Queria llamaros a que todos los que comprais en play.com, como yo, y que vemos que pese a que el cambio actual euro/libra es casi de 1:1 ellos siguen clavando practicamente un 1,5:1.
He estado mirando en la web de play.com donde presentar una queja y desgraciadamente solo hay un sitio donde se pueden mandar mensajes y es para reportar algún error técnico. Asi que he decidido mandar alli mi reclamación. Es esta dirección:
http://www.play.com/HOME/HOME/6-/Help.html?page=technicalPienso que si lo hacemos varios, quizá nos hagan algo de caso, no solo si me quejo yo. Asi que os animo y os pido desde aquí que escribais una queja.
Os pongo aquí el texto que yo he redactado por si quereis utilizarlo vosotros:
Hi this is a message from a large group of purchasers from Europe that meet on internet forums.
How can play.com keep putting 1 pound = 1,5 Euro when actually the conversion rate is near 1:1?
Is this a technical problem? We don't think so.
Besides this, what is most dissapointing is that you do not have an email address for suggestions and claims like this.
Long time ago when play.com forced us (customer in EU) to select euros as currency instead of Pounds, the conversion rate was much more fair than now and it was not a problem. We know you make your little business with conversion too, but the situation nowadays, with that abusive conversion rate is a real discrimination for us, your customers living in EU.
After 5 years or more being your happy costumer, now I am looking to other sites to do my purchases, sites like thehut.com, game.co.uk ...etc. that allow us to pay by Pounds or that do not have this abusive change rates Play.com keep nowdays.
Thank you for your attention, I would appreciate so much if you could pass this email to customer care department, sales department or similar.
Regards, and thanks again for your time.
Por favor, anímaos a ver si conseguimos que play.com siga teniendo mejores precios al cambio, tal y como solia ser hace un tiempo.
Gracias, un saludo