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fidillo escribió:Aqui teneis un servidor al que un colega de hace muchos años y con tienda de Importacion le va a hacer llegar desde Japon la tan esperada peli en BD junto con la Trial Demo![]()
Cuando la reciva ya os comentare lo que necesiteis. Podre probar peli + juego sin problemas, ya que mi consola es JAP de 60gb.
Capturas y detalles las tendreis sin problemas.
kibito28 escribió:estoy con el dedo en el raton... ha darle a la compra... este juego me tiene intrigado...si sera la ostia o será puro puto HYPE...osea.. si lo compro sera por la puta duda que me esta matando...
Hibiki-naruto escribió:La Famitsu ha sacado Nuevas Imagenes, en la que podemos ver que los Combates al Finalizar tendran RANGOS, no se si se habra hablando de esto antes.
The Final Fantasy Advent Children: Complete Blu-ray discs have arrived in Japanese retail stores and you can see one retailer holding the box in is hand here.
A demo of Final Fantasy XIII is included in the pack, so watch for movies very soon.
Still no word on when to expect the game to hit the western market.
More through the link.
Update: As a matter of fact, CVG has posted impressions. Looks like Square is going back to basics with the series - including the battle system - even if it’s only going back as far as Final Fantasy X-2.
Update 2: It looks as though this isn’t the movie’s packaging, rather a placement case for pre-order. Thanks, gehasoku
alojuanjo escribió:Pues como se maneje sólo a un personaje ya han perdido un comprador![]()
Esto se parece a un shooter, manejando a un sólo personaje, con lanzacohetes, metralletas, pistolas y rangos ¬¬
fenix_supremo escribió:alojuanjo escribió:Pues como se maneje sólo a un personaje ya han perdido un comprador![]()
Esto se parece a un shooter, manejando a un sólo personaje, con lanzacohetes, metralletas, pistolas y rangos ¬¬
No me digas que en ningun final fantasy habia armas por dios, hasta hay mechas en algunos, naves espaciales , viajes a la luna ... y demas
BSTCloud escribió:fenix_supremo escribió:alojuanjo escribió:Pues como se maneje sólo a un personaje ya han perdido un comprador![]()
Esto se parece a un shooter, manejando a un sólo personaje, con lanzacohetes, metralletas, pistolas y rangos ¬¬
No me digas que en ningun final fantasy habia armas por dios, hasta hay mechas en algunos, naves espaciales , viajes a la luna ... y demas
Pero en todos ellos (excepto los spin-offs) tenias una amplia gama de personajes a tu disposición, y siempre eran combates de 3 o 4.
La verdad es que manejar sólo a 1 es como que... un asquete.
fenix_supremo escribió:alojuanjo escribió:Pues como se maneje sólo a un personaje ya han perdido un comprador![]()
Esto se parece a un shooter, manejando a un sólo personaje, con lanzacohetes, metralletas, pistolas y rangos ¬¬
No me digas que en ningun final fantasy habia armas por dios, hasta hay mechas en algunos, naves espaciales , viajes a la luna ... y demas
Aqui teneis la impresiones:
http://www.computerandvideogames.com/ar ... id=211308/
Ha sido probada por una pagina americana asi que es posible que los que lo ayan pedido de aqui puedan jugarla
Hibiki-naruto escribió:Sobre el Tema del % del Juego hay 2 Noticias:
1# El 80% es de la Historia (El Guion).
2# El Juego llega en General un 65% Completado que ya es Casi el Juego Completo ya solo le faltan Revisiones, Retocar y mejorar Texturas, Solucionar Bugs, etc... famitsu.
3# la Revista Dengeki sacara este mes de Abril un Especial de 40 Paginas Sobre FFXIII y FFACC, segun Dengeki el Juego lleva un 80% Completado (General)
¿a cual le hacemos caso... Dengeki o famitsu?![]()
De todos modos hasta 2010 no veremos el Juego fuera de japon ya que lo mas seguro que para septiembre-Noviembre salga en Japon y ya a esperar a su salida, espero que la salida USA-EUR sean simultaneas, de Mientras tendremos que esperar al White Knight Chronicles que este lo veo tambien en 2010 con todo lo que estan tardando
fidillo escribió:Para los que no lo sabeis, en Square-Enix ya han empezado la localizacion del juego desde Enero.
No quise decirlo antes, porque se supone que no debia saberse (hay un traductor que se juega el cuello por esto), pero he leido hace escasos 10 minutos una noticia a la que hacen referencia sobre esto.
Dicen que el 80% del juego ya esta acabado y que empezarian an breve la localizacion.
La fuente es esta:
http://www.destructoid.com/no-dlc-for-f ... 6606.phtml
Os comento, el juego desde Enero pasado ha empezado a localizarse ya, el traductor, tiene contrato para 1 año, asi que ya mas o menos podeis estar orientados para la fecha de salida del juego.
La fuente cual es?
Pues la fuente es el colega que me trae de importacion la peli + juego, sabe desde hace años Japones y tiene un colega actualmente trabajando en Square-Enix y no me dejaba decir esto hace escasos 2 dias.
Viendo que esa informacion empieza a desvelarse, me he decidido a comentarlo para que no queden dudas.
Creedme que es totalmente cierto, la fuente la he puesto para decir que no era del todo correcta pero casi casi, no se a ciencia cierta si esta acabado al 100% o tienen ya el 80%, pero lo de la localizacion creedme que si.
Imagino que para las 2 plataformas, y en Japon con preferencia en PS3, ya que que alli no saldra para 360.
Wghos7 escribió:Hibiki-naruto escribió:Sobre el Tema del % del Juego hay 2 Noticias:
1# El 80% es de la Historia (El Guion).
2# El Juego llega en General un 65% Completado que ya es Casi el Juego Completo ya solo le faltan Revisiones, Retocar y mejorar Texturas, Solucionar Bugs, etc... famitsu.
3# la Revista Dengeki sacara este mes de Abril un Especial de 40 Paginas Sobre FFXIII y FFACC, segun Dengeki el Juego lleva un 80% Completado (General)
¿a cual le hacemos caso... Dengeki o famitsu?![]()
De todos modos hasta 2010 no veremos el Juego fuera de japon ya que lo mas seguro que para septiembre-Noviembre salga en Japon y ya a esperar a su salida, espero que la salida USA-EUR sean simultaneas, de Mientras tendremos que esperar al White Knight Chronicles que este lo veo tambien en 2010 con todo lo que estan tardando
Hacemos caso al amigo del amigo de fidillo
naxo_mc escribió:aunke este en japones se podria komprar antes del 2010?¿y jugarlo?¿
fidillo escribió:Si el contrato para la localizacion es para 1 año pues imaginaros... en japon si se estrujan un poco lo tendremos para finales de este mismo año.
Luego en el momento de salir en Europa puede plantarse tranquilamente para Marzo 2010 que es cuando acaba el año fiscal.. uffff
Habra que ser pacientes, pero una cosa tengo clara, o todos mas bien, y es que este juego fue anunciado por primera vez en 2006, estamos en el año 2009 y aun le queda 1 año bien bueno para olerlo aqui.
Total, 4 años para hacer un Juego.
Multiplataforma tiene la culpa señores, sino hacia lo menos 6 meses que lo tendriamos aqui ya.
fidillo escribió:Para los que no lo sabeis, en Square-Enix ya han empezado la localizacion del juego desde Enero.
No quise decirlo antes, porque se supone que no debia saberse (hay un traductor que se juega el cuello por esto), pero he leido hace escasos 10 minutos una noticia a la que hacen referencia sobre esto.
Dicen que el 80% del juego ya esta acabado y que empezarian an breve la localizacion.
La fuente es esta:
http://www.destructoid.com/no-dlc-for-f ... 6606.phtml
Os comento, el juego desde Enero pasado ha empezado a localizarse ya, el traductor, tiene contrato para 1 año, asi que ya mas o menos podeis estar orientados para la fecha de salida del juego.
La fuente cual es?
Pues la fuente es el colega que me trae de importacion la peli + juego, sabe desde hace años Japones y tiene un colega actualmente trabajando en Square-Enix y no me dejaba decir esto hace escasos 2 dias.
Viendo que esa informacion empieza a desvelarse, me he decidido a comentarlo para que no queden dudas.
Creedme que es totalmente cierto, la fuente la he puesto para decir que no era del todo correcta pero casi casi, no se a ciencia cierta si esta acabado al 100% o tienen ya el 80%, pero lo de la localizacion creedme que si.
Imagino que para las 2 plataformas, y en Japon con preferencia en PS3, ya que que alli no saldra para 360.
Atheron escribió:¿Cuando se anuncio este juego? Solo por curiosidad...
Porque va a batir el Record de GTA IV a este paso...
fenix_supremo escribió:Atheron escribió:¿Cuando se anuncio este juego? Solo por curiosidad...
Porque va a batir el Record de GTA IV a este paso...
En el E3 o TGS de 2006.
El juego estubo muchos años en PreProduccion y Predesarrollo.
Luxord escribió:Mayo del 2006, en el E3 '06. Nos pusieron un pequeño video y no dijeron nada más. Ni nombre de la protagonista, ni historia, ni nada. Ah, si, si dijeron algo que se recalcó al final del trailer. "Only for Playstation 3 System". Nos comimos el mismo video durante dos años. Dos años en los que el desarrollo no salió de pre-producción y solo habia rumores y entrevistas sin datos, sin confirmaciones y de como les gustaría que fuese el juego (que para entonces ni habia empesado a hacerse). En el 2007, lo único que se confirmó fue el nombre de la chica (que ni siquiera es el verdadero), un poco de la historia y el nombre de los dos planetas. Durante el Tokyo Game Show de ese año y el siguiente, nuevos videos a puerta cerrada que solo pocos disfrutaron y los demás no conformamos con ver bocetos de gente que lo vio y como los recuerda. En el 2008 salieron datos sueltos, una extensión de dicho video inicial con nuevas escenas más realistas a como sería el juego con el sistema Ps3, con más personajes que hasta más adelante no supimos sus nombres. En septiembre nos enteramos que la exclusividad se rompe y se vuelve multiplataforma y un nuevo video en la conferencia de Microsoft. A principios de año sale un nuevo video con una nueva pagina web que nos enseña 3 nuevos personajes.
Para entonces, de aquel primer video inicial poco es cierto ya excepto los soldados y Lightning. Y sobre todo "Only for Playstation 3 System" tp es cierto ya por este año.
neoryu escribió:
Eso si, del trailer inicial al ultimo visto, los menus de los combates para mi ahora son mucho mejores y fieles a anteriores entregas.
There's no battle transition screen - once you clock an enemy it's then straight on onto the scrap with no fanfare. There are five action slots to fill prior to fighting with either magic or combat moves (this is something you'll want to take time perfecting)
Hamza escribió:neoryu escribió:
Eso si, del trailer inicial al ultimo visto, los menus de los combates para mi ahora son mucho mejores y fieles a anteriores entregas.
Hablando de los menus de combates...
cito de la preview que a puesto fidilloThere's no battle transition screen - once you clock an enemy it's then straight on onto the scrap with no fanfare. There are five action slots to fill prior to fighting with either magic or combat moves (this is something you'll want to take time perfecting)
No se si lo entiendo bien, pero ¿dice que solo podremos elegir entre 5 acciones? (viendo las imágenes también da esa sensación).
Dice algo de que seleccionaremos que 5 acciones queremos usar en batalla, pero espero que se trate simplemente de accesos rápidos, y que dispongamos en otro apartado del menú de las 50000 habilidades que suelen tener los FF
También destacar (aun que ya se comentó) que no hay transición cuando entramos en una batalla, es decir que al "tocar" a un enemigo entremos automáticamente en modo batalla sin cambio de escenario.
Pero ahora me asalta otra duda xD, ¿si no hay transición en la batalla, los otros personajes de nuestro grupo (y algunos enemigos supongo) aparecen de la nada? es decir, al tocar a un enemigo con el personaje que controlamos en el mapa aparecen los demás![]()
(supongo que esto se soluciona poniendo a todo el grupo visible en el mapa, a lo final fantasy XII
meng-huo escribió:Hamza escribió:neoryu escribió:
Eso si, del trailer inicial al ultimo visto, los menus de los combates para mi ahora son mucho mejores y fieles a anteriores entregas.
Hablando de los menus de combates...
cito de la preview que a puesto fidilloThere's no battle transition screen - once you clock an enemy it's then straight on onto the scrap with no fanfare. There are five action slots to fill prior to fighting with either magic or combat moves (this is something you'll want to take time perfecting)
No se si lo entiendo bien, pero ¿dice que solo podremos elegir entre 5 acciones? (viendo las imágenes también da esa sensación).
Dice algo de que seleccionaremos que 5 acciones queremos usar en batalla, pero espero que se trate simplemente de accesos rápidos, y que dispongamos en otro apartado del menú de las 50000 habilidades que suelen tener los FF
También destacar (aun que ya se comentó) que no hay transición cuando entramos en una batalla, es decir que al "tocar" a un enemigo entremos automáticamente en modo batalla sin cambio de escenario.
Pero ahora me asalta otra duda xD, ¿si no hay transición en la batalla, los otros personajes de nuestro grupo (y algunos enemigos supongo) aparecen de la nada? es decir, al tocar a un enemigo con el personaje que controlamos en el mapa aparecen los demás![]()
(supongo que esto se soluciona poniendo a todo el grupo visible en el mapa, a lo final fantasy XII
Eso de 5 acciones puestas antes del inicio de la batalla... Me suena al White Knight Chronicles... Una paleta con slots que pones las acciones...
Kitase escribió:The Characters that Paint the Story
---Being the first SE title for the PS3, there's no doubt that the demo arriving later this month is garnering world wide attention. With the upcoming demo, what are your thoughts, currently?
Kitase: The demo master was finished around december last year. Thus, this demo should be played with the understanding that it is "FFXIII" as it was in 2008. Playing the demo will probably get gamers to thinking "I wonder if this is how the story is going to unfold in the full version?" and hopefully will increase the anticipation they currently have for the game even further. On that note, the final version is progressing very nicely. We're on the final stretch of development for various aspects.
---With the announcement of the demo, a lot of character information has been announced. First off, Lighting. She's the first female protagonist of this series right?
Kitase: If you look only at Lightning's design, she comes off as a cool woman; essentially the type of woman that a lot of men would have a problem handling. But with Sakamoto Maaya voicing her role, I believe a lot of nice femininity has been brought out of Lighting. Because Lightning is a swordsman, it was difficult balancing her modeling. We didn't want her to be too frail looking, but at the same time, we didn't want to make her a muscular macho either.
---So in the demo, you can also control Snow, but anything to say about his design?
Kitase: His character was pretty difficult as well. We originally wanted to make him a athletic nut that yells all the time with the personality of a delinquent ring leader. From there, we left behind the immature belligerent aspect, and worked on evolving the "big brother" aspect of him. Ono Daisuke's voice is perfect for Snow as well.
---What about Sazh, who's garnering quite a bit of attention from all over?
Kitase: We had a pretty easy image of him from the begining (lol). Just that, in general, he appears to be positive and upbeat, but as the story progresses, we come to realize that he's carrying some weight of his own on his shoulders. Because of that, we decided to ask a veteran voice actor, Ehara Masashi, to play his role. He did a lot of ad libbing, and seems like he really got into the role.
---Finally Vanille. She appears to have a story telling role as well?
Kitase: This title's story progresses with Vanilla's narration being sandwiched in between. In the past, we've had girls who've been upbeat and active like her, but due to the fact that she has a narrative role as well, she should have an aura slightly different from similar characters from the past. Because of this, we asked someone capable of acting both sides of her character, Fukui Yukari, to voice her role.
The Demo's new Battle
---I had the opportunity to play the demo and what I found quite impressive was the change into the battle scene being so quick that it almost felt seamless.
Kitase: The game isn't seamless, but I think it's quick enough for everyone to be content with it. Seamless battles are definitely possible, but, for example, due to special attacks and polygon counts for summons due to memory, there are various limitations that are bourne from trying to go seamless. But by having the battles be independant, it is possible to be, more or less, released from those memory limitations.
---The battle is based on the Active Time Battle (ATB), but it creates a sense of speed moreso than before.
Kitase: The battle system being speedy was initially proposed by the director, Toriyama, and Tsuchida was put in charge of dropping in FFX's battle system into the game. Combining command input resulting in flashy action and using the ATB Bar as the cost to do so and wrapping that up into one system that adds the fun of strategery (yes I know it's not a real word) is something we were aiming for from the beginning of development.
---So then, it's not really so much that you can do this because of the PS3, but rather you wanted the battle system to accomplish this so you were able to achieve this?
Kitase: Yes. The first image we had of "inputting a command resulting in a gracefully flowing set of chained attacks" has essentially been systemized in the current battle system.
An Uncompromising PS3
---With FFXIII, I've heard that you're aiming for even more movie-like expression than before?
Kitase: Up until now, scenes we wanted to have a sense of real-time were done in realtime and scenes which we wanted to have higher quality and presentation atmosphere were done with CG movies. But with the PS3, expressions that could once only be done with CG movies before, can be done in real-time. Thus, we've incorporated CG movie quality scenes that are drawn in realtime.
---Indeed, the quality is so high that it's very difficult tell the two apart, even if we were told so.
Kitase: Because of that, production became more difficult (lol).
---Does that mean production methods for the event scenes and what not have changed?
Kitase: They've changed. In the past, the planner also produced the events, but now we have a section that specializes in event cuts. The amount of work required increased drastically to the point where just the planner can no longer cover all the work required.
---By developing FFXIII for the PS3, what are some aspects you think have evolved greatly?
Kitase: Probably the graphics. The huge change from PS1 to PS2 was the number of polygons which could be output, resulting in further details in character design. But going from the PS2 to the PS3, the change is even more drastic. Primarily in texture (i think?). For example, FFXIII has a character named Sazh who has an afro. When the character modelling was brought to me, I saw the quality of Sazh's afro and thought to myself that the PS3 really is different (lol)". But yeah, in reality, the afro isn't due just to the PS3, but also due to the creativity of the designer. Also, skin and fur texture is quite amazing, Chocobo's plummage and Vanilla's skirt's cloth texture...that you can actually almost get a sense of what they might feel like in your hands are some of the many things that really surprise us.
---As a designer, how, specifically, do you have to be creative?
Kitase: With 3D graphic designing, there are people who deal with specific aspects. For example, trying to design Sazh's afro as realistically as possible would be delegated to a certain group. In the case of the Afro, a person named Matsuno is in charge, but the design techniques from that may also be used in modelling grass in a plain to make it look more like a real plain. Aspects which we can't rely just on the PS3 power alone, need to be covered with our prior experiences.
---To ask the opposite, are there difficulties that cropped up because it was for the PS3?
Kitase: Up through the PS2, character modelling was very similar to being an extension of sprites, and it was important for the textures themselves to be relatively detailed. Even facial textures were used as they were being modified in photoshop. But with the PS3, realtime modelling is similar to designing a CG movie. Of particular importance is dropping in post-effects into a completed sequence. For example, the realtime effect of backlight pouring through foliage is something that can be done because we're working on the PS3. To show this as realistically as possible, these environmental effets are the most important aspect that cannot be compromised on, and simultaneously, take the most work and effort. Also, going off on a tangent, while moving around and during battles, you can move the camera around freely, but for example, grass blades, depending on angles, the polygon looks like a flat board. With the PS2, we could have said there was nothing we could really do about that, but at the PS3 level, we can't make those excuses. Because we didn't compromise on these aspects either, I believe the amount of work required increased.
---Finally, with FFXIII, how far do you think you've been able to tap into the PS3?
Kitase: Maybe about 50% in the demo? Of course by the time the final version rolls along, I believe we'll be close to 100% of the PS3's potential. Like with FFVII on PS and FFX on PS2, we're always working our hardest to use the full potential of the hardware at that point in time.
---Speaking of which, you're using Bluray now with PS3, but have you run into any storage space difficulties?
Kitase: Only as to whether we'd use a 1 or 2 layer disc, but that's about it. Add to that, with the PS3, you have a hard drive too. If anything, we struggled more with the memory aspect.
And Finally, for those waiting for the Demo and Final Release
---If you could leave a few words for the fans awaiting the demo and final release.
Kitase: The demo battle system's ATB is only showing the basic aspects so only about 50% of what will be in the final game is implemented. The story that's included is also only a very superficial part. But I think it will be a good show of what can be expected of the final product. Please enjoy the demo and I hope you will be waiting in anticipation for the full version.
Toriyama escribió:Demo that Shows the Battle's Atmosphere
---Can we consider the battle part in the demo to be pretty close to the release version?
Toriyama: Yes. The demo's designed so you can experience the basic system in its entirety. The new Active Time Battle (ATB) sensation, I feel, can be experienced in the demo. Furthermore, this game does not have a seamless battle system like FFXII, but the change into battle is very rapid and has been designed to play with a similar sensation to a seamless system. Of course, moving out of battle is also very smooth, so from a data access/reading point of view, one should be able to play this stress-free.
---In the demo, is it the beginning of the story that's being depicted?
Toriyama: Yes. The story progresses from Lightning and Snow's viewpoint. The beginning starts with an emergency situation called "Purge", and no further information is given so you cannot make sense of the situation when you start off. It's just a very small part of the beginning of the entire game. Thus, at the conclusion of the demo, gamers will have only seen bits and pieces of the story leaving a lot of questions to be answered. We'd like for you to think about the story, but the main aspect of this demo will be to enjoy the battle system
---In regards to FF13's new ATB; the concept of chaining multiple attacks, as well as overpowering your opponent with a Break is a neat concept.
Toriyama: Chains are essentially multiple attacks strung together, and the more you chain, the more your damage goes up in relation to the chain length. Each spell and attack has a chain counter extension rate, so try all sorts of combinations to determine how to easily chain your attacks. And in regards to breaks. This will occur after you've chained a certain amount. Enemies which have been "broken" not only take more damage, but can be lifted off the ground. This is in the official trailer as well, but using this, it really makes downing an enemy exhilarating. At the end of a battle, you will recieve a rating of your battle which will result in a higher rating if you mix in chains and breaks, so please aim for that. Ideally, you would use magics in which you could increase your chain count rather easily, then once the enemy "breaks", lift it off the ground immediately. Then finish the enemy off...by doing so, you can go through the battle rather stylishly. The additional attack after lifting the enemy off the ground does more damage than normal, thus it 's important to use during a boss fight.
---Speaking of which, can any monster be lifted off the ground?
Toriyama: Actually, each moster has a weight value associated with it, so very large monsters are difficult to lift off the ground. For something like Behemoth as an opponent, it becomes important to plan your attacks to increase your chain count and fight strategically. But in the demo, we want you to have a taste of speed and exhilaration, so you can go through it without thinking too hard. From a strategic standpoing, there will be a newer and deeper system that is planned to be implemented in the final release. In the demo, just enjoy the basics of chainig various commands and realizing that different combinations will change the battle drastically.
---Characters that are rather speedy feel to have a higher difficulty associated with them compared to before
Toriyama: In the demo, the balance is a bit on the easy side, but in the final release, specifically referring to the battle, the difficulty has been raised slightly, and may be a little more easy to end up with a Game Over than before. But there's a retry command implemented that will take you to immediately before the battle so don't worry. The easier balancing is so you can try out various playstyle customizations and strategies in the demo.
The Details in Production
---Are there any scenes that you should watch out for?
Toriyama: The situation changes in realtime as yo move around. If you hear a lound noise behind you and look around, you can see a plane plummetting. Also, Sazh leads the way for Lightning at times, but when he points down towards something, please try to get to that location quickly. You will be able to see a real time battle going on.
---You can move the camera in realtime while moving around, but can you do this in battle as well?
Toriyama: Of course. You can move the camera around freely so please find a cool angle for yourself to use. During certain commands, such as lifting an enemy off the ground, the camera angle changes, so there shouldn't be any instance that makes the action difficult to see. Also, we've really worked on the details of magic spell graphics. For example, a fire based spell might leave smoke at where it landed or blizzard spells might leave shards of ice scattered about for a while.
---Is the battle music in the demo the same as that in the final release?
Toriyama: The music in the demo is planned to be used in the same scenes of the final product. On that note, the demo will not contain the standard post-battle fanfare, but in the final product, there will be a fanfare arrangement specifically arranged for FFXIII so please look forward to it. In terms of a victory pose...that's still under discussion (lol).
Secrets of the World Revealed
---What part of the Cocoon do Lightning and co. go crazy in?
Toriyama: It's the very bottom level of the spherical Cocoon. It's not really a place normal citizens would step foot into. In the image below, I think you can see water, but that's really like an underground lake. The location used in the demo uses a somewhat dark palette, but in the interior of the Cocoon, there are bright/festive(?) towns and what not.
---How is the social structure inside the Cocoon?
Toriyama: From the images, one might get the feeling that the Church's militia is supressing its citizens, but the militia acts more like the police force of the Cocoon. They're not really controlling the citizens. If anything, they take care of any monsters that infiltrate the Cocoon. Also, due to Falcie(?), a close to utopian society exists inside the Cocoon.
---Can you describe the existance of Falcie in this world?
Toriyama: Falcie is not something that cannot be seen and exists as matter. In the demo, you can verify Pulse's falcie, but this shape is only but one example. In the final release, Falcie will appear in various forms so please look forward to that.
---Do different monsters appear in the Cocoon and Pulse?
Toriyama: Divided rather largely, there are 3 types of monsters; monsters of pulse, the feral monsters inside the Cocoon, and the monsters that the church's miltia own, but the designs are all different. The monsters that the militia own are designed with over-technology, thus are a fusion of beast and machinery. In this game, monsters you're familiar with have changed greatly from a visual perspective. You've seen Behemoth in previous images, but things like Goblins that this series cannot be without are other monsters to look forward to. Well...just Sabotender (dunno what the western name is) has increased texture detail but basically still looks the same (lol).
---What's the highlight of the demo?
Toriyama: One part I'd like for you to pay particular attention to is the battle part. We've just really focused on creating a sense of exhilaration so we really want for you to have a taste of it. Upon breaking, there's a lot of information that pops up, and you might be a bit overwhelmed. First try to fight however you want to fight, and once you get used to it a bit, start taking into account the chain gauge and breaking; this will increase the strategic aspect of the game. Furthermore, if you start taking into account your party's actions, you'll be able to experience a very stylishly flowing action battle. From a story perspective, the highlight is Lightning and co.'s appearance. There's alot of heavy action right from the get go so please pay attention to it.
Further Evolution in the Final Release
---This is in regards to the battle system, but are there aspects that are not in the demo that might still be modified?
Toriyama: The command part has already gone through various iterations. With your first battle in the demo, you might have a bit of a problem trying to select the enemy or using white (holy in the west?) magic, but this has been rectified in the final product, so don't worry. We're also looking into implementing shortcut-type functions to make command accessibility easier.
---Can you command your party in detail?
Toriyama: In FFXII's gambit system, you prepared before the battle, but in FFXIII, we're thinking of how to adapt to the changing battle.
---In that regards, can you change the character you control freely in the middle of battle?
Toriyama: I can't comment on that in detail yet, but a new system will be implemented.
---We couldn't verify character growth in the demo, but it doesn't seem like character growth is going to be limited to just learning new attacks and spells?
Toriyama: Of course, characters will gain new skills and magic as they grow. Just, please wait for future information on how the characters are raised. Of course, it's not just straight levelling, but we expect to implement a some type of system as was done with the Sphere Board in FFX and Licensed Board in FFXII. Going off on a tangent, but this game's menu system is pretty amazing. I said the traditional blue background with white borders was fine, but the staff worked hard and created a completely fresh menu screen.
---Finally, with the upcoming demo release and fans awaiting the final release, if you could give them a message or 2.
Toriyama: In the demo, we've finally been able to make public the battle system, but bear in mind that it's the very basic battle system. Including what's not encompassed in the demo, the final product will have further polish. I'd like for you to enjoy the demo from both the battle and story side of the game in hopes that it'll increase your anticipation for the final release.
VERSION RESUMIDA escribió:FF13 Dengeki Interview Summary
Japanese gaming magazine Dengeki had a chance to sit down with Yoshinori Kitase, Producer of FF13 and Motomu Toriyama, the director. In the interview the two reveal lots of interesting new information about the game. We’ve translated and compiled all the best bits of the interview here in an easy to read format! Enjoy.
On the Advent Children: Complete Demo
* The demo should be played with the understanding that this is FF13 as it was in 2008. The game has move forwards much since then, and the developers are now in the 'Final Stretch' of many aspects of development.
* The demo uses around 50% of the PS3's power - the final version will use close to or the full 100%.
* The demo only shows around 50% of the aspects of the battle system that will be implemented in the final game.
* The story included in the demo is a very small and superficial part, but should provide a good show of what players can expect.
* The demo uses an old version of the FF victory fanfare, but the final game will have an all-new arrangement.
* The battle theme used in the demo is the final battle theme.
* The demo is balanced to be easier. The final game will have harder battles in the area the demo shows and it will be easier to get a game over.
* The demo is a part of the start of the game during a situation called 'Purge'. Most of the scenes from the latest trailer are from the demo.
* Character victory poses are yet to be decided.
On the Game's Technology
* There have been debates about if the game will use a single or dual layer BluRay disc, but space is not an issue.
* The memory available on the PS3 has proved a struggle to work with.
* The biggest change from the previous game was the graphics.
* Textures are exciting - talk of 'Chocobo's plumage' and the texture of Vanille's skirt as both being impressive and surprising to Kitase.
* The game features real time lighting aspects that took a lot of work and effort to get correct.
* Scenes that previously would've been rendered in CGI have been done in real-time in FF13, but the game still has many CG sequences.
* In battle, magical attacks will leave behind signs they've been cast, like plumes of smoke after fire and ice on the ground after blizzard.
* Kitase believes it's difficult to tell the CGI and real time stuff apart.
The Battle System
* In terms of speed, the battle system is based off the Final Fantasy X system.
* The game's battle system is not seamless like FF12, but the transition in and out of battle is so rapid that it has a similar feel to the seamless system.
* 'Chains' are multiple attacks strung together. The more attacks that you can chain together, the more damage you can do. Some combinations of attacks and magic are going to be more effective than others.
* Chaining a devastating amount of attacks will result in a 'Break'. A broken enemy will take more damage and can be lifted or thrown off the ground.
* Monsters all have individual weight values, so a large beast is more difficult to break and lift than a small low level monster.
* Mixing Chains, Breaks and Lifts will all be important, especially in boss battles.
* Players will receive a rating out of stars at the end of battles based on their performance
* The camera can be moved around freely in battle and some automatic camera angle changes happen when certain actions are performed too, making for a dynamic camera.
Plot & Characters
* Lightning's design was difficult to perfect, as she is a swordsman so had to look threatening but also had to look like a woman and not too muscular.
* With Sakamoto Maya voicing her, femininity has been bought out in Lightning that doesn't show in her 'look'.
* Snow was originally more childish, shouting often. They abandoned the immature aspect of the character and gave him a more 'big brother' role in the party.
* Vanille shouldn't be written off as this game's 'bubbly girl'. She is positive and upbeat but she has weight to her character. Fukui Yakari was chosen for the voice acting role because of the different sides of her character.
* Sazh's design and image came quite easily. He too is a bit of comic relief and is a positive character, but he has demons of his own to face later on. The voice actor, Ehara Masashi, was free to adlib while recording.
vhm74 escribió:El 1er juego que SE se digna a sacar para PS3 y emplea el 100%? Menudos sobrados, yo me conformaré con que no petardee como todo lo que estan sacando últimamente.
Dudo muchísimo que sea comparable tecnológicamente hablando con el trabajo de Guerrilla o de Naughty Dog, creo que trabajando en un proyecto multiplataforma y siendo esta su 1ª incursión en PS3 deberian ser más comedidos en sus comentarios.
Luxord escribió:Dicen que tecnologica y graficamente haran lo mismo que FFVII hiso en PS1 y FFX hiso en PS2. Pues FFX fue unen su estreno pero comparandolo con God of War 2 (el último gran juego de PS2) e incluso con FFXII hubiese quedado desfasado. Y FFX nunca se comia el 100% del potencial de la play.