SOLUCION PARA LOS QUE EL MP NO LES ENCUENTRA SERVIDORES (info sacada de los foros de steam,a mi me a funcionado
![sonrisa [sonrisa]](/images/smilies/nuevos/risa_ani1.gif)
To Disable ICS:
1. Go to Network and Sharing Center.
2. On the top left side of the windows should be "Change Adapter Settings" Click on that.
3. Right click where your internet comes from (In my case this was Wireless Network Connection). And select Properties.
4. Click the Sharing tab at the top, and untick all of the box's that are under the sharing tab.
The box's are as listed:
Allow other network users to connect through this computers Internet Connection.
Allow other network uses to control or disable the shared connection.
And now it may work for you. I have no guarantee it will but it worked for me.
Se traduce mas o menos en :
1 Ir al centro de redes y recursos compartidos
2 en la esquina superior izquierda clickar en "cambiar configuracion de adaptador
3 click con el boton derecho en el icono de la red que tengamos activa y seleccionar propiedades
4 seleccionar la pestaña "uso compartido" y quitar los dos ticks que aparecen activados,aceptar
una vez hecho esto deberia funcionar,a mi me funciono