Nota importante
-- los nombres de las ISOS o CSOs han de ser nombres no mayores a los 54 caracteres.
-- A algunos por extrañas razones les dan problemas el iniciar un juego, ademas ponen ciertos valores en el recovery y luego se cambian automaticamente, o al cambiar el fondo de pantalla cambian los ajustes, todos estos problemas se deben a que la flash 1 esta corrupta, para solucionar esto pasate por aca.
-- Pues parece ser que en emulacion SONY funcionan todas las isos pero estuve leyendo en maxconsole y todavia no se ponen de acuerdo si si o ni no. Mientras no este seguro 100% que realmente corren todas las isos mantendre este post. (gracias por la colaboracion)
Con el nuevo update 5 ya funcionan algunos, veamos
|...X...|.........|300: March to Glory [USA]
|...X...|.........|50 Cent: Bulletproof
|...X...|.........|7 Wonders
|........|...X....|Aces of War
|...X...|.........|After Burner
|........|...X....|Asphalt Urban GT2
|........|...X....|Bleach: Heat the Soul 4
|...X...|.........|Breath of Fire III [EUR]
|...X...|.........|Burnout Dominator
|...X...|.........|Burnout Legends
|...X...|.........|Bust-A-Move Ghost (version 5)
|...X...|.........|Call Of Duty: Roads To Victory PAL.
|...X...|.........|Chili Con Carnage
|...X...|.........|Crush ( version 5)
|...X...|.........|Dead to Rights
|........|...X....|Death Jr [EUR]
|........|...X....|Death Jr II [EUR]
|........|...X....|Dinasty Warriors vol 2
|........|...X....|Diner Dash [USA]
|...X...|.........|Dragonball Z: Shin Budokai Another Road [USA]
|...X...|.........|Driver 76
|...X...|.........|Dtm race driver 3 challenge
|...X...|.........|Dungeon Maker: Hunting Ground
|...X...|.........|Dungeon Siege Throne Of Agony
|...X...|.........|Exit 2 (version 5)
|...X...|.........|Field Commander
|...X...|.........|FIFA 07
|........|...X....|Fifa Street 2
|...X...|.........|Fight Night Round 3 (version 5)
|...X...|.........|Final Fantasy: Anniversary Edition [USA]
|...X...|.........|Final Fantasy II: Anniversary Edition [JPN]
|........|...X....|Formula One 2005 [EUR]
|...X...|...X....|Formula One 2006 [EUR]
|...X...|.........|Full Auto 2: BattleLines
|...X...|.........|Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories
|...X...|.........|Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories
|........|...X....|Ghost Rider
|........|...X....|Gurumin A monstrous Adventure
|...X...|...X....|Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
|........|...X....|Heaven's Will (JPN)
|...X...|.........|Hot Pixel
|...X...|...X....|Hot Wheels
|...X...|.........|Killzone: Liberation
|........|...X....|Las tortugas ninja
|........|...X....|Lemings [EUR]
|...X...|.........|Madden NFL 06
|...X...|.........|Marvel Nemesis: Rise of the Imperfects (version 5)
|...X...|.........|Medal of Honor Heroes
|........|...X....|MegaMan Maverick Hunter X
|...X...|.........|Metal Gear Acid
|...X...|.........|Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops [EUR] (version 5)
|...X...|.........|Metal Slug Anthology (version 5)
|...X...|.........|Midnight Club 3 DUB Edition
|........|...X....|Mind Quiz
|...X...|.........|Monster Hunter Freedom
|...X...|.........|Monster Hunter Portable 2nd [JPN]
|...X...|.........|Monster Kingdom Jewel Summoner [USA]
|...X...|.........|Moto gp
|...X...|.........|Nba live 2007
|........|...X....|Need For Speed: Most Wanted
|...X...|.........|Need for Speed: Carbon
|...X...|.........|PARODIUS COLLECTION
|...X...|.........|Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End
|........|...X....|Pro Evolution Soccer 5
|...X...|.........|Pro Evolution Soccer 6 (version 5)
|........|...X....|Pump It Up Excced Portable
|...X...|.........|Puzzle Quest [USA]
|...X...|.........|Rainbow Six Vegas
|...X...|.........|Race Driver 2006 (version 5)
|...X...|...X....|Ratchet & Clank: Size Matters
|...X...|.........|Ridge Racer 2
|...X...|...X....|Riviera: The Promised Land
|...X...|.........|Rocky Balboa
|...X...|.........|SBK-07: Superbike World Championship '07 (version 5)
|...X...|.........|Shrek Smash 'n' Crash PAL. (version 5)
|...X...|.........|SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs Fireteam Bravo
|...X...|.........|SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs Fireteam Bravo 2 (ver. 5)
|...X...|.........|Sonic Rivals PAL. (version 5)
|...X...|.........|Star Wars: BattleFront 2
|........|...X....|steel horizont (el sonido se oye un poco raro)
|...X...|.........|Street Fighter Alpha Max 3
|...X...|...X....|Super Fruit Fall
|...X...|.........|Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror
|...X...|.........|Tales of Eternia [EUR]
|...X...|.........|Tales of the World Radiant Mythology [USA] (version 5)
|...X...|.........|Tekken [EUR] (version 5)
|........|...X....|The Godfather Mobs Wars.
|...X...|.........|Transformers [USA] (version 5)
|........|...X....|Tony Hawk's Project 8 (USA)
|...X...|.........|Twisted Metal (version 5)
|...X...|.........|Valhalla Knights
|...X...|.........|Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth [USA]
|...X...|.........|Virtua Tennis
|...X...|...X....|Virtua Tennis 3
|...X...|.........|Wipeout Pulse
|...X...|.........|Wipeout Pure
|...X...|.........|worm (version 5)
|...X...|.........|Untold Legends 2 (version 5)
|...X...|.........|ultime board game collection (version 5)
|...X...|.........|Ultimate Ghost'n Goblins (version 5)
|...X...|.........|Xyanide Ressurection
|...X...|.........|YS: the ark of napishtim
|...X...|.........|Yugioh Gx
No funcionan...
Armored Core Formula Front Extreme Battle [USA]
Def Jam
Driver76 (ni aun con el sony)
Harvest Moon Innocent Life
Impossible Mission (Crashes)
namco musseum battle collection. (ni aun con el sony)
Surfs Up (Crashes)
* Akillber (A ponerlos iba cuando me di cuenta que tu ya te me habias adelantado)
* AlEjO81
* Iverson88 (gracias por la idea de la ayuda y formateo de la flash 1)
* lebowsky
* Soldi3R
* nandotxu
* Obelodálix
* MJJMarkos (gracias por la idea de la nota importante)
* MJJMarkos (gracias por la idea de la doble columna)
* germax
* joyma
* Soldi3R
* dant3
* jbravo666
* AzagraMac
* Marukosu-San
* Xebastron
* PiratePila
* TyRaeL
* Deen0X nuestro moderador (Por pedirme que aclare lo de las isos corriendo en NOUMD SONY)
* jordirafel
* tic
* Darkangel
* LuckSkyJa
* enede
* Teren