joder que envidia los que ya lo estais jugando!
y que sorpresa eso del chat de voz!! joer que ganas de pillarmelo con unos amigos y jartarnos de reir!! la solucion hasta ahora era conectarse al skype desde el pc con los cascos y hablar por ahi mientras jugabamos, pero con headset no hay color!!
yo a ver si me hago "el fuerte" y no me lo compro aun, a ver si en las navidades me lo regala alguien de mi familia. que tengo el uncharted por pasar + el NFS shift por rematar que ya me queda pokito + fifa + otros mas antiguos aun...
una cosa si os aclarare:
los que se han comprado la edicion especial con su super caja y tal, despedios de la bolsita roja de tela para guardar los buzzers!!
en el papel donde pone el contenido del paquete es copiado a la edicion de plastico que viene con el juego en el centro y los buzzers a los lados (parecida a la presentacion del singstar) y es en esa edicion (la del juego normal + buzzers) en la que viene la bolsita para guardar los mandos y el receptor inalambrico (pen usb).
se supone que los que compan la edicion especial es para llevarlo en la caja a los sitios...
![adios [bye]](/images/smilies/nuevos2/adio.gif)
BRONCESTeam TacticicsPlay an online game that involves four players in your household against four players in another household
SocialitePlay an online game that involves at least three of your PlayStation®Network friends and others
PlayStation®Home is where the BUZZ!™ Launch BUZZ!™ from PlayStation®Home
Fastest FingersBe fastest to answer every question in a round of Fastest Finger correctly
The Artful BuzzerSteal from every player in the game in one round of Point Stealer
The Cream ReaperPie every player in the game in one round of Pie Fight
Hard Boiled Achieve boiling point in a fast time
Dark Horse Answered correctly when On the Spot and nobody thought you would
Human CatapultDunked everyone and stayed on the floor in Over the Edge
Happy in my skinKeep one profile active and unchanged
Cross DresserRegularly play as a character of the opposite sex
Picker OnnerRepeatedly pick on a player with a pie or a pilfering
Stag PartyPlay a game with only male player profiles
Hen PartyPlay a game with only female player profiles
Kick 'em while they're downPie, and eliminate, or steal from someone who is in last place by more than 1500 points
KleptomaniacPointless theft! You stole from a player who had no points
Sui-PiedPie, and eliminate, yourself from a round of Piefight
Dirty RascalTaunt during the round summary of three different rounds in one game, and be in last place during each of them
Not your dayGet Pied, Dunked, Bombed and Stolen from in one game
Snap HappyHave a photo taken for each moment
Proof readerBe the first to play a quiz that has not been played
Denture wish your girlfriend was hot like me?Make Gran whip her teeth out during a round summary
That's a keeperSave one of your photos to the XMB™ menu
There's always oneWind everyone up with the buzzer noise select screen
Filmed in front of a live studio audienceIt really was! And you have the photos of you all to prove it
I love you guys!Enjoy back to back rematches against players in an online game
Don't make Buzz angryyou wouldn't like him when he's angry
BUZZ!™Face On!Upload one of your photos to
PLATASLook good for the camerasUse all the costumes for each character in a full game
You'll never have to work againWin every prize
MyBUZZ! your face offPlay and rate 50 different MyBUZZ! quizzes
Time BanditScore over 3200 points in one round of Stop the Clock
Soft BoiledAchieve boiling point in a super-fast time
Last Man StandingBe the last person alive at the end of Pie Fight, Over the Edge and Final Countdown in one game
Under the RadarFinish a Crazy game without getting Pied, Bombed, Dunked or Stolen from
Popular AuthorQuizzes you have written have been played by more than 100 different people
Quality Quiz WriterA quiz you have written has been played by 25 different people and has over 2.5 stars
Weekend WarriorPlay a game of BUZZ!™ every weekend for three consecutive weeks
Host with the mostHave 10 online game invites accepted
Guest of honorBe invited to an online game by five different friends
OROSI <3 BUZZ!™Play every type of game BUZZ!™ has to offer
Sofa SlayerYou or someone playing in your house has won 25 online games
Master Quiz Writer10 quizzes you have written have each been played by 25 different people and have over 2.5 stars
... + EL PLATINO...
You've got the whole Quiz world, in your handsWin every trophy - then give that giant brain of yours a rest
ale!! yo me he currado ponerlos todos, por si el autor los quiere poner en el primer post, a ver si alguien los traduce, o quien tenga el juego que los ponga...