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Namco69 escribió:ferdy_vk escribió:pues creo recordar el el chocobo gordo salia de vez en cuando... como Odin que tb salia cuando le salia de los webs xD
Lo de odin era en el VIII
FrijolitoPowa escribió:Namco69 escribió:ferdy_vk escribió:pues creo recordar el el chocobo gordo salia de vez en cuando... como Odin que tb salia cuando le salia de los webs xD
Lo de odin era en el VIII
OFFTOPIC: Si claro... y como la gran mayoria de invocaciones... salían en el VII y en el VIII... Odin salía en el VII, que dependiendo (creo) de la vida que le quedaba al enemigo, o lanzaba la mierda de la lanza q quitaba X de PG, o hacía el espadazo que los hacía desaparecer del mapa..
Un saludo!
MaXiMo87 escribió:Que han dicho que cada personaje solo puede tener una invocación y está preestablecida?
Un FF sin un personaje animal no mola, siempre son los que más me gustan... Red XIII, Kimhari Ronso y la coneja del XII molaban... Por otra parte como invocación no puede faltar Bahamut, Shiva y Ifrit, son los imprescindibles
Albertales escribió:Confiemos en que aparezca algún personaje 'no-humano', y cuando digo 'no-humano' no digo con forma humana, pero con cara de gato, sino algo más 'animal' (vease RedXIII o Caith Sith). Algo más extraño y original.
O por qué no?, un personaje anciano...
Un saludo.
La demo comenzaba con Lightning atravesando un páramo helado. Como ya se había dicho, los enemigos aparecen en pantalla y se alertan cuando nos acercamos a ellos, como ya ocurría en Final Fantasy XII. Toriyama decidió aprovechar la situación para mostrar de nuevo el evolucionado sistema de combate que presentará el título, el clásico ATB (active time battle) de la serie, pero mucho más ágil, casi podríamos decir que en tiempo real. Una de las novedades de este sistema es el denominado Paradigm System, que permite cambiar de compañero en combate para aprovecharse así de técnicas diferentes y compartidas.
Después del combate, aparecía una escena de vídeo en la que los protagonistas, Lightning, Snow Villiers, Oerba Dia Vanille, Hope Estheim y Sazh Katzroy se ponían a discutir sobre sus implicaciones en la historia del título, buscando una solución a sus problemas. Toriyama explicaba minutos más tarde, en una sesión de preguntas y respuestas, que por primera vez en la serie Final Fantasy, los protagonistas no son héroes sino villanos de cara a su mundo, pues no cuentan con ningún tipo de apoyo más allá de sus férreos ideales.
Las invocaciones fueron otro punto tratado, al margen de lo que ya se explicó en la página anterior. Al preguntarle por el número total que se incluirán en el juego, se nos comentó únicamente que habrá una por personaje y que, dado que no todos están confirmados por ahora, no podían darnos una respuesta hasta más adelante. Pese a todo, si que se nos mostró a una nueva heroína, muy similar a Lightning y Yuna, con una trenza rosa y un traje bastante veraniego, un top blanco y una minifalda rosa. No se dijo su nombre, pero si que comentaron que en unas semanas todo será anunciado, probablemente en el Tokyo Game Show.
Hibiki-naruto escribió:lo que se comentaba aqui, 1 Invocacion por personaje.
espero que SE no sea tan cabrona y nos hagan esperar hasta despues del TGS para ver los Trailers... y ver ese nuevo personaje.
Gracias por la info Fenix_Supremo, tambien se ha confirmado aunque a nosotros no nos interese, la de 360 vendra en 3Dvds.
fenix_supremo escribió:Novedades en la historiaToriyama explicaba minutos más tarde, en una sesión de preguntas y respuestas, que por primera vez en la serie Final Fantasy, los protagonistas no son héroes sino villanos de cara a su mundo, pues no cuentan con ningún tipo de apoyo más allá de sus férreos ideales.
Badaboom. FFXIII’s PS3 and 360 versions will release simultaneopusly next spring in Europe, producer Yoshinori Kitase told VG247 at GamesCom today, calling the info the “new announcement”.
“We don’t have the actual month down yet, but in Japan it’s scheduled for a winter release, and in Europe and North American territoriers it’s spring 2010,” said the developer.
He added: “For Europe and North American, the PS3 and 360 versions are going to be released simultaneously.”
fenix_supremo escribió:Gracias![]()
Bomba informativa:Badaboom. FFXIII’s PS3 and 360 versions will release simultaneopusly next spring in Europe, producer Yoshinori Kitase told VG247 at GamesCom today, calling the info the “new announcement”.
“We don’t have the actual month down yet, but in Japan it’s scheduled for a winter release, and in Europe and North American territoriers it’s spring 2010,” said the developer.
He added: “For Europe and North American, the PS3 and 360 versions are going to be released simultaneously.”
fenix_supremo escribió:Otros datos:
-> La historia durara entorno a las 50 horas
Balthier escribió:De duracion no anda mal, de los ffs que mas duran.
Balthier escribió:jajajja, a mi sin aventurillas me duraban 40 horas mas o menos menos el VIII que si que me duro bastante la historia principal.
Balthier escribió:jajajja, a mi sin aventurillas me duraban 40 horas mas o menos menos el VIII que si que me duro bastante la historia principal.
We chat to Square Enix's Yoshinori Kitase and Motomu Toriyama about the upcoming RPG
With Final Fantasy XIII finally in reach of a worldwide release, we chat to game director Motomu Toriyama and producer Yoshinori Kitase about the surefire hit RPG.
Can you talk about the personalities of the two protagonists, Snow and Lightning, in Final Fantasy XIII?
Motomu Toriyama: Lightning has a very cool personality. Snow, meanwhile is a little on the hot side, he’s very passionate about things and outspoken, so a lot of the exchanges between these characters has them not meeting eye-to-eye. A lot of the time, Lightning becomes annoyed because Snow is too passionate about certain things, so the way these two characters interact is going to be very entertaining for the players.
Were they designed to be opposites to increase the level of drama on-display?
MT: That was the original concept.
A lot of people on the Internet assume that Lighting is almost a female version of Cloud, from Final Fantasy VII – how true is this, really?
MT: The only two basic similarities are that they’re cool characters and have an ex-military [background]. Other than that, there’s no real connection between the two characters. Lightning really is her own person.
How do you think Final Fantasy XIII will affect the Japanese mentality towards RPG design?
Yoshinori Kitase: Japanese RPGs have traditionally always been command-based, and it’s all about really taking your time to strategise and work your way through the battles. That’s really what Final Fantasy has been as a series, but in XIII [there’s] more action. It’s still a command-based RPG at its core, but there’s a lot more speed, a lot more action – this might be the first step for the Final Fantasy series or Japanese RPGs as a whole to move out of the tradition solely command-based system into a more action-based system.
Final Fantasy games have always taken about a year to be translated for Europe – have you improved the process, this time?
YK: The development for the Japanese and European versions of the game are moving along, side-by-side, as the voice acting and subtitles are complete. Usually, we’d release the Japanese version and then begin localisation, meaning there was a big gap between the two releases, but we’ve announced Winter for the Japanese release and for North America and Europe, we’re targeting Spring, so it could be anything from a six-month gap to as small as a three-month gap. We’ll be bringing it to worldwide audiences much quicker than previous titles.
Is accelerating the localisation process key to making XIII a success, then?
YK: We definitely consider it important to decrease that gap. For Final Fantasy X, for example, players were scolding us for making it late. It’s definitely something we were looking into. We wanted to get the game out to overseas audiences as soon as possible.
The summon creatures are often based on religious figures – Shiva, for example – yet they appear very different to their recognised forms. What research goes into the summons? YK: It’s been a while since these summons were created, so we don’t go back to the original mythology and consider that, it’s become more about – because these summons reappear in Final Fantasy titles – how to design them so it’s a fresh experience for the player. Shiva, for example, is mentioned in the original mythology as a male, but now, beyond gender, she turns into a bike in Final Fantasy XIII.
What impact do you think the game will have on Xbox 360?
YK: Our whole point was to reach out to as many fans as possible. Knowing that the 360 has a large worldwide audience, our goal was to reach out to them, as well. We hope the users will enjoy Final Fantasy.
How will Final Fantasy XIII let you customise characters and weapons in the game?
MT: Just like there was the Sphere Grid in Final Fantasy X and the Licence Board in Final Fantasy XII, XIII has its own unique levelling-up system for the character. That information we haven’t really revealed in Japan, yet, but we will be revealing it in the Fall. And weapons, there’ll be some big customisation options available.
How is the pacing in Final Fantasy XIII? Were you ever conscious of Western RPGs in this regard?
MT: We weren’t necessarily affected directly by Western games. The aim of the Final Fantasy team was to make it as seamless as possible, to provide good pacing for the game, so I think we’ve been able to achieve that with XIII.
Is there any particular template you use for creating villains in Final Fantasy?
YK: For the enemy characters, we’re always careful to just create bad guys that aren’t all evil, that have their own motivations and beliefs over what their actions are. There’s no complete sense of evil, but everyone has their own way of thinking. That’s something that’s really important to designing the enemy characters.
What’s the size of the game world in XIII?
MT: The scale is similar to Final Fantasy X, in terms of world size, but in terms of the environments – we’ve only been showing a lot of the cityscapes and futuristic backgrounds, but that’s just in Cocoon. Within Cocoon, there’s also a lot of wilderness and natural forests. Outside of Coon, there’s the whole wilderness of Pulse, that’s all natural environments. There’s a lot of variety.
What lessons have you learned from recent Final Fantasy games like XII and FFVII spin-off Crisis Core?
YK: We did look to past Final Fantasy titles, like XII, not so much taking in ideas from past titles and putting them into XIII, but more looking at them and seeing what we could do differently. In the case of FFXII and XIII, you see a paradigm shift, actually changing the player’s role in the battle. In XII you do all of the role assigning before the battle, and being able to change everything during the battle is more exciting in our eyes.
MT: In Final Fantasy XII, it was seamless and realistic where you go into battle and it’s not so different from the field scenes. For me, whenever I work on a Final Fantasy title, I really want to have eye-catching visual effects and [make] the action really big. The field and battle [transition] is a little different.
Do you see DLC playing any role in the game?
YK: There are no firm plans for DLC, at the moment, but we’re looking at it and considering it. We’d like to provide additional maps and boss characters, but nothing is set in stone, yet.
Given Final Fantasy VII’s success after the PSN re-release, does this make you confident about the success of XIII?
YK: It’d definitely been a while since the last Final Fantasy was released, so with the success, as you mention, we were able to see that there were people out there waiting for the next Final Fantasy to come out and make us work extra hard for when [XIII] comes out.
What’s the size of the game world in XIII?
MT: The scale is similar to Final Fantasy X, in terms of world size, but in terms of the environments – we’ve only been showing a lot of the cityscapes and futuristic backgrounds, but that’s just in Cocoon. Within Cocoon, there’s also a lot of wilderness and natural forests. Outside of Coon, there’s the whole wilderness of Pulse, that’s all natural environments. There’s a lot of variety.
Balthier escribió:What’s the size of the game world in XIII?
MT: The scale is similar to Final Fantasy X, in terms of world size, but in terms of the environments – we’ve only been showing a lot of the cityscapes and futuristic backgrounds, but that’s just in Cocoon. Within Cocoon, there’s also a lot of wilderness and natural forests. Outside of Coon, there’s the whole wilderness of Pulse, that’s all natural environments. There’s a lot of variety.
Mal vamos, a mi me parecio pequeñito.
Leman Rush escribió:Balthier escribió:What’s the size of the game world in XIII?
MT: The scale is similar to Final Fantasy X, in terms of world size, but in terms of the environments – we’ve only been showing a lot of the cityscapes and futuristic backgrounds, but that’s just in Cocoon. Within Cocoon, there’s also a lot of wilderness and natural forests. Outside of Coon, there’s the whole wilderness of Pulse, that’s all natural environments. There’s a lot of variety.
Mal vamos, a mi me parecio pequeñito.
porque carecia de mapa mundi jugable, porque de localizaciones estaba bastante bien
ferdy_vk escribió:Estoy planteandome pedirle a mi primo mi FF12 que primero lo empecé en inglés y luego lo reempecé en español y no hubo manera de acabarlo... aunque en PS3+HDTV se vea como el culo y se oiga fatal pero me da cosa dejar un FF asi por la mitad... mi conciencia no esta tranquila...
cfjuanky escribió:ferdy_vk escribió:Estoy planteandome pedirle a mi primo mi FF12 que primero lo empecé en inglés y luego lo reempecé en español y no hubo manera de acabarlo... aunque en PS3+HDTV se vea como el culo y se oiga fatal pero me da cosa dejar un FF asi por la mitad... mi conciencia no esta tranquila...
A mi me ha pasado igual, lo tengo desde el principio en castellano, pero ahora ya me lo estoy pasando por no dejarlo a media, porque desde luego que por lo que motiva el jueguecito... :S
Espero que el XIII no se parezca en nada...
cfjuanky escribió:Si, yo también lo juego en una tele HD y no se ve tan mal, a ver si me lo paso de una vez, que ya he llegado al final, pero para hacer todas las busquedas adicionales...tela...
Y que quede claro, el juego no es malo, o a mi no me parece un mal juego vamos,el problema es cuando lo comparas con otros FF, este año me he pasado en la PSP el VII y el IX, que después de unos años, me apetecia re-jugar, y que quieres que te diga...esque no hay color...al XII le pesa el nombre, si no fuese un FF no se hubiese llevado tantos palos...
THumpER escribió:Yo pienso que si el XII se hubiera llamado de otra forma, la gente le hubiera gustado mas. El FFXII como juego esta wapo. Una buena ost, sistema de batalla original dentro de lo que es, buenos graficos, 3001 y cosas por hacer mas bosses para matar, y una historia con personajes mas enfocados a la politica de una guerra que se avecina.
Lo que pasa que claro, al llamarse FF pos la gente ya queria ver otro juego comparable a los FFs restantes.
Ah mi si que me gusto el FFXII, no es el mejor pero como juego esta wapo.
fenix_supremo escribió:THumpER escribió:Yo pienso que si el XII se hubiera llamado de otra forma, la gente le hubiera gustado mas. El FFXII como juego esta wapo. Una buena ost, sistema de batalla original dentro de lo que es, buenos graficos, 3001 y cosas por hacer mas bosses para matar, y una historia con personajes mas enfocados a la politica de una guerra que se avecina.
Lo que pasa que claro, al llamarse FF pos la gente ya queria ver otro juego comparable a los FFs restantes.
Ah mi si que me gusto el FFXII, no es el mejor pero como juego esta wapo.
Si el FFXII ubiera tenido otro nombre es un GRAN RPG ,pero lleva como nombre FF y los FF necesitan... lo que es ....
Also whoever said Yaag Rosch is Lightning's rival is wrong. Toriyama said he was Lightning's former superior in the military, and he's the defender of Cocoon who will stop anyone who goes against it. So since Lightning is now out to destroy Cocoon, his mission is to stop her.
Serah was the name of the new girl artwork. She looked a bit like Sephorina, but I got a no comment to my personal question of if they had any relation. Serah is the chic Snow keeps metioning - which I think is Pulse's Fal'Cie, but that's a guess.
Paradigm shifts...in addition to switching the mode, you assign jobs to each character. Commando and Ravenger were two of the names I saw. It also looked like the weapons/outfits they had slightly changed (Vanille drew a bow instead of that club/horn thing).
Focus ability was described as a "vision" ability given to people with its power. Literally said it's like being given part of a sentence, and you have to complete it. It's how those given its power carry out the mission of the L'cie. In the demo, the "ice" area was actually frozen over by somebody turned to crystal due to their Focus ability. That area was inside Cocoon, too.
Toriyama likened it to the JOB system in past FFs, but it is only TEMPORARY (during the battle and for each Paradigm). Also, for those wondering about characters not used in the battle, you earn "points" to spend on characters, and you can spend them on any character to "level" them up.
One other nugget I remember is the benefit of getting a better rank in a battle. You can earn bonus TP that's needed to perform summons, and the star ranking will influence the game's AI - if you do poorly, the game gets easier. If you do great, it gets harder. Adaptive AI.
Yaang Rosh es el antiguo jefe de Lightning , ya que esta se formo como militar en Cocoon , con esto Yaang Rosh tiene una conexion con Lightning, como Jill Nabato lo tiene con Vanille.
SquareEnixSonia: LOL a bunch of SE staff including devs just packed themselves into the next FFXIII demo. Wish you all could see it too!
SquareEnixSonia: Oh wow, they're showing an area they didn't show anyone else (off record). Super awesome as well of course!
SquareEnixSonia: BTW: I kicked out Klee and joined @Andrewpfister & @louiethecat 's (who I think wet his pants) session. Team even gave them another demo!
SquareEnixSonia: I can't recall the last time I was this impressed w/ one of our games (maybe FFX?) I feel very lucky to be able to be a part of this.
SquareEnixSonia: OMG!!! Just got my mind blown watching the XIII demo. Confirmed new demo at TGS, I can't even begin to imagine what that's going be like...
THumpER escribió:. El FFXII como juego esta wapo. Una buena ost.
fenix_supremo escribió:Bastante info pero parece que puede ser verdadera o falsa:
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