› Foros › Xbox 360 › Exploits y homebrew
kull escribió:Tengo instalado FBOOT 12611 en la nand del cygnos y en la nand de la x360 tenia el FBOOT 9199,estaba jugando al dead space 2 cuando tuve el problema de q se quedaba en el
ascensor,empexe a leer y decidi instalar el daslaunch 2.08 y asin lo hice,ahora cuando pongo el cygnos en la nand de la x360 qtenia el 9199 me salen las 3 luces rojas del error creo 71(acabo de arrancarla ahora mismo x la mañna en la nad de la x360 y ya no me sale las 3 luces rojas me quedo mas rayao todavia),segun todo lo q e leido creo q es x q e instalado el daslaunch 2.08 en el FBOOT 9199,estas son mis preguntas:
1º como se puede instalar el daslaunch 2.08 en la nand del cygnos o no se puede y tiene q ir instalada en la nand de la x360 ?.
2º hay mucha peña q tiene dudas sobre el launch ini alguien versado en el tema haria el favor de hacer un tuto par la gente mas torpe.
gracias a todos los q haceis este foro maravilloso
Re: re
por Bartu 05 Feb 2011 11:23
Para instalar el DL 2.08 debes tener el kernel 12611.eso ya lo se te lo digo aqui Tengo instalado FBOOT 12611 en la nand del cygnos y en la nand de la x360 tenia el FBOOT 9199,lo q pregunto es como se puede instalar el daslaunch 2.08 en la nand del cygnos o no se puede y tiene q ir instalada en la nand de la x360 ?.
Para el Dead Space 2 tienes el Disk Swapper.
Lo que preguntas, puedes encontrarlo aquí
hilo_lee-esto-antes-de-abrir-un-hilo-especial-novatos_1481233eso tb lo e leido lo q quiero es q me contesten mi duda ya q creo q teniendo seleccionado la nand del cygnos,al instalar el daslaunch no me deberia tocar nada en la nand de la x360 y salirme las 3 luces rojas![]()
Ahora para usarlo, debes hacer lo siguiente...
1º copiar la carpeta installer a un USB.
2º pasar la carpeta installer desde el USB a la raíz del HDD externo o HDD interno.
3º ejecutar el default.xex del interior de la carpeta installer.
4º vamos haciendo los pasos configurando lo que queramos y listo.
NOTA: en el paso 4 podrás crear el launch.ini en el cual podrás configurar algunos datos, (puedes verlo en info_launch.ini) por ejemplo, quitar el ping del kai con tan solo presionar A o poner True en el ini.
por -l- Agua -l- 06 Feb 2011 21:41
Tengo el freeboot con Kinect instalado desde ayer.
Intentanto usar el DashLaucnh(ultima version).
Ahora para usarlo, debes hacer lo siguiente...
1º copiar la carpeta installer a un USB.
2º pasar la carpeta installer desde el USB a la raíz del HDD externo o HDD interno.
3º ejecutar el default.xex del interior de la carpeta installer.
4º vamos haciendo los pasos configurando lo que queramos y listo.
NOTA: en el paso 4 podrás crear el launch.ini en el cual podrás configurar algunos datos, (puedes verlo en info_launch.ini) por ejemplo, quitar el ping del kai con tan solo presionar A o poner True en el ini.
A mi no me aparece el 4º paso. Sólo se aparece la leyenda de que hay que apagar y se apaga sólo. Luego, al encender la consola, no ocurre nada. En ningun momento veo opciones de configurar algo. ¿Qué he echo mal?. No tengo el FSD instalado. ¿Es necesario?
benzin escribió:Buenas tengo un problema tengo todo instalado pero no consigo cargar el fable 3 (no tengo mas juegos ap2.5 para probar)
xbox con dash launch 2.08 y fboot 12611 cuando jecuto el xex se me queda la pantalla en negro y no hace nada
por q puede ser llevo toa la tarde buscando informacion pero no hay manera
¿hay q parchear los juegos?
saludos y gracias de antemano
benzin escribió:Buenas tengo un problema tengo todo instalado pero no consigo cargar el fable 3 (no tengo mas juegos ap2.5 para probar)
xbox con dash launch 2.08 y fboot 12611 cuando jecuto el xex se me queda la pantalla en negro y no hace nada
por q puede ser llevo toa la tarde buscando informacion pero no hay manera
¿hay q parchear los juegos?
saludos y gracias de antemano
juanvlc escribió:descomprime el archivo, metelo en un pen y ejecuta el default.xex
What's new/fixed:
* moved strictly to C, much smaller DLL
* correct bug with busy CON/sometimes ignoring ini for boot time default item
* made boot time quick launch buttons more reliable
* added 1s delay to resolve autologin at boot issue and slower USB hdd issues
* patches updated to remove min version check (DA2)
Known Bugs:
* Some users have found that freestyle set as a default item or returning to freestyle from NXE via miniblade hook is freezing the machine. If you have issue with this bug, please use the 2.08 launch.xex in the files directory and re-run the updater
Dash Launch 2.09 (beta)
at time of this writing, this is ONLY compatible with "freeBOOT" 12611
read info_launch.ini for info on options and setting launch parameters.
This a core rewrite, major changes were done to the paths used in the ini
file, the installer can update these for you if you have the old ini files
accessible at the time of install. See the inlcuded sample ini files.
The installer is now much more robust, and can even flash the appropriate
patches to your console for you, all that is required is that you have
installed freeboot 12611 and can run the installer xex
Overview - what it does
- It will launch a XeX or CON file from the path you specified in launch.ini
as long as it's valid
- Depending on the button you hold when the xbox is trying to load the NXE, it
will divert to the xex/con tied to that button or return to default as
defined in launch.ini
- At boot time it is possible to subvert default item and/or NXE loading, but
you must wait until the controller syncs to do so, and the controller must
sync to the top left quadrant (player 1.)
- Depending which button is held when closing miniblade in NXE (use Y button to
close, release then hold a QL button) it will quick launch a CON or XEX
from your ini file
- allows one to patch kernel/xam at bootup with a freeBOOT patch style bin file
from usb or hdd (in that order) must be in root of the device and be named
"kxam.patch" and be no larger than 0x4000 bytes. Again, kxam.patch binary
format is the same as a compiled freeboot patch bin, but uses real virtual
addresses rather than offsets - see 1.0 release for a windows patch builder
- with the included patch set, launch.xex acts as a helper to detect when
xbox1 emulator loads, allowing memory unlock patch and xbox1 emulator
to function together
- have the required freeboot version installed on the console
- get the installer to a place where you can run it, and do so. Follow onscreen
instructions. The installer will prompt you if it needs to update the
freeboot patches and will give you an opportunity to configure the new
- edit and place launch.ini where you would like it, see note below as well
**See inlcuded sample and the info ini which describes the options allowed**
note: the installer includes upgrade paths for dash launch 1.0 users, it will
optionally update launch.ini files wherever found to use the new path names
when upgrading an existing flash ini file, the installer will fix the paths
as needed and write it back to the installer's files directory to be written
to flash, if you have provided an ini file for flash installation be sure to
say no to the upgrade prompt for an existing flash ini file
Important - going to NXE
- if you need to go back to NXE and have default item set in ini, HOLD RB while
exiting game via miniblade or exit using one of the miniblade options like
family settings or system settings
INI notes
-it's possible to have multiple ini files, priority is: USB, HDD, BB MU, FLASH
(** it is NOT recommended to launch USB con/xex from hdd ini **)
the first one found on the devices in that order will be the one used.
-see http://code.jellycan.com/simpleini/ for more info on the ini parser
-if you find your ini file is not working, open it in a hex editor and ensure
that windows didn't convert it to a non-ASCII format by putting identifyer
bytes at the beginning of the file. The first charater in a hex editor
should be whatever the first character you have in the ini file, not
non-character codes like 0xFF or similar
The work herein is presented as-is, any risk is solely the end users
responsibility. While all of us are sorry when unforseen things happen, not
every situation or mistake can be accounted for before they have been
spotted. Please use responsibly.
-Big thanks to those who opened the way and those who made it even more usable.
-Thanks to Tux, Arbiter, stk, the2000 and Corrupted for all the bugs you caught
trying to sneak by!
-Thanks AmyGrrl for passing along the glitch and new ideas
-Thanks to Tux, Ironman, JPizzle and Dionis Fernandez for helping procure a
Jasper big block console to extend testing and fix NAND MU corruption bug
Dionis - you went above and beyond!
-Thanks to vgcrepairs for providing the cygnos, dash launch likely wouldn't
exist without one.
-Thanks to FBDev and mojobojo for the data used for the patch options
-Thanks to sm32
-Thanks to unknown, you know why
-Thanks to xbox-scene for always putting up a release thread announce!
-Greetz to XeDev
~brought to you by cOz~
Known Bugs
- Some users have found that freestyle set as a default item or returning to
freestyle from NXE via miniblade hook is freezing the machine. If you have
issue with this bug, please use the 2.08 launch.xex in the files directory
and re-run the updater
v2.09 (beta)
- moved strictly to C, much smaller DLL
- correct bug with busy CON/sometimes ignoring ini for boot time default item
- made boot time quick launch buttons more reliable
- added 1s delay to resolve autologin at boot issue and slower USB hdd issues
- patches updated to remove min version check (DA2)
- correcting for a glitch where launchdata should be cleared between titles but
isn't; fixes launching some games twice in a row (thanks stk and FSD!)
- fixed media center extender (thanks jester and antman)
~hopefully this is the last whitelist option needed
- added option "nosysexit" (thanks rhai)
- update to fbbuild 0.11 patches
- fixed bug with fatal freeze options
- changed installer to use zeropair CB version to determine patch set
- added new options dvdexitdash and xblaexitdash (thanks AmyGrrl)
- added regionspoof, dvdexitdash and xblaexitdash to ini updater
- added instructions to this readme regarding boot time buttons and diagnosing
non-ASCII ini files
- added AP25 xex priveledge filter (fix AC:B GOD/xex, maybe others)
- fixed a glitch with launching kinect games when a default item is set
- updated for 12611
- added version info to data struct exported at ordinal 1
- made number of times button holds are scanned variable, longer window
at boot time to sync controller and hold a button
- added region spoofing for XGetGameRegion
- DVD video play from NXE now plays DVD regardless of default setting
(thanks krizalid!)
- corrected flash mu mount point (thanks Antho02 at l-s)
- added kernel version check to installer as some xbr using folks seem incapable
of reading the first line of this file
- plugins now use logical paths just like quick launch buttons
- added common (9199) content and ping limit patches as options
- mostly runs in system threads, startup completes while bootanim runs
- completely subverted dash.xex, no more CD issues or NXE split seconds
- removed insistance on 0/1/2 paths and reliance on CaPs to detect
- return to NXE via miniblade for system settings and others works w/o using RB
- added big block NAND mu as possible device
- optionally subvert Y to exit miniblade while in NXE to load button/default
- added xell loader to patch set and included a xex to load xell
- removed reboot on fatal error from patches
- included reboot/shutdown on fatal error as settings
- installer onscreen output cleaned up, now shuts down console at end of install
- added ini file updater to installer
- added patch updater to installer
- added other devices for launch targets
- added flash for location to load launch.ini
- added flash installer supports flashing launch.xex and launch.ini
- with help of freeboot patches, fixes issues with xbox1 emulator on memory
unlocked patchset
- overhaul ini parser with simpleIni, support for most buttons and a default
- added dll/plugin loading support
- added hooking/return to launch app instead of NXE (hold RB to bypass)
- added kernel/xam boot time/one time patch engine
- added export to allow the loading of other system modules
- added a small delay to allow XBR users to launch CON
- implemented a simple ini file parser and fileExist
- auto detects LIVE and XEX2 to use the appropriate launch method
- fails to dash reliably now
-initial release
Si, el instalador luego te preguntara si quieres hacer algunos cambios, pero si, te lo conserva.system_042 escribió:¿Se actualiza y ya está?
Pararegistros escribió:Tocará seguir esperando porque en su día, "parcheé" el Lara y el Raystorm con el XM360.
Al menos he editado el título. Lo editaré cuando salga la versión definitiva del 2.09.
oam_111 escribió:[Plugins]
plugin1 = Hdd:\Pluing\swap.xex
Y el multi.ini del plugin lo tengo asi:
disk1 = Hdd:\Content\0000000000000000\454108DF\00007000\8965DEC347C2C7BE4E78
disk2 = Hdd:\Content\0000000000000000\454108DF\00007000\E0C70056E5F77B9A68EE
Ademas tengo una pregunta la primera vez que instale el Dashlaunch no tenia configurado el Launch.ini(no lo habia creado), ahora que l o quiero volver a instalar no lo hace solo me dice que presione A para apagar la consola
chupypack escribió:buenas a todos y todas mmm donde empesar ok resulta ke no puedo hacer ke mi consola arranke desde el principio ya modifike el launch.ini y no puedo hacerlo correr desde el principio encontre muchas cosas pero pues kiero ke me saken de dudas el ini lo tengo asi
BUT_X = Usb1:\Content\0000000000000000\C0DE9999\00080000\freestyle.xex
Default = Usb1:\Applications\freestyle\default.xex
nxemini = true
pingpatch = true
contpatch = true
regionspoof = true
dvdexitdash = true
xblaexitdash = true
nosysexit = true
fatalfreeze = true
perdon si les kite un poko de su valioso tiempo,, ke tengan un buen dia gracias
Dash Launch 2.10
at time of this writing, this is ONLY compatible with "freeBOOT" 12611
read info_launch.ini for info on options and setting launch parameters.
This a core rewrite, major changes were done to the paths used in the ini
file, the installer can update these for you if you have the old ini files
accessible at the time of install. See the inlcuded sample ini files.
The installer is now much more robust, and can even flash the appropriate
patches to your console for you, all that is required is that you have
installed freeboot 12611 and can run the installer xex
Overview - what it does
- It will launch a XeX or CON file from the path you specified in launch.ini
as long as it's valid
- Depending on the button you hold when the xbox is trying to load the NXE, it
will divert to the xex/con tied to that button or return to default as
defined in launch.ini
- At boot time it is possible to subvert default item and/or NXE loading, but
you must wait until the controller syncs to do so, and the controller must
sync to the top left quadrant (player 1.)
- Depending which button is held when closing miniblade in NXE (use Y button to
close, release then hold a QL button) it will quick launch a CON or XEX
from your ini file
- allows one to patch kernel/xam at bootup with a freeBOOT patch style bin file
from usb or hdd (in that order) must be in root of the device and be named
"kxam.patch" and be no larger than 0x4000 bytes. Again, kxam.patch binary
format is the same as a compiled freeboot patch bin, but uses real virtual
addresses rather than offsets - see 1.0 release for a windows patch builder
- with the included patch set, launch.xex acts as a helper to detect when
xbox1 emulator loads, allowing memory unlock patch and xbox1 emulator
to function together
- have the required freeboot version installed on the console
- get the installer to a place where you can run it, and do so. Follow onscreen
instructions. The installer will prompt you if it needs to update the
freeboot patches and will give you an opportunity to configure the new
- edit and place launch.ini where you would like it, see note below as well
**See inlcuded sample and the info ini which describes the options allowed**
note: the installer includes upgrade paths for dash launch 1.0 users, it will
optionally update launch.ini files wherever found to use the new path names
when upgrading an existing flash ini file, the installer will fix the paths
as needed and write it back to the installer's files directory to be written
to flash, if you have provided an ini file for flash installation be sure to
say no to the upgrade prompt for an existing flash ini file
Updaters and Avatars
- this version of dash launch contains an update blocker that is enabled by
default. There are two ways around this if you wish to install the bits and
pieces used by the dash for kinect and avatars
1 - place the updater that matches this version on removable media, and
rename the folder from $SystemUpdate to $$ystemUpdate
2 - place an ini where dash launch can find it and set the noupdater option
to false - noupdater = false
Important - going to NXE
- if you need to go back to NXE and have default item set in ini, HOLD RB while
exiting game via miniblade or exit using one of the miniblade options like
family settings or system settings
INI notes
-it's possible to have multiple ini files, priority is: USB, HDD, BB MU, FLASH
(** it is NOT recommended to launch USB con/xex from hdd ini **)
the first one found on the devices in that order will be the one used.
-see http://code.jellycan.com/simpleini/ for more info on the ini parser
-if you find your ini file is not working, open it in a hex editor and ensure
that windows didn't convert it to a non-ASCII format by putting identifyer
bytes at the beginning of the file. The first charater in a hex editor
should be whatever the first character you have in the ini file, not
non-character codes like 0xFF or similar
The work herein is presented as-is, any risk is solely the end users
responsibility. While all of us are sorry when unforseen things happen, not
every situation or mistake can be accounted for before they have been
spotted. Please use responsibly.
-Big thanks to those who opened the way and those who made it even more usable.
-Thanks to Tux, Arbiter, stk, the2000, Corrupted and Toddler for all the bugs
you caught trying to sneak by!
-Thanks AmyGrrl for passing along the glitch and new ideas
-Thanks to Tux, Ironman, JPizzle and Dionis Fernandez for helping procure a
Jasper big block console to extend testing and fix NAND MU corruption bug
Dionis - you went above and beyond!
-Thanks to vgcrepairs for providing the cygnos, dash launch likely wouldn't
exist without one.
-Thanks to FBDev and mojobojo for the data used for the patch options
-Thanks to sm32
-Thanks to unknown, you know why
-Thanks to xbox-scene for always putting up a release thread announce!
-Greetz to XeDev
~brought to you by cOz~
Known Bugs
- Thanks to excellent testers, none were corned by the time of this writing. If
you find any during use, find the release thread at xbox-scene and please
report them there.
- in freestyle 1.7 and earlier, there was a minor glitch that caused console
crashing for some people under rare circumstances, if you haven't updated
to RC1.8 or newer please do so.
- reworked hooking to be a bit more dynamic and simpler to update
- ini parser fixed, glitch when comment line last line with no blank line after
(thanks Toddler!)
- disables updaters (DA2 and other disks; safety)
- minor tweaks to boot time delays, further improves on previous autologin issue
v2.09 (beta)
- moved strictly to C, much smaller DLL
- correct bug with busy CON/sometimes ignoring ini for boot time default item
- made boot time quick launch buttons more reliable
- added 1s delay to resolve autologin at boot issue and slower USB hdd issues
- patches updated to remove min version check (DA2)
- correcting for a glitch where launchdata should be cleared between titles but
isn't; fixes launching some games twice in a row (thanks stk and FSD!)
- fixed media center extender (thanks jester and antman)
~hopefully this is the last whitelist option needed
- added option "nosysexit" (thanks rhai)
- update to fbbuild 0.11 patches
- fixed bug with fatal freeze options
- changed installer to use zeropair CB version to determine patch set
- added new options dvdexitdash and xblaexitdash (thanks AmyGrrl)
- added regionspoof, dvdexitdash and xblaexitdash to ini updater
- added instructions to this readme regarding boot time buttons and diagnosing
non-ASCII ini files
- added AP25 xex priveledge filter (fix AC:B GOD/xex, maybe others)
- fixed a glitch with launching kinect games when a default item is set
- updated for 12611
- added version info to data struct exported at ordinal 1
- made number of times button holds are scanned variable, longer window
at boot time to sync controller and hold a button
- added region spoofing for XGetGameRegion
- DVD video play from NXE now plays DVD regardless of default setting
(thanks krizalid!)
- corrected flash mu mount point (thanks Antho02 at l-s)
- added kernel version check to installer as some xbr using folks seem incapable
of reading the first line of this file
- plugins now use logical paths just like quick launch buttons
- added common (9199) content and ping limit patches as options
- mostly runs in system threads, startup completes while bootanim runs
- completely subverted dash.xex, no more CD issues or NXE split seconds
- removed insistance on 0/1/2 paths and reliance on CaPs to detect
- return to NXE via miniblade for system settings and others works w/o using RB
- added big block NAND mu as possible device
- optionally subvert Y to exit miniblade while in NXE to load button/default
- added xell loader to patch set and included a xex to load xell
- removed reboot on fatal error from patches
- included reboot/shutdown on fatal error as settings
- installer onscreen output cleaned up, now shuts down console at end of install
- added ini file updater to installer
- added patch updater to installer
- added other devices for launch targets
- added flash for location to load launch.ini
- added flash installer supports flashing launch.xex and launch.ini
- with help of freeboot patches, fixes issues with xbox1 emulator on memory
unlocked patchset
- overhaul ini parser with simpleIni, support for most buttons and a default
- added dll/plugin loading support
- added hooking/return to launch app instead of NXE (hold RB to bypass)
- added kernel/xam boot time/one time patch engine
- added export to allow the loading of other system modules
- added a small delay to allow XBR users to launch CON
- implemented a simple ini file parser and fileExist
- auto detects LIVE and XEX2 to use the appropriate launch method
- fails to dash reliably now
-initial release
koni escribió:me gustaria saber una cosa, que ruta tengo que poner en el .ini, para que me arranque el XNE dejando pulsado por ejemplo el boton B?? es que al X tengo asignado el xex menu, pero porque lo he copiado de este hilo, pero no se la ruta del XNE..
koni escribió:koni escribió:me gustaria saber una cosa, que ruta tengo que poner en el .ini, para que me arranque el XNE dejando pulsado por ejemplo el boton B?? es que al X tengo asignado el xex menu, pero porque lo he copiado de este hilo, pero no se la ruta del XNE..
nadie me puede echar un cable con el launch.ini?? vereis mi idea es: sin tocar ningun boton FSD, y asignar la X al Xex menu, y la B al menu original...
se podria hacer??
gracias gente!
Gromber escribió:Antes de actualizar, tener en cuenta que los juegos de Xbox 1 dejan de funcionar, esperemos que lo corrigan...
Gromber escribió:Antes de actualizar, tener en cuenta que los juegos de Xbox 1 dejan de funcionar, esperemos que lo corrigan...
What's new/fixed:
* fixed xbox1 launches (thanks folks at x-s and fsd for reporting)
JaRaBcN escribió:chincheta para aclarar las nuevas opciones del Dashlaunch 2.10 (es decir, como poder instalar los avatares si está instalado dicho Dashlaunch, ya que por defecto parece que ahora evade la carpeta $SystemUpdate)
ATENCIÓN: Al ejecutar la aplicación por primera vez, hacer click sobre el botón Update? para que aparezca el update para el kernel de Kinect.
Una vez descargada la actualización, colocar SOLO la carpeta $SystemUpdate en la raíz de un USB, conectarlo y encender la 360. Automáticamente la 360 detectará la actualización e instalará los avatares. En caso de tratarse de BIGNANDS, si la MU se encuentra sin formato, automáticamente instalará los avatares en el HDD interno o en el HDD "USB" (en caso de que esté correctamente particionado desde el kernel de Microsoft [a partir del kernel 9199]). De lo contrario, si la MU se encuentra con formato, es probable que instale allí los avatares.
ATENCIÓN: Si tienes instalado Dashlaunch 2.10 (o superior), puede que no te detecte el update. Para que te lo reconozca debes proceder de una de estas 2 maneras (solo debe aplicarse una de estas 2 maneras para que el update sea reconocido):
1: Deberás renombrar la carpeta del update. En lugar de tener que llamarse $SystemUpdate deberá llamarse $$ystemUpdate. Luego deberás pasar dicha carpeta a un USB y proceder como si de un update normal se tratara (conectarlo y encender la 360 para que esta reconozca el update).
2: En el launch.ini que tengas configurado (en un USB, HDD, MU...) deberás modificar la opción noupdater a false (es decir, noupdater = false). Por defecto, aunque la opción no esté fijada en el launch.ini, está configurada como true. Dicha opción debe ser configurada en el apartado de [Settings]. Si no te aclaras tienes un launch.ini de ejemplo un poco más arriba. Si no tienes ningún launch.ini, deberás crear uno con esta configuración. Tras esto, podrás dejar el update con el nombre original sin problemas. Eso sí, tras la actualización recuerda volver a modificar esta opción si quieres que Dashlaunch siga evadiendo las actualizaciones.
Lthium Ray escribió:Gromber escribió:Antes de actualizar, tener en cuenta que los juegos de Xbox 1 dejan de funcionar, esperemos que lo corrigan...
Corregido!What's new/fixed:
* fixed xbox1 launches (thanks folks at x-s and fsd for reporting)
ZaNGieD escribió:Buenas.
Como puedo saber que version de Dashlaunch tengo instalada ?
Y àra actualizar a la ultima la 2.11, que tendría que hacer ?
Saludos y thx de antemano.
Wydo escribió:[boing] He ido a actualizar el dashlaunch a la última versión 2.11 y mi sorpresa a sido al reiniciar que no arrancaaa, creo que tenía la versión 2.09, lo único que no le he dado a actualizar el launch.ini (para mantener los directorios que estaban bien) y al reiniciar, nada. No arranca el aro verde y no tiene pinta de arrancar el Xell. Tenía Fboot 12611 perfectamente con el último freestyle actualizado.
Alguien le ha pasado algo parecido¿? Gracias.