Preguntas y respuestas interesantes en la
Weekly Update de Bungie de hoy. Despejan varias dudas que teníamos.
It also hurts me that this very same embargo prevents our Visual Design team from whipping up that traditional post-trailer ViDoc you so desperately want. Sadface.
Significa esto que no pueden hacer ViDocs de Halo: Reach?
Q: We have so, so many questions, why won’t you give us any answers!?
A: The good news is that you won’t have to wait much longer to get many of the answers you’re looking for. The bad news is that they probably aren’t part of this FAQ today. Expect to get more insights into Reach in mid-January when some magazines around the world start hitting subscribers. Once that embargo clears we’ll open up the flood gates on accordingly. In the meantime, perhaps you will find the answers to SOME of your questions below…
“When will the Personnel, Ordnance, and Enemies sections of the Reach project page have some info and pretty pictures?"
After the current media embargo lifts, we’ll start fleshing out the Reach page with intriguing info and purty pictures. So, early next year. Sit tight.
A mediados de Enero diversas revistas publicarán más información de Halo: Reach (Gameinformer? Edge tal vez?)
Sobre los gráficos del trailer:
Q: So what’s the deal, is this trailer “real” or not?
A: The Halo: Reach trailer was produced directly in our new game engine using real game assets. Because the game is still in the midst of development, which means things like framerate are still in flux, we do something called a “frame dump” that lets us spit out the content, frame by frame, and then compile it back as the video you all saw on Saturday. We can actually run this same cinematic right now, within the latest game build, but it’s not always at the consistent smooth framerate of the final game (yet).
Q: Awesome, so this is what the final game will look like?
A: This trailer absolutely represents our visual bar for the final game and is near identical to what you’ll see next Fall. The single biggest difference between this trailer and the final game will be the extra generous amount of anti-aliasing (the smoothing of “jaggies” or edges of pixles) present in what you’re watching right now but rest assured that Reach will be significantly improved in this department compared to Halo 3. (The extreme “AA” in the trailer was due to the “frame dump” mentioned above.)
Suffice it to say we’re really excited about the technological and artistic advancements we’re making with Reach and you’ll see more from the campaign in just a few weeks.
La cinemática del trailer no es con el framerate del juego. El video está hecho gracias a que hán sacado los frames, y por tanto los han montado posteriormente. Lo que ya sabíamos: todo es con el motor del juego, in-engine. Lo visto en el trailer es casi idéntico a lo que veremos en el juego final. El Anti-Aliasing tan extremo que tiene es por lo que he comentado de los frames. No obstante destacan que Halo Reach tendrá un AA "significatívamente mejorado comparado con Halo 3".
Sobre los Spartans y Jefe Maestro
Q: Are those Spartan IIIs or Spartan IIs we see in the trailer?
A: See question #1 above… (but the answer is YES).
“Will we play as any of the characters seen in the Reach trailer?”
Uh, yeah.
“Do we play as a Spartan III in Reach and/or will Master Chief make an appearance?”
Sketch already answered the Spartan III bit. As far as the Chief is concerned, you should really focus your time and energy dreaming dreamily about the stars of our Halo: Reach show - Noble Team.
Los Spartans del trailer son
Spartans IIIs. Jugaremos con cualquiera de ellos (esto no lo veo del todo claro, ¿elegir a cualquiera? O controlaremos a uno según la misión?). Jefe Maestro es muy poco probable que aparezca, ya que alude a qué mejor "soñemos" con el Noble Team.
Entornos abiertos?
“Halo 3 had a lot of big, open environments with large encounters. Will we see that scale return in Halo: Reach?”
I can’t dig into details covering any of Halo: Reach’s core gameplay, environments, or scale, but you might find some good fodder and fuel to drive this kind of speculation and extrapolation packed into the VGA video we just dropped.
Tras Halo: Reach, ¿qué hay de Bungie?
“Now that ODST is out and information has started to trickle to the public on Reach, what is the official "project count" and status/stage of each current project at Bungie?”Halo: Reach is in full production, the team is kicking ass, and it’s on target for a retail release in Fall of 2010.
New top secret, non-Halo project is still in its top secret, non-Halo stage.I’ll let you crunch the numbers on your own.

Remakes de mapas?
“Will there be any map remakes in Halo: Reach?”
We like to call them “spiritual successors” and we’re not talking about any multiplayer features that may or may not be included in Halo: Reach just yet.
No remakes, pero si "mapas inspirados en"
Sobre los aviones del trailer
“What exactly is the new Reach aerial vehicle called?”
Good question. It’s definitely not the Sparrow, the Chickadee, the Osprey, or the Hawk. It’s brand new.
Feliz Navidad.