aitortiya escribió:Buenas.....yo lo que se es que tengo un pepino de ordenador y casi todas las partidas online me dan lag,aveces poco,aveces mucho (insoportable) y no entiendo como un juego tan veterano y de tal magnitud la haya cagado tanto.Yo en este pc jugue el modern warfare 2 y me iba a tope y como una bala online.Leyendo tras ver la castaña,se ha quejado medio mundo a Activision,Treyarch y a Steam por el fastidioso lag.Tambien decir que mucha gente le da lag el modo campaña (a mi no),cosa que aun veo yo mas curioso ya que no depende de ninguna conexion online y mas bien serie problema de hardware.En mi caso es cierto que lo tengo a tope en configuracion pero vamos no es un crysis joder!!!Asi que a esperar que solucionen este garrafal fallo y a seguir jugando al tiro al plato!!!
Un abrazo
dead421 escribió:aitortiya escribió:Buenas.....yo lo que se es que tengo un pepino de ordenador y casi todas las partidas online me dan lag,aveces poco,aveces mucho (insoportable) y no entiendo como un juego tan veterano y de tal magnitud la haya cagado tanto.Yo en este pc jugue el modern warfare 2 y me iba a tope y como una bala online.Leyendo tras ver la castaña,se ha quejado medio mundo a Activision,Treyarch y a Steam por el fastidioso lag.Tambien decir que mucha gente le da lag el modo campaña (a mi no),cosa que aun veo yo mas curioso ya que no depende de ninguna conexion online y mas bien serie problema de hardware.En mi caso es cierto que lo tengo a tope en configuracion pero vamos no es un crysis joder!!!Asi que a esperar que solucionen este garrafal fallo y a seguir jugando al tiro al plato!!!
Un abrazo
Si te paras a leer unas 20 páginas atrás, a mucha gente le pasa, es un problema aleatorio, y pasa en cualquier PC.
medievo escribió:¿Pero que es esto?, al crear una clase personalizada,tarda media hora para grabarla.....
pablosignes escribió:Holaaaaaaa Gamebuyersssssss estamossssss esperandoooooo lassss keysssssssss
Marcs escribió:pablosignes escribió:Holaaaaaaa Gamebuyersssssss estamossssss esperandoooooo lassss keysssssssss
crees q lee el foro?
que es lo ultimo q se sabe de las keys?
Marcs escribió:pablosignes escribió:Holaaaaaaa Gamebuyersssssss estamossssss esperandoooooo lassss keysssssssss
crees q lee el foro?
que es lo ultimo q se sabe de las keys?
pablosignes escribió:Marcs escribió:pablosignes escribió:Holaaaaaaa Gamebuyersssssss estamossssss esperandoooooo lassss keysssssssss
crees q lee el foro?
que es lo ultimo q se sabe de las keys?
Si? no me digas q no lee el foro.
Macho lo he puesto para q la gente q tiene el mismo problema diga aver si alguien sabe alguna noticia
pablosignes escribió:Marcs escribió:pablosignes escribió:Holaaaaaaa Gamebuyersssssss estamossssss esperandoooooo lassss keysssssssss
crees q lee el foro?
que es lo ultimo q se sabe de las keys?
Si? no me digas q no lee el foro.
Macho lo he puesto para q la gente q tiene el mismo problema diga aver si alguien sabe alguna noticia
pablosignes escribió:Pos ya veo lo q lea el foro este todos preguntando y ni 1 repuesta.
gumm1988 escribió:pablosignes escribió:Pos ya veo lo q lea el foro este todos preguntando y ni 1 repuesta.
Para mi, esto va soltando un tufillo que no me gusta...
samhidalmoy escribió:esperaremos al correo de las 23:00 k se va a convertir ya en un clasico, a ver con que nos sorprende hoy
samhidalmoy escribió:esperaremos al correo de las 23:00 k se va a convertir ya en un clasico, a ver con que nos sorprende hoy
elsantodios5 escribió:espliquenme como ensartar la bestia alada.
del modo historia el capitulo 2 cuando me dan como un arpon y un elicopero me mataq todo el rato
chupakabras escribió:elsantodios5 escribió:espliquenme como ensartar la bestia alada.
del modo historia el capitulo 2 cuando me dan como un arpon y un elicopero me mataq todo el rato
Apuntas y disparas en cualquier sitio del elicoptero, asi de simple xD
gumm1988 escribió:Alguien sabe de alguien que haya comprado últimamente alguna key en Gamebuyers (MW2,MOH,Btl2,Fifa2011...)?
Lo digo para descartar una posible macro estafa.
D4rKiTo escribió:gumm1988 escribió:Alguien sabe de alguien que haya comprado últimamente alguna key en Gamebuyers (MW2,MOH,Btl2,Fifa2011...)?
Lo digo para descartar una posible macro estafa.
Pues mucha gente y hasta ahora ningún problema.
Para el que dice que no hablemos de keys. ¿De qué más vamos a hablar? Del cod ya sabemos que va como la mierda y no hace falta repetirlo más y más. Yo creo que si os jode es por que algunos habéis pagado 50-60€ y no os interesa la peña que paga menos, lo veo normal pero no tampoco para decirlo aquí xD.
gumm1988 escribió:Alguien sabe de alguien que haya comprado últimamente alguna key en Gamebuyers (MW2,MOH,Btl2,Fifa2011...)?
Lo digo para descartar una posible macro estafa.
gumm1988 escribió:Alguien sabe de alguien que haya comprado últimamente alguna key en Gamebuyers (MW2,MOH,Btl2,Fifa2011...)?
Lo digo para descartar una posible macro estafa.
D4rKiTo escribió:gumm1988 escribió:Alguien sabe de alguien que haya comprado últimamente alguna key en Gamebuyers (MW2,MOH,Btl2,Fifa2011...)?
Lo digo para descartar una posible macro estafa.
Pues mucha gente y hasta ahora ningún problema.
Para el que dice que no hablemos de keys. ¿De qué más vamos a hablar? Del cod ya sabemos que va como la mierda y no hace falta repetirlo más y más. Yo creo que si os jode es por que algunos habéis pagado 50-60€ y no os interesa la peña que paga menos, lo veo normal pero no tampoco para decirlo aquí xD.
reketekui escribió:gumm1988 escribió:Alguien sabe de alguien que haya comprado últimamente alguna key en Gamebuyers (MW2,MOH,Btl2,Fifa2011...)?
Lo digo para descartar una posible macro estafa.
No os preocupeis, gamebuyers es de confianza, estafar no nos va a estafar, pero los frikis (lo digo por mi) nos enfadamos cuando hemos reservado un juego dos semanas antes SOLO POR EL HECHO DE TENERLO EL DIA DE LANZAMIENTO.
Por mi parte si el viernes (si no se me ha ido la olla antes) no ha mandado las keys, cancelo la reserva y a otro sitio.
reketekui escribió:
pero los frikis (lo digo por mi) nos enfadamos cuando hemos reservado un juego dos semanas antes SOLO POR EL HECHO DE TENERLO EL DIA DE LANZAMIENTO.
Por mi parte si el viernes (si no se me ha ido la olla antes) no ha mandado las keys, cancelo la reserva y a otro sitio.
The End escribió:reketekui escribió:gumm1988 escribió:Alguien sabe de alguien que haya comprado últimamente alguna key en Gamebuyers (MW2,MOH,Btl2,Fifa2011...)?
Lo digo para descartar una posible macro estafa.
No os preocupeis, gamebuyers es de confianza, estafar no nos va a estafar, pero los frikis (lo digo por mi) nos enfadamos cuando hemos reservado un juego dos semanas antes SOLO POR EL HECHO DE TENERLO EL DIA DE LANZAMIENTO.
Por mi parte si el viernes (si no se me ha ido la olla antes) no ha mandado las keys, cancelo la reserva y a otro sitio.
¿Pero eso se puede hacer? ¿Nos devolverian el dinero?
skizo0 escribió:dead421 escribió:aitortiya escribió:Buenas.....yo lo que se es que tengo un pepino de ordenador y casi todas las partidas online me dan lag,aveces poco,aveces mucho (insoportable) y no entiendo como un juego tan veterano y de tal magnitud la haya cagado tanto.Yo en este pc jugue el modern warfare 2 y me iba a tope y como una bala online.Leyendo tras ver la castaña,se ha quejado medio mundo a Activision,Treyarch y a Steam por el fastidioso lag.Tambien decir que mucha gente le da lag el modo campaña (a mi no),cosa que aun veo yo mas curioso ya que no depende de ninguna conexion online y mas bien serie problema de hardware.En mi caso es cierto que lo tengo a tope en configuracion pero vamos no es un crysis joder!!!Asi que a esperar que solucionen este garrafal fallo y a seguir jugando al tiro al plato!!!
Un abrazo
Si te paras a leer unas 20 páginas atrás, a mucha gente le pasa, es un problema aleatorio, y pasa en cualquier PC.
Exacto. Yo tengo colegas que van tambien con un pepinaco de pc y no pueden jugar o juegan fatal (ya que el mono no les permite no jugar
) y van to lagaos. Yo con mi humilde pc, va fatal tb, aunque quiero pensar que igual que a todos vosotros
y tocará esperar al parche que llegará o esta o la semana que viiene
elsantodios5 escribió:chupakabras escribió:elsantodios5 escribió:espliquenme como ensartar la bestia alada.
del modo historia el capitulo 2 cuando me dan como un arpon y un elicopero me mataq todo el rato
Apuntas y disparas en cualquier sitio del elicoptero, asi de simple xD
lo hago y no se por que me autodestruyo a mi mismo
1. Open Console (`)
Type cl_maxpackets 100
Close Game.
2. Right click on Black Ops Multi in steam games
Go Properties -> Updates -> Untick Enable steam cloud sync.
If the above doesn't work try the following..
3. Steam > Settings > In Game > uncheck “Enable Steam Community In-Game”
*** Also could try another methods, like one of these:
Console Commands:
Draw your FPS on screen:
/cg_drawfps 1
Draw your Lagometer on screen:
/cg_drawlagometer 1
Max FPS command:
/com_maxfps 0
/cg_fov "80" (GAMEPLAY)*
/com_maxfps "125" (FPS)*
/snaps "30" (REGISTRY)*
/cl_maxpackets "100" (REGISTRY)*
/cl_packetdup "2" (REGISTRY)
/rate "25000" (REGISTRY)
/sm_enable 0 (FPS)*
/r_drawdecals 0 (FPS)*
/cg_drawFPS "Simple" (FPS)
/cg_brass "0" (FPS)
/r_multigpu "1" (FPS)
/r_cachemodellighting "1" (FPS)
/r_cacheSmodellighting "1" (FPS)
/cl_mouseaccel "0" (MOUSE)
/r_rendererPreference "Shader model 2.0" (FPS)
/r_vsync "0" (FPS)
/r_smc_enable "0" (FPS)
/r_rendererPreference "0" (FPS)
/r_skincache "1" (FPS)
/cg_blood "0" (FPS)
/com_hunkmegs "512" (FPS)
/r_drawsun "0" (FPS)
Now Type In Console:
*CG FOV :: Field of view, where the value is the angle of the circular arc that is displayed
on your screen. High values will make the game appear "fisheyed".
*MAX FPS :: This command limits your maximum FPS. You may ask why you would want to do this,
and the answer is that it will help the server from having lag confusion when your frame rate
has a sudden rise or fall. Run a timedemo, collect your average FPS and use that as the limit
for when you play on-line.
*SNAPS :: This is possibly the most important setting for getting a good connection.
Snaps setting determines how many updates you recieve from the server. 20 to 30 for
56K connects in quake series 40 for high speed internet im sure the same for cod. (30 is fine).
*MAXPACKETS :: This setting puts a limit on the maximum amount of packets that can be sent to
the server via the client. This setting is useful for people with slower modems. Obviously we
all have high speed connects so set to at least 100. Lower maxpacket settings i.e 30 lowers ping
on screen but at the cost of registration.
*SM ENABLE :: Turns off unique Shadows ingame, it boosts FPS more than most commands.
*R DRAWDECALS :: Turns off details on walls and objects, however Punkbuster will kick you off for this at this time.
Other way is to change your config_mp.cfg in your C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\call of duty black ops\players\config_mp.cfg and change values for these settings:
This should only be enabled if you have multiple graphics cards or a graphics card with multiple GPUs. If you don't have multiple GPUs, don't know what this means, or are having issues with your MultiGPU solution, please set this to "0".
This setting should be enabled for EVERYBODY as the minimum requirements for Black Ops clearly states that you need a multithreaded (multicore) CPU to run the game. However, some people have noticed that by setting this to "0" some of the skipping lag is relieved. Test this out only as a last resort.
VSync prevents screen tearing. If you don't know what that is, just set it to "0" because you probably don't care anyway. Otherwise, VSync usually doesn't have any negative performance issues with today's graphics cards. However, there may be a few performance issues linked to VSync with the current release of Black Ops. Try setting this to "0" for compatibility.
This setting enables Blur shader effects. If you have a strong shader card, this setting may be negligible. Otherwise, just go ahead and set this to "0".
This setting enables Distortion shader effects. If you have a strong shader card, this setting may be negligible. Otherwise, just go ahead and set this to "0".
This setting enables Depth of Field shader effects. If you have a strong shader card, this setting may be negligible. Otherwise, just go ahead and set this to "0".
This setting enables Glow (HDR?) shader effects. Normally, this should have a negligible performance impact. HOWEVER, this setting seems to be buggy! Performance improved DRAMATICALLY when I set this option to "0".
Rate is the rate at which the client sends packets to the server. If you set this too low, below 10000 or so, you run the risk of sending insufficient data to the server and lagging out. Set this too high, above 50000 or so, and you run the risk of flooding your connection to the server. This setting should be adjusted according to your connection speed and may take some fine tuning.
This setting controls how many packets the client will hold to ensure packet transmission. If you set this setting to low, below 20 or so, then you run the risk of being disconnected prematurely. If you set this setting too high, above 150 or so, then you run the risk of continually resending redundant data and lowering your ping (or worse, getting choked). This setting is very hard to tune because it depends on so many factors beyond your own connection. Most people have found setting this to 100 is a good compromise for most servers.
Some further technical notes:
It seems that the issues plaguing PC Multiplayer are two fold.
First of all, poor CPU management is causing bottlenecks, especially with what seems to be thread context switching. This causes the system to hang intermentently as data is switched between the cores of your CPU.
Next is poor management of the netcode. The netcode must be shared with the game engine in such a way that when the CPU hangs, no data is being transmitted to or received from the server, causing packets to timeout in both directions and LOADS of redundant data being transferred between all players.
So fixing the lag on your computer should help to alleviate the load for everybody else on the server and give all around better game play.
Also note that the above is just observation and speculation from an experienced programmer. I have, obviously, not seen the source to Black Ops, but because of how the application behaves, these are my most educated guesses.
Try what I mentioned above and let me know if you find anything else that is of importance to the current state of multiplayer performance.
Good Luck and Good Fragging!
DanIX2 escribió:1. Open Console (`)
Type cl_maxpackets 100
Close Game.
2. Right click on Black Ops Multi in steam games
Go Properties -> Updates -> Untick Enable steam cloud sync.
If the above doesn't work try the following..
3. Steam > Settings > In Game > uncheck “Enable Steam Community In-Game”
*** Also could try another methods, like one of these:
Console Commands:
Draw your FPS on screen:
/cg_drawfps 1
Draw your Lagometer on screen:
/cg_drawlagometer 1
Max FPS command:
/com_maxfps 0
/cg_fov "80" (GAMEPLAY)*
/com_maxfps "125" (FPS)*
/snaps "30" (REGISTRY)*
/cl_maxpackets "100" (REGISTRY)*
/cl_packetdup "2" (REGISTRY)
/rate "25000" (REGISTRY)
/sm_enable 0 (FPS)*
/r_drawdecals 0 (FPS)*
/cg_drawFPS "Simple" (FPS)
/cg_brass "0" (FPS)
/r_multigpu "1" (FPS)
/r_cachemodellighting "1" (FPS)
/r_cacheSmodellighting "1" (FPS)
/cl_mouseaccel "0" (MOUSE)
/r_rendererPreference "Shader model 2.0" (FPS)
/r_vsync "0" (FPS)
/r_smc_enable "0" (FPS)
/r_rendererPreference "0" (FPS)
/r_skincache "1" (FPS)
/cg_blood "0" (FPS)
/com_hunkmegs "512" (FPS)
/r_drawsun "0" (FPS)
Now Type In Console:
*CG FOV :: Field of view, where the value is the angle of the circular arc that is displayed
on your screen. High values will make the game appear "fisheyed".
*MAX FPS :: This command limits your maximum FPS. You may ask why you would want to do this,
and the answer is that it will help the server from having lag confusion when your frame rate
has a sudden rise or fall. Run a timedemo, collect your average FPS and use that as the limit
for when you play on-line.
*SNAPS :: This is possibly the most important setting for getting a good connection.
Snaps setting determines how many updates you recieve from the server. 20 to 30 for
56K connects in quake series 40 for high speed internet im sure the same for cod. (30 is fine).
*MAXPACKETS :: This setting puts a limit on the maximum amount of packets that can be sent to
the server via the client. This setting is useful for people with slower modems. Obviously we
all have high speed connects so set to at least 100. Lower maxpacket settings i.e 30 lowers ping
on screen but at the cost of registration.
*SM ENABLE :: Turns off unique Shadows ingame, it boosts FPS more than most commands.
*R DRAWDECALS :: Turns off details on walls and objects, however Punkbuster will kick you off for this at this time.
Other way is to change your config_mp.cfg in your C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\call of duty black ops\players\config_mp.cfg and change values for these settings:
This should only be enabled if you have multiple graphics cards or a graphics card with multiple GPUs. If you don't have multiple GPUs, don't know what this means, or are having issues with your MultiGPU solution, please set this to "0".
This setting should be enabled for EVERYBODY as the minimum requirements for Black Ops clearly states that you need a multithreaded (multicore) CPU to run the game. However, some people have noticed that by setting this to "0" some of the skipping lag is relieved. Test this out only as a last resort.
VSync prevents screen tearing. If you don't know what that is, just set it to "0" because you probably don't care anyway. Otherwise, VSync usually doesn't have any negative performance issues with today's graphics cards. However, there may be a few performance issues linked to VSync with the current release of Black Ops. Try setting this to "0" for compatibility.
This setting enables Blur shader effects. If you have a strong shader card, this setting may be negligible. Otherwise, just go ahead and set this to "0".
This setting enables Distortion shader effects. If you have a strong shader card, this setting may be negligible. Otherwise, just go ahead and set this to "0".
This setting enables Depth of Field shader effects. If you have a strong shader card, this setting may be negligible. Otherwise, just go ahead and set this to "0".
This setting enables Glow (HDR?) shader effects. Normally, this should have a negligible performance impact. HOWEVER, this setting seems to be buggy! Performance improved DRAMATICALLY when I set this option to "0".
Rate is the rate at which the client sends packets to the server. If you set this too low, below 10000 or so, you run the risk of sending insufficient data to the server and lagging out. Set this too high, above 50000 or so, and you run the risk of flooding your connection to the server. This setting should be adjusted according to your connection speed and may take some fine tuning.
This setting controls how many packets the client will hold to ensure packet transmission. If you set this setting to low, below 20 or so, then you run the risk of being disconnected prematurely. If you set this setting too high, above 150 or so, then you run the risk of continually resending redundant data and lowering your ping (or worse, getting choked). This setting is very hard to tune because it depends on so many factors beyond your own connection. Most people have found setting this to 100 is a good compromise for most servers.
Some further technical notes:
It seems that the issues plaguing PC Multiplayer are two fold.
First of all, poor CPU management is causing bottlenecks, especially with what seems to be thread context switching. This causes the system to hang intermentently as data is switched between the cores of your CPU.
Next is poor management of the netcode. The netcode must be shared with the game engine in such a way that when the CPU hangs, no data is being transmitted to or received from the server, causing packets to timeout in both directions and LOADS of redundant data being transferred between all players.
So fixing the lag on your computer should help to alleviate the load for everybody else on the server and give all around better game play.
Also note that the above is just observation and speculation from an experienced programmer. I have, obviously, not seen the source to Black Ops, but because of how the application behaves, these are my most educated guesses.
Try what I mentioned above and let me know if you find anything else that is of importance to the current state of multiplayer performance.
Good Luck and Good Fragging!
soluciona el lag, probado :3
pablosignes escribió:I love gamebuyers (max 12 horas).......
DanIX2 escribió:1. Open Console (`)
Type cl_maxpackets 100
Close Game.
2. Right click on Black Ops Multi in steam games
Go Properties -> Updates -> Untick Enable steam cloud sync.
If the above doesn't work try the following..
3. Steam > Settings > In Game > uncheck “Enable Steam Community In-Game”
*** Also could try another methods, like one of these:
Console Commands:
Draw your FPS on screen:
/cg_drawfps 1
Draw your Lagometer on screen:
/cg_drawlagometer 1
Max FPS command:
/com_maxfps 0
/cg_fov "80" (GAMEPLAY)*
/com_maxfps "125" (FPS)*
/snaps "30" (REGISTRY)*
/cl_maxpackets "100" (REGISTRY)*
/cl_packetdup "2" (REGISTRY)
/rate "25000" (REGISTRY)
/sm_enable 0 (FPS)*
/r_drawdecals 0 (FPS)*
/cg_drawFPS "Simple" (FPS)
/cg_brass "0" (FPS)
/r_multigpu "1" (FPS)
/r_cachemodellighting "1" (FPS)
/r_cacheSmodellighting "1" (FPS)
/cl_mouseaccel "0" (MOUSE)
/r_rendererPreference "Shader model 2.0" (FPS)
/r_vsync "0" (FPS)
/r_smc_enable "0" (FPS)
/r_rendererPreference "0" (FPS)
/r_skincache "1" (FPS)
/cg_blood "0" (FPS)
/com_hunkmegs "512" (FPS)
/r_drawsun "0" (FPS)
Now Type In Console:
*CG FOV :: Field of view, where the value is the angle of the circular arc that is displayed
on your screen. High values will make the game appear "fisheyed".
*MAX FPS :: This command limits your maximum FPS. You may ask why you would want to do this,
and the answer is that it will help the server from having lag confusion when your frame rate
has a sudden rise or fall. Run a timedemo, collect your average FPS and use that as the limit
for when you play on-line.
*SNAPS :: This is possibly the most important setting for getting a good connection.
Snaps setting determines how many updates you recieve from the server. 20 to 30 for
56K connects in quake series 40 for high speed internet im sure the same for cod. (30 is fine).
*MAXPACKETS :: This setting puts a limit on the maximum amount of packets that can be sent to
the server via the client. This setting is useful for people with slower modems. Obviously we
all have high speed connects so set to at least 100. Lower maxpacket settings i.e 30 lowers ping
on screen but at the cost of registration.
*SM ENABLE :: Turns off unique Shadows ingame, it boosts FPS more than most commands.
*R DRAWDECALS :: Turns off details on walls and objects, however Punkbuster will kick you off for this at this time.
Other way is to change your config_mp.cfg in your C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\call of duty black ops\players\config_mp.cfg and change values for these settings:
This should only be enabled if you have multiple graphics cards or a graphics card with multiple GPUs. If you don't have multiple GPUs, don't know what this means, or are having issues with your MultiGPU solution, please set this to "0".
This setting should be enabled for EVERYBODY as the minimum requirements for Black Ops clearly states that you need a multithreaded (multicore) CPU to run the game. However, some people have noticed that by setting this to "0" some of the skipping lag is relieved. Test this out only as a last resort.
VSync prevents screen tearing. If you don't know what that is, just set it to "0" because you probably don't care anyway. Otherwise, VSync usually doesn't have any negative performance issues with today's graphics cards. However, there may be a few performance issues linked to VSync with the current release of Black Ops. Try setting this to "0" for compatibility.
This setting enables Blur shader effects. If you have a strong shader card, this setting may be negligible. Otherwise, just go ahead and set this to "0".
This setting enables Distortion shader effects. If you have a strong shader card, this setting may be negligible. Otherwise, just go ahead and set this to "0".
This setting enables Depth of Field shader effects. If you have a strong shader card, this setting may be negligible. Otherwise, just go ahead and set this to "0".
This setting enables Glow (HDR?) shader effects. Normally, this should have a negligible performance impact. HOWEVER, this setting seems to be buggy! Performance improved DRAMATICALLY when I set this option to "0".
Rate is the rate at which the client sends packets to the server. If you set this too low, below 10000 or so, you run the risk of sending insufficient data to the server and lagging out. Set this too high, above 50000 or so, and you run the risk of flooding your connection to the server. This setting should be adjusted according to your connection speed and may take some fine tuning.
This setting controls how many packets the client will hold to ensure packet transmission. If you set this setting to low, below 20 or so, then you run the risk of being disconnected prematurely. If you set this setting too high, above 150 or so, then you run the risk of continually resending redundant data and lowering your ping (or worse, getting choked). This setting is very hard to tune because it depends on so many factors beyond your own connection. Most people have found setting this to 100 is a good compromise for most servers.
Some further technical notes:
It seems that the issues plaguing PC Multiplayer are two fold.
First of all, poor CPU management is causing bottlenecks, especially with what seems to be thread context switching. This causes the system to hang intermentently as data is switched between the cores of your CPU.
Next is poor management of the netcode. The netcode must be shared with the game engine in such a way that when the CPU hangs, no data is being transmitted to or received from the server, causing packets to timeout in both directions and LOADS of redundant data being transferred between all players.
So fixing the lag on your computer should help to alleviate the load for everybody else on the server and give all around better game play.
Also note that the above is just observation and speculation from an experienced programmer. I have, obviously, not seen the source to Black Ops, but because of how the application behaves, these are my most educated guesses.
Try what I mentioned above and let me know if you find anything else that is of importance to the current state of multiplayer performance.
Good Luck and Good Fragging!
soluciona el lag, probado :3
gumm1988 escribió:pablosignes escribió:I love gamebuyers (max 12 horas).......
I love to
pablosignes escribió:gumm1988 escribió:pablosignes escribió:I love gamebuyers (max 12 horas).......
I love to
Lo q mas me guta de gamebuyers es como cumple lo de las 12 horas![]()
pablosignes escribió:Yo llevo 3 dias enviandole email y no ma repondido ni 1. Esa es la seriedad de gamebuyers