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Monster Hunter: World has been in development for four years.
Originally, it was going to be called "Monster Hunter 5", but the development team really liked the name, "World" (Japanese ワールド).
The Base Camp spawns in random places. Each time a hunt starts, hunters will be at a different Base Camp.
Hunters can change weapons and armor midhunt by going to the Base Camp. This feature was added due to there usually being multiple large monsters in an area and from each having a different strength or weakness.
Hunters can now hunt freely without being held back by the main objective/quest, even if the quest is complete. Hunters can hunt freely without any limits now.
Hunters use Scout Flies as guides to help them navigate the area if they can't find the monster and to find certain items, including drool and footprints.
The monsters can easily change the environment you are fighting in with certain attacks and destroying certain objects.
Each large monster in a location has a territory in a certain part of the area. In some cases, hunters may need to lure another threat into their territory in order to get their target to reveal itself.
By hiding from monsters, hunters can avoid fighting them or prepare for a silent escape from the battle.
Capcom thought about giving the monsters health bars due to a majority of people. Globally, fans requested for a way to see how much damage they were dealing, so Capcom decided to add damage numbers to the this game.
The Quest Giver was fully voiced in English, and she sent the hunter on a quest to hunt an Anjanath, the T-rex-like monster shown in the reveal.
Hunters can quickly pick up resources as they run by, meaning you don’t have to stop and wait for foraging animations.
For new people coming in, here's a recap of info that has been shared so far by Capcom employees who have worked on/with Monster Hunter.
A 4:56 video that shows a bit more extended footage of the things we've already seen.
Monster Hunter: World is not a spin-off.
Monster Hunter: World was worked on by the main development team in Japan.
You can play offline.
Fishing, mining, and capturing bugs still in the game.
All 14 weapon types confirmed in the game.
Tails still cuttable.
Hunt, Carve, Forge loop is still there.
Still has the same rewarding and challenging gameplay.
Health, stamina, potions, sharpness still present.
Sound still plays after making a good well done steak.
Targeting locked 30FPS across all platforms (referring to console).
The game uses the MT Framework. Maybe PC as well, weird wording in this one.
Insect Glaive will be in the game.
When asked about Hunter Arts, response was "Brand new title. Brand new gameplay systems in place!"
Separate maps, but zones are gone!
More clarification on maps/zones: "It's not open world game, but all the maps are massive and wide open, without any loading screens"
Charge Blade is in, Tonfa is not.
No underwater combat.
No Prowler Mode in Monster Hunter World.
Palicoes are in the game.
In-game voice chat is supported.
You can either choose to sneak past small monsters to avoid fighting them, or kill them to collect/loot their bodies. The world is "hella flexible."
Gestures will be present in Monster Hunter: World.
They are completely focused on World for the western markets, and Monster Hunter: World is once again confirmed as the next main title in the series.
After being asked if there will be a Monster Hunter 5 or a game for the Japanese audiences, they reply was: "This is the next generation of Monster Hunter!"
You can both do drop-in/drop-out co-op, or form a pre-hunt party in Monster Hunter: World.
Multiplayer is online-only, there is no local co-op.
Monsters will not have health bars, but damage numbers will appear.
Monster Hunter World is confirmed to NOT have regenerating health. I guess there was a rumor going around about this? Idk..
Japanese Twitter showed off some new screenshots: 1 2 3 4 5. As well as a new title card image.
/u/LinFTW did a recap of the Playstation Live Event information that can be found here.
Recap of a users experience from NeoGAF with behind-closed-doors Monster Hunter: World footage:
Sorry for late reply, it's a private demo you can sign up for at E3. Four developers from Japan playing the game unscripted (they were unable to defeat Rathalos lol).Started demo off with just one hunter, he tracked the new monster with "scout flies" ...
when the battle got rough, he led the new monster to Rathalos Nest very high up in the environment.
Rathalos was pissed to see the hunter and the monster creeping into his lair and preceded to wreck everything.
Great animations of the monsters fighting each other. The lone hunter sends signal flare and 3 other devs join mid battle.
Lots of vertical combat, more than MH4. Seems all hunters have a grappling hook.
The monsters interactions with each other was very cool, they encountered 3 different large monsters during demo.
One of them ate an herbivore whole lol.
The rapid fire on the heavy bowgun is a special ability.
The combat looks and feels like traditional monster hunter with quality of life improvements.
Day and night cycle is realtime, Rathalos destroyed a dam which cause an area to flood. Sweeping 2 of the hunters out of the area.
I really like that they went back to a more prehistoric feeling and mood to the game.
The fours hunters fighting together looked awesome, Rathalos has many new attacks, throws and animations.
The bow has a nice new attack which drops small bombs on top of the monsters.
I think they finally updated the Rathalos model haha.
I wish it was a bit more stylized, but the Graphics look great.
josemurcia escribió:darksch escribió:sixsilum escribió:Bethesda: TES VI no esta en desarrollo.
Con lo que tarda en hacerse uno, no tenemos TES hasta mínimo 5-6 años
Mejor, a ver si tiran el motor basura y mudan todo al idTech.
darksch escribió:Te voy a zurrar![]()
A mi el TES me gusta por su ambientación, posibilidades, inmersión, exploración, descubrimientos, y etc.etc.
tiku escribió:La información que aparece hoy en Dengeki confirma que, básicamente, Monster Hunter World es MH 5 y no un spin-off. El juego lleva 4 años de desarrollo e iba a ser llamado MH5. El director, como ya se sabía, es el mismo de todas las entregas principales (1, 2, Tri, 4) , al igual que todo el equipo de desarollo, el cual es el encargado de als iteraciones principales de la saga:Monster Hunter: World has been in development for four years.
Originally, it was going to be called "Monster Hunter 5", but the development team really liked the name, "World" (Japanese ワールド).
The Base Camp spawns in random places. Each time a hunt starts, hunters will be at a different Base Camp.
Hunters can change weapons and armor midhunt by going to the Base Camp. This feature was added due to there usually being multiple large monsters in an area and from each having a different strength or weakness.
Hunters can now hunt freely without being held back by the main objective/quest, even if the quest is complete. Hunters can hunt freely without any limits now.
Hunters use Scout Flies as guides to help them navigate the area if they can't find the monster and to find certain items, including drool and footprints.
The monsters can easily change the environment you are fighting in with certain attacks and destroying certain objects.
Each large monster in a location has a territory in a certain part of the area. In some cases, hunters may need to lure another threat into their territory in order to get their target to reveal itself.
By hiding from monsters, hunters can avoid fighting them or prepare for a silent escape from the battle.
Capcom thought about giving the monsters health bars due to a majority of people. Globally, fans requested for a way to see how much damage they were dealing, so Capcom decided to add damage numbers to the this game.
The Quest Giver was fully voiced in English, and she sent the hunter on a quest to hunt an Anjanath, the T-rex-like monster shown in the reveal.
Hunters can quickly pick up resources as they run by, meaning you don’t have to stop and wait for foraging animations.
Mucha más info de diversos sitios, incluido de usuarios de GAF que han probado la demo privada:For new people coming in, here's a recap of info that has been shared so far by Capcom employees who have worked on/with Monster Hunter.
A 4:56 video that shows a bit more extended footage of the things we've already seen.
Monster Hunter: World is not a spin-off.
Monster Hunter: World was worked on by the main development team in Japan.
You can play offline.
Fishing, mining, and capturing bugs still in the game.
All 14 weapon types confirmed in the game.
Tails still cuttable.
Hunt, Carve, Forge loop is still there.
Still has the same rewarding and challenging gameplay.
Health, stamina, potions, sharpness still present.
Sound still plays after making a good well done steak.
Targeting locked 30FPS across all platforms (referring to console).
The game uses the MT Framework. Maybe PC as well, weird wording in this one.
Insect Glaive will be in the game.
When asked about Hunter Arts, response was "Brand new title. Brand new gameplay systems in place!"
Separate maps, but zones are gone!
More clarification on maps/zones: "It's not open world game, but all the maps are massive and wide open, without any loading screens"
Charge Blade is in, Tonfa is not.
No underwater combat.
No Prowler Mode in Monster Hunter World.
Palicoes are in the game.
In-game voice chat is supported.
You can either choose to sneak past small monsters to avoid fighting them, or kill them to collect/loot their bodies. The world is "hella flexible."
Gestures will be present in Monster Hunter: World.
They are completely focused on World for the western markets, and Monster Hunter: World is once again confirmed as the next main title in the series.
After being asked if there will be a Monster Hunter 5 or a game for the Japanese audiences, they reply was: "This is the next generation of Monster Hunter!"
You can both do drop-in/drop-out co-op, or form a pre-hunt party in Monster Hunter: World.
Multiplayer is online-only, there is no local co-op.
Monsters will not have health bars, but damage numbers will appear.
Monster Hunter World is confirmed to NOT have regenerating health. I guess there was a rumor going around about this? Idk..
Japanese Twitter showed off some new screenshots: 1 2 3 4 5. As well as a new title card image.
/u/LinFTW did a recap of the Playstation Live Event information that can be found here.
Recap of a users experience from NeoGAF with behind-closed-doors Monster Hunter: World footage:
Sorry for late reply, it's a private demo you can sign up for at E3. Four developers from Japan playing the game unscripted (they were unable to defeat Rathalos lol).Started demo off with just one hunter, he tracked the new monster with "scout flies" ...
when the battle got rough, he led the new monster to Rathalos Nest very high up in the environment.
Rathalos was pissed to see the hunter and the monster creeping into his lair and preceded to wreck everything.
Great animations of the monsters fighting each other. The lone hunter sends signal flare and 3 other devs join mid battle.
Lots of vertical combat, more than MH4. Seems all hunters have a grappling hook.
The monsters interactions with each other was very cool, they encountered 3 different large monsters during demo.
One of them ate an herbivore whole lol.
The rapid fire on the heavy bowgun is a special ability.
The combat looks and feels like traditional monster hunter with quality of life improvements.
Day and night cycle is realtime, Rathalos destroyed a dam which cause an area to flood. Sweeping 2 of the hunters out of the area.
I really like that they went back to a more prehistoric feeling and mood to the game.
The fours hunters fighting together looked awesome, Rathalos has many new attacks, throws and animations.
The bow has a nice new attack which drops small bombs on top of the monsters.
I think they finally updated the Rathalos model haha.
I wish it was a bit more stylized, but the Graphics look great.
xufeitor escribió:A mi lo que más me gustó del anuncio no es solo que saliera en PS4, One o PC, fue sobre todo que se viera por fin el juego un poco renovado después de tantísimos años.
xufeitor escribió:A mi lo que más me gustó del anuncio no es solo que saliera en PS4, One o PC, fue sobre todo que se viera por fin el juego un poco renovado después de tantísimos años.
Capell escribió:Pues el MT Framework ya funcionaba en 3DS, raro sería que no se pudiera pasar eso a Switch (aunque bajara mucho la calidad gráfica).
Spark89 escribió:A mí lo que no me gusta nada son las "luciérnagas" esas que, supongo, señalan el objetivo de la misión.
josemurcia escribió:MT Framework.
Chester escribió:
ya, ya , si está claro que en Switch no sale.
adri079 escribió:Shadow of the Colossus es remake
mocolostrocolos escribió:A mi el juego me ha dado una grima tremenda, como cualquier MH xD
ryo hazuki escribió:adri079 escribió:Shadow of the Colossus es remake
Eso a dicho Yoshida, pero tambien ha dicho que no habran añadidos respecto al original. Sabiendo que Fumito Ueda reconocio que varios colosos se desecharon del juego de ps2 por falta de tiempo, los podrian haber metido en esta nueva version![]()
Rokzo escribió:ryo hazuki escribió:adri079 escribió:Shadow of the Colossus es remake
Eso a dicho Yoshida, pero tambien ha dicho que no habran añadidos respecto al original. Sabiendo que Fumito Ueda reconocio que varios colosos se desecharon del juego de ps2 por falta de tiempo, los podrian haber metido en esta nueva version![]()
Entonces lo mismo el juego sale para PS5
darksch escribió:Lo de que BG&E 2 no salga para Switch no tendra nada que ver con ciertas declaraciones del pasado verdad?
No se es que no creo que sea un juego super potente como para no correr en Switch.
ryo hazuki escribió:Y hablando del rey de roma, ni rastro de Wild...Si el juego no está cancelado, poco le falta. Una lastina, el concepto me miraba
ryo hazuki escribió:adri079 escribió:Shadow of the Colossus es remake
Eso a dicho Yoshida, pero tambien ha dicho que no habran añadidos respecto al original. Sabiendo que Fumito Ueda reconocio que varios colosos se desecharon del juego de ps2 por falta de tiempo, los podrian haber metido en esta nueva version![]()
En fin, que mas dara, si sere gilipollas y pasare por caja por tercera vez
E3 2017 | Mira el primer e impresionante tráiler de la remasterización de Shadow of the Colossus para PS4
IridiumArkangel escribió:ryo hazuki escribió:adri079 escribió:Shadow of the Colossus es remake
Eso a dicho Yoshida, pero tambien ha dicho que no habran añadidos respecto al original. Sabiendo que Fumito Ueda reconocio que varios colosos se desecharon del juego de ps2 por falta de tiempo, los podrian haber metido en esta nueva version![]()
En fin, que mas dara, si sere gilipollas y pasare por caja por tercera vez
Pues a ver si se aclaran, porque en la propia web del blog de Playstation ellos mismos dicen que es una remasterización literalmente:E3 2017 | Mira el primer e impresionante tráiler de la remasterización de Shadow of the Colossus para PS4
https://blog.es.playstation.com/2017/06 ... -para-ps4/
IridiumArkangel escribió:La verdad, es que siempre hay lio con el tema este de saber hasta que punto algo es un remake o un remaster. El Halo Combat Evolved anniversary por ejemplo, creo creer recordar tener un debate largo para discernir que era con @Tukaram hace bastante tiempo y no quedara nada claro de donde están los límites...
Para mi un remake claro va a ser el de Final Fantasy VII en Ps4 (espero)
josemurcia escribió:El problema de siempre.
- Empresa multimillonaria saca un producto al mercado.
- Usuarios y fans deciden legalmente modificar, crear o añadir nuevo contenido trabajado por ellos mismos a ese producto o a productos completamente hechos de 0.
- Empresa multimillonaria ve que podrían ganar unos pocos dólares más si prohibieran esa actividad legal y les ponen una denuncia.
- Usuarios y fans carecen de la capacidad económica para defenderse legalmente y cancelan todo desarrollo y distribución.
- Empresa multimillonaria gana.
Luego la gente es tan estúpida de defender a estas organizaciones cuando meten DRM a sus juegos o cuando acaban con fangames solo porque hacen juegos que les gustan y se creen que les deben algo, cual fanático defiende a su equipo de fútbol.
Más de una tendría que quebrar.
Tukaram escribió:IridiumArkangel escribió:La verdad, es que siempre hay lio con el tema este de saber hasta que punto algo es un remake o un remaster. El Halo Combat Evolved anniversary por ejemplo, creo creer recordar tener un debate largo para discernir que era con @Tukaram hace bastante tiempo y no quedara nada claro de donde están los límites...
Para mi un remake claro va a ser el de Final Fantasy VII en Ps4 (espero)
El limite es muy sencillo
Remake rehacer todo el juego de la nada como el Metroid Samus Return por decir uno nuevo y añadir muchas cosas que no se pudieron incluir en su dia (zonas enemigos fisicas etc )
Remaster cambiar el motor grafico por uno actualizado al standar de hoy dia añadir varias novedades y NO TOCAR NADA MAS (halo aniversario) por ej
Port HD subir la resolucion cambiar 4 texturas y venderlo tal cual los extras suelen ser nimios escasos y raros como por ej ropas extra (teropecientos millones de ejemplos de HD collections )
Este SOTC mientras no vea nuevos colosos zonas habilidades fisicas o lo que sea no dejara de ser una remasterizacion para que la gente pase por caja una 3º vez porque claro para Sony la retro es caca es mejor sablear a tus consumidores de forma tan descarada
y Teniendo en cuenta que NO lo hace el Team ico si no los que hicieron el port HD anterior me da que de Remake poco
Speaking to John Clark, Sega Europe's senior vice president of commercial publishing, at E3, our Samuel asked that very question.
"If I asked you to write me a list of ten games you want Sega to bring out on PC, it probably isn't any different from the list [we have]," says Clark. "I could ask anyone at Sega: write me a list. And what motivates it? I think there's a certain catalogue that people just have an affinity with.
"If you send [your] list over I'll tell you which ones we can tick, which ones are on our list, which ones are possibilities, which ones are not possibilities, which ones we've talked about, which ones we're talking about, which ones we're working on, you know, they'll be on that list."
It seems Sega is conscious of community expectation, then, something the company itself has somewhat perpetuated with the porting of the aforementioned fan-favoured classics. So, is a game like Yakuza one that might fit that purview?
"It's on that list," continues Clark. "Of course something we're talking about it… that would just be incredible to bring that to the PC audience."
When pressed about Persona, Clark echoes the above. "Of course, of course—I keep trying to get in ahead of you, I'm trying to guess what you're going to say next. We don't feel that anything is off the table in terms of these conversations. The fact that as an organisation we're having these healthy conversations, they're constructive, we recognise the value, we recognise the value of the community, the IP. The IP has got continued life to grow and get bigger."
ryo hazuki escribió:Tukaram escribió:IridiumArkangel escribió:La verdad, es que siempre hay lio con el tema este de saber hasta que punto algo es un remake o un remaster. El Halo Combat Evolved anniversary por ejemplo, creo creer recordar tener un debate largo para discernir que era con @Tukaram hace bastante tiempo y no quedara nada claro de donde están los límites...
Para mi un remake claro va a ser el de Final Fantasy VII en Ps4 (espero)
El limite es muy sencillo
Remake rehacer todo el juego de la nada como el Metroid Samus Return por decir uno nuevo y añadir muchas cosas que no se pudieron incluir en su dia (zonas enemigos fisicas etc )
Remaster cambiar el motor grafico por uno actualizado al standar de hoy dia añadir varias novedades y NO TOCAR NADA MAS (halo aniversario) por ej
Port HD subir la resolucion cambiar 4 texturas y venderlo tal cual los extras suelen ser nimios escasos y raros como por ej ropas extra (teropecientos millones de ejemplos de HD collections )
Este SOTC mientras no vea nuevos colosos zonas habilidades fisicas o lo que sea no dejara de ser una remasterizacion para que la gente pase por caja una 3º vez porque claro para Sony la retro es caca es mejor sablear a tus consumidores de forma tan descarada
y Teniendo en cuenta que NO lo hace el Team ico si no los que hicieron el port HD anterior me da que de Remake poco
Aunque existiera recompatibilidad en ps4, estos juegos seguirian saliendo. 360 era compatible con la primera xbox, ¿criticamos a microsoft por hacer una remasterizacion del primer halo? Tan sencillo como si tienes el juego y consola original, lo juegues ahi, pero que dejen de dar por culo a los que aun teniendo el juego original quieran jugarlo en mejores condiciones.
Yo tengo el shadow of colossus de ps2, lo tengo en ps3 y lo tendre en ps4, me la pela la retrocompatibilidad, no la necesito y si quiero jugar al original, tengo ahi mi querida ps2 para jugarlo, pero esa no es la cuestion. Del mismo modo que no comprare los KH remix de ps4 teniendo los de ps3, si compraria el sotc porque a mi juicio el cambio grafico es lo bastante grande como para justificar su compra, ademas de que la remasterizacion de ps3 se me antoja insuficiente.
Para todo lo demas, emoal y master card