Interesante tener la lista de Logros con tanta antelación. Aunque aprecio que los logros no varia mucho, como siempre! Pero bueno a intentar hacerlos todos, como de costumbre
Vaya traducciones se casca la web esa, ejemplo, "Chief, smash!" como "Golpe, Jefe!" por lo menos yo veo claramente el homenaje al "Hulk, smash!", cosa verde de 2 metros aplastando cosas
Al menos con la lista se confirma que hay modo cine con clips y fotos, a ver si dicen si es para 4 jugadores y no solo para uno como en reach.
Los precios de la BSO en preorder son: $13,99 - £9.99 Normal, $9,99 - £7.99 Digital y $74,99 - £49.99 Edición Especial 2 discos. En euros no encontré nada oficial.
gg_SADMAN escribió:Vaya traducciones se casca la web esa, ejemplo, "Chief, smash!" como "Golpe, Jefe!" por lo menos yo veo claramente el homenaje al "Hulk, smash!", cosa verde de 2 metros aplastando cosas
Al menos con la lista se confirma que hay modo cine con clips y fotos, a ver si dicen si es para 4 jugadores y no solo para uno como en reach.
Los precios de la BSO en preorder son: $13,99 - £9.99 Normal, $9,99 - £7.99 Digital y $74,99 - £49.99 Edición Especial 2 discos. En euros no encontré nada oficial.
PD: wiki actualizada con los logros
75$ ?????????????????
A tomar por saco...
Halopedia 2.0
40.592 mensajes desde nov 2009 en archivos seccion III ONI
Un video más de la Fan Expo de 2012,aunque advierto que se ve el menú de halo 4 y el tio es un poco zoquete. Para saltar al gameplay id al minuto 0:50,para Saltaros el Menú al 1:07.
Lo que se ve en los videos pinta bien. Sin duda sigue conservando la jugabilidad tipica de Halo, pero veremos a ver como influye en la partida las recompensas por bajas...
Halo 4: Spartan Ops DLC is "Longer Than ODST" Apparently there's no way that this game is going to be shorter than its predecessors. by Luke Karmali August 24, 2012
343 Industries' boss Frank O'Connor has responded to fan concerns over the length of Halo 4.
After yesterday's achievement list leak pointed to the game containing just eight missions, O'Connor explained on NeoGaf that this didn't reflect how long each would be.
The main campaign is substantial and will compare favorably with previous entries in the series.
Posting as 'Stinkles', he wrote that the "Number of missions has no bearing on the length of the campaign. It's a Halo sized campaign. PLUS [Spartan Ops] etc."
His words were then added to by 343 Industries' designer David Ellis (as lybertyboy) who claimed that "[Spartan Ops] season alone is longer than [Halo 3: ODST].
"Spartan Ops and Campaign are completely separate teams. As Frank mentioned earlier, the main campaign is substantial and will compare favorably with previous entries in the series."
Spartan Ops is a new story-driven game mode set to feature in Halo 4 and will replace the Firefight mode that appeared in Halo 3: ODST. Gamers can play it on their own or co-operatively with up to three other players, and the first Season of Spartan Ops plans to deliver five new objective-based missions and cinematics each week over a 10-week period. It's this content taken in isolation that Ellis has claimed will consist of more content than Halo 3: ODST.
So it seems if you were concerned after yesterday's news then there's no need to panic. Halo 4 launches on Xbox 360 on November 6.
Halopedia 2.0
40.592 mensajes desde nov 2009 en archivos seccion III ONI
El escudo mola mucho, y no esta demasiado dopado porque parece que tambien baja la velocidad y tal.
Por cierto, lo de que en el radar se vea tu rango de vision ha aparecido en otros Halo? No lo recuerdo en ninguno, pero a lo mejor es que no me he fijado
LORD JASER escribió:Yo creo que puede ser juego del año
juego nolose porque hay bastante competencia pero Shooter seguramente si
Este año tampoco hay tantos como otros, muchos se han pirado al 2013 (Bioshock Infinite) y juegazos hay muchos, pero GOTY claro, claro... yo no veo ninguno.
Halopedia 2.0
40.592 mensajes desde nov 2009 en archivos seccion III ONI
civ escribió:Por cierto, lo de que en el radar se vea tu rango de vision ha aparecido en otros Halo? No lo recuerdo en ninguno, pero a lo mejor es que no me he fijado
Es gracioso porque yo también pensaba que era nuevo del Halo 4 pero lo acabo de comprobar en vídeos ingame y siempre ha estado, es decir, en todos los juegos estaba el rango de visión. Nunca me había dado cuenta y mira que son ya mas de 10 años de Halo
Halopedia 2.0
40.592 mensajes desde nov 2009 en archivos seccion III ONI
Mass Effect 3 era un claro candidato a GOTY, pero al final la cagaron xD
Por cierto, pedazo de cómic "Halo: Uprising" el de "Lazos de sangre" no me mola tanto, porque hay cosas que no me cuadran con lo leído en los libros.
Vuelvo a reafirmarme en que los libros de Eric Nylund son los mejores. aunque el que más me gusta es "La caída de Reach", "Primer ataque" mola porque vuelve a tratarse del Jefe Maestro y "Los espectros de Onyx" también esta bien. Ahora estoy con Contacto Harvest, y en los primeros capítulos ya he visto el primer gazapo con respecto a los libros anteriores, aunque como da bastantes detalles de las tecnologías del universo Halo, pues es comprensible hasta cierto punto.
Halopedia 2.0
40.592 mensajes desde nov 2009 en archivos seccion III ONI
Aver si puedo hacerme con ese comic de una vez porcierto no deverias perderte lo otros 2 que hay el de Helljumper que mola bastante con Duch y Romeo y la novela grafica
sobre los libros si Nylund es el mejor la caida de Reach o 1º ataque estan muy bien Harvest va mejorando conforme avanza (a me diras a que gazapo te refieres igual tiene explicacion mas adelante no es la 1º vez que pasa ) el de el protocolo Cole es aun mejor y el 1º de los forerunners al principio es raro de cojones ( no te enteras de na ) pero comforme avanza lo vas pillando y tiene un finalazo que te deja con unas ganas del 2º brutales
Sí me he leído los otros dos y la novela gráfica, ahora me estoy leyendo el de Helljumper que por cierto sale una escena de "La caída de Reach".
Pudiendo ver a John -117 con doce años.
El gazapo, al poco de empezar, es que dicen que: son técnicos los que dan la personalidad a las IAs listas al instalarlas y en los anteriores libros siempre se ha dicho que las IAs listas escogen ellas su propia personalidad.
Zenix91 escribió:Los GOTY en los shooter se suelen decidir a base de maletines. El año pasado MW3 por delante de BF3. Infumable.
Pues si, personalmente me parece mucho mejor juego el BF3, mejor sistema de combates, vehiculos.... vamos no tiene sentido darle un GOTY al MW3 teniendo el BF3 ahi, maletines everywhere.
sinman escribió:Sí me he leído los otros dos y la novela gráfica, ahora me estoy leyendo el de Helljumper que por cierto sale una escena de "La caída de Reach".
Pudiendo ver a John -117 con doce años.
El gazapo, al poco de empezar, es que dicen que: son técnicos los que dan la personalidad a las IAs listas al instalarlas y en los anteriores libros siempre se ha dicho que las IAs listas escogen ellas su propia personalidad.
Juraria que lo que escojen es su APARIENCIA (sexo ropa voz "avatar" y tal) no su personalidad pero ahora me haces dudar Xd
MutantCamel escribió:Yo voy a ir pillando los libros para el kindle en inglés, que veo que están a un precio quasi-decente.
Si, porque si quieres pillarlos en español prepara la cartera.
pues el principal motivo por el que me quiero pillar un kindle es para leer estos libros si tan caros estan,me los leeré en pdf,aunque los que me lei(fall of reach y the flood)parecian que estaban en latino y no en español por algunas expresiones.
Voy a dejar una opinión sobre el juego durante la FanExpo en Canadá. Está en inglés y es bastante tocho así que voy poner 4 cosas y el resto mejor leerlo, es demasiado para traducir de golpe.
A lot of people I have been talking to want to know what I thought of my time with Halo 4, so I'm going to go into as much detail as I possibly can. Be warned, this post will be long. Also, remember that I'm playing on an old build that has already been updated, I was playing on terrible TVs and I only got to play 6 games. To make this post as appealing as possible, I'm going to break it up into different sections covering weapons, maps, abilities and then just general things I noticed. Here we go.
During my time with Halo 4 I got to play each of the 3 maps that have been announced so far: Haven, Adrift and Longbow. Let's start with Haven since that is the map I played the most.
Overall, I really enjoyed the way that this map plays. When on the top of the map there is a lot of long to mid range combat that happens which really relies on your ability to use the BR, DMR or Carbine. I saw a few players trying to use the AR in these areas and it was obviously not suited on certain parts of the map. I would say that the majority of the action on Haven is midrange, but there are definitely some areas that promote close quarters combat. These areas include top middle and the hallways on the outer edges of the map that connect everything. In these areas I saw a lot of AR, Scattershot and Sword kills.
When I first saw the gameplay videos of Haven it seemed pretty small, but compared to the previous Halo games it's actually quite big. I'd say it's about the size of The Pit. However it doesn't feel very big since each player has sprint and the movement speed is fairly quick. I'll get more into those things later. Anyways, Haven is a really good map.
Next I'll talk about Adrift. I only got to play 2 games on Adrift and from what I played it seemed like a decent map. The biggest problem I had with my experience here is that the venue only allowed us to play 8v8 and Adrift is simply too small for that set up to work. There's a lot of narrow hallways that lead players throughout the map and it usually ended up as a cluster fuck of grenades. Top middle was definitely a power position since the height advantage you get over people running around the bottom is insane. The outside of the map had some fun battles but not a lot of people seemed to go there. Most of the fighting ended up in the narrow halls. However, there are some really good sight lines that allow long range fights to happen in the middle area which was a lot of fun.
Finally I got to play 1 game of Longbow. Longbow is the premier BTB map of Halo 4, and it played very nicely in 8v8. On the map there were 3 main areas, a base in the middle of the map that had some lifts and a Warthog and the 2 areas that the teams spawn in. It's a pretty standard BTB map. Now admittedly I don't play a ton of BTB, but one problem that I've always had with BTB is that there are certain maps where you must rely on vehicles in order to win the game. This wasn't the case on Longbow, I never entered a vehicle and I never felt punished because of this decision. I believe there was only a couple of vehicles on the map and they never really took control over the game. The size of the map felt pretty good, I could easily run from one side to the other on foot in about 20-40 seconds (rough guess). Overall, a really fun map.
Battle Rifle - The BR is back and a lot of people are really looking forward to it. I would say that this version of the BR is very close to the Halo 3 version minus the spread. Hitscan really helps the weapon and it feels great to shoot. I'm not sure if it was the lag on the TVs, but the BR felt a little twitchy (I was on 3 sens). However once you get the hang of it it's not too difficult to fire. There is a slight kick up with each shot of it but I felt like it was quite easy to adjust to. I'm pretty sure it was a 5 shot kill but the times didn't seem much slower than Halo 3.
DMR - I didn't play with the DMR a ton just because the TVs were giving me a really hard time. The single shot nature of it really forces you to land your shots otherwise you're just going to get melted. It also seemed a bit sluggish on 3 sensitivity in terms of horizontal movements. Moving vertically seemed fine but moving left and right was slower than the BR. I think this is why 343 has been telling us it's a long range weapon, the slower speed would be very useful on bigger maps like Longbow.
Another concern people are having is with the fact that bloom is back. To be 100% honest, it feels like the bloom is just there to let you know when to fire your next shot. The bloom effect is very small and I never felt like I was missing shots because of it. Compared to Reach, I would say it's like a 10% bloom - very small compared to the TU settings and just above the NB settings we have now. No complaints from me.
Sticky Detonator - Unfortunately this is not the pro pipe grenade launcher of Reach. I only picked it up a few times, but it seems like it would be very difficult to use as an offensive weapon. I tried to hit somebody with it once and got punished very hard for doing so. However, when I set it up around a corner it was pretty easy to grab a few kills with. I think this thing will be a lot of fun in 1 sided game types like 1 flag or territories.
Scattershot - I got to play with the scattershot quite a bit and I really enjoyed it. It plays like a standard Halo shotgun, extremely deadly close range and more challenging the further you get away from your opponent. It does suffer from the same problems as all of the other shot ties where there's always a range where you're not sure if it will be a 1 shot or not. The bouncing bullets were kind of cool but I couldn't control them too well to state whether or not it was useful to try bouncing shots around corners. I do have to say though, killing someone with it and watching their body disintegrate is extremely satisfying.
The next few weapons I'll just quickly go over. The Carbine seemed pretty powerful but I'm pretty sure 343 has confirmed it's been nerfed a bit so I won't really compare it to the other rifles. I'm sure it will have its fans though. The sword is pretty much the same as the sword in Reach. Not a lot to comment on there. No blocking which is good. The magnum felt like a mix between the speed of the Halo 2 pistol and the power of the Reach vanilla pistol. There's bloom on it so I would only recommend it in CQC and as a last resort.
Sorry, I never got a chance to use the sniper. The one game I saw it come up on my ordnance drop was the one game of Longbow I played. I got really unlucky though, the drop landed right on my teammate who had a sniper of his own so he got all of the ammo. We also kicked the other team's ass 600-110 so I never got a chance to call another one in before the game ended.
Hard Light Shield - The first armor ability I tried out was the hard light shield since that's what my load out had the first game. It feels useful in some situations but it's very easy to kill someone who throws the thing up. Instead of just firing at them you can throw a couple grenades at their feet and they'll die pretty easily. I saw a lot of people trying to use it as a last ditch effort like armour lock but it just didn't work at all. It's pretty good for covering your weak teammates but I think it's a little outclassed by the other abilities available.
Promethean Vision - If you've seen the MLG videos of Halo 4 where everyone is using PV, you pretty much have seen it all. It's very powerful in this build and the range you get is insane. On Adrift and Haven you can pretty much see through walls from across the map which gives you a huge advantage. One thing I noticed though is that holograms show up on PV and can really throw you off at first. I fell for a couple of them myself. I'm sure once you learn how the holograms work though it would be much easier to detect. PV was probably my favourite ability though.
Thruster Pack - This one was basically a nerfed version of evade from Reach. Instead of rolling up and sending your spartan flying, you just get a quick burst of speed in one direction. You don't go very far though, and there's this weird blurring effect that kind of messes up your shot the first time you see it. It has it's uses in 1v1 battles but it's not the powerhouse that evade was. Overall, a decent ability.
Hologram - While I never used the hologram myself, I did play against a lot of people who were using it. It's very similar to Reach in that the hologram just runs forward and shows up on the radar. When you shoot it or melee it it will shimmer. Overall not a lot of changes from what we saw in Reach.
As a lot of people know there's a new system in H4 where you can choose between 2 perks basically. I'm blanking on the names of the perks available, but basically these were the options: -Ability to have 2 primary weapons -Ability to pick up grenades from dead bodies -Ability to have shields regenerate faster -Ability to have a radar while scoped in
There were some others but these are the ones I'm remembering right now. The ones I opted for were the shield recharge rate one and the awareness (radar) one. From what I gathered the shield recharge rate did not increase the charging speed, but decreased the time from getting shot to recharging shields. I didn't feel like I had a huge advantage with this one selected though.
The perk known as awareness seems like it would only be useful for those with sniper rifles. As I mentioned before I never got a sniper rifle so basically I had a radar every time I was zoomed in with my BR or DMR. This seemed kind of useless to me, as every time I would zoom in with these weapons I already had a target or two in front of me, so I would be paying attention to them obviously instead of looking at my radar. If I was playing with a sniper I would have loved it, but otherwise there are better choices present.
Movement speed in the game felt a little faster than Halo 3. However with sprint being given to everyone it felt a lot faster than Halo 3 but not as fast as MLG Reach. It seemed like the perfect balance to me. Sprint itself works very well in this game. When you shoot someone they slow right down and are forced to fight. In one situation I tried to run up to someone with the scattershot and they easily shot me, slowed me down and killed me. Expect fewer situations where you get double melee'd. The maps are bigger than the maps in the earlier Halo games, but they are definitely built with sprint in mind so they don't feel big. As for how sprint felt, it's pretty much the exact same as Reach except you can move a bit more left and right instead of being locked into running straight and the previously mentioned slow down addition. It felt really good.
I also got to play with a few of the power ups that were options for my ordnance drops. The two I picked up were the over shield and what I believe to be a damage boost. The over shield works like a traditional over shield and makes your spartan glow neon green which is a great indicator. The damage boost one made my spartan glow red. Now I'm not 100% sure if it was actually a damage boost, but I'm pretty sure I 3 shot a few people with the BR after picking it up. Need some clarification though to be sure that's right.
Overall, to those who are worried about it not feeling like Halo you do not need to worry. It's got the same feel as the other Halo games with some really fun additions. I really enjoyed my time with the game, and I cannot wait until November 6. I'm sure there are a couple of things I missed in this huge post, so if you have any questions or want me to explain something in further detail I will try my best.
Respecto a los mapas los tres conocidos están bastante bien, tal vez Adrift un poco pequeño para un 8v8 y Longbow BTB muy divertido.
En armas, la BR muy similar a Halo 3 pero puede que algo más nerviosa, la DMR se mueve más lenta horizontalmente. Sticky no es tan bueno como el lanzagrandas de Reach, y la Scattershot muy divertida cuerpo a cuerpo. La carabina comenta que seguramente reciba una degradación porque es bastante poderosa.
Habilidades de armadura, el escudo está bien para momentos puntuales, te matan fácil por los laterales. La visión promethean la mejor habilidad, en Haven y Adrift se ve prácticamente todo el mapa. La mochila propulsora es la versión rebajada de evasión en reach. El holograma muy similar a reach.
Sobreescudos, probó el verde (como el de siempre) y el rojo de más daño, comenta que mata con la BR de 3 disparos (en normal se necesitan 5).