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goldenaxeband escribió:
Se acabó la Gamescom, ahora a estar atento a la PAX y el Tokyo Game Show.
Runic Games hopes to release Torchlight on PSN and XBLA bu the holidays, according to Runic CEO Max Schaefer.
Speaking with Joystiq at gamesom, Schaefer said: “We’re trying, we’re talking [to Sony and Microsoft] and we hope to get that done quickly,” adding he hoped it would be released “by the holidays.”
The Runic bossman also told the site Torchlight has sold over 750K units and is getting closer to the one million mark. Schaefer admitted the unit sales seem a bit a low, but claims piracy has been an issue, and they are unable to track just how many illegal copies have been made of the game.
Torchlight 2, which is set for release next year with co-op, will only launch on PC and Mac at first, but Schaefer said Runic will “try” to release it for consoles once the other two versions are out the door.
Les rumeurs concernant le développement de Devil May Cry 5 commencent à se multiplier au point que nous allons finir par croire que le jeu est bel et bien prévu.
Aujourd'hui, une nouvelle rumeur vient faire son apparition sur la toile. Lors de la GamesCom 2010, les journalistes de Xboxic seraient tombés par hasard sur un fichier à haute classification (on se demandera comment d'ailleurs...) dans lequel il est confirmé que Devil May Cry 5 est bien en cours de développement !
Contrairement à ce qu'annonçaient les précédentes rumeurs, le jeu ne serait pas développé par les anglais de Ninja Théory mais en interne chez Capcom. Toujours dans ce "fameux fichier", il est dit que le développeur nippon prévoit d'annoncer le jeu lors du Tokyo Game Show 2010.
Vous connaissez la chanson maintenant, les rumeurs sont ce qu'elles sont et on attendra toujours qu'une annonce officielle soit faite.
Puis surtout, on se demandera comment ces journalistes ont pu avoir accès à ce genre de documents, et cela serait encore plus bizarre que Capcom laisse à disposition des fichiers confidentiels...
Xboxic - http://www.xboxic.com/news/6536
Tras meses enteros sin dar que hablar, Take-Two al fin se ha decidido a hablar de Agent, el proyecto que desarrollan los estudios Rockstar North (responsables de la saga GTA) en exclusiva para PlayStation 3. El que ha hablado del juego ha sido Ben Feder, nada menos que el CEO de Take-Two, el cual aseguró que la historia que se nos narrará será “refrescante” para los jugadores. Según describió el directivo de Take-Two, “Es un juego de espionaje, ambientado en la década de los 70. GTA es obviamente una experiencia mucho más urbana, una experiencia de alguien que va de la pobreza a la riqueza. [Agent] será un juego muy refrescante para los jugadores. Creo que los jugadores se dejarán arrastrar por él. Agent lleva a los jugadores a un viaje paranoico dentro de un mundo de contra-inteligencia, de espionaje y de asesinatos políticos durante el apogeo de la Guerra Fría a finales de la década de los 70”. Y hasta ahí comentó. Ahora sólo falta que Rockstar Games se decida a mostrarnos este prometedor y ambicioso título.
silenthill escribió:Más:
Desde Valve, quien lo ha visto y quien lo ve, Erik Johnson ha dicho que PS3 es una plataforma muy importante para ellos y que Orange Box tendrá una actualización que mejorará diversos aspectos del juego, como la tasa de fotogramas, además de permitir descarga de DLC (y de paso ya podrían meter un parche de traducción al español). ¿L4D para PS3?
Un saludo.
Aside from earning critical praise, Darksiders went on to sell a nice amount of units. Being a commercial success that of course means a sequel is on deck. Speaking at Wizard World Chicago, Darksiders creator and Vigil Games co-founder/Creative Director Joe Madureira dropped a few small tidbits on Darksiders 2.
Of course with Darksiders 2 not being “officially” announced Madureira had to be coy with his worlds on the future of the post-apocalyptic action game. When asked how Darksiders 2 was progressing Madureira replied that the game was in fact in production, something that most of us assumed. But Madureira did reveal that we would get an official announcement on the game soon but content most likely wouldn’t be shown at PAX Prime. Given how THQ has big plans for later this year, I wouldn’t be too surprised if a teaser trailer is shown at the Spike Video Game Awards or around that general time frame.
Being a standout success the future of the Darksiders franchise is likely to expand as do most games. When asked if we would ever see a Darksiders game pop up on the PSP or Nintendo DS Madureira said that it isn’t likely but if it does happen Vigil most likely won’t develop it. With Vigil working on Darksiders 2, the Warhammer MMO and other unannounced projects, the studio has its work slate filled for the next few years.
Madureria did reveal that there’s been talk of doing a XBLA Darksiders game, most likely akin to THQ’s existing plan of producing smaller scale games prior to the launch of the proper disc based release. Given the huge departure of Red Faction’s debut game on XBLA/PSN, it’ll be interesting if the potential Darksiders game follows suit with providing gamers a different gaming experience. Maybe it’s just me but I wouldn’t mind playing a XBLA/PSN Darksiders game that’s a side-scrolling game akin to Castlevania. But that’s just another pipe dream of mine.
That’s all Madureria revealed but despite being light on heavy details, it’s still nice that he was as forthcoming as he was instead of following the standard “no comment” route. Vigil proved that they can release quality AAA games with the release of Darksiders, which was their first game, and I honestly can’t wait to see what the studio does next with the franchise.
CyberConnect2 CEO Hiroshi Matsuyama responded to fan questions in a blog entry that was posted to Famitsu.com today. Matsuyama touched upon a number of points, including .hack game sequels, Solatorobo's connection to Tail Concerto, and huggable game character pillows.
One reader asked, "Do you have plans to make the next game after.hack? If possible, I want it on PS3!!!" Matsuyama responded, "Do you mean a .hack sequel? Or do you mean the next original title to follow .hack? We're of course making new titles. PS3 titles too."
Plage escribió:Puff estaria muy wapo un juego de .hack// para ps3 pero que tuviera juego online
Kokkyou escribió:Plage escribió:Puff estaria muy wapo un juego de .hack// para ps3 pero que tuviera juego online
Si lo hacen en plan mmorpg compra segura. Aunque hubiese que pagar mensualidades.
BioShock Infinite developer Irrational prototyped 'other games' before settling on its upcoming 1910 airborne adventure.
Irrational boss Ken Levine told CVG at Gamescom last week that the studio likes to work by trying out lots of different concepts and throwing out what doesn't work.
"[We worked on] a lot of prototypes for this game and other games," he said. "We played around with a lot of different things we were thinking about doing.
"We took six months after the first BioShock came out to figure out what we wanted to do next - that was a luxury we had. We did a lot of prototyping actually to determine if this was the right path for us."
He added: "So we started writing new code, we had a lot of people to hire and frankly the way Irrational works is we throw out way more of that than we use for our stuff. We start work, we try it, 'does it work? Does it now work? Throw it out'.
"That's a time consuming process but at the end of the day I think it makes a better game for the fans."
The most surprising part of Irrational's 'try it and bin it' development strategy is it only really came up with the core narrative idea for Infinite relatively recently.
"We had the floating city and the time period very early. We didn't have the notion of the American exceptionalism - that July 4th 1900 feeling with flags waving. We didn't have that until eight months ago," Levine said.
"This is how we work; it's like an ever-expanding circle. You start with the one core idea and you sort of go out and more ideas accrete. In BioShock 1 we didn't have the objectivism thing until relatively late. You can't imagine BioShock without Andrew Ryan but it WAS without Andrew Ryan for a very long time."
EA Partners boss David DeMartini has hinted we may see a reveal of the horror collaboration between Goichi Suda and Resident Evil creator Shinji Mikami at Tokyo Game Show next month.
DeMartini said Suda and Mikami have total freedom to make the game as they see fit.
“We’ve allowed [Suda] the opportunity to fully explore his creativity,” he told Eurogamer.
“The key thing is not for us to tone down Suda or try and westernise Suda, but to try and make sure the game gets broad enough exposure that more people appreciate it.”
When asked by the site if a Japanese reveal in September was likely and made sense, DeMartini only said: “Yes”.
As for Suda, all he said to EG at an event in Cologne last Wednesday, where he announced his new PSN and XBLA title Sine Mora, was this:
“Don’t worry. It’ll come soon.”
Does next month sound soon enough, Goichi?
“I’m not sure. But of course, please come to Tokyo.”
The project between Suda and Mikami was announced in 2008. EA confirmed it was a PS360 and PC title at the time, although DeMartini only confirmed to EG it was a PS3 and 360 game.
EA’s hosting a Tokyo showcase before TGS begins, where new games are expected to be announced.
That sound you hear is two and two being put together.
Apparently there is a new Soul Calibur game in development, how to interpret from a Twitter post by Katsuhiro Harada.
In it he writes: "Yeah i found Soooooul Calibur! I did co-director. My development team will be create new one …..? "And has to publish the image below.
Whatever that means. The probability of a new offshoot would not be so absurd. The last Soul Calibur was released last year on the PSP with Soul Calibur 4 as a predecessor to the PS3 and XBOX360.
Dave Epke, New Media Manager, SCEE, yesterday placed an image of a light box containing the text PlayStation Room299.com. What this means is missing ...
After some research showed that Room299.com already known to the PlayStation news agency. Martin Bell, one of the employees at the PR agency, was already a so-called retweet this info. But as you go there the text is Room299.com coming soon ... What do you think this is, this is a new PSN game?
Hitman 5, most knew was in development for a long time. There have been rumors about the game in several years, which have confirmed its existence and continued development - always with a "but it should only be described as hearsay" attached when the information has always been on second-hand basis.
Now a former IO Interactive employee who has worked on Hitman: Blood Money and Kane & Lynch: Dead Men, then commented about Hitman 5 sets of spiludvikling.dk , making it the first time that the game has been mentioned as being under development on a firsthand basis.
The opinion comes in a package in which the former employee exhibits his discontent about payments made and the recent unpublished Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days. The message mentions the former employee, in addition, to those who at first stood behind the development of Hitman 5 has been put on the game and instead are the leaders behind Kane & Lynch was put on.
At the next Hitman game coming, they tried a person in charge with passion and balls to rethink (Nor me), but alas he was removed and K & L management has taken over. It does not bode well for IO and Hitman future. IO Interactive Former employee "Voodooman"
After the poor reception of Kane & Lynch and especially Kane & Lynch 2, it is feared, on Hitman 5, and can live up to the high quality of previous titles in the series where it is now the same people behind.
Although the name of the former employee not reported here, we have confirmed his identity and that he has been employed at IO Interactive.
KuroShad escribió:Kokkyou escribió:Plage escribió:Puff estaria muy wapo un juego de .hack// para ps3 pero que tuviera juego online
Si lo hacen en plan mmorpg compra segura. Aunque hubiese que pagar mensualidades.
Yo creo que más de uno llevamos unos cuantos años soñando con ese The World
Looks like Surreal Software’s This is Vegas may have been canceled after Warner purchased the firm from Midway, if sources close to the developer are correct.
Speaking with CVG, a “cast iron source close to the project” claims Surreal was “quietly shut down” last year, amid lay-offs and restructuring of Midway Chicago into WB Chicago.
The source also claimed Midway spent over $40 million on the action title, and while next to nothing has been heard of the game since early 2009, Warner told G4 last August that it was “still in development”.
“Apparently the entire This is Vegas project has been totally canned,” said the source. “Midway spent in the region of $43 million up to the point when it was being sold to WB. Alan Patmore, who was [Surreal] studio boss, either left or was let go – but considering the resources and art created this is a lot of work down the drain.
“It was moving along to a point where the title was on the schedule for release late last year – but still needed another eight months to a year to finish with a studio burn rate of $250,000 per month.”
Snowblind Studios was also part of the Midway purchase, and while it also suffered some lay-offs, the developer is currently working on Lord of the Rings: War in the North for Warner.
Anyone who has watched Microsoft as a company over the years can agree that if the software giant wanted to dig deep and keep Bungie an exclusive developer for the Xbox 360, they probably could have. Furthermore, they could have turned Bungie into a first-party developer, securing one of the best in the business, and therefore, making their grass just a little bit greener, but instead they didn’t.
It’s no secret that Microsoft needs first-party support. Every year we look around and watch third-party exclusives dieing. The most recent of which was yet another 360-exclusive franchise entitled, Mass Effect developed by BioWare. The company is drowning without much to look forward to internally and I believe most gamers are smart enough to take notice of this as well.
A Bungie employee recently spoke to CVG about this revelation and openly admitted that Bungie is definitely in a better position within the industry developing for Sony than if they weren’t.
“I think Bungie is better poised now to do great things than we ever have been in the history of our studio, just in terms of our infrastructure, our new office, our team are at over 180 employees now, our Activision partnership, the creative control that we have, our freedom, our funding…
“There’s not anything holding us back now,” he said. “It’s up to us to sink or swim and execute our own destiny, really try and bring our next big universe to life.”
Furthermore, Brian Jarrard (man who stated the above), also revealed awhile ago that Bungie may just lead on the PlayStation 3 in the future as well — but nothing is set in stone.
“It’s a little bit too early for us to say which console we’ll lead on. We’re going to exactly figure out what’s the right way to lead into our new universe and what’s the right way to extend it. It’s too early for me to say which console is going to be the first out of the gate.”
Even as far back as February, Bungie had an internal team working on its next project after Reach…you know, the one that will be cross-platform. It goes without saying that this internal team is definitely working with the tech inside the PlayStation 3 and looking at ways to optimize it.
It’s going to be interesting to see what the developer comes up with, but overall, I’m not too concerned with it flopping. Given the history of the team, it should be evident that they’re capable of creating a long-standing franchise in the industry and that’s what we should be looking towards.
Nostalgia, it’s your lucky day. 3rd Birthday producer Yoshinori Kitase’s told VG247 a PSN release of Parasite Eve 1 and 2 is being looked at.
Kitase told us at a roundtable interview last week at gamescom that Square Enix was “aware” of demand for a release of the series’s first two horror titles alongside The 3rd Birthday.
“We are aware of the demand,” said Kitase via a translator, “so that we are closely considering the possibility of making it available for classics.
“Obviously, Parasite Eve 1 and 2 are not only owned by [Square Enix], they are also owned by Hideaki Sena [The author of the Parasite Eve novel]. But we hope it’ll be there.”
You’ve got a second rower in Nomura
Kitase isn’t the only one hinting at the possibillty of the re-release: artist Tetsuya Nomura is teasing as well.
“But, before The 3rd Birthday I’d like to do something for the numerous requests for the archives [version] of 1st and 2nd,” Nomura said on The 3rd Birthday’s Twitter (via Siliconera).
The 3rd Birthday is out sometime this year for PSP in Japan
Rumor: ¿Qué es "Room 299"?Dave Epke, New Media Manager, SCEE, yesterday placed an image of a light box containing the text PlayStation Room299.com. What this means is missing ...
After some research showed that Room299.com already known to the PlayStation news agency. Martin Bell, one of the employees at the PR agency, was already a so-called retweet this info. But as you go there the text is Room299.com coming soon ... What do you think this is, this is a new PSN game?
weiland stp escribió:Creo que podria ser una especie de "home" pero para psplo dejo caer
Gearbox Software will be attending PAX Prime, and according to the panel listing, it’s to show “never before seen footage of upcoming releases.”
According to the panel description, Randy Pitchford and co. will dish some “juicy exclusives, surprising disclosures, unbelievable scoops and behind the scenes access on what Gearbox is up to”.
Sounds pretty nifty.
These “juicy exclusives” could or will include information on the fourth DLC pack for Borderlands, Aliens: Colonial Marines, or the three unannounced titles listed on the company website, one of which may or may not be Duke Nukem Forever – Pitchford refuses to confirm or deny the rumor.
Guess we’ll all find out what’s in store for us come Sunday, September 5 at 3.00pm PST/5.00pm EST when Pitchford, Brian Martel, and Mikey Neumann take the stage.
PAX Prime run September 3-5 in Seattle, Washington
Columbia is high in the sky. Rapture is at the bottom of the sea. Ken Levine might be in the clouds with Infinite, but is a return to Rapture on the cards? As the man says, “Never say never”.
The Irrational boss told CVG in Cologne last week that although he had told the story of Rapture as far as he was concerned, he wouldn’t rule out a return.
“Leaving Rapture was very, very personally difficult for me,” said Levine.
“It was very difficult. It was my whole life. I don’t have kids; it’s like my child. I feel that connection to Andrew Ryan, Sander Cohen – a sick group of people to feel a connection to, but I do.
“I just felt that we had said all we needed to say about it… at the time. I mean, never say never. But right now that’s how we feel about it.”
So, we may have a Levine-made Rapture sequel. Cool. Just one condition.
“Yeah. I mean, life’s a long time. But I’d have to have an idea that drove that. I’d have to spring from the idea,” he said when asked if he could foresee himself telling another Rapture story.
No one said it was going to be that simple
Oh dear. Final Fantasy XIII producer Yoshinori Kitase has refused to commit to even a 2011 Japanese release for Final Fantasy Versus XIII.
Kitase, now producing The 3rd Birthday for PSP alongside Versus XIII director Tetsuya Nomura as art director and FFXIII director Motomu Toriyama as writer, refused to give GamingUnion even a rough release timeline for the RPG at gamescom last week.
“We have no release date information to update,” said Kitase.
“Unfortunately we can’t say anything about that. We can’t commit ourselves to 2011 either.”
The game was originally due to get an E3 re-reveal, according to comments made by Nomura last October, but nothing happened.
And back in January, a trailer shown at Jump Fiesta last December mentioned the message, “Revelation will come next time”.
TGS. Please?
faLconHunter83 escribió:Versus XIII fuera del 2011?Oh dear. Final Fantasy XIII producer Yoshinori Kitase has refused to commit to even a 2011 Japanese release for Final Fantasy Versus XIII.
Kitase, now producing The 3rd Birthday for PSP alongside Versus XIII director Tetsuya Nomura as art director and FFXIII director Motomu Toriyama as writer, refused to give GamingUnion even a rough release timeline for the RPG at gamescom last week.
“We have no release date information to update,” said Kitase.
“Unfortunately we can’t say anything about that. We can’t commit ourselves to 2011 either.”
The game was originally due to get an E3 re-reveal, according to comments made by Nomura last October, but nothing happened.
And back in January, a trailer shown at Jump Fiesta last December mentioned the message, “Revelation will come next time”.
TGS. Please?
Resumen: Kitase, Nomura y Toriyama se niegan si quiera un acercamiento de la fecha de lanzamiento del mencionado titulo. En palabras suyas: "no podemos comprometernos a sacarlo en 2011". Claramente ellos hablan de la salida japonesa, que nosotros todavia tendriamos que esperar algo mas.
P.D: Llevo un rato peleandome con el quickedit pero no me deja poner el titulo en grande, lo siento
Un saludo.
Jack Grensleaves escribió:Ay ay ay ay que me estoy temiendo maletin de MS y lanzamiento simultaneo, A là "FFXIII" style............![]()
Jack Grensleaves escribió:Ay ay ay ay que me estoy temiendo maletin de MS y lanzamiento simultaneo, A là "FFXIII" style............![]()
Drian-kun escribió:Me da que MS no tiene nada que ver.
Manda huevos el asunto Versus... es lo que pasa al anunciar un juego hace... 4 años? 5?
Namco69 escribió:Drian-kun escribió:Me da que MS no tiene nada que ver.
Manda huevos el asunto Versus... es lo que pasa al anunciar un juego hace... 4 años? 5?
si se empezó a hacer hace 4 años ya tendría que estar acabado lo menos no? xD a no ser que sea otro DN forever
fenix_supremo escribió:Como ha dicho Hibiki, el desarrollo de FF VS XIII ha estado casi estancado durante casi 1 año..., en 2011 saldra en japon eso no lo dudeis, esto lo dice Square-Enix para guardarse las espaldas, pero en 1 año pasan muchas cosas y es mucho tiempo.
Hibiki-naruto escribió:el vsxiii tambien hay que tener en cuenta que la mayor parte del equipo tuvo que unirse al grupo del XIII para que este avanzase mas rapido, y durante ese tiempo el desarrollo avanzado poquisimo.
reberes escribió:joder con el puto versus...
Yo me lo comprare pero esque me hierve que tarden tanto con el porque ya dijo Nomura que hasta que no lo termine no hay KHIII... Ojala digan algo en la tokyo game show pero lo dudo
por cierto, Ea dijo que se guardaba un gran anuncio para la TGS, que tiene por ahi EA? Puede ser mi tan esperaro y menospreciado por los sectores de jugadores Mirror's Edge 2?
A parte DICE no anuncio su "bombazo" para la gamescom...
Final Fantasy XIII has been out for a few months now, and Final Fantasy XIV is out next month, so soon all attention will be turning towards the next iteration in the franchise, Final Fantasy XV.
We had a chance to speak to Yoshinori Kitase at GamesCom about how the development cycles are longer with Final Fantasy games than they used to be.
"Obviously we now have consoles with much better specifications. The graphical quality we should target at is a lot higher, so it takes a long time to achieve that quality," said Kitase-san.
He went on to say "And Final Fantasy XIII, for example, was the first ever numbered Final Fantasy for Xbox 360 and PS3, so we really wanted to make it absolutely perfect and it took a long time to make it perfect. But maybe next time around we need a much shorter time."
We then quizzed him about his final statement and asked if that meant the next main game will take less time to complete. He simply replied by laughing and saying "Yes, yes, hopefully."
As a general rule, you can bet that there are always at least two James Bond games in development. We've talked up the upcoming Wii GoldenEye remake, but also announced at this year's E3 (and leaked prior, of course) was the new PC, 360, PS3 entry: Blood Stone.
But who cares, right? Just another 7/10 Bond game, yeah? No! Wait! Keep reading. You might be more interested than you expect...
The 23rd James Bond game holds no ties to previous games or films, though it does feature the voice and likeness of Daniel Craig, and it's being written by Bruce Feirstein, who wrote or co-wrote the scripts of GoldenEye, Tomorrow Never Dies, and The World is Not Enough. What's really interesting, however, is the game's developer: Bizarre Creations. The veteran studio is best-known for its racing games, the most recent of which is Blur, which it produced after being acquired by Activision. It might not have been an instant hit, but we couldn't stop talking about the fantastic combat racer after playing against our readers during our recent 24 Hour Marathon. The point: Bizarre can do driving games. Gee, I wonder if there will be any driving in Blood Stone?
So we know that Bizarre has combat driving down, but what about non-vehicular combat? The dev isn't known for its shooters, but if you've heard of The Club, you know its got that aspect covered too. The game didn't sell as well as it should have, and it did have some notable flaws, but regardless, The Club was a creative, unusual, and madly fun shooter. If you missed it, you can get it pretty cheap.
So, to recap, we've got likenesses and voices of the current Bond cast, a three-time Bond film writer, and a first-time Bond game developer which is known for fantastic racing games and at least one great shooter. This might be worth paying attention to.
Unfortunately, not a lot of the praise we just heaped on is apparent in the new trailer, which looks a little generic. Still, we're willing to wait until we get a deeper look at Bizarre's gameplay before we declare this "just another Bond game." Ya dig?
¡Si estás leyendo esto, deberías saber que este juego NO tiene aún hilo oficial!, ¡Anímate y créalo tú!
goldenaxeband escribió:Hablando de Final Fantasies y tal, interesantes declaraciones:
Yoshinori Kitase: "Final Fantasy XV no tendrá un desarrollo tan largo como FFXIII"Final Fantasy XIII has been out for a few months now, and Final Fantasy XIV is out next month, so soon all attention will be turning towards the next iteration in the franchise, Final Fantasy XV.
We had a chance to speak to Yoshinori Kitase at GamesCom about how the development cycles are longer with Final Fantasy games than they used to be.
"Obviously we now have consoles with much better specifications. The graphical quality we should target at is a lot higher, so it takes a long time to achieve that quality," said Kitase-san.
He went on to say "And Final Fantasy XIII, for example, was the first ever numbered Final Fantasy for Xbox 360 and PS3, so we really wanted to make it absolutely perfect and it took a long time to make it perfect. But maybe next time around we need a much shorter time."
We then quizzed him about his final statement and asked if that meant the next main game will take less time to complete. He simply replied by laughing and saying "Yes, yes, hopefully."
Fuente: Gamingunion
fenix_supremo escribió:goldenaxeband escribió:Hablando de Final Fantasies y tal, interesantes declaraciones:
Yoshinori Kitase: "Final Fantasy XV no tendrá un desarrollo tan largo como FFXIII"Final Fantasy XIII has been out for a few months now, and Final Fantasy XIV is out next month, so soon all attention will be turning towards the next iteration in the franchise, Final Fantasy XV.
We had a chance to speak to Yoshinori Kitase at GamesCom about how the development cycles are longer with Final Fantasy games than they used to be.
"Obviously we now have consoles with much better specifications. The graphical quality we should target at is a lot higher, so it takes a long time to achieve that quality," said Kitase-san.
He went on to say "And Final Fantasy XIII, for example, was the first ever numbered Final Fantasy for Xbox 360 and PS3, so we really wanted to make it absolutely perfect and it took a long time to make it perfect. But maybe next time around we need a much shorter time."
We then quizzed him about his final statement and asked if that meant the next main game will take less time to complete. He simply replied by laughing and saying "Yes, yes, hopefully."
Fuente: Gamingunion
Despues de darle muchas ...¿vueltas? de tuerca a que si abra o no abra FF XV al final Kitase confirma que si existira, ademas de ser muy logico que no tardara tanto porque FF XIII se ha pasado de desarrollo tanto tiempo, porque estos señores cuando lo anunciarn no tenian ni terminadas las herramientas de desarrollo... con el motor y/o herramientas a lo sumo tardarian 2 años en realizar un juego con el equipo completo.
Esperemos, que como minimo, le den un aspecto como han sabido darle a FF XIV.
Square Enix recently filed two different trademarks for what sounds like the same game, or two games from the same genre. They’re titled The Manager and Championship Manager Legends.
What sort of game can you think of that would likely fit the bill given these names? Some sort of sports management simulation perhaps? Maybe a soccer game?
Unlike other Square Enix trademarks, these were registered by Square Enix’s European division.
goldenaxeband escribió:No creo que sean Final Fantasies.
BSTCloud escribió:goldenaxeband escribió:No creo que sean Final Fantasies.
Jo, y yo que esperaba ver un FF7 de fútbol...![]()