Turyx escribió:A mi me suena a publicidad, no me suena que Famitsu antes hiciera distinción de notas entre versiones.
Y lo vería lógico si la de PS3 fuera un atentado contra la jugabilidad por ser un port horroroso, pero con solo 2 puntos de diferencia no creo que sea el caso
pues por lo que he leído sobre las versiones finales, esa diferencia en puntos no es ninguna publicidad, sino real. que una versión esté entre 45-60 y otra entre 25-45, pues me parece algo que se palpa, vamos el notar o no bajones en un juego (más de este tipo) creo que es algo a tener en cuenta.
y un juego de 38/40, atentado contra la jugabilidad?

a ver, hay mogollón de scans de FF XIII, si queréis los posteo
impresiones sobre Bayonetta, aunque sea un tanto offtopic:
Well, review wise it should be the same but if you want a visuals & sound comparison, here is my opinion:
* Graphics -
- Xbox 360: High and silky smooth frame-rate. Rich and vibrant colours. Great levels of black with the shadowing and high on contrast.
- PS3: Frame rate is definitely lower without a doubt! The game doesn't move silky smooth like the Xbox version (If the Xbox moves at 55-60fps at best then the PS3 version is around 45fps) as it obviously judders when you are shifting around the game. However, do not be mistaken as this being obvious from the get-go as you won't notice it unless you compare it to the Xbox directly. It's like the movements between NEED FOR SPEED SHIFT and FORZA, NFS still moves well but no way as smooth and slick as FORZA. With respect aesthetics the differences are quite pronounced as the colours are more pastel with richness in black and contrast levels not being so high as the Xbox version. In simple terms, it's like a washed-out version of the Xbox game but, again, do not be detered because it is still impressive.
If you got NFS Shift and FORZA game/demo then take a look at both of them. NFS moves nicely but FORZA moves silky smooth. Now, imagine on NFS Shift the game's movements starts juddering when lots of cars appears on the screen, then when there are less cars on the screen the game goes back to its normal speed. Now imagine the same thing for FORZA but instead of juddering the game still appears to move silky smooth... That's basically what happens to Bayonetta on the PS3 and Xbox - the PS3 version is the NFS Shift and the XBox version is the FORZA.
Remember, you have to compare in order to notice because it isn't obviously when you stick to one version. Lastly, do not be dismayed from the PS3 version but if you can select between each version then definitely you should focus all attention on the Xbox version as that's the best one. Again, why? Because the game was originally developed for the Xbox by Platinum Games and SEGA ported the PS3 version.
* Sound -
- Xbox 360: Compressed sound that doesn't entirely do an amazing job at assigning the sound-FXs to the appropriate speakers with respect to the object/character position on the stage/3D-Space. Example of this was some of the spell cast, I was hearing roars of the creature more on my rear speakers rather than the appropriate front speakers. Other than that the sound is still amazing as each sound-fx and its music are strong and clear.
- PS3: Amazing sound quality! Witch bullet-time sounds incredible because you can feel the sound waves slightly hitting you on each execution. The screams, shouts and roars that suppose to emulate from an on-screen character are applied and produced & pans appropriately cross the stage via the correct speakers. The sound is also crystal clear & sharper than the Xbox version, no doubt this is probably thanks to the PS3 superior sound unit and the BluRay disk.
Overall -
The Xbox 360 version is the best one to get (which is no suprise as Platinum Games originally created on the Xbox whilst SEGA ported the code to the PS3) due to the superior graphics. The PS3 version has the best sound but unless you have a good sound system you won't notice this.
I promise you all this... What you have seen from the demo will NOT prepare you from the absolute awe, epic scales and utter SHOCKS that you will experience from the incredible full version.
BTW - practise well on the demo version too because it will be handy for you. However, please bear in mind that you will still need to know learn how to PARRY (Parrying is similar to SFIII third strike), appropriately using the Afterburner kick, etc, as those moves were deliberately removed from the demo version.