I'm just going to list them as bulleted items...
- They said they dropped polygon count to about half of FFX in order to put more memory on textures for the realtime models. Like Vagrant Story, they are really really putting a lot of effort on the textures of the characters, and it looks nice indeed.
- The movie models on the other hand look very FF11, like Vaan and Ashe CG movie models can be easily mistaken with a CG movie character from FF11. Hence, my point is, there is still a gap between in-game and movie models. But personally, I really dig the in-game models more than the movie ones.
- Matsuno says the setting is inspired by Mediterranean culture. As we've already seen, there's a section where Vaan was walking in this tropic type setting...that was more like a tropical forest area with waterfall, so dont think its FFX all over again. Other places were desert field, dungeons (very Vagrant Story-esque feel to it). And get this, the field map is completely 3D, Matsuno said you can view it in any angle so I assume it is rotatable like FF11. In fact, there was a part where the party was walking through the desert and the field depth felt very FF11...looks promising.
- Battle...they didn't say summon monsters (aeons) but the movie we saw seemed obvious...Ifrit, Ramus...some others I wasnt familiar with. One of the dev members said they deliberately picked screenshots which makes us think its the typical FF style. I assume there's more to the battle system...and one thing I caught which only showed for very briefly was that there was one circular line surrounding an enemy and it moved up and down (as if that enemy was playing with a hoola-hoop, if you know what I am trying to visualize)...so my guess is, there is body part damage like Vagrant Story perhaps? Just my guess...
- Music...Nobuo Uematsu of course, with one other guy, forgot his name. Didn't say much, the one they played with the movie was quite uplifting and very suitable, but I personally can't say its out of this world. They havent announced who the official singer is yet...
- Matsuno admits there are relations between FFTA and FF12...kinda like how the Ogre Battle universe was. Like the Judge from FFTA is an evil character in FF12, the dude on the logo is him. Anyway, somebody would probably put up details on character profile and background story, so I'll skip that.
- Lastly...I dont like Vaan much at this point...too feminine like. The face was probably inspired by Hyde (L'arc vocalist), at least I think so. There were two other characters shown, names werent revealed. One seemed like Shenmue's Ren (you know those bad boy characters), and the other was a tanned skinned female character in a very skimpy outfit.
The sovenir they handed out was very nice. Press sheets, wallpaper CDs, and business card case (why?). Sakaguchi-san also appeared in front of the press after disappearing for 2 years...looks like he was having a long vacation in Hawaii.
Well, I dont know what else I missed, but I'm sure other sites will have info and impressions soon. For now, I guess I can see if I can answer anyone's questions...but I'll be sleeping soon, make it quick!