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silenthill escribió:La versión HD, por contenidos, es la de PS2 (la que incluye los extras). Seguramente han tirado de la versión de PC para el tema de los gráficos. Vamos que muy posiblemente se vea como esto:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UYMSUN25 ... re=related
El RE4 debe ser el exclusivo con más versiones de la historia de los videojuegos.
No creo que Nintendo tenga ya la exclusividades de los otros dos de GameCube, desde finales del 2002 (marzo 2003 en Europa) ha pasado mucho tiempo como para que la exclusividad exista. Por lo que veo ni siquiera la distribución la hizo Nintendo. Vamos no os extrañe que si esta compilación tiene existo saquen los otros dos más adelante.
En portada pone que tendrán distribución, no dicen nada de distribución física.
Un saludo.
Titled as Resident Evil: Racoon City, as rumoured beforehand, the game ses you on opposite sides of the spectrum as members of the Umbrella Security Services Squad rather than BSAA.
Unlike the latter, where you just take out zombies, gunning for Umbrella is all about destroying evidence and killing T-Virus survivors from the 1998 Racoon City outbreak.
There are two other factions to make a “three corner conflict” according to Capcom: US spec ops and bio-organic monsters created by Umbrella.
Your team is made up of four members: Vector, Beltway, Bertha, and Spectre. Depending on who you pick to play as, its goals and aims will vary.
The magazine adds that “you’ll be facing Umbrella-created horrors in between skirmishes” with each faction. It also says the game will allow you to “change the history of Resident Evil,” with many characters from the series making appearances. You’ll also be allowed to kill them.
The reports says that it’ll be coming to 360 and PS3 later this fall.
Racoon City will no doubt be one of many efforts this year from Capcom to celebrate the 15th anniversary of Resident Evil, having announced earlier today it would release HD versions of Resident Evil 4 and Code Veronica this fall for PSN and XBLA.
goldenaxeband escribió:Resident Evil: Racoon City anunciado en la OXM de Estados UnidosTitled as Resident Evil: Racoon City, as rumoured beforehand, the game ses you on opposite sides of the spectrum as members of the Umbrella Security Services Squad rather than BSAA.
Unlike the latter, where you just take out zombies, gunning for Umbrella is all about destroying evidence and killing T-Virus survivors from the 1998 Racoon City outbreak.
There are two other factions to make a “three corner conflict” according to Capcom: US spec ops and bio-organic monsters created by Umbrella.
Your team is made up of four members: Vector, Beltway, Bertha, and Spectre. Depending on who you pick to play as, its goals and aims will vary.
The magazine adds that “you’ll be facing Umbrella-created horrors in between skirmishes” with each faction. It also says the game will allow you to “change the history of Resident Evil,” with many characters from the series making appearances. You’ll also be allowed to kill them.
The reports says that it’ll be coming to 360 and PS3 later this fall.
Racoon City will no doubt be one of many efforts this year from Capcom to celebrate the 15th anniversary of Resident Evil, having announced earlier today it would release HD versions of Resident Evil 4 and Code Veronica this fall for PSN and XBLA.
Fuente: VG247
Ioannes Carolus escribió:silenthill escribió:La versión HD, por contenidos, es la de PS2 (la que incluye los extras). Seguramente han tirado de la versión de PC para el tema de los gráficos. Vamos que muy posiblemente se vea como esto:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UYMSUN25 ... re=related
El RE4 debe ser el exclusivo con más versiones de la historia de los videojuegos.
No creo que Nintendo tenga ya la exclusividades de los otros dos de GameCube, desde finales del 2002 (marzo 2003 en Europa) ha pasado mucho tiempo como para que la exclusividad exista. Por lo que veo ni siquiera la distribución la hizo Nintendo. Vamos no os extrañe que si esta compilación tiene existo saquen los otros dos más adelante.
En portada pone que tendrán distribución, no dicen nada de distribución física.
Un saludo.
Pues en PC tenemos el motor gráfico de la versión de PS2...ojalá que te equivoques...si no..mal estamos. Pero vistos los Scans de Famitsu...alcanzo a apreciar el cabello de Leon mejor renderizado...como en la versión de Cubo; yo aún guardo las esperanzas de que nos den la versión gráfica de Cubo y Wii -Que esta también tiene los extras de Ada-
Los remakes en HD de Resident Evil 4 y Resident Evil: Code Verónica también llegarán en formato digital.
Estarán disponibles en XBLA y PSN este otoño.
Recientemente se anunciaba el recopilatorio Resident Evil: Revival Selection, que relanzaría bajo un mismo embalaje los excelentes Resident Evil 4 y Resident Evil: Code Veronica en clave HD.
Capcom ha anunciado que ambos juegos también estarán disponibles de forma individual tanto en Xbox Live como en PlayStation Network durante este otoño, al menos en Estados Unidos.
Resident Evil 4 se estrenó a principios del 2005 en Gamecube, mientras que Resident Evil: Code Verónica vio la luz originalmente en Dreamcast en el 2000, convirtiéndose después ambos títulos a otras plataformas.
'Resident Evil: Raccoon City'. Bombazo al canto por parte de Slant Six Games. Detalles para aburrir y empezar a babear.
Si esta tarde os mostramos las primeras imágenes de las reediciones de dos clásicos de la saga ‘Resident Evil’, ahora tenemos que ponerle la guinda al pastel con un título más para PS3 y Xbox 360, siendo en este caso uno de nuevo cuño. ¿Recordáis el rumor que apuntaba al estudio Slant Six Games como el artífice de un nuevo planteamiento para la saga con un enfoque multijugador? Pues finalmente se ha materializado y sí, se llamará ‘Resident Evil: Raccoon City’, tal y como se apuntó en su momento.
Todo esto se confirma gracias a una exclusiva de la revista oficial de Xbox 360 dejando claros bastantes detalles sobre su mecánica y argumento, dándonos una fecha aproximada de salida para el próximo invierno. Pero conozcamos todo lo que se nos avecina, que hay mucho que comentar.
La historia de ‘Resident Evil: Raccoon City’ nos llevará al año 1998, fecha en la que dio comienzo todo el asunto de Umbrella. Viviremos parte de esos hechos, pero desde una perspectiva diferente. Tampoco será necesario conocerse al dedillo toda la historia, en cualquier caso, pero sí que veremos viejas caras y otras no tanto. De hecho habrá cuatro protagonistas nuevos que responderán a los nombres de Beltway, Bertha, Vector y Spectre, formando todos ellos el escuadrón oficial de Umbrella Security Services. Cada uno tendrá misiones distintas para hacerlo más dinámico.
Tal y como pasó en la subsaga ‘Outbreak’, éste será un título de acción con clara vocación para la cooperación. Según se ha descrito, la jugabilidad será “sucia”, siendo más oscura y posiblemente sangrienta que los anteriores, y en donde destruiremos cualquier evidencia de la epidemia.
Lo curioso es que veremos tres facciones en conflicto. Aparte del U.S.S. (Umbrella Security Services) estarán los US Spec Ops, con el claro objetivo de hacerles frente, y los B.O.W.M. (Bio-Organic Weapon Monsters) creados por Umbrella. Los zombies nos podrán detectar mediante la vista, por sonidos, o por olfato. Vector, uno de los miembros del U.S.S., podrá adquirir una habilidad de camuflaje para sacar tajada de todo esto.
La historia en ‘Resident Evil: Raccoon City’ nos llevará por diversas zonas familiares y, de hecho, veremos también caras conocidas, como Leon Kennedy. Lo sorprendente es que, dependiendo del rol que escojamos, en una misión podremos matarlo. Y es que podremos cambiar la historia de ‘Resident Evil’ en cierto modo y según nos parezca, algo que, a priori, promete. Si tenemos algún personaje que odiemos en particular y sale finalmente en este videojuego, podremos resarcirnos dándole lo que se merece.
Otro de los detalles más llamativos en torno a este trabajo de Slant Six Games es que por cada muerte que hagamos recibiremos experiencia. Esto lo diferencia claramente del resto de la saga, y es que según obtengamos esos puntos de experiencia podremos conseguir nuevas habilidades, como la antes mencionada de Vector, y nuevas armas. Cuanto más juguemos con nuestros colegas, mejor. Y si sufre heridas cualquiera de nosotros, ahí estarán las hierbas de toda la vida. Las necesitaremos, que además se confirma que habrá no uno, sino múltiples Tyrants…
¿Cómo se os ha quedado el cuerpo? Yo no puedo negar que ahora mismo tengo el hype por las nubes. Esperamos que las primeras imágenes no se hagan de rogar.
When will Hideo Kojima stop teasing us? Just a few months ago he mentioned something about a “devil project” on Twitter without going into any detail regarding what this project may be. Well, today he’s at it again, only this time said project has a different name.
For the first time in the last two weeks after the quake, I could spend about four hours on an “ogre project.”
Are the mysterious devil and ogre projects one in the same, or separate works? Are they even video game related for that matter? Throw us a bone here Kojima!
Asked if the publisher was done with its oldest properties, Gibeau replied to CVG: “Absolutely not. I worked on Desert Strike and Road Rash back in the day on Sega Genesis so trust me, I’m familiar with the IP history.”
But what about reboots or remakes of said series? Gibeau said it’s all down to how good it needs to be.
“We constantly look at ways to grow the recent category of titles like Burnout, Need for Speed, Road Rash are constantly things we think about,” he said.
“It’s the same thing with the old Bullfrog IPs like Dungeon Keeper, Populous, Powermonger, Magic Carpet, I can go on. So we do look at that stuff and are very cognisant of our past.”
He continued: “The key thing for us is, if we do bring [any of those] back, the game has got to be good. I don’t know about you but when I look back at GoldenEye, I think of it as this amazing game and the you go and play it and are like, ‘Oh. Really?’.
“From our perspective we have to manage that element which makes things look nicer in the rear view mirror compared to what you have to do now in the modern day.”
Last year, EA rebooted Medal of Honor into modern times after a three year gap, putting focus on the Afghanistan war instead of World War II.
It’s rumoured the publisher is set to reboot the old Bullfrog series Syndicate, with development thought to be handled by Starbreeze Studios in Sweden.
Jakub Dvorský is bringing his acclaimed point-and-click adventure game to PS3 and tablets later this year.
The game designer and founder of Amanita Design dropped the news in Nottingham while in town to reveal his studio’s newest projects at GameCityNights.
Machinarium will be available on PSN later this year.
goldenaxeband escribió:El aclamado "indie" Machinarium llegará a PS3 a finales de añoJakub Dvorský is bringing his acclaimed point-and-click adventure game to PS3 and tablets later this year.
The game designer and founder of Amanita Design dropped the news in Nottingham while in town to reveal his studio’s newest projects at GameCityNights.
Machinarium will be available on PSN later this year.
Fuente: Casualgaming
Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ecSBbwRFhyY
Narcyl escribió:que nadie se lo pierda porque es un juegazo.
French website Factor News has posted news of a Song of Ice and Fire RPG in the works from developer Cyanide Studios, based around A Game of Thrones – the first book.
Already hard at work on the RTS Game of Thrones: Genesis based on George R.R. Martin’s fantasy novels, the RPG is contains original stories with new characters instead of focuses in the one’s told in the books.
However, characters from the novels will appear in the game.
Players will step into the shoes of a brother of the Night Watch up at the Wall, before playing as Alester Sarwyck, a Red Priest coming home after a 15 year exile.
It’s a turn-based RPG with skill trees and real-time battle.
While there’s no set release date, it is expected for consoles and PC.
Meanwhile, Genesis will be out this summer.
goldenaxeband escribió:Cyanide Studios trabajando en un RPG basado en "Canción de hielo y fuego"French website Factor News has posted news of a Song of Ice and Fire RPG in the works from developer Cyanide Studios, based around A Game of Thrones – the first book.
Already hard at work on the RTS Game of Thrones: Genesis based on George R.R. Martin’s fantasy novels, the RPG is contains original stories with new characters instead of focuses in the one’s told in the books.
However, characters from the novels will appear in the game.
Players will step into the shoes of a brother of the Night Watch up at the Wall, before playing as Alester Sarwyck, a Red Priest coming home after a 15 year exile.
It’s a turn-based RPG with skill trees and real-time battle.
While there’s no set release date, it is expected for consoles and PC.
Meanwhile, Genesis will be out this summer.
Fuente: VG247
goldenaxeband escribió:El aclamado "indie" Machinarium llegará a PS3 a finales de añoJakub Dvorský is bringing his acclaimed point-and-click adventure game to PS3 and tablets later this year.
The game designer and founder of Amanita Design dropped the news in Nottingham while in town to reveal his studio’s newest projects at GameCityNights.
Machinarium will be available on PSN later this year.
Fuente: Casualgaming
Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ecSBbwRFhyY
RomanXXL escribió:goldenaxeband escribió:El aclamado "indie" Machinarium llegará a PS3 a finales de añoJakub Dvorský is bringing his acclaimed point-and-click adventure game to PS3 and tablets later this year.
The game designer and founder of Amanita Design dropped the news in Nottingham while in town to reveal his studio’s newest projects at GameCityNights.
Machinarium will be available on PSN later this year.
Fuente: Casualgaming
Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ecSBbwRFhyY
UNa gran noticia, este (junto a mi parecer Limbo) es uno de eso juegos con personalidad propia, y si se puede disfrutar en todas las plataformas mejor.
It’s a turn-based RPG with skill trees and real-time battle.
Turyx escribió:Sobre el RPG de Cancion de Hielo y FuegoIt’s a turn-based RPG with skill trees and real-time battle.
Lo qué?
Turyx escribió:Sobre el RPG de Cancion de Hielo y FuegoIt’s a turn-based RPG with skill trees and real-time battle.
Lo qué?
alexval escribió:La secuela de Warhawk se lleva rumoreando desde hace unos años, es más, su compañía, Lightbox Interactive, presentó una beta a Sony aunque en ningún momento se confirmó que se tratase de la secuela conocida como “Starhawk”.
Según la web NC4A, Lightbox Interactive ofreció un evento secreto para la prensa sobre Warhawk 2 y salieron a la luz los siguientes detalles:
-El juego contará con un modo historia.
-Contará con soporte cooperativo
-Inicialmente, el juego soportará 32 jugadores en red
-Multijugador con 25 mapas.
-El juego contará con vehículos militares como tanques, motocicletas, embarcaciones de aire y otros vehículos.
-Usted puede construir bunkers pero están sujetos a la destrucción de los enemigos.
-Mejoras para el sistema de combate y los ángulos de cámara.
-Los gráficos [son] mejor que el anterior Warhawk.
Tendremos que esperar a que se confirmen estos detalles, quizás en Junio con la llegada del E3.
goldenaxeband escribió:Turyx escribió:Sobre el RPG de Cancion de Hielo y FuegoIt’s a turn-based RPG with skill trees and real-time battle.
Lo qué?
Ya, yo también me quedé un poco WTF? al leerlo.
Siliconera‘s spotted new trademarks filed by Namco Bandai in regards to Katamari: Katamari amore and Katamari amore Rolling Whopper were both trademarked for Europe. The last game in the series was Katamari Forever for PS3 in 2009. Whatever comes of it, it won’t involve series boss Keita Takahashi: one, he was no longer involved in the series following the release of We Love Katamari on PS2 in 2005. Two, he left Namco Bandai last year.
The game passed with no cuts made and it has 6 minutes and 49 seconds worth of cut-scenes.
Capcom hasn’t actually announced the SSFIV Arcade Edition, but producer Yoshinori Ono has given out mixed signals on the matter before, having said no in the past before changing his tune saying, the game is maybe coming.
The Korean Ratings Board has also passed the game.
Don’t be too surprised if this ends up being a Captivate announcement in April.
inXile Entertainment Calls on the Elite to Pilot Helicopter Rescue Mission
NEWPORT BEACH, Calif. --(Business Wire)--
InXile Entertainment today announced that the classic, 1980's Choplifter franchise will be making its 21st century debut this fall. Currently in development for PlayStation® Network and PC, Choplifter HD promises to redefine the helicopter rescue mission for the modern era.
"First playing and loving the original Choplifter on my Apple (News - Alert) II, then watching the franchise expand into arcades and the early console systems helped seed my passion for building lasting, quality gameplay experiences," said inXile President and CEO Brian Fargo. "The feedback on creating a fresh take on Choplifter has been incredibly positive. We all have so many fond memories of playing the first game and the fun of rescuing people in hostile situations is timeless."
In Choplifter HD, players take on the role of an up and coming rescue pilot asked to join the elite, internationa helicopter rescue team C.H.O.P.R. (Coordinated Helicopter Operations, Preservation and Rescue). Pilots will be trained to command a variety of helicopters deployed on more than 20 different missions ranging from captured military prisoner extraction to saving survivors of viral outbreaks. Pilots must bank, hover and touch-down in perilous conditions in order to make their rescue and complete their mission. Developed and published by inXile Entertainment, Choplifter HD dares players to risk their lives in order to save others.
“It’s a great feeling to see something you’ve created still have life or meaning,” the Lionhead boss told CVG.
“But my first thought is: ‘I wish I could just spend a day with them saying what I thought was really special about Syndicate, or another title for that matter.’”
Not that he doesn’t trust EA, or objects to its treatment of other Bullfrog properties, such as Populous.
The first snippet of Modern Warfare 3 gameplay may be with us next month, according to respected UK PlayStation magazine PSM3.
According to the publication's latest issue, insider rumours say "the next in Activision's megaton FPS series will be announced in mid-April". No specific date is given.
The prediction would fit snugly with Activision's CoD: Black Ops reveal from 2010, which snuck out on April 30 - as the publisher lifted the lid on the game's official website.
Rumours from Official PlayStation Magazine UK suggest that Modern Warfare 3 may contain at least some sections linking back to the past of popular character Ghost.
PSM3 adds: "Based on the ending of MW2, we'd be surprised if the story doesn't pick up with Soap and Price on the run, after they were set up by General Shepard."
The game's sure to have some stiff competition if it comes out towards the end of the year as expected - not least from EA's Battlefield 3.
Swedish creator DICE suggested last month that its competitors in the FPS space had been "treading water" with recent releases.
The next issue of Game Informer will play host to the reveal of a “highly anticipated” sequel, according to magazine Editor-In-Chief Andy McNamara.
Responding to a guess that Hitman 5 would take the next cover of Game Informer, McNamara said: “Not a bad guess, but sadly… no. It is however a sequel and a highly anticipated one at that!”
McNamara doesn’t state whether the sequel is a brand new game announcement or the resurfacing of a forgotten title.
If it’s a resurfacing, we’re pulling for Beyond Good & Evil 2.
IO Interactive, developers of the Hitman and Kane & Lynch franchises, is teasing the upcoming announcement of their next game.
“It’ll be cool,” the developer posted on Twitter, speaking about their next game. “And we’ll officially announce it fairly soon.”
Teasing further, the company tweeted: “The next game from IO Interactive will be like Viagra for your gaming libido. Satisfaction guaranteed. I kid you not!”
With the firm’s last two titles being Kane & Lynch entries, and with all the recent Hitman 5 buzz, I think it’s safe to say Agent 47 might make a return with the upcoming announcement.
Atari has announced a Griptonite Games remake of the Atari 2600 title Warlords is in the works for a summer release.
The one-to-four player arcade action game has players defending their castles from “mischievous minions and ferocious fireballs spun from the mouth of a maniacal dragon,” while challenging players to multitask as they “strive to shield the castle walls and simultaneously rally troops to capture control points, collect power-ups and destroy other warring factions.”
“Warlords infuses the arcade action genre with a bold and vibrant visual style coupled with robust strategic gameplay,” says Jim Wilson, president and CEO of Atari. “It exemplifies our design goals and company strategy as we reintroduce these classic brands to a new generation of gamers.”
Here’s some key features:
* Protect the stronghold! Defend your castle walls from the destruction of fast-flying fireballs with your mighty shield. Move the shield around the perimeter of your castle with precision and speed to deflect the fireballs or grab onto and charge fireballs to release even more devastating attacks back at your opponents.
* Multiple local/online game modes sweeten the quest for power and allow for cooperative and competitive battles with up to 4 players. Select the faction of your choice and engage in a number of competitive variations, including co-op siege mode, 2v2 or classic free-for-all battles.
* Rally your Troops and pit them against your foes. Your loyal posse brings a layer of depth and replayability to every battle, and can be sent off to capture control points, gather power-ups to immobilise your enemies or bolster your defenses. Manage your troops wisely to gain the battlefield advantage.
Watch the announcement video of it below (courtesy of Kotaku) – and below that is gameplay from the original.
xhaplox escribió:Al César lo que es del César.Hideo Kojima, una de las personalidades más relevantes dentro del panorama del videojuego a nivel mundial y padre de franquicias míticas como Metal Gear Solid, Zone of the Enders o Snatcher, ha visto reconocida su labor en el seno de Konami con un ascenso en el organigrama empresarial de la compañía. A todos los efectos, Kojima-san será desde el próximo 1 de abril el nuevo vicepresidente y director ejecutivo de Konami Digital Entertainment.
Y no ha sido solo el del afamado creador japonés el único ascenso anunciado por Konami, pues Shinji Enomoto, hasta ahora productor ejecutivo de la serie Pro Evolution Soccer, también ha sido elegido por las altas esferas para acompañar a Kojima-san con idéntico cargo. Hideo Kojima comenzó su labor de diseño de títulos en el año 1986, carrera profesional que comenzó en Konami. A día de hoy se encuentra a cargo del equipo Kojima Productions, y según sus propias palabras se encuentra inmerso en un “Proyecto Diabólico”.
SEGA has announced Renegade Ops from Avalanche Studios, which is a military co-op, vehicular shooter from the Just Cause 2 developers.
Hinted at earlier in the month by Avalanche, the digitally downloadable title puts players in a mobile commando unit sent behind enemy lines to defeat Inferno, a madman and commander of a sinister terrorist organisation “intent on global domination.” Players will defeat enemies across a range of environments using a variety of vehicles using electro magnetic shock waves and some using Gatling guns.
Along with the single-player component, the game includes two-player offline co-op via split screen and four-player online co-op complete with leaderboards.
“Renegade Ops is Avalanche Studios’ first strategic step into the world of digitally downloaded games, but certainly not the last. With a strong foundation in our unique technology, we can allow our teams working on digitally downloaded games to unleash their creativity,” commented Christofer Sundberg, Avalanche’s founder and executive producer.
“A number of developers in the studio wanted to try developing a smaller digital project, so we gathered a team, built a new IP and SEGA gave us the opportunity to carry this out. The IP is all about driving or flying around blowing stuff up while playing with your friends and that to us, is a dream-project,” added senior producer Andreas Thorsén.
Renegade Ops is slated for release on PC, PSN, and XBL this year.
Each release is free for PS Plus subscribers while the rest of us will pay £3.19/€3.99 a piece. Five titles in total will be released over the next few months, and while Altered Beast and Comix Zone don’t have a date yet, the rest do.
* Sonic 2 – PS Plus April 6, PS Store on April 20
* Streets of Rage 2 – PS Plus May 4, PS Store on May 18
* Golden Axe 2 – PS Plus June 1, PS Store on June 15
Sonic the Hedgehog is out today on PSN, and you can get the list of available Trophies through the EU Blog.
Famitsu’s release calendar brings bad news about Irem’s sequel to Steambot Chronicles. According to the magazine, Steambot Chronicles 2 has been canceled.
Steambot Chronicles 2 first appeared at Tokyo Game Show way back in 2006. Irem hasn’t said much about the PlayStation 3 title since. The last game from the series was Steambot Chronicles: Battle Tournament, which Atlus released in North America in 2009.
En temas de rol no se me ocurre algo parecido pero en estrategia seria un Total war, puede ser interesante la mezcla xd
Majesco has announced that scantily clad dhampir Rayne will return to consoles this summer in the digital download title Bloodrayne: Betrayal.
Slated for release on PSN and XBL, WayForward is developing the game, which sees our heroine fighting out in 2D side-scrolling action with a deadly dose of bloodshed.
In the game, Rayne has been recruited by the vampire hunting Brimstone Society for one final mission, where she teams up with mysterious new person to thwart a vampire massacre. Puzzles, an arsenal of weapons along with new characters and emeries will be on hand, specifically designed for mature audiences.
“It’s been a long time since Rayne captivated players with her bold mix of brutality and beauty, and fans have been hounding us to release another BloodRayne installment,” said Jesse Sutton, CEO of Majesco Entertainment.
“We are excited to once again partner with the creative and committed team at WayForward to bring Rayne back. BloodRayne: Betrayal delivers the action-packed experience franchise fans have been waiting for in a digital format that’s also accessible for new players unfamiliar with Rayne’s over-the-top, stylized gameplay.”
There’s a teaser site up at the moment, with not much else other than music and a silhouette of the vixen for the time being.
Beenox, who made last year’s Shattered Dimensions, are doing dev duties. No platforms are mentioned in the press release, but PC, 360, PS3, Wii and DS versions were all released for SM. Don’t be too shocked to see them.
The storyline sees the Amazing Spiderman and Spiderman 2099 coming together as you try to “correct a timestream gone awry and prevent a catastrophic future brought on by the early and untimely death of Peter Parker.”
Spiderman 2099 writer and co-creator Peter David is penning the story.
“The first Spider-Man entry by Beenox, Spider-Man™: Shattered Dimensions, was touted as one of the wall-crawler’s best Spider-Man games to date from both critics and fans,” said global brand management director, Vicharin Vadakan.
“Beenox is once again taking a fresh and different approach to bring a fast-paced and high-octane adventure and unexpected story to life in Spider-Man: Edge of Time.”
Beenox studio boss Dee Brown added: “At Beenox, we are constantly listening to the fans and looking for new and creative ways to innovate the gameplay experience for them.
“We want to create a totally distinct experience in Spider-Man: Edge of Time by working with Peter David on the story and creating this urgent, high-stakes experience where time is working against you and the fate of Spider-Man hangs in the balance.”
The game will make its first appearance at Wondercon 2011 in San Francisco this weekend
There weren't any new game announcements at Grasshopper Manufacture's Grassstream 2 Travis VS. Garcia charity event yesterday. But Grasshopper CEO Suda 51 did comment on the possibility of a game that's surely high on the most wanted list of any Grasshopper fan.
As reported at Famitsu.com, Suda spoke of the possibility of a No More Heroes sequel, saying "Although it won't happen soon, I'd like to do it at some point." Referring to the two colleagues who were at his side, character designer Yusuke Kozaki and mecha designer Shigeto Koyama, he added "Let's make it together."
Avalanche Studio are currently at work on two “huge” licenses which are due sometime in 2013, and while there’s no word on whether one of the two is Just Cause 3 or not, the studio would love to make it.
“I can’t see that Avalanche wouldn’t want to continue on the Just Cause series,” producer Andreas Thorsén told Eurogamer. “We love that franchise.”
However, it’s not up to Avalanche as to whether the studio develops it or not.
“I can’t really comment on the future of Just Cause,” added studio head Christofer Sundberg, “but as we created the IP there is an attachment to the studio even though we don’t own the IP.”
Sunderberg refused to elaborate on whether one of the two titles in the works was Mad Max 4: Fury Road, either.
“Can’t say anything about them at this point,” he said. “I can’t comment on the projects we are working on, but Cory [Barlog] is working here with us in Stockholm as you have probably read on his Twitter recently.”
Avalanche announced its digital download title Renegade Corps today, which is set for release this year on PC, PSN, and XBL.
Heavy Rain creator David Cage has said Team Bondi’s specially-developed Motion Scan technology is a “dead end”, and that Quantic Dream’s new technology is already more advanced.
“I think [Motion Scan is] an interesting solution to a problem for now. But it’s also an interesting dead end,” the studio head told CVG.
“That’s exactly what I feel. Their technique is incredibly expensive and they will never be able to shoot body and face at the same time.”
Cage said Quantic Dream, which provides motion capture services to cinema alongside games development, is already able to do just that.
“We see a huge difference between shooting the face and body separately and shooting everything at the same time. Suddenly you’ve got a real sense of acting that is consistent. You can’t imagine how related what you say with your face is to what your body does,” he said.
“[MotionScan] will never be able to do that.”
The director added that Motion Scan doesn’t allow for real time lighting, limits shader use, and can’t reposition eyes to ensure characters are looking in the right direction – and that Motion Scan does not have the potential to overcome these issues.
“I think L.A Noire looks good – honestly, it does – but I don’t think they’ll go much further than where they are.
“With the technology we use, we can improve; there is a lot of room for improvement and we hope to show very soon where we are now.”
Cage said his team had made “significant progress” since Heavy Rain, and expects to equal Avatar over the next few years.
LucasArts told Gamasutra on Friday that it hired on Crystal Dynamics' former Tomb Raider creative and franchise director Tim Longo as creative director on an unannounced project.
It's not the first time that Longo has worked with LucasArts. He previously worked on LucasArts-published titles including Star Wars: Starfighter and Jedi Starfighter as lead designer, and was creative director on Star Wars: Republic Commando.
Longo even has a LucasArts credit as a playtester on the original X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter from the late 1990s. A LucasArts rep said in a statement that the company is "thrilled to welcome him back to the LucasArts family."
Longo's most recent Tomb Raider credits were on Tomb Raider: Underworld and Lara Croft: Tomb Raider Anniversary.
His former employer Crystal Dynamics is currently at work on a new Tomb Raider game, intended to revitalize and reboot the 15-year-old franchise.