› Foros › PC › Software libre
No hay motor para la base de datos Soprano. Compruebe su instalación
Slurp escribió:.
4. Amarok me reproduce una canción de la lista, luego se para durante 5 minutos y luego la siguiente. Si no quiero esperar tengo que cerrarlo y abrirlo otra vez. Lo tengo todo configurado con Gstreamer.
5. ¿Qué alternativa hay a Pidgin? Kopete para MSN parece bastante pobre, ni las fotitos siquiera y yo no soy muy exigente, aparte de que no tiene IRC.
Slurp escribió:Buenaaaas.
Ayer me pasé a KDE4 y... mola, pero tengo algunos problemas. A ver si alguien sabe qué pasa porque la verdad que no encuentro mucha información.
1. Cuando intento activar Nepomuk:No hay motor para la base de datos Soprano. Compruebe su instalación
... y tengo Soprano instalado, y JDK y JRE...
2. Akonadi me tira también mil errores pero por lo visto es que está verde aún, no me preocupa en exceso.
3. ¿Cómo configurar los contactos de Kontact con Gmail? En Evolution era muy fácil.
4. Amarok me reproduce una canción de la lista, luego se para durante 5 minutos y luego la siguiente. Si no quiero esperar tengo que cerrarlo y abrirlo otra vez. Lo tengo todo configurado con Gstreamer.
5. ¿Qué alternativa hay a Pidgin? Kopete para MSN parece bastante pobre, ni las fotitos siquiera y yo no soy muy exigente, aparte de que no tiene IRC.
6. ¿Alguna recomendación de tema gtk?
Slurp escribió:4. Ya está solucionado, pero había leído por ahí que gstreamer mola más que xine... ¿Es cierto?
Slurp escribió:Otra cosa que me está mosqueando un puñao, los paneles, las flechitas esas se suponen que una es para indicar el tamaño mínimo y otra el máximo, ¿no? Pues es que la del mínimo me la toma como la del máximo y de la del máximo pasa 3 kilos...
javipm escribió:A alguien le ha petado el Exaile al actualizar a la 0.30? He tenido que volver a la versión 0.2.14 porque al principio no me escaneaba la biblioteca y salían las tildes con carácteres raros y medio programa en inglés. Después dejo de arrancar sin más xD
Achiss escribió:No lo uso, pero date una oportunidad y prueba amaroK
Slurp escribió:6. ¿Alguna recomendación de tema gtk?
<unknown program name>(5260)/: Communication problem with "amarok" , it probably crashed.
Error message was: "org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply" : " "Message did not receive a reply (timeout by message bus)" "
KCrash: Application 'amarok' crashing...
$ amarok
amarok: BEGIN: App::App()
amarok: BEGIN: void App::continueInit()
amarok: BEGIN: EngineController::EngineController()
amarok: BEGIN: void EngineController::initializePhonon()
amarok: [EngineController] Tick Interval (actual): 100
amarok: END__: void EngineController::initializePhonon() - Took 0.49s
amarok: END__: EngineController::EngineController() - Took 0.49s
amarok: BEGIN: MainWindow::MainWindow()
amarok: p before: QPoint(0,-30)
amarok: p after: QPoint(0,-30)
amarok: BEGIN: Playlist::Model::Model()
amarok: ServiceBrowser starting...
amarok: BEGIN: ServiceListDelegate::ServiceListDelegate(QTreeView*)
amarok: END__: ServiceListDelegate::ServiceListDelegate(QTreeView*) - Took 6.6e-05s
amarok: BEGIN: void ServicePluginManager::collect()
amarok: [PluginManager] Plugin trader constraint: "[X-KDE-Amarok-framework-version] == 43 and [X-KDE-Amarok-plugintype] == 'service' and [X-KDE-Amarok-rank] > 0"
amarok: Received [ "7" ] collection plugin offers
amarok: [PluginManager] Trying to load: "amarok_service_shoutcast"
amarok: BEGIN: void CollectionManager::init()
amarok: [PluginManager] Plugin trader constraint: "[X-KDE-Amarok-framework-version] == 43 and [X-KDE-Amarok-plugintype] == 'collection' and [X-KDE-Amarok-rank] > 0"
amarok: [CollectionManager] Received [ "4" ] collection plugin offers
amarok: [PluginManager] Trying to load: "libamarok_collection-sqlcollection"
amarok: [PluginManager]
" " PluginManager Service Info:
" " ---------------------------
" " name : "Colección SQL"
" " library : "libamarok_collection-sqlcollection"
" " desktopEntryPath : "amarok_collection-sqlcollection.desktop"
" " X-KDE-Amarok-plugintype : "collection"
" " X-KDE-Amarok-name : "sql-collection"
" " X-KDE-Amarok-authors : ("Maximilian Kossick")
" " X-KDE-Amarok-rank : "100"
" " X-KDE-Amarok-version : "1"
" " X-KDE-Amarok-framework-version: "43"
amarok: BEGIN: ScanManager::ScanManager(SqlCollection*)
amarok: END__: ScanManager::ScanManager(SqlCollection*) - Took 6e-05s
amarok: Connected to MySQL server 5.1.37-embedded
amarok: Initialized thread, count== 1
amarok: [PluginManager] Trying to load: "libamarok_collection-mtpcollection"
amarok: [PluginManager]
" " PluginManager Service Info:
" " ---------------------------
" " name : "Colección de MTP"
" " library : "libamarok_collection-mtpcollection"
" " desktopEntryPath : "amarok_collection-mtpcollection.desktop"
" " X-KDE-Amarok-plugintype : "collection"
" " X-KDE-Amarok-name : "mtp-collection"
" " X-KDE-Amarok-authors : ("Alejandro Wainzinger")
" " X-KDE-Amarok-rank : "100"
" " X-KDE-Amarok-version : "1"
" " X-KDE-Amarok-framework-version: "43"
amarok: BEGIN: virtual void MtpCollectionFactory::init()
amarok: BEGIN: MediaDeviceMonitor::MediaDeviceMonitor()
amarok: BEGIN: void MediaDeviceMonitor::init()
amarok: BEGIN: MediaDeviceCache::MediaDeviceCache()
amarok: END__: MediaDeviceCache::MediaDeviceCache() - Took 0.0036s
amarok: END__: void MediaDeviceMonitor::init() - Took 0.0037s
amarok: END__: MediaDeviceMonitor::MediaDeviceMonitor() - Took 0.0037s
amarok: BEGIN: QStringList MediaDeviceMonitor::getDevices()
amarok: BEGIN: void MediaDeviceCache::refreshCache()
amarok: [MediaDeviceCache] Found Solid::DeviceInterface::StorageAccess with udi = "/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/volume_part3_size_1024"
amarok: [MediaDeviceCache] Device name is = "Volume" and was made by ""
amarok: [MediaDeviceCache] Found Solid::DeviceInterface::StorageAccess with udi = "/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/volume_uuid_a9830594_9b36_4587_aedf_755e9347ffe0"
amarok: [MediaDeviceCache] Device name is = "Archivos" and was made by ""
amarok: [MediaDeviceCache] Found Solid::DeviceInterface::StorageAccess with udi = "/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/volume_uuid_184dc417_48c9_470f_89f0_885d9b083642"
amarok: [MediaDeviceCache] Device name is = "Volume (swap)" and was made by ""
amarok: [MediaDeviceCache] Found Solid::DeviceInterface::StorageAccess with udi = "/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/volume_uuid_abdf77e5_e859_4a0b_9d5c_e423af4111b8"
amarok: [MediaDeviceCache] Device name is = "Volume (ext4)" and was made by ""
amarok: [MediaDeviceCache] Solid device is not accessible, will wait until it is to consider it added.
amarok: [MediaDeviceCache] Found Solid::DeviceInterface::StorageAccess with udi = "/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/volume_uuid_9d7e8c52_4e9a_4cec_83f5_dce4afb29812"
amarok: [MediaDeviceCache] Device name is = "Volume (ext4)" and was made by ""
amarok: END__: void MediaDeviceCache::refreshCache() - Took 0.014s
amarok: END__: QStringList MediaDeviceMonitor::getDevices() - Took 0.34s
amarok: BEGIN: bool MediaDeviceMonitor::isMtp(const QString&)
amarok: [MediaDeviceMonitor] Not a PMP
amarok: END__: bool MediaDeviceMonitor::isMtp(const QString&) - Took 0.00043s
amarok: BEGIN: bool MediaDeviceMonitor::isMtp(const QString&)
amarok: [MediaDeviceMonitor] Not a PMP
amarok: END__: bool MediaDeviceMonitor::isMtp(const QString&) - Took 0.00027s
amarok: END__: virtual void MtpCollectionFactory::init() - Took 0.34s
amarok: [PluginManager] Trying to load: "libamarok_collection-ipodcollection"
amarok: [PluginManager]
" " PluginManager Service Info:
" " ---------------------------
" " name : "Colección Ipod"
" " library : "libamarok_collection-ipodcollection"
" " desktopEntryPath : "amarok_collection-ipodcollection.desktop"
" " X-KDE-Amarok-plugintype : "collection"
" " X-KDE-Amarok-name : "ipod-collection"
" " X-KDE-Amarok-authors : ("Alejandro Wainzinger")
" " X-KDE-Amarok-rank : "100"
" " X-KDE-Amarok-version : "1"
" " X-KDE-Amarok-framework-version: "43"
amarok: BEGIN: virtual void IpodCollectionFactory::init()
amarok: BEGIN: QStringList MediaDeviceMonitor::getDevices()
amarok: BEGIN: void MediaDeviceCache::refreshCache()
amarok: [MediaDeviceCache] Found Solid::DeviceInterface::StorageAccess with udi = "/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/volume_part3_size_1024"
amarok: [MediaDeviceCache] Device name is = "Volume" and was made by ""
amarok: [MediaDeviceCache] Found Solid::DeviceInterface::StorageAccess with udi = "/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/volume_uuid_a9830594_9b36_4587_aedf_755e9347ffe0"
amarok: [MediaDeviceCache] Device name is = "Archivos" and was made by ""
amarok: [MediaDeviceCache] Found Solid::DeviceInterface::StorageAccess with udi = "/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/volume_uuid_184dc417_48c9_470f_89f0_885d9b083642"
amarok: [MediaDeviceCache] Device name is = "Volume (swap)" and was made by ""
amarok: [MediaDeviceCache] Found Solid::DeviceInterface::StorageAccess with udi = "/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/volume_uuid_abdf77e5_e859_4a0b_9d5c_e423af4111b8"
amarok: [MediaDeviceCache] Device name is = "Volume (ext4)" and was made by ""
amarok: [MediaDeviceCache] Solid device is not accessible, will wait until it is to consider it added.
amarok: [MediaDeviceCache] Found Solid::DeviceInterface::StorageAccess with udi = "/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/volume_uuid_9d7e8c52_4e9a_4cec_83f5_dce4afb29812"
amarok: [MediaDeviceCache] Device name is = "Volume (ext4)" and was made by ""
amarok: END__: void MediaDeviceCache::refreshCache() - Took 0.0035s
amarok: END__: QStringList MediaDeviceMonitor::getDevices() - Took 0.0036s
amarok: BEGIN: bool IpodCollectionFactory::isIpod(const QString&) const
amarok: [IpodCollection] Device udi: "/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/volume_uuid_9d7e8c52_4e9a_4cec_83f5_dce4afb29812"
amarok: [IpodCollection] Device name: "/"
amarok: [IpodCollection] Mount point: "/"
amarok: [IpodCollection] vendor: "ATA" , product: "WDC WD5000AAKS-6"
amarok: END__: bool IpodCollectionFactory::isIpod(const QString&) const - Took 0.0017s
amarok: BEGIN: bool IpodCollectionFactory::isIpod(const QString&) const
amarok: [IpodCollection] Device udi: "/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/volume_uuid_a9830594_9b36_4587_aedf_755e9347ffe0"
amarok: [IpodCollection] Device name: "/media/Archivos"
amarok: [IpodCollection] Mount point: "/media/Archivos"
amarok: [IpodCollection] vendor: "ATA" , product: "WDC WD5000AAKS-6"
amarok: END__: bool IpodCollectionFactory::isIpod(const QString&) const - Took 0.0012s
amarok: END__: virtual void IpodCollectionFactory::init() - Took 0.0066s
amarok: [PluginManager] Trying to load: "libamarok_collection-daapcollection"
amarok: [PluginManager]
" " PluginManager Service Info:
" " ---------------------------
" " name : "Colección DAAP"
" " library : "libamarok_collection-daapcollection"
" " desktopEntryPath : "amarok_collection-daapcollection.desktop"
" " X-KDE-Amarok-plugintype : "collection"
" " X-KDE-Amarok-name : "daap-collection"
" " X-KDE-Amarok-authors : ("Maximilian Kossick")
" " X-KDE-Amarok-rank : "100"
" " X-KDE-Amarok-version : "1"
" " X-KDE-Amarok-framework-version: "43"
amarok: BEGIN: virtual void DaapCollectionFactory::init()
QDBusObjectPath: invalid path ""
amarok: END__: virtual void DaapCollectionFactory::init() - Took 0.0006s
amarok: END__: void CollectionManager::init() - Took 0.4s
amarok: [PluginManager]
" " PluginManager Service Info:
" " ---------------------------
" " name : "Directorio de Shoutcast"
" " library : "amarok_service_shoutcast"
" " desktopEntryPath : "amarok_service_shoutcast.desktop"
" " X-KDE-Amarok-plugintype : "service"
" " X-KDE-Amarok-name : "ShoutcastService"
" " X-KDE-Amarok-authors : ("Nikolaj Hald Nielsen")
" " X-KDE-Amarok-rank : "100"
" " X-KDE-Amarok-version : "1"
" " X-KDE-Amarok-framework-version: "43"
amarok: Got hold of a valid plugin
amarok: Got hold of a valid factory
amarok: [PluginManager] Trying to load: "amarok_service_lastfm"
amarok: [PluginManager]
" " PluginManager Service Info:
" " ---------------------------
" " name : "Last.fm"
" " library : "amarok_service_lastfm"
" " desktopEntryPath : "amarok_service_lastfm.desktop"
" " X-KDE-Amarok-plugintype : "service"
" " X-KDE-Amarok-name : "LastFmService"
" " X-KDE-Amarok-authors : ("Shane King")
" " X-KDE-Amarok-rank : "100"
" " X-KDE-Amarok-version : "1"
" " X-KDE-Amarok-framework-version: "43"
amarok: Got hold of a valid plugin
amarok: Got hold of a valid factory
amarok: [PluginManager] Trying to load: "amarok_service_jamendo"
amarok: [PluginManager]
" " PluginManager Service Info:
" " ---------------------------
" " name : "Jamendo"
" " library : "amarok_service_jamendo"
" " desktopEntryPath : "amarok_service_jamendo.desktop"
" " X-KDE-Amarok-plugintype : "service"
" " X-KDE-Amarok-name : "JamendoService"
" " X-KDE-Amarok-authors : ("Nikolaj Hald Nielsen")
" " X-KDE-Amarok-rank : "100"
" " X-KDE-Amarok-version : "1"
" " X-KDE-Amarok-framework-version: "43"
amarok: Got hold of a valid plugin
amarok: Got hold of a valid factory
amarok: [PluginManager] Trying to load: "amarok_service_opmldirectory"
amarok: [PluginManager]
" " PluginManager Service Info:
" " ---------------------------
" " name : "Directorio de podcast"
" " library : "amarok_service_opmldirectory"
" " desktopEntryPath : "amarok_service_opmldirectory.desktop"
" " X-KDE-Amarok-plugintype : "service"
" " X-KDE-Amarok-name : "JamendoService"
" " X-KDE-Amarok-authors : ("Nikolaj Hald Nielsen")
" " X-KDE-Amarok-rank : "100"
" " X-KDE-Amarok-version : "1"
" " X-KDE-Amarok-framework-version: "43"
amarok: Got hold of a valid plugin
amarok: Got hold of a valid factory
amarok: [PluginManager] Trying to load: "amarok_service_mp3tunes"
amarok: [PluginManager]
" " PluginManager Service Info:
" " ---------------------------
" " name : "Mp3tunes"
" " library : "amarok_service_mp3tunes"
" " desktopEntryPath : "amarok_service_mp3tunes.desktop"
" " X-KDE-Amarok-plugintype : "service"
" " X-KDE-Amarok-name : "Mp3tunesService"
" " X-KDE-Amarok-authors : ("Nikolaj Hald Nielsen")
" " X-KDE-Amarok-rank : "100"
" " X-KDE-Amarok-version : "1"
" " X-KDE-Amarok-framework-version: "43"
amarok: Got hold of a valid plugin
amarok: Got hold of a valid factory
amarok: [PluginManager] Trying to load: "amarok_service_magnatunestore"
amarok: [PluginManager]
" " PluginManager Service Info:
" " ---------------------------
" " name : "Almacenamiento Magnatune"
" " library : "amarok_service_magnatunestore"
" " desktopEntryPath : "amarok_service_magnatunestore.desktop"
" " X-KDE-Amarok-plugintype : "service"
" " X-KDE-Amarok-name : "MagnatuneStore"
" " X-KDE-Amarok-authors : ("Nikolaj Hald Nielsen")
" " X-KDE-Amarok-rank : "100"
" " X-KDE-Amarok-version : "1"
" " X-KDE-Amarok-framework-version: "43"
amarok: Got hold of a valid plugin
amarok: Got hold of a valid factory
amarok: [PluginManager] Trying to load: "amarok_service_ampache"
amarok: [PluginManager]
" " PluginManager Service Info:
" " ---------------------------
" " name : "Ampache"
" " library : "amarok_service_ampache"
" " desktopEntryPath : "amarok_service_ampache.desktop"
" " X-KDE-Amarok-plugintype : "service"
" " X-KDE-Amarok-name : "AmpacheService"
" " X-KDE-Amarok-authors : ("Nikolaj Hald Nielsen")
" " X-KDE-Amarok-rank : "100"
" " X-KDE-Amarok-version : "1"
" " X-KDE-Amarok-framework-version: "43"
amarok: Got hold of a valid plugin
amarok: Got hold of a valid factory
amarok: END__: void ServicePluginManager::collect() - Took 0.41s
amarok: BEGIN: void PlaylistManager::addProvider(PlaylistProvider*, int)
amarok: END__: void PlaylistManager::addProvider(PlaylistProvider*, int) - Took 4.9e-05s
amarok: BEGIN: void SqlUserPlaylistProvider::checkTables()
amarok: END__: void SqlUserPlaylistProvider::checkTables() - Took 0.00011s
amarok: BEGIN: void PlaylistManager::addProvider(PlaylistProvider*, int)
amarok: END__: void PlaylistManager::addProvider(PlaylistProvider*, int) - Took 3.4e-05s
amarok: BEGIN: Meta::PlaylistPtr Meta::loadPlaylist(const KUrl&)
amarok: local file
amarok: could not read file "/home/carlos/.kdemod4/share/apps/amarok/current.xspf"
amarok: BEGIN: void StatusBar::longMessage(const QString&, StatusBar::MessageType)
amarok: END__: void StatusBar::longMessage(const QString&, StatusBar::MessageType) - Took 4.8e-05s
amarok: END__: Meta::PlaylistPtr Meta::loadPlaylist(const KUrl&) - Took 0.00024s
<unknown program name>(5238)/: Communication problem with "amarok" , it probably crashed.
Error message was: "org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply" : " "Message did not receive a reply (timeout by message bus)" "
[carlos@Carlos ~]$ KCrash: Application 'amarok' crashing...
[carlos@Carlos ~]$ amarok --debug
amarok: BEGIN: App::App()
amarok: BEGIN: void App::continueInit()
amarok: BEGIN: EngineController::EngineController()
amarok: BEGIN: void EngineController::initializePhonon()
amarok: [EngineController] Tick Interval (actual): 100
amarok: END__: void EngineController::initializePhonon() - Took 0.48s
amarok: END__: EngineController::EngineController() - Took 0.48s
amarok: BEGIN: MainWindow::MainWindow()
amarok: p before: QPoint(0,-30)
amarok: p after: QPoint(0,-30)
amarok: BEGIN: Playlist::Model::Model()
amarok: ServiceBrowser starting...
amarok: BEGIN: ServiceListDelegate::ServiceListDelegate(QTreeView*)
amarok: END__: ServiceListDelegate::ServiceListDelegate(QTreeView*) - Took 6.9e-05s
amarok: BEGIN: void ServicePluginManager::collect()
amarok: [PluginManager] Plugin trader constraint: "[X-KDE-Amarok-framework-version] == 43 and [X-KDE-Amarok-plugintype] == 'service' and [X-KDE-Amarok-rank] > 0"
amarok: Received [ "7" ] collection plugin offers
amarok: [PluginManager] Trying to load: "amarok_service_shoutcast"
amarok: BEGIN: void CollectionManager::init()
amarok: [PluginManager] Plugin trader constraint: "[X-KDE-Amarok-framework-version] == 43 and [X-KDE-Amarok-plugintype] == 'collection' and [X-KDE-Amarok-rank] > 0"
amarok: [CollectionManager] Received [ "4" ] collection plugin offers
amarok: [PluginManager] Trying to load: "libamarok_collection-sqlcollection"
amarok: [PluginManager]
" " PluginManager Service Info:
" " ---------------------------
" " name : "Colección SQL"
" " library : "libamarok_collection-sqlcollection"
" " desktopEntryPath : "amarok_collection-sqlcollection.desktop"
" " X-KDE-Amarok-plugintype : "collection"
" " X-KDE-Amarok-name : "sql-collection"
" " X-KDE-Amarok-authors : ("Maximilian Kossick")
" " X-KDE-Amarok-rank : "100"
" " X-KDE-Amarok-version : "1"
" " X-KDE-Amarok-framework-version: "43"
amarok: BEGIN: ScanManager::ScanManager(SqlCollection*)
amarok: END__: ScanManager::ScanManager(SqlCollection*) - Took 5.8e-05s
amarok: Connected to MySQL server 5.1.37-embedded
amarok: Initialized thread, count== 1
amarok: [PluginManager] Trying to load: "libamarok_collection-mtpcollection"
amarok: [PluginManager]
" " PluginManager Service Info:
" " ---------------------------
" " name : "Colección de MTP"
" " library : "libamarok_collection-mtpcollection"
" " desktopEntryPath : "amarok_collection-mtpcollection.desktop"
" " X-KDE-Amarok-plugintype : "collection"
" " X-KDE-Amarok-name : "mtp-collection"
" " X-KDE-Amarok-authors : ("Alejandro Wainzinger")
" " X-KDE-Amarok-rank : "100"
" " X-KDE-Amarok-version : "1"
" " X-KDE-Amarok-framework-version: "43"
amarok: BEGIN: virtual void MtpCollectionFactory::init()
amarok: BEGIN: MediaDeviceMonitor::MediaDeviceMonitor()
amarok: BEGIN: void MediaDeviceMonitor::init()
amarok: BEGIN: MediaDeviceCache::MediaDeviceCache()
amarok: END__: MediaDeviceCache::MediaDeviceCache() - Took 0.0033s
amarok: END__: void MediaDeviceMonitor::init() - Took 0.0033s
amarok: END__: MediaDeviceMonitor::MediaDeviceMonitor() - Took 0.0034s
amarok: BEGIN: QStringList MediaDeviceMonitor::getDevices()
amarok: BEGIN: void MediaDeviceCache::refreshCache()
amarok: [MediaDeviceCache] Found Solid::DeviceInterface::StorageAccess with udi = "/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/volume_part3_size_1024"
amarok: [MediaDeviceCache] Device name is = "Volume" and was made by ""
amarok: [MediaDeviceCache] Found Solid::DeviceInterface::StorageAccess with udi = "/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/volume_uuid_a9830594_9b36_4587_aedf_755e9347ffe0"
amarok: [MediaDeviceCache] Device name is = "Archivos" and was made by ""
amarok: [MediaDeviceCache] Found Solid::DeviceInterface::StorageAccess with udi = "/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/volume_uuid_184dc417_48c9_470f_89f0_885d9b083642"
amarok: [MediaDeviceCache] Device name is = "Volume (swap)" and was made by ""
amarok: [MediaDeviceCache] Found Solid::DeviceInterface::StorageAccess with udi = "/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/volume_uuid_abdf77e5_e859_4a0b_9d5c_e423af4111b8"
amarok: [MediaDeviceCache] Device name is = "Volume (ext4)" and was made by ""
amarok: [MediaDeviceCache] Solid device is not accessible, will wait until it is to consider it added.
amarok: [MediaDeviceCache] Found Solid::DeviceInterface::StorageAccess with udi = "/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/volume_uuid_9d7e8c52_4e9a_4cec_83f5_dce4afb29812"
amarok: [MediaDeviceCache] Device name is = "Volume (ext4)" and was made by ""
amarok: END__: void MediaDeviceCache::refreshCache() - Took 0.014s
amarok: END__: QStringList MediaDeviceMonitor::getDevices() - Took 0.29s
amarok: BEGIN: bool MediaDeviceMonitor::isMtp(const QString&)
amarok: [MediaDeviceMonitor] Not a PMP
amarok: END__: bool MediaDeviceMonitor::isMtp(const QString&) - Took 0.0004s
amarok: BEGIN: bool MediaDeviceMonitor::isMtp(const QString&)
amarok: [MediaDeviceMonitor] Not a PMP
amarok: END__: bool MediaDeviceMonitor::isMtp(const QString&) - Took 0.00026s
amarok: END__: virtual void MtpCollectionFactory::init() - Took 0.3s
amarok: [PluginManager] Trying to load: "libamarok_collection-ipodcollection"
amarok: [PluginManager]
" " PluginManager Service Info:
" " ---------------------------
" " name : "Colección Ipod"
" " library : "libamarok_collection-ipodcollection"
" " desktopEntryPath : "amarok_collection-ipodcollection.desktop"
" " X-KDE-Amarok-plugintype : "collection"
" " X-KDE-Amarok-name : "ipod-collection"
" " X-KDE-Amarok-authors : ("Alejandro Wainzinger")
" " X-KDE-Amarok-rank : "100"
" " X-KDE-Amarok-version : "1"
" " X-KDE-Amarok-framework-version: "43"
amarok: BEGIN: virtual void IpodCollectionFactory::init()
amarok: BEGIN: QStringList MediaDeviceMonitor::getDevices()
amarok: BEGIN: void MediaDeviceCache::refreshCache()
amarok: [MediaDeviceCache] Found Solid::DeviceInterface::StorageAccess with udi = "/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/volume_part3_size_1024"
amarok: [MediaDeviceCache] Device name is = "Volume" and was made by ""
amarok: [MediaDeviceCache] Found Solid::DeviceInterface::StorageAccess with udi = "/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/volume_uuid_a9830594_9b36_4587_aedf_755e9347ffe0"
amarok: [MediaDeviceCache] Device name is = "Archivos" and was made by ""
amarok: [MediaDeviceCache] Found Solid::DeviceInterface::StorageAccess with udi = "/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/volume_uuid_184dc417_48c9_470f_89f0_885d9b083642"
amarok: [MediaDeviceCache] Device name is = "Volume (swap)" and was made by ""
amarok: [MediaDeviceCache] Found Solid::DeviceInterface::StorageAccess with udi = "/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/volume_uuid_abdf77e5_e859_4a0b_9d5c_e423af4111b8"
amarok: [MediaDeviceCache] Device name is = "Volume (ext4)" and was made by ""
amarok: [MediaDeviceCache] Solid device is not accessible, will wait until it is to consider it added.
amarok: [MediaDeviceCache] Found Solid::DeviceInterface::StorageAccess with udi = "/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/volume_uuid_9d7e8c52_4e9a_4cec_83f5_dce4afb29812"
amarok: [MediaDeviceCache] Device name is = "Volume (ext4)" and was made by ""
amarok: END__: void MediaDeviceCache::refreshCache() - Took 0.0034s
amarok: END__: QStringList MediaDeviceMonitor::getDevices() - Took 0.0035s
amarok: BEGIN: bool IpodCollectionFactory::isIpod(const QString&) const
amarok: [IpodCollection] Device udi: "/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/volume_uuid_9d7e8c52_4e9a_4cec_83f5_dce4afb29812"
amarok: [IpodCollection] Device name: "/"
amarok: [IpodCollection] Mount point: "/"
amarok: [IpodCollection] vendor: "ATA" , product: "WDC WD5000AAKS-6"
amarok: END__: bool IpodCollectionFactory::isIpod(const QString&) const - Took 0.0016s
amarok: BEGIN: bool IpodCollectionFactory::isIpod(const QString&) const
amarok: [IpodCollection] Device udi: "/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/volume_uuid_a9830594_9b36_4587_aedf_755e9347ffe0"
amarok: [IpodCollection] Device name: "/media/Archivos"
amarok: [IpodCollection] Mount point: "/media/Archivos"
amarok: [IpodCollection] vendor: "ATA" , product: "WDC WD5000AAKS-6"
amarok: END__: bool IpodCollectionFactory::isIpod(const QString&) const - Took 0.0012s
amarok: END__: virtual void IpodCollectionFactory::init() - Took 0.0064s
amarok: [PluginManager] Trying to load: "libamarok_collection-daapcollection"
amarok: [PluginManager]
" " PluginManager Service Info:
" " ---------------------------
" " name : "Colección DAAP"
" " library : "libamarok_collection-daapcollection"
" " desktopEntryPath : "amarok_collection-daapcollection.desktop"
" " X-KDE-Amarok-plugintype : "collection"
" " X-KDE-Amarok-name : "daap-collection"
" " X-KDE-Amarok-authors : ("Maximilian Kossick")
" " X-KDE-Amarok-rank : "100"
" " X-KDE-Amarok-version : "1"
" " X-KDE-Amarok-framework-version: "43"
amarok: BEGIN: virtual void DaapCollectionFactory::init()
QDBusObjectPath: invalid path ""
amarok: END__: virtual void DaapCollectionFactory::init() - Took 0.00058s
amarok: END__: void CollectionManager::init() - Took 0.36s
amarok: [PluginManager]
" " PluginManager Service Info:
" " ---------------------------
" " name : "Directorio de Shoutcast"
" " library : "amarok_service_shoutcast"
" " desktopEntryPath : "amarok_service_shoutcast.desktop"
" " X-KDE-Amarok-plugintype : "service"
" " X-KDE-Amarok-name : "ShoutcastService"
" " X-KDE-Amarok-authors : ("Nikolaj Hald Nielsen")
" " X-KDE-Amarok-rank : "100"
" " X-KDE-Amarok-version : "1"
" " X-KDE-Amarok-framework-version: "43"
amarok: Got hold of a valid plugin
amarok: Got hold of a valid factory
amarok: [PluginManager] Trying to load: "amarok_service_lastfm"
amarok: [PluginManager]
" " PluginManager Service Info:
" " ---------------------------
" " name : "Last.fm"
" " library : "amarok_service_lastfm"
" " desktopEntryPath : "amarok_service_lastfm.desktop"
" " X-KDE-Amarok-plugintype : "service"
" " X-KDE-Amarok-name : "LastFmService"
" " X-KDE-Amarok-authors : ("Shane King")
" " X-KDE-Amarok-rank : "100"
" " X-KDE-Amarok-version : "1"
" " X-KDE-Amarok-framework-version: "43"
amarok: Got hold of a valid plugin
amarok: Got hold of a valid factory
amarok: [PluginManager] Trying to load: "amarok_service_jamendo"
amarok: [PluginManager]
" " PluginManager Service Info:
" " ---------------------------
" " name : "Jamendo"
" " library : "amarok_service_jamendo"
" " desktopEntryPath : "amarok_service_jamendo.desktop"
" " X-KDE-Amarok-plugintype : "service"
" " X-KDE-Amarok-name : "JamendoService"
" " X-KDE-Amarok-authors : ("Nikolaj Hald Nielsen")
" " X-KDE-Amarok-rank : "100"
" " X-KDE-Amarok-version : "1"
" " X-KDE-Amarok-framework-version: "43"
amarok: Got hold of a valid plugin
amarok: Got hold of a valid factory
amarok: [PluginManager] Trying to load: "amarok_service_opmldirectory"
amarok: [PluginManager]
" " PluginManager Service Info:
" " ---------------------------
" " name : "Directorio de podcast"
" " library : "amarok_service_opmldirectory"
" " desktopEntryPath : "amarok_service_opmldirectory.desktop"
" " X-KDE-Amarok-plugintype : "service"
" " X-KDE-Amarok-name : "JamendoService"
" " X-KDE-Amarok-authors : ("Nikolaj Hald Nielsen")
" " X-KDE-Amarok-rank : "100"
" " X-KDE-Amarok-version : "1"
" " X-KDE-Amarok-framework-version: "43"
amarok: Got hold of a valid plugin
amarok: Got hold of a valid factory
amarok: [PluginManager] Trying to load: "amarok_service_mp3tunes"
amarok: [PluginManager]
" " PluginManager Service Info:
" " ---------------------------
" " name : "Mp3tunes"
" " library : "amarok_service_mp3tunes"
" " desktopEntryPath : "amarok_service_mp3tunes.desktop"
" " X-KDE-Amarok-plugintype : "service"
" " X-KDE-Amarok-name : "Mp3tunesService"
" " X-KDE-Amarok-authors : ("Nikolaj Hald Nielsen")
" " X-KDE-Amarok-rank : "100"
" " X-KDE-Amarok-version : "1"
" " X-KDE-Amarok-framework-version: "43"
amarok: Got hold of a valid plugin
amarok: Got hold of a valid factory
amarok: [PluginManager] Trying to load: "amarok_service_magnatunestore"
amarok: [PluginManager]
" " PluginManager Service Info:
" " ---------------------------
" " name : "Almacenamiento Magnatune"
" " library : "amarok_service_magnatunestore"
" " desktopEntryPath : "amarok_service_magnatunestore.desktop"
" " X-KDE-Amarok-plugintype : "service"
" " X-KDE-Amarok-name : "MagnatuneStore"
" " X-KDE-Amarok-authors : ("Nikolaj Hald Nielsen")
" " X-KDE-Amarok-rank : "100"
" " X-KDE-Amarok-version : "1"
" " X-KDE-Amarok-framework-version: "43"
amarok: Got hold of a valid plugin
amarok: Got hold of a valid factory
amarok: [PluginManager] Trying to load: "amarok_service_ampache"
amarok: [PluginManager]
" " PluginManager Service Info:
" " ---------------------------
" " name : "Ampache"
" " library : "amarok_service_ampache"
" " desktopEntryPath : "amarok_service_ampache.desktop"
" " X-KDE-Amarok-plugintype : "service"
" " X-KDE-Amarok-name : "AmpacheService"
" " X-KDE-Amarok-authors : ("Nikolaj Hald Nielsen")
" " X-KDE-Amarok-rank : "100"
" " X-KDE-Amarok-version : "1"
" " X-KDE-Amarok-framework-version: "43"
amarok: Got hold of a valid plugin
amarok: Got hold of a valid factory
amarok: END__: void ServicePluginManager::collect() - Took 0.36s
amarok: BEGIN: void PlaylistManager::addProvider(PlaylistProvider*, int)
amarok: END__: void PlaylistManager::addProvider(PlaylistProvider*, int) - Took 5.1e-05s
amarok: BEGIN: void SqlUserPlaylistProvider::checkTables()
amarok: END__: void SqlUserPlaylistProvider::checkTables() - Took 9.7e-05s
amarok: BEGIN: void PlaylistManager::addProvider(PlaylistProvider*, int)
amarok: END__: void PlaylistManager::addProvider(PlaylistProvider*, int) - Took 3.4e-05s
amarok: BEGIN: Meta::PlaylistPtr Meta::loadPlaylist(const KUrl&)
amarok: local file
amarok: could not read file "/home/carlos/.kdemod4/share/apps/amarok/current.xspf"
amarok: BEGIN: void StatusBar::longMessage(const QString&, StatusBar::MessageType)
amarok: END__: void StatusBar::longMessage(const QString&, StatusBar::MessageType) - Took 5.2e-05s
amarok: END__: Meta::PlaylistPtr Meta::loadPlaylist(const KUrl&) - Took 0.00025s
KCrash: Application 'amarok' crashing...
<unknown program name>(5249)/: Communication problem with "amarok" , it probably crashed.
Error message was: "org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply" : " "Message did not receive a reply (timeout by message bus)"
puto verano, a ver si se va ya ATPC
/me va a ir buscando un ventilador+disipador bestia para reemplazar el cutre que viene de serie
coyote escribió:/me va a ir buscando un ventilador+disipador bestia para reemplazar el cutre que viene de serie
[samuel@phenom Descargas]$ schroot -p -- ./X-Plane\ Demo\ Installer\ Linux
I: [Arch32-5490920b-7e74-4f39-bbbd-88ce2442a4c7 chroot] Running command: "./X-Plane Demo Installer Linux"
./X-Plane Demo Installer Linux: error while loading shared libraries: libopenal.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
[samuel@phenom Descargas]$ locate libopenal
jorchube escribió:vete tu a saber lo que le hace a su pobre sistema, porque a mi me va todo perfecto xD
resadent escribió:Joder coyote, viendo la de pafs que tienes con KDE desde luego no das muchas ganas de usarlo.
Atlante escribió:resadent escribió:Joder coyote, viendo la de pafs que tienes con KDE desde luego no das muchas ganas de usarlo.
La verdad es que últimamente tengo la sensación de que los gnomeros estamos en extinción.
resadent escribió:jorchube escribió:vete tu a saber lo que le hace a su pobre sistema, porque a mi me va todo perfecto xD
A saber...
coyote escribió:resadent escribió:jorchube escribió:vete tu a saber lo que le hace a su pobre sistema, porque a mi me va todo perfecto xD
A saber...
Na bueno![]()
Nah, suele pasar cuando hay mucho movimiento de gráficos, aunque no siempre pasa.
Atlante escribió:Podría ser algún bug de KDE relacionado con cambiar 3 veces de escritorio al dia![]()
dAdEh escribió:Coyote pues el 2.6.31 lo tienes en testing, prueba a ver.
Dyno escribió:Nautilus tambien casca al copiar archivos muy grandes en ext4.
coyote escribió:dAdEh escribió:Coyote pues el 2.6.31 lo tienes en testing, prueba a ver.
Deja testing quietecito, ya cuando este en core se pondrá
Atlante escribió:Cuentan las leyendas que los paquetes del testing de Arch contienen restos de uranio enriquecido, nitroglicerina y tdt.. Sin coñas, como comenta coyote: ojito con testing, que esto no es Debian.
coyote escribió:Atlante escribió:Cuentan las leyendas que los paquetes del testing de Arch contienen restos de uranio enriquecido, nitroglicerina y tdt.. Sin coñas, como comenta coyote: ojito con testing, que esto no es Debian.
No me he podido resistir...
coyote escribió:Atlante escribió:Cuentan las leyendas que los paquetes del testing de Arch contienen restos de uranio enriquecido, nitroglicerina y tdt.. Sin coñas, como comenta coyote: ojito con testing, que esto no es Debian.
No me he podido resistir...
Atlante escribió:coyote escribió:Atlante escribió:Cuentan las leyendas que los paquetes del testing de Arch contienen restos de uranio enriquecido, nitroglicerina y tdt.. Sin coñas, como comenta coyote: ojito con testing, que esto no es Debian.
No me he podido resistir...
Dios que grande... lo mismo va a ser bueno dormir de vez en cuando mas de 5 horas seguidas. Jurao que ayer soñe con los pu*** decodificadores de tdt, con la golTV y con sus respectivas madres.
[coyote@Miyuki ~]$ infopkg openjdk6
Repositorio : extra
Nombre : openjdk6
Versión : 1.6-1
URL : http://icedtea.classpath.org
Licencias : GPL
Grupos : Nada
Provee : java-environment=6 java-runtime=6
Depende De : gcc-libs xdg-utils hicolor-icon-theme ca-certificates-java libxtst
Dependencias Opcionales : xulrunner: for the browser plugin
alsa-lib: for sound
giflib: for gif format support
Conflictos con : java-environment java-runtime
Reemplaza : Nada
Tamaño de la descarga : 42903,71 K
Tamaño instalado : 122508,00 K
Empaquetador : AndyRTR <andyrtr@archlinux.org>
Arquitectura : x86_64
Fecha de compilación : jue 10 sep 2009 14:19:08 CEST
Hash MD5 : 837dbcc78598c6b798ee269974ffb681
Descripción : Free Java environment based on OpenJDK 6.0 with IcedTea6 replacing binary plugs.
coyote escribió:openjdk6[coyote@Miyuki ~]$ infopkg openjdk6
Repositorio : extra
Nombre : openjdk6
Versión : 1.6-1
URL : http://icedtea.classpath.org
Licencias : GPL
Grupos : Nada
Provee : java-environment=6 java-runtime=6
Depende De : gcc-libs xdg-utils hicolor-icon-theme ca-certificates-java libxtst
Dependencias Opcionales : xulrunner: for the browser plugin
alsa-lib: for sound
giflib: for gif format support
Conflictos con : java-environment java-runtime
Reemplaza : Nada
Tamaño de la descarga : 42903,71 K
Tamaño instalado : 122508,00 K
Empaquetador : AndyRTR <andyrtr@archlinux.org>
Arquitectura : x86_64
Fecha de compilación : jue 10 sep 2009 14:19:08 CEST
Hash MD5 : 837dbcc78598c6b798ee269974ffb681
Descripción : Free Java environment based on OpenJDK 6.0 with IcedTea6 replacing binary plugs.
de paso: viewtopic.php?f=84&t=1263552&p=1717248548#p1717248548, por si a alguien se le ocurre algo.