Añade esto:
- The FFXIII demo disc included with FFVIIACC will be a PS3 disc, it's not on a standard blu-ray movie disc. This is good news for people with Euro PS3s, since it'll probably mean the demo will work even if the movie is region locked.
La demo de FF XIII sera un disco aparte que vendra con la pelicula y no un extra del mismo Blu-Ray. Lo que supondra que la demo funcionara incluso en las PS3 europeas
- There're 3 realtime screens of Agito XIII from the trailer, including a screen of Odin.
Hay 3 pantallas en tiempo real de Agito XIII del trailer incluyendo una pantalla de Odin
- 3 pages worth of FFXIII screens and stuff, about 20 screens. There are realtime screens too apparently.
3 paginas con imagenes en realtime de FFXIII
- The FFXIII demo will be from the opening part of the game, and will be longer than FFVIIAC (longer than 90mins?

La demo comenzara desde el comienzo del juego y sera mas larga que Advent Children
- 4 pages on Versus, about 10 screens all realtime.
- The world in Versus XIII worships a Shinigami and the Shinigami is designed by Amano
El mundo de Versus XIII aparece un Shinigami y el Shinigami estara diseñado por Amano
- The cars and clothing seen in the trailers so far will probably change in design for the final game
Los coches y el vestuario vistos en el trailer probablemente cambiaran en el diseño final del juego
- The morale of the team is really high!
La moral del equipo es realmente alta
- They moved it to the PSP because they couldn't wait for cellphones to get more advanced lolz
Ellos pasaron Agito a PSP porque no podian esperar a que los telefonos moviles fuesen mas avanzados
- The battle will be heavy on action but still sort of turn based. It will use an advanced version of Crisis Core's high speed ATB system.
La batalla estara llena de accion pero seguira siendo por turnos. Se usara una version avanzada de Crisis Core
- Crisis Core was 1 player, but this time there will be multiple characters in the party.
Crisis Core tenia 1 jugador, pero esta vez habra multiples personajes en el grupo
- Right now it supports Infrastructure multiplayer for up to 3 players.
Por ahora soporta una infraestructura multijugador de hasta 3 jugadores
- Summons are part of the character growth system, and can also be controlled by players after summoning.
Las invocaciones pueden ser controladas por el jugador
- The game will support both Ad-hoc and Infrastructure.
Scans (supongo que faltaran mas )