Soul Calibur también tiene versión para dreamcast, funciona bien con Nulldc.
Nunca he usado en emulador Makaron, en comparación con nulldc ¿Cómo es el consumo de recursos? o ¿Qué requisitos pide?
Soul calibur va bastante bien en mame...

Al menos en mi E8600 que tampoco es una maravilla.
Una cuestión, a ver si alguien logra darme un poco de luz a este asunto;

En la última versión de MAME, la 0.206, estoy sufiendo unas realentizaciones un poco extrañas con juegos bastante normales (Outrun, Space Invaders 95, Tetris Plus 2, etc...). El marcador de frames está siempre estable al 100% pero, de repente, pega microparones que lo hacen ponerse durante un breve instante al 60%. Son microparones, pero afectan bastante a la jugabilidad y, sobretodo, al audio.

He probado toqueteando todas las opciones; triple buffer/vsync, pantalla completa/ventana, d3d/opengl, con HLSL o sin él, con artworks o sin ellos, latencia de audio, etc... y no logro que me vaya estable.

Lo peor es que lo he probado en distintos equipos, con distinto hardware, y en todos me ocurre lo mismo; da igual que use un Athlon X2, un i5, o un AMD fx3650, que en todos me ocurre lo mismo, lo que me lleva a pensar que es algo del mame.ini, aunque tampoco podría asegurarlo porque si quito la carpeta ini para que mame me cree una nueva de cero, sigue ocurriendo igual.

Si lo hago con el mame normal, me pasa, y si lo hago con el mameui, igual. Con mandos conectados o sin nada puesto.

He tocado todas las opciones de nvidia, y nada, no doy con la tecla.

Tengo el romset entero de mame (con un Audit de 0 errores), llevo bastantes versiones manteniendolo limpio y completo, y realmente no sabría decir si con las versiones anteriores me ocurria, pero desde luego ahora me ocurre y no tengo ni idea de por qué.

Comentar que lo tengo en un HDD externo de 4 teras, que realmente no es que sea muy rapido, pero tampoco me dan problema alguno el resto de emuladores. Independientemente de eso, entiendo que mame mete en memoria todo el juego cuando lo carga, así que no creo que acceda al HD durante el gameplay. Además, miro los recursos del sistema y no hay problemas ni con el proceso, ni con la gráfica, ni con la memoria, es decir, los microparones no estan provocados, al menos en teoria, por momentos del 100% de carga del proceso mame.exe, pués nunca llega nungun apartado a esos niveles.

¿Alguien tiene alguna idea?.

Gracias de antemano.

Makaron con un Pentium 4 775 bueno, y una grafica q soporte TnL por hardware y PS2, deveria ser suficiente para q la emulacion corra al 100%

A mi me gusta mas q NullDC

Ese E8600 es una bestia, de lo mejor en C2D :O

piensa mi C2D a 1.6ghz, un solo core, ya es mas rapido que un Pentium 4 a 3.4 por un margen... ni hablar, ese CPU q tienes deve ser entre 2 y 3 veces mas rapido que el P4 por hilo... 4 a 6 veces si el emulador puede usar mas de un nucleo...
pyrumano escribió:Probaré esta tarde otras roms, si creo una nueva lista me siguen apareciendo los mismos 465 que estaban. No es necesario poner las fotos y demás o algo a parte de la rom, ¿no?

Por cierto, le puse Nulldc con el Virtua Tennis y nada, no lo mueve, tardo en sacar unos 5 segundos, me he fijado en los procesos y la CPU está al 100%, no se si es por esto o por la GPU. Aún así no conseguía poner los controles de la recreativa en el emulador.

Las especificaciones del PC son:

Pentium 4 3.40GHz
1,50GB de RAM
ATI Radeon HD 4350

Y el sistema operativo RetrOS 1.8 basado en Windows XP 2002 SP3

Supongo que es normal que no lo mueva.

¿Qué tal lo de la recreativa con Steam Link?

Compi comprueba si el pc es socket 775, si es así, un c2d cuesta menos de 10€ y un c2q menos de 20..

Con el P4 puedes probar demul, la versión 0.56 y dxlegaxy. Esa gráfica no soporta dx11 y si usas la ultima versión de demul no te va a tirar bien

Como te ha dicho el compi @theelf , el ipc de ese micro es muy inferior a un c2d
Un c2d, a 2 GHz, trabajando con 1 solo core ya es bastante mas rápido que el tuyo

Pillate un c2d o un c2q a 3 GHz y verás que diferencia

Muchas gracias, lo miraré, es que me gustaría un extra de potencia la verdad, hasta el Metal Slug se me relentiza un huevo.

Compi es mejor que abras un hilo y así no ensuciamos este que es específico para mame

Mira a ver la referencia de la placa base y a partir de eso se ven las opciones de mejora ;)
Si abre un hilo nuevo como dice dinamita492

pyrumano escribió:@dinamita4922

Muchas gracias, lo miraré, es que me gustaría un extra de potencia la verdad, hasta el Metal Slug se me relentiza un huevo.

"No necesitas" extra de potencia... solo investigar un poco el tema de emulacion. El problema esta claro es q has comprado algo armado, sin saber como funciona la base

Comenzastes la casa del techo, ahora te toca saber como armar los cimientos

Ese Pentium 4 q tienes va a tirar bien dreamcast, pero tienes q saber q emulador usar. El Metal Slug va a ir perfecto, pero tienes q saber q compilacion de mame usar... y asi


Ahora, un C2D siempre es bienvenido, los Pentium 4 son lentos y no hay mucho mas q hacer
Pues ya está aquí el MAME 0.207:

0.207 2019-02-27

MAMETesters Bugs Fixed
- 07225: [Sound] (snk6502.cpp) Most machines in snk6502.cpp: Music plays incorrectly. (Ivan Vangelista)
- 07230: [DIP/Input] (taito_l.cpp) horshoes: Controls are broken. (Ivan Vangelista)
- 07231: [Crash/Freeze] (megadriv.cpp) megadriv [jpond]: Game doesn't start. (Tafoid)

New working machines
Auto Response Board [hap, Berger]
Backgammon Challenger [hap, balrog, Lord Nightmare]
Barbie Dance Party [Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen, David Haywood]
Disney Princess (JAKKS Pacific TV Game, Game-Key Ready) [Sean Riddle, anonymous]
Dora the Explorer - Race to Play Park (JAKKS Pacific TV Game, Game-Key Ready) [Sean Riddle, anonymous]
Dragon Ball Z (JAKKS Pacific TV Game, Game-Key Ready) [Sean Riddle, anonymous]
Esselte Studium AB Modulab [Edstrom]
Game & Watch: Fire (wide screen) [algestam, Eduardo Flores, WNivek, and dosmeow]
Game & Watch: Snoopy Tennis [algestam]
HP 9825T [F.Ulivi]
Hi Pai Paradise 2 [Zoinkity]
Intellect-02 [hap, Alex_LG]
Ms. Pac-Man 5-in-1 (Ms. Pac-Man, Pole Position, Galaga, Xevious, Mappy) (JAKKS Pacific TV Game, Game-Key Ready)
  (07 FEB 2005 A SKU F) [Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen, anonymous]
Nicktoons (JAKKS Pacific TV Game, Game-Key Ready) [Sean Riddle, anonymous]
Play TV SSX Snowboarder (NTSC) [Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen, David Haywood]
Play TV Snowboarder (White) (NTSC) [Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen, David Haywood]
Spider-Man (JAKKS Pacific TV Game, Game-Key Ready) [Sean Riddle, anonymous]
Wheel of Fortune (JAKKS Pacific TV Game, Game-Key Ready) [Sean Riddle, anonymous]

New working clones
Double Axle (US) [Evan Korzon, Jordan Eldredge, Brian Troha, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Fidelity Elite Avant Garde (model 6081, English) [hap, Berger]
Fidelity Elite Avant Garde (model 6081, French) [hap, Berger]
Fidelity Elite Avant Garde (model 6081, German) [hap, Berger]
Fidelity Elite Avant Garde (model 6081, Spanish) [hap, Berger]
Fidelity Elite Private Line (red version, English) [hap, Berger]
Fidelity Elite Private Line (red version, French) [hap, Berger]
Fidelity Elite Private Line (red version, German) [hap, Berger]
Fidelity Elite Private Line (red version, Spanish) [hap, Berger]
Gals Panic S - Extra Edition (Asia) [Juergen Probe]
Ghost Chaser Densei (SNES bootleg, set 2) [iq_132, Jorge Silva, The Dumping Union]
The Glob (Pacman hardware, Magic Electronics Inc. license) [jordigahan, ClawGrip]
Guardian Storm (horizontal, Australia) [xodaraP]
Island (090806 Entertainment) [MetalliC]
Keks (110816 Russia) [MetalliC]
Keks (110816 World) [MetalliC]
Lethal Enforcers (ver EAD, 11/11/92 10:52) [caius]
Pasha Pasha Champ Mini Game Festival (Korea, set 2) [twistedsymphony]
Play 2000 (Super Slot & Gran Tesoro) (v7.0i) (Italy) [Peter Wilhelmsen, Morten Shearman Kirkegaard, caius, David Haywood]
Pirate (090803 Entertainment) [MetalliC]
Raiden Fighters 2 - Operation Hell Dive (Japan set 4) [Sugoi Helsinki]
Red Clash (Suntronics) [coolmod]
Rise of the Robots (prototype, older) [Phil Bennett]
Sweet Life (090720 Entertainment) [MetalliC]
System-80 (50 Hz) [AJR]
X-Men (4 Players ver JEA) [Artemio Urbina, The Dumping Union]

Machines promoted to working
Mattel Classic Sports [Sean Riddle, David Haywood, Ryan Holtz]
Play TV Snowboarder (Blue) (NTSC) [Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen, David Haywood]
Tiger Game.com [Robbbert]

Clones promoted to working
ConnecTV Snowboarder (Blue) (PAL) [Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen, David Haywood]
ConnecTV SSX Snowboarder (PAL) [Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen, David Haywood]
Double Dragon II - The Revenge (Japan) [Layer]
Knights of the Round (bootleg) [Robbbert]
Play 2000 (Super Slot & Gran Tesoro) (v4.0i) (Italy) [Peter Wilhelmsen, Morten Shearman Kirkegaard, caius, David Haywood]

New machines marked as NOT_WORKING
35 in 1 Super Twins [Sean Riddle]
ADM-31 Data Display Terminal [Bitsavers]
Bandit (US)
  [coolmod, Phil Bennett, Bryan McPhail, Moffitt, rtw, gamezfan, Dane Biegert, Candy Wolff, Henrique Areias Pontes, Sean Sutton,
  Surgeville, Evan Korzon, Charles MacDonald, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Beena [David Haywood]
C2 Color (China) [zhongtiao1]
Challenge Ai-chan! Excite Ping Pong (Japan) [Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen]
Champion 85 [PinMAME]
DEC 2000 Model 300 AXP [Patrick Mackinlay, Sean Riddle]
DEC 2000 Model 500 AXP [Patrick Mackinlay, Sean Riddle]
DECpc AXP 150 [Patrick Mackinlay, Sean Riddle]
Domyos Fitness Dance (Domyos Interactive System) [Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen]
Dream Life [Sean Riddle]
e-pitch (Japan) [Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen, David Haywood, ShouTime]
Excite Boxing (Japan) [Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen]
I Can Play Guitar [Sean Riddle, anonymous]
LeapPad (Germany) [Sean Riddle]
Let's! TV Play Chou Ninki Spot! Korogashi-Houdai Tamagotchi Resort (Japan) [Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen]
Let's TV Play Naruto [Peter Wilhelmsen, Sean Riddle]
The Magician (20210111, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
My First LeapPad (UK) [Sean Riddle]
Neo Print - Millennium Multi Shot Edition (World) (T4i 3.07) [Porchy, The Dumping Union]
Neo Print - Spring '98 (T4i 3.07)
  [malcor, hammy, Anonymous, Dane Biegert, Sean Sutton, Renato Mucciarelli, Moffitt, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Neo Print - Spring Ver. 4 (Japan) (T4f 1.00)
  [malcor, hammy, Anonymous, Dane Biegert, Sean Sutton, Renato Mucciarelli, Moffitt, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Neo Print - Suizokukan Version (Japan) (T4i 2.00)
  [malcor, hammy, Anonymous, Dane Biegert, Sean Sutton, Renato Mucciarelli, Moffitt, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Neo Print - Usagi Frame (Japan) (T4i 3.07)
  [malcor, hammy, Anonymous, Dane Biegert, Sean Sutton, Renato Mucciarelli, Moffitt, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
One Piece Punch Battle (Japan) [Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen]
Play TV Baseball (NTSC) [Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen]
Play TV Basketball [Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen, David Haywood]
Play TV Soccer [Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen]
Popira 2 (Japan) [Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen, David Haywood, ShouTime]
Winnie the Pooh - Piglet's Special Day (JAKKS Pacific TV Game, Game-Key Ready) [Sean Riddle, anonymous]
XaviX Music & Circuit (XaviXPORT) [Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen]
Zeus IG900 20-in-1 (US?) [Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen]

New clones marked as NOT_WORKING
Advanced Bridge Challenger [hap]
Boggy '84 (bootleg, set 2) [f205v]
Connectv Basketball [Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen, David Haywood]
Crazy Monkey 2 (100618 Russia) [MetalliC]
Fidelity Electronics Elite Avant Garde (model 6114-5) [anonymous]
The King of Route 66 (prototype) [coolmod, The Dumping Union]
Love And Berry - 3rd-5th Collection (China, Ver 1.001) (MDA-C0071) [Jia DaWei, tenyuhuang, MetalliC]
Queen Bee (Israel, Ver. 100) [Cristiano-MDQ]
Queen Bee (SA-101-HARD) [Cristiano-MDQ]
Queen Bee (Ver. 114) [Cristiano-MDQ]
Roll Fruit (100924) [MetalliC]
RyuKyu (Japan) (FD1094 317-5023A) [anonymous]
Star Wars (1.06, Display A0.46) [Gore Daimon, Alexandre Rocha]
TI-83 Premium CE (Boot Code [Julian Lachniet, critor]
TI-83 Plus Silver Edition (bootleg) [Julian Lachniet, critor]
TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition (Boot Code 4.2) [Julian Lachniet, critor]
V.Smile Motion (US) [Ryan Holtz]
Virtua NBA (prototype, 15.11) [coolmod, The Dumping Union]
World Class Bowling Tournament (v1.30) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
Wyse Technology WY-60 (set 2) [AJR]

New working software list additions
  2400 A.D. (cleanly cracked), Ace Detective revision 2 (cleanly cracked), A Brand New View (cleanly cracked),
  A Christmas Adventure (cleanly cracked), A Newbery Adventure - A Wrinkle in Time (cleanly cracked),
  A Treasure Hunt of Facts (clealy cracked) - addition and subtraction [4am, Firehawke]
  A Mind Forever Voyaging R77 / 850814, Apple Panic, Archon II: Adept, Boa, Bruce Lee, Conan, The Factory, Frontline, Gremlins,
  The Kingdom of Facts, MIRV, Monty Plays Scrabble 4.0, Mr. Do, Photar, Rearguard, Rendezvous with Rama, Roadblock, Sea Fox,
  The Snapper, Space Raiders version 2, Swashbuckler, Track and Field, Trivia Fever, Where in Time is Carmen Sandiego v1.1
  [4am, Firehawke]
  Burn-In Test 3.4 (TES404), dBASE II/86 2.43, Expansion RAM Test 1.0 (TES904), Mouse Test 2.0 (TES903), SuperCalc 3 1.00
  Microsoft Windows 1.03 [Dirk Best]
arb: Sargon 2.5 [hap, Berger]
  Artist Selection Volume 15 - Keisuke Kuwata (Japan) (EC0077-ATS), ETZ (Japan) (EC0069-ETZ),
  J-Pop Mix Volume 26 (Japan) (EC0060-JPM), J-Pop Mix Volume 28 (Japan) (EC0062-JPM), J-Pop Mix Volume 30 (Japan) (EC0065-JPM),
  J-Pop Mix Volume 31 (Japan) (EC0066-JPM), J-Pop Mix Volume 32 (Japan) (EC0067-JPM), J-Pop Mix Volume 35 (Japan) (EC0071-JPM),
  J-Pop Mix Volume 37 (Japan) (EC0074-JPM), J-Pop Mix Volume 38 (Japan) (EC0075-JPM), J-Pop Mix Volume 40 (Japan) (EC0078-JPM),
  J-Pop Mix Volume 41 (Japan) (EC0080-JPM), MKC volume 1 (Japan) (EC0073-MKC)
  [Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen, David Haywood, ShouTime]
ekara_japan_a: A-5 Pichi Pichi Pitch Karaoke Party (Japan) [Peter Wilhelmsen, Sean Riddle]
  BH-02 Best Hit Collection (Japan), BH-03 Best Hit Collection (Japan), BH-05 Best Hit Collection (Japan),
  BH-06 Best Hit Collection (Japan) [Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen, David Haywood, ShouTime]
  BHT Volume 8 (Japan) (DC0001-BHT), BHT Volume 9 (Japan) (DC0003-BHT) [Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen, David Haywood, ShouTime]
  BAT Volume 3 (Japan) (GC0007-BAT), mini-moni Volume 1 (Japan) (GC0008-MIN) (set 2),
  mini-moni Volume 1 (Japan) (GC0008-MIN) (set 1), mini-moni Volume 2 (GC0014-MIN), TV Pop Volume 6 (Japan) (GC0017-TPJ)
  [Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen, David Haywood, ShouTime]
ekara_japan_gk: GK-1 - Detective Conan (Japan) [Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen, David Haywood, ShouTime]
  Artist Mini Volume 4 (w-inds) (Japan) (MC0004-ATM), Artist Mini Volume 7 (untranslated artist) (Japan) (MC0012-ATM),
  Artist Mini Volume 8 (BoA) (Japan) (MC0014-ATM), KSM Mini Volume 2 (Japan) (MC0006-KSM)
  [Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen, David Haywood, ShouTime]
  TV Pop Volume 2 (Japan) (PC0002-TPJ) ('World Trade Center' image removed), TV Pop Volume 2 (Japan) (PC0002-TPJ) (set 1)
  [Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen, David Haywood, ShouTime]
ekara_japan_s: Challenge Artist Volume 1 (Japan) (SC0018-SAI), Kids' Challenge Volume 1 (Japan) (SC0003-xxx)
  [Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen, David Haywood, ShouTime]
  SP-03 Super Cartridge (Japan), SP-04 Super Cartridge (Japan) [Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen, David Haywood, ShouTime]
ekara_japan_web: e-kara Web cartridge 12M (used, with 7 Songs) (Japan) [Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen, David Haywood, ShouTime]
fidel_sc6: SC6: original program [hap]
gamate: Fortress of Fierceness [Peter Wilhelmsen]
  Batman: The Movie, Bubble Bobble (3.5"), Budokan - The Martial Spirit (Big Games release),
  Gunboat: River Combat Simulation (Hit Squad release), Ivan "Ironman" Stewart's Super Off Road (16 Blitz release) (3.5"),
  Lagaf': Les Aventures de Moktar - Vol 1: La Zoubida, Monty Python's Flying Circus (3.5"),
  The Simpsons - Bart vs. the Space Mutants, The Simpsons - Bart vs. the Space Mutants (Hit-Squad release), Spot, WWF Wrestlemania,
  Xenon (16 Blitz Plus release) (3.5"), Zool (Big Games release) [ArcadeShadow]
ibm5170: Micro Machines, The Secret of Monkey Island (Italian) [ArcadeShadow]
intellect02: Chess [hap, Alex_LG]
jakks_gamekey_dp: Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs - Memory Chase & Rescue Race [Sean Riddle, anonymous]
jakks_gamekey_mv: Black Cat & Doc Ock [Sean Riddle, anonymous]
  Nicktoons Vollyball & Birdie Putt, Spongebob Sponge Pop & Snowball Showdown (15 AUGUST 2005 D) [Sean Riddle, anonymous]
  New Rally X & Dig Dug (01 APR 2005 A SKU E) [Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen, anonymous]
  Pac-Man & Bosconian & Rally X (11 JUL 2005 A SKU I) [Sean Riddle, anonymous]
  SINIX-UP-BD V1.2/PC-X [Stefan Stapelberg]
sega_beena_cart: Fresh Pretty Cure [Sean Riddle, TeamEurope]
  Arrows and Alleys (16k version), Ghost Town, Magic Maze, Munch, Pirate Adventure, Strange Odyssey, Wilderness, Z80 Disassembler
  Bio Miracle Bokutte Upa (Family Computer), Blazing Tornado (Arcade), Bombaman Extra Ammo (MSX2),
  Data East's Hoops (Deco MLC System), Dead Connection (Taito F1 System),
  Densetsu no Ogre Battle Gaiden - Zenobia no Ouji (Neo Geo Pocket Color), Exvania (Namco NA-1),
  From TV Animation Slam Dunk - Super Slams (Arcade), Geograph Seal (Sharp X68000), Gridiron Fight (Arcade),
  Laplace no Ma (Sharp X68000), Magical Crystals (Arcade), Marvel Super Heroes vs Street Fighter (CP System II),
  Mega Man II (Nintendo Game Boy), Mega Man III (Nintendo Game Boy), Megablast (Taito F2 System),
  Mr. Robot and His Robot Factory (Atari 400, 800), Naious (Sharp X68000), Neural Gear (Sharp X68000), Pepsiman (Sigma B-98),
  Smash Ping Pong (Family Computer Disk System), TwinBee (Sharp X68000), Uncharted Waters 2 - New Horizons (Sharp X68000),
  Vigilante (Irem M75), Vigilante (TG-16) [Tafoid]
  Alphabet Park Adventure (USA, alt), Alphabet Park Adventure (USA, alt, Rev. 2?), Disney's Little Einsteins (US, Rev. 5?),
  Disney/Pixar Cars - Rev It Up in Radiator Springs (USA, alt), Disney/Pixar Toy Story 2 - Operation: Rescue Woody! (USA, alt),
  DreamWorks Shrek the Third - Arthur's School Day Adventure (USA, alt), Marvel Spider-Man & Friends - Secret Missions (USA),
  Nick Jr. Blue's Clues - Collection Day (USA), Nick Jr. Go Diego Go! - Save the Animal Familes! (US, Rev. 2?),
  Nickelodeon Dora the Explorer - Dora's Fix-it Adventure (USA, alt 2), Noddy - Detective for a Day (USA),
  Scooby-Doo! - Funland Frenzy (USA, alt), Superman - The Greatest Hero (USA), Thomas & Friends - Engines Working Together (USA),
  V.Smile PC Pal Island (USA, Rev. 3?), V.Smile Soccer Challenge (USA) [Sean Riddle, TeamEurope]
  Disney's The Lion King - Simba's Big Adventure (USA), Disneys Winnie the Pooh - The Honey Hunt (USA) [Sean Riddle]

Software list items promoted to working
jakks_gamekey_nk: Soccer Shootout & Juego De Futbol De Dora & Dora's Star Mountain Adventure [David Haywood]
jakks_gamekey_sw: Turret Defense & Yoda's Escape [Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen, Ryan Holtz]

New NOT_WORKING software list additions
  apricot Networks VB1.3 F-Series (Beta Release), apricot Networks VB1.3 PC/Xi (Beta Release), apricot Networks VR1.3 F-Series,
  apricot Networks VR1.3 PC/Xi, Lotus 123 (Release 1A), MSD 2.7.0 (Winchester Test), POINT 32 Network Diagnostics,
  POINT 32 VB1.2 (Beta Release), POINT 32 VR1.1, POINT 32 VR1.2, Winchester Data Integrity Check 1.1,
  Winchester Data Integrity Test 4.0 (TES002), Winchester Factory Formatter 2.1 (TES004) [actapricot.org]
c2color_cart: Di 4 dan: Anhei Shili Zai Lin, Di 5 dan: Shenmi De Longzu Zhi Wang [Peter Wilhelmsen, zhongtiao1]
  A-1 Pichi Pichi Pitch vol.1 (Japan), A-4 Pichi Pichi Pitch Pure Chapter 1 (Japan), A-7 Pichi Pichi Pitch Pure Chapter 3 (Japan)
  [Peter Wilhelmsen, Sean Riddle]
hx20_rom: Forth [Nigel Barnes]
icanguit_cart: Guitar Favorites [Sean Riddle, anonymous]
jpopira_jp: JP-01 (Japan), JP-02 (Japan) [Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen, David Haywood, ShouTime]
  Leap und die Welt der Dinosaurier (Germany), Tad's Good Night (UK) [Sean Riddle]
  - Great Reader Series - Dinosaurs Before Dark (UK), Bob der Baumeister - Bob und Heppo: Alles im Griff! (Germany),
  Das Angel-Abenteuer (Germany), A Day at Moss Lake (Germany), Disney Huepf, Tigger, huepf! (Germany),
  Disney Prinzessin - Prinzessinnen-Geschichten (Germany), Englisch Kurs - Let's go 1 (Germany),
  Englisch Kurs - Let's go 2 (Germany), Leap's Pond - Activity & Game Book (UK), Little Amadeus (Germany),
  Music - Mother Goose Songbook (UK), Pre Math - Tad goes shopping (UK), Pre Reading - Thomas the Really Useful Engine (UK),
  Reading - Disney's Bounce, Tigger, Bounce (UK), Shrek (Germany), Spongebob Schwammkopf - Meeres-Geschichten (Germany),
  Vocabulary - Richard Scarry's Best Little Word Book Ever! (UK) [TeamEurope]
  I Know My abc's (UK) (Dec 18 2002), I Know My abc's (UK) (Feb 12 2002), The Foot Book - Based on the Book by Dr. Seuss (UK),
  Joy Joy - The Jet Plane - High-Flying Adventures (UK), Leap's Big Day (UK), Thomas & Friends - Thomas and the School Trip (UK),
  Vroom! Vroom! - On the Go (UK) [TeamEurope]
monon_color: Ji jia xuanfeng-gedou dashi (set 2), Xiyangyang yu huitailang-juezhan mie xing [Peter Wilhelmsen, zhongtiao1]
vsmile_cart: V.Smile Art Studio (USA) [Sean Riddle, TeamEurope]
  Action Mania (US, Rev. 4?), Action Mania (US, Rev. 6?), Disney Handy Manny (US, Rev. 2?), Disney Mickey Mouse Clubhouse (US),
  Disney's Little Einsteins (US, Rev. 2?), Disney's Little Einsteins (US, Rev. 5?), Disney/Pixar Cars 2 (Ger),
  Disney/Pixar Wall-E (USA, Rev. 2?), DreamWorks Monsters vs. Aliens (US, Rev. 3?), Fuer immer Shrek (Ger),
  NASCAR Academy - Race Car Superstar (US), Nickelodeon Dora the Explorer: Dora's Fix It Adventure (US, Rev. 3?),
  Nickelodeon Ni Hao Kai Lan - Happy Chinese New Year! (US), Shrek Forever After (US), TinkerBell (US, Rev. 2?), Toy Story 3 (Ger)
  [Sean Riddle, TeamEurope]

Translations added or modified
Portuguese (Brazil) [Wellington Uemura]

Source Changes
-z8: Fixed disassembly of LD IR,R opcode, and changed INCW/DECW to show RRn instead of Rn. [AJR]

-tv955kb: Start with reset control input inactive. [AJR]

-scn2674: Improved row buffering and timing: [AJR]
* Added optional read callbacks for row buffering DMA.
* Added MBC output.
* Corrected timing of BREQ and VBLANK outputs.
* Improved character blink and cursor blink timing.

-ay31015: Removed internal Baud rate generator as the actual device lacks this functionality. [AJR]

-trs80.cpp: Changed HT-1080Z to use 50 Hz timings. [AJR]

-cosmac: Don't skip over instructions in debugger after DMA cycles. [AJR]

-scn2674: Blank display line-by-line. [AJR]

-pcx: Fixed jailbars appearing in white-on-black mode. [AJR]

-wy50: Added preliminary keyboard emulation. [AJR]

-vt100, ms6102: Changed "Caps Lock" key to toggle (it's mechanically toggled on these systems). [AJR]

-tv950: Changed "Alpha Lock" key to toggle (it's mechanically toggled on this system). [AJR]

-Made -nonvram_save also inhibit saving of "battery" non-volatile RAM for image devices. [AJR]

-wyse.cpp: Separated WY-55 and WY-60 drivers and unscrambled their program ROMs. [AJR]

-dec0.cpp: Added support for trackball inputs. [Angelo Salese]

-Changed many devices and drivers to use abbreviated integer type names and simpler read/write handler signatures. [cam900]

-dcheese.cpp: Removed MCFG macros, reduced runtime tag lookups, improved naming, and reduced unnecessary code. [cam900]

-ay8910.cpp: Added notes about AY8930 expanded mode, improved logging, and reduced redundant code. [cam900]

-ics2115.cpp: Moved 16-bit handlers from igs011.cpp driver into the device, and made code style more consistent. [cam900]

-es5506.cpp, esqpump.cpp: Added support for clock rate changes, keeping sample rate in sync. [cam900]
* Also cleaned up code and added notes.

-mystwarr.cpp, tmnt.cpp, zr107.cpp: Reduced runtime tag lookups and redundant code. [cam900]

-qs1000.cpp: Added accessor for internal CPU and cleaned up uses in ghosteo.cpp, limenko.cpp and vegaeo.cpp. [cam900]

-namcona1.cpp: Removed redundant code and added notes. [cam900]

-tms34010.cpp: Moved I/O registers to an internal address map, and eliminated use of register_postload. [cam900]

-nova2001.cpp: Reduced MCFG macros and redundant code, improved naming, and made better use of const variables. [cam900]

-315_5124.cpp: Implemented internal PSG and eliminated use of register_postload. [cam900]

-megaplay.cpp, megatech.cpp, segae.cpp: Added notes and removed some MCFG macros. [cam900]

-sega8_slot.cpp: Removed MCFG macros. [cam900]

-es8712.cpp: Allow MSM5205 to be configured with a device finder or reference. [cam900]

-scripts/src/netlist.lua: Fixed indentation. [cam900]

-cococart: Added support for installing handlers with simplified signatures. [cam900]

-Eliminated MCFG_DEVICE_DISASSEMBLE_OVERRIDE macro. [cam900]

-coco12.cpp, coco3.cpp: Removed some MCFG macros. [cam900]

-dgn_beta.cpp, palm.cpp: Eliminated MCFG macros. [cam900]

-device_memory_interface.rst: Updated name of macro that was renamed in source. [cam900]

-timekpr.cpp: Cleaned up code. [cam900]

-tandy2k: Added support for graphics adapter and mouse. [Carl]

-Changed "over-sleep" calculation to be independent of desired delay. [Celelibi]

-Netlist library updates: [Couriersud]
* Added clang-tidy support to makefile and made recommended changes.
* Refactored code, converted macros to C++ and cleaned up state saving.
* Made order of device creation independent of standard library.
* Made startup strategy configurable.
* Made plib respect C++11 alignas specifier and added alignment hints to some container classes.

-Fixed SDL keyboard map handling, cleaned up obsolete code, and updated German keyboard map. [Couriersud]

-vii.cpp: Corrected title for "Dora the Explorer - Nursery Rhyme Adventure (JAKKS Pacific TV Game, Game-Key Ready)". [David Haywood]
* Previously misidentified as "Dora the Explorer - Race To Play Park (JAKKS Pacific TV Game, Game-Key Ready)".

-xavix: Implemented global tile flipping. [David Haywood]

-i8089: Fixed 16-bit target DMA transfers without DRQ, and Disabled logging. [Dirk Best]

-apricot: Added mouse and Winchester controller, and added support for I/O device maps and interrupts to expansion bus. [Dirk Best]

-Emulated Western Digital WD1010-05 MFM hard disk controller. [Dirk Best]

-didact.cpp: Added Modulab MC6802-based educational system with internal artwork. [Edstrom]

-ins8154.cpp: Fixed bit register accesses. [Edstrom]

-hphybrid.cpp: Added callbacks exposing memory cycles and opcode fetches. [F.Ulivi]

-apple2: Fixed missing floating bus reads, and improved joystick/paddle calibration. [Golden Child]

-ti85.cpp: Added additional BIOS revisions for ti83pcev15, ti84pce and ti84pcev15, and cleaned up code. [Julian Lachniet]

-tms9995: Fixed spurious interrupt 1/4 by clearing the corresponding latches at the correct time. [Michael Zapf]

-tms9901: Added synchronous clock input and hooked it up in TI-99 drivers (fixes cassette instability). [Michael Zapf]

-Added support for converting SVG images to PDF when building the documentation. [O. Galibert]

-ichiban.cpp: Figured out how opcodes and data are split. [O. Galibert]

-astrcorp.cpp: Figured out the first layers of the astoneag encryption. [O. Galibert]

-xc1700e.cpp: Emulated Xilinx XC1700 series serial PROMs. [Patrick Mackinlay]

-Improved usability of cheat finder plugin: [Pugsy]
* Improved visual indicators.
* Added automatic pause feature to cheat finder menus.
* Allowed test write value to be selected from a pre-defined list.
* Added an additional output format for cheats.

-g65816: Corrected length of WDM opcode to two bytes and added a callback allowing systems to handle it. [R. Belmont]

-apple2: Added AppleWin-like initial memory fill (fixes hang in Joust). [R. Belmont]

-sbrain: Added 50 Hz BIOS hack. [Robbbert]

-apple2: Enhanced disassembly for 8-bit Apple II systems: [R. Belmont]
* Shows symbolic names for Monitor ROM entry points, I/O locations and common zero-page locations.
* Shows ProDOS calls with the call name and lets you step over them completely.

-vii.cpp: Identified difficulty-select bit for mattelcs. [Ryan Holtz]

-vsmile_cart: Added support for later 8 Mword cartridges. [Ryan Holtz]

-sgi_mc_device: Added preliminary VDMA support. [Ryan Holtz]

-SGI Newport graphics updates: [Ryan Holtz]
* Added support for backward spans and more command configurations, and fixed window checking.
* Converted to use 64-bit read/write handlers, fixing graphics DMA.
* Added preliminary logical operation support and pop-up plane support.
* Fixed vertical blanking behaviour and cursor palette, and fixed Scr2Scr to account for XYWindow.
* Made ColorRed contents transfer to ColorI on write.
* Added preliminary color index MSB handling.
* Added logging support to allow viewing captures offline.
* Fixed write masking and xsave calculation.
* Fixed lines overshooting by one pixel, not updating X/Y start and writing invalid palette values.
* Added DID entry handling (fixes palette issues in buttonfly).
* Added basic support for shade DDAs and some other command configurations (fixes jot).
* Added direct RGB handling (used for IRIX login screen and icons).
* Fixed double-buffered source value shifts (fixes flickering in buttonfly).
* Fixed swapped X/Y in Bresenham line drawing (fixes misplaced graphics in buttonfly).

-8042kbdc: Added timer to periodically check mouse (fixes mouse in IRIX). [Ryan Holtz]

-r4000: Fixed ABS.S and ABS.D (fixes IRIX X11 server crashes). [Ryan Holtz]

-hpc3: Trigger audio DMA on channels 0-3 (fixes hang when starting IRIX applications). [Ryan Holtz]

-osd/sdl: Re-enabled "accel" SDL 2D accelerated video output. [schnitzeltony]

-imgtool: Added read-only support for DEC RT-11 filesystem. [shattered]

-indigo.cpp: Converted LG1 "Light" graphics to a device for sharing with other systems. [tyfighter]

-nscsi_cd.cpp Added a derived device that responds to the vendor-specific command IRIX uses to disable emulation. [tyfighter]

-sgi_mc_device: Fixed VDMA uTLB handling. [tyfighter, Ryan Holtz]

-Fixed crash when exiting directly while filter UI is active (GitHub #4596). [Vas Crabb]

-aristmk6: Gave BIOS options mnemonic names. [Vas Crabb]

-Add 64*64->128 multiply as a common utility function. [Vas Crabb, Patrick Mackinlay]

-testkeys: Centre window on start to avoid hiding behind toolbars or outside screen area in a multiple monitor setup. [Vas Crabb]

-osd/windows: Restrict initial window position to work area of one monitor. [Vas Crabb]

-Updated Brazilian ABNT2 keyboard map for SDL keyboard input. [Wellington Uemura]

-taito_z.cpp: Identified the stand-alone version of Double Axle and corrected the DIP switches for it. [Brian Troha]

-naomi.cpp: Re-dumped clubk2kp program ROM. [coolmod, MetalliC]

-seta.cpp: Re-dumped ROM 5 for msgundamb (fixes graphical issues). [Ed Cross, The Dumping Union]

-triforce.cpp: Updated documentation, corrected game years, and made game descriptions more uniform. [f205v]

-chihiro.cpp: Expanded and corrected documentation. [f205v]

-naomi.cpp: Updated documentation. [f205v]

-zn.cpp: Dumped PLDs for Cool Boarders Arcade Jam. [f205v]

-Moved cleanly cracked Apple II floppy images to a separate software list. [Firehawke]

-dccons.cpp: Dumped Katana Dev.Box checker ROM v0.71. [Ioncannon]

-freekick.cpp: Documented ROM locations for gigasb. [Kevin Eshbach, The Dumping Union]

-Updated hiscore.dat. [Leezer]

-jazz.cpp: Fixed clang unused lambda capture compiler warning. [maximumspatium]

-warriorb.cpp: Dumped PALs for warriorb. [Mike Moffitt, coolmod, The Dumping Union]

-xavix.cpp: Dumped XaviX Bass Fishing SEEPROMS containing I/O microcontroller code. [Sean Riddle]

-Improved c2color documentation. [zhongtiao1]
Buenas,¿Que romset suele ser mejor? Veo que hay merged,non-merged,... nose cual es la diferencia,aparte del tamaño de uno y otro. Aparte de un buen romset ¿que mas se necesita para completar la interfaz? capturas y esas cosas,me gustaría crearme uno lo mas completo posible,me he pillado el mayflash para el mame.
astarothbcn escribió:Buenas,¿Que romset suele ser mejor? Veo que hay merged,non-merged,... nose cual es la diferencia,aparte del tamaño de uno y otro. Aparte de un buen romset ¿que mas se necesita para completar la interfaz? capturas y esas cosas,me gustaría crearme uno lo mas completo posible,me he pillado el mayflash para el mame.

Hay tres diferentes:

- ROM madre, y todos los clones dentro del mismo fichero ZIP.

- ROM madre en un ZIP y cada clon en ZIP diferentes, que incluye sólo los ficheros diferentes.

- ROM madre en un ZIP, y cada clon en ZIP diferentes, que incluye los ficheros diferentes y los de la ROM madre necesarios.

Ahí ya, según tus necesidades. Pero, teniendo uno, puedes conseguir los otros, dependiendo de las opciones que uses en CLRMAME.

Un saludo.

Estoy tirándome de los pelos, porque ya no se que hacer... Os cuento.

Tengo un PC (el que uso habitualmente) con MAME 207, y le he activado los filtros hlsl, barril, esquinas redondeadas, todo OK.

Tengo otro PC dentro de la recre, con W7 y MAME 207. Cojo el mame.ini del habitual, lo pongo en el PC de la recre... ¡y se quitan todos los filtros! Por no quedar, no quedan ni las scanlines :-(

He probado mil cosas, y nada... Para que os hagáis una idea, coges el último MAME, lo descomprimes, haces un MAME -createconfig, editas mame.ini, cambias "effect none" por "effect scanlines.png" y... pa tu tia. Nada de efectos :-(

No lo entiendo. Vale, quizá el hlsl sea más complicado y tal pero... ¿el efecto scanlines? Me ha funcionado siempre, excepto en ese PC :,,,(

Lo único que se me ocurre (y que no puedo probar) es que la gráfica le esté dando por saco a MAME. Es una Radeon HD 4200 integrada (es un equipo HP AMD B23 reciclado con un SSD y W7 recién instalado), pero según he leído por ahí es compatible con pixel shader 3.0 (es 4.1 creo, Direct X 10, y en el equipo está instalada DX11 y dxdiag no da errores).

¿Es posible? No hago más que ver en cientos de webs que sólo hay que modificar dos chorradas para el efecto crt, y yo, haga lo que haga, es como si el mame.ini no existiera :-(

¿Tengo que comprar una gráfica? He visto la Asus gt 710 de oferta en app ahora mismo, pero si me puedo ahorrar los 40€, pues eso que me llevo...

Un saludo.
(mensaje borrado)
apachusque escribió:Buenas!!!

Estoy tirándome de los pelos, porque ya no se que hacer... Os cuento.

Tengo un PC (el que uso habitualmente) con MAME 207, y le he activado los filtros hlsl, barril, esquinas redondeadas, todo OK.

Tengo otro PC dentro de la recre, con W7 y MAME 207. Cojo el mame.ini del habitual, lo pongo en el PC de la recre... ¡y se quitan todos los filtros! Por no quedar, no quedan ni las scanlines :-(

He probado mil cosas, y nada... Para que os hagáis una idea, coges el último MAME, lo descomprimes, haces un MAME -createconfig, editas mame.ini, cambias "effect none" por "effect scanlines.png" y... pa tu tia. Nada de efectos :-(

No lo entiendo. Vale, quizá el hlsl sea más complicado y tal pero... ¿el efecto scanlines? Me ha funcionado siempre, excepto en ese PC :,,,(

Lo único que se me ocurre (y que no puedo probar) es que la gráfica le esté dando por saco a MAME. Es una Radeon HD 4200 integrada (es un equipo HP AMD B23 reciclado con un SSD y W7 recién instalado), pero según he leído por ahí es compatible con pixel shader 3.0 (es 4.1 creo, Direct X 10, y en el equipo está instalada DX11 y dxdiag no da errores).

¿Es posible? No hago más que ver en cientos de webs que sólo hay que modificar dos chorradas para el efecto crt, y yo, haga lo que haga, es como si el mame.ini no existiera :-(

¿Tengo que comprar una gráfica? He visto la Asus gt 710 de oferta en app ahora mismo, pero si me puedo ahorrar los 40€, pues eso que me llevo...

Un saludo.

Lo primero asegurarse que tienes el modo de vídeo en d3d y no en auto (obvio que lo tendrás pero por si acaso)

Puede ser una tontería pero ¿te has asegurado de que el .ini que estas copiando no tenga una ruta para los inis preestablecida que no coincida con la del otro PC y por eso no te esta registrando los cambios ya que no los encuentra?

Otra cosa que puede ser es que tengas 2 mame .inis uno en la raíz de donde tienes el emulador y otro dentro de la carpeta .ini y al haber conflicto entre los dos no te tome los cambios.

Si sigue fallandote vete al mame.ini que has copìado en ese PC y borra las rutas del inipath, graba y salte del fichero mame.ini
Ahora vuelve a entrar y dale la ruta concreta donde tienes el .ini y asegurate de que solo tienes ese mame.ini (si luego ya tienes otros distintos sabes que hay un orden de prioridad de carga de los mismos. Para no liarte el último .ini que carga y que sobreescribe opciones del mame.ini es el .ini que se llama igual que el del juego (ej. ffight.ini) asi que prueba a crearte uno con un nombre de juego y aplica cambios para ver si en ese si que los toma y ver que no sea la gráfica o que tenga problemas en captar el D3D del emulador.
InsertMoreCoins escribió:Lo primero asegurarse que tienes el modo de vídeo en d3d y no en auto (obvio que lo tendrás pero por si acaso)

No lo tenía, pero ahora lo tengo, y lo mismo le da :-(

InsertMoreCoins escribió:Puede ser una tontería pero ¿te has asegurado de que el .ini que estas copiando no tenga una ruta para los inis preestablecida que no coincida con la del otro PC y por eso no te esta registrando los cambios ya que no los encuentra?

Acabo de hacer una cosa... mame -createconfig, he machacado la parte de d3d hlsl con la configuración que tengo en mi PC principal, y nada de nada.

InsertMoreCoins escribió:Otra cosa que puede ser es que tengas 2 mame .inis uno en la raíz de donde tienes el emulador y otro dentro de la carpeta .ini y al haber conflicto entre los dos no te tome los cambios.

No, lo he revisado. Incluso he creado una nueva instalación de MAME, y si, por ejemplo, cambio cosas como ror de 0 a 1, la pantalla se gira. El mame.ini lo lee y funciona como toca... excepto en esto.

InsertMoreCoins escribió:Si sigue fallandote vete al mame.ini que has copìado en ese PC y borra las rutas del inipath, graba y salte del fichero mame.ini
Ahora vuelve a entrar y dale la ruta concreta donde tienes el .ini y asegurate de que solo tienes ese mame.ini (si luego ya tienes otros distintos sabes que hay un orden de prioridad de carga de los mismos. Para no liarte el último .ini que carga y que sobreescribe opciones del mame.ini es el .ini que se llama igual que el del juego (ej. ffight.ini) asi que prueba a crearte uno con un nombre de juego y aplica cambios para ver si en ese si que los toma y ver que no sea la gráfica o que tenga problemas en captar el D3D del emulador.

Lo mismo... al principio del mame.ini hay dos opciones, si marcas la de write como 1, te crea un ini para cada juego que ejecutes (y que imagino que permite hacer modificaciones juego a juego, desde un mame.ini existente). Y se me crean los ini.

Hay algo en el apartado de hlsl. Algo que MAME detecta como erróneo y para todo el sistema de filtros. Lo que me deja con cara de tonto es que en el ordenador principal, todo funciona como debe. Sólo en el PC de la maca es dónde tengo problemas :-(

Un saludo.

Vamos a ver que tiene que ser algo en lo que no caigas porque funcionar tiene que funcionar.

Lo primero que haría sería descomprimir un Mame desde cero en el ordenador en el que no te funciona el HLSL, generar el mame.ini con mame.exe -cc y una vez lo tengas lo metes dentro de la carpeta ini y borras todo lo demás que tengas dentro de la carpeta ini para evitar conflictos tontos y trabajar mejor.

Lo segundo asegúrate que tienes la carpeta artwork porque es una de las necesarias para pillar los valores de los filtros HLSL. Si te fijas pilla una de las imágenes en miniatura de esa carpeta para luego renderizar las lineas de las scanlines y si no la tienes o te falta justo la imagen en miniatura que quiere usar no te van a salir por pantalla. Igual de importante que la carpeta artworks es la carpeta hlsl que la tienes que tener para que se apliquen los cambios en sus opciones con los ficheros que hay dentro.

Siguiente, asegúrate de que el modo de vídeo en vez de en auto esta en d3d y que el hlsl_enable está en valor 1 para que se active. Por último desactiva en OSD Accelerated Options el valor de filter de 1 a 0

EDIT: que se me olvidaba este parrafo. Dentro del mame.ini en el inipath deja solamente lo siguiente:
inipath                   ini

Con eso consigues que solo se miren los valores de configuración dentro de la carpeta ini que, si has seguido lo que he dicho más arriba simplemente tienes que tener un archivo mame.ini dentro y es el que indica toda la configuración a usar

Luego mete los valores que quieres usar del hlsl en sus opciones pertinentes y ejecuta algún juego a ver si funciona.

Si no te funciona, ¿Me puedes mostrar imágenes de como lo tienes todo puesto para que me pueda guiar mejor o por si puedo ver donde está el fallo?
A ver si el problema va a ser uno que me ocurrió en una ocasión, y que no es otro que no tener instalados los DirectX 9 Redistibutable esos... De por sí Windows 10 no los incluye y son necesarios para ciertas cosas. Lo digo porque me pasó lo mismo con un tablet con Windows 10 hace un tiempo... Le instalé el Mame y funcionaba pero los efectos HLSL y tal no.... Y al final, le instalé el paquete mencionado y listo.... Muchas veces el origen de los problemas es una tontería, pero no veas hasta que caes en la cuenta...
@InsertMoreCoins gracias por los consejos. Pero no, todo eso debería funcionar, porque el .ini lo lee (la prueba que hice con la opción ROR para girar la pantalla, funcionó sin problemas, por lo que el INI lo detecta bien, y no tengo más ini en ningún sitio). Simplemente, es como si el d3d se lo pasara por el forro porque...

SIRDRAK escribió:A ver si el problema va a ser uno que me ocurrió en una ocasión, y que no es otro que no tener instalados los DirectX 9 Redistibutable esos... De por sí Windows 10 no los incluye y son necesarios para ciertas cosas. Lo digo porque me pasó lo mismo con un tablet con Windows 10 hace un tiempo... Le instalé el Mame y funcionaba pero los efectos HLSL y tal no.... Y al final, le instalé el paquete mencionado y listo.... Muchas veces el origen de los problemas es una tontería, pero no veas hasta que caes en la cuenta...

... ahí estaba el problema. Al parecer, tener instalado correctamente directx 11 en windows 7 no es suficiente para MAME. Han de estar instalados también los redistributables, o MAME pasa mil de ti (en HLSL se entiende). Es curioso, porque en mi ordenador principal con W10 no he instalado nada de eso. O se ha instalado solo, o con W10 no es necesario. Pero parece que en W7 si lo es.

Solucionado. Ahora, claro, viene el siguiente problema: si uso hlsl, el ordenador se arrastra. Entiendo que montando una gráfica mejor que la integrada Ati HD4200 que lleva, funcionará mejor ¿no? No quiero volverme loco, sólo juegos hasta finales de los 80 (los "mios", CPS1, Taito en los tiempos de Bubble Bobble, esos juegos).

Un saludo.
@apachusque para cualquier ordenador en el que vayas a usar emuladores / juegos de PC necesitas tener la mayoría de librerías posibles instaladas porque tarde o temprano te vas a topar con algo que las requiera, ya sea con juegos modernos, con emuladores o con frontends.

Sea cual sea el Sistema Operativo que tengas debes de instalar:

DirectX End User Runtimes (june 2010) ese fichero ya engloba todo lo que necesitas en cuestion de DirectX
Todos los vcredist tanto de 32 bits como de 64 bits ya que depende de con que visual studio se compile necesitas los de un año u otro o de lo contario puede no funcionar (ya sea programa, juego , frontend o lo que sea). No vale con instalar los últimos porque no son acumulativos (excepto el 2017 y 2015 que si tienes uno instalado te dirá que tienes una versión más moderna, pero aun así es recomendable instalar los 2 y que el ordenador sea el que te ponga el mensaje)
Microsoft Net Framework en todas las versiones que puedas instalar, que aqui podrás instalar hasta cierto punto dependiendo de la versión de S.O. que tengas, ahora si un programa se crea con la version 4.6.1 (por poner un ejemplo) y windows 7 te deja hasta la 4.5.0 ese programa no funcionara al no tener las librerias 4.6.1

Después de este tocho que, aunque lo he puesto con tu nombre, es para cualquiera que entre al hilo y lo vea, imagino que tu PC se arrastra porque las opciones que tienes en el HLSL consuman muchos más recursos de los que dispones en ese PC.

Yo estoy creando unas configuraciones HLSL para ordenadores potentes y otros HLSL distintos para ordenadores menos potentes, así que si quieres probar estas últimas para ver si te funciona más o menos bien y quieres tener esa base para crearte la tuya propia te dejo aquí los archivos necesarios y te explico como lo hago porque no es directamente con el mame.ini sino que uso combinaciones que se basan en el orden de carga de Mame.

Te dejo la configuración HLSL de Capcom CPS1 y Capcom CPS2 que son las que tengo subidas para que las pruebes (las estoy haciendo en mi foro y las iré actualizando según vaya teniendo más). Ambas configuraciones no son iguales, por eso las separo en dos ficheros diferentes ya que tienen diferencias entre ellas.

Dossier HLSL - https://1drv.ms/u/s!AiD5yScbLh6PowSOPEq4X5ndMxUx

Para que te funcione necesitas poner mi mame.ini dentro de la carpeta /ini y luego tienes dentro de la carpeta /source los ficheros de configuracion tanto de CPS1 como de CPS2.
Si los editas y los abres verás que mame.ini tiene una configuración determinada y en los ficheros CPS1 y CPS2.ini tienes solo las partes que quiero que cambie su configuración, de tal manera que primero cargan las opciones de mame.ini y luego tanto cps1.ini como cps2.ini sobreescriben la configuración del fichero resultando en una mezcla de ambos pero en diferentes ficheros que para mi a la hora de editar y probar cosas me es más comodo.
Si tu lo quieres cambiar luego simplemente copias la configuración que desees a cps1.ini o cps2.ini o si quieres una genérica para todos los juegos la copias a mame.ini y ya esta.

Ya nos dices como te van de velocidad en ese PC. Las otras ni las pongas en este PC (si las quieres probar en el otro vale) pero que sepas que ya son para i3 alto o i5 medio/alto que llevan mucha carga gráfica.

EDIT meto links a las fotos del modo HLSL pcs poco potentes (ojo si las veis desde el móvil que algunas ocupan bastantes MBs y os chupan bastantes datos)

Final Fight FOTO1 - https://fotos.subefotos.com/0efb9e2aa15 ... b52d4o.png
Final Fight FOTO2 - https://fotos.subefotos.com/5df09cd860e ... a9558o.png
Knights of The Round FOTO1 - https://fotos.subefotos.com/00f932800b5 ... 5dc8co.png
Knights of The Round FOTO2 - https://fotos.subefotos.com/7e96e1989f7 ... 327dco.png
Street Fighter Alpha FOTO1 - https://fotos.subefotos.com/5d1329abd65 ... 1f8d2o.png
Street Fighter Alpha FOTO2 - https://fotos.subefotos.com/75444bdb996 ... 5746ao.png
Vampire Hunter 2 FOTO1 - https://fotos.subefotos.com/9d1c036e929 ... 3d368o.png
Vampire Hunter 2 FOTO2 - https://fotos.subefotos.com/c15b1f6106f ... 1dd37o.png
MAME se actualiza a la versión 0.208:

0.208 2019-03-27

MAMETesters Bugs Fixed
- 06423: [Graphics] (amstrad.cpp) cpc6128 [terminat]: Graphics corruption on level 3. (AmatCoder)
- 06439: [DIP/Input] (spec128.cpp) spec128, specpl3e: In Abu Simbel Profanation, the character jumps constantly. (AmatCoder)
- 06611: [Crash/Freeze] (amstrad.cpp) cpc6128: Can't play fourth level of Perico Delgado Maillot Amarillo disk version. (AmatCoder)
- 06854: [Graphics] (amstrad.cpp) cpc6128 [007tld]: Graphical errors in 007 The Living Daylights. (AmatCoder)
- 06927: [Crash/Freeze] (amstrad.cpp) cpc464, cpc6128: Hundra gets stuck in a black screen after leaving main menu. (AmatCoder)
- 06997: [Graphics] (amstrad.cpp) cpc6128: Graphical issues in Galactic Tomb. (AmatCoder)
- 07134: [Media Support] (amstrad.cpp) CPC6128: Floppy drive support is broken. (AmatCoder)
- 07209: [Crash/Freeze] (dai.cpp) Assembler-based games no longer work. (Robbbert)
- 07240: [DIP/Input] (cps1.cpp) sf2rules: Kick buttons are non-functional. (Ivan Vangelista)
- 07250: [DIP/Input] (segas16b.cpp) dunkshot, dunkshota: DIP 1 and DIP 8 are incorrectly marked as unused. (chaneman)
- 07251: [Documentation] (brkthru.cpp) brkthru: Test mode is undocumented. (chaneman)
- 07254: [Multisession] NETLIST: Machines using netlist components raise a fatal error on back-to-back sessions. (Couriersud)
- 07258: [Original Reference] (micro3d.cpp) f15se21: ROM names for F-15 Strike Eagle are incorrect. (chaneman)
- 07260: [Sound] (topspeed.cpp) topspeed: Top Speed engine sounds are missing. (Ivan Vangelista)
- 07263: [Gameplay] (galaxian.cpp) tenspot: Only half of the games are accessible. (Robbbert)

New working machines
Disney (JAKKS Pacific TV Game, Game-Key Ready) (08 FEB 2005 A) [Sean Riddle, David Haywood, anonymous]
Fidelity Electronics Checker Challenger 4 [hap, Sean Riddle]
Fidelity Electronics Gin & Cribbage Challenger [hap, David Viens]
Game & Watch: Balloon Fight (new wide screen) [algestam, anikom15, f205v, hap]
Game & Watch: Fire Attack [algestam, Justin Kerk]
Game & Watch: Octopus [algestam, Zorix, khrainos]
Game & Watch: Parachute [algestam]
Game & Watch: Turtle Bridge [algestam, uman]
Geigeki Go Go Shooting (Japan) [Peter Wilhelmsen, Sean Riddle, ShouTime, David Haywood]
I Can Play Piano [Sean Riddle, David Haywood, anonymous]
Jumping Popira (Japan) [Sean Riddle, David Haywood, anonymous]
Rebound (Rev B) [TTL] [DICE Team, Couriersud]
SpongeBob SquarePants - The Fry Cook Games (JAKKS Pacific TV Game, Game-Key Ready) (AUG 18 2005 21:31:56) [Sean Riddle, anonymous]
Waddingtons 2001: The Game Machine [hap, Sean Riddle, Couriersud]

New working clones
Data Cash Systems CompuChess [hap]
DJ Boy (Japan, set 2) [Artemio Urbina, The Dumping Union]
DJ Boy (World) [Artemio Urbina, The Dumping Union]
Elite Champion Challenger (Travemuende upgrade) [hap, Berger]
Finalizer - Super Transformation (set 2) [pacman70]
Gemini Wing (World) [pacman70]
Head to Head: Electronic Basketball (TMS1000 version) [hap, Sean Riddle]
Karate Champ (US VS version, set 3) [Don Thibert, R.Coltrane, The Dumping Union]
Karate Champ (US VS version, set 4) [Don Thibert, R.Coltrane, The Dumping Union]
Kishon Chesster (v2.2) [Berger]
Komo Como (Topmar, bootleg?) [f205v]
Omega (earlier) [Corrado Tomaselli, The Dumping Union]
Pang Pom's (Nova) [Hammy, The Dumping Union]
Raiden (US set 3) [Apocalypse, The Dumping Union]
VEB Mikroelektronik Erfurt Schachcomputer SC 2 (rev. E) [kaiOr]

Machines promoted to working
Applied Concepts Boris [hap, Sean Riddle]
Applied Concepts Boris Diplomat [hap]
Disney Friends (JAKKS Pacific TV Game, Game-Key Ready) (17 MAY 2005 A) [Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen, Ryan Holtz]
Fidelity Electronics Bridge Challenger III [hap, Lord Nightmare]
Fidelity Electronics Voice Bridge Challenger [hap, Lord Nightmare]
Gururin World (Japan) [David Haywood, Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen, ShouTime]
Justice League (JAKKS Pacific TV Game, Game-Key Ready) [Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen, Ryan Holtz]
MX Dirt Rebel [Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen, O. Galibert, David Haywood]
Novag Chess Champion: Delta-1 [hap]
Popira 2 (Japan) [David Haywood, Peter Wilhelmsen, Sean Riddle, ShouTime]
SciSys Chess Traveler [hap]

Clones promoted to working
Fidelity Electronics Advanced Bridge Challenger [hap, Lord Nightmare]
Fidelity Electronics Elite Avant Garde (model 6114-5) [hap, Berger]

New machines marked as NOT_WORKING
e-kara Mix (Japan) [Peter Wilhelmsen, Sean Riddle, ShouTime, David Haywood]
Evio (Japan) [Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen, ShouTime, David Haywood]
Fidelity Electronics Chess Challenger [hap, Berger]
Fisher-Price Fun 2 Learn Smart Fit Park [Sean Riddle, ClawGrip]
Frantic Fruits [SpinalFeyd, The Dumping Union]
Jurassic Park (bootleg of Megadrive version) [Jorge Silva, Kravex]
Kontron Instruments Micromon 7141 ECG unit [Robbbert, Rockman, ClawGrip]
Lear Siegler ADM 36 Video Display Terminal [Al Kossow, Bitsavers]
Mega Drive 4 / Guitar Idol (set 1) [Alexandre Souza]
Neo Print - Chicken Ramen (Japan)
  [malcor, hammy, Anonymous, Dane Biegert, Sean Sutton, Renato Mucciarelli, Moffitt, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Neo Print - Fuyo Pri Iitoko Tori (Japan) (T4i 3.07)
  [malcor, hammy, Anonymous, Dane Biegert, Sean Sutton, Renato Mucciarelli, Moffitt, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Neo Print - Otogibanashi (Japan) (T4i 3.00)
  [malcor, hammy, Anonymous, Dane Biegert, Sean Sutton, Renato Mucciarelli, Moffitt, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Neo Print - Senyou Cassette Ver. 1 (Japan)
  [malcor, hammy, Anonymous, Dane Biegert, Sean Sutton, Renato Mucciarelli, Moffitt, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Neo Print Special: Sekai Ryokou 2 (Japan)
  [malcor, hammy, Anonymous, Dane Biegert, Sean Sutton, Renato Mucciarelli, Moffitt, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Sega AS-1 Controller [Arzeno Fabrice. The Dumping Union]
Star Trek: The Next Generation (LX-5) [PinMAME]
Super Chick [Travis Swager]
unknown poker game [chaneman]

New clones marked as NOT_WORKING
LeapPad (Canada) [Sean Riddle, ClawGrip]
Mega Drive 4 / Guitar Idol (set 2) [Alexandre Souza]
My First LeapPad (World, V1.3) [Sean Riddle, ClawGrip]
Over Rev (Model 2B, Revision A) [Dane Biegert, Brian Troha, Henrique Areias Pontes, Sean Sutton, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Sega Rally Championship - Twin/DX (Revision A)
  [Dane Biegert, Brian Troha, Henrique Areias Pontes, Sean Sutton, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Spider-Man (JAKKS Pacific TV Game) (older hardare) [Sean Riddle, anonymous]
Yamaha MU80 [R. Belmont, O. Galibert]
Yamaha VL70-m [R. Belmont, O. Galibert]

New working software list additions
acrnsys_rom: ADE [Nigel Barnes]
  A.E., Akalabeth, Alien Lander, The Asteroid Field, Beer Run, Bug Attack, Captain Goodnight and the Islands of Fear,
  Championship Lode Runner, Choplifter, Dazzle Draw (version 1.1), Eggs-It, Ernie's Quiz, Gamma Goblins, Golden Mountain,
  Gruds in Space, High Orbit, Instant Zoo, Labyrinth, Lancaster, Lunar Leepers, Mix and Match, Muppetville, Phaser Fire, Ribbit,
  Serpentine, Spotlight, The Super Factory, Ultima III: Exodus, Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego [4am, Firehawke]
bbc_rom: Acorn DFS 0.9H (Torch) [Nigel Barnes]
  1973-75 Volume 1 (Japan) (EC0017-G73), Artist Selection Volume 7 (B'z) (Japan) (EC0039-ATS),
  Artist Selection Volume 12 (The Beatles) (Japan) (EC0050-ATS), Artist Selection Volume 13 (Tube) (Japan) (EC0055-ATS),
  Artist Selection Volume 14 (SMAP) (Japan) (EC0057-ATS), ENK Volume 2 (Japan) (EC0016-ENK), ENK Volume 5 (Japan) (EC0043-ENK),
  Graduation Encouragement Volume 1 (Japan) (EC0019-BSC), Graduation Encouragement Volume 2 (Japan) (EC0038-BSC),
  J-Pop Mix Volume 16 (Japan) (EC0028-JPM), J-Pop Mix Volume 18 (Japan) (EC0040-JPM), J-Pop Mix Volume 22 (Japan) (EC0053-JPM),
  J-Pop Mix Volume 24 (Japan) (EC0056-JPM), J-Pop Mix Volume 25 (Japan) (EC0059-JPM), Kid's Mix Volume 2 (Japan) (EC0020-KID)
  [Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen, David Haywood, ShouTime]
electron_cart: ROMPlus-144 [Nigel Barnes]
gba: Aka-chan Doubutsuen (Jpn, Rev. 1) [No-Intro, FakeShemp]
  Dragon's Lair, Golden Axe (3.5"), Indiana Jones And The Last Crusade - The Action Game (Kixx release),
  Panza Kick Boxing (Kixx budget release) [ArcadeShadow]
ibm5170: All New World Of Lemmings, Desert Strike: Return to the Gulf, Ultimate Body Blows [ArcadeShadow]
  Piano Favorites (J7522) [Sean Riddle, anonymous]
  Disney Princess Magical Melodies (K4656), Jammin' Jungle Safari (Disney's The Lion King, Jungle Book, Tarzan) (K4653),
  Jungle Boogie (J7524), Nicktoons Show Tunes (J7527), Rockin' Dance Party (J8715), Scooby-Doo! Monster Mayhem (J7525)
  [Sean Riddle, David Haywood]
  CP/M System Disk (FDX), CP/M System Disk (SDX), dBASE II, FDX NewWord, Modem Executive 1.14, SuperCalc,
  Tape to Disc Transfer (FDX and CP/M only), Turbo PASCAL 2.00A, Turbo PASCAL 3.00A, WordStar 3.00 [Nigel Barnes]
  Cal Gaiden - Tiny Steps Behind the Cal, Capcom Tokoton Efude, Ce'st la vie, Cherry Jam - Kanojo ga Hadaka ni Kigaetara,
  Cherry Jam - Kanojo ga Hadaka ni Kigaetara (Alt), Chiemi, Chou Shinri Samadhi (Alt), Clipper - Takepon no Ochimono Puzzle,
  Cocktail Soft - Zoukan-gou 2, Concert, Cranston Manor (2HD conversion), CRW - Metal Jacket, Cybernetic Hi-School / Dennou Gakuen
  [Neo Kobe Collection]
pc98_cd: Cyberwar [Neo Kobe Collection]
snes: Striker (Euro, NTSC Prototype) [FakeShemp]
  +3 Utilities, 007 Trans-Master, 2 Por 1: Chase H.Q. + Indiana Jones y la Ultima Cruzada,
  2 Por 1: MASK III: VENOM Strikes Back + North Star, 2 Por 1: Motor Massacre + Final Assault, 2 Por 1: Renegade + Target Renegade,
  2 Por 1: Silent Shadow + Mad Mix Game, 2 Por 1: Silent Shadow + Mad Mix Game (alt), 2 Por 1: Techno Cop + Mickey Mouse,
  2 Por 1: The Deep + The Muncher, 2 Por 1: Thunder Blade + Cybernoid II, 2 X 1: Capitan Sevilla + Meganova,
  2 X 1: Corsarios + Mutan Zone, 2 X 1: Don Quijote + Mega-Corp, 2 X 1: Hundra + Turbo Girl, 2 X 1: Phantis + Freddy Hardest,
  2 por 1: Platoon + Arkanoid II: Revenge of Doh, 2 por 1: Platoon + Arkanoid II: Revenge of Doh (alt), 20 Game Pack,
  3D Construction Kit, 3D Game Maker, 3D Game Maker (alt), 3D Game Maker (alt 2), 3D Grand Prix (master disk), 3D Game Maker (Spa),
  3D Game Maker (Spa) (alt), 4 Soccer Simulators, 4 Top Games - Pulsator + Slaine - The Celtic Barbarian, Los 40 Principales Vol. 1,
  Los 40 Principales Vol. 1 (alt), Los 40 Principales Vol. 10, Los 40 Principales Vol. 10 (alt), Los 40 Principales Vol. 2,
  Los 40 Principales Vol. 3, Los 40 Principales Vol. 3 (alt), Los 40 Principales Vol. 4, Los 40 Principales Vol. 5,
  Los 40 Principales Vol. 6, Los 40 Principales Vol. 6 (alt), Los 40 Principales Vol. 7, Los 40 Principales Vol. 8,
  Los 40 Principales Vol. 8 (alt), Los 40 Principales Vol. 8 (alt 2), Los 40 Principales Vol. 9, A Toda Maquina,
  La Abadia del Crimen, La Abadia del Crimen (alt), ACE 2 - The Ultimate Head to Head Conflict, Action Fighter,
  Action Force - International Heroes (alt), Action Force II - International Heroes (alt), Adidas Championship Tie-Break (alt),
  Adidas Championship Tie-Break (Spa), After the War, After the War (Spa), Afterburner, Afterburner (alt), Agatha's Folly,
  Agatha's Folly (alt), Airborne Ranger, Alien Research Centre, Alien Storm, Alien Storm (Spa), Alien Syndrome,
  Alien Syndrome (Spa), Alkatraz Development Disks - Bedturn Project Backup,
  Alkatraz Development Disks - Designer + Assembler Backup, Alkatraz Development Disks - Disk Protection Source Code,
  Alkatraz Development Disks - Locoscript Start of Day 25-10-88, Alkatraz Development Disks - Main Enc + BASIC Run Sample Backup,
  Alkatraz Development Disks - Main Encryptor + Screen Load Designer, Alkatraz Development Disks - Mastering Program,
  Alkatraz Development Disks - New Word, Alkatraz Development Disks - Run Program + BASIC Constructor,
  Alkatraz Development Disks - Sample Loader + Master Installer Backup,
  Alkatraz Development Disks - Simple Loader + Encryptor Constructor, Alkatraz Development Disks - Tape System Text Backup,
  All-American Basketball (master disk), All in a Day's Work, The Amazing Spider-Man and Captain America in Dr. Doom's Revenge,
  American 3D Pool (master disk), Amnesia v1.02, Amnesia v1.02 (Spa), Amoto's Puf, Amstrad Compilation Disk Spectrum Plus 3,
  Amstrad Compilation Disk Spectrum Plus 3 (alt), Amstrad Compilation Disk Spectrum Plus 3 (alt 2), The Amulet of Darath,
  Another Big Disk, Answer Back Factfile 500 - Arithmetic - Ages 6-11, Answer Back Junior Quiz, APB - All Points Bulletin,
  The Apprentice, April 7th, Apulija 13 V1.1, Apulija 13 v1.2, Arcade Collection Volume 1, Arcade Collection Volume 2,
  Arcade Collection Volume 2 (alt), Arcade Extravaganza Disk 3, Arctic Fox, Arkanoid - Revenge of Doh, Arnold the Adventurer 1 + 2,
  Arnold the Adventurer III - This Time It's Personal, The Artist II, The Artist II (alt), Artura (alt), Asalto y Castigo,
  Aspar GP Master, Aspar GP Master (alt), Astro Marine Corps, ATF - Advanced Tactical Fighter,
  ATF - Advanced Tactical Fighter (Spa), Aura-Scope, Australian Games (Spa), Autocrash, The Axe of Kolt, La Aventura Espacial,
  La Aventura Original, Aztec Assault, Back to the Future Part II, Back to the Future Part III, Back to the Future Part III (alt),
  Bad Dudes vs. Dragon Ninja, Badlands (alt), Badlands (Spa), The Balrog and the Cat, Balrog's Big Disk, The Balrogian Trilogy,
  Barbarian, Barbarian II - The Dungeon of Drax, Barbarian II - The Dungeon of Drax (alt), Barbarian II - The Dungeon of Drax (Spa),
  The Bard's Tale Vol 1 - Tales of the Unknown, The Bardic Rites, The Bardic Rites + Dragon-Quest,
  Bart Bear + The Return of Bart Bear, Batman - The Caped Crusader, Batman - The Movie, Batman - The Movie (alt),
  Batman - The Movie (alt 2), Batman - The Movie (Spa), Batman - The Movie (Spa) (alt), Beach Volley, The Beast, Bedlam,
  Bedlam (Spa), The Beginning of the End, Behind Closed Doors 4 - Balrog's Day Out, The Bermuda Triangle, The Best of Clive and Les,
  Best of Elite Vol. 1, Bestial Warrior, Bestial Warrior (Gun Stick), Beverly Hills Cop (alt), Beyond the Ice Palace,
  Beyond the Ice Palace (Spa), Bionic Ninja (master disk), Black Lamp, The Black Tower, Blasteroids,
  Blinky's Scary School (master disk), Bloodwych (alt), Bog of Brit + The Menagerie, The Boggit - Bored Too (alt), Bonanza Bros.,
  Book of the Dead (alt), Boots Action Pack, The Boyd File, BraveStarr, Brian - The Novice Barbarian,
  Brian Clough's Football Fortunes, Bridge Player Galactica, Bubble Bobble, Bubble Buster, Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show (alt),
  Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show (Spa), Buggy Boy, Buggy Boy (alt), Buggy Boy (Spa), Buggy Ranger, Bugsy, Bumpy, Butcher Hill (alt),
  By Fair Means...or Foul, Cabal, Cabal (Spa), CAD-Master - Light Pen & Graphics Software, California Games, Cannon Bubble,
  Capitan Sevilla, El Capitan Trueno, Captain Blood, Captain Blood (alt), Captain Planet and the Planeteers,
  Captain Planet and the Planeteers (alt), Carlos Sainz - Campeonato del Mundo de Rallies, Carrier Command (alt),
  Cartoon Capers Disk 3, The Case of the Beheaded Smuggler, Castle Master, Castle Master (alt), Castle Master (Spa),
  Castles and Clowns, Castles and Clowns (alt), Castlevania - Spectral Interlude, Castlevania - Spectral Interlude (alt),
  Castlevania - Spectral Interlude (Ita), Castlevania - Spectral Interlude (Ita) (alt), Castlevania - Spectral Interlude (Pol),
  Castlevania - Spectral Interlude (Pol) (alt), Castlevania - Spectral Interlude (Rus),
  Castlevania - Spectral Interlude (Rus) (alt), Castlevania - Spectral Interlude (Spa),
  Castlevania - Spectral Interlude (Spa) (alt), Celtic Carnage, CEZ Collection Vol.1, Chain Reaction, Championship Run,
  Championship Run (rerelease) (master disk), Championship Run (rerelease) (master disk backup),
  Championship Run (rerelease) (tape master disk), A Chance in Hell, A Chance in Hell (Extreme), Chartbusters, Chase H.Q.,
  Chase H.Q. (Spa), Chase H.Q. II - Special Criminal Investigations, Chase H.Q. II - Special Criminal Investigation (Spa),
  The Chessmaster 2000, Chicago 30's (alt 2), Chicago 30's (alt), CHIPNSFX Tracker+player, Choy-Lee-Fut Kung-Fu Warrior,
  Chuck Yeager's Advanced Flight Trainer, Chuck Yeager's Advanced Flight Trainer (alt), Circus Games, The Citadel, Civil Service II,
  Classic Games 4, Clock Chess '89, Clock Chess '89 (Spa), Cloud 99, Coleccion de Exitos Dinamic, Colossus Bridge 4,
  Colossus Chess 4, Colossus Chess 4 (alt), Colossus Chess 4 (alt 2), Colossus Chess 4 (Spa), Comando Quatro, Comando Tracer,
  Combat School + Gryzor Preview, Comic, Arcade & Aventura, Command Performance, Complete Machine Code Package, Computer Classics,
  Continental Circus, Continental Circus (Spa), Corporal Stone, Corruption (alt), Corruption (alt 2), Corruption (alt 3),
  Cosmic Sheriff, Count and Add, Coursemaster v3.88, Coursemaster v3.88 (alt), CP-M Plus v1.0, Crack City, Cray-5, Crazy Cars,
  Crazy Cars (alt), Crazy Cars II, Cricket Master, Crystals of Kings, Curro Jimenez, The Curse of Nimue,
  Cybernoid - The Fighting Machine (alt), Cybernoid II - The Revenge (alt), Cyborg 2900, The Cycles, The Cycles (Spa),
  Daley Thompson's Olympic Challenge, Dan Dare Collection, Dan Dare II - Mekon's Revenge, Dan Dare III - The Escape (alt), Darius+,
  Dark Fusion (alt), The Dark Gladiator, Dark Side, Dark Side (Spa), The Dark Tower, The Darkest Road, Data East's Arcade Alley,
  Data East's Arcade Alley (alt), DB1 Plus 3 Disc Backup Utility, Death Wish 3, Death Wish 3 (alt), Death Wish 3 (alt 2),
  Deception of the Mind's Eye, Deek's Deeds, The Deep (alt), Defenders of the Earth, Deflektor (alt),
  Delbert's Hamster-Wheel of Fortune, Desafio Total, Diarmid, DICE v2.1, Dicks Galore, Dinamic 5 Aniversario,
  Dinamic 5 Aniversario (alt), La Diosa de Cozumel, Discology +3, Discopack +3, Disk Doctor, Dixons Premier Collection for Your +3,
  The Dogboy, Dominator (alt), Dominator (Spa), Double Classic, Double Dragon, Double Dragon (Spa), Double Dragon II - The Revenge,
  The Duel - Test Drive II, A Dungeon Romp, The Dungeons of Maldread, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (master disk), Dragon Ninja (Spa),
  Dragon-Quest, Drakkar, Drazen Petrovic Basket, Drazen Petrovic Basket (alt), Driller, DTP Pack, DU54 v5.04, DU54 v5.04 (alt),
  Duck Out, Dynamite Dux, Dynasty Wars, E-motion, Echelon (alt), Edd the Duck, Edd the Duck (master disk),
  Edd the Duck (tape master disk), Edd the Duck Editor (master disk), The Elfin Wars, Elfindor, Eliminator, The Ellisnore Diamond,
  The Emerald Elf, Emilio Butragueno 2, Emilio Butragueno Futbol, Emilio Butragueno Futbol (alt), Emilio Sanchez Vicario Grand Slam,
  Emilio Sanchez Vicario Grand Slam (alt), Emilio Sanchez Vicario Grand Slam (alt 2), Emlyn Hughes International Soccer,
  The End Is Nigh, Epyx 21, El Equipo A (Gunstick), Erbe 88, Erbe 88 (alt), Erbe 88 (alt 2), Erik - the Phantom of the Opera (alt),
  The Escape from Hodgkins' Manor, Escape from Prison Planet + Hounds of Hell, Escape from the Planet of the Robot Monsters (Spa),
  The Escaping Habit, Espionage (alt), European Superleague, Even Yet Another Big Disk, Extreme, Eye, F-1, F-15 Strike Eagle,
  F-16 Combat Pilot (alt), F1 Tornado Simulator (tape master disk), Federation (alt), Fernandez Must Die,
  Fernando Martin Basket Master, Fiendish Freddy's Big Top o'Fun, The Final Chorus v4, The Final Demand, Final Fight, Firefly (alt),
  First World Problems, Fish v1.03, Fish! (alt), The Fisher King, A Fistful of Necronomicons, Five Star Games 3, Flameout,
  Flexipage Viewdata Author, Football Boxform, Football Director II (alt), Football Manager, Football Manager 3,
  Footballer of the Year 2 (alt), For Pete's Sake, Forgotten Worlds, Forgotten Worlds (alt), Found Yet Another Big Disk,
  Four Great Games Volume 3, The Four Symbols, Foxx Fights Back, Frank Bruno's Big Box, Freddy Hardest en Manhattan Sur, Frightmare,
  Frontiers, Full Throttle 2 (tape master disk), Fun School 2 for 6-8 Year Olds, Fun School 2 for 6-8 Year Olds (alt),
  Fun School 2 for 6-8 Year Olds (alt 2), Fun School 2 for 6-8 Year Olds (alt 3), Fun School 2 for the Over-8s,
  Fun School 3 for 5-7 Year Olds, Fun School 3 for the Over-7s, Fun School 3 for the Under-5s, Fun School 4 for 5-7 Year Olds,
  Fun School 4 for 7-11 Year Olds, Funky Fungus, Funky Fungus (alt), The Fury, G-LOC (Spa), G-LOC - R360, Gaggles of George,
  Game Over + Game Over 2, Game Without a Name, Game, Set and Match, The Games - Summer Edition,
  Garfield - Big, Fat, Hairy Deal (alt), Gary Lancaster Tools Collection, Gary Lineker's Super Skills (alt),
  Gary Lineker's Super Star Soccer (alt), Gary Lineker's Super Star Soccer (alt 2), Gauntlet (alt), Gauntlet (alt 2),
  Gauntlet II (alt), Gauntlet III - The Final Quest, Gazza II (alt), Gazza's Super Soccer (Spa), Gemini Wing,
  Genesis - Dawn of a New Day, Genghis Khan, GENS3P to GENS80 Source Files Converter, The German Master, Ghouls 'n' Ghosts (alt),
  Ghouls 'n' Ghosts (Spa), Giant Killer, Giants (U.S. Gold), Gnome Ranger, Gnome Ranger (alt), The Gods of War,
  Gold, Silver, Bronze, Golden Axe, Golden Axe (Spa), Golden Axe (Spa) (alt), Golden Basket, The Golden Locket, The Golden Pyramid,
  The Golden Sword of Bhakhor, Grabbed by the Ghoulies, Grabbed by the Ghoulies + Helvera - Mistress of the Park,
  Graeme Souness Soccer Manager (tape master disk), El Gran Halcon, Grandes y Pequenos, Gryzor, Guerrilla War - Hail the Heroes,
  The Guild of Thieves, The Guild of Thieves (alt), Guillermo Tell, Gunship, Gunship (alt), Gunship (Spa),
  H.A.T.E. - Hostile All Terrain Encounter (alt), H.K.M. - Human Killing Machine (alt), Hairy Toes, A Handful of Hamsters,
  Hard Drivin', Hard Drivin' (alt), Hard Drivin' (Spa), Hellfire Attack, Helvera - Mistress of the Park, Henrietta's Book of Spells,
  The Hermitage, Hero Quest (alt 2), Hero Quest (alt 3), Hero Quest (alt 4), Hero Quest (alt),
  Hero Quest - Return of the Witch Lord, Hero Quest - Return of the Witch Lord (alt), Hero Quest - Return of the Witch Lord (alt 2),
  Hero Quest - Return of the Witch Lord (alt 3), Heroes - , Heroes Rescue, Heroes of the Lance (Spa), Heroes of the Lance (alt),
  HiSoft BASIC Compiler v1.2 +3, HiSoft C v1.3 +3, HiSoft Devpac, HiSoft Devpac (alt), HiSoft Pascal 4, Hide and Seek,
  High Steel (Spa), Hob's Hoard, Hopping Mad, Hostages, Hostages (Spa), Hotshot, The House, The House on the Tor,
  Human Killing Machine (alt 2), I Need Speed, Ice-Breaker, Identify Europe, Ikari Warriors, Ikari Warriors (alt), Impact,
  Impossamole, Impossamole (Spa), Indiana Jones y la Ultima Cruzada, Infiltrado 2 - Return To Reactor, Los Inhumanos, Ingrid's Back,
  Ingrid's Back (alt), Ingrid's Back (alt 2), Instant Recall, The Inter City, International 5 A Side Football (tape master disk),
  International Karate, International Tennis (master disk), Into the Eagle's Nest, Los Intocables, Iron Lord (alt),
  Isotopia Construction Set, Italia '90 - World Cup Soccer (alt), Italia 1990, Ivan 'Ironman' Stewart's Super Off Road (alt),
  Jabato, The Jade Stone, The Jade Stone (alt), Jahangir Khan's World Championship Squash, Janosik,
  Javier Herrera Games Collection 01, Javier Herrera Games Collection 02, Javier Herrera Games Collection 03,
  Javier Herrera Games Collection 04, Javier Herrera Games Collection 05, Javier Herrera Games Collection 06,
  Javier Herrera Games Collection 09, Javier Herrera Games Collection 10, Jenny's Big Disk Vol 1, Jenny's Big Disk Vol 2,
  Jenny's Next Big Disk Vol 1, Jenny's Next Big Disk Vol 2, Jester Quest, Jesus Tejero Software Collection 01,
  Jesus Tejero Software Collection 02, Jesus Tejero Software Collection 03, Jesus Tejero Software Collection 04,
  Jesus Tejero Software Collection 05, Jesus Tejero Tools Collection 01, Jesus Tejero Tools Collection 02, Jet Bike Simulator,
  Jet Set Willy 128K, Jewels of Darkness, Jinxter, Jinxter (alt), Jocky Wilson's Compendium of Darts (tape master disk),
  Jungle Maths, Jungle Warrior, Kenny Dalglish Soccer Match (alt), The Khangrin Plans, Kick Off (alt), Kick Off 2,
  Kick-Box Vigilante (master disk), Kidnapped, Kidnapped + For Pete's Sake, Klax, Knight Life, Knight Orc v2,
  Kobyashi Ag'Kwo - A Return to Naru, Kobyashi Naru, Konami's Arcade Collection, The Krazy Kartoonist Kaper,
  Krazy Kartoonist Kaper + The Grue-Knapped, Krom El Guerrero, Krunel, Krunel (alt), Labour Pains, The Labours of Hercules,
  Lancelot, Las Aventuras de Pepe Trueno, Laskar's Return, Last Duel, The Last Mohican (alt), Last of the Big Disks, The Last Word,
  Lazer Tag, Leader Board Par 3, LED Storm Rally 2011, A Legacy for Alaric - The Magic Isle, Licence to Kill, Licence to Kill (alt),
  Lifeguard, The Light Corridor (alt), The Light Corridor (alt 2), The Light Corridor (alt 3), The Light Corridor (Spa),
  The Light Corridor (Spa) (alt), Lightmare, Little Wandering Guru, Live Ammo, Live Ammo - Green Beret + Top Gun + Rambo (alt),
  Live and Let Die - The Computer Game, The Lost Twilight, Loads of Laurence Vol. 1, Loads of Laurence Vol. 2,
  Loads of Midnight (alt), Lone Wolf - The Mirror of Death (alt), Loose Ends, Lords of Chaos, Lords of Chaos (alt), Lost in Time,
  Lotus Esprit Turbo Challenge (alt), Lotus Esprit Turbo Challenge (Spa), Mad Mix 2 - en el Castillo de los Fantasmas, Mad Mix Game,
  Magic Fields, Magic Johnson's Basketball, Magic Knight Trilogy (alt), Magnetic Moon, The Magnificent Seven, Man About the House,
  Manchester United (Spa), Manchester United - The Official Computer Game, The Mapper, Mask III - Venom Strikes Back (alt),
  Masterfile +3, Masters of the Universe - The Movie (alt), Mastertronic +3 Compilation Disk 4, Match Day II, Match Day II (alt),
  Match of the Day (tape master disk), Mega 4, Mega Box, Mega Phoenix, Mega Twins, MegaApocalypse (alt), Lo Mejor de Dinamic,
  Meltdown, Mercenary - Escape from Targ, Metal Action, Metropolis, Mickey Mouse - The Computer Game (alt),
  MicroByte - Serie Clasicos Spectrum 01, MicroByte - Serie Clasicos Spectrum 02, MicroProse Soccer,
  MicroProse Soccer (large case release), MicroProse Soccer (small case release), MicroProse Soccer (Spa), Microfair Madness Plus,
  Microvalue 6 Pack, Midnight Resistance (Spa), Midnight Resistance (alt 2), Midnight Resistance (alt), A Midsummer Days Dream,
  Mike Gunner, Mind-Stretchers, The Mines of Lithiad, The Miser, Monty Designs 2014, Monty Python's Flying Circus (alt), Moonwalker,
  Mortadelo y Filemon II - Safari Callejero, Mot, Motorbike Madness, Mountain Bike Racer, Mountain Bike Racer (tape master disk),
  Mountain Bike Racer (tape master disk backup), Mr. Heli, Multi Sports, The Mummy's Crypt v2.1, The Muncher Eats Chewits,
  Mundial de Futbol, Mundial de Futbol Italia '90, Mundial de Futbol Italia '90 (alt), Mundial de Futbol Italia '90 (alt 2),
  Murder - He Said, Murder Hunt, Murder Hunt II, Music Maestro, Mutiny, Mystical, NARC, NARC (Spa), Narco Police, Navy Moves,
  Navy Moves (Spa), Navy Moves (Spa) (alt), Navy SEALs, Neighbours, Neighbours (cheat version) (master disk),
  Neighbours (master disk), Neighbours (tape master disk), The New Zealand Story, The New Zealand Story (Spa),
  Nigel Mansell's Grand Prix, Night Breed - The Action Game, Night Hunter, Night Raider, The Ninja Warriors (Spa),
  The Ninja Warriors (Spa) (alt), Nope Here's Another One, Norman's Lament, North & South, North & South (alt),
  North & South (alt 2), North & South (alt 3), North Star (alt), North Star (alt 2), Not Another Big Disk, Obliterator (Spa),
  The OCP Art Studio, The OCP Art Studio (alt), The OCP Art Studio (alt 2), Oh Sh1t Another Big Disk, One More Big Disk,
  One of our Wombats is Missing, Opera Storys 1, Opera Super Sports, Operation Thunderbolt, Operation Thunderbolt (Spa),
  Operation Wolf, Operation Wolf (alt), Operation Wolf (alt 2), Operation Wolf (Spa), The Oppressed Land, Oriental Games,
  Oriental Games (Spa), Out Run, Out of the Limelight, Outlet issue 023, Outlet issue 024, Outlet issue 025, Outlet issue 026,
  Outlet issue 027, Outlet issue 028, Outlet issue 029, Outlet issue 030, Outlet issue 031, Outlet issue 032, Outlet issue 033,
  Outlet issue 034, Outlet issue 035, Outlet issue 036, Outlet issue 037, Outlet issue 038, Outlet issue 039, Outlet issue 040,
  Outlet issue 041, Outlet issue 042, Outlet issue 043, Outlet issue 044, Outlet issue 045, Outlet issue 046, Outlet issue 047,
  Outlet issue 048, Outlet issue 049, Outlet issue 050, Outlet issue 051, Outlet issue 052, Outlet issue 053, Outlet issue 054,
  Outlet issue 055, Outlet issue 056, Outlet issue 057, Outlet issue 059, Outlet issue 060, Outlet issue 061, Outlet issue 062,
  Outlet issue 066, Outlet issue 067, Outlet issue 068, Outlet issue 069, Outlet issue 070, Outlet issue 071, Outlet issue 072,
  Outlet issue 074, Outlet issue 077, Outlet issue 080, Outlet issue 081, Outlet issue 082, Outlet issue 083, Outlet issue 084,
  Outlet issue 086, Outlet issue 087, Outlet issue 088, Outlet issue 089, Outlet issue 090, Outlet issue 091, Outlet issue 092,
  Outlet issue 093, Outlet issue 094, Outlet issue 095, Outlet issue 096, Outlet issue 097, Outlet issue 098, Outlet issue 099,
  Outlet issue 100, Outlet issue 102, Outlet issue 104, Outlet issue 106, Outlet issue 107, Outlet issue 108, Outlet issue 109,
  Outlet issue 110, Outlet issue 111, Outlet issue 112, Outlet issue 113, Outlet issue 114, Outlet issue 115, Outlet issue 116,
  Outlet issue 118, Outlet issue 119, Outlet issue 120, Outlet issue 121, Overlander, Overlander (Spa), P-47 Thunderbolt (alt),
  P.H.M. Pegasus (alt), Pac-Land (alt), Pack Ferpecto, Pack Regalo Sinclair +3, Pack Regalo Sinclair +3 (alt), Pang (alt),
  Pang (Spa), Paperboy 2, Paris-Dakar, Passing Shot (alt), Passing Shot (Spa), Paul Woakes' Mercenary 1 Compendium,
  The Pawn v2.4 (alt), The Pawn v2.4 (alt 2), Pawns of War - The Infiltrator, PAWS for Thought Vol 1, PAWS for Thought Vol 2,
  PAWS for Thought Vol 3, PD Tape 02 - +3 Utilities, The Pendant of Logryn, Pepe Carvalho en los Pajaros de Bangkok,
  Perico Delgado Maillot Amarillo, Perseus, Personal Computer Whirled, Phantomas Saga - Infinity, Phoenix, Pick 'n' Pile,
  Pick'n'Mix, Pictionary - El juego en el que todos pintan, Pictionary - The Game of Quick Draw, Pipe Mania (alt),
  Pirate 3 +3 (alt), Pit-Fighter, Platoon (alt), Plus 3 Adventures, Plus 3 Arcade, Plus 3 Biker, Plus 3 Diary & Filing System,
  Plus 3 Hits, Plus 3 Pack, Plus 3 Pack (Dinamic), Plus 3 Sports, Plus 3 Sports (alt), Power Magic, Powersports,
  The Prayer Of The Warrior, The Prayer of the Warrior (alt), Predator 2 (alt), Preliminary Monty, The Prisoner,
  Pro Tennis Tour (alt), Pro Tennis Tour (Spa), Probably the Last Big Disk, Professional Adventure Writer,
  Professional Adventure Writer (Spa), Prohibition, Project Nova, Project Nova + Beginning of the End, Project Stealth Fighter,
  Purple Saturn Day, Q10 Tank Buster (master disk), Quest for the Holy Something,
  A Question of Scruples - The Computer Edition (alt), A Question of Sport (alt), R.A.M., R.B.I. 2 Baseball (alt), Radiomania,
  Raiders of the Lost Tomb, Rainbow Islands (alt), Rainbow Islands (Spa), Read-Right-Away: Reading Pack 2, Red Heat, Red Heat (Spa),
  Regreso al Futuro - Parte III, Regreso al Futuro - Parte III (alt), Renegade (alt), Renegade (alt 2), Repton Mania,
  Rescate Atlantida, Rescate Atlantida (alt), Rescate Atlantida (alt 2), Rescate Atlantida (alt 3), Revelados, Rex (alt),
  Rhyme Cryme, Rick Dangerous, Rick Dangerous 2, Ring Wars (Spa), Riptoff, Road Blasters (alt), Road Blasters (Spa), Robocop,
  Robocop (alt), Robocop 2 (alt), Robocop 2 (alt 2), Robocop 2 (Spa), Rock 'n Roll, Rolling Thunder (alt), Round the Bend,
  Round the Bend (master disk backup), Round the Bend (master disk), Run the Gauntlet (alt), Run, Bronwynn, Run,
  Run, Bronwynn, Run + The Spectre of Castle Coris, The Running Man, S.T.U.N. Runner, Saboteur II - Avenging Angel,
  Saint & Greavsie (alt), Salamander, Sam's Un-Excellent Adventure + The Hospital,
  Samurai Warrior - The Battles of... Usagi Yojimbo, Santa's Xmas Caper (tape master disk), Satan, Scapeghost, Scapeghost (alt),
  Scrabble Deluxe (alt), Scramble Spirits, SE Basic v0.80a, Seaside Sorcery, Senda Salvaje, The Sentinel, A Serpentine Tale,
  Seto Taisho vs Yokai (English, Italian), Seto Taisho vs Yokai (French, Portuguese), Seto Taisho vs Yokai (German, Spanish),
  Shackled, Shadow Dancer, Shadow Warriors, Shadow of the Beast, Shadow of the Beast (Spa), Shard of Inovar,
  Sharkey's Moll (tape master disk), Sherlock Holmes - The Lamberley Mystery, Shinobi, Shinobi (Spa), Shootacular Disk 2 (alt),
  Side Arms, Silicon Dreams, Silkworm, Silkworm (Spa), Silkworm (Spa) (alt), Silkworm (Spa) (alt 2), Silverwolf, Sim City (alt),
  The Simpsons - Bart vs. the Space Mutants, Simulation Hits (Spa), Sinclair Action Pack - Lightgun Games,
  Sinclair Action Pack - Lightgun Games (re-release), Sinclair Game Compilation, Sinclair Plus 3, Sir Fred,
  Sito Pons 500cc Grand Prix, Skateball (alt), Skull & Crossbones (alt), The Slaughter Caves, Sleepwalker (tape master disk),
  Slowglass, A Small Collection of Hamster Droppings, Smash TV, Snoopy (alt), Soccer Mania, Sokoban, Sokoban (Spa), Sol Negro,
  Soldier of Fortune, Soldier of Light (alt), Soldier of Light (Spa), Solid Gold, The Song of Taliesin, Sootland (Gunstick),
  Soviet, SP4 Tape to +3 Disc Utility, SP5, SP5 Tape to +3 Disc Utility, SP6 Tape to +3 Disc Utility, SP7 Tape to +3 Disc Utility,
  Space Crusade (alt), Space Harrier II, Spanish Gold, The Spectre of Castle Coris v2, Spectrum CP-M Plus + Mallard BASIC,
  Spherical, Spitting Image (Spa), Spitting Image - The Computer Game, Sportacular Disk 1 (alt), Sporting Triangles,
  Sporting Triangles (alt), The Spy Who Loved Me (alt), SQ-Tracker +3, SRS Games Disc, St. Dragon, Stack Up (tape master disk),
  The Staff of Power, Stalingrad (alt), Stalker, Star Control, Star Raiders II, Star Wars (alt),
  Star Wars - Return of the Jedi (alt), Star Wars - Return of the Jedi (Spa), Star Wars - Return of the Jedi (Spa) (alt),
  Star Wars - The Empire Strikes Back, Starbyte, Starglider (alt), Starglider 2 - The Egrons Strike Back,
  Starring Charlie Chaplin (alt), Starship Quest, Still Another Big Disk, Still One More Big Disk, Stir Crazy Featuring Bobo,
  Stir Crazy Featuring Bobo (Spa), Stormlord, Stranded, Street Fighter, Stuff Me Another Big Disk,
  Subbuteo - The Computer Game (alt), Summer Games II, The Sun Computer Crosswords Volume 1 (alt), Super Cars (alt),
  Super Cycle (alt), Super Scramble Simulator, Super Scramble Simulator (Spa), Super Space Invaders (alt),
  Super Space Invaders (alt 2), Super Space Invaders (alt 3), Super Space Invaders (alt 4), Superchess 3 v3.5,
  Superman - The Man of Steel, Supersports - The Alternative Olympics, Supreme Challenge, Supreme Challenge: Soccer Spectacular,
  The Sword of IANNA, The Sword of IANNA (alt), Sword of the Samurai (master disk), T'Was a Time of Dread,
  Tai Chi Tortoise (tape master disk), Tai-Pan (alt), Take 3 Sports, Take Five, The Tales of Mathematica, Tank Attack, Tapedisc,
  Target Plus, Target: Renegade, Tarot Master, Tas-Sign, Tas-Spell Plus Three, Tascalc, Tasprint Plus Three,
  Tasprint Plus Three (alt), Taswide, Tasword 2 to Tasword +3 Text File Converter, Tasword Plus Three, Tasword Plus Three (Spa),
  Tasword Two - The Word Processor, Tax Bills, Tax Returns, The Taxman Cometh, The Tears of the Moon, Techno-Cop, Teenage Emergency,
  Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles (alt), Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles (alt 2), Los Templos Sagrados, Ten Green Bottles,
  Terminator 2 - Judgment Day (alt), Terrorpods, Tetris, Tetris (alt 2), Tetris (alt), Theme Park U.K., Theme Park U.S.A.,
  There's a Bomb Under Parliament, The Thirty-Nine Steps, The Time Crystal, Thomas the Tank Engine's Fun With Words,
  Thunder Blade (alt), Thunder Blade (alt 2), Thunderbirds, Thunderbirds (alt), Thunderbirds (Spa), Thundercats (alt), Tiburon,
  Time Scanner, Time Scanner (Spa), Time and Magik, Time and Magik (alt), Tintin en la Luna, Tintin on the Moon,
  Titanic Blinky (tape master disk), TNT, TNT (Spa), Toddler Trouble, Toi Acid Game, Tomahawk, Toobin', Toobin' (alt),
  Toobin' (Spa), Toobin' (Spa) (alt), Top 10 Collection, Top By Topo, Tortugas Ninja, Tortugas Ninja (unprotected), Total,
  Total Eclipse, Total Recall (alt), Tour de Force, The Train: Escape to Normandy (Spa), Transfer +3, Transfer +3 (alt),
  Traveller's Tales, Treasure Island, Trevor Brooking's World Cup Glory (alt), Trigger, Trigger (Gun Stick),
  Trivial Pursuit - A New Beginning, Trouble with Trolls, Tuareg, Turbo Girl, Turbo Out Run, Turbo Out Run (Spa),
  Turbo Skate Fighter (tape master disk), Turrican, Turrican (Spa), Turrican II - The Final Fight,
  Turrican II - The Final Fight (alt), The Twelve Days of Christmas, Twilight: Krajina Tienov, Twin World, Typhoon, Typhoon (alt),
  Typhoon (alt 2), UDG Generator, UK Main Lotto Random Number Generator, The Unborn One, The Untouchables, The Untouchables (alt),
  The Untouchables (alt 2), The Untouchables (alt 3), Urban, Venom, The Very Big Cave Adventure, Viaje al Centro de la Tierra,
  Videomaster, Videomaster (alt), Videomaster (alt 2), Vigilante (alt), Vigilante (alt 2), Vigilante (alt 3), Vigilante (Spa),
  The Vindicator, The Vindicator (alt), The Vindicator (alt 2), The Violator of Voodoo, Virus, Vitaminas, Vixen (alt), Wanderer,
  Wanderer 3D, War in Middle Earth (alt), War in Middle Earth (Spa), We Are the Champions, WEC Le Mans, WEC Le Mans (alt),
  WEC Le Mans (Spa), The Well of Zol, Welltris (alt), Welltris (Spa), Wheels of Fire, Where Time Stood Still,
  The White Feather Cloak, Whoops Another Big Disk, The Winning Team, Winter Olympiad '88, The Wizard of Oz, Wizard Quest,
  Word Power, Word-Master, Words and Pictures, World Championship Boxing Manager (alt), World Class Rugby,
  World Cricket (tape master disk), World Cup Year 90 Compilation, World Rugby (tape master disk), World Soccer (tape master disk),
  Wrestling Superstars, Wrestling Superstars (alt), Wrestling Superstars (alt 2), WWF WrestleMania, X-Out (Spa), X-Out (alt),
  Xenon (alt), Xenophobe, Xenophobe (alt), Xybots (Spa), Xybots (alt), Yet Another Big Disk, Yippee One More Big Disk, Zap-Pak,
  Zen Quest, Zipi y Zape, Zipi y Zape (alt), ZX CP-M 2.2, Zzzz [TOSEC, ICEknight]
  007 Multispy, Astrum+ v1.0, Astrum+ v1.1, Blast v3.7, Daton Software Card Games, The Derek Brewster Collection, Disc Manager,
  Grumpy Gumphrey Supersleuth/Monty On The Run, Masterfile v09, Omnicalc 2, QuickDOS, Sales/Purchase Ledger Invoicing,
  Spectrum Discovery Club Library Disc 01, Spectrum Discovery Club Library Disc 02, Spectrum Discovery Club Library Disc 03,
  Spectrum Discovery Club Library Disc 04, Spectrum Discovery Club Library Disc 05, Spectrum Discovery Club Library Disc 06,
  Spectrum Discovery Club Library Disc 07, Spectrum Discovery Club Library Disc 08, Spectrum Discovery Club Library Disc 09,
  Spectrum Discovery Club Library Disc 10, Spectrum Discovery Club Newsletter 01-03, Spectrum Discovery Club Newsletter 04,
  Spectrum Discovery Club Newsletter 05, Spectrum Discovery Club Newsletter 06, Spectrum Discovery Club Newsletter 07,
  Spectrum Discovery Club Newsletter 08, Spectrum Discovery Club Newsletter 09, Spectrum Discovery Club Newsletter 10,
  Spectrum Discovery Club Newsletter 11, Spectrum Discovery Club Newsletter 12, Spectrum Discovery Club Newsletter 13,
  Spectrum Discovery Club Newsletter 14, Spectrum Discovery Club Newsletter 15, Spectrum Discovery Club Newsletter 16,
  Spectrum Discovery Club Newsletter 17, Spectrum Discovery Club Newsletter 18, Spectrum Discovery Club Newsletter 19,
  Spectrum Discovery Club Newsletter 20, Spectrum Discovery Club Newsletter 21, Spectrum Discovery Club Newsletter 22,
  Spectrum Discovery Club Newsletter 23, Spectrum Discovery Club Newsletter 24, Spectrum Discovery Club Newsletter 25,
  Spectrum Discovery Club Newsletter 26, Spectrum Discovery Club Newsletter 27, Spectrum Discovery Club Newsletter 28,
  Spectrum Discovery Club Newsletter 29, Spectrum Discovery Club Newsletter 30, Spectrum Discovery Club Newsletter 31,
  Spectrum Discovery Club Newsletter 32, Spectrum Discovery Club Newsletter 33, Spectrum Discovery Club Newsletter 34,
  Spectrum Discovery Club Newsletter 35, Spectrum Discovery Club Newsletter 36, Spectrum Discovery Club Newsletter 37,
  Spectrum Discovery Club Newsletter 38, Spectrum Discovery Club Newsletter 39, Spectrum Discovery Club Newsletter 40,
  Spectrum Discovery Club Newsletter 41, Spectrum Discovery Club Newsletter 42,
  Spectrum Discovery Club Newsletter Xmas Bonus December 1989, Spectrum Discovery Club Newsletter Xmas Bonus December 1990,
  Spectrum Discovery Club Newsletter Xmas Bonus December 1991, Spectrum Discovery Club Newsletter Xmas Bonus December 1992,
  Tascopy, Tasprint, Tasword Three, Trans-Express 85.2, Transdata, UDG Generator, The Writer [World of Spectrum]
  Aventuras en el Parque Alfabeto (Spa), Barrio Sesamo - El Mundo Fantastico de Epi y Blas (Spa), Conduccion Divertida (Spa),
  Disney Aladdin - El Maravilloso Mundo de Aladdin (Spa), Disney El Rey Leon - La Gran Aventura de Simba (Spa),
  Disney La Casa de Mickey Mouse (Spa), Disney La Sirenita - El Viaje Fantastico de Ariel (Spa),
  Disney Mickey - La Aventura Magica de Mickey (Spa), Disney Winnie the Pooh - En Busca de la Miel (Spa),
  Disney Winnie the Pooh - En Busca de la Miel (Spa, Rev. 122), Disney/Pixar Buscando a Nemo - Los Descubrimientos de Nemo (Spa),
  Disney/Pixar Ratatouille - Las recetas del Remy (Spa), Disney/Pixar Toy Story 2 - El Rescate De Woody (Spa),
  Disney/Pixar Wall-E (Spa), DreamWorks Monstruos contra Alienigenas (Spa), Mundo Elmo - Grandes descubrimientos de Elmo (Spa),
  Nick Jr. Dora La Exploradora - La Aventura arregla-todo de Dora (Spa, Rev. 222),
  Nickelodeon Bob Esponja - Un dia en la vida de una esponja (Spa), Osos Amorosos - Una Leccion de Amor (Spa),
  Spider-Man y Amigos - La Aventura Del Doctor Octopus (Spa), Spider-Man y Amigos - Misiones Secretas (Spa),
  Walt Disney La Cenicienta - Los suenos magicos de Cenicienta (Spa, Rev. 222), Zayzoo - Mi Amiga del Espacio (Spa)
  [TeamEurope, ClawGrip]

Software list items promoted to working
  C.G. Gallery Master_98, CG Tsukuuru 3D, CRW 2, Cal III - Kanketsuhen, Cal Piss Water - Ayashii CG Shuu,
  Can Can Bunny 2 - Superior, Can Can Bunny 4 - Premiere, Can Can Bunny 5 - Extra, Can Can Bunny 5 1/2 - Limited,
  Canaan - Yakusoku no Chi, Challenge the Touch-Type 2, Charade, Charade Magic, Check Six (Demo), Cherry Moderate,
  Cherry Moderate (Demo), Chuushaki - Hirasawa Nurse School, Clone Doll - Kagai Juugyou, Coin, Coming Heart,
  Computer Aided Economics, Computer Music Vol. 20, CrEastar - Planets in Legend, Custom Mate 2, Custom Mate 3, Cyber Illusion,
  Level II COBOL V2.1, SoftBank C Magazine 1991-11, SoftBank C Magazine 1992-01, SoftBank C Magazine 1992-02,
  SoftBank C Magazine 1992-03, SoftBank C Magazine 1992-04, SoftBank C Magazine 1992-05, SoftBank C Magazine 1992-06,
  SoftBank C Magazine 1992-07, SoftBank C Magazine 1992-09, SoftBank C Magazine 1992-10, SoftBank C Magazine 1992-11,
  SoftBank C Magazine 1992-12, SoftBank C Magazine 1993-01, SoftBank C Magazine 1994-04, SoftBank C Magazine 1994-05,
  SoftBank C Magazine 1994-06 [Carl, r09]
  1-on-1 - Single Basketball (Jpn), 19-ji 03-pun Ueno Hatsu Yakou Ressha (Jpn), Advan Racing (Jpn), Captain Commando (Jpn),
  First Kiss Monogatari (Jpn), Ikuzawa Touru Kanshuu - Meisha Retsuden - Greatest 70's (Jpn), Running High (Jpn),
  S.Q. - Sound Qube (Jpn), Simple 1500 Series Vol.104 - The Pink Panther - Pinkadelic Pursuit (Jpn),
  Simple 1500 Series vol.88 - The Gal Mahjong - Love Songs - Idol wa High Rate (Jpn), Simple 1500 Series vol.90 - The Sensha (Jpn),
  Simple 1500 Series vol.97 - The Squash (Jpn), Space Invaders X (Jpn), Squaresoft Memory Card Data CD (Jpn),
  Super Live Stadium (Jpn), TFX - Tactical Fighter Experiment (Jpn), Ungra Walker (Jpn), Victory Spike (Jpn), Zig Zag Ball (Jpn),
  Zipangujima - Unmei wa Saikoro ga Kimeru! (Jpn) [Angelo Salese]
saturn: AI Shougi (Jpn), Cat the Ripper - 13-ninme no Tanteishi (Jpn), Dezaemon 2 (Jpn) [Angelo Salese]

New NOT_WORKING software list additions
32x: Pinocchio (Euro, Prototype 19951206) [Radar, FakeShemp]
bbc_rom: SatPic 3.0 (Cirkit) [Nigel Barnes]
cd32: Mean Arenas [FakeShemp]
  American Idol - Guitar Greats (K9907), Hot Wheels - Road Tunes (K9902), Nashville Hits (K9905),
  SpongeBob SquarePants - Surf's Up (K9903) [Sean Riddle, David Haywood]
  5th Grade Math (UK), ABC-Abenteuer (Germany), Englisch Kurs - Let's go 3 (Germany), Englisch Kurs - Let's go 4 (Germany),
  FUN-damentals Series - 4th Grade Math (UK), FUN-damentals Series - Smart Guide to 3rd Grade (UK),
  FUN-damentals Series - Smart Guide to 5th Grade (UK), Hop on Pop - Based on the Book by Dr. Seuss (UK),
  Leap 2 - Math - The Great Dune Buggy Race (UK), Leap and the lost Dinosaur (UK),
  LeapFrog Schoolhouse - Level 3 - Helping Others (UK), LeapPad Interactive Book (UK), Music - Hit it, Maestro! (UK),
  Phonics Program - Lesson 10 - Compound Words - A Fisherman's Tale (UK), Pre Reading - Leap's Friends From A to Z (UK),
  Reading - Disney/Pixar Finding Nemo (UK), Sed de Saber - English as a Second Language Edition - Book 1 - Getting Started (Spain),
  Sed de Saber - English as a Second Language Edition - Book 2 - A New Job (Spain),
  Sed de Saber - English as a Second Language Edition - Book 3 - Daily Activities (Spain),
  Sed de Saber - English as a Second Language Edition - Book 4 - Health and Safety (Spain),
  Sed de Saber - English as a Second Language Edition - Book 5 - Community Interactions (Spain),
  Sed de Saber - English as a Second Language Edition - Book 6 - How do you say... (Spain), What will you be? (UK) [TeamEurope]
  Disney Princesas - Cuentos de las Princesas (Spain), Fiesta in the House! - Party en la Casa! (Spain),
  LeapPad - Libro Interactivo (Spain), El Rey Leon (Spain), Yo aprendo ingles! - Mis Primeras 500 Palabras en Ingles (Spain)
  [TeamEurope, ClawGrip]
  Disney Princesas - Las Princesas Disney (Spa), El gran dia de Croki (Spa), Mi Primer Dia de Escuela (Spa) [TeamEurope, ClawGrip]
  Centurion - Defender of Rome, Centurion - Defender of Rome (Alt), Chikyuu Bouei Shoujo Iko-chan - UFO Daisakusen,
  Computer Technica FMC-98 Sound Card Driver Utility, Contec Super EMS, Cranston Manor [Neo Kobe Collection]
  Shin'ou Densetsu Crystania - Powerup Kit, Shin'ou Densetsu Crystania DX (cracked) [r09]
vsmile_cart: Scooby-Doo - Misterio en el Parque (Spa) [TeamEurope, ClawGrip]
  The Amazing Spider-Man - Countdown to Doom (USA, Rev. 2), Disney/Pixar Cars - In the Fast Lane (USA, Rev. 1),
  Disney/Pixar Cars - In the Fast Lane (USA, Rev. 3), Nick SpongeBob Schwammkopf: Ein Schwamm voller Ideen (Ger),
  Nickelodeon SpongeBob Squarepants - Idea Sponge (USA, Rev. 1), Nickelodeon SpongeBob Squarepants - Idea Sponge (USA, Rev. 2),
  Shrek the Third - The Search for Arthur (UK), Wacky Race on Jumpin' Bean Island (UK),
  Wacky Race on Jumpin' Bean Island (USA, Rev. 2) [redump.org, ClawGrip]
  Bratz - El Misterio del Collar (Spa), Carrera Loca en la Isla de las Vainas Fritas (Spa), Cars - El Carril Rapido (Spa),
  Disney Princess - El Castillo de las Princesas (Spa), Nickelodeon Bob Esponja - Mision Esponja (Spa),
  Scooby-Doo: Viaje al Pasado (Spa), Shrek Tercero - Donde Esta Arturo? (Spa) [Diego Bartolome, redump.org, ClawGrip]
vsmileb_cart: Un Dia en la Granja (Spa) [TeamEurope, ClawGrip]

Source Changes
-dec0.cpp: Converted to use uPD4701A device for trackball input. [AJR]

-tms9900, tms9980a, tms9995: Made CRU read addressing consistent with write addressing. [AJR]

-Added skeleton CPU device and disassembler for National Semiconductor High Performance microController (HPC) architecture. [AJR]

-i186: Added interrupt controller registers to debugger state [AJR]

-Exclude scheduled devices that don't expose a base program counter from numerical indexing for debugger commands. [AJR]

-Add AHA-1542A, AHA-1542B, and BIOS v1.02 of AHA-1542C ROMs from Adaptec. [AJR]

-cdc721: Reduced character height to make all rows fit. [AJR]

-freekick.cpp: Documented connector pinouts. [AJR]

-mcs51: Updated old hack to break out of JB INT0/INT1 loops when interrupt is triggered. [AJR]

-tmp68301: Merged on-chip peripheral emulation with CPU device. [AJR]

-Added skeleton Adaptec AHA-1740 and AHA-1742A ISA devices. [AJR]

-Added ROMs for BusLogic BT-542B ISA SCSI controller. [AJR]

-odyssey2.cpp: Fixed videopac machine. [AmatCoder]

-mc6845.cpp updates: [AmatCoder]
* Don't reset line counter when screen parameters are changed.
* Check vertical sync condition when frame is reset if vertical sync width is supported.

-upd765.cpp: Made Read ID return command if execution phase is reached but ID is not found. [AmatCoder]

-dsk_dsk.cpp: Report error if image has more heads and/or tracks than the drive supports. [AmatCoder]

-spectrum.cpp: Fixed bit 6 value returned from port 0xFE (fixes MT06439). [AmatCoder]

-divideo.h: Eliminated MCFG_VIDEO_SET_SCREEN macro. [cam900]

-74157.cpp, terminal.cpp, tms34061.cpp, itech8.cpp: Removed unnecessary arguments in handlers. [cam900]

-segaybd.cpp: Removed an unused state class member. [cam900]

-witch.cpp: Fixed foreground tilemap and bank switching behavior. [cam900]

-itech32.cpp: Corrected sound CPU type. [cam900]

-stadhero.cpp, vrc6.cpp: Updated comments. [cam900]

-cninja.cpp: Fixed tilemap color mask behavior. [cam900]

-twincobr.cpp, wardner.cpp: Simplified handlers, eliminated register_postload, and cleaned up code. [cam900]

-bus/nes/konami.cpp: Fixed sound clock and VRC7 volume. [cam900]

-ym2413.cpp: Added VRC7 instrument table with notes. [cam900]

-toaplan_scu.cpp: Simplified and cleaned up code. [cam900]

-toaplan1.cpp: Separated demonwld and samesame state classes, reduced runtime tag map lookups, and cleaned up code. [cam900]

-gaelco2.cpp: Fixed save states for snowboar, mark tilemaps dirty when RAM bas is changed, and cleaned up code. [cam900]

-namcos1.cpp: Reduced runtime tag map lookups, reduced redundancy, and cleaned up code. [cam900]

-dec0.cpp: Removed a duplicate #include directive. [cam900]

-esd16.cpp: Mark 8x8 tilemap dirty on video RAM writes, and cleaned up code. [cam900]

-silvmil.cpp: Moved alternate graphics layout into graphics decoding description, and cleaned up code. [cam900]

-gamemachine.cpp: Added netlist audio. [Couriersud]

-netlist: Added output first-order approximation of NE555 output driver impedance. [Couriersud]

-netlist: Added unijunction transistor example for 2N6027. [Couriersud]

-netlist: Added base-emitter and base-collector capacitance to Ebers-Moll bipolar junction transistor model. [Couriersud]
* Improves performance on switching by dramatically reducing required Newton-Raphson iterations.

-spg2xx.cpp: Moved audio emulation to a separate device so it can be shared with the SPG110. [David Haywood]

-vii.cpp: Added inputs to icanpian and icanguit. [David Haywood]

-xavix.cpp: Fixed controls in popira2 and epo_guru, and mapped some missing inputs in ttv_mx. [David Haywood]

-vii.cpp: Added basic inputs to dreamlif. [David Haywood]

-svi3x8: Hooked up controllers to the Coleco Game Adapter, and replaced generic cartridge slot with Coleco cartridge slot.
[Dirk Best]

-sg1000m3: Added support for keyboard cable link used by F-16 Fighting Falcon for two-player mode. [Enik Land]

-Fixed mapping between mouse coordinates and character positions in Qt debugger views. [Golden Child]

-apollo.cpp updates and resurrection: [Hans Ostermeyer]
* Fix typo'd constant in m68kmmu that prevented trapping user accesses to kernel space.
* Removed need for intrusive m68k modifications, fixed crash in 3c505 networking, and fixed Domain/OS booting in Normal mode.

-Made X11 XInput lightgun button numbering consistent with Windows (GitHub #4695). [Kiall Mac Innes]

-upd765.cpp: Changed ND flag behaviour to fix Speedlock copy protection regression. [Michael Zapf]

-tms9995.cpp: Fixed interrupt condition error that caused geneve GPL mode lock-up. [Michael Zapf]

-tms9900.cpp, tms9995.cpp: Fixed handling of C and OV status bits for INV and SLA instructions. [Michael Zapf]

-bsmt2000.cpp: Fixed sample ROM alignment/padding (fixes 4-bit ADPCM sample playback). [moralrecordings]

-spectrum updates: [Nigel Barnes]
* Improved expansion interface to allow devices to act on opcode fetches.
* Added Multiface One/128/3, and MultiPrint devices.
* Added the Technology Research Beta 128 Disk Interface.
* Added the Cheetah SpecDrum device.
* Added the Opus Discovery disc system, and OPD floppy format.

-bbc_cciword: Added missing ROM switching zones for Inter-Word. [Nigel Barnes]

-mtx: Added expansion bus with SDX floppy controller. [Nigel Barnes]
* 80 column card with SDX in CP/M mode.
* Fixed ROM/RAM banking for CP/M, and fixed MTX500 detection.
* Added support for Type 03 and Type 07 .mfloppy images.
* Added alternate MTX2 ROM set (German).
* Keyboard ROM now selected in Configuration.
* Quickload .RUN files.

-spec128: Improved compatibility with ROM-swapping expansion devices in 128 mode (not yet 100%). [Nigel Barnes]

-ns32000: Added skeleton CPU device and disassembler for NS32000 family. [Nigel Barnes]

-bbc: Added preliminary Acorn 32016 2nd Processor (CPU emulation is incomplete). [Nigel Barnes]

-xavix.cpp: Changed palette format to HCY and improved colors. [O. Galibert]

-i2cmem: Fixed page write logic. [O. Galibert]

-ymmu100.cpp: Hooked up inputs and made battery test pass for vl70. [O. Galibert]

-ymmu100.cpp: Started adding the MEG. [O. Galibert]

-mips1 updates: [Patrick Mackinlay]
* Implemented FPU instructions and exceptions.
* Corrected swl/swr implementation.
* Optimized TLB MRU lookup.
* Added debugger hooks for interrupts and privilege level changes.

-apple2p: Made language card RAM initially write-enabled. [Peter Ferrie]

-apple2: Slow down TransWarp CPU during joystick accesses. [R. Belmont]

-apple2gs: Added annotations to disassembly, including Toolbox calls, system globals, and new I/O. [R. Belmont]

-apple2: Added support for Focus Drive IDE interface. [R. Belmont, anonymous]

-apple3: Added Focus Drive as a slot option and turned off unnecessary logging. [R. Belmont]

-apple2: Added Focus IDE for IIe, and added Vulcan/Vulcan Gold IDE for IIe and IIgs. [R. Belmont]

-spg2xx audio improvements: [Ryan Holtz]
* Fixed channel stop behaviour (fixes bad/missing audio in jak_sbfc, jak_mpac, jak_wof, jak_wwe and others).
* Increased internal sample rate to match synthesis frame rate for better synchronization.
* Moved envelope processing into sample-update loop.
* Reset envelope ramp-down bit when a channel stops (fixes missing channels in vii and others).
* Only process envelope ramp-down for active channels (fixes missing channels in icanpian and others).
* Reset ADPCM bit at sample loop point (fixes bad samples in jak_sith and others).
* Avoid treating end-of-sample marker as a playable sample (fixes sample popping).
* Fixed sample ordering for 8-bit PCM samples, improving audio quality.
* Scale SPU channel sum by a fixed 1/16 divider rather than by the active channel count (fixes volume 'wobble').
* Implemented VolSel register.
* Switch sample processing mode immediately on change (fixes additional instruments in icanpian).

-spg2xx.cpp: Fixed palette indexing on backgrounds in wallpaper mode (fixes backgrounds in jak_nick). [Ryan Holtz]

-astrohome: Added cassette support for the AstroBASIC cartridge. [Ryan Holtz, BallyAlley]

-astrohome updates: [Ryan Holtz]
* Removed inaccurate comment from astrocde.xml regarding the 2000 Baud tape interface.
* Converted astrohome controllers to slot devices.
* Added 300 Baud cassette tape slot device.
* Changed potentiometer callbacks from tagged I/O ports to devcb3.
* Added I/O access handling to expansion slot.
* Added INS8154 I/O functionality and cassette loading/saving to Blue RAM boards (RAM not yet hooked up).
* Added lightpen callback to controller slot device.
* Fixed spurious lightpen interrupts being triggered every scanline (fixes synchronization on 2000 Baud multi-part music tapes).
* Converted accessory port to slot device and added lightpen support.

-Added more granular emulation feature bits as well as a couple more catch-all categories. [Ryan Holtz, Vas Crabb]

-ins8154: Added internal 128-byte RAM and simplified handlers. [Ryan Holtz]

-model1.cpp: Hooked up raw drive board outputs. [SailorSat]

-pokey.cpp optimization: [schnitzeltony]
* Avoid unnecessary modulo operations.
* Avoid repeating expensive calculations when inputs haven't changed.
* Avoid unnecessary synchronization barriers in step_pot when nothing changes.

-video/opengl: Improved performance by lifting calculations/memory accesses out of loops in pixel copy/format conversion functions.

-spectrum_uspeech: Use measured oscillator frequencies, and toggle ROM also on IORQ as used in Rockfall1/2. [Thomas Busse]

-m6809 disassembler fixes: [tomctomc]
* Fixed program counter increment for indexed addressing with single-byte offset.
* Changed indexed addressing to print absolute addresses based on current program counter rather than offsets.
* Added explicit EXT addressing annotation for small offsets.
* Renamed "indirect" to "indexed" in code.

-imgtool/filtbas.cpp: Automatically terminate strings on end-of-line. [tomctomc]

-romload: Made BIOS selection apply to fills. [Vas Crabb]

-mosaic.cpp: Verified and corrected clocks for Mosaic. [caius, The Dumping Union]

-vsmile_cd.xml: Replaced CHDs created from CloneCD images with new ones created from standard redump.org images. [ClawGrip]
* "Nickelodeon SpongeBob Squarepants - Idea Sponge (USA)" is the last remaining CHD created from a CloneCD image.

-vtech_storio_cart.xml: Fixed year for scoobysp. [ClawGrip]

-gp32.cpp: Dumped X2C32 CPLD. [coolmod]

-meadows.cpp: Corrected ROM label and location for deadeye. [f205v]

-taito_f2.cpp: Dumped PALs for footchmp. [f205v]

-pirates.cpp: Corrected ROM labels for Genix Family. [f205v]

-expro02.cpp: Corrected a chip type and fixed a typo in the documentation. [f205v]

-gba.xml: Added cartridge documentation from No-Intro. [FakeShemp]

-Added Adaptec AHA-1542B BIOS v3.11. [Funet Archive]

-Add half of yet another Adaptec AHA-1542A BIOS/MCODE set. [Funet Archive]

-Added Adaptec AHA-1542CF BIOS v2.10 and expanded notes. [Guru]

-specpls3_flop.xml: Added DSK images from TOSEC. [ICEknight]

-cps1.cpp: Verified sf2ceblp dump and added ROM locations. [hammy, The Dumping Union]

-gauntlet.cpp: Dumped PROM at 4R and corrected size of ROM at 6P. [Joe Magiera, The Dumping Union]

-Added Adaptec AHA-1542CF v2.11 ROM. [Jolaes76, VOGONS Vintage Driver Library]

-gdrom: Documented security commands. [MetalliC]

-Added Adaptec AHA-1542C and AHA-1542CP ROMs. [modem7, minuszerodegrees.net]

-Added skeleton ISA device for Novell Disk Coprocessor Board. [modem7, minuszerodegrees.net]

-ym2413.cpp: Added VRC7 drum patches dumped using debug mode. [Nuke.YKT]

-segasp.cpp: Dumped Dinosaur King security PIC. [Porchy]

-pc98.xml, pc98_cd.xml: Updates: [r09]
* Added new software items from the Neo Kobe Collection.
* Re-tested software entries with current MAME.
* Re-labeled disks with their actual names, and fixed some spelling errors.
* Added usage notes for software that needs DOS.
* Removed user disks from games where they aren't included in the original box, and the user is expected to create them.
* Removed duplicate images where the only differences are in the saved game data.
* Split "Shin'ou Densetsu Crystania DX" into the original and cracked versions.
* Replaced "Chou-Baku" with a dump that's actually bootable.
* Re-ordered some disks so they are auto-mounted in a more logical way.

-Added pinouts for I Can Play Guitar and I Can Play Piano cartridges. [Sean Riddle]

-Harmonised software list file names with names in the software list and in the driver/device source. [Tafoid]

-m72.cpp: Dumped i8571 MCU for lohtb3. [TeamEurope, hammy, The Dumping Union]
@InsertMoreCoins llevo tiempo intentando hacer un ini para neogeo, pero no lo consigo. Creo que lo de la carpeta source no lo había probado.
Las opciones que quiero poner son proporción stretched, que en mi monitor es la que se ve bien sin bordes, y tal vez usar unibios.
El nombre supongo que es neogeo.ini, aunque el nombre del motor sea neodrv.ccp
¿Dónde exactamente pone el nombre a usar? Para definir del tirón los playchoice, deco cassette, y tal vez alguno más.
¿Solo hay que poner los datos a cambiar? ¿o hay que definir todo?
cuclis escribió:@InsertMoreCoins llevo tiempo intentando hacer un ini para neogeo, pero no lo consigo. Creo que lo de la carpeta source no lo había probado.
Las opciones que quiero poner son proporción stretched, que en mi monitor es la que se ve bien sin bordes, y tal vez usar unibios.
El nombre supongo que es neogeo.ini, aunque el nombre del motor sea neodrv.ccp
¿Dónde exactamente pone el nombre a usar?

Lo de la carpeta source se hace así porque por defecto la programación del emulador lo tiene así estipulado y también porque es más sencillo a la hora de tener ordenado el directorio ya que cuando tienes 3 inis pues no pasa nada pero cuando tengas 500 verás que es más sencillo tenerlo algo ordenado), no obstante, lo podrías tener en la raíz junto al mame.ini y debería de funcionar también siempre y cuando sigas las reglas de prioridad de Mame a la hora de ir mirando ficheros .ini para que coja las configuraciones finales correctas.

El nombre a usar lo define el driver que contiene los juegos, es decir, o lo ves directamente desde el código fuente o lo ves sin necesidad del código fuente desde MameUI en la ventana izquierda seleccionando la carpeta source y te listara todos los que usa el emulador o bien desde el mismo listado de juegos puedes ver en una de las columnas el nombre del source que usan para ejecutarse (si es que no la has ocultado previamente)

cuclis escribió:Para definir del tirón los playchoice, deco cassette, y tal vez alguno más.
¿Solo hay que poner los datos a cambiar? ¿o hay que definir todo?

Si sigues bien las reglas para establecer la configuración final puedes escribir en el fichero .ini solo los cambios que quieras, es decir, tener el mame.ini completo y en el playch10.ini puedes tener solo las líneas que quieras modificar al mame.ini

Piensa en esto como un corrector, es decir, copiamos en memoria siempre los datos del mame.ini y luego al repasar el playch10.ini vemos que los valores en varias lineas no son los mismos, pues se reescriben y al final el resultado serán la mezcla de los dos .inis pero manteniendo los cambios del último fichero repasado (que en este caso será playch10.ini)
InsertMoreCoins escribió:Ya nos dices como te van de velocidad en ese PC. Las otras ni las pongas en este PC (si las quieres probar en el otro vale) pero que sepas que ya son para i3 alto o i5 medio/alto que llevan mucha carga gráfica.

Bueno, acabo de probarlo, y decepcionado, la verdad... Sigue igual de lento (no se decirte, pero es posible que ande por el 30% de la velocidad real).

El equipo es un AMD Athlon II X2 B24 a 3Ghz, con una Ati Radeon HD 4200 integrada, y 6 Gb de RAM, corriendo sobre W7pro, por si te sirve para tus experimentos ;-)

Te vuelvo a preguntar... ¿si cambio de gráfica mejoraré o sólo tira de CPU incluso para d3d? Es por gastarme pasta o no...

Un saludo.
apachusque escribió:Bueno, acabo de probarlo, y decepcionado, la verdad... Sigue igual de lento (no se decirte, pero es posible que ande por el 30% de la velocidad real).

El equipo es un AMD Athlon II X2 B24 a 3Ghz, con una Ati Radeon HD 4200 integrada, y 6 Gb de RAM, corriendo sobre W7pro, por si te sirve para tus experimentos ;-)

Te vuelvo a preguntar... ¿si cambio de gráfica mejoraré o sólo tira de CPU incluso para d3d? Es por gastarme pasta o no...

Un saludo.

Bueno claro con esa CPU y GPU no te va a ir bien, esta pensado para una gráfica mejor que esa ATI que tienes tú que es de lo más bajo que hay de ese modelo.

Los filtros HLSL de lo que más tiran es de GPU peeero también tiran algo de CPU. Con ese equipo que tienes sin hacer cambios lo que más te puedo recomendar es que no uses los filtros HLSL tal cual sino que consigas un .png que este algo logrado y cargues a traves del emulador el .png .

El .png lo metes en la carpeta artwork y luego lo referencias en el mame.ini para que te 'simule' que no emule las scanlines. Las desventajas son obvias, no puedes modificar parámetros ni nada por el estilo pero por contra no tira de GPU con lo que los frames se deben de mantener intactos.

Te dejo aqui uno que es más o menos vistoso por si lo quieres probar (ojo que no tiene nada que ver con un buen HLSL) - https://1drv.ms/u/s!AiD5yScbLh6PswTp-FPcSDWJIwp6

Luego en el mame.ini lo tienes que referenciar con el siguiente código (lo pones al final de todo el .ini)

menu                      1
effect scanlines.png      1 

Lo de scanlines.png se sobreentiende que tienes que poner el nombre del fichero que te he pasado

Si quieres usar HLSL en condiciones hay que cambiar la gráfica, yo creo que con una del estilo HD5450 y los filtros que yo he puesto no deberías de tener problemas (de hecho los he probado en un Core Duo E8500 que es lo minimo que tenía por aquí) y iba a 60 frames sin problemas con la configuración de pcs poco potentes y así no hay que desembolsar mucho dinero. Si quieres usar ya filtros más 'agresivos' hay que gastarse más en la gráfica.
InsertMoreCoins escribió:[...]

Si quieres usar HLSL en condiciones hay que cambiar la gráfica, yo creo que con una del estilo HD5450 y los filtros que yo he puesto no deberías de tener problemas (de hecho los he probado en un Core Duo E8500 que es lo minimo que tenía por aquí) y iba a 60 frames sin problemas con la configuración de pcs poco potentes y así no hay que desembolsar mucho dinero. Si quieres usar ya filtros más 'agresivos' hay que gastarse más en la gráfica.

Ojo, que al menos con los shaders tipo CRT-Geom esa gráfica se arrastra. Yo la cambié temporalmente sustituyendo a otra mucho más potente por motivos que no vienen al caso y la reduccion de rendimiento fue notable. Quizás con HLSL sea distinto, lo desconozco.

Un saludo.
@Hodor el problema con los shaders CRT-Geom es la curvatura. En cuanto metas curvaturas los requisitos suben una barbaridad, al igual que si metes efectos de post procesado NTSC o determinados valores de bloom.
Si va a usar los filtros CRT-geom la gráfica que he puesto no le vale (da igual que use el CRT-geom en BGFX o en OpenGL) tiene que irse a una más potente.

Con el .ini para PCs poco potentes que yo le he pasado no debería de tener problemas con una HD 5450 siempre y cuando la CPU no le provoque cuello de botella a la hora de pasar los parámetros a la GPU para reproducir el efecto de las scanlines.

He probado la configuración en un Dual Core e8500 con esa Radeon 5450 y solo 2 GB de RAM con Windows 10, es decir, que ya solo con el S.O. va muy justito y se ha comportado en juegos tipo Final Fight y tal a 60 frames por segundo. Si metemos juegos algo más complejos quizás el rendimiento empeore, no lo se porque no he probado nada más que 2 o 3 pero si al compañero @apachusque le es importante probar juegos del 98-2000 (no se cual es su limite) y tal lo intento probar cuando pueda porque no tengo acceso a ese PC siempre.
InsertMoreCoins escribió:@Hodor el problema con los shaders CRT-Geom es la curvatura. En cuanto metas curvaturas los requisitos suben una barbaridad, al igual que si metes efectos de post procesado NTSC o determinados valores de bloom.
Si va a usar los filtros CRT-geom la gráfica que he puesto no le vale (da igual que use el CRT-geom en BGFX o en OpenGL) tiene que irse a una más potente.

Con el .ini para PCs poco potentes que yo le he pasado no debería de tener problemas con una HD 5450 siempre y cuando la CPU no le provoque cuello de botella a la hora de pasar los parámetros a la GPU para reproducir el efecto de las scanlines.

He probado la configuración en un Dual Core e8500 con esa Radeon 5450 y solo 2 GB de RAM con Windows 10, es decir, que ya solo con el S.O. va muy justito y se ha comportado en juegos tipo Final Fight y tal a 60 frames por segundo. Si metemos juegos algo más complejos quizás el rendimiento empeore, no lo se porque no he probado nada más que 2 o 3 pero si al compañero @apachusque le es importante probar juegos del 98-2000 (no se cual es su limite) y tal lo intento probar cuando pueda porque no tengo acceso a ese PC siempre.


Tengo echado el ojo a una 9800GT, imagino que con esa irá mejor (algo mejor).

Lo que me ha dejado un poco tocado es el tema de la curvatura. Actualmente tengo una plaquita que genera scanlines, pero es que me apaga mucho la imagen, y no me acaba de convencer, y entre eso y que quería hacer un poco efecto de CRT, es por lo que estaba intentándolo con HLSL.

Bueno, esperaré a ver que tal con esa gráfica, y se quedará como se quede. Espero que bien, no quiero estar siempre actualizando un PC de "desecho" sólo por las chorradas gráficas.

Un saludo.
@apachusque hombre, con esa gráfica algo más podrás hacer, no tiene nada que ver con la HD5450 que te he puesto yo antes.

Ya nos contarás cuando lo tengas y como te queda todo, la verdad es que el tema filtros HLSL es un mundo aparte que cuesta entender y dominar
Por fin he conseguido que funcione el
Las líneas que le he puesto:

bios unibios33
view0 "Screen 0 Stretched"

.... Ahora me mantiene la proporción, quitando el recuadro negro. Para 4/3 es la que más me cuadra.
Un nuevo prototipo de Atari ya fue dumpeado y emulado, y es el juego llamado Akka Arrh, un juego que estuvo perdido y ya esta casi funcional, y lo veremos tal vez en el siguiente release de mame

Info y fotos
http://www.mameworld.info/ubbthreads/sh ... ber=381957
Hola! Estoy intentando probar el DEMON FRONT en Android y no consigo emularlo...he probado a coger roms de aquí y allá y siempre me da pantallazo. ¿Alguien lo ha conseguido?
Se publica la versión MAME 0.209

0.209 2019-04-24

MAMETesters Bugs Fixed
- 03122: [DIP/Input] (ltcasino.cpp) mv4in1, ltcasino, ltcasinn: Service Mode DIP switch does not work. (Dirk Best)
- 05291: [Sound] (coco3.cpp) All drivers in coco.c: ORC90 emulation has no sound output. (Nigel Barnes)
- 03130: [Graphics] (ccastles.cpp) ccastles: Reported screen resolution is incorrect. (Dirk Best)
- 07075: [Sound] (m72.cpp) hharry: Victory scream is too low compared to previous mame releases and arcade PCB. (cam900)
- 07242: [Crash/Freeze] (vegas.cpp) sf2049: Game freezes in attract mode. (Ted Green)
- 07255: [Crash/Freeze] (sms.cpp) gamegear [ecco]: Game Gear ROM Ecco freezes on a pink/purple screen. (Enik Land)
- 07265: [DIP/Input] (tsamurai.cpp) tsamuraih: Lives DIP switch settings are incorrect. (chaneman)
- 07266: [Sound] (snk6502.cpp) sasuke: Initial game music plays partially or not at all after hitting Start. (Ivan Vangelista)
- 07270: [Crash/Freeze] (cps1.cpp) sf2ceea: Debugger crashes when accessing memory under certain conditions. (hap)
- 07272: [Documentation] (spg110.cpp) jak_spdmo: In the description the letter "W" is missing in the word "hardware". (Tafoid)
- 07275: [Core] Weird pacing issue on Windows. (hap)
- 07279: [Crash/Freeze] (amstrad.cpp) cpc6128: Loading disk images with exess tracks causes a fatal error. (Edstrom)
- 07281: [DIP/Input] (pocketc.cpp) pc1401, pc1402: Inputs are mapped incorrectly. (Robbbert)
- 07282: [Crash/Freeze] (alphatro.cpp) alphatro: After "width 80" entered, MAME freezes. (AJR)

New working machines
Akka Arrh (prototype) [Aaron Giles, The Dumping Union]
Applied Concepts Great Game Machine [hap, bataais]
Bonus Poker [Roberto Fresca, TeamEurope]
Computer Chess (Conic) [hap, Sean Riddle]
Fidelity Electronics Chess Challenger 3 [hap, Berger, Sean Riddle]
Fun World Quiz (German, 12-11-1990) [Roberto Fresca, TeamEurope]
Fun World Quiz (German, 27-04-1990) [Roberto Fresca, TeamEurope]
Game & Watch: Popeye (wide screen) [Henrik Algestam]
Game & Watch: Zelda [Henrik Algestam]
Invader (Gakken, cyan version) [hap, Sean Riddle, hydef]
Kuzmich-Egorych [shattered]
Name That Tune (Castle Toy) [hap, Sean Riddle]
Nevada (French, encrypted) [Roberto Fresca, Grull Osgo]

New working clones
Applied Concepts Boris (rev. 01) [Sean Riddle]
ARB V2 Sargon 4.0 [anon]
Casino Poker (Ver PM86-35-1, German) [Roberto Fresca, TeamEurope]
Dock Man (set 2) [Andrew Welburn, The Dumping Union]
Dock Man (set 3) [Andrew Welburn, The Dumping Union]
Empire City: 1931 (France) [Fabrice Arzeno, The Dumping Union]
Euro League (Gaelco bootleg, Modular System) [ClawGrip, David Haywood]
Fidelity Electronics Chess Challenger 7 (model CC7) [Sean Riddle]
Little Casino II v18.1 [Andrew Welburn, The Dumped Union]
Novag Super Expert (version B, model 886) [Berger]
Novag Super Forte (version A, set 3) [Berger]
Street Heat (set 2, older?) [chaneman]
Super Bobble Bobble (bootleg, set 5) [Lorenzo Mancini]

Machines promoted to working
Joker Card (Inter Games) [Roberto Fresca, Grull Osgo]
Joker Card 300 (Ver.A267BC, encrypted) [Roberto Fresca, Grull Osgo, Andreas Naive, Gaby]
Mega Card (Ver.0210, encrypted) [Roberto Fresca, Grull Osgo, Andreas Naive]
Multi Win (Ver.0167, encrypted) [Roberto Fresca, Grull Osgo, Andreas Naive]
Power Card (Ver 0263, encrypted) [Roberto Fresca, Grull Osgo, Andreas Naive]
Saloon (French, encrypted) [Roberto Fresca, Grull Osgo]
Tripple Draw (V3.1 s) [Ivan Vangelista]

Clones promoted to working
Dragon World (Korea, V040K) [Ivan Vangelista]
Jolly Card (German, Fun World, bootleg) [Roberto Fresca, Grull Osgo]
Jolly Card (Italian, bootleg, set 2) [Roberto Fresca, Grull Osgo]
Royal Card (Evona, Polish, encrypted) [Roberto Fresca, Grull Osgo]
Wonder Boy (system 2, set 2, 315-5176) [Ivan Vangelista]

New machines marked as NOT_WORKING
Bikkuri Pro Wrestling (Japan 881221, Ver 1.05)
  [ShouTime, Dane Biegert, Evan Korzon, Russell Howard, Jeroen Bijl, Jeffrey Gray, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Centipede / Millipede / Missile Command (rev 1.03) [chaneman, R. Belmont]
Ericsson 9161 Display Processor Unit [MCbx Old Computer Collection]
Husky Computers Ltd Hunter 16 [Barry Rodewald, rfka01, TeamEurope]
Multi-Action 6710-13 [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
Multi-Action 7551 [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
Multi-Action 7556 [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
Panther Darts [jordigahan, ClawGrip, The Dumping Union]
Toyquest TV Go Go [ClawGrip, TeamEurope]
Trivial Pursuit (Volumen V, Spanish, Maibesa hardware) [Retro Sevilla, Diego Bartolome, Recreativas.org, ClawGrip]
Yamaha MU50 [R. Belmont, O. Galibert]

New clones marked as NOT_WORKING
Amstrad plc PCW9512 [Edstrom]
CompuAdd 810 [rfka01]
Dr. Dude (LU-1) Europe [PinMAME]
Elvira and the Party Monsters (LF-1) French [PinMAME]
Gilligan's Island (L-8) [PinMAME]
Husky Computers Ltd Hunter 16/80 [Barry Rodewald, rfka01, TeamEurope]
Hyosung Topstar 88T [rfka01]
Image Fight (Japan, bootleg) [hammy, The Dumping Union]
JUKO NEST 8086 and V30 [rfka01]
Kaypro Corporation PC [rfka01]
Kyocera XT [rfka01]
Last Action Hero (1.06 Canada) [Matt Morin]

New working software list additions
  Adjectives (cleanly cracked), Adjectives (version 06.29.84) (cleanly cracked), Agenda Files (cleanly cracked),
  Air Nav Workshop (cleanly cracked), Air Raid Pearl Harbor (cleanly cracked), Air Traffic Controller (cleanly cracked),
  Alaska (cleanly cracked), Alfred's Basic Band Computer Tutor (cleanly cracked), Alge-Blaster (cleanly cracked),
  Algebra Volume 1 (Edu-Ware) (cleanly cracked), Algebra Volume 1 v1.3 (Edu-Ware) (cleanly cracked),
  Algebra Volume 2 v1.1 (Edu-Ware) (cleanly cracked), Algebra Volume 3 v1.2 (Edu-Ware) (cleanly cracked),
  Algebra Volume 4 v1.0 (Edu-Ware) (cleanly cracked), Algebra Volume 5 v1.2 (Peachtree) (cleanly cracked),
  Algebra Volume 6 v1.2 (Peachtree) (cleanly cracked), Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves (cleanly cracked),
  Alice in LogoLand (cleanly cracked), Alice in Wonderland rev. 2 (cleanly cracked), Alien Addition 1982.0 (cleanly cracked),
  Alien Addition 1985 (cleanly cracked), Alien Addition revision 2 (cleanly cracked), All About America (cleanly cracked),
  All About Purim (cleanly cracked), Alligator Alley (cleanly cracked), Alligator Mix (cleanly cracked),
  Alligator Mix 1982.0 (cleanly cracked), Alligators and Crocodiles (cleanly cracked),
  Alphabet Beasts and Company (cleanly cracked), Alphabetic Keyboarding Volume 1 (cleanly cracked),
  Alphabetic Keyboarding Volume 2 (cleanly cracked), Alphabetical Order (cleanly cracked),
  Alphabetization Sequence (cleanly cracked), Alphabetizing - Blue Level (cleanly cracked), Alpine Tram Ride (cleanly cracked),
  Alter Ego (female version) (cleanly cracked), Alter Ego (male version) (cleanly cracked),
  America Coast to Coast (cleanly cracked), American Government (Intellectual Software) (cleanly cracked),
  American Government (Micro Learningware) (cleanly cracked),
  American History Achievement IV: World War II - Present (cleanly cracked), Analogies Tutorial (cleanly cracked),
  Ancient Legends (cleanly cracked), Animal Homes and Stories (cleanly cracked), Animal Hotel (cleanly cracked),
  Animal Survival for Echo Voice System (cleanly cracked), Animal Survival for Ufonic Voice System (cleanly cracked),
  Animate (cleanly cracked), Ankh (cleanly cracked), Antonym Antics (cleanly cracked), Antonyms/Synonyms 1 (cleanly cracked),
  Antonyms/Synonyms 2 v05.25.87 (cleanly cracked), Aphasia I (cleanly cracked),
  Aphasia II - Opposites and Similarities (cleanly cracked), Aphasia III (cleanly cracked), Aphasia IV (cleanly cracked),
  Apple Cider Spider (cleanly cracked), Apple II Test Disk (cleanly cracked), AppleWriter ][ (cleanly cracked),
  Apventure to Atlantis (cleanly cracked), Aquatron (cleanly cracked), Arcade Boot Camp (cleanly cracked), Archon (cleanly cracked),
  Archon II - Adept (cleanly cracked), ARCO Computer Preparation for the SAT (cleanly cracked), Arcticfox (cleanly cracked),
  Ardy the Aardvark (cleanly cracked), Arena (cleanly cracked), Argos (cleanly cracked), Association Pictures (cleanly cracked),
  Audio Visual Inventory (cleanly cracked), Audubon Grizzly Bears - Wildlife Adventures (cleanly cracked),
  Autoduel (cleanly cracked), Axis Assassin (cleanly cracked), Back in Time (cleanly cracked), Bad Dudes (cleanly cracked),
  Bake & Taste (cleanly cracked), Bank Street StoryBook (cleanly cracked), Bank Street StoryBook 1.1 (cleanly cracked),
  Bank Street Writer II (cleanly cracked), Banner Books - All Along The Alphabet (cleanly cracked),
  Banner Books - Your School Day (cleanly cracked), Bannercatch (cleanly cracked), Baron (version 2.1) (cleanly cracked),
  Basic Biology (version 1.02) (cleanly cracked), Basic Division Facts (cleanly cracked),
  Basic Division Facts: Dividends to 25 - Factors to 5 (cleanly cracked),
  Basic Division Facts: Dividends to 81 - Factors to 9 (cleanly cracked),
  Basic Drafting: Review and Testmaker (version 3.0) (cleanly cracked), Basic Electricity (cleanly cracked),
  Basic Electronics: Atomic Theory (cleanly cracked), Basic Electronics: Electronic Fundamentals (cleanly cracked),
  Basic Electronics: Electronic Math (cleanly cracked),
  Basic Electronics: Electronic Prefixes, Symbols, and Components (cleanly cracked),
  Basic Electronics: Fundamentals of DC Circuitry (cleanly cracked),
  Basic Math Competency Skill Building: Decimals (cleanly cracked), Basic Math Facts and Games (1981 release) (cleanly cracked),
  Basic Math Facts and Games (1983 re-release) (cleanly cracked), Basic Math Flash Facts (cleanly cracked),
  Basic Multiplication Facts (cleanly cracked), Basic Vocabulary Builder - Spanish (cleanly cracked),
  Battalion Commander (cleanly cracked), Battle Cruiser (cleanly cracked), Battle For Normandy (cleanly cracked),
  Battle Group (cleanly cracked), Battle of Antietam (version 1.5) (cleanly cracked),
  Battling Bugs and Concentraction (cleanly cracked), BC's Quest For Tires (cleanly cracked),
  Behind the Wheel, Blue Level (cleanly cracked), Bellhop (cleanly cracked), Below the Root (cleanly cracked),
  Berserker Raids (cleanly cracked), Bible Baseball (cleanly cracked), Bible Discovery (cleanly cracked),
  Big Book Maker: Favorite Fairy Tales and Nursery Rhymes (cleanly cracked),
  Big Book Maker: Tall Tales and American Folk Heroes (cleanly cracked), Big Red Mania (cleanly cracked),
  Bike Hike (cleanly cracked), Bingo Bugglebee Presents Famous People (cleanly cracked),
  Bingo Bugglebee Presents Home Alone (cleanly cracked), Bingo Bugglebee Presents Outdoor Safety (cleanly cracked),
  Biology Achievement II: Reproduction and Development (cleanly cracked), Biomes (cleanly cracked), Birds (cleanly cracked),
  Blockers and Finders (cleanly cracked), Blue Powder Grey Smoke (cleanly cracked), Bolo (cleanly cracked),
  Bomb Alley (cleanly cracked), Borrowed Time (cleanly cracked), Boulder Dash (cleanly cracked),
  Boulderdash Construction Kit (cleanly cracked), Bouncing Kamungas (cleanly cracked), Box Introduces Addition (cleanly cracked),
  Bridge Baron II (cleanly cracked), Building Compounds (cleanly cracked),
  Building Reading Skills (version 85-02) (cleanly cracked), Building With Vowels (cleanly cracked),
  Bulletin Board Maker: City and Country (cleanly cracked), Bulletin Board Maker: Your Neighborhood (cleanly cracked),
  Bumble Plot (1982) (cleanly cracked), Bumble Plot (version 1.2) (cleanly cracked), C'est La Vie (cleanly cracked),
  Calendar Skills v08.31.86 (cleanly cracked), Cannonball Blitz (cleanly cracked), Capitalization (cleanly cracked),
  Capitalization (version 1.5) (cleanly cracked), Capitalization Practice (cleanly cracked),
  Capitalization Test (version 01.29.87) (cleanly cracked), Car Builder (cleanly cracked),
  Car Builder (revision 2) (cleanly cracked), Car Builder (revision 3) (cleanly cracked), Carrier Force (cleanly cracked),
  Cartels and Cutthroats (cleanly cracked), Case of the Great Train Robbery: Fact and Opinion (cleanly cracked),
  Case of the Missing Chick: Finding The Main Idea (cleanly cracked), Castle Wolfenstein (cleanly cracked),
  Cat 'n Mouse (revision 2) (cleanly cracked), Cat 'n Mouse (revision 3) (cleanly cracked),
  Catch a Falling Star: Dolphin Math Games (cleanly cracked), Categorizing: Detective Games (cleanly cracked),
  Catlab (version 2.0) (cleanly cracked), Cats and Kittens (cleanly cracked), Cause and Effect (version 12.14.87) (cleanly cracked),
  Cause and Effect: What Makes It Happen (cleanly cracked), Centauri Alliance (cleanly cracked),
  Challenge Sentence Combining (cleanly cracked), Championship Baseball (cleanly cracked), Championship Golf (cleanly cracked),
  Changing Improper Fractions to Mixed Numbers (cleanly cracked), Changing Mixed Numbers to Improper Fractions (cleanly cracked),
  Chariots, Cougars, and Kings (cleanly cracked), Chemistry Achievement I - Mathematics of Chemistry (cleanly cracked),
  Chivalry (cleanly cracked), Circus Subtraction (cleanly cracked), City and Country Opposites (cleanly cracked),
  Clock (v03.20.90) (cleanly cracked), Clock 07.06.83 (cleanly cracked), Clock: Time Teaching (cleanly cracked),
  Clowning Around (cleanly cracked), Cloze Thinking (cleanly cracked), Cloze-Plus Level C (cleanly cracked),
  Cloze-Plus Level D (cleanly cracked), Cloze-Plus Level E (cleanly cracked), Clozed Reading Comprehension (cleanly cracked),
  College Board 81-82 demo (cleanly cracked), College Explorer 2.0 (cleanly cracked), Colonial Conquest (cleanly cracked),
  Color Me (Softsmith) (cleanly cracked), Comic Strip Maker (cleanly cracked), Commas (Queue) (cleanly cracked),
  Communicate and Win (cleanly cracked), Comparing Numbers (cleanly cracked),
  Compilation - Bolo, Pest Patrol, Bug Battle (cleanly cracked), Compilation - Congo, Thief, Draw Poker (cleanly cracked),
  Composition Strategy (cleanly cracked), Comprehension (Prescription Learning) (cleanly cracked),
  Compu-Math Arithmetic Skills (cleanly cracked), Compu-Math v1.3.1 (cleanly cracked),
  Compu-Spell (version 1.3.1) (cleanly cracked), Computer Air Combat v1.1 (cleanly cracked), Computer Ambush (cleanly cracked),
  Computer Assisted Blackboard demo (cleanly cracked), Computer Assisted Problem Solving for Beginning Algebra (cleanly cracked),
  Computer Assisted Problem Solving for Intermediate Algebra (cleanly cracked),
  Computer Assisted Problem Solving for Pre-Algebra (cleanly cracked), Computer Baseball (cleanly cracked),
  Computer Discovery (cleanly cracked), Computer Drill and Instruction - Decimals C-2 (cleanly cracked),
  Computer Drill and Instruction - Decimals C-3 (cleanly cracked), Computer Drill and Instruction - Fractions C-2 (cleanly cracked),
  Computer Drill and Instruction - Fractions C-3 (cleanly cracked),
  Computer Drill and Instruction - Measurement D-1 (cleanly cracked),
  Computer Drill and Instruction - Multiplication B (cleanly cracked), Computer Graphing Experiments (cleanly cracked),
  Computer Quarterback Second Edition (cleanly cracked), Computerized Reading for Aphasics (cleanly cracked),
  A Treasure Hunt of Facts (cleanly cracked) [4am, Firehawke]
  Anti-M (version 1.0), Anti-M (version 1.1), Anti-M (version 1.3) [4am, Firehawke]
  Advanced Demuffin (version 1.5) [Firehawke]
  Apple-oids and Chipout, Arcade Album #1, Arkanoid, The Blade of Blackpoole, BurgerTime, Dig Dug, Escape From Rungistan,
  Fantavision, The Flockland Island Crisis, Kabul Spy, Lazer Silk, Maze Craze Construction Set, Peeping Tom, The Print Shop Color,
  Robots of Dawn, Rocky's Boots (version 4.0), Spider Raid, Star Blazer, Star Warrior, Super Bunny, Type Attack, Warp Destroyer,
  Wizardry III: Legacy of Llylgamyn (version 4, 20-Aug-1983 update), Zaxxon, Zork I: The Great Underground Empire (revision 5)
  [4am, Firehawke]
arb: Grand Master Series 4.0 [anon]
ekara_pal: e-kara Spain 10-Songs Volume 1, e-kara Spain 10-Songs Volume 2 [ClawGrip, TeamEurope]
  Enkaiou, Joker Towns, Joshikou Seifuku Monogatari, Yuka Watanabe & Tomo Kawai - Pleasure [redump.org, r09]
  J. R. R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings, Vol. II - The Two Towers [Tokugawa Corporate Forums, DamienD]
  Viewpoint Demonstration No. 1 [David Swanson]
  Dragon Slayer - The Legend of Heroes II, Towns Karaoke V1.1L10 [r09]
ggm: Boris 2.5 / Sargon 2.5 [hap, bataais]
ibm5170: Krusty's Fun House, Michael Jordan in Flight, Sid Meier's Colonization [ArcadeShadow]
  American Idol Take the Stage (K4655), Barbie Princess Enchanted Sounds (J7526), Dora the Explorer Musical Adventure (J7523),
  Holiday Wonderland (J7528), Pop Hits (K0653) [Sean Riddle, David Haywood]
  The Wizard of Oz - We're Off to Play the Piano (K4654) [Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen]
intellect02: Chess (4 levels) [hap, Berger]
nes: SimCity (USA, Prototype) [archive.org, AJR]

Software list items promoted to working
  LocoScript Installation Program v3.00a (English), LocoScript Installation Program v3.06b (English), LocoScript v3.06 (UK),
  LocoScript v4.06 (UK), LocoScript v4.10 (UK), Tomahawk [Edstrom]

New NOT_WORKING software list additions
3do_m2: Oldsmobile (USA) [redump.org, FakeShemp]
apple2_flop_misc: Anti-M (version 1.2) [4am, Firehawke]
ibm5170: Gilis presentask (Swe) [FakeShemp]
pce_tourvision: F1 Triple Battle (TourVision PCE bootleg) [ClawGrip]
tvgogo: 4-in-1 (Flashcard Fishing, Break a Brick, Balloon Juggling, Penguin Maze), Tennis, Whac-A-Mole [ClawGrip, TeamEurope]
vsmile_cart: Disney/Pixar Up (Spa, Rev. 022), Gimnasio Interactivo V.Smile (Spa) [TeamEurope, Diego Bartolome, ClawGrip]

Translations added or modified
Chinese (Simplified) [YuiFAN]
Chinese (Traditional) [YuiFAN]
Greek [BraiNKilleRGR]
Portuguese (Brazil) [Wellington Uemura]

Source Changes
-statriv2.cpp: Fixed segmentation fault in debugger memory view for sets without question data. [AJR]

-amerihok: Added preliminary inputs, coin counters, and basic layout for 7-segment LED scoreboard. [AJR]

-Added ROM dumps and skeleton device for UltraStor Ultra 12F ISA ESDI controller. [AJR]

-OS X debugger: Update window titles when restoring configuration for disassembly and memory viewers. [AJR]

-tumbleb: Drive ADPCM sound through PIC (sound communications not hooked up yet). [AJR]

-ron2: Corrected game title based on flyer. [AJR]

-pencil2: Connected VDP interrupt. [AJR]

-z8: Added register pairs to debug state. [AJR]

-m37710: Replaced I/O space with callbacks. [AJR]

-nes: Improved MMC5 extended attributes, use MMC5 ExRAM byte from nametable area to select palette bank. [AJR]

-ppu2c0x: Fixed order of nametable/attribute reads. [AJR]

-wy75: Added default EAROM content to avoid hanging at start. [AJR]

-er1400: Added ability to load default data from region, and changed erase value to all zeroes. [AJR]

-upd765: Improved drive selection logic: [AJR]
* Deselect drives upon reset, or select drive 0 for older controllers with multiplexed select lines.
* Deselect other floppies when using set_floppy.

-specpls3: Mirror floppy drive select lines (fixes Batman: The Movie). [AJR]

-rd100: Added LCD controller and working display. [AJR]

-cmi2x: Split off keyboards as subdevices. [AJR]

-scc68070: Merged CPU device with on-chip peripheral emulation, and added internal clock divider. [AJR]
* Also added crude hacks to force status bits in unemulated UART and I2C peripherals.

-hd63450: Improved accuracy of IRQ handling, and tidied up interface. [AJR]

-funworld.cpp: Added support for custom CPUs' opcode decryption. [Andreas Naive]

-Removed unnecessary read/write handler arguments, improved member names, and updated comments in many devices and drivers. [cam900]

-ymf278b.cpp: Added DO1 and DO2 outputs, and fixed timer/buffer when clock is changed. [cam900]

-cps3.cpp updates: [cam900]
* Reduced some gaps in zoomed sprites, and restricted drawing to clipping rectangle.
* Reduced duplication, improved member names, and cleaned up code.

-tc0480scp.cpp: Cleaned up and simplified read/write handlers. [cam900]

-devices/sound/gaelco.cpp: Converted data access to device_rom_interface, and made pitch a function of clock frequency. [cam900]

-gaelco2.cpp: Corrected some crystal values, and added notes. [cam900]

-tecmo_spr.cpp: Replaced gfx_element with gfxdecode_device, and reduced unnecessary code. [cam900]
* Also changed some variables to more appropriate types.

-kaneko_tmap.cpp updates: [cam900]
* Added address map for video RAM handling.
* Moved expro02.cpp bank switching code into the driver.
* Reduced code duplication.

-expro02.cpp: Reduced runtime tag map lookups. [cam900]

-kaneko16.cpp: Converted berwall to mono sound, reduced runtime tag map lookups, and simplified and cleaned up code. [cam900]

-actfancr.cpp: Simplified graphics decoding and cleaned up code. [cam900]

-deco16ic.cpp: Move cninja transparency mask function into the driver. [cam900]

-crospang.cpp: Moved alternate graphics layout into graphics decoding, and made most state class members private. [cam900]

-oneshot.cpp: Simplified graphics decoding, reduced runtime tag map lookups, and cleaned up code. [cam900]

-emupal.cpp : Remove MCFG_ macros. [cam900]

-vrc6.cpp: Implemented master frequency register, fixed duty cycles, and cleaned up code. [cam900]

-devices/bus/nes/konami.cpp: Fix vrc6 sound volume. [cam900]

-Added Namco 163 sound emulation, used by some Famicom cartridges. [cam900]

-c6280.cpp: Fixed LFO frequency behavior, fixed LFO enable bit, and implemented LFO reset bit. [cam900]

-devices/bus/nes/mmc5.cpp: Corrected sound behavior and fixed sound volume. [cam900]

-itech32.cpp: Reduced runtime tag map lookups, and simplified and cleaned up code. [cam900]

-skimaxx.cpp: Reduced runtime tag map lookups, added save state support, and simplified and cleaned up code. [cam900]

-k054321.cpp: Added synchronizing handlers for communication between main and sound CPUs (used by prmrsocr in tmnt.cpp). [cam900]

-devices/machine/watchdog.cpp: Simplified handlers, and reduced watchdog handler trampolines. [cam900]

-simpl156.cpp: Simplified graphics decoding, reduced code duplication, and corrected sound clocks. [cam900]

-snk68.cpp: Moved pow and searchar to a derived state class, reduced runtime tag map lookups, and cleaned up code. [cam900]

-snk68_spr.cpp: Changed flip screen state member to bool. [cam900]

-psikyosh.cpp updates: [cam900]
* Restricted tilemap drawing to clipping rectangle, and fixed tilemap size when per-line effects are enabled.
* Added separate address map for games with mahjong controller input.
* Reduced runtime tag map lookups, and cleaned up code.

-m72.cpp: Fixed audio sample rate for M72 PCBs, fixed DAC volume, and added notes. [cam900]

-decbac06.cpp: Removed hard-coded parameters that come from graphics elements, and restricted drawing to clipping rectangle.

-raiden2.cpp updates: [cam900]
* Fixed xsedae configuration (runs on modified Zero Team hardware).
* Moved video functions to video/raiden2.cpp.
* Reduced runtime tag map lookups, made state class members protected or private where appropriate, and cleaned up code.

-r2dx_v33.cpp: Reduced runtime tag map lookups, and reduced redundancy with raiden2.cpp. [cam900]

-vgmplay.cpp: Added volume modifier support, and scaled volume according to the number of sound chips used by file. [cam900]

-leland.cpp: Reduced runtime tag map lookups, and simplified and cleaned up code. [cam900]

-audio/leland.cpp: Removed hard-coded tags for ROM region and host CPU. [cam900]

-psikyo4.cpp: Fixed FM output when used. [cam900]

-n2a03.cpp: Added device_mixer_interface rather than routing audio to hard-coded speakers. [cam900]

-tc0100scn.cpp updates: [cam900]
* Internalized text graphics.
* Restricted drawing to clipping rectangle.
* Moved taito_f2.cpp banking code into driver.
* Allowed masked priority behavior.
* Reduced redundancy and cleaned up code.

-tc0480scp.cpp: Internalized text graphics, reduced code duplication, and removed unnecessary pointers and functions. [cam900]

-emupal.cpp: Added xBGRBBBBGGGGRRRR format. [cam900]

-deniam.cpp: Fixed screen freezing behaviour, reduced runtime tag map lookups, cleaned up code, and added notes. [cam900]

-audio/m72.cpp: Remove hard-coded tags, converted sample ROM access to device_rom_interface, and cleaned up code. [cam900]

-aica.cpp, aicadsp.cpp: Converted PCM/DSP memory access to device_rom_interface, added save state support, and cleaned up code.

-hotblock.cpp: Converted video banking to address_bank_map_device, and removed MCFG_ macros. [cam900]

-z80pio.cpp: Reduced code duplication. [cam900]

-ginganin.cpp: Simplified graphics layouts, reduced runtime tag lookups, and cleaned up code. [cam900]

-snes_snd.cpp: Added input clock, implemented device_clock_changed, cleaned up code, and added notes. [cam900]

-ms32.cpp: Add notes. [cam900]

-k053260.cpp: Cleaned up code. [cam900]

-deco146.cpp: Suppressed side effects for debugger, reduced redundancy, and cleaned up code. [cam900]

-pgm.cpp: Implemented some inputs, and improved naming. [cam900]

-pgmprot_igs027a_type1.cpp: Added inputs for CAVE PCB. [cam900]

-qs1000.cpp: Moved imperfect sound flag from drivers to device. [cam900]

-Netlist library updates: [Couriersud]
* Added a MOSFET model, inclusion Meyer capacitance.
* Added a charge-conserving capacitor model, as an alternative to the constant-capacity model.
* Started putting constants in a central place.
* Fixed a rounding issue in the ptime code.
* Added a global parameter to disable semiconductor capacitance modelling.
* Added an operational amplifier model that ignores output voltage limits.
* Changed MB3614 operational amplifier parameters to match the data sheet.
* Added VARCLOCK, allowing step size to be calculated using a function.
* Added trunc to pfunction.
* Added opamp_amplification_curve example, which calculates op-amp gain as a function of frequency.
* Improved LM3900 voltage clamping model, and aligned pin names with other operational amplifiers.
* Added a high-precision LM3900 model, and an improved high-performance LM3900 model.
* Added more SPICE elements to the conversion code.
* Fixed current source handling when converting SPICE nets.
* Added validation for netlist devices.
* Improved scalability of error messages.

-m62.cpp: Fixed kidniki netlist, based on corrections in kungfum schematics and an apparent omission. [Couriersud]

-zaccaria.cpp sound improvements: [Couriersud]
* Routed speech and DAC through netlist filtering, and fixed AY8910 interfacing.
* Hooked up potentiometers so they can be adjusted.
* Added frontiers to netlist to improve performance.

-mario: Fixed an error in schematics that became obvious with the improved LM3900 model. [Couriersud, Tafoid]

-spg110 updates: [David Haywood]
* Split more functionality into separate devices.
* Improved rendering and sprites, and implemented manual video RAM uploads.
* Added basic audio.

-wc90b.cpp: Tidied up a little. [David Haywood]

-pengo.cpp: Added preliminary partial decryption for schick. [David Haywood]

-Moved SunPlus GC394 systems out of vii.cpp (it's a newer sytem-on-a-chip with more capabilities). [David Haywood]

-32x.xml: Fixed pinochio ROM loading. [David Haywood]

-mgames.cpp: Cleaned up palette and graphics decoding layout, and converted drawing to use tilemap system. [Dirk Best]

-ltcasino.cpp updates: [Dirk Best]
* Hooked up the two 6821 PIAs, hooked up CRT5037, corrected RAM size, and defined clocks in terms of 18 MHz crystal.
* Cleaned up inputs, added DIP switch descriptions and locations, and documented service mode.
* Added output ports, and hooked up coin counter and lamps.
* Added simple internal artwork with clickable buttons and color overlays based on a flyer.
* Added non-volatile RAM, and updated ROM labels and notes.

-tms9927.cpp: Allow visible area to be hard-coded at configuration time. [Dirk Best]

-akkaarrh.cpp: Added coin counters, lamp outputs, and a test view showing the lamps. [Dirk Best]

-Amstrad PCW driver updates: [Edstrom]
* Corrected floppy drive types for each machine.
* Derived clock from crystal value, and slowed down the CPU to approximate the effect of video hardware accessing RAM.
* Improved logging and converted to use logmacro.h utilities.
* Fixed printer and monitor palettes, and made a simpler layout the default.

-dsk_dsk.cpp, hxchfe_dsk.cpp: Report a non-fatal warning for images with a small number of excess tracks. [Edstrom]

-pcw.xml: Corrected metadata and added notes on dumps with excess tracks. [Edstrom]

-sms, nes: Obtain pixel intensity for light gun from screen device rather than accessing VDP/PPU bitmap. [Enik Land]

-sms.cpp: Set initial stack pointer for Game Gear, required by Ecco (fixes MT07255). [Enik Land]

-m68kmmu: Fixed ATC entry calculation error that was crashing Domain/OS. [Hans Ostermeyer]

-apollo: Removed deprecated debug reference. [Hans Ostermeyer]

-z80ctc.cpp: Guard against integer overflow when calculating remaining time with configured input clock frequencies. [Justin Kerk]

-Fixed support for multiple light guns with X11 XInput. [Kiall Mac Innes]

-Fixed YM2608/YM2610 ADPCM-A overflow behavior (should wrap rather than saturating). [Lord Nightmare, madbr]

-ymz774: Replaced volume table with calculation loop. [MetalliC]

-tms99xx updates: [Michael Zapf]
* Fixed LDCR/STCR handling of register indirect auto-increment mode (*Rx+) and modernized logging.
* Fixed minimum/maximum clock cycles per instruction.
* Changed set address method signature to work better with memory maps.

-ti99 updates: [Michael Zapf]
* Fixed TI FDC in Geneve losing SIDSEL signal when no drive is selected, and removed redundant variables.
* Fixed 99/4p regression where wrong CRU addresses are used when accessing peribox/evpc.

-coco: Fixed loading Orchestra-90, RS-232 Program Pak, and Modem Pak from software list (fixes MT05291). [Nigel Barnes]

-m68000: Made CPU space an address space and made vectored interrupts use it. [O. Galibert]
* Also made it possible to disable the interrupt priority encoder behaviour in the CPU core.

-emumem: Removed obsolete alignement limit. [O. Galibert]

-emumem_mud: Corrected start/end for big endian spaces. [O. Galibert]

-pic8259.cpp: Suppress side effects of debugger reads. [O. Galibert]

-Added skeleton Yamaha DSPV and SWP20 devices. [O. Galibert]

-ymmu100.cpp: Extracted LCD as a separate device. [O. Galibert]

-Annotated all uses of set_input_line_vector with CPU type. [O. Galibert]

-pcat101: Connected key matrix and ports. [Patrick Mackinlay]

-3c505: Added low-level emulation. [Patrick Mackinlay, Neko May]

-m68705: Added more HMOS variants. [Patrick Mackinlay]

-nscsi_cd: Added support for mode page 0x01, allowing Apple II SCSI Card to access CD-ROMs. [R. Belmont]

-apple2: Attach a SCSI CD-ROM to the Apple II SCSI Card by default. [R. Belmont]

-apple2: Documented FocusDrive/ZIPDrive partition information format, and fixed it so it works. [R. Belmont]

-mac: Demoted all Macs to NOT_WORKING until we get a working VIA6522 emulator. [R. Belmont]

-k2000: Hooked up RAM/ROM switch - now starts to boot. [R. Belmont]

-aim65: Modernised code, fixed cassette, added TTY, and added printer display. [Robbbert]

-funworld.cpp updates: [Roberto Fresca, Grull Osgo]
* Improved game descriptions, and expanded notes.
* Improved memory maps, added default non-volatile RAM contents for some games, fixed ROM loading, and re-worked inputs.
* Improved tilemaps, fixed graphics planes, and improved palettes.
* Added I2C serial EEPROM and removed PIAs for Saloon/Nevada.
* Added PLD dumps for pool10e and marked jokercrd graphics ROM IC10 as a bad dump.
* Split and mirrored attribute/color RAM, fixed AY8910 hook-up, fixed video RAM offset, and fixed AY8910 hook-up for intrgmes.
* Changed CPU to 65SC02, added periodic interrupts, and patched out some hardware checks for intrgmes.
* Changed CPU to R65C02, added PIA mirroring, and added a ROM patch to force NOP after BRK for royalcrdf.

-Further funworld.cpp updates: [Roberto Fresca]
* Fixed palette banking, graphics ROM loading, memory map and video RAM offsets for royalcrdf.
* Added default non-volatile RAM contents for rcdino4 and jolycdig.
* Marked royalcrdc graphics ROM IC26 as a bad dump.
* Added button lamps for jolycdig and jolycdab.
* Changed "Austrian" to "German" in all game descriptions, and expanded notes.
* Replaced royalcrdc bad graphics ROM dump with corresponding dump from parent set, and removed imperfect graphics flag.

-funworld.cpp: Used a custom device to re-dump faulty graphics ROM for jokercrd, allowing game to be promoted to fully working.
[Roberto Fresca, Grull Osgo, Gaby]

-unsp: Fixed signed multiplication in recompiler (fixes controls in jak_pooh). [Ryan Holtz]

-sgi_mc: Fixed pixel VDMA interrupts (fixes pixel DMA warnings in IRIX 5.3). [Ryan Holtz]

-newport: Added support for dithering and 4 bits per pixel RGB frame buffer display, and fixed shaded rendering mode. [Ryan Holtz]

-Added ability to throttle IDE hard disk DMA transfer speed (fixes MT07242). [Ted Green]

-midzeus.cpp: Fixed interrupt regression that was causing low frame rates in thegrid. [Ted Green]

-zx8301.cpp: Improved flash behavior so colors match a real QL. [vilcans]

-crystal.cpp: Dumped alternate Crystal System BIOS. [ack]

-galaxian.cpp: Corrected ROM names for moonwara, and corrected the color BPROM. [Andrew Welburn, The Dumping Union]

-oneshot.cpp: Add PCB layout for Mad Donna, and various notes for One Shot One Kill. [Brian Troha]

-toaplan1.cpp: Corrected coinage DIP switch settings for Jiao! Jiao! Jiao! (China, 2P set). [Brian Troha]

-tumbleb.cpp: Dumped PIC microcontroller for funkyjetb. [Caps0ff, ClawGrip, The Dumping Union]

-seibucpbl.cpp: Updated ROM locations for cupsocsb2, and used measured clocks for Seibu Cup Soccer bootleg sets. [f205v]

-gba.xml: Added additional cartridge information from No-Intro. [FakeShemp]

-aha1542b: Added 3.1b BIOS. [Funet Archive]

-namcos2.cpp: Updated PCB locations for data ROMs. [Guru]

-m72.cpp: Re-dumped I80C31 external ROM for imgfightb. [hammy]

-aristmk5.cpp: Updated internal layouts based on a few photos of the button labels. [Heihachi_73]

-isa_hercules: Added dump of Mazovia Polish alternate character set. [MCbx Old Computer Collection]

-Added skeleton device for UltraStor Ultra-14F SCSI controller. [Metropoli BBS Archive]

-Added skeleton device for UltraStor Ultra-24F EISA SCSI controller. [Metropoli BBS Archive]

-Added skeleton devices for Tekram EISA SCSI controllers. [Metropoli BBS Archive, I-Shou University File Server]

-galaxold.cpp: Dumped PROM for and confirmed chip types for scramb3. [Porchy, The Dumping Union]

-europc.cpp: Added BIOS v1.02 to euroxt. [rfka01]

-genpc.cpp: Added several additional BIOS options. [rfka01]

-compc.cpp: Added BIOS v2.01 to compc10. [rfka01]

-Added notes about SunPlus dies and which systems use them. [Sean Riddle]

-icanpian.xml: Added additional information about cartridges and release codes. [Sean Riddle, ClawGrip]

-sms.xml: Corrected ROM label for worldgp. [TeamEurope, ICEknight, ClawGrip]
@alfaroingles Si estas usando la version Mame de Android y a menos que alguien haya modificado el source code el juego fue emulado en la version 0.145u algo (no recuerdo que update concreto) y seguramente la versión sobre la que tengas esa base de Mame para Android sea 0.139u1 o similar, asi que hagas lo que hagas no puedes emularlo si alguien no cambia el código fuente del driver de polygamemaster en esa versión para android.

Ahora si usas una versión customizada para android que alguien haya modificado o actualizado para poder jugar a ese juego necesitas actualizar la rom a esa versión concreta, sino tampoco podrás jugarlo.
Hola soy nuevo por aquí.

Traslado una pregunta que hice en otro hilo, pero a lo mejor es mejor preguntarlo por aquí.

Resulta que tengo una mini consola retro Arcade RS07 con el MAME v0.4.4, y no veo ninguna opción en el menú principal de ningún juego las opciones "load" ó "save" para grabar una partida para seguir más tarde. He leído en muchos sitios que en el emulador para windows con la tecla SHIFT y demás se puede, pero en esta consola no tengo opción. ¿Sabe alguien si tengo alguna opción?.

Muchas gracias.
InsertMoreCoins escribió:@alfaroingles Si estas usando la version Mame de Android y a menos que alguien haya modificado el source code el juego fue emulado en la version 0.145u algo (no recuerdo que update concreto) y seguramente la versión sobre la que tengas esa base de Mame para Android sea 0.139u1 o similar, asi que hagas lo que hagas no puedes emularlo si alguien no cambia el código fuente del driver de polygamemaster en esa versión para android.

Ahora si usas una versión customizada para android que alguien haya modificado o actualizado para poder jugar a ese juego necesitas actualizar la rom a esa versión concreta, sino tampoco podrás jugarlo.

Muchísimas gracias por tu respuesta! Aunque no la he entendido muy bien, sinceramente, soy bastante negadillo para estos temas de emuladores.
@alfaroingles quiero decir que no podrás usar ese juego porque en la versión de Mame en la que estaba basada esa versión de Android 0.139u1 ese juego NO estaba emulado y por ende no se podía jugar.

Ahora si te has bajado una versión modificada no oficial (que me extraña porque para android a menos que sea china o koreana no creo que nadie haya tocado los sources de la 0.139u1 con cosas más actuales) tendrías que mirar que cambios trae para ver si han retocado el código del emulador para que sea funcional.
Ayuda, por favor...
No puedo jugar a ningún juego de MAME...
¿Cómo quito el hardware test? Siempre me sale... En todos los juegos...

Se cargan pero solo veo las intros. No hay modo de saltar las presentaciones y jugar.
¿Debería encontrar el botón de Insert Coin o Start o algo así? No entiendo, y me pasa con todos los juegos...
Me pone que edite color, niveles y montones de cosas... pero no hay modo de saltar eso. No veo donde salir...
Tonimn escribió:Ayuda, por favor...
No puedo jugar a ningún juego de MAME...
¿Cómo quito el hardware test? Siempre me sale... En todos los juegos...

Se cargan pero solo veo las intros. No hay modo de saltar las presentaciones y jugar.
¿Debería encontrar el botón de Insert Coin o Start o algo así? No entiendo, y me pasa con todos los juegos...
Me pone que edite color, niveles y montones de cosas... pero no hay modo de saltar eso. No veo donde salir...

Prueba pulsando el 5 del teclado, es el Insert Coin del jugador 1.
poseiido escribió:
Tonimn escribió:Ayuda, por favor...
No puedo jugar a ningún juego de MAME...
¿Cómo quito el hardware test? Siempre me sale... En todos los juegos...

Se cargan pero solo veo las intros. No hay modo de saltar las presentaciones y jugar.
¿Debería encontrar el botón de Insert Coin o Start o algo así? No entiendo, y me pasa con todos los juegos...
Me pone que edite color, niveles y montones de cosas... pero no hay modo de saltar eso. No veo donde salir...

Prueba pulsando el 5 del teclado, es el Insert Coin del jugador 1.

Gracias, ya he añadido esa tecla al joystick.
Aunque sigo sin poder salir una vez entro en el modo hardware test en algunos juegos. Pero en la mayoría no tengo problemas.
@Tonimn mira las definiciones de teclas, en general (no por juego)
Hay una llamada service mode (por defecto F2). Tal vez la tengas definida con algún botón de los que usas.
¿Algun tuto de como configurar todo correctamente en mame? Tengo el ultimo romset,pero luego tengo acceso a todo lo que son extras,y demás,y nose donde colocarlos. (bios,chds,...)
Alguien me puede pasar por privado los temas de Hyperspin del time crisis 2 y 3?
hace tiempo que no pruebo el mame desde las versiones antiguas ,se ha conseguido hacer funcionar bien el hyper neo geo 64?
hola a todos, una pregunta sencilla, llevo unas 4 horas y media o 5 horas ya no lo se e perdido la noción del tiempo configurando la ultima versión de mame la 0.209 y no consigo que funcionen el street fighter 2 champion edition , el cadillac and dinosaurs, el capitan commando y tal y cual, se que son de snk capcom y tal y e puesto sus bios correspondientes, pero..... múltiples errores, algún consejo?
daekin escribió:hola a todos, una pregunta sencilla, llevo unas 4 horas y media o 5 horas ya no lo se e perdido la noción del tiempo configurando la ultima versión de mame la 0.209 y no consigo que funcionen el street fighter 2 champion edition , el cadillac and dinosaurs, el capitan commando y tal y cual, se que son de snk capcom y tal y e puesto sus bios correspondientes, pero..... múltiples errores, algún consejo?

Debes tener el romset de la versión 0.209, sino puede que los juegos no te funcionen al ser roms de versiones antiguas, incompatibles con la ultima versión.
MAME se actualiza a la versión 0.210 con estas novedades:

MAMETesters Bugs Fixed
- 02932: [Graphics] (tutankhm.cpp) tutankhm, tutankhms: Background stars are missing in attract mode. (Couriersud)
- 05447: [Graphics] (studio2.cpp) studio2 and clones: Graphics display incorrectly. (Curt Coder)
- 05553: [DIP/Input] (royalmah.cpp) mjdiplob: DIP switches are not documented. (kamilz)
- 06242: [Graphics] (cgenie.cpp) cgenie [labyfear]: Missing graphics on labyrinth map. (Dirk Best)
- 07232: [Crash/Freeze] (studio2.cpp) studio2: Cannot boot software. (Curt Coder)
- 07286: [Media Support] (spectrum.cpp) spectrum and clones: Loading Sabre Wulf from a TZX cassette image fails. (AmatCoder)
- 07287: [Sound] (jr100.cpp) jr100, jr100u: After pressing a key, machine freezes and emits a continuous tone. (Robbbert)
- 07296: [Media Support] (neogeocd.cpp) neocdz: Software will not boot. (AJR)
- 07297: [DIP/Input] (namcos22.cpp) aquajet, dirtdash, tokyowar: Analog controls are unresponsive. (AJR)
- 07307: [Sound] (snes.cpp) snes: SPC700 plays at incorrect rate after restoring saved state. (Ivan Vangelista)
- 07309: [Crash/Freeze] (8080bw.cpp) invrvnge, invrvngegw: Watchdog reset a few seconds after starting a game. (AJR)
- 07310: [Graphics] (route16.cpp) route16, route16a, route16c: Map graphics missing or shifted. (Robbbert)
- 07314: [Crash/Freeze] (homedata.cpp) mjikaga: Game boots, then immediately gets stuck at a white screen. (Ivan Vangelista)
- 07315: [Misc.] (model2.cpp) rchase2, gunblade, topskatr, srallyc, manxtt: Settings are not preserved. (Dirk Best)
- 07316: [Crash/Freeze] (vgmplay.cpp) vgmplay: MAME crashes when sliders are selected. (cam900)
- 07317: [DIP/Input] (zorba.cpp) zorba: Keyboard is not working. (Patrick Mackinlay)
- 07319: [Interface] (tmc600.cpp) tmc600s2: Keyboard is not working. (Robbbert)
- 07323: [Graphics] (alpha68k.cpp) timesold and clones: Title screen is displayed incorrectly. (O. Galibert, AJR)
- 07325: [Graphics] (sbowling.cpp) sbowling: Player 2 graphics are displayed incorrectly. (Ivan Vangelista)
- 07326: [Crash/Freeze] (cosmicos.cpp) cosmicos: Machine doesn’t boot correctly, just producing a blank display. (Robbbert)
- 07332: [Gameplay] (galaxian.cpp) zigzagb, zigzagb2: Game will hang when you play a 2-player game. (AJR)
- 07334: [DIP/Input] (microtan.cpp) microtan: Out-of-memory when trying to run BASIC. (Robbbert)
- 07335: [Media Support] (comx35.cpp) comx35p,comx35n: Cannot load software from cassette. (Robbbert)

New working machines
Computer Chess (Mattel) [hap, Sean Riddle]
Gradius (Bubble System) [ArcadeHacker, Bryan McPhail]
Parker Brothers Starting Lineup Talking Baseball [hap, Kevin Horton]
Parker Brothers Superstar Lineup Talking Football [hap, Kevin Horton]
Player's Edge Plus (X000403P+XP000013) 4 of a Kind Bonus Poker [Brian Troha]
Player's Edge Plus (X000556P+XP000038) Dueces Joker Wild Poker [Brian Troha]
SciSys Chess Partner 2000 [hap, bataais]
SKB Kontur Krokha [shattered]
Tronica Shuttle Voyage [Sean Riddle, avlixa]
Tronica Space Rescue [algestam]

New working clones
Boxy Boy (World, SB2) [Corrado Tomaselli, The Dumping Union]
Carnival (upright, PIT8253 music) [hap, Andrew Welburn]
Deer Hunting USA V4.4.1 (Japan) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
Elektronika Merry Cook [algestam]
Fidelity Electronics Chess Challenger 10 (model CCX) [bataais]
Game & Watch: Climber (crystal screen) [algestam]
GunNail (bootleg) [xodaraP, sylphia]
Gunlock (Ver 2.0O 1993/12/15) [Action Jackson]
Jack Potten's Poker (set 11, German, W.W.) [Roberto Fresca, TeamEurope]
Jack Potten's Poker (set 12, no Double-Up) [Roberto Fresca, TeamEurope]
Kid Niki (bootleg) [Bonky0013]
Last Fortress - Toride (Japan, VG460 PCB) [twistedsymphony]
Moon Cresta (bootleg set 4) [Darran, The Dumping Union]
Ms. Pac-Man (Impeuropex bootleg) [Corrado Tomaselli]
Player's Edge Plus (PP0550) Joker Poker (Two Pair or Better, set 2) [Brian Troha]
Point Blank 2 (World, GNB2/VER.A) [Guru, smf]
Point Blank 2 (World, GNB2/VER.A alt) [Guru, smf]
Royal Card Part-Two (Nichibutsu HW, Ver. 1.02) [Roberto Fresca, TeamEurope]
Street Fighter EX2 (Euro 980312) [Jorge Silva]
Super Bobble Bobble (bootleg, set 6) [Bonky0013]
Super Cobra (encrypted) [TeamEurope]
Tetris (D.R. Korea, set 2) [Fabrice Arzeno, The Dumping Union]
Touchmaster 7000 (v8.04 Germany) [Alex Meijer, The Dumping Union]
Viewpoint (prototype) [Brian Hargrove]

Machines promoted to working
Bubble System BIOS [ArcadeHacker, Bryan McPhail]
Eckhard Schiller BCS 3 rev 2.4 [Robbbert]
Electronic Milton [hap]
Heath Company Heathkit H8 Digital Computer [Robbbert]
Institut Ivo Lola Ribar Lola 8A [Robbbert]
RCA COSMAC Microkit [Robbbert]

Clones promoted to working
EC-1840 [shattered]

New machines marked as NOT_WORKING
Cricket [@LosTrastosDeXaX, ClawGrip]
Ensoniq TS-10 [R. Belmont, DBWBP.com]
MegaTouch XL Titanium (Version r0?, cracked) [C. Ward, R. Belmont]
Motorola MVME-162 [Edström, Bitsavers]
Percussion Freaks 2nd Mix (GE912 VER. KAA) [Windy Fairy, smf]
Power Sled (Slave, Revision A) [Phil Bennett]
Ensoniq TS-12 [R. Belmont, DBWBP.com]
Game & Watch: Chef [algestam]
Sega Network Taisen Mahjong MJ 3 Evolution Firmware Update (GDX-0023) [Wiggy2k]
Sega Yonin Uchi Mahjong MJ (Update Disc Ver.1.008, Japan) (CDP-10002B) [Wiggy2k]
SpongeBob SquarePants Ticket Boom [brizzo, MetalliC]
Star Horse 2002 (sound, Export/Taiwan) [CoolFox, MetalliC]
Star Rider [Vas Crabb, Matt Ownby, TrevEB]
Super Mini-Boy [Roberto Fresca, TeamEurope]
Telex Computer Products Telex 274-61C Sixteen Station Control Unit [Al Kossow, Bitsavers]
Video Technology Video Painter (PAL) [ClawGrip, The Dumping Union]

New clones marked as NOT_WORKING
80286 Standard System (SARC RC2015 chipset) [rfka01, AJR]
Abit FU340 [rfka01, AJR]
Asus PCI/I-486SP3G [rfka01, AJR]
Asus PCI/I-A486S [rfka01, AJR]
Asus PVI-486AP4 [rfka01, AJR]
Asus PVI-486SP3 [rfka01, AJR]
Asus VL/EISA-486SV1 [rfka01, AJR]
Asus VL/I-486SV2G [rfka01, AJR]
Biostar MB8433-UUD-A [rfka01, AJR]
Commodore Business Machines DT386 [rfka01]
Commodore Business Machines DT486 [rfka01]
Commodore Business Machines Laptop C286LT [rfka01]
Commodore Business Machines Laptop C386SX-LT [rfka01]
Commodore Business Machines PC 45-III [rfka01]
Commodore Business Machines PC 50-II [rfka01]
Commodore Business Machines PC 60-III [rfka01]
Commodore Business Machines PC 70-III [rfka01]
Commodore Business Machines SL 286-16 [rfka01]
Commodore Business Machines Tower 386 [rfka01]
Commodore Business Machines Tower 486 [rfka01]
Compaq SLT/286 [rfka01]
CX Technology CX SXD [rfka01, AJR]
Cycle Warriors [Sugoi Helsinki]
Dell Computer Corporation System 200 [rfka01]
Dolphin Treasure (0101250V, Queensland) [Dam0, Heihachi_73]
Elitegroup Computer Systems ECS-386/32 [rfka01, AJR]
Elitegroup Computer Systems UM386 (Rev 1.1) [rfka01, AJR]
Everex Systems EV-1806 [rfka01, AJR]
First International Computer 486-VIP-IO [AJR]
First International Computer 486-VIP-IO2 [AJR]
Forex Computer Company unknown 386 AT clone with Forex chipset [rfka01, AJR]
Indian Dreaming (0101340V, Queensland) [Dam0, Heihachi_73]
J-Bond A433C-C/A450C-C [rfka01, AJR]
KT Technology KT216WB5-HI Rev.2 [rfka01, AJR]
LM-103S [rfka01, AJR]
Magitronic Technology Magitronic B233 [AJR]
MAT286 Rev.D [AJR]
NCR PC-8 [rfka01]
Nixdorf Computer AG 8810 M15 [rfka01]
Nixdorf Computer AG 8810 M16 CGA version [rfka01]
Nixdorf Computer AG 8810 M16 VGA version [rfka01]
Nixdorf Computer AG 8810 M30 [rfka01]
Nixdorf Computer AG 8810 M55 [rfka01]
Nixdorf Computer AG 8810/25 CPC - PC01 [rfka01]
Olivetti M290 [rfka01]
The Phantom of the Opera (3.1) [Gerald (COY)]
Power Sled (Main, hack of Relay) [Phil Bennet, MetalliC]
Power Sled (Relay, Revision A) [Phil Bennet]
Shuttle Computer InternationalHOT-409 [rfka01, AJR]
Siemends-Nixdorf PCD-3Nsx [rfka01]
Siemends-Nixdorf PCD-4H, PCD-4M [rfka01]
Siemends-Nixdorf PCD-4ND [rfka01]
Siemends-Nixdorf PCD-4NL [rfka01]
Toptek Micro Computer 286 Turbo [AJR]
Triumph-Adler Walkstation 386DX [rfka01]
Triumph-Adler Walkstation 386 SX [rfka01]
unknown 286 AT clone (HT12/A chipset) [rfka01, AJR]

New working software list additions
  Concentrate on Words and Concepts (cleanly cracked), Concentrate on Words and Concepts II (cleanly cracked),
  Concentration (cleanly cracked), Conflict in Vietnam (Version 2) (128K enhanced) (cleanly cracked),
  Conglomerates Collide (cleanly cracked), Congo (cleanly cracked), Congo Bongo (cleanly cracked),
  Conquering Worlds (cleanly cracked), Consonant Carnival (cleanly cracked), Contraction Concentration (cleanly cracked),
  Converting Fractions and Percents - Problems with Percents (cleanly cracked),
  Correct Behavior - The Mexican Way (cleanly cracked), Counting Coins (cleanly cracked), Counting Patterns I (cleanly cracked),
  Counting Patterns II (cleanly cracked), Countries of the World (cleanly cracked), Cranston Manor (cleanly cracked),
  Crazy Mazey (cleanly cracked), Create Lessons (cleanly cracked), Create with Garfield Deluxe Edition (cleanly cracked),
  Create-Spell It (cleanly cracked), Creative Play (cleanly cracked), Creativity, Unlimited (cleanly cracked),
  Creature Chorus (cleanly cracked), Creature Magic (cleanly cracked), Creatures of the Night (cleanly cracked),
  Crime Stopper (cleanly cracked), Crime Wave (cleanly cracked), Cross Country California (cleanly cracked),
  Crossbow (cleanly cracked), Crossfire (cleanly cracked), Crown of Arthain (cleanly cracked), Crozzzwords (cleanly cracked),
  Crusade in Europe (128K version) (cleanly cracked), Crusade in Europe (64K version) (cleanly cracked),
  Crush Crumble and Chomp (cleanly cracked), Crypto Cube (Revision 2) (cleanly cracked), Crypto Cube 1984 (cleanly cracked),
  Crystal Caverns (cleanly cracked), Cubit (cleanly cracked), Curious George Visits The Library (cleanly cracked),
  Customized Alphabet Drills (cleanly cracked), Cut and Paste (cleanly cracked), Cutthroats (Revision 23) (cleanly cracked),
  Darkhorn (cleanly cracked), Dave Winfield's Batter Up (cleanly cracked), Deadline (Revision 18) (cleanly cracked),
  Deadline (Revision 26) (cleanly cracked), Death in the Caribbean (cleanly cracked), Decimal Dungeon (cleanly cracked),
  Decimals (Version 1.2) (cleanly cracked), Decimals - Multiplication and Division (Version 3.1.6) (cleanly cracked),
  Decimals Practice (cleanly cracked), Deck the Halls with Random House Software (cleanly cracked),
  Delta Drawing (Version 3.33) (cleanly cracked), Demolition Division (1985) (cleanly cracked),
  Demolition Division (Version 1982.0) (cleanly cracked), Demolition Division (Version 1982.1) (cleanly cracked),
  Design Your Own Home - Architectural Design (1986) (cleanly cracked),
  Design Your Own Home - Interior Design (1987) (cleanly cracked), Design Your Own Home - Landscape Design (cleanly cracked),
  Design Your Own Train (cleanly cracked), Designasaurus (Version 2.12) (cleanly cracked), Destroyer (cleanly cracked),
  Developing Basic Writing Skills Level I (cleanly cracked), Developing Basic Writing Skills Level II (cleanly cracked),
  Diagramming Grammatical Relationships (cleanly cracked), Dig Dug (Datasoft) (cleanly cracked), Dino Spell (cleanly cracked),
  Dinosaur Days (cleanly cracked), Discover (cleanly cracked),
  Discovering the Scientific Method - Snigs, Flirks, and Blorgs (cleanly cracked), Diskovery Word Bird (cleanly cracked),
  Dividing Fractions (cleanly cracked), Division Made Easy (cleanly cracked),
  Division One Digit Divisor No Renaming (cleanly cracked), Division One-Digit Divisor One Renaming (cleanly cracked),
  Division Shooting Gallery (Version 1.5) (cleanly cracked),
  Division of 1, 2, 3 Digits by 1 Digit Numerals No Remainders (cleanly cracked), Dogs and Puppies (cleanly cracked),
  Don't Quote Me and Adjective Scramble (cleanly cracked), Donald Duck's Playground (cleanly cracked),
  Dondra - A New Beginning (cleanly cracked), Double 'N' Trouble (cleanly cracked), Double Trouble (cleanly cracked),
  Dr. Peet's Talk-Writer (cleanly cracked), Dr. Peet's Talk-Writer ABC Discovery (cleanly cracked), Dragon Fire (cleanly cracked),
  Dragon Mix (1982) (cleanly cracked), Dragon Mix (Revision 0) (cleanly cracked), Dragon's Keep (cleanly cracked),
  Drug Alert (Revision 0) (cleanly cracked), Drug Alert (cleanly cracked), Early Bird (cleanly cracked),
  Early Discoveries - Observation and Classification (Version 09.23.85) (cleanly cracked),
  Early Elementary (Compu-Tations) (cleanly cracked), Early Emerging Rules - Negation (cleanly cracked),
  Early Emerging Rules - Plurals (cleanly cracked), Early Games - Matchmaker (cleanly cracked),
  Early Games - Music (cleanly cracked), Early Heroes of the Bible (cleanly cracked),
  Early Skills (Version 06.05.86) (cleanly cracked), Earth Orbit Stations (cleanly cracked),
  Earthquake San Francisco 1906 (cleanly cracked), EasyGraph (cleanly cracked), Grammar Gremlins (1987) (cleanly cracked),
  Seven Cities of Gold (cleanly cracked), Stickybear Printer (Revision 2) (cleanly cracked) [4am, Firehawke]
  Adventureland (Version 2.0/416), The Arcade Machine, Battlezone, Blister Ball and Mad Bomber, Buzzard Bait,
  The Count (Version 2.1/115), The Crimson Crown, Cutthroats (Release 23), Dueling Digits, Elite, Firebug, Fore,
  Gold Rush (1982) (Sentient Software), Gorgon, Hacker, Heavy Barrel, Impossible Mission, Juggler, Locksmith 4.1, Magic Spells,
  Micro Invaders, Microsoft Adventure, Mission Impossible (Version 2.1/306), Neptune, Pirate Adventure (Version 2.1/408),
  The Print Shop Companion (Version 1.2), Robotwar, The Sands of Egypt, Sorcerer of Siva, Space Warrior, Stationfall (Release 107),
  Strange Odyssey (Version 2.1/119), Tass Times in Tonetown, Top Fuel Eliminator, Trinity (Release 11), Typing Tutor,
  Voodoo Castle (Version 2.1/119), Where in Europe is Carmen Sandiego, Wishbringer (Release 68 / 850501), Zork II (Revision 7),
  Zykron Hearts [4am, Firehawke]
  The Final ChessCard (Eng, v0.9/v1.0) [hap, Ratuv]
  The Final ChessCard (Ger, v1.3/v1.5) [hap, DDI]
c64_flop: The Final ChessCard [hap, Forum64.de]
  Amiga CD32 - Volume 1, Amiga CD32 - Volume 2, Amiga CD32 Gamer - Volume 1, Amiga CD32 Gamer - Volume 2,
  Amiga CD32 Gamer - Volume 3, Amiga CD32 Gamer - Volume 4, Arcade Pool, Arcade Pool (Alt), ATR: All Terrain Racing [FakeShemp]
  Abenteuerland, Adressdatei II, Africa, Ballon, Basic-Packer 2.13 (alternate), Benchmark Test, Botschaft, Brücke, Bumm Bumm,
  CIA-Agent, Cave Man, Charset, Chess Machine, Crazy Chaser, Deathstar, Deathtrap, Defender, Der Flohwalzer, Dez-Hex,
  Die Juwelen des Grafen Dracula, Die Physik des Transistors, Disastrous Villa, EBASIC (32k version),
  Editor fuer definierbare Zeichen, Empire, ExReversic, Extended Copy, Extra-Basic, Fast Food, Genie I II / TRS 80 Cassettenlader,
  Gorilla, Hektik (alternate), Horror Castle, House of Death, Joker Poker, King, Kniffel, Labyrinth of Fear,
  Las Vergas Spiel-Automat, Länder-Quiz, Madtree, Mord im Zeppelin, Mysterious Tavern, NODOS 80, Nato Morsing Standard Code, Peng,
  Primzahlsuche, Real-Compiler, Santa Paravia und Fuimaccio, Schiff des Grauens, Schnick Schnack Schnuck,
  Screen Editor (incl. Adventure screen), Shift Transformation, Sprite-Editor, Tape-Edit, Trash-Man, Utilities Package Ver. 2.0,
  Wurm, Zalaga [Dirk Best]
ibm5170: The Final ChessCard [hap]
neogeo: Viewpoint (prototype) [Brian Hargrove]
  Rockman - Battle & Fighters (Jpn, Demo), Sonic the Hedgehog - Pocket Adventure (World, Oct 22 1999 Prototype) [The Hidden Palace]
pcw: CP/M Plus v1.4 (Swe) work copy [Edström]
pencil2: Treasure Hunt / Le Plongeur a la Recherche du Tresor [silicium.org, David Viens]
  1943, 3D Pool, 6-Pak Vol 1, The Alkatraz Protection System v 2.2, Answer Back Factfile 500 - General Science, Arcade Muscle,
  Ball Breaker, Bionic Commando, Chart Attack, Crack Down (Spa), DICE v2.0, Fun School 4 For The Under-5s,
  G1WVN ZX Pak Term v3.0 Beta Test, Granny's Garden, Hercules - Slayer Of The Damned, Judge Dredd, Lords Of Chaos Expansion Kit One,
  Lords Of Chaos Expansion Kit One (alt), M3 Unlock, Mercs, Motor Massacre, Navy SEALs, Obliterator (alt), Outcast,
  Outlet issue 058, Outlet issue 063, Outlet issue 075, Outlet issue 076, Outlet issue 078, Outlet issue 085, Outlet issue 117,
  Pirate, Platinum, Puffy's Saga, Rock Star Ate My Hamster, Shoot-Out, Skate Crazy, Skate or Die, The Spanish Tutor,
  The Star Wars Trilogy, Starship Quest + Helvera - Mistress of the Park, Strider, The Sunflower Number Show, Switchblade, SWIV,
  Tiger Road, Tops and Tails, Ultimate Play The Game: The Collected Works, Winners
  [Antonio M, Fede Jerez, Gorski, Jaime González Soriano, José Manuel, Marino Arribas, Metalbrain, robcfg, Simon Owen, Syx, Zup,
  TZX Vault, ICEknight]
  Coin-Op Hits [Dlfrsilver, ICEknight]
  4 Soccer Simulators (Spa) [Gorski, ZXdenied, ICEknight]
  LC-10 Colour Screen printer v 1.1 (+2a/+3) [Guy Bearman, ICEknight]
  The Batman - Gotham City Rescue (UK), Disney Aladdin - Il magico mondo di Aladdin (Italy),
  Disney Topolino - Le Magiche Avventure di Topolino (Italy), Disney's Cinderella - Cinderella's Magic Wishes (UK),
  Disney's The Little Mermaid - Ariel's Majestic Journey (UK), Disney/Pixar Cars - Rev It Up in Radiator Springs (UK),
  Disney/Pixar Toy Story 2 - Operation-Rescue Woody! (UK), DreamWorks Shrek - Het Verhaal Van Draakje (Netherlands),
  Noddy - Detective for a Day (UK), Spider-Man & Friends - Missioni Segrete (Italy),
  Thomas & Friends - Engines Working Together (UK), Winnie the Pooh e la caccia al miele (Italy) [Walter Agazzi]

Software list items promoted to working
c64_cart: The Final ChessCard (Ger, v0.9/v1.0) [hap]
cd32: Alfred Chicken, Arabian Nights [FakeShemp]

New NOT_WORKING software list additions
  Amiga CD32 Gamer - Volume 5, Amiga CD32 Gamer - Volume 6, Amiga CD32 Gamer - Volume 7, Amiga CD32 Gamer - Volume 8,
  Amiga CD32 Gamer - Volume 9, Amiga CD32 Gamer - Volume 10, Amiga CD32 Gamer - Volume 11, Amiga CD32 Gamer - Volume 12,
  Amiga CD32 Gamer - Volume 13, Amiga CD32 Gamer - Volume 14, Amiga CD32 Gamer - Volume 15, Amiga CD32 Gamer - Volume 16,
  Amiga CD32 Gamer - Volume 17, Amiga CD32 Gamer - Volume 18, Amiga CD32 Gamer - Volume 19, Amiga CD32 Gamer - Volume 20,
  Amiga CD32 Gamer - Volume 21, Amiga CD32 Gamer - Volume 22 [FakeShemp]
cgenie_cass: Exterminator II: The Mad Menagerie, Super Star Treck [Dirk Best]
ekara_japan_ac: KR-1 Kirarin Cartridge Vol.1 (Japan) (AC0009-KIR) [Sean Riddle, David Haywood]
gameboy: Game Boy Test Cartridge (Euro, USA) [ClawGrip]
icanguit: Barbie Guitar Party (K9901), Rock 101 (K9906) [Sean Riddle, David Haywood]
  Disney Princess - Princess Stories (UK), Disney's Pooh Gets Stuck (UK),
  Leap 1 - Reading - Cartoon Network Scooby-Doo! and the Disappearing Donuts (UK),
  Richard Scarry's Best Little Word Book Ever! (UK), Sed de Saber - Libro 1 - Spanish as a second Language Edition (UK),
  Sed de Saber - Libro 2 - Spanish as a second Language Edition (UK),
  Sed de Saber - Libro 3 - Spanish as a second Language Edition (UK),
  Sed de Saber - Libro 4 - Spanish as a second Language Edition (UK),
  Sed de Saber - Libro 5 - Spanish as a second Language Edition (UK),
  Sed de Saber - Libro 6 - Spanish as a second Language Edition (UK), Toy Story 2 (UK) [TeamEurope]
  Bob The Builder - Bob's Busy Day (UK), DreamWorks Shrek the Third - Arthur's School Day Adventure (UK),
  Scooby-Doo! - Funland Frenzy (UK), Scooby-Doo! - Funland Frenzy (UK, Rev. 1?),
  Thomas & Friends - Engines Working Together (UK, Rev. 1?) [Walter Agazzi]

Source Changes
-Added very preliminary Intel 82355 bus master interfaces controller device. [AJR]

-miniboy7: Fixed lamp blinking. [AJR]

-ti89, ti89t, ti92p, v200: Corrected Flash memory type and size. [AJR]

-unidasm: Allow hexadecimal values for -skip with 0x prefix. [AJR]

-m68000: Read the initial SP and PC from memory after rather than during machine reset time. [AJR]
* Removes the need for many drivers to reset the CPU an extra time to load the correct vector.

-z100 improvements: [AJR]
* Render video through CRTC instead of working around it by caching registers, and map video RAM using PROM module.
* Added 8253 timer and associated interrupt, cursor, video interrupt, and Centronics port.
* Converted keyboard to low-level emulation, and added keyboard click/beep sound.
* Corrected numerous clocks.

-m68705: Don’t register debug state entries for non-existent port latches and direction registers. [AJR]

-Added Adaptec AIC-565 device. [AJR]

-Added preliminary emulation of Toshiba T6963C and related LCD controllers [AJR]

-bmcbowl: Added missing video-related interrupt, and re-guessed VIA clock. [AJR]

-5clown: Documented how to access the hidden settings table. [AJR]

-pk8020.cpp updates: [AJR]
* Emulated programmable logic device used for banked address decoding.
* Improve serial port/USART hookup, added save state support, and cleaned up code.

-z8000: Added save state support and cleaned up code. [AJR]

-raiden2.cpp, r2dx_v33.cpp: Added sprite RAM buffering (fixes zeroteam starting bikes), and improved sprite sort DMA. [AJR]

-polepos.cpp: Added save state support. [AJR]

-i186 peripheral register refinements: [AJR]
* Emulated strange but documented behavior of unaligned accesses and byte writes to internal peripheral registers.
* Use more official register mnemonics.

-i386: Improved splitting of unaligned accesses (excluding program fetches). [AJR]

-at386, at486: Started splitting out and documenting mainboards. [AJR]

-Added preliminary emulation of Advanced Storage Concepts ASC-88 SCSI adapter. [AJR, minuszerodegrees.net]

-Improved sorting of items for machine input menu. [AJR]
* Inputs of the same type are sorted by name, and keyboard keys are sorted by their assigned character codes (if any).

-mc68340: Fixed interrupt vectoring. [AJR]

-z80netf: Fixed error in keyboard configuration. [AJR]

-tzx_cas.cpp: Pause for 1 ms between data blocks (fixes MT07296). [AmatCoder]

-cntsteer.cpp: Added PROM dumps to Counter Steer, and added preliminary color PROM decoding. [Anonymous, Angelo Salese]

-Removed unnecessary handler arguments and unnecessary trampoline handlers for many devices and drivers. [cam900]

-flkatck.cpp: Clarified 6809 CPU type and corrected clock source. [cam900]

-tc0280grd.cpp, atarirle.cpp, tms57002, igs_m027.cpp, cubeqcpu.cpp: Cleaned up code. [cam900]

-asic65.cpp, atarigen.cpp, deco_irq.cpp, taitoio.cpp: Suppress read side effects correctly, and cleaned up code. [cam900]

-k033906.cpp: Deferred allocation of registers and RAM until start time, and cleaned up code. [cam900]

-igs017_igs031.cpp updates: [cam900]
* Made palette internal, made PIA tag configurable, and added save state support.
* Improved region and member names, and cleaned up code.

-k052109.cpp, vendetta.cpp, rungun.cpp, konamigx.cpp, moo.cpp, gijoe.cpp, dec8.cpp, gal3.cpp: Corrected comments. [cam900]

-k054156_k054157_k056832.cpp, xmen.cpp: Updated code in comments. [cam900]

-konmedal.cpp: Fix sound output routing. [cam900]

-wswan.cpp: Implemented device_video_interface to obtain screen. [cam900]

-dgpix.cpp: Reduced runtime tag map lookups, restricted drawing to clipping rectangle, and cleaned up code. [cam900]

-cedar_magnet*.cpp updates: [cam900]
* Reduced runtime tag map lookups and deferred frame buffer allocation to start.
* Reduced redundancy and cleaned up code.

-igs017.cpp, igs011.cpp, mlanding.cpp: Reduced runtime tag map lookups, reduced redundancy, and cleaned up code. [cam900]

-taito_helper.cpp, pc080sc.cpp, tc0080vco.cpp: Implemented masked priority, and cleaned up code. [cam900]

-k053246_k053247_k055673.cpp: Reduced redundancy and cleaned up code. [cam900]

-overdriv.cpp: Corrected object DMA mapping. [cam900]

-1945kiii.cpp: Corrected flicker behavior, added notes, and cleaned up code. [cam900]

-deco16ic.cpp: Implemented masked priority, and cleaned up code. [cam900]

-tc0110pcr.cpp: Implemented device_palette_interface, and cleaned up code. [cam900]

-ninjaw.cpp, warriorb.cpp: Split graphics decoding for screens that use different tiles, and cleaned up code. [cam900]

-dec8.cpp: Fixed srdarwin sprite/tilemap priorities. [cam900]

-taitoair.cpp, fcombat.cpp: Simplified graphics decoding, reduced runtime tag map lookups, and cleaned up code. [cam900]

-taitoio_yoke.cpp: Reduced runtime tag map lookups. [cam900]

-taito_h.cpp: Simplified graphics decoding, reduced redundant code, reduced runtime tag map lookups, and cleaned up code. [cam900]

-taito_o.cpp updates: [cam900]
* Simplified graphics decoding, reduced runtime tag map lookups, and reduced redundant code.
* Corrected metadata for parentj, updated notes, and cleaned up code.

-blockout.cpp: Converted palette to use a format handler, improved drawing behavior, improved member names, and cleaned up code.

-galgames.cpp: Added save state support, suppress side effects correctly, and cleaned up code. [cam900]

-legionna.cpp: Simplified graphics decoding, reduced redundancy, mark tilemaps dirty on bank change, and cleaned up code. [cam900]

-rohga.cpp, taito_x.cpp, klax.cpp: Simplified graphics decoding, and cleaned up code. [cam900]

-tecmosys.cpp: Fixed graphics decoding. [cam900]

-gunbustr.cpp, superchs.cpp, undrfire.cpp: Simplified graphics decoding, reduced redundancy, reduced runtime tag map lookups, and
cleaned up code. [cam900]

-alpha68k.cpp: Simplified graphics decoding, fixed sound ROM banking, and cleaned up code. [cam900]

-deckarn.cpp: Simplified configuration, added a callback for color/priority mapping, and cleaned up code. [cam900]

-groundfx.cpp, rastan.cpp, slapshot.cpp: Simplified graphics decoding, reduced runtime tag map lookups, and cleaned up code.

-xexex.cpp: Add note on audio emulation issue and link to reference. [cam900]

-vgmplay.cpp: Fixed volume behavior, and fixed stereo output. [cam900]

-limenko.cpp: Cleaned up sprite drawing, fixed some drawing behavior, and cleaned up code. [cam900]

-decbac06.cpp: Allowed for priority drawing, and cleaned up code. [cam900]

-taito_z.cpp: Simplified graphics decoding, eliminated register_postload, reduced redundancy, and cleaned up code. [cam900]

-namcona1.cpp updates: [cam900]
* Don’t unnecessarily mark all tiles dirty, and set palette when relevant video register is written.
* Correctly suppress read side effects, eliminated Register_postload, simplified graphics decoding, and cleaned up code.

-decmxc06.cpp: Added callback for colour/priority mapping, simplified configuration, and cleaned up code. [cam900]

-dec0.cpp: Implemented priority drawing. [cam900]

-kaneko_tmap.cpp: Internalized graphics decoding, and cleaned up code. [cam900]

-tc0080vco.cpp: Internalized graphics decoding and sprite drawing routines, simplified configuration, and cleaned up code. [cam900]
* Also expanded and updated notes.

-taito_f2.cpp updates: [cam900]
* Reduced runtime tag map lookups.
* Fixed sound program banking.
* Simplified graphics decoding, reduced redundancy, cleaned up code, and added notes.

-namco_c355spr.cpp: Internalized graphics decoding, and cleaned up code. [cam900]

-kaneko_spr.cpp: Internalized graphics decoding, and cleaned up code. [cam900]

-namcos2_sprite.cpp: Simplified and corrected graphics select select behavior, and cleaned up code. [cam900]

-namcos2.cpp: Simplified graphics decoding. [cam900]

-galastrm.cpp: Simplified graphics decoding, cleaned up code, and added notes. [cam900]

-kaneko16.cpp: Corrected buffered sprite RAM behavior, and added notes. [cam900]

-seibucats.cpp, seibuspi.cpp: Simplified graphics decoding, fixed DMA drawing, and cleaned up code. [cam900]

-seibucats.cpp: Separated configuration for machines without tilemaps, fixed sound routing, and added notes. [cam900]

-pgm.cpp, pgmprot_*.cpp updates: [cam900]
* Restricted sprite drawing to clipping rectangle, and corrected tile region sizes.
* Reduced runtime tag map lookups, correctly suppress read side effects, cleaned up start/reset members, and reduced redundancy.
* Simplified graphics decoding, made class members protected/private as appropriate, cleaned up code, and corrected comments.

-cave.cpp updates: [cam900]
* Separated graphics decoding, palettes and bitmaps for each screen in ppsatan.
* Fixed save states for third tilemap in sailormn.
* Added partial implementation of sprite mixing when multiple chips draw to the same screen.
* Correctly suppress read side effects, reduced runtime tag map lookups, cleaned up code, and added notes.

-segaic16_road.cpp: Simplified configuration, removed hard-coded takes, suppress read side effects, and cleaned up code. [cam900]

-ms32.cpp, bnstars.cpp, tetrisp2.cpp: Made graphics decoding use native ROM arrangement, and updated notes. [cam900]

-viewgfx.cpp: Show palette alpha values in graphics viewer. [cam900]

-machine/segaic16.cpp: Moved palette shadow/highlight handling into palette write handler, and cleaned up code. [cam900]

-315_5124.cpp updates: [cam900]
* Added a lookup table with correct levels and added SMS-compatible color mode for 315-5313.
* Cleaned up code, and added notes. [cam900]

-315_5313.cpp updates: [cam900]
* Converted to 32-bit direct color drawing, and implemented 3-bit color mode..
* Fixed save states, fixed external palette mode, and cleaned up code.

-mega32x.cpp: Implemented device_palette_interface, converted to use color lookup, and cleaned up code. [cam900]

-sknsspr.cpp: Added link to reference video for jchan. [cam900]

-jchan.cpp: Corrected sprite delay, reduced runtime tag map lookups, and cleaned up code. [cam900]

-jalblend.cpp: Moved alpha table into palette, improved behavior, and cleaned up code. [cam900]

-dreamwld.cpp: Corrected video RAM data type, converted line RAM to memory share, and cleaned up code. [cam900]

-stvvdp2.cpp: Fixed blending when tilemap transparency pen is disabled, improved transparency behaviour, and cleaned up code.

-stvvdp1.cpp: Fixed transparency, Gouraud shading and end-code behavior, fixed sprite limit, added notes, and cleaned up code.

-avgdvg.cpp: Removed hard-coded absolute tags, reduced run-time tag lookups, and cleaned up code. [cam900]

-omegrace.cpp: Correctly suppress read side effects. [cam900]

-audio/jaguar.cpp: Correctly derive serial timer rate from DSP clock speed. [cam900]

-jaguar.cpp updates: [cam900]
* Removed banked ROM from memory map for 68EC020 games that lack it (fixes crash).
* Added palette device for pre-calculated YCC lookup.
* Derive GPU timer rates from current clock frequency.
* Updated comments.

-igs022.cpp: Reduced hard-coded absolute tags and runtime tag map lookups, and cleaned up code. [cam900]

-momoko.cpp: Reduced runtime tag map lookups and cleaned up code. [cam900]

-rebound.cpp: Added performance hint. [Couriersud]

-Netlist library updates: [Couriersud]
* Added power terminals to most logic devices, removing the assumption that the negative supply rail is connected to ground.
* Added additional validation checks and addressed issues identified.
* Added validation support to nltool.
* Changed from numeric to alphabetical identifiers for logic components within a package.
* Added ability to enable runtime performance statistics via an environment variable or command-line option.
* Changed netlist parsing code to explicitly set locale.
* Fixed a memory leak in plib when a constructor throws an exception.
* Added option to disable queue statistics at compile time, and prevented queue statistics from being printed when disabled.
* Moved the 7448 truth table implementation into the macro file, and added power terminals.
* Made nltool -v --version display valued of compile-time options.
* Added example using state in truth tables to implement a J-K type flip-flop.
* Changed 9316 to use an output array.

-pong.cpp updates: [Couriersud]
* Increased horizontal resolution for pong and pongf to improve alignment of graphical elements.
* Fixed breakout SLOW_BUT_ACCURATE mode and updated notes.

-tutankham.cpp: Implemented star field, and improved colors. [Couriersud, Guru]
* Konami 084 and bootleg star fields are implemented, selectable in machine configuration.
* Colors are now based on galaxian, giving a better approximation.

-c64 updates: [Curt Coder]
* Added BusCard IEEE-488/Centronics interface cartridge device, and added skeleton BusCard II cartridge device.
* Added enhanced disassembly for zero page locations and Kernal vectors.
* Route LORAM to expansion port interface for BusCard.

-abc80: Added skeleton Owoco Super Smartaid device. [Curt Coder, Anders Sandahl]

-c64: Added Westfalia Technica 1541 clone ROM. [Curt Coder, dec_hl]

-cosmac: Fixed long branch instruction timing. [Curt Coder]

-c1541: Added ROMs for a number of 1541 clones. [Curt Coder]

-TV Game work in progress: [David Haywood]
* Continued work on newer µ'nSP CPU cores and GCM394 system-on-a-chip (used by smartfp and wrlshunt).
* Started documenting GCM394 video register locations based on code analysis.
* Started implementing GCM394 video DMA and sprite drawing.

-cgenie updates: [Dirk Best]
* Fixed color RAM accesses.
* Confirmed floppy drive controller type and crystal, and added more DOS versions as BIOS options.
* Re-organized software lists.

-vtech1: Fixed cassette input polarity. [Dirk Best]

-multi16 updates: [Dirk Best]
* Corrected metadata, and added notes including a list of models.
* Added PIT, floppy drive controller, and floppy drives.
* Corrected CRT controller type to HD6845, added raw screen parameters, and added 3-bit RGB palette.

-splus.cpp: Fixed segmentation fault on starting spset005, spset015, and spset026. [Dirk Best]

-hotblock: Hooked up I²C EEPROM. [Dirk Best]

-315_5649.cpp: Set I/O lines to input on reset (fixes MT07315). [Dirk Best]

-punchout: Use generic graphics decoding layouts. [Dirk Best]

-pzletime.cpp: Split static and dynamic palettes, and changed screen update function to use direct RGB color. [Dirk Best]

-quizo.cpp updates: [Dirk Best]
* Cleaned up ROM banking, cleaned up video RAM banking, and converted screen update function to use direct RGB color.
* Changed clocks to use crystal values, added second coin input, and documented more DIP switches.

-flopimg.h: Uncluttered the global namespace. [Edström]

-pcw.xml: Added Swedish CP/M v1.04 – adds Swedish keyboard mapping and error messages. [Edström]

-force68k.cpp: Made latest firmware the default, and started work on internal layout for CPU-1. [Edström]

-6850acia.cpp: Silenced verbose logging by default. [Edström]

-diablo1300 updates: [Edström]
* Added new microcode and table ROM, and started looking at a callback interface.
* Fixed conditional jump JNC and table ROM offset from XLAT instruction.

-screen.cpp: Fixed screen_device::update_now() when drawing partial lines, and changed pixel accessors to use current screen bitmap.
[Enik Land]

-Lua engine: Exposed machine flags, and corrected and expanded documentation comments. [feos]

-Add DS1994 1-wire real-time clock/backup RAM device, and hooked it up to Amatic Multi Game systems. [Grull Osgo]

-by35.cpp sound improvements: [hackbar]
* Added support for Bally AS3022, Sounds Plus, Sounds Good and Cheap Squeak sound boards.
* Converted AS8888 sound system to a proper device.
* Refactored and cleaned up code.

-m6800: Fixed a bug where 6801 interrupt is never triggered. [hackbar]

-Added an auto-fire plugin with more flexibility than the built-in auto-fire feature. [Jack Li]

-galaga.cpp: Replaced star field lookup table with Galois LFSR implementation. [Jindřich Makovička, Wolfgang Scherr, Couriersud]

-X11 lightgun support improvements: [Kiall Mac Innes]
* Changed build options to include X11 XInput support by default.
* Added documentation for lightgun configuration on Linux.
* Disabled Wii Remote lightgun hack by default.

-mazerbla.cpp: Fixed inadvertent palette size reduction. [MASH]

-Added new NCR 5380 device to arcade sub-target build. [MASH]

-i960: Implemented logr and expr opcodes (used by Power Sled). [MetalliC]

-sharc: Implemented compute_fcopysign. [MetalliC]

-chihiro.cpp: Updated satellite DVD documentation. [MetalliC]

-tms9901 updates: [Michael Zapf]
* Changed input line reading from 8-bit units to single bits
* Fixed decrementer so it continues counting even when initial value is zero.
* Ensure INT3 input is disabled when clock is enabled.

-sam6883: Mirror 32K RAM in 64K mode (fixes segmentation fault when Dunjunz checks for 32/64K). [Nigel Barnes]

-bbc: Added ATPL AutoPrommer and User Port Splitter devices, and implemented PMS Genie ROM device. [Nigel Barnes]

-coco12.cpp: Added handlers for CTS region $C000-$FEFF, allowing cartridges to implement devices in this region. [Nigel Barnes]

-dragon.cpp updates: [Nigel Barnes]
* Fixed cursor keys in natural keyboard mode.
* Added support for Premier Sprites board.

-coco2: Converted all coco/dragon extension devices to use CTS handlers. [Nigel Barnes]

-mu50: Improved emulation, and added SWP00 device. [O. Galibert]

-m680x0: Converted code generator to Python and refactored. [O. Galibert]

-Fixed drivers that depended on RAM auto-sharing in preparation for its removal. [O. Galibert]

-vsnes.cpp: Re-implemented bootlegs’ Z80 interfacing according to schematics (still doesn’t work). [R. Belmont, Kevin Horton]

-apple2: Fixed long hang on SCSI Card boot when a CD-ROM is present with no disc inserted. [R. Belmont]

-mac.cpp: Fixed missing audio for SE and Classic. [R. Belmont]

-8080bw.cpp: Added sound to Invader's Revenge. [Robbbert, Andrew Welburn]
* Sound ROM dump for invrvngegw is bad.

-jr100.cpp: Fixed speaker, got rid of superfluous beeper, fixed cassette save, and added notes about the CPU. [Robbbert]

-h8.cpp: Fixed cassette, added reset button, and promoted machine to working. [Robbbert]

-lola8a.cpp: Added missing keys, added some some notes, and promoted machine to working. [Robbbert]

-poly880: Fixed booting sequence, machine now starts correctly. [Robbbert]

-mc6847.cpp: Added PAL color artifact emulation. [robcfg]

-goldnpkr.cpp: Fixed inputs, added default non-volatile RAM contents and added button lamps for potnpkrj. [Roberto Fresca]

-miniboy7.cpp updates: [Roberto Fresca]
* Fixed button lamp order.
* Documented PIA input multiplexing, and additional notes.
* Added support for Super Mini-Boy.

-Added basic SGI GIO slot device support to the Indy and Indigo² drivers. [Ryan Holtz]

-SGI Newport graphics updates: [Ryan Holtz]
* Converted to GIO slot card device, with 8-bit XL and 24-bit XL versions.
* Added support for 4 bits per pixel RGB frame buffer display.
* Added dithering support, and fixed shaded rendering mode.
* Added several modes used by Metero Blast demo.
* Added support for Scr2Scr Block transfers on planes other than RGB/CI (fixes pop-up menus).
* Added support for single-pixel line iteration.
* Added a few more command configurations (fixes SceneView, albeit with glitches).
* Fixed start_y advancement to handle moving up, and fixed span-mode Z-patterning.
* Added 12 and 24 bits per pixel RGB frame buffer modes.
* Fixed host data port readback behavior.
* Added 4, 12 and 32 bits per pixel host read support.
* Fixed color fetching in RGB mode.
* Added 12 bits per pixel dithering.
* Removed unnecessary parameters from various functions.
* Fixed fast-clear color packing, and fixed splatting of packed color fractions.
* Added alpha blending support.
* Re-implemented integer-line and added correct fractional-line support based on pseudocode in SGI REX3 docs.
* Fixed off-by-one in Length32 handling.
* Fixed erroneous advancing of start_y when in span mode.
* Added 12-bit CI mode to frame buffer readout.
* Added basic (untested) overlay/underlay support.
* Added Length32 flag handling to line drawing.
* Unified command handling – should function better and faster as a result.
* Fixed fast-clear mode.
* Base visible area and screen size on actual timing parameters.
* Fixed video RAM tests and several fast-clear bugs.
* Improved handling of COLORHOST mode bit.
* Fixed pixel format conversion on HOSTRW access.

-sgi_mc: Fixed fill-mode DMA not advancing memory address. [Ryan Holtz]

-Added skeleton device for SGI VINO (Video In, No Out) chip. [Ryan Holtz]

-SGI HPC3 updates: [Ryan Holtz]
* Added intstat register and DAC volume controls.
* Split into Indy (Guinness) and Indigo² (Full House) versions.
* Fixed second SCSI controller handling in Full House mode.
* Fixed serial EEPROM hookup – Indigo² now plays its boot tune.
* Fixed several SGI IDE tests.

-SGI IOC2 updates: [Ryan Holtz]
* Fixed mappable interrupt checks – fixes IRIX 6.5 installer hanging on keyboard input.
* Fixed System ID register handling – Indy and Indigo² are now properly identified.

-r4000: Added bus error functionality. [Ryan Holtz]

-ec1840: Added separate motherboard device, and promoted to working. [shattered]

-MISP3 DRC: Fixed TLB miss when fetching instruction in branch delay slot. [Ted Green]
* Previously the branch would not be taken, even if the branch condition was met.

-Added read/write support for OS-9 disk images. [Tim Lindner]

-Corrected sector interleaving for JVC disk image format. [Tim Lindner]

-coco_multi.cpp: Call ROM update handler if Multi-Pak switch is changed. [Tim Lindner]

-Added AMD/Plessey 2812 FIFO device. [Vas Crabb]

-Added IBGR 4444 format to palette_device. [Vas Crabb]

-Added support for encrypted MP3 audio on Konami System 573 Digital I/O systems: [Windy Fairy]
* Added minimp3 MP3 decoding library as a temporary solution until MAME’s implementation is available.
* Added high-level emulation of decryption and playback.

-segahang.cpp: Verified ROM labels for the Hang-On (ride-on) set. [Andrew Welburn, The Dumping Union]

-bus/a800: Added dumps of Atari 800 floppy controller ROMs. [Atari Age]

-konamim2.cpp: Re-dumped totlvica CD-ROM. [AWBACON / Video Game Esoterica]

-bublbobl.cpp: Re-dumped graphics ROMs for sboblboblf set. [Bonky0013]

-oneshot.cpp: Corrected clocks for CPU and audio components. [caius, The Dumping Union]

-mosaic.cpp: Decapped and dumped PIC microcontroller for mosaic. [Caps0ff, caius, The Dumping Union]

-by35.cpp: Added DIP switch names for Bally Frontier, and fixed incorrect DIP switch labels for a number of machines. [d e]

-wpc_95.cpp: Fixed typo in afm outputs. [d e]

-castool: Use first argument as command name in usage message. [Dan Church]

-msx: Added alternate ROM version Yamaha SFG05 sound cartridge. [David Viens]

-lb186: Added RAM Disk BIOS. [Don Maslin Archive]

-naomi.cpp: Brute forced DES key for Sega Yonin Uchi Mahjong MJ. [f205v]

-seta.cpp: Improved PCB documentation for Crazy Fight. [Guru]

-m68000: Fixed MMU problem preventing Domain/OS from working without breaking Mac system software. [Hans Ostermeyer]

-3c505: fixed Apollo DIP switch labels. [Hans Ostermeyer]

-z100: Dumped 8041 keyboard controller program. [Herb Johnson]

-specpls3_flop.xml: Improved and corrected metadata. [ICEknight]

-ti85.cpp: Corrected OS version numbers for the CE calculators. [Julian Lachniet]

-hiscore.dat: Updated for latest changes to MAME. [Leezer]

-at.cpp: Added additional BIOS versions for at, at386sx, at386 and at486. [rfka01, minuszerodegrees.net]
* Also added BIOS strings in comments for at, atvga, neat, at386sx, ct386sx, at386, at486 and ficpio2.

-Moved Commodore PC-I from pc.cpp to compc.cpp, and added a BIOS version that runs. [rfka01]

-genpc.cpp: Added additional BIOS versions for pc. [rfka01]

-at.cpp: Added 8742 keyboard controller dump. [rfka01]

-clickstart.cpp: Added note about the keyboard microcontroller. [Sean Riddle]

-cromptons.cpp: Added timekeeper dump for ffruits. [SpinalFeyd, The Dumping Union]
Hola a todos, tengo un problemilla muy raro, a ver quien puede tener una idea de lo que pasa. Tengo el groovymame
0.202 funcionando de maravilla en un monitor crt profesional, todo se ve de fábula y va muy muy bien. Haciendo la lista
de arcades para montar una recreativa estoy probando roms y me he encontrado que al jugar al capitán América, en la
segunda fase se ve mal el decorado, de hecho casi no se ve. He probado con mame y funciona perfectamente,
entonces el problema está en groovymame supongo. Alguien con groovymame puede probar la segunda fase del
capitan América and the avengers? Quizas sea cosa de la versión que tengo, pero lo encuentro muy raro ya que todas
las roms van genial, gracias!!! Un saludo!

Pd: estoy dandole caña al metal slug 2, que como sabreis se ralentiza mucho, para evitarlo utilizo el overclock a la cpu emulada, y funciona perfectamente, el problema es que no queda registrado para la siguiente vez que pones el juego, y es un incordio porque la barra deslizante va muy lenta. Existe alguna manera de dejarlo grabado o otra versión de mame que lo haga? Gracias a todos!

Pd2: solucionado, he bajado la version 0.210 y el capitan América ya funciona bien, además el overclock se queda grabado, saludos!
frikidaguel escribió:Hola a todos, tengo un problemilla muy raro, a ver quien puede tener una idea de lo que pasa. Tengo el groovymame
0.202 funcionando de maravilla en un monitor crt profesional, todo se ve de fábula y va muy muy bien. Haciendo la lista
de arcades para montar una recreativa estoy probando roms y me he encontrado que al jugar al capitán América, en la
segunda fase se ve mal el decorado, de hecho casi no se ve. He probado con mame y funciona perfectamente,
entonces el problema está en groovymame supongo. Alguien con groovymame puede probar la segunda fase del
capitan América and the avengers? Quizas sea cosa de la versión que tengo, pero lo encuentro muy raro ya que todas
las roms van genial, gracias!!! Un saludo!

Pd: estoy dandole caña al metal slug 2, que como sabreis se ralentiza mucho, para evitarlo utilizo el overclock a la cpu emulada, y funciona perfectamente, el problema es que no queda registrado para la siguiente vez que pones el juego, y es un incordio porque la barra deslizante va muy lenta. Existe alguna manera de dejarlo grabado o otra versión de mame que lo haga? Gracias a todos!

Pd2: solucionado, he bajado la version 0.210 y el capitan América ya funciona bien, además el overclock se queda grabado, saludos!

Estaba contestándote que probaras con una versión más reciente, y he visto que es eso exactamente lo que has hecho y se han solucionado los problemas. Me alegra que todo haya ido bien.

Un saludo.
3269 respuestas