El betatester ya tiene el emu y esto es lo q ha dicho:
alright guys, i finally got this thing working but this donkey64 is very very complicated. not only did i have to unzip the rom game but i also had to place some database file somewhere on my memory stick before it would load mariokart. the donkey64 eboot is like 6 megs big by the way. mariokart does work but not like you all expect. at first, the game plays great and i got all happy. but then after 15 or so minutes of racing, the game started slowing down more and more until the game wouldn't work anymore and it just crashes and you have to reset the psp. his options menu is very complicated also with soo many different button configurations to figure out. the sound is horrible. the sound lags the video of the gameplay by like a half a second. if you crash into someone, you won't hear it until another half second or full second later. i also tried his save/load state in his options menu. its not worth it as it takes about 5 minutes to save the spot you are in in the game and like another 4 or 5 minutes to load that state again. i have only tried playing mariokart right now because it says in the readme file that you can only play one game at a time in the donkey64 folder. i now think that psmonkey's emulator will be much better than this one and i don't think monkey64 will crash after 15 minutes like this one does. i give him credit for trying though. tomorrow i plan to play more games and give more feedback on other games that i will try. time for me to hit the sack. i hope this helps people.
- El juego al principio va cojonudo pero a los 15 min de juego empieza a ir cada vez mas lento y mas lento, hasta q se para y la consola se reinicia
- El eboot ocupa 6 megas
- Creo q dice q tienes q modificar la ROM "CREO"
- El menu es muy complicado
- El sonido es horrible
- Tarda 5 min en salvar y 4 en cargar
- Por ahora solo ha probado el MarioKart64 porq eso pone en el Readme, q solo funciona este por ahora
- Piensa q PSmonkey va a llegar a ser mucho mejor q PSdonkey
Leyendo esto me parece mas q no es Fake, eso de q al principio vaya rapido y luego termine apagandose la consola, lo veo mas posible, al final sera verdad, a ver si lo libera y lo probamos