Dejad de comeros la cabeza.
La versión de Xbox 360 sale en septiembre, fijo.
Os pego el post del forum de una chica del equipo de desarrollo a ver si queda claro:
Here the latest news that I have concerning the release date for the USA and the UK. I still have no release date for the game but as some of already guessed, the game (retail version) will not arrive at the same time than other countries in June.
In order to not let hope for a release in June I said today that the release of retail version is planned in
September for these 2 countries, to make it correspond with the Xbox 360 version (major platform in the US and UK).
I remind you that the digital version will be available the same day than the European release and you will be able to preorder the game in the website’s shop which will open soon. So you can meet or meet again (for beta testers

) on the pitch to challenge the coaches of other countries as soon as the game is released.
I am sorry for the ones who waited for a release in the coming days but this is information I just received, and I had to relay it.
Y os marco en colorcito la parte que queréis leer donde lo deja bien claro ¿ok?