si son originales los acaban de sacar al publico, aqui esta el procedmiento a seguir:
1. Open the dump in the target
note** i. liteon encrypted f/w will not open on the source tab.
ii. 93 f/w will show as 74 as they are very similar...
iii. 83 v2 will look like 83 again very similar
2. right click in the target tab and select "Save Dummy"
3. now reopen this dummy on the source side.
4. open which ever Lite-on f/w YOU think is best in the target side
note** 1.67 will NOT spoof a 93 correctly to non-encrypted types
however, 167 will not alter the inquiry between lite-on revs
so if you use the f/w Carranzafp posted the inquiry strings will be unaltered,
but the key and serial info WILL be transferred.... and there will be no e66....
Read his warnings if you are feeling lucky flash it