JDiego escribió:Yo suelo comer pan con todas las comidas :/
Yo tengo el mismo debate con mi novio...él se queda un poco flipendo y me suelta comentarios del palo " hidratos con hidratos??" xDD pero no sé, en mi casa (y en general en las islas) siempre se ha acompañado la comida con pan, sea lo que sea.
Empanaos, el pan de trigo tiene efectos opioides en el cerebro. Y sí, esa dietista de culturistas sabe más del tema que la panda de yonkis que habitan por aquí :
Demonstration of high opioid-like activity in isolated peptides from wheat gluten hydrolysates. Huebner FR, Lieberman KW, Rubino RP, Wall JS. Abstract
Because of a possible relationship between schizophrenia and celiac disease, a condition in some individuals who are sensitive to wheat gluten proteins in the diet, there has been interest in observations that peptides derived from wheat gluten proteins exhibit opioid-like activity in in vitro tests. To determine the origin of the peptides exhibiting opioid activity, wheat proteins were fractionated by size (gel filtration), by charge differences (ion exchange chromatography) and by differences in hydrophobicity (reversed-phase HPLC). These fractions were hydrolyzed by pepsin or pepsin and trypsin and the resulting peptides separated by gel filtration chromatography. The separated peptides were tested for opioid-like activity by competitive binding to opioid receptor sites in rat brain tissue in the presence of tritium-labeled dihydromorphine. The peptides showed considerable differences in activity; while some peptides exhibited no activity, 0.5 mg of the most active peptides were equivalent to 1 nM of morphine in the binding assay. The most active peptides were derived from the gliadin fraction of the gluten complex.
En serio, para muchas personas, el pan es lo único en común todos los días de su vida. El cebamiento a pan que se practica a diario no puede ser saludabe...