Anuncios y Rumores - Dragon Quest: Heroes

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2 days to vegas
Visto que el Cryengine esta adaptado para PS360, no estaría de mal usar el nuevo motor grafico para Far Cry 3. Que el juego se creo a propósito, para poder usar el Cryengine.

P.D. No digo que el FC2 este mal graficamente ni nada de eso.
roberto28live escribió:Quizá sea éste juego:


Ese video es brutal ehhh, lo mismo el juego no es gran cosa pero pedazo de video que se han currado
Insomniac "muy ocupada" con IP multiplataforma para 2012

well, dream not, we are quite busy on our PS3/Xbox 360 new IP for 2012 :-)

Fuente: Twitter

John Riccitiello (EA): la franquicia Dead Space recibirá un fuerte empuje con Dead Space 3

EA's CEO, John Riccitiello, has stated that he believes sales in the Dead Space series will get a massive boost with the arrival of Dead Space 3. Yes, he said Dead Space 3. Here, let me write that again with quote marks: "Dead Space 3."

John Riccitiello was speaking at the Goldman Sachs Technology and Internet Conference, where he said that he doesn't think of the Dead Space series as part of the list of "strong, growing franchises" yet because he believes it's only once Dead Space 3 comes out that the horror series will really begin to receive a boost in sales.

"Right now we've got strong, growing franchises including Madden, FIFA... Need for Speed, Medal of Honor and Battlefield - I include them as one because we're unlikely to ship them in any one year at the same time," Riccitiello began.

"There's also Mass Effect... Dragon Age... and the one that's sort of not proven that's coming later in our fiscal year, Star Wars: The Old Republic. That excludes Dead Space because I think it will probably take Dead Space 3 before we get into that five million unit cadence versus say three, four."

Again, he said Dead Space 3!

Fuente: Gamrfeed

Ya ni se molestan en disimular un poco.

A Runic le "encantaría" ver Torchlight II en consolas

Speaking in to Digital Spy (via TSA), Schafer admits it all depends on the success of Torchlight for Xbox Live Arcade, though.

“That’s absolutely something we look forward to doing. We’re a small studio so we have to focus and do one thing at a time and sometimes that means we have to make some hard decisions on what we can’t do,” said Schafer.

“We’re going to look at what happens with Torchlight on Xbox, and in an ideal world we’d like to say right now that we’re going to do Torchlight II on a console, but wisdom says we have to wait and see and evaluate when we get to that point.

“Having said that, I would love to see Torchlight II and the [Torchlight] MMO come to the console – there would be a big market for it.”

Fuente: VG247
Pues si quiere ver Torchlight II en consolas ya podría traer el primero también para PSN que en xbox live si sale [+risas]
Toda la razón Manji, dependará del éxito de Torchlight en XBLA que porten la 2ª parte a consolas.
Rumor: El próximo título de Bungie podría ser un "World of Warcraft en el espacio" llamado "Destiny"

Kotaku‘s reporting, via a “source,” that Bungie’s new, Activision-published IP, is a massive-multiplayer shooter known as “Destiny.”

The game is said to be a first-person shooter, according to a recently laid-off contractor, and the project is codenamed “Tiger.”

The game will run on a new graphics engine as well as feature “unique online connectivity and matchmaking technology”.

The site’s source labelled the project as “WoW in space.”

The contractor also claimed there was “budgetary concerns” and “unfair treatment” ongoing at Bungie.

Last April, Bungie announced a ten-year publishing deal with Activision for its next major “universe”.

No details have emerged on the new IP, but, at GDC Online last year, head story writer at the studio Joe Staten hinted at “a world that was always there for you.”

Fuente: VG247

El tiempo lo dirá.

Dos ex-miembros del staff de Gof of War se unirán a Respawn Entertainment

Former Sony Santa Monica developers Justin Hendry and Robert Taube have joined Vince Zampella and Jason West's studio

Respawn Entertainment is working on a still-unannounced new IP for PS3, PC and Xbox 360, with publisher EA.

Hendry joined Respawn as a Senior Designer in the last few weeks according to his LinkedIn profile. He was previously a senior designer and lead level designer at Sony Santa Monica since 2007, "designing, building and implementing levels" for God of War 3 and working on an unspecified follow-up project.

Meanwhile, Taube, formerly an environment artist on God of War 3 and fellow Sony Santa Monica alumni, has also joined the Respawn ranks.

The news comes amid rumours that West and Zampella's old studio, Infinity Ward, is working on Modern Warfare 3 with help from other Activision studios.

Does Hendry and Taube's previous experience suggest a departure from the FPS genre for Zampella and West?

Fuente: Nowgamer
Q raro lo del destine ese...
¿Qué ocurrió con la publicación del trailer de IGN? Se sabe algo?
hardcore087 escribió:¿Qué ocurrió con la publicación del trailer de IGN? Se sabe algo?

eso mismo pienso yo...cual es?
zaragozano escribió:
hardcore087 escribió:¿Qué ocurrió con la publicación del trailer de IGN? Se sabe algo?

eso mismo pienso yo...cual es?

Es Dead Island. Recomiendo ver el trailer y en HD:
El anunciado hace años Dead Island, q ahora sale tambien en PS3.
Prefería el Eight Days la verdad :-|
C4pi escribió:
zaragozano escribió:
hardcore087 escribió:¿Qué ocurrió con la publicación del trailer de IGN? Se sabe algo?

eso mismo pienso yo...cual es?

Es Dead Island. Recomiendo ver el trailer y en HD:
pero cuando postearon la noticia de que mañana ign daria un pedazo de trailer ya habia salido en youtube [snif] :/ que palo
Yo no estoy seguro de eso... puede que saliese antes por youtube que por IGN porque se comentó con un día de antelación si no recuerdo mal, cuando salió en los portales que IGN iba a dar el pelotazo.

Trailer de anuncio de "Shoot Many Robots" (a falta de hilo oficial)

Nunca un trailer ha sido tan descriptivo. ... O28Q#at=63

Telltale confirma el rumor: "The Walking Dead" en desarrollo

The rumors are true! Telltale will be working on a series of videogames based on the AMC television series of The Walking Dead. SVP of marketing at Telltale, Steve Allison, told All Things Digital that they want to see "one million digital downloads" for this new project and feels that "The Walking Dead could become a $20 million to 30 million franchise if all goes well."

Additionally, it's been announced that Telltale is working on games based on the comic book series, Fables.

That's all for now, but I'll have more for you soon as Destructoid is attending a Telltale conference tonight where we expect to see these newly announced games plus Jurassic Park.

Telltale Signs That Videogames Will Be Downloaded, Not Sold at Retail [All Things Digital -- Thanks, Adam Dork!]

Fuente: Destructoid

Yeah, y además Fables en desarrollo (no confundir con Fable de Molyneux).

Blizzard contratando para la versión de consolas de Diablo III

[quoe]The job requires “a minimum of 4 years experience in the video game industry” and the successful candidate “must have shipped at least one AAA console title in a senior producer role.”

This is the first time Blizzard has explicity said Diablo III is being worked on as a console game.

The news will come as little surprise. Blizzard has talked relatively openly about the possibility of a console port of the hugely anticipated action-RPG for at least six months.

Blizzard CEO Mike Morhaime said at DICE earlier this month that, “I think you could make an argument that a game like Diablo might play very well on a console. It’s something that we’re actually doing an investigation into to see if that could make sense.”

The demon hunter class reveal trailer.

The company said in November last year that it was hiring for a “Diablo-related concept” for consoles, but failed to say what the project actually was.

In October last year, Blizzard’s Jason Bender told VG247 at Blizzcon that Diablo III was “suited” to consoles.

Diablo III was originally announced at Blizzard’s Worldwide Invitational in Paris in 2008.

The game’s never been dated, but Activision said recently that it doesn’t expect a Blizzard title to release in 2011, but that two games will arrive from the company in 2012.[/quote]

Fuente: VG247

Se veía venir.

Team Ninja: "No hacemos juegos pensando en el mercado occidental"

The Japanese developer is far more concerned with creating interesting ideas than joining specific trends

While the Eastern development community apparently focuses more on Western concepts, Team Ninja head Yosuke Hayashi has told games™ he would much rather concentrate on games that appeal to all.

“A lot of Japanese developers have been focusing on developing games designed to appeal to Western audiences, but most of them have failed. It's a situation we understand but, for Team Ninja, we never intentionally make games for the Western market. We merely try to make interesting games. However, we don't want to be grounded as an exclusively Japanese developer.”

“We never intentionally make games for the Western market”

Wise words from a studio with plenty of experience, as well as ambition to continue to push the boundaries on what gamer’s should expect from the studio.

“We are open for any collaboration, but it would depend very much on who the partner was” Hayashi said when questioned about a potential project with Capcom.

“We'd need any partner to be enthusiastic about working with us. We wouldn't want to work with a partner company just because they were famous.”

The full Team Ninja interview appears in Issue 106 of games™ which goes on sale across the world on Thursday 17 February. Want to subscribe? You can do so here, while the issue can be bought from the Imagine Shop or downloaded for the iPad, iPhone or iPod Touch through iTunes.

Fuente: Nowgamer

El director de "Grand Theft Auto", desarrollando "1979: The Game", sobre la revolución iraní

An interesting reveal tonight from the former director of the Grand Theft Auto franchise, Navid Khonsari. Debuted on Russia Today, Khonsari’s development studio, Ink Stories, is developing a game based off the 1979 Iranian evolution titled 1979: The Game.

In 1979, players are placed in the shoes of several different characters — people who’ve suffered for change.

“We’re primarily looking at about 8 to 10 different roles,” Khonsari told Russia Today. “Initially, you’ll start the game off as an Iranian, but American-born US State Department translator, who’s coming in with the objective of trying to free the US hostages.”


He later adds: “It’s not a matter of bad guys going after good guys, or good guys going after bad guys. Whether they’re Iranian, American, pro-democracy, pro-theocracy. Whether they just want to make money on the side by sneaking in alcohol. Whether they want to make sure everyone wants to follow the religious rules of Islam.”

By the sounds of it, it takes a vastly different route than his prior Grand Theft Auto projects.

A full interview with Khonsari can be viewed below. It’s 11-minutes and well worth a watch. Especially the bit about violence in video games.

“What would you consider to be more dangerous? The video game? Or the gun that the person can actually get their hands on?”

Fuente: Scrawlfx
pos mira, un diablo 3 para consola estaría genial.
nunca entendí porque ps2 se quedó sin la versión de diablo 2, cuando en psx salió diablo 1 y era la repanocha, sobretodo porque se podía jugar a dos players y con un amigo nos lo pasamos varias veces y era muy adictivo.
roberto28live escribió:Teaser de Jurasic Park: The Game ... 4?type=flv

Me ha recordado a dino crisis [sonrisa]

Por cierto inreíble el vídeo de dead island, no lo había visto [boing]

lo de Walking Dead era de esperar.

Y lo del juego del director de GTA no tiene mala pinta,habra que seguirle la pista

Y seguimos con el tema de Mirrors Edge 2

EA no confirma la cancelación de Mirror's Edge 2

Pese a los últimos rumores sobre el estado de la continuación de Mirror's Edge no son en absoluto positivos, Electronic Arts se resiste a confirmar si el videojuego ha sido cancelado oficialmente.

Durante el día de ayer diversos medios se hicieron eco de una confirmación oficial por parte de la compañía, que no se ha producido. De hecho, un representante de la compañía se ha limitado a asegurar al medio estadounidense 1Up que "es una saga importante" para DICE y Electronic Arts.

"No hay nada más que anunciar", ha asegurado, aunque sí ha confirmado que en estos momentos DICE ha concentrado sus recursos en Battlefield 3, lo que parece respaldar los rumores de que el trabajo en Mirror's Edge 2 se encuentra, efectivamente, detenido.
Langdon escribió:lo de Walking Dead era de esperar.

Y lo del juego del director de GTA no tiene mala pinta,habra que seguirle la pista

Y seguimos con el tema de Mirrors Edge 2

EA no confirma la cancelación de Mirror's Edge 2

Pese a los últimos rumores sobre el estado de la continuación de Mirror's Edge no son en absoluto positivos, Electronic Arts se resiste a confirmar si el videojuego ha sido cancelado oficialmente.

Durante el día de ayer diversos medios se hicieron eco de una confirmación oficial por parte de la compañía, que no se ha producido. De hecho, un representante de la compañía se ha limitado a asegurar al medio estadounidense 1Up que "es una saga importante" para DICE y Electronic Arts.

"No hay nada más que anunciar", ha asegurado, aunque sí ha confirmado que en estos momentos DICE ha concentrado sus recursos en Battlefield 3, lo que parece respaldar los rumores de que el trabajo en Mirror's Edge 2 se encuentra, efectivamente, detenido.

Me gusta que no confirmen que se cancela, pero me gustaria mas que confirmasen que estan en ello.
Danger Close confirma que está trabajando en "Medal of Honor 2"

DC producer Greg Goodrich kicked off a blog post entitled “In case you were wondering…” by saying: “Yes, Danger Close is currently working on the next Medal of Honor.”

Goodrich continued: “Since our launch last October, we’ve studied, listened and absorbed much of your feedback and are very excited to be marching forward on the next title. We can’t wait to tell you more about it, so check back often to the website and the fan page on Facebook.

“It’s going to be a fun ride for the Medal of Honor franchise. We are happy to have you aboard.”

Danger Close rebooted the series last October alongside Battlefield developer DICE. It went on to sell 5 million units since its launch.

The EALA studio was thought to be working on a new project before tonight’s confirmation. The studio was hiring for an “unannounced AAA first person shooter title” as recently as early January.

EA CEO John Riccitiello said in the company’s Q2 financial call in October that the game, despite reviewing in the “mid-70s”, was a “clear success and consumer feedback has been strong and its a franchise we can successfully continue in the future.”

Fuente: VG247


Miembros de Relentless Software (Buzz!, Blue Toad Murders) forman Blue Moon

Kalvin Lyle, a representative for the new firm told the new studio and its former Relentless employees feel no animosity over losing their jobs, and were warned of the lay-offs ahead of time.

“I can’t speak for everyone, but I think we’re trying to make the best of it,” said Lyle. “Those let go from Relentless are some of the most talented people I’ve worked with in my 15 year career.

“Obviously it’s not a great situation, the landscape for employment isn’t great right now in the south east or in the UK. With all the recent closures and redundancies there’s a lot of competition. For those with families who can’t easily relocate, it makes things very difficult.

“The reductions at Relentless were completely understandable, we were all given fair notification and I think Relentless handled it very well. We hope to work with Relentless again possibly as an outsource partner, supporting them any way we can. We wish them the very best.”

Full Moon plans to focus on casual gaming and releases via digital distribution.

Fuente: VG247

OPM: Siguen los rumores que apuntan a que Modern Warfare 3 será una precuela con "Ghost" como protagonista

The UK Official PlayStation Magazine has lent credence to speculation that Modern Warfare 3 will be a prequel starring fan favourite character Ghost.

The mag's informants strengthen a rumour which first reared its head online early in January.

On the Rumour Machine page in its latest issue (055), OPM points to ""insider whispers" which suggest: "Infinity Ward's next Modern Warfare title will be a prequel, with Ghost in the lead role."

Fuente: CVG

Telltale realizará un remake de "King's Quest"

King’s Quest - Probably the biggest announcement of the night, when Telltale’s representatives announced King’s Quest will be making an official reboot from the company, audible gasped issued from the crowd. Sierra’s long fabled franchise, as well as their other beloved IPs like Police Quest and Space Quest, for example, have laid dormant for years. Owner Activision has become friendlier to the fans of the series, allowing for unofficial fan games, and now it seems that Telltale will be picking up the official mantel for the franchise. There’s little to no information on the game, other than that Telltale will be announcing more at E3. Additionally, there’s no word if any of the other Sierra IPs could be remade, but fingers are indeed crossed.

Fuente: Gamezone

Estos ultimos dias los de Telltale estan que se salen,deben de estar en una nube,tienen juegos que desarrollar para una buena temporada.

Respecto al Medal of Honor 2,esperemos que hayan aprendido de los errores del primero y sepan hacer un modo historia mas elaborado,que no ha estado mal,pero podria haber sido mejor
Two World III Para 2012

Topware has apparently outed its next Two Worlds title, amid a scuffle over Two Worlds II review scores.

Topware has been accused of asking for increased in scores for fantasy RPG Two Worlds II, but issued a statement to Beefjack on the matter in which it made mention of another game in the series.

“We feel as a company we have made great strides with our game and look forward to our next installment,” said the company.

Further, Destructoid picked up the Beefjack piece, to which TopWare’s James Seaman made a comment: which included a Two World III release date.

“We try to do a better job every time, and have brought in a brand new 3D modelling, animation and CG team for the next Two Worlds game coming out in 2012,” he said.

Two Worlds II released in Europe last November, but didn’t arrive in the US until February on Steam.

The game has a PS3 MC of 74 percent; a 360 MC of 69 percent; and a PC MC of 76 percent.

Langdon escribió:Estos ultimos dias los de Telltale estan que se salen,deben de estar en una nube,tienen juegos que desarrollar para una buena temporada.

Respecto al Medal of Honor 2,esperemos que hayan aprendido de los errores del primero y sepan hacer un modo historia mas elaborado,que no ha estado mal,pero podria haber sido mejor

Eso es lo que me huele mal de la compañía... hay que hacer caso a los refranes y dichos "Quien mucho abarca poco aprieta"

Ya veremos que tal los proyectos, pero por ejemplo el trailer del Jurassic Park me ha dejado bastante frio.

Un saludo
Gracias por las imágenes Dek2!, estaba cantado lo de SRIII, de hecho ni se molestaban en disimular y esas promos... me gustan.

Saber (Inversion) desarrollando el video juego de "Battle: Los Angeles"

A classification for a new, multiplatform game made its way into the Australian Classification Database, today. A game-adaption to the upcoming alien-invasion movie, Battle: Los Angeles, is in development at TimeShift and Inversion developer Saber Interactive. Konami will publish the game.

No other details yet. Stay tuned. An official announcement should arrive sooner rather than later.

Fuente: Scrawlfx

Añado además las imágenes sin la captura del escritorio:







Por lo que se ve en la última llegaría en navidades de este año, todo muy fino oiga.

"Risen 2: Dark Waters", la secuela de Risen ya tiene Website y primeras capturas

Known as Risen 2: Dark Waters, the game seems to be a pirate-themed fantasy RPG and might not have any connections with its predecessor.

Although, there’s absolutely nothing known about the game right now, the first screenshots of the game has also crept up and they do hint strongly that you’re going to be a pirate in the game.

Piranha Bytes have also put up an official website for the game and you can expect a formal announcement soon.

You can check out the screenshots below.

Fuente: VG247




Y en breve el anuncio oficial
¿Se abren las puertas a un Monster Hunter en PS3?

En la web de capcom hay una encuesta para saber si gustaría que sacasen un Monster Hunter en PS3 u otras consolas, ¿Habrá al final un MH en PS3? ... iewer/2018

Me la ha pasado un colega.
El nuevo Saint Rows se le ve con mas clase, al estilo Ballad of Gay Tony(juegazo), me gusta q no sea tan pandillero. Me divertí mucho con GTA BOGT. A ver para cuando un nuevo GTA tambien.

Me alegro q nos vayan llegando TODOS los juegos de rol a PS3, con 50 millones de consolas era absurdo regalarle la exclusiva a Microsoft por la cara. Aunq a mi sinceramente mas allá del rol de Bethseda y Demons Souls no me convencen ninguno(tengo q jugar Mass Effect 2). Q por cierto el último Gothic q se retrasaba para PS3 parece en el limbo.
Ya se pueden trabajar bien ese risen 2 por que el primero y aun siendo muy fan de ese tipos de juegos es infumable, mal hecho y con millones de bugs
A David Jaffe se le va la olla cuando critican a Twisted Metal... básicamente dice q se la suda lo q piensen los demás.... en fin

David Jaffe is a bit of a loose cannon, which is why he's so interesting. It's rare to see developers willing to engage fans and players so often--and so frankly. Even if I don't always agree with him, I appreciate the fact that Jaffe speaks so candidly.

A Twitter user recently directed a bit of a slam to Jaffe, saying that he thought that the Twisted Metal reboot was going to flop. In true Jaffe fashion, the developer took the time to respond and say that he doesn't care. It's not as though Jaffe is apathetic toward success, but as he explains, there's more to the gaming business than just being a hit factory. Jaffe says that his main goal when working on a game it to make a great game and to work with talented people. As he puts it, it's backward thinking to start a project off with the intention of making it a hit. Instead, developers should focus their efforts and passions into making the best possible game and take it from there.

Here's his entire post.

@WetSlimeyFish I usually would not give your semi mean spirited tweet- proclaiming that Twisted Metal will flop- any attention. But because it allows me the opportunity to b*tch about a pet peeve of mine, I'll shine the spotlight- which you so clearly, desperately crave- upon your obnoxious, flatulent infested ass.

Here's the deal- and I am sure this will be taken out of context by those who prize clicks over quality reporting- but them's- it seems- are the breaks: I don't CARE if Twisted Metal flops.

And before I tell you why, let me make a few things clear:

I feel that Twisted Metal PS3 is the best TM game we've ever made in EVERY respect. Multiplayer, campaign, co-op, split screen, graphics, effects, online, modes, vehicles, strategy, depth, and a whole host of other things we've yet to's simply the best one we've ever made and a game that- for players who dig action based shooters- will be one of the best games of this year.

I am continually surprised by and always impressed by the team at Eat Sleep Play. They are some of the best in the business and when this game hits, I think you will see why.

I think Twisted Metal is going to do very, very well when it ships this year. Do I think all hard core gamers and hard core gaming journalists will embrace it in the same way they've embraced God of War, Gears of War, Call of Duty:MW2, HALO, Mass Effect 2, and the like? No. Not at all. But then again, Twisted Metal has never gotten a heaping helping of hard core gamer love and while I do expect this title will turn some of the hard core gamer elites into converts, I don't expect it make players trade in their copies of HALO: REACH or HEAVY RAIN or JOURNEY (if you could trade in a digital game...and let's be honest, I'm sure that's on the way...***).

So ok- with all of that out of the way, allow me to say it again: I don't care if TWISTED METAL flops.

Now why would I say that?

BECAUSE we're making the game we want to make. We're making the game that we feel both Twisted Metal fans and action shooter fans in general are going to love.

Sony has graciously - as always- allowed its developers to follow their passions.

Sometimes this works out great for the developers and for Sony (and thus, for the gamers) and sometimes we all fall on our faces.

Making games is as much an art as it is a business and a science and we're willing to stumble from time to time in the pursuit of a vision that we (both Sony, Sony Santa Monica, and Eat Sleep Play) believe in.

Will Twisted Metal stumble or soar? Who knows? Who cares?

Don't get me wrong: do I want hit? Oh hells yes! Very much so. I work super hard every day so that my actions will allow/force/persuade that dream to come true. All of the other members of the Twisted Metal team do the same.

A hit is great for everyone. For Sony. For Sony Santa Monica. And for us: as a developer, as a team, and as individuals. Fewer things are greater than getting a big ass bonus check and knowing you've gotten it 'SIMPLY' BECAUSE the game you've contributed to has made MANY, MANY people happy! I imagine- and I've yet to have this experience but I hope I get to soon- that one of the things that trumps getting a big ass check is being able to hand out big ass checks to all of the people who worked with you in making the game a hit.

But while a hit it desired and coveted and dreamt about and planned for and relentlessly pursued, it should not be the core goal. I think that is a sure fire path to professional failure and personal depression.

I worry that our culture has become so hit driven and so obsessed with sales that we've lost site of one of my favorite parts of capitalism: creating great products that- BECAUSE they are great- naturally, organically BECOME hits and BECOME successes.

If we focus on the product first, there will be times the hits come. Not always. Sometimes you can focus on the product at the expense of the market. It is a balance. But I genuinely feel that the passion and the product needs to drive the work. Not the desire for a hit.

Fuente: gameinformer
Deep Silver (distribuidor de Dead Island) anunciará un nuevo título hoy

A tweet from Aubrey Norris reads:

“Tomorrow’s a holiday, but I’ll be working because I’m announcing ANOTHER game tomorrow! Oy!”

This comes as the publisher announced last week it would publish Techland zombie horror Dead Island for a 2011 release on PC, 360 and PS3.

Fuente: VG247
goldenaxeband escribió:Deep Silver (distribuidor de Dead Island) anunciará un nuevo título hoy

A tweet from Aubrey Norris reads:

“Tomorrow’s a holiday, but I’ll be working because I’m announcing ANOTHER game tomorrow! Oy!”

This comes as the publisher announced last week it would publish Techland zombie horror Dead Island for a 2011 release on PC, 360 and PS3.

Fuente: VG247 ... -imagenes/
cloud_cato escribió:A David Jaffe se le va la olla cuando critican a Twisted Metal... básicamente dice q se la suda lo q piensen los demás.... en fin

Joder, pues yo lo que vi en el E3 me encantó. Me recordó a un team fortress pandilocura en karts.
Sabeis algo referente al nuevo Assassin's?? Continuara la historia de la ultima entrega??
roberto28live escribió:
goldenaxeband escribió:Deep Silver (distribuidor de Dead Island) anunciará un nuevo título hoy

A tweet from Aubrey Norris reads:

“Tomorrow’s a holiday, but I’ll be working because I’m announcing ANOTHER game tomorrow! Oy!”

This comes as the publisher announced last week it would publish Techland zombie horror Dead Island for a 2011 release on PC, 360 and PS3.

Fuente: VG247 ... -imagenes/

No jodas, ¿era Risen 2? Pues ya se sabía desde antes de ayer. :(

peter_full, si te refieres a Assassin's Creed 3, todavía nada firme y seguro. Este año habrá un anuncio sobre un nuevo Assassin's pero puede ser cualquier cosa.
He estado muuuy ocupado estos últimos días y mañana también voy a estarlo pero a partir del finde volveré a actualizar el hilo, mientras tanto ya sabéis que podéis postear aquí lo que vaya saliendo ;)

Epic mostrará el Unreal Engine 3 "next-gen" en la próxima GDC

The new tools for the engine will be shown off to “select licensees, partners, prospective customers and the media behind closed doors” in San Francisco in a week’s time.

“This technology demonstration is nothing short of breathtaking. It reminds me of when we first showed Unreal Engine 3 to the world and people were amazed,” said Epic president Mike Capps. “It’s like seeing the Unreal Engine all over again for the very first time.”

Epic is set to be out in force at the Moscone Center, with talks coming from Chair co-founders Geremy and Donald Mustard, Gears of War producer Rod Fergusson and design boss Cliff Bleszinski.

Fuente: VG247
Pues tengo curiosidad por ver lo que tienen preparado,tiene pinta de ser una bestialidad.Aunque igual luego no es para tanto(espero que no [carcajad] [carcajad] )
Nada nada, goldenaxe, tómate unos días libres porque dentro de nada vendrá la GDC pegando fuerte [beer]

Ojalá saliese ese monster hunter de Ps3. Muchisimos incluido yo tendríamos sueños húmedos pensando en un modo infraestructura con gráficos actuales. [babas]

¿Se va a acabar la generación y ni microsoft ni Sony van a aprovechar el GRAN tirón de ventas que supone cada nueva entrega de esta franquicia?

Tampoco es que sea un juego complejísimo como para tener un desarrollo muy costoso a estas alturas de generación.

En fin, este sería la guinda de esta generación para mi. [toctoc]

Miembros de la difunta Bizarre forman Lucid Games

Seven days after Bizarre Creations shut down, some of its ex staff has gone on to form Lucid Games.

The studio, based in the north west of England, is being led by former senior manager at Bizarre, Pete Wallace, with a handful of Bizarre alumni also on board.

It’s hoping to create at least 50 posts.

“With the great history of Bizarre behind us, we are proud to be part of Lucid and are committed to the UK game development community,” said Wallace.

“We plan to build a studio which encourages open communication with its partners, customers and other developers.”

Speaking in an interview with the Liverpool Daily Post, commercial director Andy Davidson said it looks to get back to the kind of level Bizarre was at which made it a key buy for Activision.

“We want to get back to the levels of innovation and creativity at Bizarre that made Activision so keen to acquire it,” he said.

Lucid will be out in force at GDC next week.

Fuente: VG247

Ono: Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition podría llegar a consolas

Via Twitter, Ono strongly (it was downright fierce, in fact) hinted that Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition will be making the leap onto consoles after all. Replying to a fan’s seemingly blind optimism about the situation, he said:

“Yeah, [it] could be [coming to consoles]. Wait it news after 3DS in US!!”

He then added that an “official” announcement is coming “soon.”

For the uninitiated, the Arcade Edition’s claims to fame are less balance and more special characters – including versions of Yun, Yang, Evil Ryu, and Oni. Unless Ono’s gotten bored with videogames and decided that playing games with his fans’ hearts is more fun, it looks like you’ll have a chance to take them all for a spin sooner rather than later.

Fuente: VG247

Robot Entertainment anuncia "Orcs Must Die", estrategia y acción para Playstation Network

Orcs Must Die is a fantasy action-strategy game which challenges players to defend fortresses under siege.

Loads of traps and weapons will be at your disposal, and it also allows to “hack, launch, flatten, gibletize, and incinerate an endless army of filthy orcs and their vile allies.”

“Don’t negotiate with them. Don’t just maim them. You must kill the orcs,” insisted Patrick Hudson, CEO of Robot Entertainment. “Robot exists to make great games that our fans love. Orcs Must Die! is our first original title, and we’re counting on players to do what must be done: drive the orcs into oblivion!”

Orcs Must Die will be available exclusively as a digital download on PC and consoles this summer.

Fuente: VG247

Patapon 3 llegará a la Store USA el 12 de abril

Starting today, we can begin the long-awaited countdown to Patapon 3’s launch on April 12!! It’s been a little over a year since the Patapons forces, led by the masked Hero Patapon engaged in an all-out blitz offensive against the Karmen forces. Many an eye was lost, but the brave mono-ocular warriors pushed through courageously… until they reached the most evil demon warrior this side of Patapolis. So what happened after that intense, life-changing battle at the end of Patapon 2?

To paraphrase, some seriously epic stuff went down. Mind blowing… with a cherry on top.

Victorious and jubilant from their conquests, the Patapon pushed on until they came across an gigantic vessel, locked with ancient magic and scribed up it an ominous message:

Fuente: Playstation Blog
goldenaxeband escribió:Patapon 3 llegará a la Store USA el 12 de abril

Solo para PSP.
Puto Ono lo dice como si nos estuviese haciendo un favor con la AE cuando los que se van a forrar son ellos :S
Hibiki-naruto escribió:
goldenaxeband escribió:Patapon 3 llegará a la Store USA el 12 de abril

Solo para PSP.

Se me coló, gracias [oki]
Astral escribió:Puto Ono lo dice como si nos estuviese haciendo un favor con la AE cuando los que se van a forrar son ellos :S

Hombre, algo tendrá que hacer el hombre para que street fighter no vuelva a sus orígenes [hallow]
BSTCloud escribió:Hombre, algo tendrá que hacer el hombre para que street fighter no vuelva a sus orígenes [hallow]

Ya pero todos sabemos que nos va a clavar un DLC con 4 personajes por una animalada xd
Rumor: ¿Primera imagen de Thief 4?

Developer Eidos Montreal has posted a photograph of Thief 4 being playtested at the studio. It shows leading man Garrett, bow in hand, in third-person.

Very little is known about Thief 4 as Eidos and Square Enix have kept quiet. At least fans know to expect third-person views in the game, at least during archery.

The posted image of the playtest at Eidos Montreal was spotted by JeuxVideo (translated) where they mention a mixture of the third-person view is used when Garrett is travelling, climbing and using archery. This image at least proves it true for archery.

Are you looking forward to Thief 4, videogamer?

Fuente: Strategyinformer


ultracoco escribió:Modern Warfare 3 podría ser anunciado dentro de menos de 5 días, tal como indica la aparición de una nueva Web la cual sugiere que un nuevo Modern Warfare será anunciado de forma oficial la semana próxima.

Según informa la Website That Videogame Blog, la prensa ha enviado placas identificativas junto al enlace web Las ensangrentadas placas incluyen el mensaje "end the war" (finaliza la guerra) junto con los detalles de Sheperd, uno de los villanos de la segunda parte de MW 2.

Hay que recordar también que Activision mostró el primer trailer de Modern Warfare 2 en la GDC de 2009 junto a la fecha de salida del mismo. Si la empresa americana decide hacer lo mismo con MW 3, éste será presentado la próxima semana coincidiendo con la GDC de 2011.

Los rumores afirman que el nuevo shooter se sitúa justo antes de los eventos acontecidos en el primer Modern Warfare de Infinity Ward. Las fuentes también apuntan a que Raven Software (creadora de Singularity) podría estar involucrada en el nuevo FPS de Activision.

Entrad en esta web: y vereís una cuenta atrás :P
Eso, eso, otro COD, q aun no son suficientes... :-|

No he jugado nunca a los thief... ¿q tal son?
goldenaxeband escribió:
ultracoco escribió:Modern Warfare 3 podría ser anunciado dentro de menos de 5 días, tal como indica la aparición de una nueva Web la cual sugiere que un nuevo Modern Warfare será anunciado de forma oficial la semana próxima.

Según informa la Website That Videogame Blog, la prensa ha enviado placas identificativas junto al enlace web Las ensangrentadas placas incluyen el mensaje "end the war" (finaliza la guerra) junto con los detalles de Sheperd, uno de los villanos de la segunda parte de MW 2.

Hay que recordar también que Activision mostró el primer trailer de Modern Warfare 2 en la GDC de 2009 junto a la fecha de salida del mismo. Si la empresa americana decide hacer lo mismo con MW 3, éste será presentado la próxima semana coincidiendo con la GDC de 2011.

Los rumores afirman que el nuevo shooter se sitúa justo antes de los eventos acontecidos en el primer Modern Warfare de Infinity Ward. Las fuentes también apuntan a que Raven Software (creadora de Singularity) podría estar involucrada en el nuevo FPS de Activision.

Entrad en esta web: y vereís una cuenta atrás :P

Parece que puede ser falso el posible anuncio de Modern Warfare 3 .

Del tweeter de Geoff Keighley hace unas horas:

"Let me be clear we are not revealing yet. Anything indicating otherwise is a hoax." - Activision Spokesperson

I'm looking into this some more. Maybe it's a publicity stunt by EA for Battlefield or another publisher? Anyone know more?
Lo de Modern Warfare 3 y Activision es muy extraño. Ahora tengo incluso más curiosidad que antes por saber qué se oculta tras la cuenta atrás.

Cloud, los Thief son juegos de sigilo, un poco a lo Splinter Cell. Son buenos, hay que seguirle la pista a este. ;)

Rockstar registra nuevos dominios. ¿Relacionados con el próximo GTA?

Rockstar have snapped up some new domains, all of which sound very much like the spoof corporate titles of GTA IV, including Getalife, Goldberg, Ligner & Shyster, Zit and more. The list so far comprises of:


It’s interesting to note that, rather than operating via a shell group to purchase the domains anonymously, Rockstar went right out and did it in public. It may be a bit much to assume this is definitely one of the early signs of a new GTA, but, well, what else could it be?

Fuente: Grandtheft5

Primeras screens de Serious Sam 3 el próximo lunes

Next Monday you can watch here on the first screenshots of the Croteam shooter Serious Sam 3

Fuente: Pcgames

Ideal para abrir hilo oficial ese día ;)
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