graf_chokolo says:
February 5, 2011 at 5:19 am
Look at that piece of dmesg output guys

Great news

ps3disk_init:588: registered block device major 254
ps3_system_bus_match:354: dev=7(sb_01), drv=6(ps3disk): miss
ps3_system_bus_match:354: dev=6(sb_02), drv=6(ps3disk): match
-> ps3_system_bus_probe:365: sb_02
-> dma_sb_region_create:656:
ps3disk sb_02: ps3stor_probe_access:70: 3 accessible regions found. Only the first one will be used
ps3disk sb_02: First accessible region has index 1 start 524312 size 130611352
ps3disk sb_02: ps3da is a Hitachi HTS542580K9SA00 (76319 MiB total, 63775 MiB for OtherOS)
3 accessible HDD regions

All GameOS regiosn are accessible

I guess i won’t have sleep on this weekend. Sray tuned.
Here is the complete dmesg output: