Anuncios y Rumores - Dragon Quest: Heroes

goldenaxeband escribió:Eso se arregla con... ¡esto! XD

Cada vez que compras un Platinum, Dios mata a un gatito. [qmparto] [qmparto]

cloud_cato escribió:Pues yo tengo un secreto, no he jugado a ninguno, ni creo q lo haga... no son mi estilo [buenazo]

+1,yo tampoco he jugado a ningun GOW,ni me gusta la historia,ni me gusta el personaje.El 1 lo habre empezado un monton de veces,pero no me consigue atrapar
Se ha rumoreado alguna vez algo sobre un The suffering nuevo para ps3?? es un juego que a mi parecer tenia un parecido mas que abrumador con lo que hoy es Dead Space, claro que sin ambientacion espacial....pero tenia estilo...

Y es que no he vuelto a oir nada de esta saga, y creo que no era nada mala..
Spardy escribió:
goldenaxeband escribió:Eso se arregla con... ¡esto! XD

Comprar un juego platinum hace llorar al niño jesus :(

Donde esté compra/venta con su edición normal :p

Yo haría un GOW reinicio de la saga, con algun otro tipo de mitología... eso sería bastante buena idea.

Menuda mierda con los spoiler, al citar deja de estar oculto, te iba a decir que el principio del último comentario deberías meterlo en el spoiler porque dejas caer lo que pasa y por avisar me he jodido bien.
Namco69 escribió:
goldenaxeband escribió:Eso se arregla con... ¡esto! XD

los verdaderos espartanos tenemos la trilogy con la caja de pandora.

A mi si me gusta GOW, aunque no está entre mis sagas favoritas la verdad...el 1 supuso una revolución, el resto son juegos notable-excelentes segun entrega y a mi personamlente el III me encantó, porque si a GOW le pido unicamente jugabilidad y epica....en eso lo veo indiscutible, pero vamos, una nueva entrega caerá seguro aunque no me quita el sueño.

Lo de metal gear HD se ha comentado algo más o queda en humo?
No se ha dicho nada más pero yo lo daría por hecho, la única duda es el cuando.

Primer gameplay de Galaga Legions DX:

(sin hilo oficial)
Y yo que no puedo con los GoW, empece el 1 en su dia y lo deje y hace no mucho me pille el 3 en el CV y me ha pasado lo mismo.... lo he dejado, no son mi estilo de juego por muy bonitos que sean.
Techland anuncia "Call of Juarez: The Cartel" ambientado en tiempos modernos

The third game in the series has been developed by Techland “for next generation consoles and Windows PC”.

The game is “a first-person shooter with an immersive and mature story,” apparently.

“Players can expect to embark on a journey like no other – one that will take them from the heart of modern day Los Angeles, California to Juarez, Mexico.”

Adding to the announcement, Ubisoft’s Caroline Stevens said: “Call of Juarez The Cartel is an action-packed shooter game with a strong story, interesting characters and a wide variety of gameplay options.

“The game will bring the best elements of the Wild West into modern times with a very gritty and relevant plot.”

The Western-themed Call of Juarez first released for PC in 2006, and was ported to 360 in June, 2007.

Its prequel, Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood, was released in 2009.#

Check out The Cartel announcement on the IP’s official Facebook page. It’s managed to land itself an EGM cover, as you can see there.

Fuente: VG247

A pesar de algunos fallitos, el último Call of Juarez me gustó bastante. Espero este con buenos ojos.


Namco69 escribió:
goldenaxeband escribió:Eso se arregla con... ¡esto! XD

los verdaderos espartanos tenemos la trilogy con la caja de pandora.

Di que si, con espartanas maneras.

PD: Otro que tampoco ha jugado. [ayay]
"The Darkness 2" anunciado para otoño de 2011

The game will see players reprise the role of Jackie Estacado from the first game, made by Starbreeze. The Swedish developer is not involved this time, however, instead handing off the reins to Toronto-based Digital Extremes.

DE is known for its involvement in the Unreal Tournament series as well as BioShock 2′s development.

It’ll also feature “Quad-Wielding gameplay” where you’ll be able to use your demon arms to “slash, grab, and throw objects and enemies” whilst using firearms.

“The Darkness II is a well of dark and imaginative violence, and it’s a stylized and beautiful nightmare,” said 2K boss Christoph Hartmann.

“The Darkness II continues the 2K Games tradition of delivering quality, innovative games that are filled to the brim with atmosphere and deep storytelling.

“The game takes a unique stance on fighting in the dark versus light. Combined with the arsenal of weapons at Jackie’s disposal and the gruesome attacks of the supernatural Demon Arms and Darkness powers, we’re proud to announce another title that delivers on our core values of creating games for gamers.”

A Darkness sequel involving DE was first mentioned at SDCC in 2009, with Starbreeze telling VG247 it wasn’t involved at the time.

Fuente: VG247

Dicen que esta es la primera screen, yo no jugué al primer The Darkness, ¿alguien puede confirmarlo?


¿Qué es "000A" de Take 2?

A rating for a new game, published by Take-Two Interactive, appeared in the Australian Classification Database today. The game, rated for players 15 and older, apparently contains “strong violence, sexual references, crude humour and drug references”.


Its title — one we haven’t heard of before — is 000A.

A bit odd. So what is it, Take-Two? A codename for the next Grand Theft Auto? Agent? Something completely new? Only time will tell.

Fuente: Scrawlfx

Suena divertido. XD

Volition: "Mataríamos por hacer FreeSpace 3"

Volition producer Jim Boone has told NowGamer that much of the development team would jump at the chance to make another game in the space-fighter sim franchise

FreeSpace 2 hit the PC back in 1999, garnering wide praise and a wide fanbase, but reportedly moderate sales. But would Volition be interested in returning to the franchise? “You have no idea," Boone told NowGamer. "There is a group of people that would commit murder to do that game. The biggest problem that we have is… oh man, that game is so beloved. I did a bunch of missions for both games and it’s so dear to my heart I can’t even tell you. The problem we had was Freescape 2 didn’t sell as well…"

The space-sim genre started to disappear shortly after FreeSpace 2, which the producer attributes to one thing: the death of the joystick. "Here’s my theory, but I readily admit that I’m not the most objective person on this right?" explained Boone.

“There is a group of people that would commit murder to do that game”

"My theory is this: The reason why we all think [the genre] died is because this was a time when Quake was out and it was very much about the mouse and keyboard. Before that, when we did Descent for example, it was perfectly common for people to have joysticks – we sold a lot of copies of Descent. It was around that time that the more modern FPS with mouse and keyboard came out, as opposed to just keyboard like Wolfenstein or something.

"So people just stopped getting joysticks. They were just gone. And then you still had console, but it was all digital - so my theory has been, ever since we’ve got analogue as a standard controller for consoles no one has done a heavy-duty, top, top quality space sim on console."

Is it a niche that Volition could cater for in the future? "I feel like there’s an opportunity there," added Boone, "but I’ve got no data to support that."

Fuente: Nowgamer
boskim0n0 escribió:The darkness 2.... [Ooooo] [Ooooo] [Ooooo] [Ooooo] [Ooooo] [Ooooo] [Ooooo]

buena noticia.
el primero me resultó bastante divertido.
Si, esa captura puede ser de Darkness 2, el primero me parecio muy divertido.
Yo lo flipo...

Marvelous Entertainment ha desvelado en su informe de beneficios que ha cancelado un juego de rol para PlayStation 3 y Xbox 360, que la compañía define como de gran escala. No ha trascendido el título del mismo.

La decisión proviene del estudio del mercado, que no lo considera viable. Las pérdidas estimadas por la cancelación ascienden a 245 millones de yenes. Llevaría varios años en desarrollo, pues Marvelous desveló en 2009 que trabajaba en un juego multiplataforma en consolas de alta definición.

Se gastan 245 millones de yenes y ahora le dán carpetazo!? :O Joder, no tengo ni pajolera idea, pero o hacía el estudio de mercado primero y si no era favorable congelaba el proyecto o despues de haber gastado taaaanta pasta ordeno que le den unos retoques al tema y que lo finalicen como sea para lanzarlo y recuperar al menos algo de lo invertido nop... [tomaaa]
Activision aniquila la saga Guitar Hero y cancela True Crime: Hong Kong

Fuente: ... uitar-hero
Roberdivx escribió:
Activision aniquila la saga Guitar Hero y cancela True Crime: Hong Kong

Fuente: ... uitar-hero

No me jodas [decaio]
A mi True Crime sincremanete me parecio de lo peor la verdad el sistema de juego no iba mal encaminado pero entre que se me hacia un poco sosete y que la cámara en los vehículos se veía a tomar por culo lo dejé xd
Si, pero el Hong Kong tenia una pinta cojonuda...
Astral escribió:A mi True Crime sincremanete me parecio de lo peor la verdad el sistema de juego no iba mal encaminado pero entre que se me hacia un poco sosete y que la cámara en los vehículos se veía a tomar por culo lo dejé xd

cloud_cato escribió:Si, pero el Hong Kong tenia una pinta cojonuda...

A mi el primero me gusto y este de momento tenia buena pinta, y si vendieron el Call of Duty lleno de bugs supongo que este lo habran cancelado por ser injugable.
Xoda escribió:
Astral escribió:A mi True Crime sincremanete me parecio de lo peor la verdad el sistema de juego no iba mal encaminado pero entre que se me hacia un poco sosete y que la cámara en los vehículos se veía a tomar por culo lo dejé xd

cloud_cato escribió:Si, pero el Hong Kong tenia una pinta cojonuda...

A mi el primero me gusto y este de momento tenia buena pinta, y si vendieron el Call of Duty lleno de bugs supongo que este lo habran cancelado por ser injugable.

Sinceramente és un putada para la gente que le gustaba aunque de este nuevo no había visto nada así que no podría opinar
Parece ser que DJ Hero también entra en el saco xD
Randy Pitchford cuasiconfirma Borderlands 2

Borderlands 2 is officially a thing. Gearbox Software CEO Randy Pitchford confirmed the game today during a Duke Nukem Forever interview with the UK-based VG247.

Said Pitchford: “I’m sure Duke will have some demands of me and I’ve gotta work on Borderlands 2, right?”

As of late last month, Pitchford wouldn’t confirm the existence of a sequel, asking “What’s Borderlands 2?” in response to rumors circulating the net.

Although, in November 2009, Pitchford said that a sequel to the FPS/RPG hybrid was a “no-brainer”.

Fuente: Gamerzines

Y escribo cuasiconfirma porque lo de "tengo que trabajar en borderlands 2" lo dice en el contexto de una conversación bastante informal con VG247, razón por la cual yo no lo veo como un anuncio oficial.

Todo ello teniendo en cuenta que hace unos meses preguntado por Borderlands 2 comentó algo así que era 2+2.

Más títulos de PSX para la Store

According to a recent Amazon listing, three new PSOne Classics is coming to the U.S. Playstation Store next week: Destrega, Romance of the Three Kingdoms IV: Wall of Fire and Saiyuki: Journey West. All three downloads will be available for $5.99 each.

Amazon also listed Back to the Future: The Game ($19.99) and Marvel Super Hero Squad: The Infinity Gauntlet - The Thanos Throwdown ($4.99) for the February 15th Playstation Store update.

Fuente: Examiner
goldenaxeband escribió:Randy Pitchford cuasiconfirma Borderlands 2

Borderlands 2 is officially a thing. Gearbox Software CEO Randy Pitchford confirmed the game today during a Duke Nukem Forever interview with the UK-based VG247.

Said Pitchford: “I’m sure Duke will have some demands of me and I’ve gotta work on Borderlands 2, right?”

As of late last month, Pitchford wouldn’t confirm the existence of a sequel, asking “What’s Borderlands 2?” in response to rumors circulating the net.

Although, in November 2009, Pitchford said that a sequel to the FPS/RPG hybrid was a “no-brainer”.

Fuente: Gamerzines

Y escribo cuasiconfirma porque lo de "tengo que trabajar en borderlands 2" lo dice en el contexto de una conversación bastante informal con VG247, razón por la cual yo no lo veo como un anuncio oficial.

Todo ello teniendo en cuenta que hace unos meses preguntado por Borderlands 2 comentó algo así que era 2+2.

Más títulos de PSX para la Store

According to a recent Amazon listing, three new PSOne Classics is coming to the U.S. Playstation Store next week: Destrega, Romance of the Three Kingdoms IV: Wall of Fire and Saiyuki: Journey West. All three downloads will be available for $5.99 each.

Amazon also listed Back to the Future: The Game ($19.99) and Marvel Super Hero Squad: The Infinity Gauntlet - The Thanos Throwdown ($4.99) for the February 15th Playstation Store update.

Fuente: Examiner

Mooola Borderlands 2. Para mi el 1 fue una de las grandes sorpresas de esta generación, dista mucho de ser perfecto, pero a mi esa combinación cell shading, sangre por un tubo y fps+ rpg me encandiló, ansioso estoy por esta segunda parte.
No entraba tambien en el saco de cancelados Guitar Hero? Estan comentandolo mcuho en Twitter.
JackL escribió:No entraba tambien en el saco de cancelados Guitar Hero? Estan comentandolo mcuho en Twitter.

si,tanto Guitar Hero como DJHero
altavoss escribió:en vandal pusieron esto ... mismo-ano/

Imposible. Lo que si es posible es su anuncio, pero no lo lanzarían este año, ademas de que todos los juegos de Rockstar "sufre", retrasaditis aguda" cada vez que se acerca a su lanzamiento.
Notición el Borderlands 2, el primero como dicen fue toda una sorpresa y unos de los mejores y mas adictivos coops de esta gen.

Y bueno, si se confirmase GTAV para este año seria la ostia porque me acabo de pasar el IV XD, pero lo dudo y mas estando pendiente aun L.A que pese a no ser suyo, viene bajo su sello... no se, seria un poco una competencia tonta XD, mejor dejar un año de margen... .
The Dark Eye: Demonicon se va para 2012 y llegará a PS3

Originally in development at Silver Style Entertainment, Demonicon went stealth when parent company The Game Company collapsed and Kalypso bought up available assets.

Now that Chromatrix have forked over rights to the RPG’s name, Kalypso’s Berlin-based in-house development team, Noumena, is forging ahead for a 2012 release.

Demonicon joins the Drakensang games and 90′s series Realms of Arkania as an adaptation of major pen-and-paper RPG system Das Schwarze Auge, known to English speakers as The Dark Eye.

Fuente: Filmhobbit

Gracias a un acuerdo de distribución con Kalypso.

Blizzard "estudiando" la posibilidad de portar el concepto Diablo a consolas

The Diablo is in the details. Blizzard Entertainment CEO Mike Morhaime brought up Diablo for consoles at DICE late yesterday. It's a subject that's received plenty of industry chatter, but the closest we'd previously gotten to it happening (since the 1998 release of the first Diablo for PlayStation) was a report late last year that the company was "exploring a Diablo-related concept for consoles."

"I think you could make an argument that a game like Diablo might play very well on a console," the executive noted while discussing Blizzard's preference for PCs due to flexibility. "It's something that we're actually doing an investigation into to see if that could make sense."

Fuente: Joystiq

Tanto va el cántaro a la fuente...
Roberdivx escribió:Parece ser que DJ Hero también entra en el saco xD

Pero es que se lo han buscado ellos.
Anda que no gustaria un Dj hero tecno o trance, pero los tracklist que hacen tela marinera.
Langdon escribió:
JackL escribió:No entraba tambien en el saco de cancelados Guitar Hero? Estan comentandolo mcuho en Twitter.

si,tanto Guitar Hero como DJHero

Bueno, de Guitar Hero mientras saquen contenido en la Store de canciones sueltas y demas, todos contentos. No se si afecta tambien a esto.
JackL escribió:Bueno, de Guitar Hero mientras saquen contenido en la Store de canciones sueltas y demas, todos contentos. No se si afecta tambien a esto.

También afecta a eso... vamos que han matado Guitar Hero y derivados.
Ubisoft Toronto trabajando en una nueva IP

The Toronto studio, which opened two years ago, was only previously confirmed to be working on the next Splinter Cell title with some of the core team from Conviction, including Alex Parizeau and Maxime Beland.


But Raymond, speaking at DICE, said she hopes the new IP would be something it could give to the fans .

“I really hope we’re creating something that we can hand over to the fans,” she said in a brief panel at the event.

“A launch of a game, in order to be a hit, has to be an entertainment event, like a film or other new IP… You don’t want to be that guy that doesn’t know the newest game, or new indie band.”

Raymond added that “games aren’t just what you talk about around the water color, they’re becoming the water cooler itself … I would hope our next new IP would become the neighborhood bar,” before concluding by saying that “instead of a game just being the next entertainment event, I’d like our next IP to be the next widely-shared pastime.”

Fuente: VG247

Cómo esta la Raymond

Activision anunciará un nuevo título de Spyro

Activision has confirmed the following day, at the 'American International Toy Fair, will announce Skylanders Spyro's Adventure , a new episode of the fiery dragon. According to early information from the company, Skylanders Spyro's Adventure will be characterized by the interaction of toys inside the real game.
"The use of advanced technologies, such as the mystical" Portal of Power "and toys with a" brain, "marks a turning point in the interaction between toys and video games, opening up endless possibilities for both industries." At the moment we have no other information about it. Skylanders Spyro's Adventure will be announced tomorrow at 10AM

Fuente: Everyeye

Shoot Many Robots, lo próximo de Demiurge Studios revelado la próxima semana

Boston-based Demiurge Studios will give its upcoming downloadable console game, Shoot Many Robots, a proper unveiling next week. The studio promises “details aplenty,” letting out “one final teaser image” (above) as we await the coming information.

“A few months ago, we let the cat out of the bag that we were working on our first truly homegrown and original Demiurge project,” the studio’s Justin Lokey wrote on its official blog. “Our teaser trailer announcing the game was definitely short on details, and our silence on the project was something that had people wondering exactly what might be going on in a game called, “Shoot Many Robots.” *sarcasm* Well, the time for silence is soon coming to an end. Next week we’ll be blowing the lid off of this one, and there will be details aplenty. For now, have a peek at one final teaser image above.”

Shoot Many Robots was announced last October. It promises “an onslaught of innovative cross-genre action” involving multiple players “fighting through an intense and chaotic robot uprising.”

Demiurge Studios is one of the Boston’s biggest independent developers. The developer has lent their expertise to franchises including Mass Effect, Borderlands, and Rock Band.

Fuente: Scrawlfx
Ubisoft Toronto no estaba con el nuevo Splinter Cell?asi lo dejaron ver al menos hace unos meses en un video sobre la compañia
Gearbox niega ahora que esté desarrollando Bordelands 2

Randy Pitchford, presidente de Gearbox, negó que se encuentren desarrollando Borderlands 2 tal y como él mismo afirmó ayer durante una entrevista con VG247, en el evento de Duke Nukem Forever en Las Vegas. Pitchford salió al paso de la noticia del miércoles al asegurar que estaba “bromeando” cuando comentó que ahora le tocaba “ponerse a trabajar con Borderlands 2”. El dirigente remarcó las “risas” con las que daba esa declaración para demostrar que no iba en serio.

“Por supuesto que era una broma, es absurdo pensar lo contrario”. La noticia, que había sido recibida con los brazos abiertos por los usuarios –Borderlands ha vendido más de 3 millones de copias- cae así en saco roto: “Mucha gente ha asumido que estamos trabajando en Borderlands 2, pero la realidad es que no hemos hecho anuncios sobre nuestros planes de futuro”. [...]

Fuente: Meristation

Editado: Yo también opino que con las ventas que ha tenido saldrá tarde o temprano. :)
Me da igual lo que digan los de gearbox ahora, lo sacaran si o si mas adelante y me alegro un monton por ello. El 1 me encanto.
Drian-kun escribió:
JackL escribió:Bueno, de Guitar Hero mientras saquen contenido en la Store de canciones sueltas y demas, todos contentos. No se si afecta tambien a esto.

También afecta a eso... vamos que han matado Guitar Hero y derivados.

No tenia ni idea. Con perdon de la expresion, pero menuda manera de enviar todo al carajo.
Cuanto daño esta haciendo Jade a Ubisoft... nadie quiere ver sus juegos, solo a ella XD
cloud_cato escribió:Cuanto daño esta haciendo Jade a Ubisoft... nadie quiere ver sus juegos, solo a ella XD

Raymond? ¡Póngame 10!

Langdon, es verdad. Ubi Toronto también está trabajando en el nuevo Splinter Cell. Y ahora, esta nueva IP.
Drian-kun escribió:
JackL escribió:Bueno, de Guitar Hero mientras saquen contenido en la Store de canciones sueltas y demas, todos contentos. No se si afecta tambien a esto.

También afecta a eso... vamos que han matado Guitar Hero y derivados.

A ver si konami ocupa el hueco con uno de sus juegos musicales, beatmania 3rd generation o algo asi, guitar freaks+drummania v3...
Final Fantasy I y II en la Store en febrero y marzo

It’ll release Final Fantasy next week, February 16, for €9.99. Final Fantasy II will launch on March 2 for the same price.

Square also confirmed that if you buy Dissidia 012: Final Fantasy and The 3rd Birthday on PSP, you’ll also get a coupon to buy both games at half-price.

Fuente: VG247

Anunciado Skylanders Spyro's Adventure

The game allows players to transport “real-world toys into virtual worlds of adventure through the Portal of Power.”

Toys “with brains” will basically come to life inside the game in “connection with multiple gaming platforms, as well as on handheld gaming devices, mobile devices and on the web, remembering achievements and level-ups wherever they go.”

“These are more than action figures. They are inter-action figures,” said Eric Hirshberg, CEO of Activision Publishing. “By pairing world class character design, world class video game design and world class story telling into one entertainment experience, we’ve given players a whole new genre that bridges the gap between the real and virtual worlds. From the first time a kid picked up a stick and pretended it was a sword, toys have unlocked kids’ imaginations.

“And how often have you wanted to bring those toys to life, to see them become animated and take them on an adventure? Skylanders Spyro’s Adventure does just that.”

The game is set to make it’s worldwide debut with demos available at the American International Toy Fair which takes place nest wee from February 13 – 16 in New York City.

Hollywood creative talents were brought in to help bring Skylanders Spyro’s Adventure to life such as creative director Paul Reiche, and Academy Award nominated writers of Toy Story Alek Sokolow and Joel Cohen. T

Here are some game features:

* Each Character Has its Own Unique Powers — In addition to the highly collectible design and personalities of the toys themselves, each character has different powers and abilities, opening different experiences inside the game. Players can drop in and out of each level with as many different characters as they like, making each players experience unique.
* Toys With Brains — Each toy/character remembers the player’s shared experiences. Achievements and leveled up capabilities earned in the game are embedded inside the toy and travel with the toy. Wherever the toy goes, its experiences go with it.
* Portal of Power — The Portal of Power serves as the gateway between our world and the amazing world of the characters in Skylanders Spyro’s Adventure.
* Play With Friends — By placing two characters on the Portal of Power at once, players can team up together for cooperative play, or face off in player versus player battle arenas utilizing their leveled up characters.
* Diverse Experiences on Diverse Devices — While the toys can be used with gaming consoles to play the disc based game, completely different gaming experiences await them on the mobile app and inside the Web World, each of which were designed specifically for those platforms. The result is a remarkable number of different gaming experiences in one game.

To support the launch of the game, Toys “R” Us stores worldwide will feature several Skylanders Spyro’s Adventure exclusives to support the game’s fall release.

Fuente: VG247










Y Trailer anuncio:
Joder como ha cambiado Spyro aunque sinceramente los que mas me gustaron fueron los de Psx
Mi dragon de infancia favorito destrozado por todos lados una vez más.

Espero que estés descansando en paz, buen amigo. Siempre serás para mí el pixelado dragon morado bajito que salvó la Tierra de los Dragones en tres ocasiones.

Me pongo hasta sentimental, pero ver a esa aberración, y llamarla Spyro...
Dios mío de mi vida... por qué [mamaaaaa]
De verdad, prohibo que hagáis hilo oficial de ESO. Lo prohíbo.
Lo que le han hecho a Spyro no tiene nombre.Spyro 2 creo que sigue siendo el juego al que mas horas le he hechado en PSX
Ya que estamos nostálgicos... ¿para cuándo un puñetero Medievil en ps3?
Por dios, si se podría decir que es el hermano malvado de Spyro que intenta acabar con él en cada juego xD
Rumor: Activision considerando la compra de Take-Two

According to a senior executive who spoke with MCV, Activision’s not letting the death of multiple major franchises and the resultant lay-offs get it down. Nope, it’s time for a shopping spree! The target? The entirety of Take-Two Interactive.

“There are very strong rumours amongst people at a very senior level within the global business,” the unnamed executive said.

“But there’re not much more than that at the moment – they are just rumours. And, of course, given Activision’s news this week, everyone is now looking to see what their next move is. But you can definitely put two and two together and make four-ish.”

This, of course, wouldn’t be the first time Activision’s unhinged its jaw and gobbled up a giant. It became one with Blizzard back in 2008 – a move with which both parties have been vocally pleased.

It would also help expand Activision’s narrowing stable of franchises, which – in addition to heavy hitters like Call of Duty, Warcraft, and StarCraft – includes Prototype, Spider-Man, X-Men, and James Bond.

Of course, the last time someone loved Take-Two some much that they tried to put a ring on it, well, things didn’t go so well. EA offered more than the company was actually worth, and it still wouldn’t budge.

We’ve contacted both parties to see if there’s any truth at all to the claim. We’ll let you know as soon as we hear back.

No por dios,espero que no se dejen comprar,que sabiendo como es Activision nos podemos esperar lo peor
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