Ya ha salido la nueva version de este excelente programa.
En esta version se corrigen muchos bugs e incorpora mejoras en el navegador como por ejemplo los marcadores o el acceso rapido de teclas como ".com, .es, .net"
Esto es lo que dice el autor:
Fixes found in 2.8 GBAX
* Added referer header tag to the web browser.
* Added plaintext viewing to the web browser.
* Added customizable shortcut keys to web browser.
* Added rudimentary favorites to web browser.
* Added captured urls from irc to web browser.
* Added homepage option to web browser.
* Added colors/bold/underline input to irc.
* Added clickable nick list to channels on irc.
* Added setting to disable autopatching.
* Added startup sound.
* Added sound notify to IRC when you recieve a new PM or your name is said in channel.
* Added highlight when your name is said in channel on IRC.
* Added option to disable writing to card.
* Changed how the playback mode saving works to hopefully fix the freeze.
* Changed the way the html parser looks for body tags to make malformed pages render.
* Changed web browser to swap to text entry mode automatically when clicking entry forms.
* Changed the way urls are handled to allow for much larger pages to display (e.g. wikipedia iran page).
* Fixed lockup issue with downloading homebrew.
* Fixed a stack overflow issue with the web browser.
* Fixed DSO letting you into wifi-capable apps on startup if resource0.bin is missing.
* Fixed crash in web browser when sites have malformed tag properties (babelfish fixed).
* Fixed crash in web browser when sites use more than six digits in a color (babelfish again).
* Fixed bug in web browser where form elements could remain bold/italics/underlined/strikethrough.
* Fixed bug where calculator button colors wouldn't set.
* Fixed a parsing error with homebrew database package files that include spaces or cr/lf in the wrong spot.
* Fixed a parsing error with web sites that use hexadecimal in their character codes.
* Updated dsWifi library for the latest dslite fix.
* Updated the loading bar for web pages.
* Made send buffer larger so forms don't sometimes crash web browser.
* Made DSOrganize auto-clear browser cache on entry and exit of browser.
* Made DSOrganize not turn off the backlight when in recording mode to stop cutting off sound.
* Made DSOrganize save the eight custom colors in scribble between sessions.
* Disabled visited link coloring (slowed down load times and added little benefit).
Descargar iconos (son los mismos que salen en el video)