 yrs old – clapped out FBI agent who now mostly works offering advice on TV shows – whose only claim to fame turns out to be entirely false – but a decent guy in other ways. Badly dressed. Divorced. Putting on weight.
Jerry Cole – 53 yrs old – disabled IT expert and criminal information vendor.
Rich Roberts – 35 yrs old – English hardman actor, who acts tough but who wants to do serious work – the only problem is he can’t quite read the words.
Alex – 52 yrs old – white, loosie goosie hippy rich guy who has lost his money and is getting desperate but trying not to.
Scarlet – 45-52 yrs old – unshaven female spiritualist and hippy with a love of exploring the wilderness. Very into journeys.
Chad – 29 yrs old – pretty boy misogynist Beverly Hills party boy. Made money, but not as cool as he thinks he is.
Tae Wong – 39 yrs old – somewhat incompetent Chinese mobster, loves doing ecstasy, going to raves.
Taes Translator – 45 yrs old – VERY STRAIGHT LACED Chinese translator, terrified of his boss’s dad. Male, awkward. Needs to speak Chinese.
Superannuation’s take on character profiles? He wrote on Twitter: “Among the projects listed in the casting call was an “interactive project” called “Rush,” which featured characters that fit with the few details I heard about GTA5; outlandish characters, weed, gangsters, & celebrities fit the profile for a contemporary LA-set GTA game.”
Last week, the snoop dug up new domain registrations from Take-Two that go hand-in-hand with Grand Theft Auto‘s usual parodies. At GDC four days ago, an IGN editor apparently overheard talk on Grand Theft Auto V.
Lexis Numerique has more one PlayStation Network title in the pipeline. Not only are they bringing horror title Amy to the table, but they’re bringing a puzzle-based investigation adventure game to the service, as well.
Coming in May, Red Johnson’s Chronicles puts players in the role of Red Johnson, a private investigator in a city with sky-high crime rates. Players must investigate a murder, find clues, solve puzles, and question witnesses whilst staying out of harm’s way trying to solve the crime. It’ll all take place in a world where everything is “dark, sharp, and deadly”.
Check out the debut trailer below. The first set of screenshots can be seen at the gallery.
Or day of awesome number #2
So, I went to check out the Bunkasai Japanese festival in london at the weekend. It was all kinds of awesome, mainly because, unexpectedly, I got the chance to meet two legends of games development - Gulty Gear creator Daisuke Ishiwatari and BlazBlue creator Toshimichi Mori.
I'd actually just come to london to go to their Arc System Clash event- - but totally didn't think I'd bump into them here, or get the chance to speak to them!
So, what did I ask?! Well, er, not much because they had to dash off to the same event as me, lol - and eveything had to be translated - but here we go! So here it is in full - from memory!
Are you going to make a new Guilty Gear?
DI: (Laughing) You won't be dissapointed!
How much story is left to go in BlazBlue?
TM: I've told over half the story now.
Can you reccomend a good manga for me?
DI and TM: Kiseijuu
What have you liked about the UK so far?
DI: Cakes! TM: The food is better than I thought.
What game should I look forward to next?
TM: Arcana Heart 3
So there we have it, Guilty Gear Next and BlazBlue 3 confirmed, right? RIGHT?! lol
Anyway, here are some more photos from the event. Annoyingly, I only had my phone on me to take pics so loads of good ones had to be ditched : ( I won't make than mistake again...