bronson escribió:Hola
Os agradecería mucho que algun entendido hiciese un pequeño tutorial paso a paso para ignorantes.
O también cuando salga algún tutorial en youtube para utilizarlo que pongais el enlace en este hilo.
Muchas gracias
Instructions for Each Tool in v3.0
PS3 HAN Installer
This tool will copy files from USB to Flash Memory to install OFW Package Manager.
Extract all files from "" on target USB drive root
Load Exploit Page
Select Root Path where these files are (default /dev_usb000/)
Click "Initialize HAN Installer" button
When init ready, click "Launch HAN Installation" button to copy files to flash and reboot
Once rebooted, you can now use the HAN Enabler and Debug Package Enabler
PS3 HAN Enabler
This tool will enable the HAN patches.
Load Exploit Page
Click "Initialize HAN Enabler" button
When init ready, click "Enable HAN" button to activate patches
Once browser closes (default option) you can install HAN packages from XMB
This tool will dump your activation file (act.dat) and your IDPS.
Load Exploit Page
Select Dump Path From Dropdown Box (default /dev_usb000/)
Click "Initialize ACT/IDPS Dumper" button
When init ready, click "Dump ACT.DAT & IDPS" button
The browser will close automatically by default
This tool will write back to the PS3 a modified act.dat and *.rif file
Load Exploit Page
Change RIF File Name to match your target
example PS2 Placeholder: 2P0001-PS2U10000_00-0000111122223333
Select Root Path where act.dat/*.rif is located (default /dev_usb000/)
Click "Initialize AC/RIF Copier" button
When init ready, click "Copy Files" button to transfer to HDD
PS3 HAN Debug PKG Enabler
This tool will allow Debug Package types to be installed
Load Exploit Page
Click "Initialize HAN Debug PKG Enabler" button
When init ready, click "Enable Debug PKG" button to activate patches.
Once browser closes (default option) you can install Debug pkg packages from XMB.