› Foros › Retro y descatalogado › Arcade y emulación
InsertMoreCoins escribió:Siempre es mejor tener la última versión del emulador porque emula más juegos, tiene menos bugs en muchos de ellos y además te permite usar opciones que en anteriores versiones puede que no tengas.
Lo que te pasa con las roms es que las tienes desactualizadas con respecto a la version 0.212 del emulador y de ahi que te den esos errores. Tienes que aprender a realizar el proceso de actualizacion de las roms para que asi puedas convertirlas siempre que quieras para usarla en la versión más actual del emulador.
En mi web o en mi canal de youtube tienes tutoriales para que aprendas a realizar ese proceso, pero te aviso de que tendrás que tener los update roms de cada version del emulador para poder pasar un romset de la version 0.xxx a la version 0.212.
Otra cosa es que encuentres un romset para una determinada versión de mame y te quedes en esa versión pero eso ya lo tienes que decidir por ti mismo sopesando pros y contras de ello.
PENECK escribió:Señores... No quiero abrir un hilo para hacer esta pregunta, que si duda alguna peca de novata pero no lo soy.. Jeje ya sabe.. Cosas q nunca se preguntan.
Una rom de Mame, por ejemplo, WORLD HEROES, es exactamente el mismo juego, o sea 1:1 que su version de NeoGeo (siendo en este caso original de NeoGeo, claro)?
Y si es asi, se cumple la misma regla con otro tipos de placas arcade? Sega, cps1, etc..
SIRDRAK escribió:PENECK escribió:Señores... No quiero abrir un hilo para hacer esta pregunta, que si duda alguna peca de novata pero no lo soy.. Jeje ya sabe.. Cosas q nunca se preguntan.
Una rom de Mame, por ejemplo, WORLD HEROES, es exactamente el mismo juego, o sea 1:1 que su version de NeoGeo (siendo en este caso original de NeoGeo, claro)?
Y si es asi, se cumple la misma regla con otro tipos de placas arcade? Sega, cps1, etc..
Efectivamente, de hecho las ROMs deben su nombre precisamente a que son el resultado de copiar toda la información del juego almacenada en la memoria de la placa de recreativa del mismo a un Pc para ejecutarlo mediante emulación (el famoso proceso de 'dumpeo'). Es decir, estás jugando directamente al juego que había en la placa de la recreativa original.
PENECK escribió:Señores... No quiero abrir un hilo para hacer esta pregunta, que si duda alguna peca de novata pero no lo soy.. Jeje ya sabe.. Cosas q nunca se preguntan.
Una rom de Mame, por ejemplo, WORLD HEROES, es exactamente el mismo juego, o sea 1:1 que su version de NeoGeo (siendo en este caso original de NeoGeo, claro)?
Y si es asi, se cumple la misma regla con otro tipos de placas arcade? Sega, cps1, etc..
jordigahan escribió:PENECK escribió:Señores... No quiero abrir un hilo para hacer esta pregunta, que si duda alguna peca de novata pero no lo soy.. Jeje ya sabe.. Cosas q nunca se preguntan.
Una rom de Mame, por ejemplo, WORLD HEROES, es exactamente el mismo juego, o sea 1:1 que su version de NeoGeo (siendo en este caso original de NeoGeo, claro)?
Y si es asi, se cumple la misma regla con otro tipos de placas arcade? Sega, cps1, etc..
si, es el mismo juego exactamente, pero esto solo pasa con neogeo, en el resto de sistemas hay siempre pequeñas diferencias.
0.213 2019-09-04
MAMETesters Bugs Fixed
- 00148: [Sound] (mappy.cpp) todruaga: The sound of the first credit is not played. (Angelo Salese)
- 07379: [Interface] artwork: Automatically computed group bounds behaviour is not intuitive. (Vas Crabb)
- 07382: [Debugger] Hang and memory leak when using save command. (hap)
- 07388: [Graphics] (sms.cpp) smsj: Default view does not display video in OpenGL mode. (hap)
- 07396: [DIP/Input] (tmnt.cpp) tmnt24pu: Start buttons do not work. (Tafoid)
- 07398: [Crash/Freeze] (goldstar.cpp) mbs2euro: Exception at emulation start. (AJR)
- 07400: [Interface] clickable artwork: Dummy input listener is ignored. (hap)
- 07401: [Graphics] (nemesis.cpp) salamand and clones: Sprite flickers randomly. (hap)
New working machines
The Destroyer From Jail (Korea) [system11, Angelo Salese, The Dumping Union]
DVW Microelectronics Husky [Nigel Barnes, Phill Harvey-Smith]
Game & Watch: Mario's Bombs Away [algestam, Mr. Do]
Hegener + Glaser Mephisto [hap, Berger]
Hegener + Glaser Mephisto II [hap, Berger]
Hegener + Glaser Mephisto III [hap, Berger]
Hegener + Glaser Mephisto Mirage [hap, Berger]
Hegener + Glaser Mephisto MM I (ver. A) [hap, Berger]
Hegener + Glaser Mephisto Mondial 68000XL [Sandro Ronco, Berger]
Potten's Poker stealth with Breakout front game [Roberto Fresca, Grull Osgo, Pako Ortiz, Rockman, Recreativas.org]
SciSys Superstar 28K [hap, Berger]
New working clones
Block Out (Europe and Oceania) [ClawGrip, Recreativas.org]
Commando (bootleg set 3) [Guru]
Crazy Kong Part II (bootleg) [Corrado Tomaselli, The Dumping Union]
Elektronika Space Bridge [algestam, Ryan Holtz]
Exidy Inc Sorcerer (with Digitrio fdc) [Robbbert]
Exidy Inc Sorcerer (with Dreamdisk fdc) [Robbbert]
Hegener + Glaser Mephisto Amsterdam (Glasgow hardware) [Berger]
Hegener + Glaser Mephisto Dallas 68000 (Glasgow hardware) [Berger]
Hegener + Glaser Mephisto MM I (ver. B) [Achim]
Joker Card (witch game) [Roberto Fresca, TeamEurope]
Lady Liner (set 2) [Roberto Fresca, TeamEurope]
New Lucky 8 Lines (set 8, W-4) [Roberto Fresca, TeamEurope]
New Lucky 8 Lines (set 9, W-4, Eagle, licensed by Wing) [Roberto Fresca, TeamEurope]
New Lucky 8 Lines Super Turbo (Hack) [Roberto Fresca, TeamEurope]
Player's Edge Plus (X000057P+XP000038) Deuces Wild Poker (MGM Grand Casino) [Brian Troha]
Punk Shot (World 2 Players) [frsj8112]
Richard Lang Mephisto London 16 Bit [Berger]
Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (RE, bootleg) [ClawGrip, hammy]
Super Shanghai Dragon's Eye (Korea) [TeamEurope, Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
Victor 5 [Roberto Fresca, TeamEurope]
Machines promoted to working
Birdie Try (Japan revision 2) [Dirk Best, TeamEurope, Ivan Vangelista]
Casino Poker (Ver PM88-01-21, German) [Roberto Fresca, TeamEurope]
Dulmont Magnum [Carl]
Hasbro Dream Life (Version 1.0, Feb 07 2005) [Sean Riddle, David Haywood]
Mindset Corporation Mindset Personal Computer [O. Galibert, Al Kossow]
SciSys / Novag Chess Champion: Super System III [hap, Berger, MikeChess]
SD Gundam Sangokushi Rainbow Tairiku Senki (Japan) [Angelo Salese]
Tatung Einstein 256 [Nigel Barnes, jltursan]
Clones promoted to working
SD Gundam Sangokushi Rainbow Tairiku Senki (Korea) [Angelo Salese]
SWTPC swtpc S/09 Sbug + piaide [68bit]
New machines marked as NOT_WORKING
Bonus Poker (Atronic) [Priit Laes]
Bubble Torneo [TeamEurope]
Colex VME-80186 [Al Kossow, Bitsavers]
Digitek Micrologic 20 [ClawGrip, Dirk Best]
Estron Juku E5101 [Dirk Best]
Husky Computers Ltd Husky Hawk [Nigel Barnes, Phill Harvey-Smith]
I C Money (Atronic) [Priit Laes]
Microdar SPD [jordigahan, ClawGrip]
Miss Americana (Bingo) [IPDB]
Rock 'n' Roll [jordigahan, ClawGrip]
SNES 4 Slot arcade switcher [ClawGrip, Roberto Fresca, Recreativas.org, The Dumping Union, system11, Dirk Best]
Wanted (Sega) [Jamesv833, SeanC]
Wild Thing (Atronic) [Priit Laes]
New clones marked as NOT_WORKING
Cyclopes (11/85) [IPDB, PinMame]
Fish Tales (P-2) [IPDB, PinMame]
Flash Gordon (French Vocalizer sound) [IPDB, PinMame]
Husky Computers Ltd Husky Hunter [Nigel Barnes, Phill Harvey-Smith]
Husky Computers Ltd Husky Hunter 2/16 [Phill Harvey-Smith]
Lady Liner (encrypted, set 1) [TeamEurope, Roberto Fresca]
Lady Liner (encrypted, set 2) [TeamEurope, Roberto Fresca]
Lady Liner (encrypted, set 3) [TeamEurope, Roberto Fresca]
Lady Liner (encrypted, set 4) [TeamEurope, Roberto Fresca]
Lady Luck (Bellfruit) (Adder 5) [TeamEurope, jordigahan, ClawGrip]
Lovely Cards (encrypted) [TeamEurope, Roberto Fresca]
Magic Export (V.211A) [TeamEurope]
New Lucky 8 Lines (set 10, W-4, encrypted NEC D315-5136) [Roberto Fresca, Grull Osgo, TeamEurope]
New Lucky 8 Lines Crown Turbo (Hack) [Roberto Fresca, TeamEurope]
Police Force (LG-4) Germany [IPDB, PinMame]
Power Instinct (USA, bootleg set 3) [hammy, The Dumping Union]
Robocop (2.9) [IPDB, PinMame]
Star Wars Arcade (US) [coolmod, Mike Moffitt, Phil Bennett]
Tiger Heli (bootleg set 4) [Sean Riddle, Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
El Trebol de la Suerte (Bellfruit) (Adder 5) [TeamEurope, jordigahan, ClawGrip]
WWF Royal Rumble (1.03 French) [IPDB, PinMAME]
Yamaha MU100B [Alexander Troosh, R. Belmont]
New working software list additions
The Addition Facts (cleanly cracked), Algebra Volume 3 (Version 1.0, 10 June 1982) (cleanly cracked), BackAid (cleanly cracked),
Beyond Castle Wolfenstein (Version 07/12/84) (cleanly cracked), BIG & little (cleanly cracked),
A Bird's Eye View of The Main Idea (cleanly cracked), Calendar Fun with the Lollipop Dragon (cleanly cracked),
Castle Wolfenstein (Version 06/19/84) (cleanly cracked), Dinosaur Days Plus (cleanly cracked),
The Division Facts (cleanly cracked), Dr. Ruth's Computer Game of Good Sex (cleanly cracked),
Draw Your Own Conclusions (cleanly cracked), Flashcards (cleanly cracked),
Flights Into Fiction: Classic Stories (cleanly cracked), Flights Into Fiction: Fairy Tales (cleanly cracked),
Focus on Physical Science: Chapter Review (Version 1.1) (cleanly cracked), Grid Designer (cleanly cracked),
Hinky Pinky (cleanly cracked), The Human Body: Circulation and Respiration (cleanly cracked),
KidWriter (German Level I, II) (cleanly cracked), Mission: Asteroid (cleanly cracked), The Multiplication Facts (cleanly cracked),
Muppet Slate (Version 1.01) (cleanly cracked), New Kid on the Block (Version 02.09.89) (cleanly cracked),
A Newbery Adventure: Charlotte's Web (cleanly cracked), NLP Tools Vol. 1 (Version 1.1) (cleanly cracked),
Phi Beta Filer (cleanly cracked), Poetry Express (cleanly cracked), Practicalc II XC (Version 2.00) (cleanly cracked),
Punctuation Put-On (cleanly cracked), Un Repas Francais (cleanly cracked), Roots/Affixes 1 (Version 09.14.87) (cleanly cracked),
The Subtraction Facts (cleanly cracked), Theorems and Proofs of Theorems (cleanly cracked), Troll Sports Math (cleanly cracked),
Verb Usage 3 (Version 01.31.89) (cleanly cracked), Wally's Word Works (cleanly cracked), What's The Big Detail (cleanly cracked),
Work Force II (Version 2.10) (cleanly cracked), Writer's Choice (Version 1.0) (cleanly cracked),
Zandar The Wizard (cleanly cracked), Zork I Demo (Catch A Butterfly) (cleanly cracked) [4am, Firehawke]
Chipwits [LoGo, Firehawke]
apple2_flop_misc: Star Trek: The Kobayashi Alternative (Version 4.0) [anonymous]
Alge-Blaster Plus! (Version 1.0), The Ancient Art of War at Sea, Arcticfox, Battle Chess, Beach-Head, Beyond Castle Wolfenstein,
Black Magic, Castle Wolfenstein (1981 Version), Castle Wolfenstein (Version 06/19/84), Chipwits, Cranston Manor,
David's Midnight Magic, Escape (Bantam Publishing), Essex, Injured Engine, King's Quest, King's Quest II, King's Quest III,
King's Quest IV, Labyrinth: The Computer Game (Lucasfilm Games), Mabel's Mansion, Mindshadow, Mission: Asteroid, Moptown,
Puzzle Tanks, Race For Midnight, Return of Heracles, Sir Isaac Newton's Games, Soko-Ban,
Space Quest II: Vohaul's Revenge (Version 2.0A, interpreter 0.089), Times of Lore, Tip 'N Flip, Wizardry V: Heart of the Maelstrom
[4am, Firehawke]
512K CoCo 3 Memory Test, CoCo Max II (Input Selector Modified), CoCo Max II (Version 51016), CoCo Max III (Version 3.0),
CoCo Max III (Version 3.1), CoCo Newsroom, DeskMate (Version 1.00.00), DeskMate 3 (Version 1.00.00), Disk EDTASM,
Micro Works 16-Level Picture Display Utility, The Newspaper, Pitfall II: Lost Caverns, Telewriter-64
[TRS-80 Color Computer Archive]
Demo Disc, HP-UX Communications & Maintenance A (VI), HP-UX Communications & Maintenance B (VII), HP-UX Documentation (X),
HP-UX Miscellaneous Tools (IX), HP-UX Nucleus (VIII), HP-UX Programmers Tools (I), HP-UX Software Development (II),
HP-UX Software Development (III), HP-UX Writers Tools A (IV), HP-UX Writers Tools B (V), RCS (Revision Control System),
Software Engineering Module - C Development Supplement (IV),
Software Engineering Module - Communication and Maintenance Tools (II),
Software Engineering Module - Programmers's and Miscellaneous Tools (I),
Software Engineering Module - Section 1 & 1m Documentation (V),
Software Engineering Module - Sections 2, 3, 4 and l Documentation (VI), Software Engineering Module - Writer's Tools (III),
System Disc Release 5.0.2 [shattered]
Chuck Yeager's Advanced Flight Trainer (3.5"), Chuck Yeager's Advanced Flight Trainer (5.25", French),
Empire - Wargame of the Century, Loom (5.25"), Lunar Explorer - A Space Flight Simulator, Mean 18, Mines of Titan,
Olivetti Prodest PC1 - Per Cominciare, Olivetti Prodest PC1 Games Collection 7, Olivetti Prodest PC1 MS-DOS 3.20 (Spanish),
Olivetti Prodest PC1 MS-DOS 3.20 / GW BASIC / Lode Runner, Olivetti Prodest PC1 coverdisk (1987 No. 1),
Olivetti Prodest PC1 coverdisk (1989 No. 1, Jan/Feb), Olivetti Prodest PC1 coverdisk (1989 No. 2, Apr/May),
Olivetti Prodest PC1 coverdisk (1989 No. 4, Aug/Sep), Olivetti Prodest PC1 coverdisk (1989 No. 5, Nov/Dec), P.H.M. Pegasus,
Pitstop II (3.5") [Justin Kerk]
Novell DOS 7 (3.5"), Novell DOS 7 (5.25"), Novell DR Multiuser DOS Release 5.1, blueflops-2.0.10, blueflops-2.0.11,
blueflops-2.0.12, blueflops-2.0.13, blueflops-2.0.14, blueflops-2.0.15, blueflops-2.0.2, blueflops-2.0.3, blueflops-2.0.4,
blueflops-2.0.5, blueflops-2.0.6, blueflops-2.0.7, blueflops-2.0.9 [Justin Kerk]
juku: CP/M 2.2 [Bashkiria-2M, Dirk Best]
mephisto_mm1: Mephisto HG 170 Opening Library [Achim]
mindset_flop: Vyper [Al Kossow]
pentagon_cass: Old Tower
[TZX Vault, SPA2, Steve Brown, Andrew Barker, Paul Hurd, Tony Barnett, Claus Jahn, Donald Graham, Guy Bearman, Jose Luis Soler,
Krasimir Hristov, Andrew Blood, Dave Stevens, John Wilson, Edwina Brown, Walter Pooley, Tomaz Kac, Martijn van der Heide,
Ramsoft, Dunny, Woody, Mikie, anonymous]
smc777: Yakyuu-Kyou [TurboMajikon]
specpls3_flop: Redshift
[TZX Vault, SPA2, Steve Brown, Andrew Barker, Paul Hurd, Tony Barnett, Claus Jahn, Donald Graham, Guy Bearman, Jose Luis Soler,
Krasimir Hristov, Andrew Blood, Dave Stevens, John Wilson, Edwina Brown, Walter Pooley, Tomaz Kac, Martijn van der Heide,
Ramsoft, Dunny, Woody, Mikie, anonymous]
DreamWalker: Alter Ego 2 (Pentagon), Gravibots, Lirus, Log Cabin Dizzy (v1.04, English), Log Cabin Dizzy (v1.04, Russian),
Mighty Final Fight (v1.0), Mighty Final Fight (v1.1), Mighty Final Fight (v1.2), Mighty Final Fight (v1.2, Wally music hack),
MultiDude (Pengaton), Redshift, Sector: Invasion, Twinlight
[TZX Vault, SPA2, Steve Brown, Andrew Barker, Paul Hurd, Tony Barnett, Claus Jahn, Donald Graham, Guy Bearman, Jose Luis Soler,
Krasimir Hristov, Andrew Blood, Dave Stevens, John Wilson, Edwina Brown, Walter Pooley, Tomaz Kac, Martijn van der Heide,
Ramsoft, Dunny, Woody, Mikie, anonymous]
Aahku al Rescate (set 1), Aahku al Rescate (set 2), Aahku al Rescate (set 3, beta 01, April 2011),
The Adventures Of Jane Jelly - The Egg Diamond (set 1),
The Adventures Of Jane Jelly - The Egg Diamond (set 2, turbo loader, with trainer),
The Adventures Of Jane Jelly - The Treasure Of Hotmarmalade (set 1, Bumfun),
The Adventures Of Jane Jelly - The Treasure Of Hotmarmalade (set 2),
The Adventures Of Jane Jelly - The Treasure Of Hotmarmalade (set 3, turbo loader, with trainer),
The Adventures Of Jane Jelly - The Treasure Of Zedin (set 1, Bumfun),
The Adventures Of Jane Jelly - The Treasure Of Zedin (set 2, older),
The Adventures Of Jane Jelly - The Treasure Of Zedin (set 3, turbo loader, with trainer),
The Adventures Of Jane Jelly - The Treasure Of Zedin - Nightmare Version (set 1, Bumfun),
The Adventures Of Jane Jelly - The Treasure Of Zedin - Nightmare Version (set 2, older),
The Adventures Of Jane Jelly - The Treasure Of Zedin - Nightmare Version (set 3, turbo loader, with trainer),
Altair (set 3, release 2, English), Altair (set 4, release 2, Spanish), Altair (set 5, English), Altair (set 6, Spanish),
Altair ZX (set 1, English), Altair ZX (set 2, Spanish), Alter Ego (set 3), Androide (2014, Pixelsoft) (set 2),
Androide (2014, Pixelsoft) (set 3), Antiquity Jones (set 2, v1.2), Antiquity Jones (set 3), Arcade Game Designer v1.0,
Arcade Game Designer v1.3, Arcade Game Designer v1.5, Arcade Game Designer v2.0, Arcade Game Designer v2.3,
Arcade Game Designer v2.4, Arcade Game Designer v2.6, Arcade Game Designer v3.0, Arcade Game Designer v3.3,
Arcade Game Designer v3.4, Arcade Game Designer v3.5, Arcade Game Designer v4.0, Arcade Game Designer v4.1,
Arcade Game Designer v4.2, Arcade Game Designer v4.3, Arcade Game Designer v4.4, Arcade Game Designer v4.5,
Arcade Game Designer v4.6, Astronaut Labyrinth (set 1), Astronaut Labyrinth (set 2, easy boss),
Astronaut Labyrinth (set 3, turbo loader, normal & easy boss, with trainer), Attack Of The RGBobots, B-Squared (set 1),
B-Squared (set 2), Baffo Jones, Baldy ZX (set 2), Bauble Blast!, Billy Box (set 1, English), Billy Box (set 2, French),
Blimpgeddon (set 1, v1.02, Final, QAOPM controls), Blimpgeddon (set 2, v1.02, Final, ESDFO controls), Blizzard's Rift,
Bluber (set 1, release 2), Bluber (set 2, release 2), Bluber (set 3, release 1), Bob The Space Janitor (version 2),
Bobby Carrot (set 1, v1.01, 128k), Bobby Carrot (set 2, v1.01, 128k), Bobby Carrot (set 3, v1.01, 48k),
Bobby Carrot (set 4, v1.01, 48k), Bomberman (2016, Cristian Gonzalez) (set 2, demo, v01),
Bomberman (2016, Cristian Gonzalez) (set 2, demo, v03), Booty - The Remake (set 1, v1.2, turbo loader),
Booty - The Remake (set 3, v1.2), Booty - The Remake (set 4, v1.2 - Black Edition, turbo loader),
Booty - The Remake (set 5, v1.2 - Black Edition), Booty - The Remake (set 6, v1.2 - Black Edition),
Booty - The Remake (set 7, v1.1, turbo loader), Booty - The Remake (set 8, v1.1), Booty - The Remake (set 9, v1.1),
Bounty - The Search for Frooge (set 1), Bounty - The Search for Frooge (set 2), Brian vs. The Bullies, A Broken Friend (set 2),
Bubble Frenzy, Bubble Monkey Bros, Cap'n Rescue (v3.0), Cap'n Rescue 2 - The Escape (v3.4), Car Wars (set 1, v1.1, English),
Car Wars (set 2, v1.1, Spanish), Car Wars (set 3, English), Car Wars (set 4, Spanish), Catch A Hare, Char Set Finder,
CharAde Editor & Demo, The Chard, Chessboard Attack (set 1, v1.2), Chip Rescue, Chopper Drop (set 2, release 2),
Christmas Cracker, Christmas Gift Hunt (set 1, v2.0, 128k), Christmas Gift Hunt (set 2, v2.0, 48k),
Christmas Gift Hunt (set 3, beta), Christmas Gift Hunt (set 4, ULA Plus), Chunk Zone, Clopit!, Code Zero (set 1),
Code Zero (set 2), Columns (set 2, Physical Version), Crappy Crates, The Dark (2016 cassette release), Davey-Dudds Loves Peas,
Dead By Dawn (set 2), Dead Flesh Boy (set 1, v2), Dead Flesh Boy (set 2, v2), Dead Flesh Boy (set 3, v1),
Dead Flesh Boy (set 4, v1, no loading screen), Deep Core Raider (set 1, v1.1), Deep Core Raider (set 2, v1.1),
Donkey Kong Jr. (2016, Gabriele Amore) (corrected jump), DragonBall - El desafio del Dr Gero (1994),
DreamWalker: Alter Ego 2 (set 1, 128k), DreamWalker: Alter Ego 2 (set 2, 48k), Dung Darach, F'n Balls (set 1, ULA rain fix),
Flash Beer Trilogy, Flynn's Adventure (set 3, tech demo 01-04-12), Flynn's Adventure In Bombland (set 1, v1),
Flynn's Adventure In Bombland (set 2, demo), Fn Balls (set 2, older), Forest Raider Cherry, Frank N Stein (set 3, pre-release),
Future Looter (set 1, release 2), Future Looter (set 2, release 1), Future Looter (set 3, demo 18122011), Genehtik (set 2),
Ghost Castles (cassettte version), Grumpy Santa (set 1), Grumpy Santa (set 2), Hunchy (1983, Mr. Micro),
Invasive Species (48k version), Jaws - The Text Adventure, Join, Knight Hero (Black version), Knight Hero (White version),
Knights & Demons, Knights & Demons DX (set 2), Knights (set 1), Knights (set 2, BASIC version), Knights (set 3, turbo loader),
Krap Park (set 1, fixed version, with screen magic), Krap Park (set 2, fixed version, without screen magic),
Krap Park (set 3, older, with screen magic), Krap Park (set 4, older, without screen magic), Kyd Cadet (set 2, v1.2),
Kyd Cadet II (set 2), Kyd Cadet III - The Eyeburx Plee (set 2), Laetitia, Little Dragon 2 (128k, AY Sounds),
Little Dragon 2 (48k), Little Dragon 2 - Hikoki's Cut, El Loco, Loco Bingo (set 2, RetroBytes demo),
Lost In My Spectrum (set 1, v2.0, 128k, English, turbo loader), Lost In My Spectrum (set 2, v2.0, 128k, English),
Lost In My Spectrum (set 3, v2.0, 128k, German, turbo loader), Lost In My Spectrum (set 4, v2.0, 128k, German),
Lost In My Spectrum (set 5, v2.0, 128k, Spanish, turbo loader), Lost In My Spectrum (set 6, v2.0, 128k, Spanish),
Lost In My Spectrum (set 7, v2.0, 128k, French, turbo loader), Lost In My Spectrum (set 8, v2.0, 128k, French),
Lost In My Spectrum (set 9, v2.0, 128k, Italian, turbo loader), Lost In My Spectrum (set 10, v2.0, 128k, Italian),
Lost In My Spectrum (set 11, v2.0, 128k, Portuguese, turbo loader), Lost In My Spectrum (set 12, v2.0, 128k, Portuguese),
Lost In My Spectrum (set 13, v2.0, 48k, English), Lost In My Spectrum (set 14, v2.0, 48k, German),
Lost In My Spectrum (set 15, v2.0, 48k, Spanish), Lost In My Spectrum (set 16, v2.0, 48k, French),
Lost In My Spectrum (set 17, v2.0, 48k, Italian), Lost In My Spectrum (set 18, v2.0, 48k, Portuguese), Micro Inc,
Mighty Final Fight (v1.1), Mike, The Guitar (set 1), Mike, The Guitar (set 2, turbo loader), Mike, The Guitar (set 3),
Mike, The Guitar - The Shooter, Moritz - The Dog That Caught The Car, Moritz Strikes Back, Moritz To The Moon, Mr Do!,
MultiDude (set 1, AY sounds), MultiDude(set 2, beeper sounds), Mysterious Dimensions, Mystery (set 1, 128k version),
Mystery (set 2, 48k version), Ninja Gaiden Shadow Warriors, Nirvana Engine, Old Tower (set 1, 128k), Old Tower (set 2, 48k),
The Order Of Mazes, Ossuary, Page And The Curse Of The Pharaoh, Page's Castle Quest (set 2), Pariboro,
Pentacorn Quest (set 1, English), Pentacorn Quest (set 2, Spanish), Percy Penguin (set 1, Vs3), Percy Penguin (set 2, demo, b68),
Pets vs Aliens Prologue (set 1), Pets vs Aliens Prologue (set 2), Pink Pills: Manic Moritz and the Meds, Pip The Pipistrelle,
Pooper Scooper, Pretty Gambler, PTM, Push 'n' Chase, Pyromania II: Chopper Rescue, Pyromania: Trial by fire, Quahappy (set 1),
Quahappy (set 2, turbo loader), Rabid Mower, Raw Battle, Red Planet (English), Red Planet (Spanish), Rediscovered Realms (set 1),
Rediscovered Realms (set 2), Redshift (set 1, turbo load), Redshift (set 2), Redshift (set 3), Rescue Lander,
ROVR - Remote Operated Vehicle Recovery (set 1), ROVR - Remote Operated Vehicle Recovery (set 2),
SIP - Special Intergalactic Painter (set 2), Sixteen Skirmish, Space Disposal (set 2), Speccy Bros - Nick & Tom, Speed Ball,
Stormfinch, Super Moritz, Tales Of Grupp, Tea-Leaf Ted (set 1, man version), Tea-Leaf Ted (set 2, bear version), Terrorlandia,
Terry The Turtle Vektor, The Time Of The End (set 2, side 1 only), Toofy In Fan Land (set 2), Toofys Winter Nuts (set 2, v1.2),
Xelda 1: Quest for the Golden Apple (set 1, English, ver 1.03), Xelda 1: Quest for the Golden Apple (set 2, English, ver 1.03a),
Xelda 1: Quest for the Golden Apple (set 3, Russian, ver 1.03a), Xelda 1: Quest for the Golden Apple (set 4, Russian, ver 1.03a),
Xelda 1: Quest for the Golden Apple (set 5, Spanish, ver 1.03a), ZX Destroyer, Zukinox (set 1, final cassette version),
Zukinox (set 2)
[TZX Vault, SPA2, Steve Brown, Andrew Barker, Paul Hurd, Tony Barnett, Claus Jahn, Donald Graham, Guy Bearman, Jose Luis Soler,
Krasimir Hristov, Andrew Blood, Dave Stevens, John Wilson, Edwina Brown, Walter Pooley, Tomaz Kac, Martijn van der Heide,
Ramsoft, Dunny, Woody, Mikie, anonymous]
Highway Encounter (unreleased) [ICEknight]
Toi Acid Game (unreleased) [Jose Luis Correa, ICEknight]
Alfabet Pretpark (NL), Disney's Aladdin - De wonderwereld van Aladdin (Netherlands), Flitzers Schlaue Staedtetour (Germany),
Scooby-Doo! - Griezelen in het Pretpark (Netherlands), V.Smile Mein erster Mausklick (Germany),
Walt Disney's Assepoester - De wonderwereld van Assepoester (Netherlands) [TeamEurope]
New NOT_WORKING software list additions
Bobo, Captain Blood, Olivetti Prodest PC1 Games Collection 1, Olivetti Prodest PC1 Games Collection 6,
Olivetti Prodest PC1 HDU Install, Olivetti Prodest PC1 Mouse Driver [Justin Kerk]
blueflops-1.0.0, blueflops-1.1.0, blueflops-1.1.1, blueflops-1.1.2, blueflops-2.0.0, blueflops-2.0.1-pre1, blueflops-2.0.8
[Justin Kerk]
spectrum_betadisc_flop: Bobby Carrot
[TZX Vault, SPA2, Steve Brown, Andrew Barker, Paul Hurd, Tony Barnett, Claus Jahn, Donald Graham, Guy Bearman, Jose Luis Soler,
Krasimir Hristov, Andrew Blood, Dave Stevens, John Wilson, Edwina Brown, Walter Pooley, Tomaz Kac, Martijn van der Heide,
Ramsoft, Dunny, Woody, Mikie, anonymous]
Booty - The Remake (set 2, v1.2), Mister Kung-Fu (set 1, v1.3), Mister Kung-Fu (set 2, v1.3),
Mister Kung-Fu (set 3, v1.3, Plus 2a / Plus 3), Mister Kung-Fu (set 4, Plus 2a / Plus 3)
[TZX Vault, SPA2, Steve Brown, Andrew Barker, Paul Hurd, Tony Barnett, Claus Jahn, Donald Graham, Guy Bearman, Jose Luis Soler,
Krasimir Hristov, Andrew Blood, Dave Stevens, John Wilson, Edwina Brown, Walter Pooley, Tomaz Kac, Martijn van der Heide,
Ramsoft, Dunny, Woody, Mikie, anonymous]
spectrum_microdrive: Outlet (Issue 001 through 038)
[TZX Vault, SPA2, Steve Brown, Andrew Barker, Paul Hurd, Tony Barnett, Claus Jahn, Donald Graham, Guy Bearman, Jose Luis Soler,
Krasimir Hristov, Andrew Blood, Dave Stevens, John Wilson, Edwina Brown, Walter Pooley, Tomaz Kac, Martijn van der Heide,
Ramsoft, Dunny, Woody, Mikie, anonymous]
spectrum_wafadrive: Spectral Writer
[TZX Vault, SPA2, Steve Brown, Andrew Barker, Paul Hurd, Tony Barnett, Claus Jahn, Donald Graham, Guy Bearman, Jose Luis Soler,
Krasimir Hristov, Andrew Blood, Dave Stevens, John Wilson, Edwina Brown, Walter Pooley, Tomaz Kac, Martijn van der Heide,
Ramsoft, Dunny, Woody, Mikie, anonymous]
Disney's Winnie de Poeh - De wonderwereld van Poeh (Netherlands), Disney/Pixar Ratatouille - Remy's Nieuwe Recepten (Netherlands),
Nick Jr. Dora the Explorer - Dora's Fix-it Adventure (USA), Scooby-Doo! - A Night Of Fright Is No Delight (Smartbook) (USA)
Disney Princess - The Princess and the Frog - Tiana's Big Dream (UK), Disney/Pixar Wall-E (Germany),
DreamWorks Monsters vs. Aliens (Germany), Mijn Puppy! (Netherlands), Nick Jr Dora - Dora's Reparatie Avontuur (Netherlands),
Nickelodeon Wonder Pets! - Save the Animals! (UK), Sport Games (Netherlands) [TeamEurope]
Source Changes
-wd_fdc.cpp: Allow SSO signal to be routed by driver for cases where it isn't used to select side. [68bit]
-bus/ss50: Added support for additional SS-30 cards. [68bit]
* MP-T timer/counter, MP-S2 dual serial interface, SS-30 DC5 floppy disk interface, PIA IDE hard disk interface.
-swtpc09.cpp updates: [68bit]
* Added support for UniFLEX floppy disk image files.
* Added SS-30 bus, and removed peripherals on SS-30 cards from driver.
* Fixed banked memory implementation.
* Added configuration options for CPU clock speed variations, and SWTBUG patches needed for floppy support.
* Added DC5 floppy controller as default slot option.
-formats/flex_dsk.cpp: Re-wrote using wd177x_format as a base class. [68bit]
* Now supports single- and double-density disks, dynamically identifies boot sector IDs, and writing image files.
-Made debugger memory views show correct data when chunks are too small for the space's address shift. [AJR]
-unidasm updates: [AJR]
* Added r65c02, score7, unsp12 and unsp20 support.
* Fixed address shift for scudsp and hd61700.
-upd7810: Fixed breakpoints, and added notes. [AJR]
-trocana: Added preliminary MSM6650 device and some test inputs. [AJR]
-Reverted change making SGI CD-ROM identify as a hard disk, as it causes indy_4610 to fail its SCSI test. [AJR]
-m65c02, r65c02: Corrected memory access patterns for read-modify-write instructions. [AJR]
-cosmac updates: [AJR, hap]
* Added preliminary CDP1804/CDP1805/CDP1806 emulation.
* Added disassembler support for CDP1805 with extended instruction set.
* Changed register names to use conventional decimal numbering.
* Attach following byte to disassembly of OUT instruction when P=X.
-mc68hc11: Add internal latches and direction registers for ports. [AJR]
* Split up internal peripheral register handler functions and made separate I/O maps for each model.
* Removed now-unnecessary read-back handlers from skeetsht.cpp and taitojc.cpp.
-Added device emulation for DS17x85 series of MC146818-compatible real-time clocks with additional features. [AJR]
-pasopia.cpp: Corrected clocks and metadata. [AJR]
-mbs2euro: Fixed graphics corruption and possible crashes when attempting to draw outside screen bounds. [AJR]
-legionna.cpp: Fixed sprite priorities for Seibu Cup Soccer and SD Gundam Sangokushi Rainbow. [Angelo Salese]
-seibucop.cpp fixes for SD Gundam Sangokushi Rainbow: [Angelo Salese]
* Identified sprite priority bit for command $c480 (fixes third level mid-boss being submerged while touching ground layers).
* Disable sprite DMA destination increment if X positions are outside expected ranges (fixes sprite clipping).
-riscpc.cpp: Fixed a bug with force IRQ - rpc700 now reaches supervisor prompt. [Angelo Salese]
-galaxold.cpp: Fixed stage 3 invisible bullets in Strategy X. [Angelo Salese]
-pce.cpp: Added support for Tennokoe Bank extended Backup RAM. [Angelo Salese]
-pc9801.cpp: Added proper support for Memory Switch (MEMSW) device. [Angelo Salese]
-h6280.cpp: Don't overwrite current timer value when writing to timer preload register. [Angelo Salese]
-VRender0 device refactoring: [Angelo Salese]
* Improved encapsulation of video and other conceptually independent on-board peripherals.
* Moved drivers for different VRender0-based machines out of crystal.cpp to their own source files.
* Untangled reads/writes to draw/display memory bank switches from screen_update - can run un-throttled now.
* Added CRT controller raw screen parameters.
* Implemented DMA hold feature and IRQ on mask writes, used by P's Attack.
* Improved Cross Puzzle Flash loading (currently fails POST with a SPU error).
-nexus3d.cpp: Added some preliminary work - will do some VRender3D pipeline fill with a debug trick. [Angelo Salese]
-axc51-core: Added disassembler support for AX208 internal ROM symbols. [anonymous]
-pcipc: Added a slightly more usable PCI S3 Virge/DX video card. [Barry Rodewald]
-s3virge: added PCI interface and linear framebuffer support. [Barry Rodewald]
-amstrad: Added Ram Electronics Music Machine MIDI and sampler expansion device. [Barry Rodewald]
-Fixed building using system rapidjson. [Belegdol]
-Migrated travis-ci configuration to Ubuntu Bionic. [Belegdol]
-Worked around [[nodiscard]] warning for std::basic_string::c_str(). [Billy Robert O'Neal III]
-nmk16.cpp: Reduced redundant code and updated notes. [cam900]
-315_5313.cpp updates: [cam900]
* Derive refresh rate and timer from input clock.
* Simplified DMA behaviour and updated megacd.cpp and mega32x.cpp as appropriate.
* Suppressed read side effects for debugger, cleaned up code, and expanded notes.
-megadriv.cpp, segac2.cpp, calcune.cpp: Corrected screen refresh rate and added notes. [cam900]
-megadriv.cpp: Added support for Z80 VDP access, and corrected VDP sound balance. [cam900]
-seibu_crtc.cpp: Updated notes. [cam900]
-formats/m20_dsk.cpp: Added support for writing image files, and added format to floptool. [Christian Groessler]
-Fixed cleansrc target for hosts using sh-like shells. [Christian Groessler]
-bus/spectrum: Added a post opcode fetch hook to the expansion bus, needed by ZX Interface 1. [David Haywood]
-vii.cpp: Added EEPROM support to dreamlif. [David Haywood]
-policetr.cpp: Let RAMDAC device handle palette writes - trampolines in driver are no longer needed. [David Haywood]
-spectrum_cass.xml: Corrected and cleaned up metadata. [David Haywood]
-bionicc: Cleaned up driver: [Dirk Best]
* Cleaned up notes and add to-do list.
* Changed non-maskable interrupts to use pulse_input_line.
* Documented coin lockout and attribute RAM layout.
* Corrected layer to use 3-bit color.
-Added driver for Estron Juku E501. [Dirk Best]
* Implemented timers, keyboard, and 5.25" floppy drives.
* Added single- and double-sided CP/M floppy formats.
-ml20: Add keypad input, placeholder speaker and DIP switches, and a simple internal layout. [Dirk Best]
* Also added additional logging and started documenting CPU ports.
-dec0.cpp Dumped birdtry microcontroller and replaced simulation. [Dirk Best, TeamEurope, Ivan Vangelista]
-thedeep.cpp: Hooked up thedeep microcontroller and removed simulation. [Dirk Best]
-limenko.cpp: Hooked up audio CPU for spotty. [Dirk Best]
-Added skeleton driver for SNES 4-Slot arcade switcher, and moved related mk3snes to new driver. [Dirk Best]
-dec8.cpp: Dumped and hooked up microcontroller for Last Mission. [Dirk Best, TeamEurope, Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
* Also fixed coinage settings.
* Japanese version is currently using US microcontroller program with ID byte patched.
-luaengine.cpp: Exposed sound output buffer and sample rate to Lua scripts. [feos]
* Also corrected some documentation.
-imgtool: Added Thomson BASIC tokenizer, implemented Thomson BASIC, and fixed passing --filter= to get verb. [hadess]
* Thanks to Adrien Destugues for information about the format in bastok.cpp.
-popeye.cpp: Use real PROM dumps for Popeye Bootleg protection [Joe Magiera, recreativas.org, smf]
-imagedev/harddriv.cpp: Added support for HDI image file format. [Justin Kerk]
-naomi.cpp, machine/awboard.cpp: Simplified Atomiswave key scheduling, and eliminated 20-bit key files. [MetalliC]
-ti99: Changed busmouse to push updates when inputs change, and routed extra mouse button to a separate input line. [Michael Zapf]
-Enabled default move constructor/assignment operator in core_options, and changed plugin_options code to use them. [Nathan Woods]
-Refactored info XML creation code to improve performance. [Nathan Woods]
* Allowed machine info fragments to be generated in parallel.
* Changed formatting code to use I/O streams, and reduced redundant code.
* Sort filtered devices lexically by short name.
-Added -attach_window command-line option on Windows to use an existing window as the first emulation window. [Nathan Woods]
-Lua engine updates: [Nathan Woods]
* Added a function to instruct MAME to capture input when any input window sharing a thread with an emulation window has focus.
* Added a mechanism for Lua plugins to configure mandatory image devices.
* Exposed input device classes, devices and device items.
* Changed seq_poll_start to take the input item class as a string.
* Added a hook before settings are loaded, allowing default input port values to be changed.
* Exposed additional ioport_field properties, and exposed input sequence cleaning functionality.
* Exposed ioport_manager::type_group() and ioport_field::keyboard_codes().
-Properly named the CoCo joysticks "Right Joystick" and "Left Joystick". [Nathan Woods]
-einstein.cpp: Replaced einst256 bad MOS ROM with a good dump, and implemented the rest of the machine. [Nigel Barnes, jltursan]
-machine/tube.cpp: Fixed 256-byte transfer mode. [Nigel Barnes]
-nsc810: Implemented port bit set/clear. [Nigel Barnes]
-hunter16.cpp: Added hunter1680 video RAM and rendering. [Nigel Barnes]
-hunter2.cpp: Added appropriate RAM size options, and minor keyboard corrections. [Nigel Barnes]
-hd61830: Make number-of-characters command to round up to an even number. [Nigel Barnes]
-mindset.cpp updates: [O. Galibert]
* Added 400-high modes, corrected LEDs, added blitter fast mode, and added sound.
* Fixed transparent blit.
* Added modules, and implemented stereo sound module.
-mindset.cpp: Fixed the CPU speed, and implemented RS-232 module. [O. Galibert, Al Kossow]
* RS-232 module is missing interrupt support for now.
-atronic.cpp: Identified CPU type and fixed ROM loading. [Priit Laes]
-apple2.cpp: Added Sirius JoyPort support on compatible models, and 4Play Joystick Card support. [R. Belmont]
-imagedev/harddriv.cpp: Added support for 2MG image file format and raw disk image files. [R. Belmont]
-Added a still-frame capture image device to simulate digitizers, cameras, etc. using PNG files as input. [R. Belmont]
-apple2: Added support for the original gameport ComputerEyes. [R. Belmont, Golden Child]
-apple2gs: Made slow-side sync less aggressive (fixes SHOWALL 3200). [R. Belmont]
-Added gdbstub debugger module, allowing an external debugger to connect using GDB Remote Serial Protocol. [Ramiro Polla]
* Currently supports i386, arm7, ppc, z80 and m6502.
-Fixed build on Solaris 2.11 (non-Oracle). [Rick V]
-midvunit.cpp: Added stubs for linking support. [Risugami]
-subsino.cpp updates: [Roberto Fresca, TeamEurope]
* Added Victor 5 and Victor 21 speech emulation.
* Added missing sample ROM dumps.
* Confirmed the bipolar PROM dump for Victor 5.
-pokerout.cpp: Added ASCII PCB layout, and expanded notes. [Roberto Fresca]
-dpb_brushproc: Hooked up 20L10 PAL and the remainder of logic (not untested). [Ryan Holtz]
-SGI Newport graphics updates: [Ryan Holtz]
* Re-implemented logging code for external viewer.
* Fixed 8-BPP overlay bit combination.
* Fixed broken blending.
* Added bit lane expansion, needed for proper double-buffered accesses.
* Simplified default color accesses.
-dsp56k: Renamed relevant classes, files and namespaces to indicate that it emulates the DSP56156 (not the DSP5600x). [Ryan Holtz]
-sec: Converted Barcrest/Bell Fruit Serial Electronic Counter (SEC) to a proper MAME device. [Ryan Holtz]
-seta.cpp: Added configuration option to use joystick/buttons in atehate for navigating the hidden test menu. [RyogaMasaki]
-Enabled pre-compiled header with Visual Studio compiler for emu, frontend, precompile, dasm and optional libraries.
[Samuele Zannoli]
-agat: Added support for Nippel Clock slot card. [shattered]
-Show decrypted KONAMI1 opcodes in the debugger. [smf]
-wd33c9x: Clarified hardware reset behavior, and made all resets trigger a SCSI_STATUS_RESET interrupt. [tyfighter]
-mu100: Dumped v1.03 BIOS. [Alexander Troosh]
-mu80: Added wave ROMs. [Alexander Troosh]
-mephisto_modular.cpp: Added newer Portorose 32-Bit program ROM as a BIOS option. [Berger]
-tumbleb.cpp: Added PCB layout for Magic Purple. [Brian Troha]
-dec0.cpp: Labeled Birdie Try as revision 2 in case someone ever finds an earlier version. [Brian Troha]
-machine/awboard.cpp: Added notes on Atomiswave checksum and keys. [brizzo, MetalliC]
-dacholer.cpp: Dumped color PROM for Dacholer. [caius, The Dumping Union]
-segasp.cpp: Dumped security PIC microcontroller for Tetris Giant. [CoolFox]
-konamigv.cpp: Re-dumped Simpsons Bowling CD and corrected label. [emmanu888]
-mystwarr.cpp: Corrected mis-typed Konami number for PAL in comment. [f205v]
-dec0.cpp: Dumped PROMs for the dec0 mainboard. [Guru]
-sbrkout.cpp: Verified main CPU clock frequency. [Guru]
-subsino.cpp: Marked G.E.A. hack as a clone of Victor 5. [MASH]
-thedeep.cpp: Corrected audio CPU for The Deep based on PCB photograph. [MASH]
-dogfgt.cpp: Corrected sound chip types based on PCB photograph. [MASH]
-m72.cpp: Re-redumped GAL for lohtb. [parramon]
-model1.cpp: Re-dumped Star Wars Arcade (Japan) mpr-16477.27 and fixed ROM locations. [Phil Bennett]
-segaybd.cpp: Fixed Power Drift PCM EPROM locations. [Phil Bennett]
-hunter16.cpp: Added later hunter16 ROM v3.04 as a BIOS option. [Phill Harvey-Smith]
-at.cpp: Added seven additional BIOS dumps to at. [rfka01]
-genpc.cpp: Added ECD Professional Microcomputer BIOS to PC. [rfka01]
-at.cpp, genpc.cpp: Updated BIOS date, version and chipset comments. [rfka01]
-pc9801.cpp: Re-dumped PC9821AS ROMs. [sampson]
-dec0.cpp: Verified that Bad Dudes microcontroller dump is correct, and decapped and dumped Heavy Barrel (World) microcontroller.
[TeamEurope, Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
-chinagat.cpp: Updated and corrected PCB information and notes. [yukaritamura]
jordigahan escribió:y no lo estan... supongo que en un par de semanas tendremos version nueva y puedo adelantar que ha habido grandes avances con el sistema photoplay
0.214 2019-09-25
MAMETesters Bugs Fixed
- 00130: [Sound] (darkseal.cpp) darkseal: When using your weapon, the music speed increases. (AJR)
- 00389: [Sound] (cbuster.cpp) cbuster: The music tempo increases up when the flamethrower is used. (AJR)
- 02108: [Sound] (vaportra.cpp) vaportra, vaportrau, kuhga: Music tempo changes when firing. (AJR)
- 03635: [Gameplay] (igspoker.cpp) cpoker, cpokert: Games freezing during play. (Roberto Fresca)
- 05802: [DIP/Input] (pk8020.cpp) korvet, neiva, kontur: Keyboard does not work! (Robbbert)
- 06205: [Graphics] (snes.cpp) snes [pilotwinu,pilotwinj]: Upper part of the screen image repeated. (AmatCoder)
- 06486: [Side-by-side] (a2600.cpp) a2600: Initial stack pointer value for the M6507 (6502) is incorrect. (MoochMcGee)
- 06901: [Crash/Freeze] (snes.cpp) snes [jdredd and clones]: Judge Dredd (all regions) stops working after title screen. (AmatCoder)
- 07405: [Sound] (dragon.cpp) dragon32, dragon64, dragon64h, dragon200, dragon200e: Dragon Sound Extention module is silent. (AJR)
- 07408: [Plugins] "autofire" plugin is not working properly. (Nathan Woods)
- 07412: [Crash/Freeze] (vgmplay.cpp) vgmplay [chaotixju_md]: Crash when attempting to play Sega 32X audio pack. (cam900)
- 07413: [Crash/Freeze] (exidy440.cpp) yukon, yukon1: The games crash or get stuck during the initial checks. (AJR)
- 07416: [Graphics] (legionna.cpp) denjinmk: Broken backgrounds in two game endings. (Angelo Salese)
- 07419: [Crash/Freeze] (snes.cpp) snes [firemenu, firemenj]: Screen remains black and game doesn't start. (AmatCoder)
- 07425: [Misc.] (mac.cpp) macplus: Option/Command key positions swapped (U.S. PC keyboard). (R. Belmont)
- 07426: [Misc.] (mac.cpp) maciici: Non-matching Option key positions (U.S. PC keyboard). (R. Belmont)
- 07427: [Crash/Freeze] (arkanoid.cpp) arkgcbl, arkgcbla, arkangc2, arkbloc2, arkbloc3, block2, paddle2: Crash on start. (Robbbert)
- 07430: [Graphics] (nes.cpp) ultstunt and clones: Introduction screens and playfield are corrupted. (AJR)
New working machines
China Jiangmen Computer Equipment Factory H-01 JCE [zzemu]
China State-owned 830 Factory NF500A [zzemu]
Draw Poker (Joker Poker V.01) [Roberto Fresca TeamEurope]
Game & Watch: Fire (silver) [algestam, Mr. Do, Sean Riddle]
Game & Watch: Flagman [algestam, Mr. Do, Sean Riddle]
Game & Watch: Helmet (Rev. 2) [algestam, hap, Mr. Do, Sean Riddle]
Game & Watch: Judge (green) [algestam, Mr. Do, Sean Riddle]
Game & Watch: Vermin [algestam, hap, Mr. Do, Sean Riddle]
Motorola MEK6802D3 [68bit]
Motorola MEK6802D4 [68bit]
Motorola MEK6802D5 [68bit]
Nanjing Computer Factory Zi Jin I [zzemu]
Novag Super Sensor IV [hap, Berger, Achim]
SciSys / Philidor Software Chess Champion: Mark V [hap, Berger]
SciSys Kasparov Turbostar 432 [hap, anonymous]
Urachacha Mudaeri (Korea) [brizzo, Angelo Salese, The Dumping Union]
New working clones
Birdie Try (Japan revision 2, revision 1 MCU) [TeamEurope, Guru]
China HKC HKC 8800A [zzemu]
Fidelity Electronics Excel 68000 Mach II (rev. C+, set 2) [Berger]
Game & Watch: Balloon Fight (crystal screen) [algestam, hap, Mr Jiggles the Christmas Man]
Gouketsuji Ichizoku (Japan, prototype) [twistedsymphony]
Hegener + Glaser Mephisto ESB II [Berger, Achim]
Hegener + Glaser Mephisto III (ver. B) [Berger, Achim]
Kuri Kinton (US, World Games license) [coolmod, The Dumping Union]
Novag Constellation 3.6MHz (set 1) [hap, Berger, Achim]
Novag Constellation 3.6MHz (set 2) [Berger]
Novag Constellation Quattro [hap, anonymous]
Novag Savant II [Berger, Achim]
Pac Man (U.G. bootleg of Puck Man) [f205v]
Psyvariar -Medium Unit- (V2.02O 2000/02/22 13:00) [rtw]
Raiden Fighters (Greece) [Sergio Galiano, Recreativos Piscis]
SciSys / Philidor Software Chess Champion: Mark VI/Philidor [hap, Berger, anonymous]
Venture (version 5 set 2, bootleg) [f205v]
Machines promoted to working
Unior [Robbbert]
Clones promoted to working
Champion Poker (v101) [Roberto Fresca]
Champion Poker (v201F) [Roberto Fresca]
Lady Liner (encrypted, set 1) [TeamEurope, Roberto Fresca, Ivan Vangelista]
Lady Liner (encrypted, set 2) [TeamEurope, Roberto Fresca, Ivan Vangelista]
Lady Liner (encrypted, set 3) [TeamEurope, Roberto Fresca, Ivan Vangelista]
Lady Liner (encrypted, set 4) [TeamEurope, Roberto Fresca, Ivan Vangelista]
Lovely Cards (encrypted) [TeamEurope, Roberto Fresca, Ivan Vangelista]
New Lucky 8 Lines (set 10, W-4, encrypted NEC D315-5136) [Grull Osgo]
New machines marked as NOT_WORKING
Alpha Micro AM-1000 [Bitsavers]
Cablenet 2039 Controller [Al Kossow, Bitsavers]
Maldaliza [brizzo, Angelo Salese, The Dumping Union]
VTech Genius Leader Select [TeamEurope, The Dumping Union]
Wully Bully [brizzo, Angelo Salese, The Dumping Union]
New clones marked as NOT_WORKING
286 motherboards with 5-chip SUNTAC chipset [rfka01]
286 motherboards with 5-chip VLSI chipset [rfka01]
286 motherboards with Headland G2 chipset [rfka01]
386 Motherboard using the Forex FRX46C402 + FRX46C411 + SiS 85C206 chipset [rfka01]
386 motherboard using the Symphony chipset [rfka01]
386 motherboards using a OPTi 82C495XLC chipset [rfka01]
386 motherboards using the ALi M1429 A1 and M1431 A2 chipset [rfka01]
386 motherboards with a FOREX FRX46C402/FRX36C300/SIS85C206 chipset [rfka01]
386 SC Rev A2 [rfka01]
386-4N-D04A (UMC chipset) [rfka01]
Asus ISA-386C [rfka01]
Asus ISA-386U30 REV.2.2 [rfka01]
AUVA COMPUTER, INC. BAM/12-S2 [rfka01]
AUVA VIP-M21502A BAM16-A0 [rfka01]
BI-025C HT-12 286 (HT12/A chipset) [rfka01]
Biostar MB-1212C [rfka01]
CDTEK 286 motherboard with Headland G2 chipset [rfka01]
CMP enterprise CO.LTD. 286 motherboard [rfka01]
DFI 386-20.REV0 [rfka01]
DTK PEM 2539 [rfka01]
Eagle PC-2 [rfka01]
Everex Systems EV-1815 [rfka01]
GOLDSTAR P/N 611-606A Rev 1.0A [rfka01]
HLB-286 MBA-009 [rfka01]
KMA-202F-12R (Winbond chipset) [rfka01]
Leading Edge Model M [rfka01]
Leanord SA Elan High Tech 286 [rfka01]
Magitronic Technology Magitronic B236 [rfka01]
Micromint MPX-16 [rfka01]
Morse KP-286 [rfka01]
Octek 286 mainboard with Headland G2 chipset [rfka01]
Octek Jaguar V v1.4 [rfka01]
Olivetti M203 motherboard [rfka01]
PC-Chips M205 [rfka01]
PC-Chips M321 [rfka01]
PC-Chips M326 [rfka01]
PC-Chips M919 [rfka01]
Pipi & Bibis / Whoopee!! (bootleg, set 2) [anonymous]
Shuttle Computer International HOT-304 [rfka01]
SM 386-40F (Forex chipset) [rfka01]
Snobol Mini 286 [rfka01]
Soyo SY-019H and SY-019I [rfka01]
SY-012 16/25 386MB VER: 5.2 [rfka01]
TAM/33/40-MA0 (CM318R00,M31-R00) [rfka01]
Uniron U3911-V3 [rfka01]
Vendex HeadStart Plus [rfka01]
Wyse WYSEpc 286 [rfka01]
New working software list additions
amiga_apps: Amiga Appetizer (Sv), Desktop Budget (Sv), SuperDuper 2.02 [FakeShemp]
Charlie Brown's 1, 2, 3's (1990 Queue re-release) (cleanly cracked), Chivalry (Revision 2) (cleanly cracked),
Computer Preparation for the SAT (Version 1.1A) (cleanly cracked), Creature Chorus (Version 4.0) (cleanly cracked),
Julius Erving and Larry Bird Go One on One (cleanly cracked),
MicroExam Test Bank for Computer Mathematics: Structured BASIC with Math Applications (Version 1.01) (cleanly cracked),
Millionaire (Version 2.1) (cleanly cracked), Professor Davensteev's Galaxy Search: Blue Level (cleanly cracked),
Professor Davensteev's Galaxy Search: Red Level (cleanly cracked), Quiz Castle (cleanly cracked),
The Sales Edge (cleanly cracked), Universe II (Version 1.0) (cleanly cracked) [4am, Firehawke]
Buck Rogers - Planet of Zoom (cleanly cracked) [LoGo, Firehawke]
Star Fleet 1: The War Begins (cleanly cracked) [Peter Ferrie, Firehawke]
apple2_flop_misc: Olin in Emerald [www.mocagh.org, Dan Chisarick, Firehawke]
Crossbow, Dogfight, Dragon's Keep, The Fidelity Chessmaster 2100, Hyper Head On, Infiltrator, Infiltrator Part II: The Next Day,
International Hockey, Oo-Topos, PHM Pegasus, Racter, Roach Hotel, The Rocky Horror Show, The Sands of Mars, Snoggle, Succession,
Super Mario Bros. Print World, Tawala's Last Redoubt, Tuesday Morning Quarterback [4am, Firehawke]
Olin in Emerald [4am, www.mocagh.org, Dan Chisarick, Firehawke]
Star Fleet 1: The War Begins [Brian Wiser, Firehawke]
gba: Broken Circle (Euro) [No-Intro, FakeShemp]
ggm: Sandy Edition - Master Chess, Steinitz Edition-4 - Master Chess [anonymous]
Golden Tee Fore! 2002 (V2.00.00), Golden Tee Fore! 2003 (V3.00.04), Golden Tee Fore! 2004 (V4.00.XX),
Golden Tee Fore! 2005 (V5.00.XX), Golden Tee Fore! Complete (V6.00.XX) [FakeShemp]
2400 A.D. (set 2), Colossus Bridge 4, The Faery Tale Adventure: Book I, Star Pack, UMS II: Nations at War - Planet Editor
ibm5170: Bundesliga Manager Professional, QuickLink II Fax, Veil of Darkness, Vinguiden 1.0 (Sweden) [FakeShemp]
mac_flop: Balance of the Planet, Lode Runner [FakeShemp]
saitek_kso: Kasparov Selected Openings [Berger, anonymous]
sorcerer_cass: Defense [exidyboy]
spectrum_cass: The Quill Adventure System (C series) (set 1, C05) [David Haywood]
Air Rescue (Sega System 32), Alien3 - The Gun (Sega System 32), Barunba (MSX2), Barunba (PC Engine),
Blaster Master - Enemy Below (Nintendo Game Boy Color), Bosconian (MSX), Cueb Runner (Sharp X68000), Dragon Buster (Sharp X68000),
Fist of the North Star (NES), Fist of the North Star - 10 Big Brawls for the King of Universe (Nintendo Game Boy), Fray (MSX2),
Hokuto no Ken (Family Computer), Illusion City (MSX turbo R), Image Fight (Sharp X68000), John Madden Football II (PC),
King & Balloon (MSX), Kyuukyoku Tiger (Sharp X68000), Mappy (NEC PC-8801), Pac-Land (Sharp X68000), Pac-Man (MSX),
R-Type (Sharp X68000), The Return of Ishtar (Fujitsu FM77AV), The Return of Ishtar (NEC PC-8801),
The Return of Ishtar (NEC PC-9801), SHM (MSX2), Tank Battalion (MSX), Terra Cresta (Sharp X68000), Thunder Dragon (Arcade),
Total Carnage (IBM PC AT), Toy Story Racer (Nintendo Game Boy Color), Turok - Battle of the Bionosaurs (Nintendo Game Boy),
Turok - Rage Wars (Nintendo Game Boy Color), Turok 2 - Seeds of Evil (Nintendo Game Boy Color),
Turok 3 - Shadow of Oblivion (Nintendo Game Boy Color), XVM (MSX) [Tafoid]
Abenteuer im ABC Park (Germany, Rev. 3), The Batman - Rettung von Gotham City (Germany) [TeamEurope]
The Batman - Rescate en Gotham City (Spain), Bob der Baumeister - Bobs spannender Arbeitstag (Germany, Rev. 104),
Bob y sus Amigos - Un Dia De Trabajo (Spain), Campeonato de Futbol V.Smile (Spain),
Disney/Pixar Cars - Acelera el Motor en Radiador Springs (Spain),
Disney/Pixar A Procura de Nemo - Nemo A Descoberta do Oceano (Portugal), DreamWorks Shrek - El Cuento de la Dragona (Spain),
Lil' Bratz Estrellas De La Moda - Amigos, Moda y Diversion (Spain), Noddy - Detective Por um Dia (Portugal),
Scooby-Doo - Misterio En El Parque (Spain, translucent blue cartridge), Superman - El Hombre de Acero (Spain),
Walt Disney La Cenicienta - Los suenos magicos de Cenicienta (Spain) [TeamEurope, ClawGrip]
Software list items promoted to working
dragon_cart: Speech Synthesis Module [Nigel Barnes]
New NOT_WORKING software list additions
gj4000: Wissen fuer Kinder [TeamEurope]
gl6000sl: Update - Rechtschreibreform [TeamEurope]
glcx: Update Programm-Zusatzkassette (Ger) [TeamEurope]
gls: Spielend Richtig Schreiben [TeamEurope]
ibm5170: Strike Commander, Strike Commander: Speech Pack, Strike Commander: Tactical Operations [FakeShemp]
mac_flop: The Supercars - Test Drive II Car Disk [FakeShemp]
mac_hdflop: Lost in Time - Parts 1 & 2 [FakeShemp]
st_flop: Ferrari Formula One (Euro) [FakeShemp]
Cranium - Freizeit Park - Ein Jahrmarkt voller Spiel- und Lernspass (Germany), Dolphis Wasser-abenteuer (Germany) [TeamEurope]
Cranium - Parque de Atracciones de Cranium (Spain), Dakota y su mascota (Spain), Disney/Pixar Toy Story 2 (Smartbook) (USA),
Disney's Little Einsteins (Spain), Kung Fu Panda - Aventura en el Valle de la Paz (Spain),
Nick Jr. Dora the Explorer - Dora's Got a Puppy (Smartbook) (USA), Spider-Man y Amigos - Misiones Secretas (Spain, Rev. 222),
V.Smile Estudio De Arte (Spain), V.Smile PC (Spain),
Walt Disney La Cenicienta - Los suenos magicos de Cenicienta (Spain, Rev. 122) [TeamEurope, ClawGrip]
Disney La Casa de Mickey Mouse (Spain), Disney Winnie the Pooh - En busca de la miel (Spain),
Disney/Pixar Cars - Acelera el Motor en Radiador Springs (Spain), Disney/Pixar Toy Story 3 (Spain), Disney/Pixar UP (Spain),
Disney/Pixar Wall-E (Spain), DreamWorks Monstruos contra Alienigenas (Spain), Scooby-Doo!! - Misterio en el parque (Spain)
[TeamEurope, avlixa, ClawGrip]
Source Changes
-bus/ss50: Corrected SS-30 MPS2 "high" Baud rates. [68bit]
-bus/ss50: Don't log reads from empty SS-50 slots when side effects are disabled. [68bit]
-flex_dsk.cpp: Fixed logging of the disk name extension. [68bit]
-swtpc09.cpp: Added hard disk support to the DMAF3 controller. [68bit]
* Includes new WD1000 hard disk controller support, and improved DMAF2/DMAF3 MC6844 DMA emulation.
-mc6845.cpp: Improved cursor emulation, including differences between the MC6845 and HD6845S. [68bit]
-asmjs: Removed option to ignore missing libraries, and removed util and SDL2_ttf from link libraries. [68bit]
-unidasm: Added -xchbytes option to swap input bytes. [AJR]
-Added dump and emulation for Alpha Micro AM-310 Communications Controller. [AJR, Bitsavers]
-m37710: Internalized timing for analog-to-digital converter. [AJR]
-Distinguish DIP switches that belong to different devices but have the same name in UI menus. [AJR]
* Most likely to occur when multiple instances of the same device type are configured on bus slots.
-h8: Improved disassembly. [AJR]
* Corrected sign extension for 16-bit absolute addresses.
* Add h' prefix to hexadecimal numbers.
* Restrict address length depending on model.
* Align arguments.
-airbustr.cpp, djboy.cpp, hvyunit.cpp, sidearms.cpp: Corrected sound IRQ sources. [AJR]
-c140.cpp: Added timing output to trigger periodic FIRQ. [AJR]
-h6820: Added a hack to work around incorrect music speed in cbuster.cpp, darkseal.cpp and vaportra.cpp (MT00130, MT00389, MT02108).
-prestige.cpp: Corrected metadata (glmmc is now gmmc), and marked gmmc system ROM as a bad dump. [AJR]
-h6280: Reduced logical address space width, and made debugger use official names for banking registers. [AJR]
-exidy440.cpp: Fixed crash/assertion failure caused by palette having too few entries. [AJR]
-Added preliminary ELAN Microelectronics RISC II CPU emulation. [AJR]
-dp8350.cpp: Improved timing, and fixed save states. [AJR]
-nes.hsi: Fixed mirroring for Ultimate Stuntman. [AJR]
-Fixed debugger dump command for address-shifted spaces. [AJR]
-snes.cpp: Don't reset HDMA on writes to HDMAEN if the register value isn't changed (fixes MT06205). [AmatCoder]
-g65816, spc700: Improved cycle counting (fixes MT06901 and MT07419). [AmatCoder]
-crospuzl.cpp: Improved Flash loading. [Angelo Salese]
-VRender0 updates: [Angelo Salese]
* Improved menghong hardware emulation, allowing crzyddz2 to boot and improving menghong colors.
* Moved video and audio components into the system-on-a-chip device, and added preliminary UART emulation.
* Allowed external video clock to be set by the host driver.
-segaic24.cpp: Implemented reverse Y clipping logic (fixes sprite priorities in Crack Down). [Angelo Salese]
-archimds.cpp updates: [Angelo Salese]
* Fixed cursor enable and sizing (used by caverns to display score and main player sprite).
* Added preliminary RTFM and serial joystick support.
* Re-implemented Acorn VIDC10 emulation, adding stereo sound support and improving raster effects.
-segac2.cpp: Added links to reference videos. [cam900]
-gba.xml: Corrected ROM size for brokenc. [cam900]
-k051649.cpp: Added more address map mirrors, added save state support, and cleaned up code. [cam900]
-ym2151.cpp: Clear both output buffers when reset is asserted. [cam900]
-psikyosh.cpp: Refactored common pixel operations into helper functions, improved use of const, and cleaned up code. [cam900]
-ay8910.cpp: Implemented AY8930 extensions, made pin 26 an input, added notes, and cleaned up code. [cam900]
-deco_mlc.cpp: Improved blending behavior and cleaned up code. [cam900]
-mega32x.cpp: Removed assumptions about host system's sound outputs (fixes MT07412). [cam900]
-315_5313.cpp: Fixed 3-bit color mode masking, implemented device_gfx_interface, and separated shadow/highlight palettes. [cam900]
-calcune.cpp: Converted drawing routine to use VDP palette, added save state support, and reduced redundant code. [cam900]
-video/generic.cpp: Added 16*16 layouts composed of 2*2 arrangement of 8*8 tiles, and made a number of drivers use generic layouts.
-imagetek_i4100.cpp: Added notes and cleaned up code. [cam900]
-hyprduel.cpp: Set MACHINE_NO_COCKTAIL flag on hyprduel and hyprduel2. [cam900]
-nmk16.cpp: Verified some clock sources and CPU types. [cam900]
-legionna.cpp: Always invalidate tilemaps on bank change for Denjin Makai and Heated Barrel. [cam900]
-plugins/cheat: Added time functions to the cheat sandbox. [Carl]
-netlist: Force C locale when formatting numbers (fixes exception when global locale is set). [Couriersud]
-spectrum: Added preliminary Beta Disk emulation (not working). [David Haywood]
-karnov.cpp: Hooked up 8031 microcontroller for chelnovjbl. [Dirk Best]
-model3.cpp: Hook up 315-5649 I/O controller. [Dirk Best]
-HP9845: Reimplemented TACO based on recently-published internal documentation. [F.Ulivi]
* Also separated DC100 tape cartridge device, and added support for 16-bit data format used by HP9845 and HP885.
-hphybrid: Fixed bug that caused hp9825t to hang when calculating logarithms. [F.Ulivi]
-Don't throttle emulation while paused if video update-in-pause is enabled. [feos]
-icebox.cpp: Hooked up floppy controller interrupt request, allowing disk routines to work properly. [Frank Palazzolo]
-apple2: Corrected Joyport multiplexing. [Golden Child]
-apple2: Fixed key code for Ctrl-Shift-P and modifier codes for M and N on II and II Plus. [Golden Child]
-segacrp2_device.cpp: Added NEC D315-5136 device (used by lucky8k). [Grull Osgo]
-sh: Log SH2 FMR clock multiplier writes. [MetalliC]
-cps3.cpp updates - imperfect graphics flag has been removed: [MetalliC]
* Hooked up coin lockouts and coin counters, and connected buttons 5 and 6 to jojo, jojoba and clones.
* Made SS RAM and registers eight bits wide and fixed EEPROM size.
* Added fixed delay to palette/character DMA interrupts, and removed periodic interrupt hack.
* Fixed missing star sprite in introduction and game title background color for jojo.
* Render tilemaps as sets of rows from sprite list (fixes sfiii Alex stage background).
* Implemented sprite list caching (fixes warzard two-player versus screen and jojo introduction text).
* Replaced disk images version 5 CHD files build from trurip database.
* Re-implemented color fading, and zeroed low three bits of color channels.
* Improved save state support, Improved function/variable naming, cleaned up code, and improved documentation.
-cps3.cpp: Implemented tilemap flipping, added a delay to sprite list DMA acknowledgement, and buffered global scroll registers.
[MetalliC, David Haywood]
-geneve: Added PC keyboard connector, allowing the use of emulated PC XT keyboards. [Michael Zapf]
-m6502: Improved reset sequence emulation (fixes MT06486). [MoochMcGee, hap, smf]
-Exposed running_machine::exit_pending() and running_machine::hard_reset_pending() to Lua scripts. [Nathan Woods]
-Changed osd_get_clipboard_text() to return std::string. [Nathan Woods]
-dragon32: Added JCB Speech Synthesis cartridge emulation. [Nigel Barnes]
-acorn_vidc.cpp: Generate mu-law table at device start time. [O. Galibert, Angelo Salese]
-tms34020: Fixed BLMOVE alignment handling (fixes endless loop in Atronic games). [Priit Laes]
-apple2: Added initial support for ComputerEyes/2 image capture slot card. [R. Belmont, Golden Child]
-f2mc16 updates: [R. Belmont]
* Implemented more opcodes.
* Made interrupt handling more robust.
* Implemented mb9061x timers 0 and 1, including external event counter mode.
* Fixed BBC branch offset.
* Added more opcodes to the disassembler and normalized bit syntax.
* Added save state support and cleaned up code.
-Added a preliminary native Cocoa OSD layer for macOS (not working yet). [R. Belmont]
-mac.cpp, mac128.cpp: Made default mapping for Command key right alt for all machines. [R. Belmont]
-Emulated Sega Billboard and hooked it up to ST-V, Model 2 and Model 3 games. [Rob Krum, Dirk Best]
-i8251: Implemented synchronous modes. [Robbbert]
-unior.cpp, pp01.cpp: Fixed cassette interfaces. [Robbbert]
-pmd85.cpp: Added cassette to alfa and mato, fixed cassette on other sets, and added notes. [Robbbert]
-poly88.cpp: Fixed cassette polyphase mode. [Robbbert]
-argo.cpp: added DMA, CRTC, PIT and cassette by guesswork. [Robbbert]
-plan80.cpp: Added speaker sound. [Robbbert]
-pk8020.cpp: Fixed keyboard and updated notes (MT05802). [Robbbert]
-mycom.cpp: Fixed scrolling. [Robbbert]
-goldnpkr.cpp: Replaced incorrectly dumped jokercar extended graphics ROMs with data from another set to make the game playable.
[Roberto Fresca]
-goldstar.cpp: Simplified cherrys graphics decryption code. [Roberto Fresca]
-igspoker.cpp updates: [Roberto Fresca]
* Patched out protection in cpokert, cpokerx, cpoker101, cpoker201f and cpoker210ks (MT03635).
* Fixed inputs for cpoker, cpokert and cpoker201f.
-SGI Newport graphics: Fixed inverted-Y pixel read-back (fixes crash in Alias PowerAnimator 7.5). [Ryan Holtz]
-r4000: Report the correct sub-revision for the R4600, and allow specific R4x00 types to specify the FPU ID as well. [Ryan Holtz]
-indigo.cpp: Switched indigo4k to use the new R4000 CPU core. [Ryan Holtz]
-SGI HAL2 audio: Corrected chip revision ID to match real hardware. [Ryan Holtz]
-sgi_mc: Flag EISA bus as present on both Indigo2 and Indy, as VINO uses EISA signals for GIO64 arbitration. [Ryan Holtz]
-vino: Implemented the majority of its functionality, and hooked it up to picture_image_device. [Ryan Holtz]
-hh_sm510.cpp: Improved re-created melody ROMs for gnw_bfight and gnw_mbaway. [algestam]
-debugger: Added mips and m68k support to gdbstub, and added support for running MAME debugger commands from the client.
[Ramiro Polla]
-Changed Travis CI build to use GCC 9, and added MinGW GCC build to AppVeyor. [Belegdol]
-marineb.cpp: Documented difficulty settings for hoccer, and added DIP switch locations for most sets. [Brian Troha]
-policetr.cpp: Re-dumped U163 sound ROM for policetr10, and added speed-up hacks for sshooter, sshooter11 and policetr10.
[Brian Troha]
-karnov.cpp: Re-dumped color BPROMS for chelnovj, confirming they match chelnov/chelnovu. [Brian Troha]
-ibm5170.xml updates: [FakeShemp]
* Changed gilispa, mitsmous6, nd010pci, nusound, sndwav32 and wordfndr to IMD images.
* Changed scroll3d, sndwav32, cpavfw, microcp3, wordfndr and thndrhwk to MFM images.
* Re-dumped internet and nicklaus.
-ibm5150.xml update:
* Replaced tgipack and ranger1 with MFM images.
-amiga_hardware.xml: Dumped a590_seagate disk. [FakeShemp]
-blackt96.cpp: Measured PIC microcontroller clock frequency. [Guru]
-wyvernf0.cpp: Measured clock frequencies. [Guru]
-symbolics.cpp: Changed unpopulated ROM regions to read as 0xFF to match hardware tests. [Josh Dersch]
-neptunp2.cpp: Added EEPROM dump to rockroll. [jordigahan, ClawGrip]
-commando.cpp: Corrected CPU frequency and updated notes. [Jose Tejada]
-gng.cpp: Corrected notes. [Jose Tejada]
-midvunit.cpp: Added re-created A19993 PAL program. [JROK, Hydreigon]
-naomi.cpp: Re-dumped initdv2ja and ggxxsla GD-ROMs. [MajorPBX]
-sprint4.cpp: Fixed gear shift controls for fourth player. [Mark Spaeth]
-bfm_sc4.cpp, exidyttl.cpp, globalfr.cpp, jpmmps.cpp, monacogp.cpp, mpu5.hxx, simple_st0016.cpp: Edited titles for consistency.
-genpc.cpp updates: [rfka01]
* Increased pc BIOS region size to 64KiB to support late XT clones.
* pc: "Added Super Computer BIOS 1.2", "B-190-B", "KT 10 M/B" and "Ruud Baltissen's Diagnostics" BIOS options.
-at.cpp updates: [rfka01]
* Expanded chipset details and notes.
* at: Added "286 TACT", "CDTEK 286" and "Landmark/Supersoft diagnostic ROMs" BIOS options.
* at386: Added "386 board with Ali chipset", "386 UMC 3DIUD", "386GRN-like board rev.03", "MB1325PM" and
"Tandon/Micronics with 385" BIOS options.
* atvga: Added "286 TACT" and "CDTEK 286" BIOS options.
* neat: added "286-NEAT", "VIP BAM/16-11" and "CP-805" BIOS options.
* vlsi5: Added "MBVLSI-168" BIOS option.
-ibmpc.cpp: Added "Landmark/Supersoft Diagnostics" BIOS options for ibm5150 and ibm5160. [rfka01]
-hawk.cpp: Added "DEMOS 2.21 V1.01" BIOS option. [TheEPROM9]
-cps1.cpp: Dumped U104 PAL for Street Fighter II' CE Mstreet-6 bootlegs sf2cems6a and sf2cems6b. [TwistedTom]
-chinagat.cpp: Added PCB layouts and TRJ-100 pinout information, and updated notes. [yukaritamura]
-supbtime.cpp: Fixed DE-0343 board main CPU and audio CPU clock frequencies. [yukaritamura]
gamer10 escribió:Que ha pasado con este hilo? Ya no sacan juegos de mame nuevos?
poseiido escribió:gamer10 escribió:Que ha pasado con este hilo? Ya no sacan juegos de mame nuevos?
Yo estoy a la espera de que añadan los PhotoPlay
gamer10 escribió:Que ha pasado con este hilo? Ya no sacan juegos de mame nuevos?
kaironman escribió:Estos últimos años en MAME/MESS se ha trabajado más en emular maquinitas LCD, consolas educativas, consolas Plug & Play... que en arcades.
En arcades está ya casi todo lo emulable emulado. Entendiendo por emulable aquello que por potencia se pueda ejecutar en PCs normales.
Hay excepciones que personalmente me duelen: Tecmo World Cup 98 y Seibu Cup Soccer. Ambas por encriptación, parece que se van a quedar así por los siglos, menos mal que tengo las placas originales.
No esperéis muchas sorpresas como cuando Gaelco liberó las claves del World Rally. La última gran alegría que me dieron fue hace un par de años, cuando consiguieron "decapar" el C-Chip de los Rainbow Islands y emularlo por fin correctamente. Pero a partir de ahora...
¿Se sabe algo de la situación del Marbella Vice que se localizó hace un par de años?
0.215 2019-10-30
MAMETesters Bugs Fixed
- 04531: [Sound] (segas32.cpp) f1en: Engine noise loops/resets. (Tafoid)
- 07025: [Graphics] (model1.cpp) vr: Graphical glitches. (O. Galibert)
- 07026: [Gameplay] (model1.cpp) vr: Gameplay calculation and physics issues. (O. Galibert)
- 07372: [Crash/Freeze] X11 Lightgun input module crashes if X11 display is not available. (George McMullen)
- 07437: [Gameplay] (x68k.cpp) x68000 [nemesis]: Background tiles appear in foreground in Nemesis 90 Kai. (Carl)
- 07438: [Graphics] (m72.cpp) imgfightj, mrheli, nspiritj: "For use in Japan" messages are not displayed correctly. (Angelo Salese)
- 07442: [DIP/Input] (gaelco.cpp) biomtoy, biomtoya, biomtoyb, biomtoyc, bioplayc: Lives DIP switch mis-labelled. (girosintornillos)
- 07444: [DIP/Input] (seta.cpp) blandia, blandiap: Lives DIP switch mis-labelled. (girosintornillos)
- 07445: [DIP/Input] (model2.cpp) sgt24h, overrevb: Accelerator and brake pedals are reversed. (VasiliyFamiliya)
- 07447: [Graphics] (cninja.cpp) cninja and clones: Incorrect graphical priorities between level 4 bosses. (Ivan Vangelista)
- 07448: [Gameplay] (taito_z.cpp) sci, scia, scij, scin, sciu: Shifting gears activates turbo. (girosintornillos)
- 07452: [Crash/Freeze] (eprom.cpp) eprom, eprom2: The control test will not load. (AJR)
- 07454: [Plugins] (dooyong.cpp) flytiger: Use of high score plugin causes incorrect attract mode behaviour. (Carl)
- 07456: [Crash/Freeze] (segas16b.cpp) eswat: Emulator crashes with segmentation fault. (smf)
- 07457: [DIP/Input] (m107.cpp) dsoccr94: Coin 3 and coin 4 inputs are mapped incorrectly. (MetalGod)
- 07463: [DIP/Input] (mystwarr.cpp) metamrph and clones, viostorm and clones: Coin 3 and 4 inputs are not connected. (Zach S.)
- 07465: [Crash/Freeze] (interpro.cpp) ip2000: Emulator crashes if mouse is moved during startup. (Patrick Mackinlay)
- 07469: [Graphics] (vboy.cpp) vboy: Sprite elements are cut off on the right. (Robbbert)
New working machines
Capcom 3-in-1 (1942, Commando, Ghosts'n Goblins) (JAKKS Pacific TV Game, Game-Key Ready) (29 MAR 2005 B)
[Sean Riddle, David Haywood, anonymous]
China H Computer Company H-01B [zzemu]
Disney Princesses (JAKKS Pacific TV Game, Game-Key Ready) [Sean Riddle, David Haywood, anonymous]
Game & Watch: Lion [algestam, Mr. Do, Sean Riddle]
Game & Watch: Manhole (gold) [algestam, Mr. Do, Sean Riddle]
Game & Watch: Spitball Sparky [algestam, Mr Jiggles the Christmas Man]
Motorola MEK6800D1 [68bit]
Motorola Micro Chroma 68 [68bit]
Super Dead Heat [Phil Bennett, David Haywood]
New working clones
19XX: The War Against Destiny (Euro 960104) [redsupra, smf]
Beastorizer (USA, Jun 21 1997) [jordigahan, ClawGrip]
Bomberman (Version 6.6) [caius, The Dumping Union]
Buggy Boy/Speed Buggy (cockpit, rev. B) [pacman70, Asayuki]
Dragon Breed (Japan, M72 PCB version) [Jorge Silva]
Game & Watch: Super Mario Bros. (crystal screen) [algestam, Mr Jiggles the Christmas Man]
Hard Head (bootleg, set 3) [jordigahan, Heckler, ClawGrip]
Hegener + Glaser Mephisto MM V (prototype) [CB-Emu]
Megatouch III Turnier Edition (9255-30-50 R0F, Bi-Lingual GER/ENG version) [Kevin Eshbach, Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
P-47 - The Freedom Fighter (World, bootleg) [jordigahan, Heckler, ClawGrip]
Machines promoted to working
Fidelity Electronics Phantom Chess Challenger [Sandro Ronco]
NCR Decision Mate V [Sandro Ronco, rfka01]
Pacific Educational Systems VPU-01 Speech box [Robbbert]
Radio Shack TRS-80 DT-1 [Robbbert]
New machines marked as NOT_WORKING
Advance Bright Ltd Ping Pong / Table Tennis / Super Ping Pong (PP1100, ABL TV Game)
[David Haywood, Morten Shearman Kirkegaard, Peter Wilhelmsen]
Conny TV Virtual Tennis [David Haywood, Morten Shearman Kirkegaard, Peter Wilhelmsen]
El Dorado [TeamEurope]
The Flintstones (LX-3) [PinMAME]
Care Bears TV Games (JAKKS Pacific TV Game, Game-Key Ready) [Sean Riddle, David Haywood, anonymous]
Kursaal Darts [jordigahan, ClawGrip]
Litek Information Systems LMS46-V9 [Don Maslin Archive, AJR]
Research Inc. Teleray Model 10 [Bitsavers]
Rollamatic 5-Line Special (Barcrest) (MPU3) [Darran, The Dumping Union]
TaiKee Rockstar Guitar / Guitar Rock (PAL) [David Haywood, Morten Shearman Kirkegaard, Peter Wilhelmsen]
Terrific Lake [PinMAME]
Top Sound (French) [PinMAME]
Play Vision Who Wants to Be a Millionaire (Play Vision, Plug and Play, UK)
[David Haywood, Morten Shearman Kirkegaard, Peter Wilhelmsen]
Vortex (Island Design) [unknown]
New clones marked as NOT_WORKING
386 motherboards using a OPTi 82C495SLC chipset [rfka01]
386 motherboards using the ALi M1419 chipset [rfka01]
386 motherboards using the CS8230 chipset [rfka01]
386 motherboards using the MX83C305(A)(FC)/MX83C05(A)(FC) chipset [rfka01]
386 motherboards using the OPTi 82C381 chipset [rfka01]
386 motherboards using the OPTi 82C391 chipset [rfka01]
386 motherboards using the SiS Rabbit chipset [rfka01]
386 motherboards using the UMC UM82C481AF chipset [rfka01]
386 motherboards using the UMC UM82C491F + UM82C493F chipset or BIOTEQ equivalents [rfka01]
386 motherboard using the UMC UM82C491F chipset [rfka01]
386sx motherboards using the ALi M1217 chipset [rfka01]
386sx motherboards using the OPTi 82C283 chipset [rfka01]
386sx motherboards using the OPTi 82C291 chipset [rfka01]
386sx motherboards using the SCAMPSX chipset [rfka01]
486 motherboards using the ALi 1487/1489 chipset [rfka01]
486 motherboards using the OPTi OPTi 82C392, 82C493 chipset [rfka01]
486 motherboards using the SiS 85C471/85C407 chipset [rfka01]
486 motherboards using the UMC UM8498F, UM8496F chipset [rfka01]
486 motherboards using the UMC UM8886/UM8881 chipset [rfka01]
Abit AB-PB4 [rfka01]
Abit AB-PW4 [rfka01]
Alaris Cougar [rfka01]
Alaris RYC LEOPARD LX [rfka01]
Alaris Tornado 2 [rfka01]
AMI Mark V Baby Screamer [rfka01]
ANIX CH-386S-16/20/25G [rfka01]
Aquarius System (ASI) MB-4D33/50NR [rfka01]
Asus ISA-486SV2 [rfka01]
AUVA TAM/25-P2 M31720P [rfka01]
Bank Robbery (Ver. 1.23) [Siftware]
Biostar MB-1340UCQ-B [rfka01]
Chaintech 333SC [rfka01]
Chaintech 486SLE M106 4SLE-Z1 [rfka01]
Chaintech ELT-286B-160B(E) [rfka01]
Chicony CH-491E [rfka01]
Daewoo AL486V-D Rev:1.1 [rfka01]
Derby Owners Club World Edition (Rev A) [Fluffy]
Diamond Flower, Inc. (DFI) 486-CCV [rfka01]
DTK Computer PPM-3333P [rfka01]
DTK PKM-0038S aka Gemlight GMB-486SG [rfka01]
Elitegroup Computer Systems FX-3000 REV1.0 [rfka01]
Elitegroup ELT-386SX-160BE [rfka01]
Elitegroup UC4913 REV:1.1 [rfka01]
Elitegroup UC4915 A AIO [rfka01]
Elitegroup UM486/UM486sx [rfka01]
Elitegroup UM486V-AIO [rfka01]
First International Computer 4386-VC-HD [rfka01]
First International Computer 4386-VC-V [rfka01]
First International Computer 486-GIO-VT2 [rfka01]
Fujitsu FM-Towns (Model 1 / 2) [r09]
GENOA TurboExpress 486 VL [rfka01]
GES 9051N-386C VER -0.01 [rfka01]
Gigabyte GA-486VF [rfka01]
Gigabyte GA-486VS [rfka01]
LuckyStar LS-486E Rev:C [rfka01]
Micro-Express Inc. Forex 386 Cache [rfka01]
MORSE KP 386SX V2.21 [rfka01]
MSI MS-4125 [rfka01]
MSI MS-4138 [rfka01]
MSI MS-4144 [rfka01]
Octek Hawk [rfka01]
Octek Hippo COM [rfka01]
Octek Hippo DCA2 [rfka01]
Octek Hippo VL+ [rfka01]
Octek Panther II [rfka01]
Olivetti M21 [rfka01]
OPTi OPTi 386WB VER.1.0 [rfka01]
PC-Chips M216 [rfka01]
PC-Chips M396F [rfka01]
PC-Chips M912 [rfka01]
PC-Chips M915i [rfka01]
Peacock 386sx Ver. 2.0 motherboard SCsxAIO [rfka01]
Peacock PCK 486 DX [rfka01]
Philips PCD204 (PCD200 series) [rfka01]
Pine PT-319A [rfka01]
Pine Technology PT-430 [rfka01]
Pine Technology PT-432b aka SR-M401-A [rfka01]
PROTECH PM486PU-S7 [rfka01]
QDI PX486P3 [rfka01]
QDI V4P895P3/SMT V5.0 [rfka01]
QD-U386DX VER 1.0 [rfka01]
Sanyo MBC-18NB [rfka01]
See-Thru Sto486Wb aka AUVA Cam-33-P2 [rfka01]
Shuttle 386SX REV 2.0A [rfka01]
Shuttle Computer International HOT-433 [rfka01]
TD60C [rfka01]
TD70A and TD70AN [rfka01]
TD70N [rfka01]
Termtek TK-635 [nextvolume, Dirk Best]
UNICHIP 386W 367C REV 1.0 [rfka01]
UNICHIP 486 WB 4407 REV 1.0 [rfka01]
unknown 286 AT clones (HT18/C chipset) [rfka01]
Via 4386 VIO / Highscreen universal board [rfka01]
Vintage Sprite SM 486-50USC [rfka01]
Vs. Super Mario Bros. (bootleg with Z80, set 3) [jordigahan, ClawGrip]
ZIDA Tomato board 4DPS [rfka01]
New working software list additions
Balancing Act (cleanly cracked), Fractions: Basic Skills (cleanly cracked), Fractions: Subtraction (cleanly cracked),
The Haunted Palace (cleanly cracked), Statistics (Version 3.3) (cleanly cracked), Whole Numbers: Multiplication (cleanly cracked),
The World's Greatest Baseball Game (Enhanced Version) (cleanly cracked) [4am, Firehawke]
Alibi, American Government (Micro Learningware), Apple Stellar Invaders, Battlefront, Beach Landing, Carriers at War,
The Coveted Mirror, Crime Stopper, Decisive Battles of the American Civil War: Volume Three,
Decisive Battles of the American Civil War: Volume Two, Decisive Battles of the Civil War: Volume One, Dogfight II, Europe Ablaze,
Galactic Wars, Gauntlet, Ghostbusters, Go (Hayden), Guderian, Halls of Montezuma, The Haunted Palace, I, Damiano,
Leisure Suit Larry in The Land of The Lounge Lizards, The Mask of the Sun (Version 2.1), MacArthur's War,
Muppet Learning Keys: The Muppet Discovery Disk, Oil Rig, Panzer Battles, Pulsar ][, Questprobe featuring Spider-Man,
Reach For The Stars (Version 1.0), Reach For The Stars (Version 2.0), Reach For The Stars (Version 3.0), Reversal, Russia,
Sherlock Holmes in Another Bow, Simultaneous Linear Equations, Space Kadet, Tapper, Ulysses and the Golden Fleece,
Vaults of Zurich, Winter Games [4am, Firehawke]
CG Syndicate Vol. 1 - Lisa Northpoint, CubicSketch V1.1 L10, New Horizon CD Learning System II - English Course 1, Shanghai,
Space Museum, TownsSOUND V1.1 L20, Z's Triphony DigitalCraft Towns [redump.org, r09]
hp9825b_rom: 9885/9895 ROM for 9825, 9885 ROM for 9825, Matrix ROM for 9825, SSS mass storage ROM [F.Ulivi]
Action Service (Smash16 release) (3.5"), International Karate, Italy '90 Soccer, Joe Blade (Smash16 release),
Out Run (Kixx release), Starflight [ArcadeShadow]
ibm5170: Corridor 7: Alien Invasion, Links - The Challenge of Golf (5.25"HD) [ArcadeShadow]
midi_flop: Dansbandshits nr 3 (Sweden) [FakeShemp]
Ace of Aces, Adventure, Airstrip, Arkaball v1, Arkaball v2, Arrgh, Assembly Language for Beginners, Asteroids,
Attack of the Killer Tomatoes, Backgammon, Backgammon Instructions, Battleships v1, Battleships v2, Bezerk,
Binary Tape Copier v1.0, Bomber, Breakproof File Copier, Bust Out, Camel, Card Andy, Casino Roulette v1, Casino Roulette v2,
Catch, Challenger, Chasm Capers, Check Disk, Checkers, Chess, Circus, Compgammon, Computer Learjet, Concentration, Cos Res, Craps,
Crash, Curses, Dawn Patrol, Decoy v1, Decoy v2, Defence Penetrator, Dig Out, Disassembler v2, Disassemmbler v1, Disk Copier,
Disk Copy V2.0, Disk Editor-Assembler V6.0X, Disk Menu, Disk Ops 4, Disk Sector Editor v1, Disk Sector Editor v2, Dog Fight,
Dracula's Castle, The Dynasty Derby, Editor-Assembler V.1.2, Editor-Assembler V.1.2B, Electric Tunnel, Electronic Blackjack,
Extended DOS V1.3, Extended VZ Basic V2.5, Factory, Fastdisk V1.0, Fastdisk V1.1, Fastdisk V1.2, Fastdisk V1.2 demo,
Filesearch 2.0, Filesearch V2.0, Formula One v1, Formula One v2, Formula Uno, Frog, Galactic Invasion, Galactic Raiders,
Galactic Trade, Galaxon, Game Instructions, Ghost Blasters, Ghost Hunter (hacked), Ghost Hunter instructions, Ghost Hunter v1,
Ghost Hunter v2, Golf, Grand Prix, Grave Digger, Gunfight, Hamburger Sam, Hangman v1, Hangman v3, Hangman v4, Hex Maths,
Hex Utilities, The High Mountains, High Scores, Hoppy v1, Hoppy v2, Hunt the Wumpus, Instructions for Asteroid Dodge,
Instructions for Invaders, Instructions for Ladder Challenge, Invaders v1, Invaders v2, Inventory, Kamikaze Invaders, Key Hunt,
Knights and Dragons, Ladder Challenge, Laser, Laser Pong, Lunar Lander, Mad Max VI, Madhouse, Mars Patrol, Mastermind, Match Box,
Match Box Instructions, Maths Armada, Maze Generator, Meat Pies, Melbourne Cup, Meteor, Missile Attack, Missile Command v1,
Missile Command v2, Missing Number, Moon, Moon Lander, Moonlander, Moving Targets, Number Sequence, Number Slide, Othello,
Othello Instructions, Painter v1, Painter v2, Painter v3, Panik, Panik Instructions, Penguin, Planet Patrol, Poker Machine,
Punch v1, Punch v2, Pursuit, The Quest, The Return of Defense Command, Rocket Command, Shootout, Space, Space Ram,
Space Station Defender, Space Vice, Star Blaster, Submarine, Super Snake, Super Snake Trapper, The Ten Commandments, Tennis v1,
Tennis v2, Tone Generator, Totaliser Derby, Tower, Triffids 2040 AD, Twisting Road, VZ 200-300 Diskette Monitor, VZ Panik,
VZ cave, VZ-200 Cup, Vzetris, Worm, Write a Story [Robbbert]
Software list items promoted to working
dmv: MS-DOS v2.11 HD, MS-DOS v2.11 HD (Alt 2), MS-DOS v2.11 HD (Alt 3), MS-DOS v2.11 HD (Alt), Z-Com v2.0 HD [Sandro Ronco, rfka01]
New NOT_WORKING software list additions
ekara_japan_a: A-3 Pichi Pichi Pitch vol.3 (Japan) [David Haywood, Sean Riddle]
Anime Mix 1, Chisako Takashima Selection, evio Challenge!, evio Selection 02, evio Selection 03, Hard Soul 1, I Love Classic 1,
Pure Kiss 1 [David Haywood, Peter Wilhelmsen, ShouTime, Sean Riddle]
Debian GNU/Linux 1.3.1 with Debian-JP Packages, Debian GNU/Linux 2.0r2 with Hamm-JP [akira_2020, Tokugawa Corporate Forums, r09]
Air Warrior V1.2, Fujitsu Habitat V2.1L10, Hyper Media NHK Zoku Kiso Eigo - Dai-3-kan, Nobunaga no Yabou - Sengoku Gun'yuuden,
Taito Chase H.Q. (Demo), TownsFullcolor V2.1 L10, Video Koubou V1.4 L10 [redump.org, r09]
leapfrog_ltleappad_cart: Baby's First Words (USA), Disney Pooh Loves You! (USA), If I were... (USA) [ClawGrip, TeamEurope]
Source Changes
-ins8250: Only clear transmitter holding register empty interrupt on reading IIR if it's the highest priority pending interrupt.
-bus/ss50/mps2.cpp: Connected RS-232 control lines. [68bit]
-machine/ie15.cpp: Cleaned up RS-232 interface. [68bit]
-bus/rs232: Delay pushing initial line state to reset time. [68bit]
-bus/rs232/null_modem.cpp: Added configuration option for DTR flow control. [68bit]
-tv990.cpp: Improved cursor position calculation. [68bit]
-tilemap.cpp: Improved assert conditions, fixing tilemap viewer, mtrain and strain in debug builds. [AJR]
-spbactn.cpp: Use raw screen timing parameters for spbactn. [AJR]
-laz_aftrshok.cpp: Added aftrshok DIP switch documentation from the manual. [AJR]
-ELAN RISC II updates: [AJR]
* Identified CPU type used by vreadere as ePG3231.
* Added preliminary port I/O handlers and callbacks.
* Added stub handlers and state variables for interrupt controller, timers, synthesizer, UART and SPI.
* Fixed TBRD addressing of external data memory.
* Fixed calculation of carry flag for normal adder operations.
* Implemented multi-byte carry/borrow for applicable registers.
* Implemented signed multiplication option.
* Added internal stack buffer for saving PCH during calls/interrupts.
-alpha68k_n.cpp: Replaced sstingry protection simulation with microcontroller emulation. [AJR]
-sed1330: Implemented character drawing from external ROM, fixed display on/off command, and fixed screen area definition. [AJR]
-tlcs90: Separated TMP90840 and TMP90844 disassemblers. [AJR]
-z180 updates: [AJR]
* Split Z180 device into subtypes; HD647180X now implements internal PROM, RAM and parallel ports.
* Added internal clock dividers adjust CPU clocks in many drivers to compensate.
* Reduced logical address width to 16 bits.
-h8: Made debug PC adjustment and breakpoints actually work. [AJR]
-subsino2.cpp: Added save state support and cleaned up code a little. [AJR]
-gaelco.cpp: Adjusted bigkarnk YM3812 clock so pitch matches reference recording. [AJR]
-stadhero.cpp: Made stadhero stage music selection and various other things more random. [AJR]
-acorn_vib: Made ACIA transmit/receive clocks selectable using MC14411. [AJR]
-hitme.cpp: Renamed m21 to mirco21 to resolve name collision. [AJR]
-Emulated ADC0804 and added device to various drivers (fixes "WRONG CONTROL IO" in citybomb service mode). [AJR]
-tmnt.cpp: Added glfgreat analog controls and ADC, and removed spurious fourth button. [AJR]
-megasys1.cpp: Added p47b ADPCM sample playback using additional Z80. [AJR]
-cps1.cpp, segas16b.cpp: Fixed unsafe bitmap usage in video update routines that could cause memory corruption. [AJR]
-bus/isa: Added Music Quest PC MIDI Card [AJR, VOGONS Vintage Driver Library]
-rd100.cpp: Added preliminary keyboard inputs. [AJR]
-Separated V50/V53 common peripherals and former device from V33 base, and add V40 type for future use. [AJR]
-m72.cpp: Fixed sample-related communications on 8751-protected games. [AJR]
-Added Fujitsu FR disassembler and skeleton CPU device. [AJR]
-hvyunit.cpp: Fix hvyunit coin counters. [AJR]
-hh_sm510.cpp: Re-scanned gnw_mmouse display. [algestam]
-snes.cpp: Change screen resolution for pseudo-hires mode, and run HDMA at vertical position zero. [AmatCoder]
* Fixes graphics in Judge Dredd and Vortex.
-alpha68k.cpp updates: [Angelo Salese]
* Added opaque tile support for V board (fixes title screen clipping effects for Sky Adventure).
* Removed hack for priest priority in Sky Adventure level 1 as this is an original game bug.
* Merged sprite drawing code with SNK 68k sprite device.
* Simulated screen banking for Gold Medalist starter pistol shot on dash events.
* Fixed missing status bar and "start/hurry up" graphics for player 1 in Gold Medalist.
* Removed unemulated protection flag from Gold Medalist clones.
-alpha68k.cpp, snk68.cpp: Moved palette code to a common device using the same scheme as the Neo Geo palette. [Angelo Salese]
* Produces more accurate colors, especially visible on dithered backgrounds.
-markham.cpp: Improve Strength & Skilld master interrupt firing and row scroll (fixes missing sprites regression in stages 2 and 3).
[Angelo Salese]
-Synchronized with upstream GENie, bx, bgfx and bimg. [Belegdol]
-Fixed Visual Studio 2019 build issues. [Belegdol]
-Switched Travis CI build to Xcode 11. [Belegdol]
-Build bgfx with OpenGL ES rather than OpenGL when building without X11 on Linux and BSD. [Belegdol]
-ay8910.cpp: Converted Sunsoft 5B 6630B sound hardware to a device. [cam900]
-nmk16spr.cpp: Converted NMK 16-bit sprite hardware to a device. [cam900]
* Implemented priority drawing and sprite limits, and added notes.
* Adapted nmk16.cpp and powerins.cpp to use new device.
-powerins.cpp: Derived clocks from crystals present on boards and added raw screen timing parameters. [cam900]
-ninjaw.cpp, warriorb.cpp: Added subwoofer and corrected sound routing. [cam900]
-mos6581.cpp: Added save state support. [cam900]
-sid.cpp, sidenvel.cpp, sidvoice.cpp: Improved save state support and cleaned up code. [cam900]
-ymf278b.cpp: Implemented FM DO2 output scaling. [cam900]
-ymf262.cpp: Added notes. [cam900]
-tmap038.cpp: Converted 038 tilemap generator chip to a device. [cam900]
* Adapted cave.cpp and mcatadv.cpp to use the new device, and cleaned up code.
-mcatadv.cpp: Fixed tilemap flicker when debugging functionality is enabled. [cam900]
-argus.cpp: Fix repeated spelling error in comments. [cam900]
-megasys1.cpp: Fixed missing semicolon. [Christian Groessler]
-gamate.cpp: Made initial RAM fill better match hardware power-up state. [Christian Groessler]
-audio/irem.cpp: Fixed a number of kidniki audio issues. [Couriersud]
* Added jumper J4 as a compile-time option, fixed a number of resistor and capacitor values, and fixed a barrier.
-Netlist system updates: [Couriersud]
* Added support for line markers to the netlist preprocessor and parser.
* Added include processing to the netlist preprocessor, and reorganised plib code so this can be better utilised.
* Simplified netlist library code and improved performance.
* Moved netlists out of driver sources and organised netlists according to functionality.
* Added an extended validation mode to nltool for identifying certain kinds of issues.
* Removed some hints from pong now that performance has improved..
-chelnov.cpp: Added microcontroller dump for chelnov and hooked it up, replacing simulation. [Dirk Best, TeamEurope, Brian Troha]
* Programs for other regions created by patching the dumped World region microcontroller program.
-firetrap.cpp: Add microcontroller dump for firetrap and hook it up, replacing simulation. [Dirk Best, TeamEurope, Brian Troha]
* Program for US region created by patching the dumped Japan region microcontroller program.
-i8251.cpp, pit8253.cpp, isa/ega.cpp, isa/mda.cpp: Modernized debug logging. [Edstrom]
-m6801.cpp: Added more logging and reduced unnecessary serial transmit output updates. [Edstrom]
-mc6845.cpp: Added more logging and reduced warning spam at startup when register values are inconsistent. [Edstrom]
-isa/mda.cpp: Added Ericsson Monochrome HR Graphics Board 1070. [Edstrom]
-Moved Ericsson PC from pc.cpp to new source file eispc.cpp and added serial keyboard. [Edstrom]
-hp9825.cpp: Added support for external ROM cartridges to HP9825B and HP9825T. [F.Ulivi]
-hp9885.cpp: Added missing postamble when writing sectors on disk. [F.Ulivi]
-Lua engine updates: [feos]
* Added callback after a batch of sound samples are generated.
* Greatly reduced compiler memory usage by adding user type members after construction.
-Always re-generate version.cpp if top-level makefile changes. [feos]
-Start AVI recording after devices have been started so initial screen refresh rate is used rather than fixed 60Hz. [feos]
-goldstar.cpp: Decrypted pkrmast and its clone. [Ioannis Bampoulas, Ivan Vangelista]
-goldstar.cpp: Decrypted super972. [Ivan Vangelista]
-squale.cpp: Connected the EF9365 video controller IRQ output to the 6809 IRQ input for Apollo 7 Squale. [Jean-Francois DEL NERO]
-wd_fdc.cpp: Improved interrupt request reset logic based on WD1772 and VG93 (1793 clone) decaps. [MetalliC]
-Fixed clang compilation error on targets where stream size is larger than long int. [Nathan Woods]
-model1.cpp: Fixed issues with TGP interface emulation. [O. Galibert]
-emumem_het.cpp, emumem_heu.cpp: Hold additional reference for in-flight handlers (fixes MT07456). [O. Galibert, smf]
-apple3.cpp: Corrected number row key layout (fixes pasting and natural keyboard mode). [pahandav]
-ppcdrc.cpp, sh2.cpp, sh4.cpp: Fixed issues causing fast RAM accesses to bypass the debugger. [Phil Bennett]
-tms34020: Implement SETCDP and CLIP opcodes. [Priit Laes]
-apple2gs.cpp: Allow slot interrupt requests to be dispatched. [R. Belmont, Peter Ferrie]
-apple3.cpp: Suppress $C800 switching on debugger accesses. [R. Belmont, Rob Justice]
-osd/sdl: Added support for RRGGBB00 pixel format used by ARM Mali GPUs. [R. Belmont]
-fmtowns_cd.xml updates: [r09]
* Replaced a number of entries with better dumps from the redump.org database.
* Added parent/clone relationships for Windows 3.1 revisions.
* Updated the list of missing dumps.
-fmtowns.cpp updates: [r09]
* Removed SCSI controller from first-generation models and the Marty as these machines lack it.
* Corrected CPU types for FM-Towns II SJ and FM-Towns II MX.
* Corrected user-selectable RAM size options.
* Mapped packed video RAM at 0x00b00000 for 386SX-based models (fixes graphical issues on FM-Towns II UX and FM-Towns Marty).
* Configured FM-Towns Marty with one floppy drive and 2MB of RAM.
* Fixed crashes when 1MB ROM or a single floppy drive is selected.
* Dumped and added ROMs from a first-generation FM-Towns Model 2.
-hcd62121: Implemented exclusive OR with indirect addressing. [Ricardo Barreira]
* Used by cfx9850 for zoom menu in graph mode.
-cfx9850.cpp: Corrected RAM size to 32kB and added mirroring. [Ricardo Barreira]
-super80.cpp, super80_cass.xml: Fine-tuned software compatibility flags. [Robbbert]
-Removed unnecessary offset attribute from some software lists. [Robbbert]
-trs80dt1: Added RS-232 and Centronics parallel ports, and promoted to working. [Robbbert]
-pes.cpp: Modernised and cleaned up code, and fixed regressions caused by years of neglect. [Robbbert]
-mkit09.cpp: Improved inputs for mkit09a and got it to start and run. [Robbbert]
-Added covers to images that can be displayed in system selection UI. [Robbbert]
-imagedev/avivideo.cpp: Added an image device to provide looping uncompressed AVI frames as input. [Ryan Holtz]
-vino.cpp: Adapted to support both avivideo_image_device and picture_image_device. [Ryan Holtz]
-cdi.cpp: Switched SERVO and SLAVE microcontrollers to use the correct device type with internal memory maps. [Ryan Holtz]
-snes.cpp updates:
* Added clock divider for original Super FX chip (fixes game speed in Star Fox, Stunt Race FX, Vortex, and others). [Ryan Holtz]
* Corrected video RAM size to 64kB (fixes graphics in Yoshi's Island and possibly others). [Ryan Holtz, byuu]
* Fixed PPU background layer drawing based on higan ppu-fast. [Ryan Holtz, byuu]
* Adjusted horizontal blanking timing interval to the most common case (fixes off-by-one parallax in Yoshi's Island). [byuu]
-supracan.cpp updates: [Ryan Holtz]
* Implemented sprite-to-sprite masking.
* Removed sound CPU boot hack and fixed sound CPU reset/halt behavior.
* Implemented controller input shift register protocol and removed non-existent parallel inputs in main CPU memory space.
* Removed non-existent player 3 and player 4 inputs.
* Added save status support and converted logging to use logmacro.h.
-bgfx: Do texture format conversion via a full-screen GPU pass. [Ryan Holtz]
-screen: Added support for changing horizontal width mid-frame and hooked it up to the SNES driver. [Ryan Holtz]
* Fixes dkongcu intro and others.
-bus/dmv: Added K012 and C3282 hard disk interfaces. [Sandro Ronco]
-netlist: Fixed issue with 1x1 matrix (affected gamemachine.cpp and breakout.cpp systems). [Tafoid]
-Converted osd_printf_* family of functions to use util::string_format semantics. [Vas Crabb]
-minimaws: Added support for identifying ROM/disk dumps on command line or through web UI. [Vas Crabb]
-srcclean: Improved handling of some kinds of C preprocessor abuse. [Vas Crabb]
-Improved performance of makedep.py, reducing the time taken to bootstrap a SOURCES= build. [Vas Crabb]
-apple2_flop_orig.xml: Replaced Drol with new working dump. [4am, Firehawke]
-m72.cpp Dumped 8751 microcontrollers for airduelm72 and dbreedm72j, replacing simulation.
[Caius, Jorge Silva, TeamEurope, The Dumping Union]
-wardner.cpp: Corrected ROM labels for the Wardner set, and added PCB locations to all sets. [Brian Troha]
-playch10.cpp: Corrected BIOS PPU ROM loading. [brizzo]
-rbmk.cpp: Decapped and dumped AT89C51 microcontroller for rbspm. [Caps0ff, EdHunter]
-lucky37.cpp: Decapped and dumped microcontrollers for lucky21, lucky21d and lucky37. [Caps0ff, TeamEurope]
-changyu.cpp: Decapped and dumped microcontroller for changyu2. [Caps0ff, TeamEurope]
-lwings.cpp: Measured CPU clock and video timings on an original sectionz PCB. [Corrado Tomaselli]
-exedexes.cpp: Measured CPU clocks and video timings, and verified sound chip clocks. [Corrado Tomaselli]
-sidepckt.cpp: Corrected ROM labels and added PCB locations. [Corrado Tomaselli, Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
-nmk16.cpp: Re-dumped the tile graphics ROM for Macross II (Korea). [Darksoft, hammy]
-chihiro.cpp, naomi.cpp: Improved software documentation, particularly title consistency. [f205v]
-Added MIDI floppy software list to some IBM PC drivers. [FakeShemp]
-bus/ata: Added skeleton PleXCombo PX-320A DVD/CD-RW Drive device. [Firmware HQ]
-gsword.cpp: Measured microcontroller clocks for gsword. [Guru]
-dec8.cpp: Verified all clocks for Ghostbusters. [Guru]
-lwings.cpp: Measured main CPU clock on a bootleg sectionza PCB. [Guru]
-m90.cpp: Updated documentation and IC locations. [hammy]
-aristmk5.cpp: Fixed error in cashcatnz layout. [Heihachi_73]
-spartanxtec.cpp: Added some IC locations, and added placeholders for undumped PLDs. [jordigahan]
-galivan.cpp: Re-dumped dangarj audio CPU ROMs. [Layer]
-triforce.cpp: Re-dumped "Triforce DIMM Updater (3.17) (GDT-0011)" to replace previous bad dump. [MajorPBX]
-seta.cpp: Switched jjsquawk to use three buttons (third button is used in the sound test). [Mike Moffitt]
-Fixed building with GCC versions that report a non-numeric version suffix. [MoochMcGee]
-at.cpp updates: [rfka01]
* Added ht12a BIOS option head12a01.
* Added at386sx BIOS options dell386sx, a3286a3886, ald93c308, intel and v514.
* Added ct386sx BIOS options m345000, dtk386sx and solutions.
* Added at386 BIOS options ssbc386at, opwb, 386atj7, vt386vt, l8949, acer310, kmxc02, frx521, frxs3b, 495sx, eemi and topcat.
* Added alim1429 BIOS options revb, alim142901, alim142902 and asaki.
* Added frxc402 BIOS option frximp.
* Added opti495xlc BIOS options op82c495xlc and mao13.
* Added hot409 BIOS option hot409v11.
* Sorted systems by chipset and motherboard, and updated comments, including RAM and cache information.
-dec0.cpp: Decapped and dumped the 8751 microcontroller for Dragonninja (Japan revision 1). [TeamEurope, Brian Troha]
-karnov.cpp: Verified the Atomic Runner (Japan) 8751 microcontroller dump. [TeamEurope, Brian Troha]
-segas16b.cpp: Replaced microcontroller simulation with dumped program for Altered Beast (set 6) (8751 317-0076).
[TeamEurope, Brian Troha]
-dec8.cpp: Replaced hand-crafted microcontroller program with program dump for The Real Ghostbusters sets.
[TeamEurope, Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
-firetrap.cpp: Replaced hand-crafted microcontroller program with program dump for Fire Trap (US).
[TeamEurope, Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
-karnov.cpp: Replaced hand-crafted microcontroller program with program dump for Chelnov - Atomic Runner (US).
[TeamEurope, Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
-segas16a.cpp: Replaced microcontroller simulation code with program dump for the Quartet sets.
[TeamEurope, Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
-segas16b.cpp: Replaced microcontroller simulation with program dump for Dynamite Dux (set 1) (8751 317-0095).
[TeamEurope, Brian Troha, The Dumping Unionn]
-pc98.xml, svi318_cass.xml: Corrected some spelling errors in titles and labels. [Zoe Blade]
-Updated comments, and corrected spelling, grammar and typographical errors in comments and documentation. [Zoe Blade]
cuclis escribió:Los ajustes de mame.ini los carga al inicio. No vas a romper nada.
Eso sí, que tengas sólo uno. Si tienes uno en la carpeta de mame y otro en la carpeta ini, pueden dar problemas.
Aunque lo mejor es no tener ninguno para que lo genere, y cambias lo que quieras.
Si no funciona, con un editor de texto cambias el vídeo de auto a cgi (peor imagen y más lento, pero funciona siempre), y luego lo configuras desde el propio mame.
Lobo escribió:@Hodor Yo tengo otra versión anterior en hyperspin y me da cosa que al cambiar mame dejen funcionar otros juegos. Saludos.
Lobo escribió:@Hodor Si mal no recuerdo la 1,85 creo
poseiido escribió:¿Se sabe en que estado está la emulación en MAME de los juegos de Daphne (Dragon's Lair, Space Ace, etc?
0.216 2019-11-27
MAMETesters Bugs Fixed
- 05177: [Crash/Freeze] (studio2.cpp) All studio2 variants: Memory map does not support cartridges larger than 1kB. (Robbbert)
- 05600: [Graphics] (popeye.cpp) popeye and clones: Games use interlaced video output. (Couriersud)
- 07386: [DIP/Input] (qix.cpp) zookeep, kram and clones: Unable to start game or use first coin slot. (O. Galibert)
- 07453: [DIP/Input] (spectrum.cpp) spectrum: Kempston Joystick doesn't work. (TwistedTom)
- 07472: [Crash/Freeze] (snes.cpp) snespal: When starting a game with SNES (PAL), MAME crashes. (Ryan Holtz)
- 07473: [Graphics] (snesb.cpp) All machines in snesb.cpp: Screen is black. (Ivan Vangelista)
- 07479: [Graphics] (cave.cpp) ddonpach, ddonpachj, donpacha: Graphical bug in attract mode. (cam900)
- 07480: [Sound] (apple2.cpp) mockingboard enabled software: No sound from second AY8913 Mockingboard. (Ivan Vangelista)
- 07487: [Core] (30test.cpp) 30test: Issues with inputs, sound and gameplay. (AJR)
- 07489: [Documentation] tekken4 and clones: Release year is incorrect. (PepsiBoy428)
- 07492: [DIP/Input] (ssrj.cpp) ssrj: Difficulty setting inputs are incorrect. (sasuke)
- 07495: [Crash/Freeze] (segas32.cpp) spidmanj: MAME crashes after few seconds of emulation. (Ryan Holtz)
- 07496: [Media Support] (apple2e.cpp) apple2e and clones: Error when trying to use .NIB disk images. (R. Belmont)
New working machines
Bit Corporation Bit90 [Frank Palazzolo]
Cane [Jean Paul Piccato, Adolfo Melilli, Alessandro Bolgia, Lorenzo Fongaro, Piero Andreini]
Game & Watch: Mario The Juggler [algestam, Mr. Do, Sean Riddle]
Game & Watch: Mickey Mouse (panorama screen) [algestam, Mr Jiggles the Christmas Man]
Orbite [Jean Paul Piccato, Adolfo Melilli, Alessandro Bolgia, Lorenzo Fongaro, Piero Andreini]
Pinball (P8002, ABL TV Game) [David Haywood, Morten Shearman Kirkegaard, Peter Wilhelmsen]
RS-232 DCE-DCE Bridge [Vas Crabb]
New working clones
Berzerk (revision RC31A) [Kevin Eshbach, The Dumping Union]
Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (bootleg with PIC16C57, set 3) [TwistedTom]
Captain Commando (bootleg with 2xMSM5205) [TwistedTom]
Cosmic Alien (version II, set 2) [f205v]
Eeekk! [Craig Anstett, Andrew Welburn]
Game & Watch: Donkey Kong Circus [algestam, Mr Jiggles the Christmas Man]
Heavy Unit (Japan, alternate ROM format) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
JoJo's Venture (Euro 981202) [Darksoft]
JoJo's Venture (Euro 990108) [Darksoft]
JoJo's Venture (Euro 990128) [Darksoft]
Knights of the Round (bootleg with 2xMSM5205, set 2) [TwistedTom]
Operation Wolf 3 (Japan) [ShouTime, The Dumping Union]
Real Bout Fatal Fury / Real Bout Garou Densetsu (Korean release, bug fix revision) [jysx012]
Saturday Night Slam Masters (bootleg with PIC16c57, set 2) [TwistedTom]
Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (Dstreet-6, bootleg) [hammy, ClawGrip]
Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (L735 Test Rom, bootleg, set 2) [TwistedTom]
Super Dead Heat (Japan) [Phil Bennet]
Super Puzzle (Sang Ho Soft) [Adrian]
Verbena (bootleg of Carnival) [Recreativas.org]
Zenith Data Systems Z-150 series [rfka01]
Zenith Data Systems Z-160 series [rfka01]
Machines promoted to working
Ericsson Information System Ericsson PC [Edstrom]
Intec InterAct 8-in-1 [David Haywood, BeckyRGB]
Intec InterAct 32-in-1 [David Haywood, BeckyRGB]
Southwest Technical Products SWTPC 8212 Video Terminal [68bit]
Super Triv (English questions) [Ivan Vangelista]
Wanted (Sega) [Angelo Salese]
Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? (Play Vision, Plug and Play, UK) [David Haywood, Morten Shearman Kirkegaard, Peter Wilhelmsen]
New machines marked as NOT_WORKING
Air-Blaster Joystick (AB1500, PAL) [David Haywood, Morten Shearman Kirkegaard, Peter Wilhelmsen]
Ampro Computers Little Board/PC [Don Maslin Archive]
Ascom Eurit 30 [Cyberia/2 Filebase]
Ericsson Alfaskop Communication Processor 4101 [Edstrom]
Ericsson Alfaskop Display Unit 4110 [Edstrom]
Ericsson Alfaskop Flexible Disk Unit 4120 [Edstrom]
Fantasy Zone (medal game, REV.A) (J 990202 V1.000) [Sugoi Helsinki]
Fishing Master (971107 JPN) [SpinalFeyd, The Dumping Union]
Geonica Meteodata 1256 [ClawGrip]
Metabee Shot [SpinalFeyd, The Dumping Union]
Powerful Chance [SpinalFeyd, R. Belmont]
Rodent Exterminator [Brian Troha, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Roland CM-32P [ValleyBell]
Silicon Graphics Inc Personal IRIS 4D/30 [Patrick Mackinlay]
Silicon Graphics Inc Personal IRIS 4D/35 [Patrick Mackinlay]
Sound Leisure MiniJook [SpinalFeyd]
Sound Leisure SuperStars (CD jukebox) [SpinalFeyd]
Spade [SpinalFeyd]
Vs Maxx Texas Hold'em TV Poker - 6 Player Edition (UK) [David Haywood, Morten Shearman Kirkegaard, Peter Wilhelmsen]
VTech DynamiDesk (Germany) [TeamEurope]
VTech Mis Primeras Lecciones (Spain) [ClawGrip]
Yu-Gi-Oh Monster Capsule [SpinalFeyd, R. Belmont]
New clones marked as NOT_WORKING
286 motherboards with Suntac ST62C303-A chipset [rfka01]
Abit AB-AH4 [rfka01]
Abit AB-PI4 [rfka01]
AEG Olympia Olystar 20F [rfka01]
Arstoria AS496 [rfka01]
Biostar MB-1433UCV [rfka01]
Channel Three [TeamEurope, Grull Osgo, Ivan Vangelista]
Chicago Cubs' Triple Play (German) [PinMAME]
Comus Instruments Ltd. Comus Daisy [Nigel Barnes, Centre for Computing History]
Corona Data Systems, Inc. Cordata PPC-400 [rfka01]
Eagle EAGLEN486 GC10A [rfka01]
First International Computer 486 KVD [rfka01]
Highscreen 486-25 [rfka01]
Leading Edge Hardware Products, Inc. Model D [rfka01]
Mephisto (Stargame) (newer?) [jordigahan]
NAT48PV-1.00 VL [rfka01]
Oba-Oba (old hardware) [PinMAME]
Philips NMS 9100 [rfka01]
Shuttle Computer International HOT-307H [rfka01]
Shuttle Computer International HOT-419 [rfka01]
SOYO SY-4SAW2 [rfka01]
Space Train (Pinball, old hardware) [PinMAME]
Tandy Radio Shack Videotex [cuba200611]
Video Technology PreComputer 2000 (Spain) [ClawGrip]
VTech Pitagorin [ClawGrip]
Wang Laboratories, Inc. PC-250/16 [rfka01]
New working software list additions
Certificates and More! (cleanly cracked), The Cosmic Balance (cleanly cracked),
Empire III: Armageddon (Version 1.1) (cleanly cracked), Fractions: Addition (cleanly cracked),
Labyrinth of Crete (cleanly cracked), Labyrinth: The Computer Game (Lucasfilm Games) (cleanly cracked),
MECC-A315 Freedom! (Version 1.0) (cleanly cracked), Questron (cleanly cracked), The Tournament Manager (cleanly cracked)
[4am, Firehawke]
The Adventures of Kristen and Her Family (cleanly cracked), Korg 800 4-Track MIDI Sequencer (Version 1.0) (cleanly cracked),
Leadsheeter (cleanly cracked) MIDI/8 Plus (Version 1.2) (cleanly cracked), PolyWriter (Version 1.2) (cleanly cracked),
PolyWriter Utilities (Version 1.2) (cleanly cracked), [4am, san, Firehawke]
The Railroad Works (CBS Version) (cleanly cracked) [Tom Greene, Firehawke]
Anti-M (version 1.6) [4am, Firehawke]
Best of Muse (16 Sector + LC Patch) [Tom Greene, Firehawke]
Appilot Edu-Disk, Asteroid, Beneath The Pyramids, The Best of MUSE, Bloody Murder, Buck Rogers: Planet of Zoom, Checker King,
Deadline (Release 26 / 821108), Earthquake: San Francisco 1906, Empire III: Armageddon (Version 1.1), Flight Simulator I (A2-FS1),
Gammon Gambler, Gulf Strike, Hacker II: The Doomsday Papers, How The West Was One + Three x Four,
In Search of Space: Introduction to Model Rocketry, Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom,
Indiana Jones in Revenge of the Ancients, Lane Mastodon vs. The Blubbermen, Law of the West, Little Computer People,
Lords of Conquest, Master of the Lamps, MicroChess (Version 2.0), Might and Magic Book Two, Pandora's Box, Pharaoh's Revenge,
Physics of Model Rocketry, Punctuation: Building Better Language Skills, Realm of Impossibility, Roadwar 2000 (Version 1.1),
Super Zaxxon, Video Vegas (Version 12501), Word Zapper [4am, Firehawke]
Acorn NFS 3.34B, Acorn TFS 0.31, Aries-B20 2.2, Aries-B20 2.4, Aries-B32 1.0, Prestel Terminal 1.00, Raven-20 1.00, Raven-20 1.06,
Watford Electronics 32K RAM 1.00, Watford Electronics 32K RAM 2.00, Watford Electronics 32K RAM 2.40, Workstation 100
[Nigel Barnes]
Advanced Battery-Backed RAM v1.04, Advanced Battery-Backed RAM v1.10, Advanced Quarter Meg RAM, Click v1.00, Click v1.01,
ISO-Pascal, LISP, Master Mega 256, MR8000 Master RAM Cartridge, MR8000 Master RAM Cartridge (alt), TechnoCAD [Nigel Barnes]
3D Pinball, American 3D Pool, Angle Ball, Ball Crazy, Continental Circus, Feud, One Man and His Droid, Robocop,
Rockford / Back to Reality [archive.org, Zoe Blade]
gamegear: Sonic the Hedgehog Chaos (Euro, prototype 19930517) [Hidden Palace]
4 in 1 - S.Z.L.H + Colo + F1-2004 + Popper, 4 in 1 - Warrior + Cleverhawk + Valiant + MetalDeform ('APR 23 05', 512KB cartridge)
[TeamEurope, AJR]
gameking3: Panzer [TeamEurope, AJR]
ibm5170: Kick Off 3: European Challenge, The Settlers, Syndicate [ArcadeShadow]
megadriv: Crying Dragon (Jpn, Prototype) [andlabs]
neogeo: Real Bout Fatal Fury / Real Bout Garou Densetsu (Korean release, bug fix revision) [jysx012]
sms: Sonic the Hedgehog Chaos (Euro, prototype 19930713) [Hidden Palace]
La Mode - 1984 (Programa Computado) [ClawGrip, avlixa, ICEknight]
DISCiPLE System Tape v3b [TwistedTom]
DISCiPLE System Disk v2, DISCiPLE System Disk v2b, DISCiPLE System Disk v2c, DISCiPLE System Disk v3a, DISCiPLE System Disk v3b,
DISCiPLE System Disk v3d, Pick-Poke-It, Plus D System Disk v2a, Uni-Dos [TwistedTom]
studio2: RCA demo [Robbbert]
visicom: Gambler I, Gambler II, Sansuu Drill, Space Command [unknown]
vsmile_cart: Spider-Man & Freunde - Geheime Missionen (Germany) [TeamEurope]
Software list items promoted to working
bbcm_cart: Master Smart Cartridge [Nigel Barnes, Center for Computing History]
4 in 1 - Chaser + Blaster + StarWars + Nagual, 4 in 1 - DraculaZone (Surf Eidolon) + Hero + PocketTank + Star Ghazi,
4 in 1 - SeaGuard + Whirlybird + Spectask + Captain, 4 in 1 - Three Battles + Light Sword + Risker + Metal Deform,
4 in 1 Vol. 8 - 2004 + Dragon + StreetHero + Penguin, 4 in 1 Vol. 10 - Soldier + Seatercel + General + Seafight,
4 in 1 Vol. 11 - Explorer + Magician + AirHero + HappyGarden, 4 in 1 Vol. 12 - Pet + Arrow + Fighter + Airforce,
4 in 1 Vol. 13 - Might + Brains + Catman + Armada, 2004, Adventure Legend Carlo, Aries, Dino Adventure Legend, Duck Man,
F1-2004 Racing, Feichuan VII, Happy Ball, Happy Killer, Lanneret, Penguin, Popper, Seatercel, Soldier, Street Hero, Supermotor,
Trojan Legend [AJR]
gameking3: Adventure, Urgent Action [AJR]
sms: Sonic the Hedgehog Chaos (Euro, "Ver 0.20", prototype 19930630) [Hidden Palace]
New NOT_WORKING software list additions
GoMMC Tools 0.72, GoMMC Tools 0.80, GoMMC Tools 1.03, Prestel Trial 4.71r, Super MMC, Turbo MMC 0.A1, UMI-2B 5.01 [Nigel Barnes]
picno: Anime Box, Fushigi no Kuni no Alice, Son Goku no Boken [Vyse the determined @ Gaming Sanctuary, SSJ, TeamEurope]
Source Changes
-swtpc8212.cpp updates: [68bit]
* Added MCM66750 character generator ROM, implemented video row update function, and added I/O.
* Converted to device so the terminal can be used as an RS-232 slot device as well as a stand-alone machine.
-swtpc8212.cpp, tv990.cpp: Cleaned up use of PORT_CHANGED_MEMBER macro. [68bit]
-mekd1.cpp, mekd3.cpp, mekd4.cpp and mekd5.cpp updates: [68bit]
* Added port changed handlers for RS-232 control signal routing options.
* Added save state support and cleaned up code.
-wd1000.cpp: Added save state support. [68bit]
-swtpc.cpp: Added port changed handler for CPU clock speed option, and cleaned up code. [68bit]
-swtpc09.cpp updates: [68bit]
* Added port changed handlers for CPU clock speed, floppy drive controller clock speed, and Baud rate options.
* Added save state support and cleaned up code.
-bus/ss50 updates: [68bit]
* dc5.cpp: Added port changed handlers for configuration options, added save state support, and cleaned up code.
* mps.cpp: Added port changed handlers for RS-232 control line routing options, added save state support, and cleaned up code.
* mps2.cpp: Organised Baud rate settings in ascending order.
* mpt.cpp, piaide.cpp: Added save state support and cleaned up code.
-qvt102.cpp updates: [68bit]
* Replaced perfect quantum setting by boosting interleave on keyboard data transmission.
* Improved keyboard matrix emulation, cleaned up code and added notes.
-cpu/rsp: Added 32-bit opcode alignment for disassembly. [AJR]
-cpu/m68000: Improved cycle counts for SCC68070, and further distinguished it from the MC68000 and MC68010. [AJR]
-cpu/m6502: Added preliminary Sitronix ST2204/ST2205U system-on-a-chip emulation. [AJR]
-gameking.cpp updates: [AJR]
* Fixed directional controls.
* Added gamekin3 LCD color filter emulation, and corrected clock speed based on timer initialization.
-cpu/i86: Fixed pathological case where jumping into pages of 0xFF-prefixed invalid opcodes could cause MAME to lock up. [AJR]
-cpu/f8: Moved internal scratchpad register memory to an address space. [AJR]
-cpu/nec updates: [AJR]
* Implemented v5x internal/external timer clock input selection.
* Internalized CPU clock divider for V40/V50.
-mc68hc11 updates: [AJR]
* Added internal clock divider.
* Fixed size of fetched operand for ADDD indexed modes.
* Emulated FDIV instruction.
-cpu/m6502: Corrected 65C02 opcode timing and bus usage. [AJR]
* BBR and BBS use one or two extra cycles when the branch is taken (like other conditional branches).
* TRB and TSB perform an extra read of the operand instead of an extra write.
-ms32.cpp: Fixed hayaosi3 final round and flame text priorities. [Angelo Salese]
-Added option to throttle after video update rather than before (-lowlatency or -lolat). [Antonio Giner]
* Reduces input latency when enabled, but may cause input latency and frame interval jitter for some emulated systems.
-Updated to latest upstream bgfx, bx and bimg, and updated shaders to use of helper function ensuring correct matrix orientation.
-snes_ppu.cpp: Ported over more of the bsnes ppu-fast implementation - fixes many bugs, possibly causes more. [byuu, Ryan Holtz]
-315_5124.cpp, 315_5313.cpp, megaplay.cpp: Added support for scaling layers to least common multiple horizontal resolution. [cam900]
* Corrects size/position of MegaPlay overlay.
-315_5124.cpp: Updated color palette based on hardware measurements, and added notes. [cam900]
-es5506.cpp: Implemented differences between ES5505 and ES5506 based on documentation, and cleaned up code. [cam900]
-cpu/nec/v5x.cpp: Moved re-mappable I/O handlers into a separate address space, and fixed re-mapping behavior. [cam900]
-mb8421.cpp: Added support for similar devices with different address and data widths. [cam900]
* Updated twinkle.cpp and firebeat.cpp to use new CY7C131 device.
* Added placeholder IDT7130 device to esqmr.cpp.
-tmap038.cpp: Fixed tile size check and moved mirroring into driver-supplied address maps (fixes MT07479). [cam900]
-bgfx renderer updates: [Couriersud]
* Added support for disabling waiting for vertical blanking interval to bgfx Vulkan back-end.
* Fixed issue that could prevent brightness, contrast and gamma adjustments from being applied.
-OpenGL renderer updates: [Couriersud]
* Fixed issue that could prevent brightness, contrast and gamma adjustments from being applied.
* Fixed failure to apply line width.
-Netlist library updates: [Couriersud]
* Added more C preprocessor features to netlist preprocessor, including macro parameters, stringification and token concatenation.
* Improved reporting of error location in netlist preprocessor.
* Added ability to supply the floating point type as a solver parameter.
* Added RELTOL and VNTOL solver parameters to control Newton convergence checks.
* Started adding support for parameter values containing expressions.
* Removed proxy and power terminal hacks and updated netlists as necessary.
* Removed DUMMY_INPUT (NC_PIN should be used in its place).
* Enabled extended validation to catch unconnected power terminals, and fixed errors this exposed.
* Added const and noexcept qualifiers as appropriate, and removed dead code.
* Added vector output support to fixed frequency screen device.
-nltool updates: [Couriersud]
* Added --fperr option to enable floating point exceptions (useful when debugging code in GDB).
* Added preliminary documentation mode.
-starfield_05xx.cpp: Added notes about Wolfgang and Jindrich's equivalent Galois LFSR implementation. [Couriersud]
-pong.cpp: Improved performance in pongf and rebound, and switched nl_pongf to dynamic time stepping. [Couriersud]
-sliders.cpp: Added support for PORT_CONDITION on PORT_ADJUSTER inputs, allowing inapplicable sliders to be hidden. [Couriersud]
-popeye.cpp: Added support for interlaced rendering (addresses MT05600). [Couriersud]
-Elan EU3A05/EU3A14 updates: [David Haywood]
* Split up implementations and started identifying common features.
* Fixed non-split mode horizontal scrolling.
* Disabled timer when running rad_bb3 (timer enable needs to be identified).
-nes_vt.cpp: Split up state classes, moved VT1682-based games to a separate driver, and cleaned up code. [David Haywood]
-vii.cpp updates: [David Haywood]
* Added preliminary LCD controller, UART and player input emulation for sentx6p.
* Added a hack to allow tvgogo to proceed further.
-vt1682.cpp updates: [David Haywood]
* Added preliminary video emulation, including sprites, X/Y scrolling and raster effects.
* Hooked up sound CPU and added preliminary sound support.
* Added preliminary inputs (works for ii32in1).
-cpu/i86/i86.cpp: Disabled warning message when executing instructions with lock (0xf0) prefix. [Edstrom]
-z80sio.cpp: Verified sync byte behavior in SDLC/HDLC mode, and improved logging. [Edstrom]
-i8251.cpp: Improved initialization, fixing spurious framing error on reset. [Edstrom]
-eispc.cpp updates: [Edstrom]
* Added preliminary 8-bit ISA card for IBM terminal emulation.
* Added keyboard LEDs and fixed keyboard communication, removing the need for workarounds.
* Improved Ericsson High-resolution Monochrome Graphics Board 1070 emulation.
* Fixed parallel printer port configuration.
-alfaskop41xx.cpp: Added three skeleton drivers for various parts of the Ericsson Alfaskop 41 system. [Edstrom]
* The Display Unit 4110 prints a boot prompt but that's it.
-hp_ipc.cpp: Fixed 1LL3 GPU emulation bug that caused the cursor and sprites to disappear at the top and left-hand side of screen.
-Simplified implementation of HP-80, HP-9825 and HP-9845 optional ROM slot emulation (GitHub #5839). [F.Ulivi]
-sn76477.cpp: Improved WAV logging enable conditions and file naming. [Jean Paul Piccato]
-cpu/sh: Implemented SH-2 watchdog timer. [MetalliC]
-315_5649.cpp: Filled out additional features for future use. [MetalliC]
-aviio.cpp: Fixed potential out-of-bounds access when the processed sound samples fill the sound sample buffer. [Nathan Woods]
-bbc.cpp updates: [Nigel Barnes]
* Replaced ROM/RAM banks with handlers to allow access from internal expansion boards.
* Added slot interface for internal expansion boards.
* Removed the Sideways RAM configuration option in favour of internal expansion board options.
* Made empty BBC Master cartridge sockets return video data on data bus.
* bbcb: Added many internal ROM/RAM expansion boards from Aries, ATPL, Computech, Peartree, Solidisk, and Watford Electronics.
* bbcbp: Added ATPL Sidewise+ internal expansion board.
* bbcm: Added Morley Master 'AA' and Vine Micros Overlay internal expansion boards.
* bbcm: Added Slogger Click, Solidisk Mega 256, Peartree MR8000, and Master Smart Cartridge devices.
* bbcb: Added the Robin Voice Box user port device.
* bbcb: Added Morley Electronics RAM Disc and PMS 64K Non-Volatile Ram Module 1MHz bus devices.
* autoc15: Replaced HD6845 CRT controller with HD6345 (required for smooth scrolling).
* autoc15: Added Autocue RAM disc device.
-electron: Added Wizard Sidewinder Rom Expansion Board. [Nigel Barnes, Binary Dinosaurs]
-bbcm: Added Solidisk PC-Plus co-processor. [Nigel Barnes, Centre for Computing History]
-cpu/dsp56000: Added disassembler for Motorola DSP56000. [Patrick Mackinlay]
-apple2gs.cpp: Emulated implementation detail of Language Card inhibit in bank 01 that Music Construction Set depends on.
[Peter Ferrie, R. Belmont]
-macOS support updates: [R. Belmont]
* Added workaround for issues with Retina displays on macOS 10.15 Catalina.
* Changed default render module from OpenGL to bgfx in macOS builds.
-Report SDL-provided GUID as stable controller ID when using SDL joystick provider module. [R. Belmont]
-8080bw.cpp: Fixed selection of game B in jspecter. [Robbbert]
-studio2.cpp: Fixed problem loading cartridges in visicom - all software list games now work. [Robbbert]
-galaga.cpp: Re-implemented starfield emulation based on reverse-engineering of the Namco 05xx chip. [Robert Hildinger]
* Fixes a number of regressions, and addresses corner cases.
-bus/bml3: Added Hitachi Real Time Clock card. [Russell Bull]
-snes_ppu.cpp: fixed rapid vertical scrolling in rexronan and other games. [Ryan Holtz]
-bgfx renderer fixes: [Ryan Holtz]
* Fixed crash on emulated screen resolution changes (GitHub #5857).
* Fixed assertion failure on starting LaserDisc games (GitHub #5830).
* Fixed screen color (tint) not being applied and issues with brightness/contrast/gamma sliders (GitHub #5956).
* Fixed incorrect display of YUV video in LaserDisc games when using the OpenGL back-end (GitHub #5961).
-screen.cpp: Only clear or allocate scan bitmaps in excess of the previous height. [Ryan Holtz]
* Fixes blank portions of snes smw2u, and possibly others.
-rainbow.cpp: Separated Model A and Model B into separate machine definitions rather than compile-time options. [Ryan Holtz]
-sun4 updates: [Ryan Holtz]
* cgsix: Added support for hardware cursor, pattern register, plane mask register, and pixel mask register.
* sun4c_mmu.cpp: Made generic to support sun4 MMU mode, cleaned up save state registrations, and removed redundant MMU code.
* sun4.cpp: Split sun4 and sun4c machines into separate derived state classes.
* cgsix: Hooked up SBus vertical sync interrupts.
* cgsix: Added vertical sync interrupt, added THC MISC register, and cleaned up save state registrations.
-sparc.cpp: Renamed MB86901 to SPARCV7, and added a separate class for SPARCV8. [Ryan Holtz]
-bt45x.cpp: Made logmacro.h usage more consistent. [Ryan Holtz]
-k007232.cpp, multipcm.cpp: Added compile-time option to log samples in WAV format. [Ryan Holtz]
-netlist: Added 7492 divide-by-twelve counter and 7442 4-line BCD to 10-line decimal decoder. [Ryan Holtz]
-CPS-1 and bootleg updates: [TwistedTom]
* Added C-board PAL dumps for mercs, mercsu, mercsur1, mercsj, sf2ee and sf2ue.
* Fixed player 4 inputs and most graphical issues in slampic bootleg.
* Added more DIP switch settings for sf2amf2/sf2amf3.
* Separated some bootlegs into derived state classes and separate source files (cps1bl_pic.cpp, fcrash.cpp).
* Confirmed clocks for some games.
* Added placeholders for undumped PALs/GALs used in Street Fighter II': Champion Edition Mstreet-6 bootlegs.
-wd_fdc.cpp: Made WD1772 spin up drives on force interrupt command (GitHub #5893). [TwistedTom]
-ZX Spectrum updates: [TwistedTom]
* Fixed Kempston Joystick and Didaktik Melodik sound card.
* Fixed Multiface One NMI clearing, and added support for Kempston Joystick port, disable switch and joystick disable jumper.
* Implemented floating bus read behaviour, fixing a few games that rely on it.
* Added support for Miles Gordon Technology DISCiPLE Multi-purpose Interface and +D Disk and Printer Interface.
-General refactoring and modernisation: [Vas Crabb]
* Changed device delegates to behave more like device callbacks and other object finders during configuration.
* Eliminated a conditional branch from the hot path when invoking a delegate set to a member function pointer.
* Changed emu_fatalerror constructor and fatalerror helper to use string_format semantics.
* Improved semantics of scheduler quantum configuration.
* Micro-optimised scheduler code to improve performance of systems making heavy use of timers.
* Moved input sequence configuration helpers out of the core input manager to a front-end helper class.
* Got rid of device_slot_card_interface (it provided little value), and added a helper template providing validation for slots.
* Cleaned up a lot of bus/slot/card code.
-Fixed memory leaks in Xbox USB emulation. [Vas Crabb]
-Added a workaround for nanosvg making assumptions about the global locale. [Vas Crabb]
-vboy.cpp: Re-wrote Virtual Boy cartridge slot emulation, improving accuracy of static RAM emulation in particular. [Vas Crabb]
-c64.cpp, c128.cpp: Fixed CBM IEC slot address not being set when replacing devices in machine configuration. [Vas Crabb]
-bus/c64/rex_ep256.cpp: Fixed array of EPROM slot devices not being populated. [Vas Crabb]
-Internal user interface updates: [Vas Crabb]
* Added live display of emulated analog control positions to the analog controls menu.
* Added live feedback to the input configuration menus, and improved input sequence configuration behaviour.
* Fixed regression that caused default input mappings to be displayed incorrectly.
* Improved layout of DIP switch display and made it scale with UI font size.
* Improved crosshair image selection user interface.
* Separated "focus next" and "config menu" actions, and implemented "focus previous" action.
* Fixed bug that prevented joystick or mouse inputs from being used for "focus next" action.
* Fixed some cases where menu heading size was not re-calculated after UI font size changes.
* Fixed a bug that allowed keyboard focus to move to hidden panels on the system/software selection menus.
* Improved presentation and responsiveness of a number of menus.
* Fixed endian issues, improved data locality, and reduced redundant copying and hashing in the localisation loader.
* Added and diagnostic output messages and validation of input data to localisation loader.
* Improved performance of opening debugger windows, particularly memory windows with a large number of save state registrations.
* Made new disassembly windows default to the current CPU in the Qt debugger.
-Removed internal auto-fire functionality, as the plug-in is the preferred solution (GitHub #5802). [Vas Crabb]
-wavwrite.cpp: Fixed buffer overrun when supplying 32-bit stereo samples. [Vas Crabb]
-util/options.cpp: Fixed settings being read with user locale but written with C locale. [Vas Crabb]
* Fixes system/software selection menu filter panel not being displayed on macOS depending on number format settings.
-cinemat.cpp: Corrected ROM labels for solarq. [Andrew Welburn]
-mephisto_modular.cpp: Added an older version of berl16. [CB-Emu]
-Added firmware dump and skeleton device for Sony SMO-C501 Magneto-Optical Disk Controller. [Don Maslin Archive]
-flstory.cpp: Added DIP switch locations. [Guru]
-cps1.cpp: Dumped some GALs used in Street Fighter II': Champion Edition Mstreet-6 bootlegs. [hammy, TwistedTom]
-rocnrope.cpp: Dumped the PAL10L8 at location 6G for ropeman. [Joe Magiera]
-gamegear.xml: Improved title consistency and capitalization. [kazblox]
-votrpss.cpp: Improved ROM labels and expanded notes. [Lord Nightmare]
-cps1bl_5205.cpp, cps1bl_pic.cpp: Added parent/clone relationships for newly added bootlegs. [MASH]
-at.cpp: Added additional BIOS options. [rfka01]
* a486sp3g: Added v306 BIOS option.
* a486sp3: Added v306 and v307 BIOS options.
* a486sv2g: Added v306 and v402b BIOS options.
* alim1419: Added 386acp102 BIOS option.
* hot433: Added wie10 and 2a4x5h21 BIOS options.
-genpc.cpp: Added 081682 BIOS option for pc. [rfka01]
-flstory.cpp: Dumped MC68705 microcontroller for victnine and replaced simulation. [ShouTime, David Haywood, Lord Nightmare]
-gameking.xml updates: [TeamEurope, David Haywood]
* Re-dumped 4 in 1 Vol. 8 - 2004 + Dragon + StreetHero + Penguin.
* Removed bad dump of Dino Adventure Legend, and marked half-size dumps of 4-in-1 cartridges as bad.
* Added cartridge connector pinout.
-gameking3.xml: Corrected title of "Fly Car". [TeamEurope]
-Added workaround to allow cross-compilation for an i386 target on an x86-64 host. [Tiago Pierezan Camargo]
-c64_cass.xml: Cleaned up publisher metadata. [Zoe Blade]