"Ya'll must be playing a different game from what I am playing....Cause the Crowd looks so much better than last years game.......The players look better, The AI is better........God forbid if they change the backround!! on the menus...All the controls at the menu section are the same.......
if you don't want change, go buy Live 09..........
oh, somebody said the commentary is the same from last year, I haven't heard the same thing from last years game yet......and they have a new person. Chyrl miller....So its impossible to have the same thing...Cause they had to reprogram and record a new voice...
All these people complaining have to be EA Fanboys or something.....Cause what they say makes no sense! LOL "
Hay gente que se queja porque es muy ofensivo pero no he leido nada de cuelges del online, y otra gente dice que esta muy bien, que si que hay cambios, pero que para no cambiar, sigue jugando al 2k8 ... no se