Eeprom - Problemas Y Preguntas -

Tengo un problema con mi xbox que dice "No Se Ha Encontrado Xbox Live" cuando trato de entrar al Xbox Live, ya llame al servicio de xbox y no me pudieron ayudar ya trate todas las configuraciones, hasta le hable a mi amigo para que trajiera su Xbox, para ver si era mi servicio de internet, lo probamos y a la primera detecto todo bien.

Por eso llegue a la conclucion de que era mi xbox, me puse a investigar en los foros de - Xbox- Scene - y vi unos Hilos que decian esto:


00C2 In your second Y code is almost definitely an unconformity in Eeprom info. This is editing the eeprom so that parts do not match, or other types of unmatching data (can be caused by replacing parts in the xbox or locking and unlock attempting with different things.) New Info! (Not Confirmed)

I had the 00C2 code and got the "XBox Live not found" error, however when I prepared my HD using the "long" version of locking (involving using a PC and Norton Ghost to clone the original xbox drive, then using LiveInfo and atalock to lock the HD), the 00C2 code went away, and I have been playing on Live happily ever since (for about 2 weeks now).

All these people that have purchased new EEPROMs probably didn't need to. There's another post somewhere in this thread that mentions using the PAL<->NTSC video mode switcher may also alleviate the 00C2 problem.

00C2 (Almost Definitely) FINAL INFO :
By Cutriss

It is my guess (and much of the user-posted evidence supports this) that when people are using ConfigMagic to lock their HDs, they are either doing so incorrectly, or there may be an underlying problem in ConfigMagic.

If your Xbox is banned and you successfully connect to Live, you will always get a message saying that your connection is dropped because of modified hardware or software.

If you simply get the message "Xbox Live not found", then check your XYZ settings. Specifically, we're looking at row Y, the third and fourth characters. If these say "C1", "C2", "C3", or "8A" (NOT A8!), then you have a hardware mismatch problem with your EEPROM. Typically, you'll also see "AFFF" or "0000" in the first half of Z as well. This most frequently arises from people modifying their EEPROM settings so that they can play PAL software on an NTSC Xbox, or vice versa.

harrytasker points out that using the Enigmah PAL-NTSC switcher can possibly restore this:

I had same problem but i FIXED it like this:
I ran my avalaunch and looked at my Hardware settings.
It said i had PAL-1 or PAL-I whatever and behind it said: WEIRD
So i thought let's use the Enigmah PAL-NTSC switcher, so i did and select PAL, rebooted again and checked hardware again. The WEIRD word was gone so i turned off modchip, rebooted and voila i was able to connect again to the XBOX live. Dont know what went wrong but its working again.

If this fails, the best way to fix this problem is to backup everything on your HD and start the HD locking/prepping procedure all over again, using your old EvoX backups (YOU DO HAVE THESE, RIGHT?), and ATAPWD/HDDUNLOCK/LiveInfo. Don't forget to copy your Live account to a memory card. Once you've completed this procedure, copy your Live account back, and try to connect to Live. You should connect successfully.

You do *not* need to replace your EEPROM because of a C1/C2/C3/8A error.


Entonses me fije que codigo tenia en las letras y me aparecio que en la Y tenia C2.
Bueno asi me salio en los codigos:
X: 0000-F001
Y: 00C2-0022
Z: 0000-0000

Ahi me fui dando cuenta que prodria ser mi eeprom, entones hice un backup de mi eeprom y la abri con el - LiveInfo - y me di cuenta que entodo aparece en 000000.

Asi aparece mi eeprom con el programa - LiveInfo - y con el - Config Magic - :

Xbox Version: Xbox Version 1.1
Serial Number: 000000000000
Video y XBE Region: NTSC, USA
Online Key: 00000000000000000000000000000000
DVD Kit Zone: 00
Counfunder: 0000000000000000
Unique HDD Key: 00000000000000000000000000000000

Quisiera saber si puedo arreglar mi eeprom o si alguien me pudiera ayudar con esto.
Y si debe de aparecer numeros o letras con eso del - LiveInfo - y del - Config Magic -.
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